Have at ‘Em, Antifa! The New Free Speech

In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation, a U.S. mayor got a four-star resort to cancel a conservative conference by threatening to withdraw police and fire protection.
With all the media blubbering about “attempts to DESTROY our democracy” and violations of “constitutional norms,” it’s remarkable that this Howitzer blast to the First Amendment has received barely any attention, much less the front-page coverage it deserves, not even from the conservative press.
The banned conference, you see, was about immigration.
Wow, our elites really don’t want Americans thinking about immigration! (Remember, kids: It’s a right-wing conspiracy theory –- and racist, to boot! –- to think that liberals are using mass immigration to change the country.)
The sponsor of the conference was VDARE, a long-standing immigration website espousing ideas that are basically identical to Trump’s 2016 immigration promises — both before he made them and after he broke them. The main difference is that the arguments on VDARE are expressed in proper English, and the writers actually believe what they say.
As the 2016 election demonstrated, these ideas are quite popular with a certain segment of voters. Not everyone, just enough to elect a president no one thought could ever be elected, who was loathed by the media, and who was outspent 2-to-1.
Named for Virginia Dare, the first European born on U.S soil, VDARE promotes the novel idea that U.S. immigration policy should benefit Americans. (Obviously, that includes white, Hispanic, Asian and black Americans — whom, by the way, mass immigration hurts the most.) Naturally, therefore, it has been designated a “white supremacist” website by the country’s largest hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Four months after VDARE signed a contract to hold its annual conference at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort in Colorado Springs, the local mayor, John Suthers — nominee for the Liz Cheney Profiles in Courage Award! — issued a public announcement accusing VDARE of engaging in “hate speech” and urging the resort to cancel (OK, whatever), but also vowing to deny “any support or resources to this event” if the resort honored the contract.
Hey antifa, in case anybody’s interested — if you firebomb this conference, we won’t be sending any firetrucks. And if you want to attack the attendees, there won’t be any police showing up to stop you.
The next day, the resort canceled the contract and, per the agreement, paid a kill fee. VDARE sued the mayor, alleging a violation of its First Amendment rights.
Here’s the frightening part: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit (one Obama judge and two G.W. Bush judges; one dissent) found for the mayor on the grounds that it’s possible that the resort canceled NOT because the mayor announced that there would be no police or fire protection, but because of … CHARLOTTESVILLE!
Which VDARE had nothing to do with. (Again, VDARE is an immigration website, not a street protest organization.)
If the Supreme Court does not agree to take up this case and brutally slap down the 10th Circuit, “free speech” will be officially limited to speech acceptable to antifa, working hand-in-hand with liberal mayors and governors.
I have long maintained that the left never truly cared about free speech. They merely pretended to in order to protect the people they actually supported: communists and pornographers. That was the sort of “speech” that used to get banned.
But today, the speech that gets banned includes statements like: There are only two genders; Maybe we shouldn’t defund the police; Affirmative action is unjust; Masks don’t work — No they work! No, they don’t work! Also, apparently, speech asserting that mass immigration has not been an unalloyed good for our country, contributing to our prosperity, cohesiveness and happiness.
One of Justice William Brennan’s hallowed quotes is: “[T]he government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” Those stirring words were in defense of flag-burning. And here’s a famous one from Justice William O. Douglas: “Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” That was about communists.
But ever since conservative speech became the target of censors, liberals adore governmental suppression of speech. (The one, lone exception that proves the rule: Nadine Strossen, former president of the ACLU and author of “HATE: Why We Should Resist It With Free Speech, Not Censorship.”)
As the 10th Circuit explained, conservative speakers should have no expectation of police and fire protection. Specifically, the majority opinion declared: “What VDARE wanted, it had no right to demand — municipal resources to monitor a private entity’s private event.” (Monitor? How about: “That the city not refuse to send police officers and firetrucks.”)
So I guess we can forget that sonorous horse crap about the First Amendment protecting ideas that “society finds … offensive or disagreeable.” The left’s new model is a public-private partnership to prohibit speech unacceptable to Joy Ann Reid.
Henceforth, blue states and cities will be free to shut down conservative speakers, MAGA meetings, Daughters of the American Revolution gatherings or anti-mask protests. Some jackass mayor will claim that the conservatives are threatening to engage in “hate speech” and deny them police and fire protection (then sit back and wait for the accolades from the media).
