The Great Replacement Switcheroo
Whether true or not, the left has decided that black people are as easy to play as Donald Trump. While frantically replacing African Americans with immigrants, they announce: “Replacement” is a white supremacy theory! Pay no attention to the Latino immigrants doing construction and Indian immigrants getting all the “diversity” jobs.
Employers in need of cheap labor lost slavery, Jim Crow and, finally, with the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the ability to legally discriminate against African Americans. So they turned around and, one year later — just as black Americans were poised to move into the middle class en masse — began dumping low-skilled workers on the country with Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act. [This is incorrect; Kennedy, a first-term senator, was a figurehead. For an alternative perspective see here.]
For the past quarter-century, Black academics, intellectuals and activists have been screaming from the rooftops about the devastating impact of mass third world immigration on African Americans.
Civil rights hero Barbara Jordan, appointed by President Bill Clinton to head the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, thunderously concluded that there is “no national interest in continuing to import lesser-skilled and unskilled workers to compete in the most vulnerable parts of our labor force. Many American workers do not have adequate job prospects. We should make their task easier to find employment, not harder.”
Former Vanderbilt University professor Carol Swain and U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow have also produced studies showing that African Americans are bearing the brunt of our immigration policies.
Black workers didn’t need to wait for the reports. In 2006, Black day laborer John Henry Ford was interviewed by The Washington Post while he was standing on a street corner in Washington, D.C., looking for work amid a crowd of Hispanics. His verdict: “They came over here, in a sense, to replace us.”
Who do you imagine she’s talking about?
This is why my idea for a dystopian movie would be about rich liberals using the BLM-induced murder spike (mostly Black men getting killed) in combination with mass immigration (lots of hardworking Latinos coming in) as a long-term plan to replace Blacks with Mexicans.
Jordan Peele? It’s yours, free. It’s a guaranteed hit.
African Americans aren’t just being replaced at the construction site and meat-packing plant. Oh, no. Their political power has been replaced by immigrants, too.
Say, whatever happened to that Barbara Jordan report? At Clinton’s request, this civil rights icon led a commission that studied immigration’s impact. She issued the group’s conclusion in a cri de coeur about how immigration was crushing black people — who, again, vote nearly monolithically for the Democrats.
Clinton ignored Jordan’s report.
Indeed, the entire story of Black people in America from slavery to civil rights has been replaced in toto by the “diversity” regime. Don’t look now, but Hispanics, Asians and Muslims are filling all the “diversity” slots in corporations, universities and the media. You know, to make up for the legacy of — WHAT ON EARTH? WE DID NOTHING TO YOU!
Here, for example, are MSNBC’s diverse hosts: Joy Ann Reid (second-generation immigrant of Congolese and Guyanese descent), Ali Velshi (first-generation immigrant of Indian descent), Jose Diaz-Balart (second-generation immigrant of Cuban descent), Yasmin Vossoughian (second-generation immigrant of Iranian descent), Ayman Mohyeldin (first-generation immigrant from Egypt), Katie Phang (second-generation immigrant of Korean descent), Mehdi Hasan (first-generation immigrant of Indian descent).
None descendants of American slaves. (And to really make up for slavery, there’s MSNBC host Alicia Menendez, a third-generation Cuban, whose father is a U.S. senator.)
Wow, have you guys been replaced! So has the white working class and increasingly, the white middle class. But nothing like the industrial-scale replacement of black Americans.
I say this without the tiniest sliver of hope that historic Black America will ever notice that the Democratic Party is screwing them six ways from Sunday. In fact, the next mass shooting could be me at a fancy Republican dinner party when the moneybags start talking about the millions of dollars they’re giving to Sen. Tim Scott. He’s got a plan to win the Black vote!
Oh, give it up, Republicans. It’s not going to happen. I know it, the Democrats know it, and every single breathing mammal knows it — except GOP donors and their moron consultants. No matter what you say or do, no matter what I say or do, the Anti-Defamation League just needs to call us “white supremacists,” and 90% of Black people will line up to vote for the Democrats.
(Hey, anybody else remember all the GOP donors and television commentators boasting in 2020 that Trump was going to win 30% of the Black vote? Final tally: 92% for Biden; 8% for Trump. I won a thousand-dollar bet with one of those wealthy Republican donors, which I’ve been too polite to mention. Maybe she’ll read this.)
I say all this not to join the chorus of White Republicans futilely sucking up to black people, but for only one reason: It’s true. To the extent that anyone’s being replaced, it’s you, Black Americans.
A classic of mainstream conservative thinking. “To the extent that anyone’s being replaced, it’s you, Black Americans.” It’s ridiculous to say Whites are not being replaced–just look at the numbers. And yes, immigration does hurt Blacks, but that’s collateral damage. It’s directed at Whites.
“A classic of mainstream conservative thinking.”
Is that a compliment, or meant ironically?
Isn’t “mainstream conservative thinking” a greater threat to normal people than Marxism? It’s certainly done more damage. It’s definitely a bigger obstacle to our salvation.
Jews, the Left, the worst maniacs from SJW-iers to Satanists are the enemy, but mainstream conservatism is treachery in the ranks. A greater problem for us by far.
Very good observation! Yes! Conservatives, of all colours and shapes, are traitors, either consciously or unconsciously. Somehow they are wired to be like that. Many times I started chatting with someone who seems to be on the same side as me and when I mentioned “race” or “Jews” they changed the subject or got annoyed and said, “I am a conservative…”
I hate them because I can understand an enemy who openly and clearly defends his ethnic group, after all, is the normal thing to do, but these pieces of… (and this also includes the White leftists) are working for the destruction oOF THEIR OWN PEOPLE!
100%, KMac.
