An Orthodox Christian Perspective on Kosher
Reposted from KosChertified?
We politely contacted 1201 leaders in the Christian church, inviting them to write an authoritative perspective on The Kosher Question as interpreted from the New Testament and Jesus. Twelve hundred turned a blind eye, even when we pleaded. However, one has lived under both religions; a Jew who converted to Christianity. We present the view point of Brother Nathanael. This page presents an abridged version that keeps the focus on “kosher”. For the longer version which expands into biblical comparisons of “clean” and “unclean” you may click here, but you’ll need to be 17 years of age or older to proceed!
(Note: For better video performance, lower the resolution through the menu imbedded in the video. Also: We are a consumer watchdog, not theology experts, and since the kosher certification industry has deeply penetrated every American’s household and wallet, it is within our due diligence to present diverse opinions and doctrines regarding this religious intervention into our secular marketplace. Clearly there may be conflicts. Certainly, most Christian ministers are timid to broach this subject matter. This is a shortened edit of the original version which wanders outside the primary focus of the kosher laws, Kashrus. Even this comprehensive comparison between the Jews and Christians leaves out a salient point from the Bible that Christian followers may wish to consider. There may be parallels between the modern kosher certification industry and the infamous merchant business that got Jesus so upset! See John:2:14. For Christians who have not heard the term “Goy” before, it is the Hebrew or Yiddish term for the non-Jew or Gentile, sometimes used as a pejorative.)
Goy’s Guide To Keeping Kosher by Brother Nathanael
Welcome Walmart Shoppers!
Your Peanut Butter, Cap’n Crunch, Foils, Dish Soap, and Cream Cheese are all marked “Kosher” for your culinary pleasure.
The “K” stands for “Kosher” and the “U” stands for the “Union of Orthodox Congregations.”
Both signify “kosher”—not as given by the Old Testament since it doesn’t deal with dish soaps and plastics— but by the Jewish Talmud which blasphemes the Lord Jesus Christ.
So if a goy, Christian or not, thinks he needs to keep “kosher,” he’s obeying the Talmud, not the Bible.
Even if he thinks he’s obeying the Bible by keeping “kosher” he places himself under the Mosaic Law and thus must keep the whole Law.
You see, Moses prescribes animal sacrifices, blood rituals, and even multiple washings every time a dead animal is touched, or menstruations and nocturnal emissions occur.
But Christians are under the New Covenant—not the Old—and all these Old Covenant bloody rituals and ablutions are done away with.
They are replaced with Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.
Eat what you want, it’s what comes out of a man that defiles him, the Messiah Jesus teaches, not food and drink.
Now since Jews make up just 1.8 % of the population, and religious Jews who keep kosher make up a fraction of this, we are looking at a major scam.
This scam means that 98.2 % of Americans who couldn’t care less about keeping kosher are forced into eating kosher.
With a rabbi present during food production, a “Kosher Tax” and a “Kosher Stamp” are branded on the foods the goyim eat.
This issues forth a ‘forced communion’ shoved down the goy’s throat aligning him with—IN HIS VERY STOMACH—with a “rabbinic-approved” Judaic World System.
Jewish love is compassionless –
Matthew 24:22 “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened”.
Jeremiah 2:19 “Your own wickedness will correct you, And your apostasies will reprove you; Know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter For you to forsake the LORD your God, And the dread of Me is not in you,” declares the Lord GOD of hosts.
Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”
In the Bible, the 6-pointed Star of Chiun / Saturn – called the Double Triangle and/or Seal of Solomon in occult circles – is associated with child sacrifice to the Canaanite god Moloch / Melech (Hebrew for “king” of the Jews). (Acts 7:43, cf. Amos 5:26).
‘Love’ in the Satanic Judaic doctrine is “Compassionless”, “pitiless”.
Jeremiah 8:17 “For behold, I will send serpents among you, Vipers which cannot be charmed, And they shall bite you,” says the Lord.
1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.
Love is the Law, Compassionless Love.
.In Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None, nihilist philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche equated pity with self-annihilation. For the satanist, or Black Magician, rejection of pity is “the magical equivalent of the rejection of self-annihilation.” In other words, to “emancipate” or “liberate” oneself entirely from the “bond” of compassion, of empathy for other beings, is seen as an act of Self-Preservation.
The Jewish controlled capitalist scheme of values has transformed five of the seven deadly sins of Christianity – pride, envy, greed, avarice, and lust – into positive social virtues, treating them as necessary incentives to all economic enterprise; while the cardinal virtues, beginning with love and humility are rejected as ‘bad for business,’ except in the degree that they make the working class more docile and more amenable to cold-blooded exploitation.
Black robes worn by the judiciary –
“The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.” The Chemarims or Khamarim are the black -robed priests of Baal , who were appointed by the kings of Judah to conduct worship In high places . Chemarims ” Idolatrous Priest ” , comes from The root word Kamar meaning ” to be black ” , which explains the ” idolatrous priest ” wore black garments ( Zephaniah 1 ; 4 ) , which the judges, priests, rabbis and Cohen’s wear today ..
One should be able to remove the kosher tax when checking-out at register when presenting ones Christian status.
This tax is forced on companies thru threats.
Seems reasonable.
Truth spoken