A Critical Look at the Polish ‘Pogroms’ of 1914–1920
“Jewish reports tended toward exaggeration.”
William Hagen, Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914–1920, 173.
“All the methods of malevolent propaganda are a menace from which Poland is a notable sufferer.”
Major General Edgar Jadwin, U.S. Army, 1920
Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914–1920
William W. Hagan
Cambridge University Press, 2018
I recently had the good fortune to read William Hagen’s Cambridge-published Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914–1920, one of the most interesting books I’ve read on Jewish-European relations since John Doyle Klier’s Oxford-published work on the Tsarist pogroms. It’s always refreshing to see scholars of European heritage tackle this subject matter, which has been dominated for too long by Jewish academics offering a one-sided, lachrymose, and propaganda-laden approach. Now eighty years old, Hagen, like Klier before him, has started publishing his most incisive work on the Jews only in the deep twilight of his career. Also echoing Klier’s work on the pogroms, Hagen’s Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland offers an unflinching look at the causes of inter-ethnic friction, often using novel or previously ignored source material, as well as a balanced and careful approach to the true extent of any violence that occurred. The result is a text that doesn’t just attempt to get to the bottom of what exactly happened, but also why it happened. The following essay is a hybrid work involving a partial review of Hagen’s work and some of my own thoughts and research on the subject.
Hagen’s text offers strong support for Kevin MacDonald’s argument in Separation and Its Discontents that anti-Semitism is a reactive phenomenon very closely related to Jewish dominance in certain spheres of public life, especially the economy. In fact, in Separation and Its Discontents MacDonald cites on several occasions Hagen’s only previous work on anti-Semitism, a 1996 prize-winning article published in the Journal of Modern History.[1] The focus on socio-economic factors in both works indicates that Hagen’s understanding of anti-Semitism has been settled for some time.
Hagen’s Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland opens by giving voice to some fascinating Polish contemporaries, opening up an avenue of discussion often closed off in lachrymose Jewish histories which overwhelmingly focus on the putative suffering of the Jews rather than the difficult experiences of those they lived among. One of the more interesting examples is Hagen’s exploration of the works of Jan Słomka, Habsburg Polish mayor of Dzików and author of From Serfdom to Self-Government: Memoirs of a Polish Village Mayor. Słomka’s memoirs offer insight in the origins of Polish antipathy towards the Jews, and depict Jews as “cynical exploiters of Christian villagers’ weaknesses and ignorance.” (11) Mimicking tactics employed under the Russian tavern system, Jewish merchants in Poland often used alcohol to drag peasants into debt and keep them there. Słomka explained how Jews
would begin from harvest-time to buy up provisions from the farmers, mostly paying them with vodka: and these they would sell during the hunger period at huge profit. They would set things out on market days in sacks; and around these sacks would wander a hungry throng … buying grain in pots or quart measures. (13)
Słomka was a teetotaler and castigated his fellow Poles for the reckless drinking and lack of forethought that allowed them to fall into the hands of Jews who were systematically “bankrupting the emancipated peasantry and foreclosing on their minuscule farms.” In his own town of Dzików, Słomka remarked that most of the land had at one time been in Jewish hands and had only been “bought back with a lot of toil.” The Jews, according to Słomka, “have never wanted to till the soil, they have preferred to live by their wits, to profit by trading in the lands peasants have had to pay for [in compensation for receiving post-emancipation freeholds].” For the Jews, of course, it was a very successful strategy. In the 1860s, Słomka looked on as the prestigious houses ringing the central square of his chief market district, Tarnobrzeg, passed into Jewish hands.[2]
Hagen places Słomka’s concerns in the context of a wider Polish discourse on a slow national dispossession carried out by Jews. Słomka is a particularly interesting writer because he focuses as much on Polish weaknesses as on Jewish strategic competence. Słomka, for example, was irate that rural Poles had neglected to develop a keen acumen in business that would enable them to at least compete with Jews on an ethnic level rather than simply acting as prone or passive victims of unanswered economic exploitation. Słomka was later full of praise when such an answer did materialize, in the form of cooperatives that emerged in the 1880s. Due in part to increased assistance from the priesthood and sympathetic aristocrats, the decade witnessed the creation of a significant number of these ethnically based marketing and retail consortiums that defeated the economic strategy of the Jews, often via boycott, and enabled the supply of “villagers with their purchased necessities at Jewish merchants’ loss.”[3] A side-effect of growing awareness among Poles that they were engaged in a multi-front ethnic competition with Jews prompted some to engage in petty violence and robbery, which Słomka condemned as unhelpful. Słomka believed that “the struggle against Jewish capital was a contest … of morality, self-control, and will power.”[4]
Hagen demonstrates the uniformity of Polish thought on the Jews by comparing the relatively uneducated and rural Słomka’s views with those of the more cosmopolitan academic Franciszek Bujak, author of the 1919 pamphlet “The Jewish Question in Poland.” Like Słomka, Bujak argued that Polish anti-Semitism was largely a result of Jewish socio-economic dominance and the exploitation of the lower classes. In fact, Bujak argued that it was wrong to focus on Polish attitudes at all since
we may speak with more truth about Jewish antipolinism than about Polish antisemitism, which is not an aggressive movement displaying itself in consequent deeds, but merely a psychic reaction against damages suffered by the Polish nation from their [Jews] part. (19)
Bujak posited that Jewish clannishness gave them certain advantages over the trusting Poles, and suggested that the resulting exploitation was worsened by the Jews’ biblically based sense of superiority and adherence to a system of dual morality. When Jews did decide to leave the life of the ghetto-dwelling exploiter they invariably assimilated only “in an intruding way” into Polish society, where they “veered toward radicalism and revolution” as a result of their “inclination towards analysis and criticism.”(19) For Bujak, as for Słomka, the solution to Jewish strategic success was for Poles to heighten their sense of ethnocentrism and ethnic co-operation and engage in a process of ethnic exclusion—a social, political, and economic boycott of the Jews. Bujak viewed the prospect of violence as entailing a moral and strategic failure on the part of the Poles.
The only significant dissent from this prevailing view appears in the writings of the linguist and Slavist Jan Baudouin de Courtenay. Baudouin thought that exclusionary efforts were doomed to failure given the deeply embedded nature of Jewish involvement in Polish life, which extended even to the psychological:
I recognise the Jews’ power, i.e., the power of Jewish tradition’s influence on other human groups’ mentality. For at the base of our thinking, our beliefs about fundamental matters, we encounter a Jewish source [the Old and New Testaments]. We are ourselves but ‘modified’ Jews. Principled ‘mercilessness,’ unforgivingness, readiness to exterminate, raised to ideological level — all this we imbibed from literary monuments [the Christian Bible] of Jewish descent. Thanks to the ‘Judaization’ of our thinking even those who rush forward into wholesale attacks on Jews call themselves servants of him born in Bethlehem and profess Jehova, God of Israel. (25)
Baudouin’s proposed solutions couldn’t have been more representative of extremes. On the one hand he suggested an attempt to smother Jews with love and tolerance in the hope they would become excellent allies of the Polish nation. On the other, he mused about the prospects of “extermination, expulsion, starvation.” His ideas were, however, very much in the minority, and the position of the new Polish state was to tacitly permit the slow exclusion of the Jews from their prior positions of influence while condemning any and all instances of violence.
