Western Culture

White Dreams and the Politics of Cold Turkey: The Internecine Proclivities of White People

It was two thousand years ago that the Roman writer Juvenal warned us to beware of our dreams coming true. An attractive Roman noblewoman may go to great lengths in her self-adornment only to discover how intensely she is hated by her less physically endowed female companions. Comes the time when the envy of her less attractive entourage turns her accomplished dreamlife into a living hell. Likewise, a wealthy praetor when travelling with his body guards outside Rome stops indulging in his fame and ruminates how not to get mugged by highway robbers instead. The philosopher and lawyer Cicero was the best orator in the Roman empire whose self-complacency eventually cost him the loss of his head by the jealous would-be emperor Mark Antony. His handsome colleague and client, the famous theater actor Quintus Roscius was forced to forfeit his narcistic self-adulation having been obliged to spend most of his backstage life dodging lawfare for his tax evasion. Had he lost the presidential election, despite his phenomenal combative spirit in fighting the DOJ’s Bolshevik-inspired trumped-up charges, president Trump would be by now en route to federal penitentiary.

“Be careful what you wish for” is a fine English expression which lacks a verbal and conceptual equivalent in other European languages. It does, however, reflect the very opposite of grandiose dreams come true. Maybe the best medicine for a livable life is the suppression of free will as preached by the ikons of cultural pessimism, Emile Cioran and Arthur Schopenhauer. Squashing free will and suppressing all political appetites may be also the best answer for an aspiring public figure given that at some point in time his legacy will only be remembered as a criminal enterprise. Over the course of time the unity of opposites leads to the paradox of unintended consequences and unanticipated political disasters. It is only a matter of time that a ruler’s erstwhile stardom will be labeled a crime, or even worse that his name will be chiseled out as damnatio memoriae. Which option to choose; keep a low profile and live one’s life in self-abnegation? Or dwell in an overdrive promethean hubris-like self-delusion of working for the greater good? Ten, hundred, or five hundred years later a politician’s achieved goals will be the target of public demonization. Tearing down the statues of Confederate heroes is just the latest example of unintended consequences that must have slipped the mind of Jefferson Davis and R.E. Lee. The distinction between good and evil is just a matter of individual judgment in accordance to the dominant lie of a given epoch. Even a popular English proverb that “every cloud has a silver lining,” which has a better graphic equivalent in the French language, à quelque chose malheur est bon (“out of bad comes good”) sounds grotesque. It can’t be a solace for a politician sentenced to death for his lost war, nor can it bring relief to a heretic preaching untimely beliefs. With the increasing racial replacement in the U.S. the founding fathers Jefferson and Hamilton will soon be featured in school curricula as the architypes of White Evil, all ready to join the club of hundreds of the damned ones, including the proverbial Hitler and his ilk.

It is a great merit of behavior geneticists and evolutionary biologists to single out the prime role of heredity, particularly when it comes to our political choices when facing off a hostile outgroup. The study of the genetics of race can also help us much in uncovering a sociopathic would-be loudmouth within our own ingroup. Due to the steady bolshevization of social science studies since 1945, it should not come as a surprise why the research in these fields has been avoided like the plague in the Western school curriculum. The good news is that the post-WWII gigantic egalitarian multiracial scam, whether in its communist or liberal form, is falling apart. The decades-long official U.S. Soviet-inspired multiracial-DEI- affirmative action-woke policies  are showing their dysfunctional and destructive results in an all social, economic, and military realms. Even its erstwhile supporters are increasingly becoming aware of it..

Ingroup infighting

Is a racially homogenous society based on meritocratic and hierarchical principles i.e., that everybody must have his own due (suum cuique) the best answer? The works of dozens of prominent geneticists have confirmed that ingroup members are biologically predisposed to flock to their kind, especially when a threat of aggression from outgroups looms. How is it then that more Whites since time immemorial have been killed by people who were in fact their own ingroup members (whatever labels they were using) than by hordes of invading outgroups? Why deny that the entire history of white Europe and America, despite their cultural braggadocio, is largely a history of civil wars? Wishful thinking about the expulsion of all non-Whites, or a putative establishment of secessionist all-White statelets in the U.S. or E.U. will likely lead to another round of mutual inter-White incriminations and civil wars. Also worth pointing out is that non-White and non-European outgroups perceive the history of interminable inter-European wars very differently from how European nations perceive their dispute with similar neighboring outgroups.

Policies based on identity, however romantic they sound, are based on the exclusion of alterity. All of us define our Selves only in comparison to the Other. Example? There is not a single nation in Europe that has been spared from murderous wars with its next-door European neighbor. Very likely White infighting will continue unabated even if all 30 million non-Whites in Europe and over 150 million non-Whites in North America were miraculously to disappear. Alas, birds of feather do not always flock together. In fact, any conflict becomes the more gruesome the less visible racial, linguistic and cultural lines exist between two neighboring groups sharing the same DNA. On the other hand, the more geographically distant nations are from each other, the more likely they will tolerate their mutual differences. As a rule, each ingroup perceives its next door similar as an affront, as a denial or as a caricature of its own identity, as was amply shown during the recent bloody conflict between Serbs and Croats. “The closer we are to the Other”, writes Alain de Benoist, “the more violently we will fight against him, because the very fact of his proximity makes his Otherness all the more scandalous.”

In their turn non-White, non-European observers and scholars, let alone millions of low-IQ non-White migrants flooding Europe and America must be scandalized and bedeviled by disputes between European nations. Historical disagreements resulting in bloody wars between genetically similar Irish and English, between Basques and Castilians, between, Germans and Poles, between Hungarians and Romanians, between Flemings and Walloons must appear to them as a sign of the insanity of the White man. This is the subject White homeland advocates have failed to address. A well-researched work on the sociobiology of civil wars between European nations is sorely missing.

