“Was ist Weiße Identität?” on the White Date website
Tom Sunic has been a regular contributor to TOO for as long as we have been in existence. An early article of his, “White Identity in Postmodernity,” posted on April 23, 2009, has been translated into German as “Was ist Weiße Identität?” on the website White Date which aims to bring together and encourage Whites to date other Whites. This website, which is in English, is well worth perusing, and includes a photo gallery of White babies resulting from their efforts. I couldn’t resist posting this one:
Her parent writes, “I am deliriously happy to announce the birth of our first WhiteDate BABY! Hopefully, there will be many more to come. We are waiting for the parents to get back to us to receive a 250,- British Pound donation (approx. 300,- US Dollars) for this first child generously offered by an anonymous supporter in the UK.”
Since Bill Regnery is on all our minds right now, it’s worth nothing that he wanted to start a White dating site but it never got off the ground. I’m not sure exactly why it failed, but recall it being greeted with intense hostility by the media whose main goal, as Edmund Connelly has documented, is miscegenation. White dating and especially marriage with children is certainly a goal we should all support.
Being just “White” is not clear enough ! We are Nordlandics and we promote the NORDLANDIA PROJECT for Nordeuropa, from Bruges in Flanders to Novgorod in Russia…
When you’re already a minority (8-10% of the global population according to White Date’s article), making fine distinctions seems like self-sabotage.
Excellent. Thank you, KMac.
D.Souza made an interesting comment on his you tube channel re: the preponderance of blacks in olympic track.Suggesting racial differences.Surprised he is still on You Tube!
The encouragement of white only marriages in NAZI era Germany has been very beneficial to them in subsequent generations.We know the highest IQs are in white NW Europe and Italy.(and racially pure NE Asia.)
Thanks. A No. 1 Lady indeed ! God’s greatest possible gift. With a plethora of implied instructions in its accompanying User Manual; to maintain the Warranty.
This little wonder looks like she is already holding forth on one topic or another, and accentuating a particular wisdom with her raised left index finger.
My wife’s father and my own were both 6’8″ tall, lean, wiry, and played varsity basketball at university. Her father’s skin was very white and my father was ruddy and tanned darkly. Both were appointed by their teams to help the Harlem Globetrotters* show-off when in their touring exhibitions. Her father went to U.C. Berkeley (in better times) and mine attended Transylvania and Harvard. Hers was of Norwegian and Scottish immigrants and mine of Scots-Irish and English stock. My father and I both inherited Thalassemia (Mediterranean) minor which we understood came from the West Tennessee branch that included frontiersmen that sounded from their correspondence like Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett: https://owlcation.com/stem/Irish-Blood-Genetic-Identity
* Harlem Globetrotters on 50’s television’s What’s My Line: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=harlem+meadowlark+youtube.com&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dharlem%2bmeadowlark%2byoutube.com%26form%3dWMSRPA%26ao%3d1%26qs%3dSW%26cvid%3d1f78967fc4a547f5b4bbcc3f7411e23b%26pq%3dharlem%2bmeadowlark%2byoutube.com%26cc%3dUS%26setlang%3den-US%26PC%3dHCTS%26wsso%3dModerate%26qfig%3d704de7f604e0429b8f8c5fd03feb22ca&mmscn=vwrc&view=detail&mid=20B91837CAA619DC89D920B91837CAA619DC89D9&rvsmid=AEC7D15DDE53DDA4CF4BAEC7D15DDE53DDA4CF4B&FORM=VDQVAP
Ed: Meant to position this as a reply to the comment by Andre-Hans von BREMEN.