Violence and Exaggeration
Hagen has an excellent section looking at the slow build-up of verbal and physical provocation between the two populations. Unlike Jewish-authored texts on historical anti-Semitism, Hagen isn’t shy when it comes to including information that shatters the myth of the Jews as the passive and innocent victims of irrational European hatred. One hears about Jews taunting Polish villagers with “the streets are yours, the houses ours” and “the keys to the churches will be ours.” (38) With physical violence being an extremely dangerous strategy for a minority population, such taunts are emblematic of the much more common rhetorical, financial, and otherwise abstract character of historical Jewish aggression. Faced with this aggression, Europeans throughout history have often relied on the ease and simplicity of their numerical superiority in the form of varieties of “physical force” responses ranging from pranks and vandalism to boycotts, small-scale evictions, and mass expulsions. Quite where on this spectrum the events of 1914–20 fall is the primary concern of Hagen’s text.
One of Hagen’s central primary sources for his investigation of anti-Jewish violence in Poland between 1914 and 1920 is a rather dubious 1920 book, Poland and Its Minority Races, produced by Arthur Lehman Goodhart, a Jewish academic and lawyer. The origins of the book lay in a series of protests against “wholesale killing of Jews in Poland” organized by Jewish groups in several American cities in 1919. Although the Polish government denied any such atrocities had taken place, and despite the lack of clear objective evidence, American-Jewish agitation was sufficient for President Wilson to appoint a small commission “to ascertain the facts.” A commission was also sent by Great Britain, in the context of similar protests in London, led by the senior diplomat Sir Horace Rumbold. The American commission was composed of Goodhart and Henry Morgenthau (infamous author of the Morgenthau Plan), and of two non-Jews, the U.S. army officer Edgar Jadwin and his colleague Homer H. Johnson. Although not mentioned in detail by Hagen, the ethnic difference between the Jews Goodhart and Morgenthau on the one hand, and the Anglo-Saxons Jadwin and Johnson on the other, resulted in two different reports (the former more or less affirming atrocity propaganda and the latter emphatically denying, or at least heavily qualifying, it) on the return of the group to the United States, with the National Polish Committee of America even publishing “The Jadwin and Johnson Report” as a separate document entirely.[5] Both the Goodhart text and the document produced by the National Polish Committee are available in complete form from archive.org and can be read in full here and here.
From the outset, Hagen is skeptical of contemporary Jewish accounts that alleged spontaneous mass shootings. He opens the book by making it clear the documentary record has “gaps or blindspots” and “doubtless exaggeration occurred … I have sought out multiple accounts so as to minimise bias.”[6] He later argues that “resentment-laden animosity coloured many such [Jewish] reports, which tended, in an atmosphere heavy with collective paranoia and hysteria, to exaggerate Jewish losses.”[7] He even cites one brief but telling remark from Henry Morgenthau himself, who, although promoting atrocity propaganda admitted once that “there is also no question but that some of the Jewish leaders [in Poland] had exaggerated.”[8]
Patterns of Propaganda
In 1920 the National Polish Committee of America published a statement outlining the origins of atrocity propaganda against Poland:
From the very first moment, when at the beginning of November 1918, Poland regained her independence, day after day, month after month, news of dreadful Jewish pogroms were spread over the whole world. … This news found the more credit because nobody contradicted it. And nobody could contradict it. The Polish Government could not, because there was no Polish Government. … And so the news of dreadful ‘pogroms’ penetrated everywhere, spread systematically via Berlin and Vienna, and by special bureaux in Stockholm and Copenhagen, which from day to day furnished Zionist organisations possessing sufficient means and influence to give it a world-wide publication. And the news was frightful. It told of thousands of Jews not only beaten and robbed, but murdered and burned alive. As these facts were confirmed by “eye-witnesses” it is no wonder they aroused general indignation. And when Mr. Israel Cohen, the Secretary of the London Zionist Organisation, after investigating the matter on the spot published in England papers and at a meeting at Queen’s Hall in London that such atrocities had taken place in Poland in 130 towns, indignation meetings and funereal processions began all over the world.[9]
The Chicago Jewish weekly, The Sentinel, reported on July 23 1920 that:
Polish people are crazy with Jew-hatred and are busily engaged in pogroms. … The outrages perpetrated by old Russia against the Jews are child-play in comparison with the appalling crimes perpetrated by the Polish government and the Polish people against the Jews. … The Polish representatives abroad know that even the Spanish Inquisition has not committed so many crimes against the Jews as Poland is committing now. … Poland, born in crime and sin, will go under in a sea of crime and sin.
Newspapers in America were also flooded with lurid tales penned by local Jews claiming to have first-hand knowledge of what was happening in Poland. One “eye-witness” claimed to have counted 2,300 corpses. A “Charles Golosman” had a letter published in the New York Globe on August 18 1920 in which he writes of “massacres of the Jews by the Polish military” and adds:
A bloody pogrom was organised in my own native town, Bobruisk, with every home pillaged and the women ravaged in the open in broad daylight by the blood-thirsty Polish beasts. My own people may have become victims of some Polish assassin’s hands.
This account of the media origins of the pogrom myth, and in fact everything discussed thus far, is remarkably consistent with Klier’s findings regarding the Russian pogroms of the 1880s. As with agitation against Poland, in the 1880s the West was rocked by massive Jewish protests against “the mass killing of Jews” in the Russian empire, and (mirroring Goodhart’s book) the production of books and pamphlets on Russia’s putative ill treatment of the Jews. This followed, in Russia as in Poland, an increasingly assertive peasantry or lower class that began to act against Jewish economic exploitation through cooperatives or other non-violent methods. Atrocity propaganda may therefore be seen as an attempt to avenge or ameliorate a Jewish loss of influence in a given nation. In both cases, Western governments (Britain in the 1880s, America in 1919) sent official delegations to discover the truth of the situation. In both cases (unanimously in the case of Britain, and with divided opinion in the American group) the resulting reports cast great doubt on the Jewish narrative.