At the heart of interminable inter-White ingroup disputes and civil wars one must single out the destructive role of millennia-long Judeo-Chistian-Islamic monotheism. The catastrophic results of the Abrahamic dogma have been the main engine of European ingroup civil wars, both in their theological and ideological versions. Belief in the existence of only one God presupposes the belief in only one political truth and the rejection of other possible truths. Civil wars among White Europeans, stretching from the first Christian emperor Constantine to the Second World War, all the way to the current war between genetically similar Russians and Ukrainians, have their roots in secularized forms of Christianity. By contrast, old Romans and Greeks, although waging merciless wars against foreign tribes never imposed their diverse deities and their own political beliefs on conquered tribes. In fact, they often borrowed gods from conquered tribes and had them added to their own pantheon.

One can sing the praises of ancient Roman religious tolerance, but the Greco-Roman civil wars amidst the same polytheistic ingroups were not very divine at all. One does not need to recap he Thirty Years Peloponnesian war between the racially same Athenians and Spartans. Very likely similar inter-White carnage will continue in our postmodernity even if all non-White citizens were forced to depart from Europe and America.

One can justly condemn the jealous Jewish god Yahve and his totalitarian ukases against the unchosen ones: “The Lord your God will cut off before you the nations you are about to invade and dispossess” (Deuteronomy 12:29-32). The secular version of this old Yahve’s decree comes now as a free pass for the IDF serial killings of Arabs in the Gaza Strip. Neither have the Christians lagged much behind in their killing sprees within their own racial ingroup, each ingroup sect or clan claiming to hold the only appropriate master key to the Christian heaven. “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke, 14:26). The Russo- Ukrainian conflict is just the latest Gentile secular offshoot of the monotheist Judeo-Christian- inspired mindset.

Wern Graul (1905–1984): Christian Desecration of the Oak Tree

One must rightly be shocked with ancient Christian and Jewish preachers and their liberal and communist commissars preaching once upon a time the Gospel of antipaganism and lecturing on the importance of antifascism today. But the pagan ingroup and inter-clan violence is also full of gory scenes. Hundreds of historical and mythical texts testify to it. The egotistic Titan Saturn, in order to preserve his sole rule on his global turf did not hesitate a minute to devour his son, the future god Zeus. In the much-vaunted Iliad, the pagan hero Achilles drags the desecrated body of Hector along the walls of Troya, causing discomfort among pagan Troyan mourners worshiping the same gods (The Iliad, Book XXII) . Ovid’s Metamorphoses depicts an orgy of ingroup violence such as when the Balkan-Thracian king Tereus rapes his wife’s sister Philomela and cuts her tongue off in order to prevent her from going public about the crime. Orestes kills her mother Clytemnestra for her cheating on his father and her husband Agammemnon. Neither would have the foundation of the ancient pagan city of Rome been possible without having jealous Romulus kill his brother Remus.

Francisco Goya (1746–1828): Saturn devouring his son

In the study of modern political and academic self-censorship and woke witch-hunts against free thinkers in the EU and the US it is imperative to study Ovid’s bloody allegory of human, subhuman and transhuman transformations.

The cases of more secular and historically recorded ingroup savagery are timeless and countless. The emperor Nero had his mother killed. His lifelong mentor the wealthiest man in Rome, the philosopher Seneca, who liked to brag stoically about modesty and tolerance, was subsequently killed by Nero — his former imperial pupil. Emperor Marcus Aurelius, much eulogized in history books for his compassion and magnanimity toward his defeated foes must have badly misdirected his stoic genes; his son, the emperor Commodus, was the foremost sexual pervert in the Roman empire. Shakespeare’s dramas also abound in ingroup and intrafamilial killings, mostly by the rulers suffering from mental or sexual deformities, as illustrated in his play Richard III. Shakespear’s king Richard is not a far cry from many contemporary White nationalists in the US and Europe parading themselves as undisputed future leaders daydreaming about how to save the West.

And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover
To entertain these fair well-spoken days
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
(Act 1, Scene 1)

White dreams turned into the tragic opposite following 1945. But even if Hitler and Mussolini and similar or sympathetic politicians in Europe and the U.S. of that epoch had won the war, or at least won the day, their dreams would have materialized by now into something entirely different. White dreams caused by acid or crack can help in arresting or even reverse the flow of time, but the aftermath is never pleasant.


Further reading:

  1. Alain de Benoist, “Violence sacrée guerre et monothéisme”, Krisis (33/April 2010).
  2. Hervé Coutau-Bégarie “A quoi sert la guerre?” Krisis (34/June, 2010).
  3. Gaius Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, edited by J. Rives (Penguin Classics, 2007).

James Edwards Interviews Pat Buchanan on the Death of the West

What follows is a transcript of an interview conducted by talk radio host James Edwards with Patrick J. Buchanan upon the initial release of his book Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?  We revisit this conversation because the year in question has now arrived, and many of the concerns raised during the discussion still remain. This transcript has never before appeared online and has been edited for brevity.

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James Edwards: Pat, thanks for being back with me again, and congratulations on the early success of your latest title. Writing a book is like printing money. Everybody loves you!

Patrick J. Buchanan: No, James. They give me an advance and then I go out and try to sell as many as I can to help the publisher get it back.

Edwards: I saw someone buying it at Target last night, of all places. Maybe you should run for president.

Buchanan: Been there, done that!

Edwards: Well, let’s jump right into the thick of it. Do we currently have front-row seats to the end of Western Civilization and culture as we know it?

