Do These Black Lives Matter to L.A.’s Idiot D.A.

Hey, whatever happened to that story about Sandra Shells? She was the 70-year-old nurse killed by one of Los Angeles’ many “unhoused” individuals (drug-addicted psychopaths) while she waited for a bus at 5:15 in the morning in January, on her way to her job at the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center.
A homeless guy, Kerry Bell, walked up to Shells and punched her in the face, knocking her to the ground and fracturing her skull. She died of her injuries three days later.
Her life mattered more even than, say, George Floyd’s — and I can prove it.
1) Shells was a hardworking nurse, remembered as “kind, compassionate and giving” and a favorite of patients.
2) There is no evidence that she’d ever committed a home invasion robbery on a woman in Texas, pistol-whipped the woman and put a gun to her abdomen.
3) She was not a meth addict.
4) She did not have a long rap sheet, including selling cocaine, selling crack and theft.
5) She was merely standing at a bus stop — not, for example, resisting arrest after passing a counterfeit bill and having the police called on her.
But no one even knows her name, much less runs around erecting sacramental altars to her. To the contrary, news about this vicious assault on a kindly nurse was purged from all media outlets approximately 10 minutes after it happened. The police haven’t even released her assailant’s mug shot. Only after extensive searching online can you find the arrest report for Bell. “Race: B.”
It doesn’t matter to me, but it does to some of you, so I’ll mention that the victim’s race was also “B.”
If you can’t remember Shells’ name, then please remember this name: George Gascon, the district attorney entirely responsible for the explosion of murders, stabbings and smash-and-grab robberies in Los Angeles. So many, in fact, that the sickening murder of an elderly nurse isn’t considered especially newsworthy.
There’s an effort underway to recall Gascon — a George Soros-sponsored D.A. Coincidentally, there’s also an effort to recall San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin, another George Soros-sponsored D.A. “George Soros-sponsored D.A.” is shorthand for “This man will empty the prisons of berserk savages to prey on you and your loved ones.”
Which happens to be the official policy of the Democratic Party. Pay no attention to the windbaggery of President Biden’s recent Oh My God, Midterms Are Coming speech — I mean, State of the Union address — where he said, “The answer is not to defund the police. The answer is to fund the police!” Has he met his vice president? Kamala Harris endorsed Gascon.
Gascon’s response to the bloodbath he’s unleashed on the City of Angels is to announce: “In many ways, we cannot prosecute our way out of social inequalities, income inequalities, the unhoused, the desperation that we have.”
What does the “in many ways” do in that sentence? I know English isn’t Gascon’s first language, but I can’t make heads or tails of the “in many ways.”
Nor, come to think of it, the rest of the sentence. Is it a prosecutor’s job to reduce “social” and “income” inequalities? How about inequalities in work ethic, mathematical skills, good looks, athletic ability, comedic talent and empathetic understanding?
While it’s nice that the Los Angeles D.A. has made the amazing discovery that people are different, if he thinks it’s his duty to make all people the same, he may have misunderstood the job description of a D.A.
Gascon is either very, very stupid or thinks the public is stupid, and his incomprehensible verbiage will persuade them that the last thing he should be doing is prosecuting criminals.
How’s this for desperation? The fabulously wealthy Clarence and Jacqueline Avant, a legendary music producer and his ex-model wife, felt they had to hire a private security guard for their $7 million Beverly Hills home. Late last year, they’d also voted with their neighbors to hire guards to patrol their pricey Trousdale Estates neighborhood.
Days before the neighborhood patrol began, Aariel Maynor, a felon on parole despite a long list of priors (assault, robbery and grand theft) snuck past the Avants’ private guard at the front door, smashed a sliding glass door in the back, and burst in on the very much awake Mrs. Avant, a night owl, as her husband slept in their bedroom.
Maynor promptly blew her away with an AR-15 rifle. Hearing the gunfire, the private guard rushed in and Maynor shot at him, too, missing. He fled, but was captured about an hour later, after accidentally shooting himself in the foot while burglarizing a house seven miles away.
Mrs. Avant’s life mattered — even more than some other celebrated lives you may have heard of.
My proof:
1) She was the “pillar of that family,” as a friend put it.
2) She was a generous donor to local causes, such as the Neighbors of Watts and the South Central Community Child Care Center.