After many years of searching archives and reviewing contemporary reports produced by all sides, Klier concluded that Jewish accounts should be treated with “extreme caution,” that some were “flatly contradicted by the archival record,” and that some claims of pogroms are attached to cities where it is certain “there were no significant pogroms and no fatalities.” Klier noted that while the Jewish atrocity narrative dominated cultural discourse via the power of media, almost no government agency took it seriously once it had been investigated. The British government investigation, published as a “Blue Book,” presented, to use its own words, “an account of events at great variance with that offered by The Times.” The most notable aspect of the British Blue Book is the outright denial of mass rape, a prolific propaganda device. In January 1882, investigator Consul-General Stanley objected to all of the details contained within reports published by The Times, mentioning in particular the unfounded “accounts of the violation of women.” He further stated that his own investigations revealed that there had been no incidences of rape during the Berezovka pogrom, that violence was rare, and that much of the disturbance was restricted to property damage. In relation to property damage in Odessa, Stanley estimated it to be around 20,000 rubles, and rejected outright the Jewish claim that damage amounted to over one million rubles.
Vice-Consul Law, another independent investigator, reported that he had visited Kiev and Odessa, and could only conclude that “I should be disinclined to believe in any stories of women having been outraged in those towns.” Another investigator, Colonel Francis Maude, visited Warsaw and said that he could “not attach any importance” to atrocity reports emanating from that city. At Elizavetgrad, instead of whole streets being razed to the ground, it was discovered that a small hut had lost its roof. Accusations of murderous intent among the masses were simply unfounded and unsubstantiated by the evidence.
What Happened in Poland?
Although clear in its expression of skepticism, a crucial weakness of Hagen’s text is that it shows a willingness to attach some credence to flamboyant and discredited Jewish atrocity narratives about mass killings by mobs of Polish peasants or soldiers, and it doesn’t make full use of compelling counter-narratives such as that produced by Jadwin and Johnson, or by the National Polish Committee of America, a group that very studiously compiled and published a variety of independent reports into events in Poland. (Hagen does cite the NPC report twice in his book but otherwise demonstrates little evidence of having actually read it.) Nor does Hagen’s text incorporate other valuable material, such as testimony from Colonel C.A. Gaskill, the U.S. Army’s Relief Administration worker and technical adviser in Poland between 1919 and 1921. Gaskill and Jay P. Moffatt, Secretary of the American Legation in Warsaw, both testified that Jews had been engaged in sniper activity against Polish troops in several key locations and that Polish officers had actually issued orders against retaliating even when Polish casualties resulted from Jewish attacks.[10] I regard it as imperative that Hagen should have noted somewhere in his book that Jews were active in most of the relevant war zones as guerrilla combatants, particularly during the Polish-Soviet war of 1918̶-1921 in which many Polish Jews were Soviet partisans, and that Jadwin and Johnson concluded their own investigations by arguing that Poland was the victim of an international smear campaign orchestrated via the media:
The coloring, the suppression, and the invention of news, the subornation of newspapers by many different methods, and the poisoning by secret influences of the instruments affecting public opinion, in short all the methods of malevolent propaganda are a menace from which Poland is a notable sufferer. This applies to propaganda both at home and from abroad.[11]
Although Morgenthau and Goodhart were quite happy to repeat lurid tales of mass shootings of civilians, Jadwin and Johnson offered a report that has an entirely different feel and, in their own words, offers “conclusions which differ from those of Mr. Morgenthau.” In terms of details, most official accounts seem to agree that only around 348 Jews could be confirmed as having died from violence in relevant areas between 1914 and 1920, but this is clarified further in the official British report on the violence, written by Sir Horace Rumbold. Rumbold pointed out that even if we accepted this figure of 348, only 18 of these deaths would have occurred on actual Polish territory with the rest occurring in established war zones where civilian casualties among all ethnic and national groups were commonplace.[12] In these war zones, according to Jadwin, some shootings were the result of guerrilla tactics by Jewish civilians known to be sympathetic to the Bolsheviks. In one town, entering Polish soldiers were fired upon from a “certain meeting house in which Jews had congregated,” resulting in the execution of five Jewish men.[13] Captain P. Wright, a member of the British investigating team summed up the circumstances of Jewish deaths as involving not Polish prejudice but “only the expression of a mutual animosity,” and that these “excesses have been so small.”[14]
A very modern parallel to the incorporation of these war zone deaths into atrocity propaganda would be declaring a gunshot fatality a “Covid death” so long as the corpse can produce a positive PCR test. In this case we have an “anti-Semitic murder by Poles” simply because a Jew dies violently anywhere near Poland and under any conditions, including active warfare. Goodhart even includes the testimony of one Jewish mother who reported the “anti-Semitic” death of her son to the American commission even though she admitted her son was a member of the Bolshevik militia:
I tried to explain to her that there was a difference between the case of a man murdered in cold blood and the death of her son who had been shot while fighting for the Bolsheviks. She simply could not understand the difference and kept on repeating “He was such a fine boy.”[15]
Since both the British and American missions concluded that violence against Jews was never endorsed or encouraged by Polish authorities, and thus meant it could not technically be classed as a pogrom, it can be said that an international diplomatic crisis and mass propaganda campaign about “mass killings” in 130 towns involving in some cases mass graves of 2,300 corpses, was provoked by the violent deaths of just 18 Jews over a six-year period. Jadwin, moreover, argued that only five Jewish deaths could be confirmed to have resulted from mob violence “since the establishment of a stable government in the Republic.”[16] Captain Wright explicitly stated that “though pogroms in Krakow were reported, this was not the case,” and that any violence targeting Jews in Polish territory was “small and trivial.”[17]
Of course, the campaign was about revenge more generally, and more so in terms of the loss of economic power and influence than the 18 (or 5) deaths. Rumbold himself concluded that violence and antagonism between the groups was probably inevitable given the economic situation of the Jews: “it is only natural that separatism should have manifested itself.” Rumbold noted the relatively recent awareness of the Poles that they could engage in their own ethnically-based economic strategies, and the non-productive nature of the Jewish population, was the real source of animosity: “Competition between the Poles and the Jewish population commenced. … The co-operative movement is becoming very strong and will undoubtedly form an important factor in the development of economic relations in Poland, so that indirectly it will be bound to affect the position of the small Jewish trader.”[18] Jadwin and Johnson were equally insistent that there were economic factors behind any inter-ethnic tension, and they were adamant that religious issues played a negligible role in the development of anti-Jewish attitudes:
We are convinced that religious differences as such play therein a very slight role, and that the Polish nation is disposed to religious tolerance and self-control in religious disagreements. … The relation of the Jew to the eventual political disposition of these territories is still an irritating element. These same problems are to some extent inherent in every other country where the Jewish character and habits develop a racial solidarity, necessarily accompanied by an economic and social intermingling with the other elements of the population.[19]
There are some indications that the atrocity propaganda campaign against Poland was explicitly designed to protect Jewish interests by preventing contested territories from being granted to the Poles (then operating the peasant co-operatives against the Jews) in peace treaties. Goodhart, for example, mentions Jewish leaders in Bialystok who told him that “if Bialystok should be given to the Poles, the Jewish merchants would be ruined, because the Polish boycott would come into force.”[20] Smearing the Polish reputation internationally with accusations of mass murder and mass shootings could thus have been intended to sway the decision of the major international powers in deciding the allocation of disputed territory, potentially preventing Jews from being absorbed into a state where they would be forced to abandon non-productive ethnic economic strategies based on mass exploitation.