Buchanan: I believe the answer is yes, from a variety of standpoints. In one chapter, I discuss the “Demographic Winter” of the West. Currently, no Western country has a birth rate among its native-born population that is sufficient for it to sustain itself in any recognizable form by the end of this century.

It is my argument that when Christianity, which was the faith that created the West, when the faith dies, the culture dies, the civilization dies, and then the people die. And I think that’s true down through history. And we certainly see that in Europe, for example, which is well advanced ahead of us, where something like one in ten people go to church in Great Britain, I believe. More people attend Muslim mosques on holy days of the week than go to Anglican churches.

So, I think the West was created by this great religion, and that created the magnificent culture of the Middle Ages, out of which came all these great countries, which really dominated the world through the twentieth century, with empires basically dominating every country on earth almost, except for Japan. And now look at where they are. I think you see a civilization basically in retreat. As Toynbee said, “Civilizations die by suicide, not by murder.”

Edwards: I’m glad you brought up our faith in your book. It is dying in America and that precedes the death of a nation. In Russia, however, there seems to be at least somewhat of a revival of Christianity. I have read reports that the Russian government has even tried to encourage its citizens to have more children. Is Russia coming to its senses in a way that we in the West are not?

Buchanan: Well, I think the Russians went through hell for 70 years under Bolshevism.  They were a deeply religious and patriotic people who were Orthodox Christians. And when Lenin and Stalin came in, the church was literally murdered. I was over there in 1971, I guess, and we went down to this museum of Atheism in Leningrad, which was a gigantic cathedral. They turned it into that, and everything had been emptied out.

So, they went through 70 years of hell. And it’s very true that when they were liberated from Bolshevism and Communism, many returned to the faith. But frankly, James, if you look at the numbers there, Russia’s current birthrate may lead to a loss of approximately 25 million people by 2050. I have the statistics in my book.

Suicide of a Superpower also deals with what’s happening in Russia and these other countries. They’ve already lost 8 million in the last two decades ever since they became free, and the women are not having children. I think the median death age of Russian men is now something like 60. It has not only to do with the lack of births but apparently, the health system is terrible. There’s alcoholism. I think the average woman has seven abortions. I’ve had that in an earlier book.

Edwards: I once said during an appearance on CNN that you can’t have a first-world nation with a third-world population. Moving on to another aspect of your excellent new book, which I have a review copy of right here on my desk, you write that “White America is an endangered species.”  Pat, what is America going to look like if Whites go extinct?

Buchanan: I don’t think Whites are going to go extinct — I mean, certainly not in the near future.  But what is happening, as you see in California, is that Americans of European descent are already a minority, and that is true in Texas, and it is true, I believe, in New Mexico and Hawaii.  And in this decade, I think six more states will pass the tipping point where Whites become a minority. I think the best way to understand what America will look like is to look at California today. The Hispanic population will be immense, 135,000,000, according to the Census Bureau of Statistics.

California was once the Golden Land. Everybody went there. It was paradise. The soldiers who went out to the Pacific came home and then made their homes there.

But what is happening out there, James, is that the bond rating is the lowest in the country. The taxes are enormously heavy on the well-to-do and the successful, and these folks are leaving the state while one-third of poor, illegal immigrants head for California. You’ve got a Black/brown war of the underclass going on in Los Angeles, according to Sheriff Lee Baca, in the gangs and in the prisons. The welfare state is bankrupting California, and they have some of the highest taxes in the nation.

So, I think this is what the country is going to look like. And I quote the famous Harvard sociologist, Robert Putnam. He did a study of all the major cities of the United States and some others throughout the world. He found that social capital, that disposition of people to work together and live together and join together for common causes and good causes and political and social causes, is at its lowest in the city of Los Angeles.  He said he had never seen social capital so low anywhere and that diversity brings about people moving into their own enclaves, segregating themselves, separating themselves, and really cooperating in very little.

Edwards: Pat, we were talking about the demographic decline of European stock around the world and here in America. As you know, every minority group in this country has numerous organizations and representatives seeking to protect and advance their unique group interests. I find that to be quite natural and healthy, and, of course, it’s not only allowed when they do it; it is encouraged and applauded.  You discuss this tribalism in Suicide of a Superpower. Clearly, tribalism has empowered minorities in America and Europe. What happened to the tribal instincts of European Americans?

Buchanan: Frankly, it’s almost impermissible for folks of European descent to organize around their race. But you have a point, and in the book, I do talk about the Black caucus in Congress, which organizes and operates on Capitol Hill on government property, and it does not admit White members and several Whites who’ve tried to get in — Jonathan Bingham, I believe, and Pete Stark — have been denied admission because they were not African American.  And then there was your congressman in Memphis, they basically slammed the door in Steve Cohen’s face.

Edwards: It is one of the greatest hypocrisies that exists. African Americans voted 95 plus percent for Barack Obama, and people just shrug and say, “Well, of course they did. Why wouldn’t they?”  You have the Black congressional caucus, as you just mentioned. You have organizations like the NAACP. However, if White people express similar ethnocentric tendencies, they face harsh denunciations and condemnation.

Buchanan: That’s right. The African American community voted 95 to 4, which is 24 to 1, for Barack Obama, which is astounding.  Even prominent Republicans like General Powell turned against his fellow Vietnam vet to vote for Obama and Powell admitted that race had something to do with it, even though Obama ran denouncing the war that Powell sold to the country.

But you know, 85 percent of White folks in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama voted against Obama. There is this fellow for the New Yorker who wrote that he sees a new people emerging in the White community and that people who are constantly under attack and discriminated against by affirmative action will eventually unite around what it is that is being attacked and what they have in their own identity.

