Entries by KosChertified

The Siege on Christmas: A Time-Honored Kosher Tradition

Introduction If there’s one American tradition that’s lasted well over one century, it is the persistent, serious, subtle, highly organized, and even insidious attack on Christmas. As we read the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper archives from 1907, we discover a full page devoted to this subject, and an article titled “Church Mass Meeting Wants Christmas […]

An Orthodox Christian Perspective on Kosher

Reposted from KosChertified? We politely contacted 1201 leaders in the Christian church, inviting them to write an authoritative perspective on The Kosher Question as interpreted from the New Testament and Jesus. Twelve hundred turned a blind eye, even when we pleaded. However, one has lived under both religions; a Jew who converted to Christianity. We […]

The Double Standards of “Kosher”

Nobody cares for double standards, unless they benefit from such improprieties and have allowed their principles to degrade, turning a blind eye. When these double standards are prominent, they infringe on good faith, the law, our Constitutional freedoms, and break down the bonds of trust that hold together our society. When an organization or even […]

When the Only Choice is Kosher-Certified, and You Object: A Layman’s Glance at Legal Recourse

Introduction Seanna Fenner, aka Odinia, is an Odinist gyðja (priestess), a völva, and the founder of the native European religious organization, Odinia International. She resides in the United States, and she is a fervent follower of the ancient European religion of Odinism.[1] Unlike most Americans today, especially the Christian majority, Ms. Fenner can probably pick out a […]

The Road to Kosher Singularity

An Unsavory Kosher Practice: Promotion to Non-Jewish Vegetarians and Vegans Introduction In the course of our research on kosher awareness, we couldn’t help but notice that kosher agencies have mainstream media on their side, with little to no counterpoints to this practice being published by anyone. Our surveys lean heavily towards 10% consumer recognition of the […]

Kosher Delusion

Four generations of Americans have now lived with kosher certified food, soap, detergents, food wrap, appliances and more, regardless of their religious faith or whether they even knew that this religious certification enterprise existed. Most consumers likely see the “Kosher” section of an “International Foods” aisle in their supermarkets, and would never imagine that the […]