Breaking: Trump Was Listening to People as Crazy as Democrats!
Jan. 6 hearings, Day 900: Nothing new.
Apparently, White House counsel Pat Cipillone — whom we’ve been hearing was the Rosetta stone to the whole case against Trump — didn’t back up the sainted White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson.
Among the shocking claims Hutchinson made two weeks ago was this alleged exchange between her boss, chief of staff Mark Meadows, and Cipollone:
Cipollone: “The rioters have gotten into the Capitol, Mark. We need to go see the president now.”
Meadows: “He doesn’t want to do anything”
Cipollone: “Something needs to be done, or somebody is going to die and this is going to be on your effing hands. They’re literally calling for the VP to be effing hung.”
Cipollone: “Effing crazy.”
Well, Cipollone testified last Friday, and the big revelation is: He thought Trump should accept the results of the election.
Yeah, so did everyone else within five miles of the White House — except Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn and the former CEO, Patrick Byrne.
Yes, it’s embarrassing that Trump had a Dec. 18 meeting with these nuts, during which he announced he was going to make Powell “special counsel” to investigate election theft.
Name a day of the Trump presidency that he didn’t say something stupid. Name a day since the election that you didn’t know Trump was listening to Powell, Flynn and the Overstock guy.
I don’t know where liberals get off rolling their eyes at Powell’s wacky theories about the election. As I understand it, she claims voting machines were rigged by Iran, China and maybe Hugo Chavez, among other totally believable, not-at-all-crazy claims.
Hey, anybody remember the Diebold voting machine conspiracy theory?
According to serious, prominent, respected Democrats, the Diebold company rigged Ohio’s voting machines in 2004 to flip votes from Kerry to Bush. Without Ohio, Bush would have lost the election.
Among the places the Diebold conspiracy theory was strenuously argued were:
An 8,000-word article by Michael Shnayerson in the April 2004 issue of Vanity Fair;
A 2,800-word article by Christopher Hitchens in the March 2005 Vanity Fair;
An “expose” by Bobby Kennedy Jr. in the June 15, 2006, Rolling Stone magazine.
The gist of it, to the extent any conspiracy theory can be boiled down to a “gist,” is that the CEO of Diebold, which provided some of Ohio’s voting machines, was a Bush supporter. Also, one of the computer software engineers who tested the software “had given $25,000 to the Republican National Committee in 2000.”
The Diebold conspiracy theory was so idiotic, it was debunked in Salon magazine, of all places. And that’s a publication with articles about anal sex and pollution on Mars.
Yet and still, during the official count of the 2004 Electoral College vote, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-Ohio, objected to the reading of Ohio’s votes, requiring both houses to return to their respective chambers and debate the Ohio results for two hours before returning to finish the tally.
Thirty-one Democrats in the House objected to the counting of Ohio’s votes; one member of the Senate objected. (Guess who?)
There was even a book, Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? by Steven F. Freeman and Joel Bleifuss. (Spoiler alert: You’re damn right it was stolen!) Their proof was that the exit polls showed Kerry ahead, so to hell with actual results on Election Day.
The real cheating in the 2020 election — and every other election in recent memory — wasn’t that Iran, China or Chavez were manipulating our voting machines. It wasn’t the ballot harvesting allegedly exposed in Dinesh D’Souza’s movie, 2,000 Mules. It was what liberals were doing right in front of our faces.
Democrats have what are known as “unmotivated voters.” As such, they need battalions of “Get Out the Vote” activists to track down the bored and the lazy. (Yes, the same marginalized people whom liberals claim are having their lifelong dreams of voting dashed by GOP “voter suppression” schemes can’t be bothered to get out of bed on Election Day.)
Over the years, Democrats have lured their voters to the polls with a free ride, a box lunch and walking-around money — even a gurney, if that’s what it takes. Volunteers give the voters detailed, childlike instructions on exactly how to fill out their ballots. Luckily, unionized government workers have plenty of time on their hands to “organize” voters.