And frankly, this is something that somewhat concerns me. If you have no ethno-national poor in a country, such as they didn’t have in Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, and Czechoslovakia, as soon as they lifted off that repression, those things flew apart into something like 24 or 25 countries, whereas Poland stayed together, and Germany reunited on ethnic grounds.

And so, I feel that this power of ethnonationalism and religious fundamentalism is really the coming force in the world and you can see these things tearing countries apart.

Edwards: This is a follow-up to my previous question. It seems to me that many White politicians in Washington often work against their own group interests, which stands in stark contrast to the actions of their minority counterparts. Your chapter titled “The Diversity Cult,” begs me to ask this question: Why do so many Whites remain entranced by diversity when the social and cultural effects of diversity are almost entirely negative for themselves and their children and grandchildren?

Buchanan: I’ve been asked by people why it won’t be a really good thing when Whites become a minority nationwide. I mean, real problems are attendant to this.

If you go with the average American, let’s take the fellow who does the anti-affirmative action and civil rights initiative things. He conducted those ballot initiatives that abolished affirmative action in Michigan by referendum, in California by referendum, and in Washington by referendum, in three states that normally vote Democratic.

So, there is a growing majority of American people, even among the young, who feel that racial preferences and affirmative action are simply unjust. There’s a great belief that everybody should have a shot at getting on the team or getting in the band, or whatever. But the prize should go to those who are the best and work the hardest. And the idea that people should be discriminated against because of the color of their skin or where their ancestors come from, I think they find that profoundly offensive.

I think the further we go down the road with this affirmative action, especially now when you have women who qualify for affirmative action, Hispanics do, although there was no slavery of Hispanics. African Americans do. Then you’ve got 30 percent of the country, White males, who are really the ones who are the victims of affirmative action, not the beneficiaries. White males are 30 percent of the country, but they’re 75 percent of the dead and wounded coming back from Afghanistan. That’s not a formula for social peace.

Edwards: No, it’s not. But if these disenfranchised White males tried to come together politically to assert themselves, they would be shouted down as racists, supremacists, and so on and so forth.

Buchanan: Well, you know Shelby Steele wrote a piece in the Wall Street Journal several years ago.  He’s an African American intellectual and scholar. And he said this type of racial identity politics is simply denied to Whites. I don’t know if he was saying this was a good thing or not. But clearly, if this type of organization took place it would be denounced. But I remember several years ago they had a meeting over in Leesburg of the Asian American caucus, the African American caucus, and the Hispanic caucus to decide how they can get more benefits out of the Congress for their own communities.  And you would say, “Wait a minute. At whose expense are these going to come?” I think, regrettably, that’s where America is headed.

Edwards: Let’s talk about the end game. Where do all the liberal, multi-racial, multi-cultural utopian fantasies that are destroying American pride and prosperity end?  You have written that we don’t share the same heroes, faith, or even the same language anymore.

Buchanan: Well, this is it. What are the basics of a nation?  It is a common language, common borders, a common faith, moral consensus, and moral code. Certainly, a common history, heroes, holidays, and literature are things that make up the culture. But you’re right. When I grew up in Washington DC, even though we were a segregated town, Blacks and Whites shared a lot of those things in common, and now we have very little in common that we share. And in addition to that, our politics and ideology are dividing us. If all these things go and we no longer have something like the Cold War to unite us where we could all stand together against Communism, then what do we have left?

Edwards: So where are we twenty years from now?

Buchanan: James, what I believe is that the United States will be a legal and political entity in 2041 when there is no majority anymore, and we’re all minorities. But I’m afraid the things that hold us together seem to be weakening, and the centrifugal force that is pulling us apart, as Lee Hamilton said, is strengthening. I think we will be a legal nation, but I don’t think we will be one nation under God, indivisible, and one people again. We will be a Balkanized country, sort of a tower of Babel, and we will be at war with each other over our differences in culture, language, politics, ideology, and religion.

We already see it happening now. I mean, the atmosphere, especially up here in Washington, is just poisonous. And I hear the term “racist” thrown out there. It’s a constant on cable television these days. Just disagreeing with somebody and calling them a racist. Those were horrendous terms 50 years ago, even when you had the civil rights struggle going on.

Edwards: I love God. I love my family, Pat. I want to see our destiny and traditional cultural heritage reclaimed for the benefit of all Americans. I don’t want that to come at the expense of anyone, but I also don’t want to be forced to trade down.

Buchanan: James, my hope is certainly that we’re going to be free to do that. But what I think is going to happen is the folks who believe as you do are going to basically, I think, retreat into enclaves of their own kind.

You know, all over the world, as I write in the chapter, “The Triumph of Tribalism,” ethnonationalism, and religious beliefs are driving peoples to separate from each other and to set up their own small nation-states where their own religion is predominant, and their own culture is predominant, and they themselves rule to the exclusion of all others.

Arthur Schlesinger and Pat Moynihan, both of whom I knew and who came to be my friends, wrote in the 1990s that these are the forces that will shape the future. It will not be Democracy versus Communism, Democracy versus Fascism, or ideology at all.  But these fundamental forces.

Edwards: We know a lot of the problems, but what can we do?  I don’t think it’s ever going to be 1950 again, though that certainly looks like an oasis by comparison.

Buchanan: You were born in 1980. I go back a long way before that. But you know, I’ve talked about the 1960s transition from Eisenhower to Kennedy. And the 1950s were really a wonderful time in America. I thought we were one people. We had won the World War. We were united. Ike was in charge. We were challenging the Soviet Union. The young president was coming in. He was going to the moon. And you know, I just don’t know if we’re ever going to be anything like that again. I think we are going to be utterly different than that in the future.