3) She was not a meth addict or violent ex-con who’d put a gun to a woman’s stomach, or passed a counterfeit bill in Minneapolis, then resisted arrest.
4) For my liberal readers: Mrs. Avant was an African-American.
But far from a national rending of garments, as we saw in tribute to Saint George, the response to Mrs. Avant’s murder was this: The D.A. promptly sent out a fundraising letter, making a heartfelt plea on behalf of armed criminals like the sociopath who killed her.
Gascon’s letter urged the passage of a law that would end sentence enhancements for crimes committed with a firearm. Such “sentence enhancements,” Gascon claimed, “have never been shown to reduce the rate of crime, and excessive sentence enhancements can actually drive up re-offense.”
Really? Can I see the study? Pro-crime zealots just make this crap up. Studies show that imprisoning criminals actually INCREASES crime.
It’s bad enough to have dangerous psychos out on the street, threatening our lives because there’s something wrong with their brains. The least we can expect is that they aren’t D.A.s.
Racial Profiling
In Minneapolis, a petty crime was reported by a store cashier and a black suspect was apprehended. He died while resisting arrest by city police, including a “neck restraint” which was caught on video, and the officers involved were immediately accused of murder. This incident triggered a wave of well-organized protests around the country, accompanied by an orgy of looting and burning in dozens of cities.
In St. Louis, during the “protests”, a retired black police captain guarding a pawn shop was gunned down by a gang of black looters who proceeded to pillage the store. The St. Louis police released security camera video showing the perpetrators. The alleged shooter was identified and has since been arrested. How many other “black lives” and black businesses were damaged or destroyed by these “protestors”?
The first story received non-stop media coverage, with vapid “social justice” commentary portraying the victim as some sort of “hero” and cultural archetype. As the city was burning, the liberal Jewish mayor staged a melodramatic performance during a memorial service. They failed to mention that the suspect was a serial felon and drug user, who had recently served 5 years in prison for an armed home invasion robbery. The autopsy report revealed high levels of fentanyl, morphine and meth in his system, which was likely the primary cause of his death. UPDATE: Police bodycam video of the arrest, hidden from the public for two months, clearly shows that the media story was false.
The second story received no media coverage, because it does not fit the agenda. Why is it that a black felon allegedly killed by a white cop is somehow a national tragedy, while an elderly black security guard shot dead by a gang of young black looters isn’t even worth a mention? The hypocrisy of the “black lives matter” looters and the communist “anti-fascist” thugs is exceeded only by their liberal sponsors and promoters. Where is the outrage over the hundreds of black murders that occur every week in these Democrat controlled cities? Where is the justice for David Dorn and his family?
For years, gangs of black “youths” in downtown Minneapolis have been attacking, beating and robbing people on the streets. Decades of misguided and ineffective “liberal” policies have created and sustained this dysfunctional subculture. But rather than correcting the root cause of the problem, delusional city leaders are planning to abolish the police department to appease the mob instead. In Seattle, the socialist city leaders have even surrendered parts of the pricey Capitol Hill district to the “protestors”. Other political stunts like painting racist slogans on public property and allowing the destruction of historic monuments will not solve these problems.
Conservative blogger Candace Owens has pointed out that black males comprise less than 6% of the US population, and a minority of those are responsible for over 40% of all violent crime. Decent, law-abiding black citizens are the primary victims of this criminal underclass which has been glamorized by the “liberal” media, sponsored by virtue-signalling corporate execs, and enabled by “liberal” policy makers for their own political and financial gain.
UPDATE: As the flames and chaos rose around them, the Chicago city council went into complete meltdown, as this leaked conference call reveals. Incompetent civic policy based on flawed ideology, hypocrisy and corruption set the stage for this “sh*t show”, as an alderman describes it. See this racist rant from a Chicago woman upset that some non-black store owners dared to defend their property from the mob.
