Actually, Our Culture Is Better
I see the pro-abortion crowd is still bragging about their “10-year-old rape victim,” lamenting that the poor kid had to travel all the way from Ohio to Indiana to get the abortion. They make it sound like a trek from Iran to Iraq in the 13th century.
I don’t expect coastal liberals to know this, but Ohio is next to Indiana. The drive from the child’s home in Columbus, Ohio, to the abortionist in Indianapolis takes 2.5 hours. The cost of the gas was probably a greater trauma for the family than the trip.
But as long as they’re going to keep talking about how hard it is to get an abortion in Ohio, I’m going to keep talking about how hard it is to assimilate the Third World to First-World norms about women and children.
Child rape, gang rape, incest — it’s been a long time since we’ve seen much of that in the United States. Of course, there are lots of things we thought had been abolished a hundred years ago that our immigration policies are bringing back.
Indeed, the precise reasons people doubted “10-year-old rape victim” (until we found out the rapist was an illegal immigrant from Guatemala) were:
1) We grew up in America, where such crimes were freakishly rare;
2) We are being systematically lied to about the new cultures being brought in by mass Third-World immigration.
In its treatment of women, America is rare even among Western nations.
Toward the end of Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville attributes “the unusual prosperity and growing strength” of America to “the superiority of their women.”
This admirable creature, he said, was the product of Protestantism combined with self-government and the spirit of freedom. “Amongst almost all Protestant nations young women are far more the mistresses of their own actions than they are in Catholic countries. … [S]he has scarcely ceased to be a child when she already thinks for herself, speaks with freedom, and acts on her own impulse.”
Cut to: The mother of the 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio adamantly defending her child’s rapist.
Women rallying around the menfolk — who are rapists — is something else that’s new to Americans.
But such behavior is disturbingly well-known to police and prosecutors who deal with large immigrant populations.
“Hispanic rape victims are unlikely to report victimization to the police because in their families the male is the head of the household, and women are subordinate to men,” criminal justice professor Shana L. Maier writes in her book Rape, Victims and Investigations: Experiences and Perceptions of Law Enforcement Officers Responding to Reported Rapes.
She continues: “Because maintaining the honor of the family is important, Hispanics and Latinos are more likely than other racial/ethnic groups to blame the victim. The victim, not the perpetrator, is blamed for bringing dishonor to the family.”
With the media actively covering up the crimes of immigrants, it may take a while to notice, ladies, but American men were the best you ever had it.
Let’s check in with de Tocqueville again. “[A]lthough a European frequently affects to be the slave of woman,” he wrote, “it may be seen that he never sincerely thinks her his equal. In the United States men seldom compliment women, but they daily show how much they esteem them.”
And he was comparing America to Europe — forget primitive tribesmen.
After your government undertook a massive program to relocate the Hmong people from Laos to Minnesota and Wisconsin (and elsewhere in the U.S.), local law enforcement and medical authorities began to notice a striking upsurge in gang rape and forced prostitution. At one St. Paul clinic, a pediatric nurse calculated that Hmong girls were about six times more likely than other victims to have been raped by five or more people.
But their families blame the child rape victims. “In Hmong culture,” the Associated Press matter-of-factly explained, “a girl who loses her virginity before marriage may be looked down upon by her own relatives, even if she is forcibly raped.”
Thus, one Hmong mother’s response to her 12-year-old daughter being gang-raped by at least 10 men (also Hmong, of course) was not to call the police. To the contrary, when the girl limped home after an especially brutal episode, her mother said to her: “You’re just a little slut.”
This is their CULTURE.
Our culture sparkles and gleams, even compared to advanced European democracies, as noted by de Tocqueville. Among the interesting facts about America he cited was this: “In America a young unmarried woman may, alone and without fear, undertake a long journey.”
Not anymore, ladies! Sorry, but the rich needed cheap labor and the Democrats needed voters.
1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500
You may want to point out ,Ann, women are viewed as inferiors in Muslim and Jewish cultures also( vs Christian West)
All the wisdom of all the ages of all the cultures agreed women WERE inferior creatures to men.
But nothing has proved this point more than the examples of our day of what happens when you unleash them.
Everyone knows ‘women’s liberation’ was the same old scam from the same old crowd as every other societal disaster we confront. It was designed as an attack on our civilisation and probably our race as well, so who is surprised it’s a total horror show?
Does any sane person still hold to the (typically)nebulous claim that men and women are ‘equal’? Equal to what? The same? Well they aren’t the same, so what exactly is this? – absurd Talmudic gibberish, like every other leftist delusion.
It’s not ‘hating women’ it’s belief in Truth. The women are the biggest victims in this carnage, men today can separate themselves from woman, but females can’t separate from themselves.
Hindu women are to walk behind their husband in submission.