With midterms approaching, conservatives are feeling giddy. Everything the left holds dear — open borders, “racial equity,” Defund the Police, critical race theory — is toxic to voters. Woo hoo! We’re winning!
Not so fast, patriots. While you fist-pump, liberals are busy institutionalizing the censorship of conservatives throughout the nation. You want to talk about “institutional bias”? How about the systemic bias against any ideas unacceptable to progressives being baked into American society?
If the Supreme Court fails to overturn the outrageous opinion in VDARE Foundation v. City of Colorado Springs, free speech’s gravestone will read: “Bedrock principle of a nation; 1791-2022.”
1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500
“I have long maintained that the left never truly cared about free speech. They merely pretended to in order to protect the people they actually supported: communists and pornographers. That was the sort of “speech” that used to get banned” – Miss Coulter is correct. The Left supports ‘free speech’ when they are in the MINORITY in terms of numbers and influence. We witnessed this clearly during the 1960s as their movement to destroy the traditional and White foundation of America began to take shape.
However, as soon as they gained both the public’s sympathy and support in huge numbers, they began to tone down their ‘free speech’ rhetoric. All of a sudden it wasn’t so important as before. This is because ‘free speech’ was never important by itself as a principle for a ‘fair and equitable society.’ It was only a tool used by the Bolshevik Left to destroy every last vestige of White America.
Even the Jewish-dominated ACLU has been as quiet as a church mouse on this matter for some time. ‘Free speech rights’ which has been their bread-and-butter in previous decades is somehow not so urgent of an issue anymore. With few exceptions, they seem strangely quiet about it all. Yet it’s not really strange in the least if you think about it. The ACLU and other similar organizations that are infested with Jewish cultural subversives have in large part started to get what they always wanted – namely, the suppression of their political enemies and all of it being done through legal channels which gives it a less ominous appearance.
Excellent comment, Boatus. And that bit about the left’s former support for free speech having to do mainly with fellow travelers and pornographers had me nodding in agreement too.
The SPLC the largest hate group in America? I would’ve thought that Nation of Islam is a lot larger. B’nai Brith also?
Virginia Dare wasn’t likely the first Criolla–or Creole (the original meaning, i.e., a person of European ancestry born in the New World). Presumably she was the first BRITISH Criolla, but St. Augustine in Florida was founded over two decades earlier and no doubt there were births there–of children of the colonizing Spaniards.
But aside from these minor points, what a devastating indictment…. “The left’s new model is a public-private partnership to prohibit speech unacceptable to Joy Ann Reid.” Bull’s eye.
Neo-Marxist enemies are pulling out all stops to subvert our civilization, trampling on law and constitutionality; and conventional, electoral politics may not suffice to stop them. We might well wonder whether the mere possession of a Second Amendment is any good….
P.S. Yes, if SCOTUS doesn’t rule in favor of VDARE, then it’s less useful than a rubber crutch and our disappointment by Kavanagh and Barrett must deepen…. To think we, or some of us here, sweated over their confirmation. Also, my Carthgo delenda est– https://theeuropeanfamily.com/f/white-partisanship-roe-vs-wade
David Irving learned early on to always have backup venues for his scheduled lectures. These alternate locations, by prior agreement and modus operandi, were solely divulged to vetted attendees.
Surely such a conference by VDARE didn’t rely on passers-by and lost skiers to casually drop in and must also have had a list.
Well, live and damned well better learn !
“In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation,”
Fear did Not seize the nation. I don’t care how Jewish you are, it doesn’t give you license to give distorted explanations.
What It did was unite the USA again with hope leadership and inspiration. (Not so much because of “orange man” as that our votes asserted a huge difference and WE had the USA back in our possession again for a brief period – perhaps better than ever before and appropriately natural) Yet the media covering only the here and there patches of paid for staged upheaval in big cities sold/told us the entire World was seized by “mostly peaceful protests” as bricks went through business windows, peoples being pulled out of cars and severely beaten at random and entire city blocks in full on towering blaze engulfment.
Was this Jewish supremacy at work? No. It was their proclivity and talent (dubious) to set and stage diverting conditions that have the differentiated unsuspecting population Buy from their businesses only, (eg fck the new President! Watch our important news instead!) under conditions of duress- ie clandestine social engineering of herding the public towards their profit funnel.