Without these sorts of military-style operations, the day after the election, Democrats will find out half their voters overslept and forgot to vote.
Consequently, COVID was like manna from heaven for the left. It provided the perfect excuse to demand even more time for volunteers to round up the uninterested. No-excuse absentee ballots, mail-in ballots, drop boxes, months of early voting — all of it: Advantage Democrats.
Until Republicans stop being pushovers and shut down all mail-in balloting, all early voting, all drop boxes, and pass a federal law requiring ONE DAY, a NATIONAL HOLIDAY, to vote (which is fully within Congress’ constitutional authority), Democrats have a gigantic, unfair advantage. That’s not cheating. It’s being smarter than Mitch McConnell.
As a retired letter carrier let me put in my 2¢. I like mail in voting because I hate standing in line to vote waiting on people who have not thought about it until they stepped into the booth.
However, there is too much opportunity for fraud. I’ve seen ballots on my route for people I’ve never had mail for before. My supervisor says we letter carriers are not poll watchers. We are to deliver all mail as addressed unless there is a change of address on file or the residence is vacant.
There are many single delivery places where the carrier just drops off bags of mail to be sorted by someone else: retirement centers, fraternities, sororities, student housing, etc. The letter carrier has no idea who actually lives at those addresses. Changes of address are handled by the people in charge of each situation. I think you can see the problem.
My solution is a hybrid. Deliver ballots by mail to REGISTERED voters but require the ballots to be returned in person, not by mail. Each voter should show ID and sign a registration book. One ballot per person. Exceptions for absentee voting should be scrutinized closely.
Otherwise, I don’t trust any election.
Ed Chambers, Saul Alinsky’s top acolyte, bragged about stealing an election. According to Alinsky, guru to the Dem party,” In action, one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent both with one’s individual conscience and the good of mankind. The choice must always be for the latter.” See? Stealing an election is ok, if it is for the “good of mankind.” That is, Democrats have no moral problem with election fraud. Most people know this, hence the old jokes about dead people voting for Democrats.
Trump was listening to Jews.
Wilbur Ross, David Freedman, David Cohen, many many more. Epstein even.
January 6 can be thought of as PUSHBACK against the Democrat/leftist/black riots of 2020.
If the Democrats/left/blacks are against violence, why no condemnation and an investigation of the 2020 riots?
Only one side can legitimately use force?
“He thought Trump should accept the results of the election.
Yeah, so did everyone else within five miles of the White House — except Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn and the former CEO, Patrick Byrne.”
I thought Coulter was a lawyer. If she is, it’s a good thing she took up writing, because “accept the results” does not mean the election wasn’t stolen. I agree that Powell was off base on whom to blame, but after what has come out in the last year – from the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling that the Administrative Branch illegally changed the rules, to the videos of boxes of ballots being pulled out in Georgia, to the Arizona audit showing tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots – one would think Coulter would get off her I hate Trump narrative.
Trump was never an ideal candidate and has many flaws. That does not mean the election was not rigged, and that there are both Democrats and Republicans in on the steal while keeping the pot boiling with the “insurrection” narrative on the false flag operation at the Capitol.
Does anyone find it too much of a co-incidence that the news about Cassidy Hutchinson testifying completely drowned out the news that Michael Stenger, in charge of security for the Capitol who claimed the riot was a set up, died while waiting to testify, yet Hutchinson, who at best gave hearsay testimony, was rushed in to present her drivel?
I think there was widespread fraud in the election and strong evidence in support of that claim. Are the Democrats smarter than Mitch McConnell or does he support them frequently and oppose Trump? This in itself is not evidence but President Biden in his infrequent public appearances before the election was showing signs of senility then already. If he was elected and there was not widespread election fraud I think an unwelcome “miracle” occurred.