The USA was founded by WASP individualists. The Protestant ethic prevailed. Pioneer women were partners in expanding and building the Country
As this group has lost power-especially to non European Christians- the USA has declined. The average USA IQ is slipping yearly as the white population declines. The average IQ in Guatemala is 79(vs NW Europe @ 100+).The illegals likely have IQs below this. Accordingly illegal immigration-promoted by Jewish interests- is diluting the US IQ. Note the number of known illegals this past year exceeds the entire population of WV.
I am concerned that public schools have brainwashed several generations of children since the 1960s,
These children have become “Woke” and often hate America.
This has degraded American culture – perhaps to an irrecoverable point.
The problem more is the parents. Children at least have the Internet now. The Internet is less controlled. Their parents only had the tv.
Talk to some old person sometime. They still read books on WWII, and they’ll tell you about capitalism or foreign policy. They don’t care much about demographics, and they assume these state entities matter as opposed to actual demographics. They are loyal to the state, not to their nation (their people).
The old are like kids playing video games. It’s the young who can have kids, the young who matter. They’re essentially born without parents, since parents are so completely lost and uneducated politically.
If there is a future, it’s in educated the kids, giving them a choice of becoming European or remaining part of this cosmo internationalism. Other groups need to be educated also. The survival of any group tends to help the survival of other groups, in my view – since we mostly don’t fight over food now.
The US was not fully individualistic in the way people claim. The problems with classical liberalism is partly seen in how it allows for large cities, which even Thomas Jefferson condemned (as did Aristotle).
US individualism could best be described as a sort of fuzzy political thinking where we got some things correct and some things wrong. We rejected the Greeks and Romans, “progressed forward” and were lost like children, like barbarians, as a result.
I’d prefer to rely on old German or Druidic texts, but we have none. We only have the Greeks and somewhat the Romans to guide us. We can learn wisdom from foreign political science also, but the mistake was in the “Enlightened” rejection of the wisdom of past experience, which was hard earned.
In my part of the US, we did read the Greeks, and our individualism was often an attempt by slave holders defending their independence from society. The ideal of the Southern Agrarian movement was the small farmer, and the South’s support of Huey Long and (mistaken) FDR shows its past rejection of ideology. It was only the Cold War and mass media that made us “individualistic.”
Well, gorgeous blond Miss Coulter, as long as you are telling the demoncrats THAT, I will keep telling you that it’s your JEW friends who are behind all of these horrible things in white countries. Have we become so pathetic that we need Jews like the Zionist Laura Loomer to tell us it’s OK to be white. Jews are calling her a white supremacist, not a Jew supremacist which she is.
This woman is speaking at Jared Taylor’s AmRen? And the members don’t walk out and boo the daylights out of Taylor? Pathetic. Loomer is a hardcore Israel Firster who would not hesitate to align herself with blacks and Muslims against whites to further the Jew agenda. That agenda is the destruction of the Europeans/Whites/, or whatever the blazes the Jews allow us to call ourselves these days.
Someone wrote a response to me one time telling me that we need people like Coulter and Taylor to educate us. BULL!!!
Educate yourself. They will never tell you that JEWS are the ones causing the third world to invade America.
The English played the female dog for the Jews. The Jews repaid them by turning Britannia into a third world country!!!!
We need a European American Malcolm X AND a EuroAmerican Louis Farrakhan. Or else, we are toast. Jews seem to always win when dealing with whites.
Jews will not rest until the entire white race is gone.
Beyond sad.
Well said. I still cannot make up my mind if these half in, half out types like Coulter, Mark Steyn, etc do more harm than good.
I think they do more good probably, but don’t blame you for taking the opposite view.
At least they are behind enemy lines, fighting the fight, and if they hadn’t sold part of their soul, neither of us would know who they were to begin with. They weren’t Jwoke when they began but obviously are now.
You never know how much of a chain reaction a famous conservative might get if one, just one, would one time, come out and admit what we all know to be true. They could do it as a group. Even if they stated plainly there is an elephant in the room they have all not been allowed to mention, and leave it like that.
The fact this never-ever happens is beyond coincidence, and now I’m back where you are, they’re controlled opposition.
Coulter still defends the Iraq War, likely other wars too. No one has explained to her that US foreign policy forced Arabs to move to Europe and somewhat to the US. If they have no water, no food, and are bombed, how could Arabs stay? Why not allow Arabs to remain in Arabia?
She also defended the vaccine. Coulter means well, but she is lost. She lives in NYC still, I assume. So, she probably doesn’t know anyone right wing to burst her thought bubble.
I dunno that Taylor is bad. I think if you want to educate people, you need to do it personally, on Panquake. The world has changed, and the old people are just lost in a fog, victims of the mass media.
The little ones (meaning children) must walk on while the old yell about fiction the tv told them.
It’s almost like Ann is one of them 🙂 lol
Boohoo ☺️ great stuff…we need more immigrants to toss out this government. I think the end result is going to be worth it. 😋 As a poor person…I’ve pretty much grown tired of hearing from various people over my 45 years… just an endless stream of bitching and moaning. A steady stream of complaining and victimhood. If america is Babylon…I guess that will be that…if it’s not , maybe a better country after the confligration