UPDATE: A black history professor at Univ of California has written a scathing letter denouncing the counter-productive actions of radical protest groups and their hypocritical white supporters, including the suppression of discussion regarding black crime rates and the failures of “liberal” social policies. Here are a few highlights:
“[We] reject a narrative that strips black people of agency and systematically externalizes the problems of the black community onto outsiders… The vast majority of violence visited on the black community is committed by black people. There are virtually no marches for these invisible victims, no public silences, no heartfelt letters from the UC regents, deans, and departmental heads… Black violence is expected and insoluble, while white violence requires explanation and demands solution… No discussion is permitted for non-black victims of black violence…
The American cities with the worst rates of black-on-black violence and police-on-black violence are overwhelmingly Democrat-run… The patronizing and condescending attitudes of Democrat leaders towards the black community…all but guarantee a perpetual state of misery, resentment, poverty, and the attendant grievance politics which are simultaneously annihilating American political discourse and black lives…
— From the Open letter on black crime
UPDATE: See the documentary “Seattle is Dying” showing how “liberal” policy makers have allowed the city to be overrun by vagrants, drug users, and violent felons while mouthing platitudes of “tolerance” and “diversity”. The delusional fantasy world of the socialist demagogues and their juvenile groupies is based on false premises. Two young blacks have already been shot and killed in their lawless, trashed out Seattle “protest” zone. Time to grow up, get real, and take back our cities!
UPDATE: The “limousine liberal” mayor of Seattle finally decided to allow the police to restore order — after the socialist mob showed up outside her $7 million dollar house, disturbing her placid neighborhood with their threats and demands.
Here’s a message from the racist, socialist “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) poster boys to all of their deluded “liberal” supporters and their children. It’s a photograph, proudly posted on social media, showing a young black BLM supporter kneeling on the neck of a white toddler, held face down on the floor by another black, with the text “BLM now MF!”. If you don’t understand the symbology, ask someone to interpret it for you.
This assault occurred in Springfield, Ohio. The “oppressed” black loser posing over his little trophy is a convicted criminal, and a boyfriend of the child’s white trash mother. His other accomplices are not yet identified. However, the leading BLM enablers and apologists are well-known, and have had their knees on our necks for decades.
Another “victim of systemic racism” on the public payroll in Atlanta replied: “Lean into it until death! You saw the video! Get it right or stop f***ing around!”. In the highly publicized case of deceased felon George Floyd (see below), a large dose of fentanyl was required to “get it right” which was never mentioned. See the full bodycam video of his arrest, which refutes the “liberal” propaganda story. Also see the true story of Breonna Taylor and her drug dealer boyfriends, which has been suppressed by the “liberal” media.
Compare this in-your-face hate crime with the fake Bubba Wallace “noose” hoax, a publicity stunt which received unlimited coverage and “liberal” grovelling to BLM demands a few weeks ago. Who benefits from this? Who sponsors it?
See the list of “demands” from this racist organization and their project “Black Power Rising 2024”. No mention is made of the billions of taxpayer dollars already wasted on various “affirmative action” programs over the past 60+ years for the benefit of the blacks at the expense of everyone else. The results of these failed “liberal” policies are on display in the streets, in the schools, and in the crime stats of every major city today.
The liberal mayor of Portland (Wheeler), the lesbian mayor of Seattle (Durkan), and the black mayor of San Francisco (Breed) fully support the BLM program. In San Francisco, every police station is now required to display a large BLM propaganda poster, paying homage to these violent racist agitators, and their socialist “Antifa” comrades, at taxpayer expense.
Why is it that only “black lives” matter? Why does the “color of their skin” matter more than the “content of their character” (MLK)? An honest liberal would say “ALL lives matter”, but that is also an over-simplified fallacy. Our motto is this:
Does your tribe qualify?
UPDATE 9-Aug: In Chicago, a shootout between an armed 20 year old black criminal and the police triggered another wave of looting and rioting, causing another $60 million in damage to downtown businesses. Arrogant blacks have now added looting and violence to their list of “civil rights”, with full support from white “liberals”, while everyone else is stuck with the bill. Meanwhile, the black lesbian mayor of Chicago (Lightfoot) has ordered the police to protect her home from the “protestors” trashing the city, claiming “I have a right to make sure that my home is secure”. What about the rest of us?
UPDATE 11-Aug: In North Carolina, a 25 year old black criminal living next door to a white family murdered their 5 year old son, shooting him in the head while he was outside playing with his sisters. In Florida, a 27 year old black criminal shot and killed a latina mother of 4 in her own home, in front of her children who were viewing an “online learning” session. Tell us again why these “black lives” should matter to anyone.
UPDATE 27-Aug: In South Carolina, a 23 year old black criminal hit a car pulling into a driveway, then jumped out, shooting and killing a white father and his 21 year old daughter. She had just moved into the neighborhood to “start her new life”. In North Carolina, a gang of 4 black “youths” shot and killed a 17 year old white girl in her car at a restaurant parking lot. She was supposed to start college on Monday.