And I saw a review of my book that quoted Russell Kirk asking what a conservative’s duty is. And Kirk had said it is to preserve a particular people in a particular place at a particular time. And I think that’s what I’ve been trying to do with little success, and we have to look at things realistically. We can preserve this, but it’s not going to be dominant in the country anymore as it was. It’s not going to be the view of all. It will be the view of some, and others will have ideas, beliefs, and cultures that are in utter conflict.

And so, I see, as I said, sort of a Balkanization and a separation of peoples coming in this country over these most fundamental beliefs.

When not interviewing newsmakers, James Edwards has often found himself in the spotlight as a commentator, including many national television appearances. Over the past 20 years, his radio work has been featured in hundreds of newspapers and magazines worldwide. Media Matters has listed Edwards as a “right-wing media fixture” and Hillary Clinton personally named him as an “extremist” who would shape our country. For more information, please visit www.thepoliticalcesspool.org.

How Did It Come to This?

Reposted from:

Danmarks Frihedsraad

The last white people

This article was originally published in Danish on December 30, 2017.

Povl H. Riis-Knudsen

Just 50 short years ago, you would have been considered delusional if you had told anyone what Denmark would look like in the year 2024. In your wildest nightmare, you would not have been able to imagine a multicultural Denmark with representatives of all the world’s exotic peoples walking freely in the streets, a country where Danish schoolchildren are in the minority in their school classes, where an ever-increasing part of the state budget is spent directly or indirectly on foreigners while our infrastructure is in decay, our hospitals have to save on both treatment and patient care, and our elderly are left to lie in their own filth. And no one seems to protest vociferously. The few who do are quickly shamed by the united media mafia, and the particularly stubborn dissidents are hunted down by the system’s storm troopers from Redox, Demos1 and whatever else these criminal organizations are called. But this is really unnecessary, because such difficult individual who persist in demanding free speech are quickly excluded from the labor market and the community of the saved, and their voices are not heard. No wonder, so few dare to speak out, and when some few do, they do so with so much flour in their mouths that they are shrouded in a dust cloud of nonsense and contradictions.

How has it come to this? How has a healthy and thriving society on the rise been turned around in such a short time so that it is now headed towards not only cultural, but biological extinction at the speed of light?

Well, you do it like this:

First you destroy the family, and you do this by destroying the woman, because she is responsible for the family and the next generation2. She is made to believe that she cannot “realize” herself as a mother, even though the maternal role is her natural biological role. In media and movies, the housewife is portrayed as stupid3, naïve, and bland, and the job market courts her so that she can get out and “realize herself” at an assembly line or a cash register for a few pennies. The children, who used to roam freely and play naturally with the neighbors’ children, are now caged in kindergartens where they are looked after by young girls and boys who know nothing about children, and the culture that has been passed on from generation to generation through the mother for millennia is suddenly no longer passed on. The kindergarten staff are just looking after the children, that’s all there is time for. But let us face it: a random assortment of teachers and helpers with no real education wouldn’t be able to do this important job – even if they had time. The children have become the property of the state, just as they are in other totalitarian regimes. The resources that strong and well-educated parents previously passed on to their children are now lost to society. Everyone must be equal (i.e. disadvantaged), and as the labor market in the 1970s succeeded in attracting foreigners whose children also go to kindergarten, there can be no question of transmitting any culture at all, because now there are suddenly several cultures, and emphasizing the country’s own culture is considered discrimination. Gradually, the staff also become multicultural. Danish culture disappears from kindergarten and later from schools and universities.

Parents, schools and institutions are forbidden by law to educate children. Neither teachers nor parents are now allowed to put power behind their words, and both families and schools are transformed into discussion clubs where the 6-year-old’s words carry as much weight as those of parents and schoolteachers. All discipline disappears and with it the basis for concentration and “readiness to learn”. Children, who used to be a blessing, are now, in far too many cases, ill-mannered, impudent egotists who spread fear and terror wherever they appear in a crowd.

Women are then fed birth control pills so that they have fewer children – never mind the side effects – and if they do get pregnant, they are allowed to kill their child before it is born, even encouraged to do so – it is called “an adult decision”. A woman is the sole master of her own body, of course. However, she probably should have considered the possibility that she might get pregnant, before it happened, because now it is no longer her body. It is a small independent being that is now being killed. Abortion is genocide and the doctors who perform it are murderers. The women are helpless victims. And the father is left out of the equation. It seems like such an easy solution, but they often suffer the physical and psychological consequences for the rest of their lives. This ensures a sharp drop in the number of children and thus, in the long term, in the population. Where there used to be numerous flocks of 4 and 6 lovely children, it’s today considered to be a flock if you have 2, and many have none at all.

As women no longer have the time to cook from scratch, we are seeing more and more industrially processed food, while agriculture, which used to employ half the population, is turning into industrial companies owned by corporations. The farmer becomes a food producer. People are gradually losing all connection to the land, and the connection to nature that was once taken for granted disappears. The land, once sacred, is reduced to a means of production. Most farmers leave the profession and become industrial workers. Often they move to the cities. In the pursuit of profit, endless amounts of pesticides are poured over our food. Disease and increased infertility are the results. This is deliberate – it lowers the numerical strength of the people.

The rise of women in the labor market puts family life under pressure. The number of broken families is increasing. The moral stigma of extramarital affairs is being condemned and is disappearing. At the same time, it becomes economically feasible to break up families, which was previously more difficult. Children are now growing up outside the safe confines of a strong coherent family. They are no longer automatically part of a community because the family itself is no longer a small community, only perhaps a shared address. The adults put their selfishness above the children, who are just left to the “care” of the state. The family members live their own lives without having anything really important in common.