Finally, despite enormous economic and religious differences between Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Romania, during the 1930s, it should be noted that all of these countries developed policies in which Jews were excluded from public-sector employment, quotas were placed on Jewish representation in universities and the professions, and government-organized boycotts of Jewish businesses and artisans were staged. From Hagen’s 1996 paper:
[Anti-Semitism was] a broad regional phenomenon rather than . . . [a] set of nationally bounded histories. In this view, modern anti-Semitic ideology and politics in both Germany and Poland figure as pathologies of middle-class formation or, in an alternative formulation, as accompaniments of embourgeoisement in a setting, unlike western and southern Europe, where a relatively large (or very large) and economically very significant urban Jewish population appeared to constitute an impediment to Christian advancement. In both countries, anti-Semitism served to justify assaults on Jewish-owned or Jewish-occupied business enterprises and medical, legal, and other professional practices, as well as bureaucratic positions, which were widely seen to block the path of upward mobility to non-Jewish aspirants to bourgeois respectability and security. In both countries, more or less sporadic anti-Semitic violence fomented by political organizations of the radical right, particularly in the 1930s, elicited considerable popular support or acceptance, reflecting widespread though normally mostly latent hostility to the Jews. . . . Similar policies were also being implemented in Hungary and Romania, the other major homelands of the central European Jews. (Hagen 1996, 360, 361)
The fabricated Polish pogroms of 1914-20 offer a remarkable glimpse into patterns established decades earlier in the Russian empire. The basic pattern appears to be that attempts on the part of a majority population to protect their interests as an ethnic group, especially economically, will result in the utilization of media influence to create a flamboyantly exaggerated atrocity narrative about that state or locality, often involving accusations of mass shootings and mass graves. Because of their entrenchment in popular consciousness via mass communications, these narratives are incredibly difficult to overturn, even with highly critical official government reports. The Russian pogrom myth is an excellent example given that it was repeated during the Polish hoax (The Sentinel: “The outrages perpetrated by old Russia against the Jews are child-play in comparison with the appalling crimes perpetrated by the Polish government and the Polish people against the Jews”). The reality, of course, was that the Russian and Polish ‘atrocities’ were equally baseless and fraudulent. And yet, look hard enough today, and you will certainly see some Jewish Twitter personality inevitably claim a distant relative mass murdered in the Russian pogroms. These are deeply engrained fictions that are internalized by Jews and go some way to generating fear, antipathy, and aggression towards majority White populations who are always said to have the same potential for mass violence.
Atrocity narratives remain an important strategic device, and the tactic is visible even on the small scale in events like Charlottesville. The actual events of Charlottesville are by any consideration, to borrow Captain Wright’s words, “small and trivial,” involving no more petty violence and vandalism than any other major protest of recent years (arguably much less), and one death of ambiguous cause. And yet hasn’t Charlottesville adopted the air of a “Kishinev” in the way it has been transformed, via propaganda, into a kind of pogrom, perpetrated by an angry White mob? Journalist David Greenberg reported on “the siege of a Charlottesville synagogue during the right-wing rampage there in 2017” during an article scaremongering about “America’s Forgotten Pogroms.” But for the presence of modern recording technology, one can easily imagine that tales would have emerged from Charlottesville of all manner of killings and assaults.
As a final note, I should say that we are all perfectly aware of the creeping attempts in all of Europe and the rest of the West to silence any questioning of that ultimate Jewish atrocity narrative. In our attempt to defend the Western position, we could do well to start with the approach of any good defense lawyer — to critique the credibility of the accuser. Looking at the Russian and Polish cases, do we see a record of truth or fabrication? Is there a case for believing such narratives, or asking further questions?
I’ll conclude with remarks made by Rupert Hughes in the New York Times Book Review, July 18 1920:
Has everybody forgotten the procession in New York and in other cities where mourning was worn and dirges were sung for the slaughtered multitudes of the Polish pogroms? Has anyone apologized to Poland for accusing her of rivalling Turkey, in Armenia? I have not seen the apologies.
[1] Hagen, William W. “Before the ‘Final Solution’: Toward a Comparative Analysis of Political Anti-Semitism in Interwar Germany and Poland.” The Journal of Modern History 68, no. 2 (1996): 351–81. MacDonald cites this work on pages 53 and 55 of the paperback edition of SAID.
[2] Hagen (2018), 14.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid, 18.
[5] The Jews in Poland: Official Reports of the American and British Investigating Missions · Volume 1, National Polish Committee of America, 1920, 11.
[6] Hagen (2018), xvii.
[7] Ibid, 124.
[8] Ibid, 359.
[9] The Jews in Poland: Official Reports of the American and British Investigating Missions · Volume 1, National Polish Committee of America, 1920, 55.
[10] New York Times, July 2, 1920.
[11] The Jews in Poland: Official Reports of the American and British Investigating Missions · Volume 1, National Polish Committee of America, 1920, 18.
[12] The Reports of the British Mission, included in The Jews in Poland: Official Reports of the American and British Investigating Missions · Volume 1, National Polish Committee of America, 1920, 19.
[13] The Jadwin and Johnson Report, The Jews in Poland: Official Reports of the American and British Investigating Missions · Volume 1, National Polish Committee of America, 1920, 15.
[14] Report of Captain P. Wright in The Jews in Poland: Official Reports of the American and British Investigating Missions · Volume 1, National Polish Committee of America, 1920, 33.
[15] Goodhart, 52.
[16]The Jews in Poland: Official Reports of the American and British Investigating Missions · Volume 1, National Polish Committee of America, 1920, 10.
[17] Ibid, 47.
[18] Ibid, 20.
[19] Ibid, 13 & 17.
[20] Goodhart (1920), 45.
Thank you, Andrew. MOST EXCELLENT as usual.
I know them well, I am from Amsterdam, but theyr intelligent play is going on and on, thei Media and Banks are the tools, for our ongoing genocide intellectual, and financially !
“media and banks”
which are not free market at all
our entire problem stems from governmentally enforced monopolies. of course this includes hellth and so-called education
How can forcing folks into such monopolies ever be justified- rationally? It cannot be. Somewhere there is a claim [not an argument] that the State is infallible and force is justified against those who fail to comprehend State Infallibility- they may be diagnosed with sluggishly progressing schizophrenia, and LOCKED DOWN. [Soviet Union]. Hegel almost, but not quite, made a claim for State Infallibility: “The State is closest to the divine on Earth.” Arbitrary assertion Hegel, where is zee evidence or proof? It’s like claiming that bureaucracy is closest to divinity. . .evidence please.
Why do you and others waste your time with obscurantist, abstract, speculative, and questionable integrity of nibbling philosophers et al? Does anything practical, actionable come out of it? Is your view of Reality and your daily life influenced by this moldy bread?
I saw to you, move up to the Editor-in-Chief, not some sports writer.