UPDATE 31-Aug: In Colorado, an 18 year old black criminal stole a car, offered it “for sale” online, then robbed and killed a white couple who fell for the scam. Their 5 children are now orphans. How come these racist atrocities are never reported by the “liberal” media?
UPDATE 11-Sep: In Florida, a pair of criminal black “youths” robbed a Palm Beach convenience store, shooting and killing a white customer in the process. She and her children are now tragic victims of naive “liberal” fantasy world policies.
Liberal hypocrites whine about “gun violence” while pandering to the black criminal underclass responsible for most of the violent crime. Their policies destroyed black families and black communities decades ago. Now they plan to “abolish the police” and to strip honest citizens of their right to self-defense. Any opposition to their utopian delusions is “cancelled” and shouted down by the “woke” mob and their corporate cheerleaders.
Last year, less than 20 unarmed blacks were killed by police in the entire country, while over 500 Euro-Americans and over 2500 Afro-Americans were murdered by black savages, mostly in “liberal” controlled cities. What will it take for civilized people to stand up and put an end to this? What will happen if they don’t?
40,000 homicides: Retracing 63 years of murder in Chicago
By Kyle Bentle, Jonathon Berlin, Ryan Marx and Kori Rumore
Apr 27, 2021
Chicago saw a homicide total lower in 2020 of 770, a tragic jump over the 496 from 2019. The spike in violent crime that has plagued Chicago since 2016 has even more gravity when viewed in comparison with six decades of homicides in Chicago.
Since 1957, the city has had homicide totals of 700, 27 of 63 years, and has been lower than 500 a third of the time, 20 of 62 years. To understand this long-term view, the Tribune asked two experts to give perspective as to what was behind Chicago crime decade by decade, and combed through news coverage going back to the 1960s.
The Tribune turned to John Hagedorn, a professor of criminology at the University of Illinois at Chicago who has written extensively on Chicago’s gangs as well as Wyndell Watkins, a retired Washington, D.C., deputy chief of police with more than 40 years of public safety experience. Here is a closer look at the numbers and some of the influences behind them.
It bears no resemblance to reality — not in police forces, and not in America.
About twice as many white people as black people are killed by police. In fact, in about 75 percent of police shootings, the decedent is not black. Of course, that is not what you would grasp from consuming media.
Take the website, specifically its breathless focus on “Hate crime in the United States” — counterfactually insinuating that any shooting involving a black victim must be a “hate crime.” Here’s their big headline from Tuesday:
“Black Americans 2.5X More Likely Than Whites to Be Killed By Police.”
It is fiction. It is sheer demagoguery, peddled as American cities are besieged by rioters in the wake of George Floyd’s killing by Minneapolis police. The falsity of the claim is demonstrated even by itself. Just three days ago, the site posted another series of bar graphs, showing that, in fact, whites are nearly twice as likely as blacks to be shot to death by police. Here are the numbers:
Year- White- Black
2017- 457- 223
2018- 399- 209
2019- 370- 235
2020 (so far)- 42- 31
The rest of the bar graphs break out the numbers of Hispanic decedents (slightly lower than black, significantly lower than white), as well as those whose heritage is described as “other” and unknown.
Right underneath its chart, writes, “Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems only to be increasing.” In point of fact, it is steady — and if I wanted to play games like does, by, say, weighting the numbers to account for population growth while ignoring all other relevant factors, I could even pretend that the number was decreasing. The Washington Post acknowledges that fatal shootings by police have run steadily at around 1,000 per year since 2015 — 995 (2015), 963 (2016), 987 (2017), 998 (2018), and 1,004 (2019).
As Heather Mac Donald relates in an insightful Wall Street Journal op-ed, blacks make up only a quarter of the total number of people killed in police shootings annually, a ratio that has held steady since 2015. The reigning canard, however, is that this 25 percent figure proves racism since African Americans make up just 13 percent of the U.S. population.
Ridiculous as this syllogism is (as we’ll see, it conveniently elides more consequential factors), it still puts the lie to the slanderous narrative that police are hunting down black men. Even if we ignore the fact that an increasing number of police officers — obviously including those involved in encounters with black suspects — are themselves African Americans, the percentage of black deaths from police shootings would be much higher if blacks were being targeted.