Not only the family, but also all other natural human communities are under attack. Singing is an essential factor when it comes to strengthening a community. We know this from the community singing during the German occupation. People gathered in public squares to sing – a kind of protest, for sure, but a positive protest – a protest in the form of a cultural expression of the people’s hopes and wishes, based on the love of their country! Today, there is no community singing, even though the situation today is a lot worse than the situation during the occupation. However, hardly anybody can sing anymore – that is, sing properly. This used to be taught in school – more or less. Proper singing lessons are long gone, as is the communal morning song. It ensured that people got to know the most important songs and hymns, it strengthened the cohesion of society and showed that people had something in common. That’s why it had to go. The church is the last place where you can still cultivate the community of song to some extent, but because no one has learned to sing, many people flee to the theology less and the Africanized universe of free churches with gospel singing and other things that simply do not belong to our culture and our community.

The natural historical geographical communities have also been torn apart by various municipal mergers, with many rural municipalities being incorporated into the big cities, where they quickly lost their identity, the merging of police and judicial districts, the closure of hospitals, medical practices, schools and railways, the centralization of tax services, emergency services, etc. Areas that naturally and historically belonged together were torn apart and areas that had never had anything to do with each other were forced together. As a result of this catastrophic development, many jobs disappeared. Doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, nurses and many others left the small cities and villages, simply because their jobs disappeared. This spread like ripples in the water. There were fewer customers, businesses closed, people fled, and the remaining craft and industrial companies followed. Suburban Denmark had emerged, rural areas were depopulated, people lost their roots and their connection to nature. Cemeteries, which for centuries had been monuments to family cohesion, were transformed into grassland. There was no longer anyone to look after them and visit the graves of the deceased, and the churches’ inflated prices for the purchase and care of grave sites accelerated this sad development. Instead of the community, the individual, the rootless isolated human being, is cultivated.

The large state institutions that connected the nation as a powerful symbol were privatized and disappeared. Today DSB – the Danish State Railroads – is just one commercial company among many other railway companies. The postal service no longer exists. The state’s daily contact with every Dane in the form of the postman is gone. The impressive headquarters of the postal service and DSB, which in themselves represented the power and splendor of the state and the community, have been sold for hotel and residential purposes. The same goes for the military’s historic buildings. Earlier, there used to be magnificent barracks in almost every major city, which represented the power of the state and connected it to the people. Today there are only a few modernist facilities left – far from the rest of the population, so that the military is not part of people’s daily lives. Conscription has of course been abolished in practice. There is no longer anything to defend. The defense is just a business that seems to have no real purpose.

In school, culture and history are abolished, along with homework and the necessary memorization training. Effective teaching time is drastically reduced and, in reality, it becomes even shorter as a result of the lack of discipline. Higher education is de facto abolished, and the country’s three real universities are transformed into vocational schools. Classical education is abolished. The church is dismantled as an authority. Theologically, it is degraded to being part of the goodness industry, where everything is acceptable as long as it fits into the politically correct picture. People lose their moral compasses. Television and radio degenerate into the most banal form of so-called entertainment, and the language is degraded to the point where you can’t express deeper thoughts. The “heroes” of the new age are football players and pop stars, not Absalon, Niels Ebbesen or Voldemar the Great, who are completely unknown. A hero is someone who puts his life on the line for the sake of others, for the sake of the people – not a bunch of fools who, for sky-high wages, produce bland or insipid entertainment.

History is “deconstructed”, and “the people” is abolished as a concept. Everything that previous generations have revered and been proud of is ridiculed and “revealed” as “myths”. The people becomes a population, a seemingly random collection of individuals with no common religion, identity or history and no deeper sense of belonging. The concept of race is hated, indeed, races are said not to exist, even though every farmer, rabbit breeder or bantam keeper knows better. It is no longer allowed to see the difference between a Negro and a European – indeed, you can no longer even say ‘Negro’. “The only difference is the skin color,” they claim, even though the pharmaceutical industry, hormone and intelligence researchers, biologists, psychologists and physical anthropologists (not to be confused with today’s “anthropologists” who don’t even know what anthropology is) all know (or should know) better. However, it doesn’t pay to know. It pays to jump on the politically correct bandwagon. Universities are turning into spiritual brothels whose whores sell themselves to the highest bidder.

Instead, a wide range of unscientific and nonsensical ideas are put into circulation to keep people occupied and confused. Man-made climate change is a good example of such nonsense – and these and other crazy ideas can only be propagated in a population that is completely ignorant when it comes to history and science, a mass of people who are simply incapable of checking these distorted notions against reality and common sense. What these ideas and ideologies usually have in common is that they make people feel guilty (about the climate, slavery, imperialism, racism, refugees, eating meat, etc., etc., etc.) A population with a guilty conscience is not a proud people with a proud identity that upholds its culture and traditions. It is a people who has lost its bearings, a people who no longer has anything to commemorate, celebrate and be proud of, in short, a people marked for destruction.

Classical literature, painting and music that created a universe of beauty and harmony is abolished and replaced by talentless smears, bogus daubs and discordant noise – all preferably produced by foreigners who are presumed to be able to tell us so much more about the essential things in our life than our compatriots.

Literature revels in primitive depictions of the bottom of society. One need only think of Jakob Ejersbo’s Nordkraft, which is one of the most perverse, filthy and depressing works imaginable, yet its author was praised as “the greatest talent in Danish literature in generations”. That’s saying a lot. Obviously, forgotten are Jacob Paludan, Martin A. Hansen and a large number of other excellent writers who are no longer read. Another good example is the criminal Palestinian Yahya Hassan’s so-called “poems”, a talentless, infantile drivel from the gutter that was praised as brilliant by an almost unanimous group of critics and which sold more than 120,000 copies (where poems usually only sell a couple of hundred copies). The language was characterized as innovative, and indeed it is: a catalogue of oaths, insults, obscenities and other primitivities, the likes of which you have to look hard to find – thank goodness. Its popularity was largely due to the fact that, on the surface, the content seemed critical of immigrant communities. Bourgeois Denmark wanted to read it, even if they had to swim around in Hassan’s excrements along the way. Needless to say, Hassan was showered with important awards that have made him a wealthy man. He was laughing all the way to the bank, apparently having a great time in the environment he pretended to distance himself from. An overdose finally put an end to him.