Ann Coulter huh? Hmm. Now I’m wondering when and how they plan to swindle away and divert credit away from Dr Kevin Macdonald’s publication paper. If I don’t do anything else I will fight against that from ever happening not for any other reason than for statute of truthfulness.
The violation of our belief in holding Trust up as a premium -now under incredible conditions of odds – is but again almost at an end. as swept under the rugs of bogus history as it might be… we are the last people you want as adversaries when we think we’ve had enough.
My DNA is hearing the music again. The same music our ancestors played and heard throughout the centuries that have survived to thrive again and again all the while choosing to preserve the value of trust above all else in the midst of Jewish antagonizing and persecution of the spirit our people.
And law schools are cranking out a plethora of leftist lawyers which will eventually mean we will not likely find a lawyer to defend our free speech , it will be case goes unheard.
Much more efficient to call a Constitutional Convention and do away entirely with that pesky Amendment.
And, since they are in town already for that one, why not do away with the next one as well ?
I forget the exact time and circumstances, but the last time such Convention was called, the requisite number of States declined; fearing, that once assembled, nothing could prevent them from additional changes.
Alternately, they would be tempted to copy the neighborly Trudeau model. All of the US MSM falsely reported, regrettably including FOX, that black-face Justin was the first PM to invoke The Emergency Act. IN TRUTH, his Moscow [ 52, prior to Stalin’s death ], Havana and Beijing-visiting/ admiring father Pierre, had invoked the War Measures Act during the Quebec secessionist problems in the late sixties. At least there were a few kidnappings, murders and ransom demands, as well as safe passage to [ you guessed it ] Cuba.
Purportedly the WM Act was also invoked twice during either or both WWI and II.
Those college students interviewed by Jesse Watters on the streets of NYC, unable to name the war which attained US independence, must all have become journalists.
A convention was used to repeal prohibition for the purpose of establishing precedent for its use.
All the harping about a runaway convention is bunk because regardless of what is put out by the convention it still has to be ratified by 4/5ths the states. A high bar.
Check the facts in both of your paragraphs before you try to Sway…..us.
Shockingly, my above Reply to you is already outdated.
The ” Postmaster ” of the net informed me, that my forwarded e-mail, to a number of friends, could not be transmitted.
Therefore, have a look at the following video by the Conservative Leader of Parliament; and don’t think that couldn’t happen to you: given the identical puppeteers.
Still talking about The Left.
It’s The Jews.
Of course it’s the jews but not all of the future lawyers will be jews but they will have been indoctrinated by jew professors with jewish left-wing Marxist worldviews. .
A Mr. Crow from Dallas pulled himself up from nowhere and built one of the largest commercial real estate empires in the US. One such holding was the Cheyenne Mountain Resort, the venue of the sabotaged VDARE convention.
He and his wife passed away at a ripe old age, leaving many children. Yet his fortune is being managed by CROW HOLDINGS, of which MICHAEL LEVI is the CEO.
The Mayor, GOP Suthers, knows only too well what side his next electioneering costs are buttered on and only saluted and bowed to the resort management.
Anne’s essay suggests, by mentioning that the facilities were contracted four months earlier, that it was sabotaged at the last minute: purposely inflicting the greatest possible financial loss, through travel arrangements and waste of precious personal time.
Not to mention the thus necessitated future arrangement by VDARE and the cumbersome rescheduling of its lecturers and attendees.
Nothing like dropping some white phosphor bombs on our own occupied zone. Pattern recognition: anyone ?
Miss Coulter, upon further reading, totally misunderstands things. There is no Left. There is only Jews.
It’s that that simple. It’s like the people who are referred to as neocons. They are Jews. Sure there are some vile shabos goys, but they are Trotskyite Jews.
Where is the Great Prof. William Luther Pierce? We need Dr. Pierce.
So-called defenders of white America don’t even know who the enemy is.
Surely there’s more to the left than Jews, even if Jews are ultimately responsible for the power of the left.
Yes, Professor McDonald. You are correct. Nevertheless, without Jews there would be no concerted effort to destroy all European/white countries with the Kalergi Plan.
Thanks for contracting one of a handful of Americans, who remember the now defunct difference between ‘ who ‘ and ‘ whom ‘ !
She’s great in every respect.
Plenty of Jews on the Right. Trump’s campaign, transition team, and administration were loaded with them, as well as Trump’s business ’empire’. Look no further than Trump’s Sec. of Commerce, the Rothschild billionaire Wilbur Ross. Bailed Trump out in the 90s and owned and groomed him thereafter. An old Jewish strategy, which included Wilson and Churchill.