This statement by the renown philosopher Hegel ___
“The State is closest to the divine on Earth.”
provides enormous morale support to communists , socialists , authoritarians , tyrants , statists , totalitarians , and it also gives vital morale support to despots .
That statement is valid for probably not more than a very small political class of people .
However , it is similar to the superstition dilemma where , for instance , if you do not believe “Friday the 13th” is a bad luck day then you are very likely to have some bad luck on that day for no other reason than you ignoring others , whom do believe it is a bad luck day , will result in unusual difficulties , in your normal Friday routines , as secondary effects of the erratic behaviors of the superstitious others .
Hegel was no “nibbling philosopher” .
In particular , his “Hegelian dialectic” revelation of how the powers-that-be implement their agendas
( to enslave humanity in order to acquire ownership/control over all worldly resources and especially dominion over people )
in fulfillment of their holy purpose per
[ The Torah/KJV/Book of Genesis/1 : 26 ]
over many decades/generations/centuries . The Hegelian dialectic is an essential factor in comprehending salient world affairs .
As with Poland in 1914-1920 so too with Germany 1933-1945, except in the latter, work camps were called death camps.
They were not death camps. That is jew bs to demonize German people.
Apparently Jews resent being forced to work almost as much as they resent being forced to shower.
Have a look on the net at a number of images of Jacob Schiff, of Kuehn Loeb, NY, and convince me, that he is not walking behind these seven cartoon figures. Almost herding them to the next bolshevik NY demonstration.
He was a fastidious dresser. Notice the white hands of the others, but he is stylishly carrying his cane with a gloved hand.
[ To be continued on a higher level ].
I am somewhat puzzled by this essay’s designation of Poland, since the Polish – Lithuanian Commonwealth was finally erased by its third partition in 1795.
Russia, Prussia and Austria – Hungary converged on a single point, referred to as the Three Emperors’ Corner.
If I were dying of cancer — I am not — and if I were granted a “last wish” — I could not qualify, not having had injections of patently (!) poisonous potions purveyed as “COVID vaccines” — then I would ask to have a day with yourself, Dr. Joyce, to discuss whatever seemed most salient during that special time! Perhaps through true miracles of our day & age, we can arrange a virtual meeting, not only with you and me, but also others who feel the same way. It can be done!
In the meantime, mean times upon us during 2021 likely turning much meaner in 2022, thank you Dr. Joyce, very much, for this post. I had occasion to share it with a friend [Ph.D. (Psychology)] — HOW we’ve remained friends over the past 30 years I cannot explain except by reference to spiritual reason — in the course of contending about “anti-semitism”, of which he reflexively accuses me. We do agree about Israel’s persecution of Palestinians (truer Semites than others). We cannot get past “Jews” per se, without his retreating to accusations of my being an “anti-Semite”. I shall see how he responds to both Henry Makow’s latest post (3 Jan 2022 or so) along with your incisive review and comments!
Hehehe, Alan. I had a friendship similar to yours until the verboten truth subject came up one too many times. I didn’t retreat and brough many books with specific passages marked for discussion. This supposed trained erudite psychologist was unable to cast off her lifetime of subversive programming.
I no longer waste my time with these sorts.
‘Słomka believed that “the struggle against Jewish capital was a contest … of morality, self-control, and will power.”’
All very well and good, and definitely the morally superior approach, however, it doesn’t put an end to the problem. Trapping rats humanely and releasing them elsewhere simply perpetuates the problem.
Yeah, very fine and large, but are the Jews hamstringing themselves with “morality and self control”?
If not, then this sort of talk is willful self-sabotage.
Since before Mrs Jeleby’s day, what has hampered the mocking and ridicule that should rightly be showered on these absurd types, is the way the phrase ‘virtue-signaler’ just doesn’t have any phonetic bite.
I hoped for years the Internet would dream up a better euphemism, one that properly expressed the depths of our contempt and the bottomless hatred we’ve all got for these shameless creatures, who engage in this ‘all-eyes-on-me-look-look-LOOK!-at-my-virtue-everyone’.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with with reminding ourselves to be virtuous and moral in everything we do, even in our conduct if we ever do get a chance to strike at the exploitative, oppressive, tyrannical Jewish power that is killing our society.
But stating it in the way Slomka does is to presume alreay that Christians wouldn’t be, which in a way is just as offensive as standing on the necks of peasants to showcase your own virtue.
Even though most of us understand that Donald Trump was never “our guy”, I’m reminded of the way he was portrayed in the media as this horrible, racist monster who got some kind of thrill out of “putting brown children in cages” (referring of course to the sensible separation of children from adults at ICE facilities). And I can just imagine that in a generation the stories of Trump and his MAGA supporters will rival the stories of Hitler and his supporters. I can envision op-eds claiming “The Untold Truth About America’s Nazis And Their Fuhrer, Donald Trump: How MAGA Murdered Thousands of Jews and POC”. They’ve already built the foundation for such a narrative with hundreds of lies already published. The most frustrating part is that White Americans, were we still the demographic majority we were in 1950, would never let these outrageous claims gain traction… but we’re NOT the 90% majority-White country we were back then, are we? Nope. Now we’re surrounded and forced in to close proximity with non-White hostiles who are easily primed to despise us. Which is part of the (((diversity))) they had in mind all along.
Agreed Jim. I was thinking that also.
Lol, it’s much worse than that. It ain’t gonna be a few kvetching op-eds for you Yanks, oh no.
Think about it. Think of the magnatude of the Jewish experience in America, as compared to their performances in other empires throughout history.
White Americans are going into the Jewish hagiography as evil, unrepentant Jew-hating monsters, right at the top of the antisemitic hit-parade alongside Nazis, the Tsar and the Amaleks.
There is nothing surer on earth.
… declaring a gunshot fatality a “Covid death”
Always the same pattern, that is lies, propaganda and usury vs innocence, life and creativity (Arbeit Macht Frei), as is again proven by the sources mentioned and used by Joyce, with the self-appointed Chosen Ones (the main underlying principle) still being the disrupting and undermining Fifth Column after thousands of years.
So illuminating!
Excellent article, as usual coming from Andrew Joyce. There is one observation or comment I would like to add to the words of Baudouin de Courtenay:
“For at the base of our thinking, our beliefs about fundamental matters, we encounter a Jewish source [the Old and New Testaments]. We are ourselves but ‘modified’ Jews. Principled ‘mercilessness,’ unforgivingness, readiness to exterminate, raised to ideological level — all this we imbibed from literary monuments [the Christian Bible] of Jewish descent. Thanks to the ‘Judaization’ of our thinking even those who rush forward into wholesale attacks on Jews call themselves servants of him born in Bethlehem and profess Jehova, God of Israel.”
