They’re Replacing YOU, Black America

Liberals are screwing over African Americans again, sublimely confident that whatever they do, Democrats will never get less than 90% of the black vote.
In the Buffalo, New York, mass shooting 10 days ago, 18-year-old Payton S. Gendron drove 200 miles to a grocery store jam-packed with the descendants of American slaves and gunned down as many people as he could. But instead of this being an anti-black thing, the media have decided, no, it’s an anti-immigrant thing, based on the shooter’s belief in the “great replacement theory,” which holds that elites are deliberately replacing historic Americans with immigrants.
Trust us, it’s all in his “manifesto” — and no, you can’t see it. What? You don’t trust the media to tell you the truth about the shooter’s motive?
Still, I can’t help but notice that the shooter seemed really intent on killing black people. He drove 3 1/2 hours from Conklin, New York, to get to a city with remarkably few immigrants. Only 10% of Buffalo is foreign-born. But it’s 35% black.
Much closer to Conklin than Buffalo is, for example, Middletown, New York, which is 39% Hispanic and 16% foreign-born. In about half the time it took to get to Buffalo, he also could have driven to Utica, New York, which is 22% foreign-born. And he would have cut his driving time by more than an hour if he’d gone to Schenectady, New York, 17% foreign born.
So why are the media insisting that the killer hated immigrants, when it kinda looks like he mainly hated blacks?
For one thing, midterm elections are coming, and voters are poised to have a say on the fabulous things Biden’s done to our border.
Oh, you think we should have a border? What — do you believe in REPLACEMENT?
Moreover, Hispanics have begun to show a slight — very slight — willingness to vote for Republicans, coinciding with the Democratic Party’s enthusiastic embrace of Black Lives Matter, and thus, black criminality. (It turns out Latinos are generally opposed to getting beaten up and having their money stolen.)
Finally, of course, there’s the fact that Democrats know there’s nothing, absolutely nothing, that will stop black people from voting for them.
Now they’re just showing off. Yeah, Buffalo was a racist shooting — but watch this: We’re going to make it about immigrants, and we’ll STILL get the black vote!
The madness, the wild upside-down insanity of the media pushing the “great replacement theory” as the motive for the Buffalo shooting, is this: If anyone’s being replaced by immigrants, it’s black people.
Black people have always been here! Heard of the 1619 Project? The thesis and details may be comically false, but it is a plain fact that blacks have been here since 1619. Historic America is not a monolithically white country; it is a biracial country — black and white — and remained so for two centuries, until Teddy Kennedy decided to change it with his 1965 immigration act.
Of the two racial groups that formed 99% of America from the 1600s to the mid-1970s, which one do you think is getting the short end of the stick? The white working class isn’t popping champagne corks over mass immigration, but black people get absolutely nothing out of it.
Rich people, mostly whites, are making out like bandits. Endless low-skilled immigration has finally solved “the servant problem.” By now, so many hardworking Latinos have come in that virtually every upper-middle-class white person has a maid, a nanny and a gardener.
It’s low-wage workers — mostly black men — whose wages have been annihilated by competition from the cheap labor being dumped on the country. Not only have working-class wages gone into the toilet, but a lot of jobs are totally off-limits to black people — because they don’t speak Spanish or Chinese or Tagalog.
For decades now, black professors, the U.S. Civil Rights Commission and ordinary African Americans have been pointing out how immigration hurts them. Democrats don’t care.
And that’s the story of how an unequivocally anti-black mass murder became a crime against immigrants.
More on the real “replacement” next week.
1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500
This is standard mainstream conservatism–feigning concern for Black interests while ignoring Whites’ interests. Mainstream conservatism is addicted to civic nationalism. This article by David Cole focuses on Tucker Carlson, but of course, it’s all of them.
“Even regarding immigration, Tuck routinely evades race, repeatedly claiming that his opposition to open borders has nothing to do with the quality of the entrants but rather their political affiliation (“Democrats are importing new Democrats!”) and “lack of space” in the U.S. (in January he declared that even if all new immigrants were Nobel Prize winners, we still wouldn’t have room for them).
I’m focusing on Carlson because of his high profile, but this is a problem with the right in general. Most rightists with a national soapbox bend over backwards to remove race from every contentious issue. It’s “the Democrats are the real racists” made manifest in the right’s response to everything. “The Democrats make immigration racial, but it’s not racial to us! We’re just worried about overcrowding. Why, we’d turn away a Danish Nobel winner as quickly as a Somali rapist.”
“America has no racial problems! Just banksters and racist Democrats trying to divide us!”
BTW, this is not quite accurate. Carlson has said immigration dilutes the votes of traditional US groups & explicitly mentions Blacks AND Whites. I think he is good on balance, but avoids areas & ideas that would get him fired–biology & race, Israel Lobby, Jewish power, White racial interests.
Carlson surely understands the JQ. He’s already at the top of the ADL hit list. How (((they))’d love to play their AntiSemitismCard, but he’s careful not to give (((them))) their opportunity.
Maybe it’s just as well that some White rights advocates avoid the JQ. After all, most of us didn’t swallow the “red pill” whole. Merely accepting the reality of the Great Replacement is a lot to digest at first, however obvious it is in hindsight.
Having said that, it is frustrating that all Whites who understand the JQ don’t simply lay it all out publicly NOW. How satisfying it would be, for example, to factually expose the Holocau$t extortion racket to the universal mockery it so richly deserves.
