British police: A mixed bag
Sometimes the British Police Force can perform like a well-oiled machine, operating with smooth efficiency and at lightning speed. Like this case when a supporter in a crowd of 75,000 make a monkey gesture towards a black footballer. Within minutes the cops arrived, sirens wailing, blue lights flashing. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology a crack team of police experts quickly managed to identify, arrest and jail the criminal. And it seems that breaches of the new social distancing guidelines can elicit a similar dynamic response.
But other times they’re not so efficient, like recently when a knife-wielding murderer rampaged through the streets of Birmingham, stabbing and slashing at passers-by, killing one and seriously wounding many more. You might imagine that this would elicit a sharpish response from the forces of law and order. After all it’s kinda’ what they’re all about. If so you’d be wrong. It took more than two hours — that’s TWO HOURS — before they showed up, at which point presumably the murderer had collapsed in an exhausted heap from all the stabbing. Which is tiring work.
The police provided no description of the offender. Isn’t that amazing? They also enjoined the public ‘not to speculate as to motive’ which apparently, you’ve guessed it, would be ‘inappropriate’. Despite this they immediately engaged in speculation by announcing that there was no reason to believe the attack was ‘motivated by hate’. Really? What then? A deep love for humanity? An unquenchable thirst to spread joy and gaiety among the Brummies?
But most of us are now getting wise to the routine. The lack of description tells us that the murderer was black and/or Muslim. Assuring us that he was not motivated by ‘hate’ tells us the same thing. Because attacks based on race cannot be hate if the victims are White. Attacks based on religion cannot be hate if the victims are Christians.
Did you know that only 6% of crimes in England and Wales are solved? Which means that fewer than 3% result in a conviction. That’s some achievement, isn’t it? Reporting a robbery today is not just pointless, it could lead to your becoming an object of suspicion yourself. Such is the sorry state of policing in Britain today. The British bobby of legend has now become just that: A legend. Hardly surprising when people like these are at the helm of law enforcement. But in one sense you can’t blame them. They are merely acting out the Third World biological programming they carry in their genes.
The real question is how the reins of British justice were handed over to such people. And who was responsible for the handover.
Some time ago I wrote this about Britain (it could apply to most Western countries)
The British State and its agents no longer serve the British people, instead they actively work against their interests, operating as an administrative and enforcement arm of the NWO globalist oligarchy. It’s abundantly clear that their role and objective is to dispossess and ultimately marginalise the native people while corrupting and debasing the institutions that made Britain Great. They asset-strip the country and expend blood and treasure in foreign wars of no relevance to the people, all at the behest of their NWO globalist overlords. There was a time, not so long ago, when such people would have been hanged for High Treason.
Originally posted at The Irish Savant.
(British police: A mixed bag ) I suspected that much, not through powers of divination, rather because the same occurrences are repeated across the spectrum of European nations, the chronicles of which we have the time to look at. A Pakistani chief of police, a Pakistani mayor of London and the “Chief Inspector of the Crown Prosecution Service” maybe (guess) a Nigerian. What a proper celebration of the Decline and Fall of the (maybe) British (maybe) Empire.
Why settle for half measures. After the queen dies, why not just put some radical sheik on the throne. It would make Britain the most vibrant jewel in the diversity crown.
England couldn’t police itself at this point even if it wanted to. It has imported a level of savagery that is far beyond anything the modern Brit can handle, and extreme even by the standards of England’s rough and uncouth peasant history. Something wholly alien has been brought to England, and it will destroy just as surely as any invasive species deposited on some verdant and naive aisle where indigenous creatures know not the danger they court.
It’s strange how people like Attenborough will never wilt at explaining how an invasive species of ant can be brought to a country, multiply, thrive and wreak havoc eliminating other forms of life due to having no natural predators. The same with plants like the Rhodedendron or Japanese Knotwood but multiculturalism is supposed to be good for us humans.
It’s personal experiences with the London Met that really drive home the points made in the above article. Living in any of the major cities in England has been pretty hazardous for a decade. It’s not necessarily violence that’s the major issue. It’s confronting people in everyday life with an everyday issue one may have whether it be a Pakistani bank manager or a Nigerian security guard checking bags as you walk out the store.
If you can articulate and speak faster than people whose second language is English and the police are called, they make a snap decision when they see a White, indigenous, British, heterosexual male arguing the toss with a member of a darkened foreign species working for a corporate entity.
“The British State and its agents no longer serve the British people, instead they actively work against their interests, operating as an administrative and enforcement arm of the NWO globalist oligarchy. It’s abundantly clear that their role and objective is to dispossess and ultimately marginalise the native people while corrupting and debasing the institutions that made Britain Great. They asset-strip the country and expend blood and treasure in foreign wars of no relevance to the people, all at the behest of their NWO globalist overlords.”
Excellent and on target paragraph from a great article. I look forward to reading more from your web page.
This above quote directs attention to something I’ve said many times, but will say again, because it’s worth repeating.
The hostile elite might be good at infiltration, subversion, radical ingratitude, insane hatred, betrayal, desctruction and death. But they’re no good at social management.
That’s why what wer’e really witnessing is nothing less than
The Pyrrhic Victory of The Hostile Elite.
Nothing quite fails like their success.
Here is Godfrey Bloom suggesting the mechanism for the takover of the police – the new way of recruitment.
Interesting comments from ex-policemen underneath
G Bloom does not go into the motives of the left.
Godfrey Bloom Asks What The Hell Happened To British Police?
4 weeks ago (edited)
Speaking as an ex copper I must say I am disgusted by our Police Forces today, and only reveal my ‘past’ to a select few friends. We did not dress up as Paramilitary and treat the citizens like scum. Promotion was ‘dead mans shoes’ , exams and keeping your nose clean. No, we were far from perfect but we did have the Public and Law in mind, not Politics. Being a Policeman was then a respectable profession.
1. ‘speaking as an ex-copper’ above is a quote from a copper (not me!)
2. “all at the behest of their NWO globalist overlords”
Also, there is an intense hatred of whites and in particular the white nation that was superior and gave the world the world language (English)
This is based on race-animosity ((from hostile races)) and from jealous races, but also from whites with lefty genes that makes them want to bring down the superior due to their poison genes, even id ‘the superior’ is their own race, and even if they know that one outcome is a collapse of their own wealth and security. Race hatred from the genes and controlling behaviour is more powerful than self-interest, as the latter is based on logic and not animal-instincts. Instincts override logic.
These forces would still apply even without NWO to promote white downfall.
I think it’s clear from the activities of former Labour MPs such as Ruth Smeeth & the Labour NEC member Gurinder Josan (both directors of the Soros funded oxymoron Hope Not Hate) who it is that lies behind such perversions of duty within our forces. It is interesting to me Smeeth was exposed by Assange as a CIA asset:
Here is a youtube of Gurinder on the West Midlands police zoom call on the Somalian terrorist attack you mentioned in & around Bhams Gay Village:, chaired by the Blairite PCC for that region Jamieson.
Gurinder even even has the gall to utter something along the lines of “given covid what are you doing to ensure you dont spread the disease when responding to such incidents?”. The truth is such nefarious creatures, the recipients of foreign money, have no place liasing or directing our police forces.
Another thing that worries is how our forces seem to be racing to sign up to Soros’ Strong Cities Network, an overt attempt to privatise & infiltrate them with those sympathetic to his agenda. It would explain the action of West Midlands police in taking into custody a 12 year old child from Solihull for tweeting “racist” remarks at a millionaire footballer.