He was WRONG because had our ancestors behaved in a really Jewish manner according to the Old Testament, they would have wiped out the Jewish population in the blink of an eye, but UNFORTUNATELY, the accursed Christian strain contained in the New Testament (“compassion”, “tolerance”, “forgive our enemies”, etc, etc, etc,) spoiled the whole thing.
Christianity has only weakened us and, in the long term, made us pro-Jewish (look at the obnoxious, rabidly pro-Jewish and Zionist Protestant sects in USA and England). Incidentally, it is also the Christian message of “universal love, tolerance and compassion” that the priests keep spreading with regards to the vile pseudo-refugees that fuels the invasion of White lands by these savages.
Just one example, that disgusting piece of (…) known as the archbishop of Canterbury, called for love and compassion for the invaders (a.k.a. “migrants). The great Revilo Oliver was right: “Christianity is spiritual syphilis”
You aren’t doing your anti-Christian argument any favours by just attacking the modern expression of the faith, this will persuade no one. And if you aren’t trying to persuade anyone and are just letting off steam, then you aren’t doing yourself any favours, because this kind of thinking just dulls your own wits.
This example should make sense to you: Let’s say I just pound on the patheticness of the modern white race, ignorantly ignoring everything that’s come before.
Look how many white homos there are! Has any race ever had more homosexuals, as a % of pop, like in history? Look at white kids gender-bending, what freaks! Look at the degenerate white females, truly, humanity’s never seen such whores! Have you seen what they do with rich Arabs in the Gulf? See them queuing round the corner to get involved in pornography? See how they wage war on their men, see how so many of them are bloated, masculine genetically malformed beasts?
See how white folks allow the lowest Muslim filth to traffic their little girls, in their own towns? See how whites cover this up more than the Muslims do?
See how even the best, brightest, healthiest whites line up to have their arms and legs blown off for Jews on the opposite side if the earth, while their own towns and villages are invaded behind them? Has there ever lived such ‘warriors’? . . . .
Etc, etc. You get the point. Would this sort of thing convince you of the uselessness of white people? OK, now you see the effect you have on Christians.
What you should be asking yourself is what exactly is going to expel the causes of all the humiliation and misery highlighted above, if not Christianity? It kept us free of this garbage for a millennium and a half. The way Christianity’s collapse corresponded EXACTLY with Judaism’s rise, does this mean nothing to you? Was it a pure coincidence?
I think the “Xtianity is a Jewish scam” argument is a good one, and I’d never think less of anyone who held to it. I don’t buy it, but I can recognise a good case when I see one. I can also recognise that having many people believing it is also a good thing, as it will help to shape the return of real Christianity in a positive direction, in a true direction, the way it’s supposed to be, with a masculine, militaristic spirit, like the way it used to be. And not the pathetic, limp-wristed faggotised farce we see before us today.
You’re going to have a very rude awakening if you ever read Why the White Man Must Reject Christianity by Ferdinand Bardamu and Judea vs Rome by Europa Soberana.
Perhaps, although it’s not looking all that likely if you can’t crystallise the points made into counter arguments.
Is there more beauty, truth and goodness in these two books than in, say, the New Testament and the Book of Common Prayer?
I like Nietzsche’s statement in THE ANTI-CHRIST in which he says that Jews “….have falsified things so radically that today [1888] the Christian can feel anti-Jewish without recognizing that he is the ultimate consequence of the Jews.”
What you seem incapable of perceiving is that it’s Christianity which has in great part landed us in our horrid predicament. After so many centuries of identifying morality itself with the Christian morality of “unselfing,” Europe retained that identification chiefly where Christian altruism is concerned; and the more that Europeans lost their mettle through a gradual softening partly under the influence of Christian tenets, the more they’ve become prey to the vice of altruism.
Yes, at one time there were savage Goths and Franks who professed to be Christian, and later there were Crusaders and Conquistadors who also revered the cross; yet all these men were too vital and hard and psychologically healthy to actually practice altruism. But in proportion as Europeans lost hardness, declined in mettle, the notion that being unselfish and inoffensive is goodness itself advanced to the fore, until now there are the degenerates you mention who are more Christian in an essential way, through their altruistic tendencies, than all the militant churchgoers and cross-kissers of the Middle Age.
Have you ever asked yourself why of all the peoples on Earth it’s Europeans and Euroamericans who apologize for existing, who allow themselves to be walked on by strangers who hate them, who let their ancestral lands be invaded by aliens and also feel virtuous for it?! You think it’s just a coincidence that Europe and Euroamerica happen to be where your Sklavenmoral dominated so long and is still influential? (Christianity the remedy, you say?-lol tell that to COMECE and the pope who along with Merkel’s Christian Democrats have promoted the invasion of my beloved continent; and don’t say that they’re controlled by Jews, unless you mean Jews like Rabbi Saul, because these White traitors’ “charity” is truly Christian.)
Emicho, you’ve already admitted to valuing black embryos over White people’s safety; you don’t care that abolishing abortion would result in a prompt doubling of black-American numbers, which would certainly make Euroamericans more endangered and reduce their chances of reckoning successfully with the black menace. And this you relate to your “faith.”
Now I’d like to know how you react to the periodical famines in Sub-Sahara. Whites, many of them inspired by your superstition, have helped keep the black-African numbers burgeoning by feeding black Africans, with the result that there’s a demographic overflow and it spills into Europe (partly with the local help of Christian institutions). I personally would favor sending only freighters which carry condoms and birth-control pills. I would NEVER favor sending food and thereby increasing Europe’s danger, the pressure of ever-growing throngs on our borders: no, I’d require the Africans to be responsible and decrease to levels at which they can reliably feed themselves.
But I believe you’d be for sending food until your Messiah comes, if only because you believe that letting children starve is sinful, evil, likely to make your god angry at you. If I’m right, score yet another one for Rabbi Saul of Tarsus!
Another excellent post. For some strange reason, when Dr. Joyce publishes I don’t get TOO. Anyways, each and every day I skim the Polish language media especially that within cyberspace. No where in the world will you find as much info about Hebrew shenanigans. The data is phenomenal and perhaps equals more than the entire output from the rest of the planet.
I even once obtained data about a group of Zs supporting the Wehrmacht during their invasion and tried with all my might to discover the source, to no avail. I don’t know how much truth prevailed. Whatever, it’s (also) an undeniable fact that during the Soviet invasion of September 17,1939 all over the Eastern sector Zs were squealing on their neighbors, cooperating with the Soviet troops and even engaging in physical attacks. The info on this is irrefutable. Zs were about 75 -85% of most Communistic organizations, while they represented 8% of the population. Entire books, diaries and memoirs have been devoted to Z Red cooperation against the native population in the country from which their parents and ancestors had been born for centuries. It’s kinda like King Bushy II’s neoKonski regime instigating invasion of the Middle East that did not benefit America and was detrimental to the US but highly beneficial to another nation.