When it comes to music, it doesn’t look any better. Who doesn’t remember Niels Viggo Benzon’s “piano concerto” that ended with the “artist” sawing the legs off a Steinway grand piano?

The different art forms have the task of uniting people around a common culture, each art form in its own way. Art should be a mirror of the people’s experiences and reflect its experiences reality – and its dreams and values. It can debate problems and important issues, but the result must be, in modern terms, cultural added value. In short, you need to gain a better understanding of the problems being raised. You need to get closer to a solution. Moral issues must be illuminated and clarified. Characters and issues must be relevant and credible. Art should not be glossy, but neither should it offend, it should be edifying in the broadest sense of the word. In this context, art should always be aware of its social and moral responsibilities. “Art” that sees its task as destroying the values that form the basis of national and popular unity dissolves the community and thus the precondition for an orderly and organized society, which is the condition for art to exist at all. It adds no value, but plunges mankind into an unmanageable chaos that only benefits the forces that want to destroy us!

Furthermore, art as a whole must be beautiful. People thrive best in beautiful and harmonious surroundings – this makes for harmonious people. Today, this beauty is deliberately trampled underfoot. Humans are accustomed to ugliness. Even the clothes we buy are ugly – with expensive holes in highly visible places. The body is desecrated with tattoos, piercings and the like. People have been purposefully prepared for ugliness, the ugliness that has entered all levels of society with immigration. An unaesthetic element has entered the streets, an element that does not fit into our world. Everywhere, ugliness is the great common denominator, and ugliness leads to physical and mental imbalance – to the loss of civilization as we understand it.

At the same time, the business community is crying out for foreign labor, even though we have over 100,000 unemployed people in Denmark. What the business community means is cheap labor. Moreover, this is a means of mixing populations, eroding borders and creating a large homogeneous global market. It will increase profits! And if we all just speak English, it will save a lot of money and effort. We must never forget that there is a political driving force behind business organizations and that business has always sided with profit at the expense of people’s unity.

All these things are the basic prerequisites for a healthy society to degenerate and head towards destruction.

However, all this is not just happening; it is being created to destroy Europe and the people who come from there. Behind it is a small, but highly influentialethnocentric minority that has set itself the goal of eliminating the majority in order to maneuver more easily in a world that exclusively consist of minorities. Among the authors of all the evils listed above, not least the so-called student revolt of 1968,4 which greatly accelerated the development, or rather dismantling of society that we have witnessed, this minority is represented in large numbers, just as it has a decisive influence on the media world that peddles this madness.

Despite this, the right wing loves this minority and does not tolerate criticism of it. People who, like the Swedish journalist Ingrid Carlquist, have seen the connection between this minority and the dismantling of the homogeneous European nation-states are excluded by nationalist circles who suddenly fear being labeled anti-Semitic. But it is necessary to address this problem, to articulate it, as it is called today. How can it be that the overwhelming majority of this minority vigorously promotes immigration to Europe and its successor states, but does not make the same demands of Israel, which must remain a homogeneous Jewish community? As long as European nationalists refuse to open their eyes and analyze the situation as it is, but continues to talk about Muslims, burkas and all the other symptoms of impending doom, it will remain insignificant and unable to make a difference. The salvation of Denmark and the entire Western culture requires the courage of truth, however unpleasant that truth may seem! It is time to stop dealing only with the symptoms. You have to start calling a spade a spade and a shovel a shovel!

It is not the Palestinians who are destroying us!

Povl H. Riis-Knudsen

Translated by means of AI

  1. Redox and Demos are two notorious Anti-Fascist organizations that gather information and plan attacks on right-wingers. ↩︎
  2. This realization is not new. You find it in the Laws of  Manus, a some 2000-year-old Sanskrit collection of fundamentals for human life, which – by the way – has also been claimed to be one of the foundations of the Quran.   ↩︎
  3. See, for example, the extremely popular Dirch Passer movie “Dust on the Brain” from 1961!! ↩︎
  4. Pat Thomas: Did It! From Yippie To Yuppie: Jerry Rubin, An American Revolutionary. Fantagraphics Books; First Edition. August 29, 2017.

Saccharine Sentiment and Slitting Throats: How Feelism Triumphs Over Realism in Leftist Propaganda

The central strategy of leftism is very simple and very effective. It runs like this: “Heads we win, tails you lose.” In pursuit and preservation of power, leftists will distort, mutilate and censor reality ad libitum. Or they will simply lie. When the Black criminal George Floyd caused his own death in 2020, the left responded with deadly riots and lying rhetoric about the “murderous racism” of the police. When three little White girls were slaughtered by an imported Black savage in 2024, the leftist politician Humza Yousaf, former First Minister of Scotland, demanded something entirely different:

Our only response to the evil we witnessed in Southport yesterday should be an outpouring of grief for the children and adults killed in such a senseless attack.