It was a Jewish porn producer who recruited and groomed Candice Owens for her role as right wing talking head. Other young right wing spokespeople were also recruited by this same Jewish porn producer.
The Jews dominate both sides of the aisle, acting as a third force that incites the two sides against each other in a classic divide, conflict and conquer strategy.
Where to place one’s trust certainly brings its own more or less consequential advantages and dangers alike.
KM, several essayists and numerous commenters here, including yours truly, have freely admitted having come from somewhere on the left spectrum.
I believe the jewish porn mentor failed with Candice Owens, ” birthing person ” of three [?] children, who talked on FOX of her rightward journey.
Without Meyer Lansky, Frank Sinatra, and their cohort of exploitative swine, running casinos and whorehouses , we might never have heard of Fidel: whose successors placed at least two of Biden’s Cabinet.
Bolshevik jews to the left, zionist jews to the right.. both want our destruction. Quite the Kosher sandwhich.
There are Jews and their shitlib collaborators. That is ‘The Left’ today.
Someone mentioned NOI as a hate group or something, that’s crazy. We have loads in common with them. NOI isn’t real Islam, how could an American black version of something, be a real anything?
But even Muslims are our allys. Though obviously not ZOG Wahhabi death squads.
And I’ve got more reason to be prejudiced or ‘racist’ against Muslims than most, I’ve known people personally mixed up in their massive sex-slaving operations in England. Which are still going on, right now. I’ve seen with my own eyes the dirty bstrds that do it. Everyone knows who they are.
But they are dumb, pathetic creatures. You can’t hate them. The real villains in this ongoing tragedy are the Jews who started the whole thing, but even more, the whites in power who allow it to continue because they are gutless traitors. The feminists have allot to answer for over this as well.
If it was up to me I’d fly every scumbag Muslim rapist back where they came from. The Jews can leave too, who cares. They presumably cannot help themselves any more can them 75 IQ mutant kebab workers.
But our own traitorous sell outs? That’s a different matter.
Yes, OF COURSE, the Nation of Islam is a racist hate group lol. So are the Black Hebrew Israelites. They both are anti-White.
But, you say, the Muslims are “dumb, pathetic creatures….You can’t hate them.” What does hate necessarily have to do with it? If a demographic does inimical things to any other, it is an enemy of that other. One may either hate that offending demographic or one may not; but taking measures to contain or repel it would always seem to be in order, if one’s own people can thereby be spared harm.
I don’t suppose cobras will ever win Nobel Prizes for physics, but if I had a jungle camp I’d be careful to eradicate any cobras I saw in the vicinity before I went to sleep. Nor would that mean I hated them personally. I see that hate is central to your “thought,” making you think, for example, that people who disagree with your creed hate you.
Your attempt to cast the Jews as the one group harmful to the Europe-descended is of the same mental level of almost all your assertions. I guess your ineptitude in arguing a case must be expected, being that among other things you’re an adult (!) who credits guys getting born of virgins, walking on water, raising the dead and rising from the dead, while you’re incapable of perceiving something as clearly real as that people discriminate against others based on race–hate them for their race, just as surely as misogynists hate women for being women and androphobes hate men simply for being men.
“Yes, OF COURSE, the Nation of Islam is a racist hate group lol. So are the Black Hebrew Israelites. They both are anti-White.”
Does “anti-white” mean they hate whites, or just prefer their own. Don’t you prefer your own? You may “hate” certain groups, but most people grow up, and realise ‘hate’ comes from anger, which is a feminine emotion to be overcome, not boasted of.
“But, you say, the Muslims are “dumb, pathetic creatures….You can’t hate them.” What does hate necessarily have to do with it?”
I don’t know, you tell me. What I meant was it was absurd to hate them, just like it’s absurd to care so much about the opinions of people you’ll never meet.
“If a demographic does inimical things to any other, it is an enemy of that other. One may either hate that offending demographic or one may not; but taking measures to contain or repel it would always seem to be in order, if one’s own people can thereby be spared harm.”
No ones going to argue with such a statement, it goes without saying, especially on this site.
I see that hate is central to your “thought,” making you think, for example, that people who disagree with your creed hate you.”
