Is Victory for Ukraine Worth Risking Nuclear War?
The question remains: When did the relationship between Russia and Ukraine become a matter of such vital interest to the U.S. that we would risk war, possible nuclear war, with Russia over it? How did we get here?
During the 70 years that the Soviet Union existed, Ukraine was an integral part of the nation.
Yet this geographic and political reality posed no threat to the United States. A Russia and a Ukraine, both inside the USSR, was an accepted reality that was seen as no threat for the seven decades that they were united.
Yet, today, because of a month-old war between Russia and Ukraine, over who shall control Crimea, the Donbas and the Black and Azov Sea coasts of Ukraine, America seems closer to a nuclear war than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis of 1962.
Why? Time to step back and reflect on what is at stake.
Exactly what threat does Russia’s invasion of Ukraine present to us that is so grave we would consider military action that could lead to World War III and Russia’s use of battlefield nuclear weapons against us?
Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly hinted at the use of such weapons, should NATO intervene in the Ukraine war and Russia face defeat, or in the event of an “existential” threat to the Russian nation.
We hear from our moral elites that morality commands us to intervene to save the Ukrainian people from the ravages of a war that has already taken thousands of Ukrainian lives.
But what would be the justification for U.S. military intervention in Ukraine, absent a congressional authorization or declaration of war?
Consider. The year the Liberal Hour arrived in America with the New Deal, 1933, a newly inaugurated Franklin D. Roosevelt formally recognized Joseph Stalin’s murderous regime as the legitimate government of a Russia-led USSR.
FDR met personally with Soviet Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinov even as the Holodomor, the forced starvation of Ukrainian peasants and small farmers, the kulaks and their families, was far advanced.
Walter Duranty, the New York Times reporter in Moscow, won a Pulitzer for covering up that crime of the century with its estimated 4 million dead.
The question remains: When did the relationship between Russia and Ukraine become a matter of such vital interest to the U.S. that we would risk war, possible nuclear war, with Russia over it?
How did we get here?
We got here by exploiting our Cold War victory as an opportunity to move NATO, our Cold War alliance, into a dozen countries in Central and Eastern Europe, up to the borders of Russia. Then, we started to bring Ukraine into NATO, the constituent republic of the old Soviet Union with the longest and deepest history with Mother Russia.
Thus, while Putin started this war, the U.S. set the table for it.
We pushed our military alliance, NATO, set up in 1949 to contain and, if necessary, fight Russia, 1,000 miles to the east, right into Russia’s face.
In the 1930s, when Britain’s Lady Astor was asked if she knew where Hitler was born, she answered: “Versailles.”
At the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, which produced the Versailles Treaty, millions of Germanic peoples and the lands they had inhabited were severed from German rule and distributed to half a dozen nations across Europe.
When we get back on our feet, we will take back all that we have lost, said Gen. Hans von Seeckt of the German General Staff.
We hear warnings that if Russia uses chemical weapons in Ukraine, NATO will react militarily. But if no NATO ally is attacked, why would NATO respond to a Russian attack on Ukraine?
Though outlawed today, chemical weapons were used by all the major participants in World War I, including the Americans.
As for atomic weapons, only Americans have used them.
And while we did not introduce the bombing of cities — the British and Germans did that — we did perfect the carpet-bombing of cities like Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden and Tokyo.
The Ukrainian war, now a month old, has demonstrated the utility of nuclear weapons. Putin’s credible threat to use them has caused the U.S. and NATO to flatly refuse Kyiv’s request to put a no-fly zone over Ukraine.
And as Russia’s threat to use nuclear weapons has deterred NATO from intervening on Ukraine’s side in this war, other nations will not miss the message: Possession of nukes can deter even the greatest nuclear powers.
The longer this war goes on, the greater the suffering and losses on all sides. Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are already dead, with 10 million uprooted from their homes, a third of that number having fled into neighboring states of Eastern Europe.
The longer the war goes on, the greater the likelihood Putin resorts to indiscriminate bombing and shelling to kill off the resistance, and the greater the possibility that the war expands into NATO Europe.
Meanwhile, in the secure American homeland, 5,000 miles from Kyiv, there is no shortage of foreign policy scholars beating the drums for a “victory” over Putin’s Russia and willing to fight to achieve that victory — right down to the last Ukrainian.
“How did we get here?”….Liberalism is an universalist creed, it is about the “rights of man” whereever he may live, not about the rights and wellbeing of the French or the American. Spreading “liberty and democracy” everywhere is a mission for US, a raison d’etre, just as spreading/converting everybody to Christianity was the mission of the medieval Church.
Victory for Ukraine is not worth a victory for Ukraine, whether or not the risk of nuclear war is involved. Zelensky-polluted Ukraine is on Soros’ side, unequivocally the globalist side. The only reason why we’re strongly urged to want a Zelensky/Soros victory is that globally their tribesmen have lined up behind them, loyal to the identity and inimical to Euro Civ, and have the mechanisms of mind-conditioning and much leverage on governmental Judas goats.
Putin is not OUR enemy. He hasn’t stolen a presidential election, nor silenced Conservative and White-advocacy voices in both Social and Corporate media, nor opened the border to Third-World invasion, nor coerced Westerners to undergo medical measures they don’t want, nor burned and looted business districts ostensibly to avenge a career criminal on fentanyl, nor taught White schoolchildren that they’re congenitally evil, nor convinced them that they can join the opposite sex and rendered them forever barren with puberty-blockers. Enemies in the West, HERE, have done these things; and they’ve added their boy’s war to the troubles they’ve heaped on us. The victory that we should want is over THEM, not Putin.
