Kevin MacDonald Discussion of Maurice Samuel’s “You Gentiles” with The Right Stuff

6 replies
  1. Waldemar
    Waldemar says:

    The reaction of all kosher “white patriots” when a member of the Chosen Tribe says something right or expresses what one thinks oneself is always the same: they want to explode with excitement! Finally the “ultimate proof” has been found (again) that all the evil anti-Semites are wrong since ever and only adhere to a paranoid delusion.

    If Mrs. Wax were not a Jewish woman but a white man, she would have been “pushed off the window to the beautiful view” long ago, means: out of the game. Thus, these few “blind chickens that sometimes find a grain of corn” serve all kosher patriots as cardinal witnesses, as a fig leaf behind which they hide all their own cowardice, and as a pinhole through which they hope to squeeze all their alleged noble goals.

    A completely hopeless endeavor, because if this were otherwise, our world would already have looked completely different – namely in our favor – for a long time. One should rather believe in astrology than in the success of this enterprise, because the “conservative bourgeois values of self-discipline and hard work” rather correspond to the Capricorn profile of the horoscope owner Mrs. Wax than to the Jewish “liberal and universal” world view.

    The eternal doubters are now getting a boost after going through a phase of cognitive dissonance. Nowadays, cognitive dissonance is the “normal state” in a world of inconcreteness, imponderables, uncertainties, inaccuracies, of wishy-washy and “the facts are yet to be established”.

    Everything can also mean its opposite at the same time. Comparable to a seriously ill person who is in a violent environment in schizophrenia, for example, not knowing whether he locks his apartment door, because this could also mean that the ambulance is blocked access to the patient in an emergency.

    If the Jews are so powerful that they basically control all of our societies, then they are also powerful enough to let a “blind chicken find a grain” now and then, so that the impression is created that it is not even Jewish forces that are at work here. The best candidate for this is an “established scientist close to retirement age” (who has nothing to lose in principle).

    If there are naïve people who are suitable for sand to be thrown in their eyes, then Taylor is one of those who will slip on the banana peel first and fall flat on their face.

    • Waldemar
      Waldemar says:

      It may be beautiful and honorable from Mrs. Wax what she
      does. But in the world of her tribesmen it has neither effect
      nor relevance! It’s not at all about Mrs. Wax, it is about the
      mind-bending MISLEADING, which Mr. Taylor operates!

      Of course – from our perspective, one could see a great
      opportunity in Jews realizing, “Aha, this is how we must
      act in order to be respected by the peoples of the world!”

      But this will not occur, because this doesn’t cor-
      respond to their millennia-old “action standard”.

    • Waldemar
      Waldemar says:

      It may be beautiful and honorable from Mrs.
      Wax what she does. But in the world of her
      tribesmen it has neither effect nor relevance!
      It’s not at all about Mrs. Wax, it is about the
      mind-bending misleading, which Taylor does.

      Of course, from our perspective, one could
      see a great opportunity in Jews realizing, “A-
      ha, this is how we must act in order to be res-
      pected by the peoples of the world!” But this
      will not occur, because this doesn’t corres-
      pond to their millennia-old action standard.

  2. Erich
    Erich says:

    Great interview besides Mikes cold take on Ukraine.I haven’t listened since they began with their obvious shilling for putin.

  3. Waldemar
    Waldemar says:

    Always the same “play dumb” game… Soft-hear-
    ted Mr. Taylor is virtually outraged that a certain
    billionaire named “Rubenstein” is donating mil-
    lions ‘n’ millions to desecrate America’s history.

    Although it would be much more revealing
    to learn what remarkable general conclusi-
    ons Mr. Taylor draws from the origins to the
    actions of this prototypical “philanthropist”.

    Unfortunately, we’ll never hear such considerati-
    ons from his mouth. Orwellian principle in a po-
    litically correct dictatorship: “The decisive thing
    is not what is said, but what remains unspoken.”

    Thus, it only takes individual representa-
    tives of this “group of people” with un-
    heard-of wealth to ruin entire societies.

    Now one only has to imagine that there’re not
    only a few dozens or hundreds, but thousands
    of these undermining voles – and all of them in
    key positions in society to understand the ex-
    tent of the damage caused by this “species”.

    • Waldemar
      Waldemar says:

      When the Jews are constantly beating their sa-
      tanic mantra “Never again!” around our heads,
      we should complete it before we turn our backs
      on these annoying nags: “Never again … will you
      drive a wedge between the peoples of our race!”
      Unfortunately, they succeeded again in Ukraine.

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