You see too much. You are hallucinating. You need to get over this strawman stuff, it’s boring. Just concentrate on what people actually say, stop making up your own personal interpretation of what you think they think, then arguing against that.
“Your attempt to cast the Jews as the one group harmful to the Europe-descended is of the same mental level of almost all your assertions. I guess your ineptitude in arguing a case must be expected, being that among other things you’re an adult (!) who credits guys getting born of virgins, walking on water, raising the dead and rising from the dead, while you’re incapable of perceiving something as clearly real as that people discriminate against others based on race–hate them for their race, just as surely as misogynists hate women for being women and androphobes hate men simply for being men.”
I didn’t know what an ‘androphobe’ was. So I looked it up:
“The term originated inside feminist and lesbian-feminist movements to balance the opposite term “gynophobia,” – Healthline.com
So well done, you’ve won a great victory. My mind will now presumably be forever poisoned with this retarded Jewish gibberish.
No, it’s clear that there are blacks, and perhaps especially those in NOI, who do not prefer themselves but who certainly hate Whites for being Whites. Blacks’ greatest problem at bottom–after their level of intelligence and impulse control–is a problem with self-esteem. And their animosity toward Whites is abundantly documented.
Your depicting racism as a Jewish hoax lol (while wholly believing in JEWS’ ethnicity-based bigotry lol!) is absurd of course, as is your talking as though blacks are incapable of bigotry. Speaking of Black Muslims, in 1970s California a number of them murdered innocent whites by randomly shooting them point-blank in the streets, with the death toll estimated to be as high as 72. Now, these Zebra Killers (so they were called in the Press) targeted Whites only and were ideologically motivated to do so, as were the Nation of Yahweh (a branch of the Black Hebrew Israelites) who killed at least 13 White Floridians more recently, for initiation into the clique.
Now, were these groups disposed to randomly kill Whites for love of Whites, or indifference to them, or hostility toward them? If it’s the latter, how is it so unreasonable to say that they were motivated by racial animus–in a word, racism? (I have to reason with you as one does with a child in kindergarten, I guess.)
In 2017, in Chicago, four blacks tortured an 18-year-old mentally challenged White boy: they beat him with fists, made him drink from a toilet bowl, while they shouted “Fuck White people!” They livestreamed this on Facebook and were accordingly arrested. There was hatred involved there, I suspect (lol), and it was directed toward a race. What then? NOT a racial-hate crime?
Look, poor fella, if the term “racism” offends thee so because a Jew might’ve coined it, maybe we can give another name to the realities it denotes? How about “ethnic/genetic-related bigotry”?
Lol, if racism can’t exist because a Jew named it, I suppose that none if the math theorems authored by Jewish mathematicians can be accepted as valid? And if a Jew tells you that by definition a 10-foot pole is 120 inches long, you must disbelieve him? AND DON’T SAY I USE STRAWMEN AGAINST YOU: I base my retorts on what your words really imply. In this case, there is as much reason to believe that people treat others differently on the basis of race, and hate them on that basis, as there is to credit sound mathematical conclusions.
But I think you’re especially solicitous about Nation of Islam being seen for what it is. You want people to think that, if it weren’t for Jews, blacks would be no menace–that Jewish propaganda is at fault. But NOI aren’t listening to Jews: they hate Jews and White goyim alike (as do the Black Hebrew Israelites, whom I controverted for years in YouTube). They teach that Caucasians are devils–actual devils–and the result of a disastrous experiment done long ago by black scientists, who created us.
That Jews represent the most formidable of our foes doesn’t mean that we lack others, nor that in dealing with the Jewish assaults we don’t need to deal with others. Even if blacks are (for argument’s sake) only weapons in Talmudic hands, the bigger and more potent the weapons, the more damage to us!
P.S. Congrats for saying something I never dreamed I’d see on the pages of TOO. “Someone mentioned Nation of Islam as a hate group or something, that’s crazy. WE HAVE LOADS IN COMMON WITH THEM.” My emphasis LOL!
In fact even friendly blacks differ from Caucasians more than any other human group–genetically, phenotypically/physically, and cognitively. The NOI variety, on top of this, are rabidly anti-White. But since blacks are farthest from us on the human tree, mingling with them changes us more than does similar proximity to any other group, irrespective of their politics. And that includes cognitively, since blacks are the major grouping with the lowest average IQ–such that mingling with them tends to subject White lineage to a substantial fall in intelligence.