We stopped having Christian kings who kicked the Jews out, that is how we all got here. Ukraine is another PNAC war, same as all the others. Same neocons we have hated for decades. It isn’t about the USA or Ukraine. Only, what is good for Israel and the Jews.
” We stopped having Christian kings who kicked the Jews out, that is how we all got here.”
Maybe so .
More than one worldly sage has informed us humans that “ignorance” is our greatest enemy .
One moderator ( don’t know who ) here at this TOO website has revealed his ignorance about my PRIMAL scientific message comments that he calls boring sermons and thus will no longer post them .
Since when did the physical survival of humanity and especially the existentially threatened worldwide White racial cultures become a boring subject ?
Doesn’t everyone know that if humanity does not aim at surviving beyond our planet earth’s Solar extinction event then the prospect of nuclear war extermination is irrelevant ? In other words , so what if there is a world nuclear war when humanity is destined for extinction anyway ?
This heading, in the form of a question, is itself worded incorrectly.
Victory is not sought for Ukraine, or its ordinary folks, whether nuclear or not, but for the benefit of their oligarchs. As has been the case for three decades, at least.
The accompanying cartoon is great: but I like the previous one with a mushroom behind the Statue of Liberty even better.
Assuming the rest of the country has a sufficient supply of iodine against radiation poisoning, is there any chance of getting some more mushrooms for places like LA, Seattle, Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit ; just to start the list ?
01 Our ” foreign policy scholars ” are not aware of the fact, that one of the original signatories to NATO, Norway, has a common, ca. 200 kms border with Russia in its own far north, which requires a mere look at a map to discover.
02 Others among our scholars babble about giving Ukraine NATO’s S – 300 exceedingly sophisticated anti aircraft missile system. Insufficiently scholarly, to realize, that that itself is made in Russia and sold to some NATO members with the contractual condition not to pass it on. NATO designation SA – 10A Grumble.
We Russians only want security.
We do not need American missiles within 5 minutes of flying to Moscow, your militariezed biolabs on our borders and Ukrainian “dirty atomic bombs”. This war already revealed much about these biolabs, torture prisons, baby factories and rackets going on in the Ukraine. I personally don’t need any love from the West.
I view the totality of the present scenario as a preparation to rob the Russian people blind again, AS UNDER THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY GRAND THEFT RUSSIAN PRIVATIZATION PLAN, under its President Larry Summers and his Moscow born fellow professor Shleifer and their Moscow-based tribesmen.
All stuffing their own pockets and those of their friends, with the fruits of the Russian workers’ labor: so arduously accumulated under dire circumstances.
BEFORE having had established the essential legal framework for such an undertaking.
This entire cesspool continues to live high on the hog, UNAFFECTED BY COURT RULINGS, WHICH FOUND THEM CULPABLE. Some got US Administration promotions.
“Walter Duranty, the New York Times reporter in Moscow, won a Pulitzer for covering up that crime of the century with its estimated 4 million dead.” – Pat.
No.962, from ‘1000 Ways To Say The Holocaust Didn’t Happen . . . Without Actually Saying It’.
Greg Johnson has just published a pointed rebuttal of the pro-Russia postion :
Ukraine today is a case of “politics makes strange bedfellows”, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, an uneasy alliance between hard-core ethnic-nationalists and and philo-semitic liberal-globalists, each believing that after Russia is out the picture they will be able to eliminate the other and steer the country in the direction they want.
I just read that article, I can’t believe how bad it is. Every paragraph could be demolished by a simpleton. It feels like a troll. I don’t really know him, are you sure he isn’t some sort of controlled opposition?
I’ve been reading online for about 15 years, and I only know of two people who I would stake my life are absolute truth tellers. One posts all the time, the other hardly ever. That’s it.
I’ve now watched the entire debate, and Mr Jones was channeling my feelings of utter bewilderment that such an argument could be made outside of a leftist/neocon/Jew(basically all the same thing).
Jones was actually mad during the whole debate, he obviously felt this was some sort of troll, not serious. I wouldn’t have been as angry, it wasn’t the best look, but he can be forgiven.
I also noticed Johnston had a kind of gay-ish voice. I would watch him. It is a pattern that these sleepers in movements lie down for years, only to be activated when ZOG wants a certain policy pushed.
Drudge is the most famous example, sacrificed for the Covid hoax. Also Mark Stein, who got away with lots, seems to have been ordered to do the same and push this Ukraine nonsense.
Surely that can’t be anyone on our side who doesn’t think these sleepers exist in our cause?
01 Several journalists of more honest papers strongly remonstrated with the Pulitzer committee to withdraw their award to Duranty. But they refused.
02 Google IMAGES HOLODOMOR. Dozens of contemporaneous, horrific photographs.
03 One Ukrainian photographer, Micola Bokan, was obliged to order his son to leave home due to insufficient food. Not even bread. The son threw a tantrum, but left, becoming, in turn, a beggar, thief and extortionist and expired on some country lane.
A veritable script waiting to be made into a film; as long as the three Kaganovich brothers and the rest of their instrumental ilk remain unmentioned.
04 Poke around these images to find texts and even film snips.
05 Recall the three or four western photographers there, who risked their lives to document the Holodomor.
06 In a separate book, I saw a photo of a couple, ca. in their late 40s, utterly unkempt, selling a severed head and leg, for food. Starvation induced dementia; some ate their own children.