I hope Ann Coulter was drinking heavily before writing this article because that would excuse its vapid content. The article neglects to mention any of the serious problems with either electronic voting, vote by mail, or even vote by anonymous, unguarded voting box in a parking lot at midnight. The problems with electronic voting have been studied for decades now by Bev Harris and others, and there are many questions that remain unanswered: e.g. why are individual votes scored as decimals (0.56 of a vote?!?!) and why is the source code on a public election secret?
Coulter gets around asking real questions by relying upon the (fake conservative) Fox News method of pointing at a straw man: Trump was listening to crazy democrats! As if the the many thousands who came to DC to protest the most fraudulent election ever had not been influenced by hundreds of videos showing ballots being dropped off at night, boxes of ballots brought out from under a table and counted 3 times each, Republican poll watchers being excluded from counting rooms, etc…
Everyone is always jumping up and down like we can’t do anything about the vote stealing. No we can. Easily. All it takes is a majority in the House and/or Senate to change the rules.
The Constitution says,
“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members … Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.”…”
They could demand photo ID. All ballots being controlled and accounted for. All ballots given to a voter accounted for. No mail-in voting unless done before the election with ID verification. All ballots scanned after being cast or during and a image of the ballot being uploaded to the internet tied to each voting place, with the number of ballots and the names of the voters attached. That way all votes could be independently counted by the public at large. No electronic voting. All hand count in a specified time. Maybe we couldn’t stop all cheating but cheating on the mass scale in the last election would be difficult to do. They could even demand the voters be “qualified” by whatever means they deem necessary. The above clause is not vague.
With the voters, “qualified”, like having a high school diploma or paying a positive rate of taxes, we could totally crush all crime in a year. Since the people voting for the poz mostly do not meet these qualifications, the Black vote would evaporate and any politician who continued to do nothing about the Pol Pot level of crime in our cities would soon be finding other work.
We could build vast gulags in the empty areas of the west to build canals or other public projects and pile criminals in them. Crime would plummet to nothing.
Let’s look at what in the past regional based Senates did. In New York State, the “regional” Senators passed a law that ANY crime with a gun would get an immediate death penalty. It worked. No one committed crimes with guns and if they did there was speedy trial and they were electrocuted within weeks. Crime was very low because shopkeepers would keep baseball bats and if you tried to rob them they would pound you to pieces. What was done once can be done again.
I’m constantly blathering on and on about the Senates in the States being elected by regional basis instead of by population, giving too much power to the cities. Well it seems that the Constitution handily provides that if they have the majority they can do just that. They could also demand a voting system that guarantees honest, open and verified voting, OR, the people who refuse can just have no Representatives at all. This has happened in 1974 the Democrats refused to seat a very closely elected Republican Senator and the seat was vacant for over 7 months. Not only the above but since it doesn’t require the President at all then he can not block it without blatantly trying to overthrow the Constitution in a most public way.
Once again.“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …”
We could say anyone who immigrated after 1964 could not vote. Totally legal. Once you deprive the left of voters, then the politicians will tailor their message and votes towards those that can vote. Heritage America.
We could take over this whole country, run it as we damn well please in a few months.
People are always saying that we need this, and that, change, civil war, mass bloodshed, etc, and I am telling you that the US Constitution is the finest document of governance in the history of planet earth that flawed humans can think up. That we don’t follow it is hardly the fault of the Founders. It’s all there.
“…NY 2020 General Election. 2,000,000 questionable registrations and votes…”
This shows how weak their position is. That even in New York State they feel they have to steal several million votes to guarantee winning. But as long as no one is punished for it they will continue to do so. We need to work with anyone, Anyone at all, left, right, libertarian, voodoo doctors, anyone to get verified voting, and then we can ram through what we want No more trans children hour. Arrest them and send them to the gulags. It’s vast out there across the west, with tremendous areas of nothing. We should build canals to spread water to these areas. By hand. Give them something to do.