That’s why WNs would love an ethnostate, a White land without blacks. Me, I don’t care how admirable a black individual might be: I wouldn’t want my sister to marry him; nor do I want children or grandchildren with frizzy afros, flat noses, thick lips, dusky complexion and lowered IQ. I’m funny that way lol. And it’s not because I’d consider the black individual inferior: he could be a Thomas Sowell or a JL Peterson. No, it’d be because I treasure my heritage, including the biological part; and I wish to see it perpetuated, passed down to a new generation, rather than lost in admixture with a very divergent type.
But my attitude characterizes people who value race, and I don’t blame you for finding it pretty alien. Funny, though, how you found your way here, where so many people value race so much….
I had the same reaction as you Albtris7. I’m at the point where if an article doesnt talk about Jews, it doesnt even seem worth reading. Do I enjoy thinking about Jews all the time? Hell, no. Did Russians “enjoy” thinking about the Mongols?
Conservatives like Ann Coulter are trying to rhetorically shame Jews and Shabbos Goyim into doing the right thing. You might win with that 1 out of 10 times, but you’re still playing a losing game.
Coulter says, “Named for Virginia Dare, the first European born on U.S soil, VDARE promotes the novel idea that U.S. immigration policy should benefit Americans. (Obviously, that includes white, Hispanic, Asian and black Americans — whom, by the way, mass immigration hurts the most.) Naturally, therefore, it has been designated a “white supremacist” website by the country’s largest hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center.”
When did Americans consent to or vote to allow Mexicans and Asians to immigrate into this country and become citizens? I stopped following VDare because they publish Michelle Malkin who is Asian and married to a Jew who is a member of the Council On Foreign Relations. That is no small thing. If non whites who have already been brought into our country are okay with Coulter than why does she have a problem with the ones being brought here now?
White Homelands Matter. White people are a minority race with no place to go as we are overwhelmed by non whites who are hostile to us in our own country even at this point when they are not even a majority yet.
On New Years Eve the first babies to be born in local hospitals were non white. White children are already a minority. We must deport every non white back to where they came from and debate whether legal black descendants of slaves should be allowed to vote since the average IQ is 85 and they contribute nothing but problems.
We should stop accepting the things we’re told such as Jim Crow was bad. We should have proper discussions rather than having everything forced on us. How are inner city no-go zones where blacks have been segregated better than Jim Crow? We lived around blacks during Jim Crow and they worked and were law abiding, And it’s debatable whether they should get to vote.
Coulter never and I mean never names the Jew. None of these non whites would be invading any white country if not for the trouble making parasitic, cancerous international plague Jews.
I just lost my Instagram account for posting a comment in regard to a post where a black had murdered an Asian woman and they were whining about racism. It was probably a Chinese or other Asian working for Zuckerberg who censored my comments and closed my account. We’re not even allowed to support or oppose policies in our own country because of these other races and it will only get worse.
I’m sure Coulter never comes into contact with most of these invaders and cares more about posturing as a tolerant person than she cares about ordinary citizens. She has contempt for southerners like myself whom she referred to as “wild and woolly”. That would be fine except that she gets a say about things but we have to live with the consequences of decisions made by others rather than getting to make our own choices. Maybe the North should secede. Go in peace.
So true.
How can any group that supposedly wants the white race to survive have anything to do with Jews? Malkin is a hardcore Zionist. It’s like Jared Taylor’s infatuation with Jews. Taylor thinks Jews like him because he embraces them. Pathetic.
Jews have their faults, but they do not compromise their beliefs to please white gentiles. Read Marcus Eli Ravage.
All Europeans everywhere who care about our survival should reject Taylor.
Then, there is the very ‘macho’ Richard Spencer, LOL, who worships Alexander Dugin and calls himself a Bolshevik. Seriously?
Who are these people?
Is Malkin a Zionist? Lot’s of normal white people supported those invasions in the early 00’s because they wanted to break something and get revenge against Muslims in general. I don’t think that’s an unhealthy impulse.
I supported them myself as a nipper, simply because I though it was exciting and would make good television.
Though also because I despised the insufferable, masochistic left-wing opposition to them.
MM probably thought she married a white. He was presumably rich. I don’t get the feeling he has any influence on her, in fact, I’d bet my life that she rules him.
When was she last pushing ZOG wars?
I last remember her standing up for the groypers against the disgusting, vile, degenerate Conservative establishment.