Further, if you’d like to read about the Gulag Polish Langage material is the very best. When the world famous wife of a former Polish minister, Anne Applebaum was praised to the hilt for her bestselling book pertaining to the Gulag most of the information that she wrote about could easily be found in Tomasz Kizny’s massive English language tabletop book. I would suggest that those interested in the gulag topic check out Kizney’s work. TK didn’t have the pull that Applebaum did for greater distribution. Also, the size of the book is rather foolish. Although Applebaum is quite famous how many out there have even heard of Kizny?
Bruno, are you on VK, Element, or Pocketnet? Your information from Poland sounds very good. I am interested to hear more.
I run a small English language youtube channel called “Hot Polish Takes”. I post contemporary and historical videos on Poland in English (topics such as Jedwabne, Schlomo Morel, Studnicki, the Arenda system in Ukraine etc). If you are interested in such topics I’d recommend you check it out 🙂
An eye opening article. The Occidental Observer never fails to inform and impress. Thank you Dr.Joyce.
Ironic, isn’t it? Poland saved the Jews from extinction during the Middle Ages, when all other European countries expelled them. They thrived in Poland and called it a “New Jerusalem.” The population expanded. They have the own government. All, for what? The war against Poland, however, continues. I recommend three books on the problem: “Bieganski: The Brute Polak Stereotype in Polish-Jewish Relations and American Popular Culture (Jews of Poland),” by Danusha V. Goska, “Hollywood’s War with Poland 1939-1945” by M.B.B. Biskupski. “A Question of Honor: the Kosciuszko Squadron, forgotten horoes of World War II,” by Lynne Olson and Stanley Cloud, 2003.
Thank you for the book recommendations.
You are welcome. Such books need a wide distribution.
If it is an accomplished fact that Poland gave succor and refuge to the Jews, the natural question is why? To rephrase, why did the noblemen and clergy offer? The nobility, assumedly for money and luxury goods from outside Poland (targeted to vanity of women and men), the clergy for money and spiritual inversion while swimming in the tired blood of Christianity.
Would anybody know or verify this?
Tired blood can be cured by Geritol, which is Serutan spelled backwards.
As advised by the late actor Ralph Bellamy:
It’s always great when there’s a new piece on TOO and then you notice that the author is Andrew- right?!
The conclusion to this piece is brilliant. Thanks Andrew.
The atrocities, sociopathy, and abuses are well documented. My question remains, how and why the Poles allowed Jews to settle within Poland (rule out they had no idea of their predatory nature) at the onset. Was the main influence the Catheter Church, the conduit into the vascular system of the culture and civilazation’s vascular system? Were the king(s) bribed, blackmailed?
It was regarded as unacceptable to refer to “the Jewish Problem”, but instead, “the Jewish question” in the 19th Century. What today?
When an anti – host group has been expelled from 109 territories over many decades , is it a vicious pogrom or a survival program?
It was by royal decree and the motivation was money. King Kazimierz the great invited the jews into Poland around the time they were being expelled from western Europe. He’s called the great partly because the influx of capital allowed him to build many many things in Poland, from a magnificent defensive line of castles on the border with Silesia to the first university in the country. Jews were not treated in Poland the way they were in other countries, they were explicitly property of the King, hence any harm to a jew was legally considered an attack on the King. See the Statute of Kalisz which granted them immense privileges.
The church was little involved, as jews were a royal institution. Much later on the bishops tried to convert the jews (initially this was illegal), eg thousands of copies of the talmud were burned during Jacob Frank’s time.
The other factor is the magnates. In what is now “Ukraine” the area was ruled by powerful Polish magnates, some rivaled the power of western European kings. They used the arenda system of leaseholding. Basically jews would buy from the magnates the right to collect taxes from regions of Ukraine for a period of 3 years. This gave the magnates money upfront, and the jews would, having no relation to the people and motivated only by extracting as much money as possible within that 3 year time, collect taxes on everything. If you got married or had a funeral there would be a jew outside the church expecting payment. This directly led to the Khmelnytsky Uprising.
If you’d like to know more, please sub to my youtube channel “Hot Polish Takes”
This was meant as a reply to Poupon Marx
Very good article! A few thoughts and a little more information.
First, the boycotts that were so effective in Poland back then are illegal according the current Polish constitution. Article 13 prohibits any programmes or activities which promote racial or national hatred, and Article 257 makes it illegal to publicly insult a group or a particular person because of national, ethnic, racial, or religious affiliation.
Second there is a another important factor in Polish and Jewish hostilities during the first world war. Jews largely opposed the rebirth of Poland. German Jews especially, for example the Germans initially supported the Committee for the East which proposed a Jewish state to be created in Poland. This dream of an autonomous Jewish state carved out of the former pale of settlement and Polish cities with large jewish populations obviously conflicted with aspirations for Poland. This was the reason for the so called “Kielce Pogrom” of Nov 11, 1918, the exact same day we celebrate today in Poland as the birth of the country. The jews in the Russian portion of Poland simply supported the bolsheviks. FYI the majority of jews in Poland up to WW2 did not know Polish.
Lastly contemporary memory of this in Poland… is nothing among normies. I’m not sure of the exact narrative told to children in our schools but the average Polish liberal will be almost completely unaware of these allegations. The jews do not attempt to push any narrative, guilt, or memory of this period of history. It is only people who educate themselves who know about this. In contrast, everyone in Poland is aware of the Kielce pogrom of 1946, and increasingly a narrative by our Jewish controlled liberal media is pushing a ‘holocaust 2’ narrative, were after jewish survivors returned from German death camps they were killed by their Polish neighbors, although this has stumbled in Poland. There is no controversy in Poland over figures such as Józef Haller, whose blue army fought against a jewish battalion in Ukraine, he’s a hero and that’s it. This is in stark contrast to the cursed soldiers, Polish soldiers who fought agaisn’t the soviets after 1944, who have been demonized by our jewish media for their antisemitic beliefs.
Finally I would highly recommend anyone interested in this subject to look up the Jedwabne pogrom of 1941. I have a video on my youtube channel ‘Hot Polish Takes’ called “Jedwabne Pogrom Explained.”
Paul: This history fascinates me. I would like to read more. Do you have any sources in English on this aspect of history.
Excellent answer, Paul. Many times we apprehend the post hoc events continuum. It is important, I believe, to elucidate the staring point, catalyst, beginning, etc.
It seems that the lesson here is the very same of the history of Jews in the West. No matter what intentions, auspices they are let in the henhouse, the result and end is the death and destruction of the chickens. “It was the foxes that stole into the night and did it”. Tiresome and disgusting. There are no people with this level of amorality and predation. Will Europeon EVER learn?
Nota bene: This entire fiasco was enabled by Goyim. EuroX has had over 2000 years to learn a seminal lesson and he STILL hasn’t made the connection or perception. “Bartender, another whiskey straight up. Make it a double.”
” EuroX has had over 2000 years to learn a seminal lesson and he STILL hasn’t made the connection or perception.”
The vast majority of EuroX will never make “the connection” to Jews as long as they are predominantly under the dominion of Christianity and especially The RCC Vatican .