Spot on Mr MacDonald! I couldn’t give a damn about the replacement of the blacks. besides, as you rightly pointed out, it is collateral damage. Let’s not forget the orgy of looting, rioting, raping and murdering that followed immediately after the death of George Floyd. Were the victims Hispanic? Hell! NO, they were ALL whites!
As an English friend of mine said “The conservatives (republicans in the US) couldn’t give a damn about us, the White people; the funny thing is, the bastards believe they will survive once we are wiped-out”
The purpose of ‘conservatism’ is to destroy White people, to make them impotent politically and pariahs socially. The Ruling Class is bound to each other in their universal hatred of Whites, especially Midwest Whites and even more especially working class Midwest Whites. The saddest line of all is ‘I say all this not to join the chorus of White Republicans futilely sucking up to black people…’
It doesn’t matter whether she knows sucking up to Negros is politically smart, she has to do it anyway in the name of ‘the truth’.
But it’s an irrelevant truth.
And she knows it.
But she does it anyway.
Because worshiping Negros is a central tenet of America’s State Relgion.
Or is she attempting to redirect the 80 IQ albatross around White Man’s neck? If so, they don’t read so the message needs to go out another way. Plus, this IS KMac’s platform.
The Chamber Of Commerce is one of the worst enemies of White America . The Chamber favors mass immigration of cheap labor and they don’t like it when somebody distributes pro White literature .The gullible Whites foolishly think Republicans will work for their best interests. Spoiler alert : THEY WON’T !
Kevin, I suspect that Ann Coulter knows who the real target of those who salivate overThird World immigration is. She also knows that the number of whites is on schedule to be less than the total of nonwhites and if we are looking for allies to prevent a Hispanic dominance of the country, Blacks may be necessary. They may be problematic but it beats Hispanic dominance.
…” if we are looking for allies to prevent a Hispanic dominance of the country, Blacks may be necessary.”
Not really .
USA Whites are presently still a majority ethnic population of about two-thirds of the total which is about 200 million out of a little more than 300 million total population of all ethnicities .
The USA White population is severely fragmented into at least a dozen mutually antagonistic pieces /classes/groups ( such as Democrats v Republicans , conservatives v liberals , pro-choice v pro-life , North v South , Protestants v Catholics , and so on ) .
The White fragments need to become sufficiently allied , presuming that is possible , with each other — not other ethnicities — in order to prevail against the globalist NWO jew-dominated ILLuminati genocidal existential threat . In other words , nonWhite ethnicities allied to Whites cannot and will not “save” Whites from what is currently mostly only a soft ( for now ) genocide against them .
The vast majority of Whites
are too politicly retarded
( because they normally ignore politics , except for the mostly jewish contrived electioneering issues , and they also normally ignore the consequences )
to be concerned about existential threats to Whites
that many of them are not even sure such a “race” exists .
Replacement refers not to the workforce, but to the population. It includes birthrates of white Americans compared to bipoc and immigrant birth rates.
Job access is a distant concern.
Demographics is destiny.
Come on Kevin, let Teddy take the shit for the Hart-Celler Act. No one knows who Hart or Celler is, but many know the sponsor of his recently-deceased brother’s final bill in the Civil Rights suite, easy to pass with public sympathies as a major diversion from the bill’s radical long-term effects.Teddy’s quote that “Our cities will not be overwhelmed” is the ironic banner of this movement.
One thing Iève got to say about some immigrants they sure know how to pool their resources together, work as a team and buy up real estate.
I also know a man of Indian descent, a Sikh, University educated, in the shipping industry who worked in this country of Canada at two jobs 7 days a week, for 7 years and than a further 6 days a week again at two jobs for three years. He built an 8 bedroom house for his immediate family and sold it recently for 1.7 million, 10 years after he built it. I just scratch my head at the real estate bulldung here in BC. Reminds me of the central banker Paul Warburg who after witnessing the roaring twenties said:
The world lives in a fools paradise based upon fictitious wealth, rash promises and mad illusions. We must beware of booms based upon false prosperity which has its roots in inflated credits and prices.
A Hebrew speaking truth! Yeah, that’s all it is false prosperity. I even had an encounter with a salesman at a Lowes who upon seeing me eyeing some chair rails said that’s a good choice, you’ll be able to add 20,000 to the value of your condo if installed while snickering about it. A 30 dollar chair rail made out of wood-chips. That’s the renovation craze.
In any case he purchased another million dollar home and is still working at 2 jobs. I doubt very much one will find such dedication and hard work among either white or black.
Good to see the edit on the Ted Kennedy misinformation. Hope some day she’ll come around.
Ms. Coulter, are you and Harry Vox linked romantically? You refer to certain people as Black (capital B) and white (lower case w). Vox is a con: what is your excuse?
Like thinking about replacement in class metaphores, just stupid.
Whites bein replaced all of them/us in the USA. This is at elite universities, politics and more and more top positions at large companies.
So whites will be replaced in the upper class, middle class and working class neighborhoods, places of work positions in companies education state and so on.
More or less whites in the US under 18 years ariund 49 % and most likely 20 % to 30 % of these whites will have mixed childern hence next generation even with non white immigration totally stopped will be around 30 % of US population and then maybe 10 %.
And with current focus on racial mixing you may call it propaganda in the media and entertainment industries, I assume many whites will be programmed to have racially mixed children by their owerlords.
So I assume this would lead to maybe in 55 years or so if we llok at whites under the age of 18 being maybe around 10 % of the population of this age group and going down.
And given the dominance of whites in numbers for like 500 years in the USA I see this as very drastical and a very fast development.
Also given the ammount of time in evolution that took us here.
Quite horrible really.
So whatcha gonna do?