There is a reason she is not on FOX News anymore, she’s older and wiser, she speaks the truth, so of course she is going to end up at our sites.
I wouldn’t trust Ron Unz farther than I could throw him, but I don’t think these Jews can help being shifty, it’s a part of their curse.
But his American Pravda series is incomparable for getting intelligent normies closer to the red pill, basically because that’s what he was. Plus huge love for putting all those post-WWII banned authors’ books online.
If ZOG can use Nazis to fight their wars for them in Ukraine, shouldn’t we use Jews in our struggles?
Some white paradise sounds great, but it ain’t gonna happen until this rotten system collapses. And who knows how to subvert systems better than Jews?
VDARE is rarely discussed here. A quote from greedy Brimelow: “Anyone of any race can become American.” That’s what the Founders said in 1790, according to unreliabull sources. . .I sent Mr. Brimelow a rude response, problem is, it wasn’t rude enough. . .
Thanks Barbara. I fully support what you say here. Don’t notice any men with the wherewithall to say it, including the editor. Why? Is it Ann’s long blonde locks – down to her knees yet? Or is she keeping it trimmed to just below mid-back? Oh, the sexiness.
I think most men can’t get out of adolescence – and it pains me to say it. They have an ego problem. Their ego rules them. Women not so much (with the ego, that is). The ego = looking out for #1. These guys haven’t figured out how to look out for the ‘White’ race and look out for themselves at the same time.
BTW, you’re better off not posting at Instagram … imo. Do you want to write something at my site, cy.net? Just let me know.
Instagram is Russian GRU and Israeli.
The servers are in Dubai. Friendly to IsRaHell.
Jew #1: Oy vey! That goy mayor in Colorado Springs is getting a little out of hand. He’s pushing the goyim too hard, I tell you, that they can’t hold their little conference.
Jew # 2 You’re kabbatz! You think you can let these goyim talk to one another like that? Next thing you know they’re going to be lining up boxcars, I tell you.
Jew #1: Ach, it’s not so bad. These goyim can at least help us build up Israel. Have you forgotten about Plan B? And we need to keep a few of these *hard-nosed* goyim around to control the schvartzes for us. We Bronsteins can’t *all* live in gated communities.
Jew #2: You’re an ingrate. You can put up with a few schvartzes for all they do for us!
I’m sure, that dialogues such as yours have been held, in one variation or another, uncountable times.
Your Bronstein gated community, I read as Trotsky’s fortified compound and current Museum on Vienna Street, in a Mexico City suburb.
Early in 68, before it became publicly accessible by arrangement, a friend and I drove past it to merely have a gander from outside. However, a caretaker had opened the 8ft high steel gate and we offered him a 5 dollar fortune for a private tour throughout the house and outbuildings.
He allowed me to sit in the very chair in which Trotsky [ Bronstein ] sat when Mercardor, at Stalin’s behest, buried his icepick in the back of his skull. The icepick of course was silent, whereas a shot would have alarmed his guards who would have thwarted M’s escape.
However, the use of the icepick had another symbolism: it had been used as the usual murder weapon by the early Bolsheviks and OGPU, since they needed to spare their scarce ammunitions.
A Russian speaking friend told me decades ago what that pick was endearingly nicknamed by those killers, but it slipped my mind.
That pick is now in a Washington Museum.
It’s actually a reference to the fact that the joke among Jews was “the Trostkys make the revolutions and the Bronsteins suffer the consequences.”. i.e. the common Jew.
But I liked your story a lot. Incredible experience.
Miss Coulter doesn’t like to mention Jews; her background is upper-middle class, Connecticut, liberal GOP. She’s a comedienne, and a good one, but comedy only goes so far.
Actually….I think that Ann HAS taken a few snipes at the jews….and the fact that her article is here should tell you something.
Michelle Malkin is a great asset as well…..she has surely done more for white well being that any of the people throwing stones at her.
Liberalism is a cover for the naked self interest of the jews….but they pretty much control both “sides” anyway, due to donating to both sides, as well as controlling the narrative via their ownership of the media.
KMAC says:
“Surely there’s more to the left than Jews, even if Jews are ultimately responsible for the power of the left.”
Yes, sadly, there are shabbos goy sellouts on both the right and the left, and without these scumbags organized jewry would
not be able to conduct their nation wrecking agenda.
It’s all so tiresome.