Police do not go looking for people to shoot. In shooting situations, police are confronting crime suspects, the majority of whom are armed. But given that George Floyd was unarmed, let’s consider unarmed people killed in such encounters. Such unarmed decedents, too, were twice as likely to be white as black in 2019 — i.e., 19 unarmed whites, nine unarmed blacks. As Ms. Mac Donald observes, this ratio is not stable (and there is some looseness in what the media define as “unarmed”): In 2015, it was 38 unarmed blacks to 32 unarmed whites.
The Floyd killing has been injected into the bien pensant narrative of innocent, unarmed black men murdered by cops. But the number of unarmed black men killed by police is vanishingly small. As Mac Donald notes, there were 7,407 black homicide victims in the United States in 2018, the last year for which final numbers are available. Assuming a comparable number in 2019, the nine unarmed men killed in police shootings would represent just 0.1 percent of black homicides.
In stark contrast, she asserts, “a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.”
The media, the bipartisan political class, the academy, and the commentariat concoct their “systemic,” “institutional,” “unconscious” racism fiction by statistical tunnel vision: We must conclude that African Americans — in particular, young black men — are being targeted by police because the percentage of killings of blacks significantly over-represents the black population. It makes no sense, however, to look only at the percentage of blacks involved in police shootings, as if it were the only attribute that mattered — as if it were the only attribute by which blacks are overrepresented compared to their percentage of the overall population.
While African Americans are involved in two times more police shootings than their percentage of the population would seem to warrant, they commit 53 percent of murders and 60 percent of robberies — well over four times their percentage of the population. The political establishment would have you assume this statistical disparity is caused by institutional racism that myopically beams police attention onto black men. But we know the statistics accurately reflect reality because crimes get reported by victims — a large percentage of whom are black (also outstripping their share of the overall population).
If you just focus on interracial crime, though, Mac Donald (writing this time in the City Journal) has crunched those numbers. “Between 2012 and 2015, blacks committed 85.5 percent of all black-white interracial violent victimizations.” This, she qualifies, excludes interracial homicide. Powerline’s Paul Mirengoff fills in that blank: “Blacks commit around 70 percent of black-white interracial homicides.” For this, he draws on FBI crime statistics for 2016. They show that, of 776 black–white homicides, blacks committed 533 and whites 243.
Chicago police at the scene of a fatal shooting in 2015. (Jim Young/Reuters)
About three weeks ago, we published my column, “The ‘Institutional Racism’ Canard.” In it, I made a point about black-on-black murders, drawing on FBI statistics from 2016. Though the data I drew from the published stats was accurate, there are caveats that I did not explain. When additional information is factored in, the problem is even worse than I suggested.
Specifically, I noted that Powerline’s Paul Mirengoff had drawn on FBI crime statistics for 2016 in support of the proposition that “of 776 black-white homicides, blacks committed 533 and whites 243.” I ended the paragraph with my own observation:
“Neither of these numbers, by the way, nor their combined total, comes anywhere close to the number of blacks killed by blacks: a staggering 2,570 — the overwhelming majority male.”
We are going to remove that sentence, with a reference to this Corner post. As noted above, it accurately reflects what is set forth in the relevant table of the FBI’s 2016 crime statistics (Expanded Homicide Data Table 3), but it could be misleading. As an explanatory note explains, Table 3 “is based on incidents where some information about the offender is known by law enforcement.” That is, it “excludes data when the offender, age, sex, race, and ethnicity are all reported as unknown.” Moreover, Table 3 includes only murders where a single offender is known to have killed a single victim; that, too, omits a significant number of murders from the chart. Consequently, Table 3 breaks down only 6,676 murders that occurred in 2016.
As the FBI explains elsewhere in its compilation, however, there were an estimated 17,250 murders in the United States that year. In 7,881 of these, the victim was black.
To summarize, (a) Table 3 drastically understates the total number of murders in 2016, and (b) in a high percentage of murders, the offender is unidentified. Consequently, the number of blacks killed by blacks in 2016 was clearly higher than 2,570 – no doubt, significantly higher if we assume the offense rates consistent with those derived from cases in which the offender’s race is known.
Though I was trying to highlight the problem of black-on-black killings, I inadvertently understated the gravity of the problem. The afore-described sentence is not essential to the overall argument in the column, so we’re removing it.
Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior fellow at National Review Institute, an NR contributing editor, and author of Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency. @AndrewCMcCarthy
Considering her civnat lack of racial consciousness, Coulter might benefit more from reading us than we can by reading her. Maybe she’d finally see the obvious–that race matters, that blacks are different and not even close to being the stuff of high civilization. Sorel McRae says here that her material is below the level of TOO readers, and he’s right. Civic nationalism simply doesn’t cut it–linked as it is with the naive or cowardly stance that “people are people.”
You’re probably aware of the 2017 DoJ study focusing on four of the Obama years, 2012-5, during which there was an annual average of 540,360 violent black-on-White crimes, or 1480 PER DAY. Those crimes were about 85% of the violent crimes involving blacks and Whites. Yet the last few years have undoubtedly seen even more black violence against Whites, what with Black Lies Matter agitation and escalating europhobic demonization by the largely Jewish-controlled media.
But in fact high rates of black violence are all but global. The American black homicide rate, 21 per 100,000 in population, might seem stratospheric–and it is, at eight times the Euroamerican rate–but not compared with South Africa’s 34 per 100k or Jamaica’s 57. Brazil, which has the largest black population outside sub-Sahara–90 million–sees about 60,000 murders per year, overwhelmingly black-on-black.
Even black lands with lower rates have levels of violence unheard of in Eurasia. To get a sense of the gap, consider that though there are in my country of Italy three serious crime syndicates–the Mafia in Sicily, the Camorra in Naples and the ‘Ndrangheta in Calabria–the homicide rate for all Italy is less than one per 100k. It approaches one, whereas some other European countries have even lower rates, and Asian countries like China and Japan lower still. If my memory serves, the Japanese homicide rate is 0.3 per 100K.
Blacks are the least intelligent of all major groupings, based on every indication, from IQ to historical non-achievement (despite the efforts of negrocentric mythologists to disseminate lies about black accomplishments). As people whose center of gravity is definitely the lower parts of their anatomy and not the cranium, their resentments and needs naturally find physical expression oftener than do those of other types.
Civnats, refusing to acknowledge such realities, are useless to us.. Nay, worse than useless: a huge proportion of them are self-identifying Christians working to roll back Roe v. Wade–the landmark legal decision enabling blacks to cull their own numbers. Blacks use abortion as birth control, aborting five times as often as Whites do; and if abortion is banned, expect black numbers to rival those of Brazil, to double fairly soon. And since women who frequently abort tend to be less intelligent and self-controlled, as do the males who impregnate them, expect not only greater quantity but worse quality.
I don’t know how much you are paying for Ann Coulter’s articles but her normicon analysis, while better than most in the mainstream, is distinctly below the level of the Occidental Observer reader. None of us were under any illusion that the BLM movement or Soros DAs were stupid or need to have the occasional collateral black victims pointed out to fathom their intended evil.
Rule of thumb: You can’t have blacks and law and order at the same time.
HEY COULTER! I hope you see this!
With what smells like a supercilious belief in your moral eminence, you tell us—
“It doesn’t matter to me, but it does to some of you, so I’ll mention that the victim’s race was also ‘B’ [for black].”
You’d better believe that it matters to THIS boy that the victim wasn’t White! I’m greatly relieved to hear it. And that’s because I value White lives far more than I do black ones.
That it makes no difference to you whether murder victims share your racial heritage, doesn’t constitute virtue. It just means that you’ve been acculturated against preferring your racial heritage and those who share it; and this acculturation doesn’t benefit you or Whites collectively, nor is it meant to. You constantly deplore the decline of our civilization; but an essential factor therein is lack of cohesion, of collective self-interest, in the demographic which created the civilization.
Civic nationalism, your kind of nationalism, presupposes that divergent human groups are interchangeable. They clearly aren’t. Western civilization was created and made great by Europeans–a specific cluster of ethnicities, closely related to one another but quite unlike others, especially blacks. Western civilization has been an expression of their particular nature, inward no less than outward; so you can’t expect quite different people to preserve the civilization, let alone restore it to its heights.
Jewish politician Jacob Frey has ensured with a new law to hamper the American police officers in their mission for law and order and to expose them to a considerable security risk, in which they now have to knock on the doors of suspicious suspects before they are allowed to enter their hideouts. In addition, they must film themselves doing their job and present these results to the public. Frey, as might be expected, had already behaved in typical Jewish anti-white fashion by siding with BLM.