The beginning of Vatican capitulation to Judaism began no later than the European Revolutions of 1848 when it began to reverse the Vatican anti-Jewish campaigns and at the same time it contracted Rothschild bankers to manage the vast RCC wealth .
The Revolutions of 1848 constituted the most , in European history , widespread wave of revolutionary political upheavals . The revolts began in the European cities . The Jew Karl Marx was expelled from Brussels by authorities acting on allegations about his involvement with revolutionaries . Tens of thousands of people were slaughtered . RCC Pope Pius IX reversed some of his liberal reform policies during the revolts . Nevertheless , The Jews attained civil equality as a result of the Revolutions of 1848 .
The European Revolutions of 1848 have all the indicators of Jewish instigation and some historians consider it to be the onset of modern anti-semitism with Jews viewed as being the primary social revolutionaries whom were sponsored by international bankers ( re: Wiki ) .
Very good observation “Moneytalks”! However, the revolutions of 1848 were just the second stage in the process of subversion and destruction of Aryan civilization and society. The first (and great) blow was the French Revolution which gave the Jews (a very important detail) citizenship with full civil rights as the rest of the French people. That was the beginning of the end.
Napoleon, who was totally ignorant of the true nature of the Jews and who also believed in that crap of “Liberte-Egalite-Fraternite”, spread that poison all over Europe. Wherever the French army marched in, the ghettos were destroyed and the Jews were declared citizens with the same rights as their Aryan counterparts.
Regarding the Catholic Church and the Jewish bankers I recommend the book “God’s Bankers” by Gerald Posner (2015). The author is Jewish but that gives even more weight and value to some of his arguments/confessions. Very interesting and revealing, however, it must be read with caution because (((they))) always put a spin on the stories they tell…
01 Wherever the factual, objective truth lies between the opposing official Allied versions on the pogroms, it became enormously important, even decisive.
02 Schiff, of Kuehn Loeb, NYC, made himself guardian of the pogrommed.
03 At a bankers’ conclave in Paris [ Rothschild Branch ? ] he ‘coincidentally ‘ found himself seated beside the attendee and future Governor of the Bank of Japan, Minister of Finance and Prime Minister of Japan. Takahashi.
04 Schiff then floated half of the bonds required by Japan to initiate their Russo – Japanese War of 1904 – 1905. He also blocked the Tzar’s access to funds from the tribe.
05 Russia’s defeat in 1905 was characterized by interested parties as general inadequacies of the regime, which led to the feelings leading up to the moderate ’18 February Revolution. Kept moderate by incarcerating Trotsky on April 3 in Amherst , Nova Scotia [ en route NYC – Oslo ] and Lenin in Switzerland. These radicals’ premature presence would have discouraged hundreds of thousands of new members joining the Social Democrats. Their entire leadership were arrested by the Bolsheviks, excepting their leader Kerensky, who lived out his days on 91 Street East in NYC. [ Most likely rent paid by Schiff, or living in his building.]
06 Schiff arranged for ca. 2000 so-called ” RUSSIAN ” REVOLUTIONARIES from the NE US, to travel to Petrograd via Vancouver, to man their lines. I read the letter of complaint to HO and Ottawa, in the National Archives of Canada, from the Captain of the Canadian liner taking them to Yokohama: booked in 3 rd Class.
They ransacked the liner; little regard for sanitation and the liner’s interior. They invaded both the dining facilities and sleeping quarters of both the second and first class, obliging him to issue side arms to his crew.
[ Admittedly worse than the recent Alpine resorts’ complaints about Israeli tourists ].
07 Unforeseeable vagaries of History ? My ass ! Kosher cook-book precision !
Yes, Gentlemen, history keeps repeating itself. EuroX has a mental illness similar to the Cutting Syndrome, when people cut themselves by involution obsession and compulsion. This is a sickness. European peoples are sick. Very sick.
Remember Jonestown, The Moonies, Bhagwan Cults, etc., etc. No manner of evidence, objective data, observation, knowledge would dissuade the cult members from their views and values.
HenryMakow.com has written extensively on this mass psychosis. There are too many manifestations for EuroX to survive, either it is death by the Other or his own hand. Only sequestration and secession to rebuild The Herd, replenish its good stock will save the Indo-European from forces from Without and Within.
In 1985 I was asked to take aboard three foreign visitors to our city for crew as I was checking out my boat at Boston Harbor Sailing Club. I agreed to do so as I presumed them to be Englishmen as they spoke perfect Her Majesty’s English with a heavy English accents. Little did I know once we were out of the Boston Harbor when they confided to me they were not English but Israelis. I was surprised and admitted to them as they spoke pure Her Majesty’s English without a Jewish accent. On hearing this from me on of The Israelis advised me that they were Jewish and not English even though they were born, grew up and attended university in England. As we were sailing on the Boston Harbor we got on the topic about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East. The men stated that the whole conflict would not have come to be and Jews would not have to forced to resettle in Palestine if the Poles would have only agreed to the creation Judeo-Polonica,Republic a joint homeland for Poles and Jews at the Versailles Peace Conference Talks. When I inquired as to on what grounds they replied that most of the world’s Jewish Population was located in Poland. They went on to state that Jews first settled in the area later called Poland at around the same time as the Poles and have more or less the same rights to their own country in Poland as the Poles. They went on to state that the Poles were Anti-Semites and did not want to share the country with the Jews who had the same rights to their country as Poles. At one time I wanted to throw them out of the sailboat as there were three of them and one of me. Then I wanted to capsize the sailboat but feared that Mark Healey would kill me for ruining his sailboat. So abruptly I turned the boat around and headed back to the sailing club as fast as the wind could take me once they went on a rant of Poles being Anti-Semites and spewing their garbage of a Jewish Polin.
Good story. Thank you.
Agreement and appreciation.
How well-accomplished the jews are, at countering dislike for practices for which they are so well-accomplished, which produce the dislike.
To list those is well beyond this comment, but four in particular are almost universal: they, that is, jews generally, are a “nation-within-a-nation”; the clannish, self-promotion and defensiveness seems to be practiced where ever they take up residence. Secondly, the making of money is boundless, to the point of ‘any which way money is to be made is just and defensible’. Third, the making of money at the expense of the Gentile is the best way of making money. Fourth: money, used as a weapon, is most well developed.
How well-accomplished the jews show themselves to be at countering dislike for practices for which they are so well-accomplished, which produce the dislike. They continue the practices and continue to counter the objection, the exposure.
To list those is well beyond this comment, but four in particular are almost universal: they, that is, jews generally, are a “nation-within-a-nation”; the clannish, self-promotion and defensiveness seems to be practiced where ever they take up residence. Secondly, the making of money is boundless, to the point of ‘any which way money is to be made is just and defensible’. Third, the making of money at the expense of the Gentile is the best way of making money. Fourth: money, used as a weapon, is most well developed.