Dilemmas, dilemmas.
Is Carlson’s controlled opposition better than no Carlson? Probably, though his diverting blame to China isn’t helping.
As for China, it adopted its widely condemned (by Right & Left) “One-Child” birth control policy (now abandoned). Without it, SEVERAL HUNDRED MILLION more Chinese would be compounding whatever China is currently being condemned for. China’s roughly equivalent to the US geographically & geologically, but with over 4 TIMES as many people. Imagine China with 5x to 6x more people!
Human overpopulation is my lifelong nemesis. Conservation & wilderness protection move my soul & my deeds. A half century ago stopping overpopulation was a core value of the conservation movement. Since then I’ve witnessed it rotting from within — co-opted by hypocritical cowardly selfish lying leftist ignoramuses — who are ever more blatantly anti-White.
Thanks to folks like you, Kevin, I now understand why overpopulation was removed from the “green” agenda. All the reasons overpopulation was catastrophically unsustainable at 3 billion are still with us at 8 billion & climbing. Yes, neo-Malthusians underestimated the ability of human ingenuity to postpone the day of reckoning, but that merely sets us up for a bigger collapse later.
We are in a terrible dilemma:
— Do we encourage Whites to engage in an all-out baby-making race with 3rd world dimwits, guaranteeing a Pyrrhic victory at best?
— Or do we challenge everyone of good faith & adequate intelligence to boldly put the responsibility where it belongs — on 3rd world over-breeders, to their stop overbreeding — and for us to cease all the ways in which we enable their foolishness?
It looks clear to me that Carlson’s primary function is to drive the political divide toward civil war.
I am concerned about how well society will function in terms of *competence* as certain minorities become the majority and white are marginalized.
I am worried about everything from grocery store clerks to scientists and every vocation in between.
It takes brains to run a society well.
I completely agree with you. Those who have been working to destroy civilization know this clearly, and that is why they are engineering the great replacement of whites. Without whites, no civilization. History has shown that the reason past civilizations have collapsed was race mixing. Every time. So they have learned this too, and are enacting it deliberately. Has any civilization in the past actually made strong efforts to not just bring non-whites into their civilization, and not just promote them avidly, but also denigrated and disempower the white founders? I can’t imagine.
Any discussion of demographic replacement that doesn’t keep its eye on the subSaharan African demographic ball is misdirection.
Africanization of civilization serves only to replace that civilization’s population with Africans. Here “Africanization of civilization” means rendering motherhood provisionally independent of men, as are mothers in much of traditional subSaharan Africa where women bear the greatest responsibility for agriculture hence access to its calories for children sired by the Big Men.
In this respect, the entire slave trade can be seen as an evolutionary strategy of African Big Men — Jewish involvement therein merely an aspect of their expendable nature as biological weapons.
I too am worried about an incompetent society, especially since it’s already starting and raveling at the seams. When will we bring balkanization to the table, so we can have the northern states of Eastern WA & OR, ID, WY, NE, MT and the Dakotas?
Strength in numbers: McDonald, Coulter, Taylor, Brimelow, Red Ice, Johnson, et al. creating the negotiation. Are we waiting until these White states become dark?
“Rich people, mostly whites, are making out like bandits.”
Poor Ann still can’t find it in herself to name the Jew. Yes there are Whites benefiting, but all of those formerly unionized meat packing plants with decent wages and safety conditions, are now packed with immigrants and owned by the chosenites. The Chamber of Commerce “conservatives” worked hand in hand with the “liberals” for a porous border to roll back Cesar Chavez’s gains for American born “Latinos” and legal immigrants in another facet of the food industry. Make no mistake, the war to replace chattel slavery with wage slavery has been going since chattel slavery was abolished, and it happens in every country. Immigration is the reserve army of capital.
Of course, Democrats do not care about Black unemployment and replacement by Third World Hispanics and similar minorities. They can always blame Trump, White Supremacy or Putin. They have the megaphone, the Main Stream Media, and we, conservatives do not. Regarding Tucker Carlson, I wonder how long he would last on Fox if he started to discuss race in terms that TOO readers would appreciate.
Blacks don’t care. They live in the moment and think in the ultra short term. As long as jews set out a cornucopia of unlimited gibs, blacks will stay subservient. Jews know this already. The black mind is certainly not one that is complicated to decipher.
When ‘some’ people think that the role of America as a world gendarme will be over, then the new law on disarmament of the white population will appear and this will be the end of the White Race of America. This plan is in the hands of Sion. executed by the Democratic Party
Immigration always threatens any group whose land is slowly being occupied by said immigrants. Sure, America is a biracial country but that was never a problem when the country is still predominantly “White”, mostly from Northern Europe, with a minority Black population so separating the minority from the majority is quite easy especially when the country is quite large enough to accommodate both races.
But this doesn’t mitigate the fact that when two groups live in the same place; they will often conflict with one another especially when that group is growing and spreading everywhere like any group will do just like the Whites with the Native Americans. Human groups will always conflict with each other simply because it is in our nature to do so and that nature, as well as the true reality of race, can be explained here.
Conservatives are very much a part of the problem. They do not have revolutionary solutions to revolutionary problems. They fail to protect our people, even with Trump in office we were unable to have our borders secured. At this point we must look beyond the liberals and conservatives for any sort of salvation, and with that being said, we should stop pandering to conservatives all the time.