If you use such a horrific tragedy to fuel bigotry, then you are the worst of humanity. (Tweet by Humza Yousaf, 30th July 2024)

Yousaf demands that Whites “thinka da paw ickle kiddies” – and do nothing more than that. Leftists like him want grief to be the “only response” because grief is useless. It will not solve the very serious problem of non-White violence against Whites. Leftists don’t simply refuse to care about that problem: they refuse to admit that it exists. It’s real, after all, and leftists don’t believe in realism. Instead, they believe in feelism, in the exploitation of emotion to promote or protect leftist lies. When Number 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the British prime minister, was bathed in pink light “to remember the Southport victims,” the Labour government was using feelism to protect leftist lies. When the Guardian published a cartoon of an entirely imaginary little girl, it was using feelism to promote leftist lies. Here is the cartoon in question:

Saccharine cartoon and soyboy cartoonist: Ben Jennings demands sympathy for an imaginary little brown girl

As Tom Sunić pointed out in a comment at the Occidental Observer: “Excessive sentimentality and hypermoralism are trademarks of the Liberal System.” The cartoonist Ben Jennings was dishonestly exploiting the innocence and helplessness of little girls (note also the slender, unthreatening neck of the caring non-White father). His cartoon says: “Finka da paw ickle kiddies!” But unlike Humza Yousaf, Jennings wants a lot more than that. He’s not just being sentimental, he’s also justifying the harsh repression of the White working-class whom he sneers at the cartoon. It was his leftist response to the White riots of 2024 and to a violent attack on a hotel housing so-called “asylum seekers” in the Yorkshire town of Rotherham. White girls and women have been raped, prostituted, tortured, and murdered by non-White Pakistani Muslims in Rotherham for decades. Jennings has never drawn any cartoons about the rape-jihad in Rotherham or about the murder of three little White girls in Southport. After all, the rapes and murders are real.

Realism vs feelism: the thuggish Trayvon Martin near the time of his death and the much younger Trayvon Martin used in leftist propaganda (images from the Occidental Observer and CNN)

Instead, he has drawn a cartoon about an entirely imaginary little girl. The hotel in Rotherham was housing adult male non-Whites. There were no little girls on the premises. If there had been, they would have been at serious risk of molestation and rape by the non-White men. After all, those men come from the most misogynist and rape-friendly countries on earth. If you want to learn more about the rape-culture and misogyny that flourish in the Third World, the Guardian itself is an excellent source. On the day after the newspaper published that cartoon about an imaginary non-White girl being menaced by White men, it published this story about real non-White women being brutally harmed by non-White men:

She wanted a divorce so her father hacked her legs with an axe: how Pakistan fails women

Sobia Batool Shah is being protected in hospital after a mob of male relatives attacked her in a harrowing case that highlights Pakistan’s epidemic of gender-based violence

The household was fast asleep when the six men broke in. They sought out Sobia Batool Shah, 22, and one of them attacked her with a hatchet, chopping at her limbs in an effort to sever her legs. “He was relentless and must have hit me at least 15 times,” she says. … Shah was attacked by men from her own family – including her father, Syed Mustafa Shah, her uncle and cousins – who broke into the house, in Naushahro Feroze, in Pakistan’s Sindh province, as “punishment” for refusing to withdraw her application to divorce her husband. …

“It’s all about power control,” says Dr Summaiya Syed Tariq, chief police surgeon in Sindh’s capital, Karachi. Syed Tariq, who also heads the Sindh police medico-legal department, has seen hundreds of women physically and mentally abused, raped, burned and murdered over the last 26 years. “We are nurturing abusers who are worse than animals,” she says.

On an average day, the department receives reports of about six cases of sexual violence and 10 to 15 cases of domestic violence across the medico-legal centres at three public hospitals in Karachi. “In the case of sexual violence against minors, my assessment is that for every three cases that come to us, seven more go unreported. And I am not counting the dead bodies that we receive,” Syed Tariq adds.

Gender inequality is a global problem, but Pakistan’s indicators reflect especially alarming rates of disparities and violence faced by women. According to this year’s World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap report, Pakistan is ranked second from bottom out of 146 countries, behind only Sudan. It ranked 164 out of 193 countries on the 2023-24 UN gender inequality index. (“She wanted a divorce so her father hacked her legs with an axe: how Pakistan fails women,” The Guardian, 6th August 2024)

To repeat: “Pakistan is ranked second from bottom out of 146 countries, behind only Sudan.” Guess what? The Guardian had reported on Sudan a few days before. The headline ran like this: “Girls as young as nine gang-raped by paramilitaries in Sudan.” The following report said that “Some of the attacks … were so brutal that women and girls died ‘due to the violence associated with the act of rape’.” Both Pakistan and Sudan are non-White and Muslim. But what would happen if you told a Guardian-reader that the Guardian’s own reporting proves that immigration from Pakistan and Sudan will be very bad for White women in Britain? You will of course be denounced as a disgusting racist and Islamophobe.

“I’m so glad you’re safe here” – Chuck the Cuck schmoozes Sudanese Blacks on Holocaust Memorial Day (image from HMD Memorial Trust)

In other words, you’ll be denounced as a realist, a hate-filled bigot who believes in basing his ideas on objective reality rather than ego-feeding emotion. Leftists believe in feelism, not realism. King Charles III, or Chuck the Cuck as I prefer to call him, is one of those leftists who prefer feelism to realism. He places feeding his own narcissism far above the welfare of his White subjects. Indeed, he doesn’t care in the slightest about the welfare of his White subjects. In March 2023, the BBC reported how Chuck the Cuck had met “former refugees from [the] Sudanese community” and told them “It’s been such a pleasure to meet you all — I’m so glad you’re safe here.” Chuck the Cuck can be “glad” about Blacks invading Britain because he doesn’t have to pay the costs of their presence. But a White woman had to pay those costs in 2019. She nearly died after her skull was shattered during a brutal rape by a Sudanese enricher called Zakarya Etarghi.

Raping White women delighted him

Among the many reasons that Blacks should not be residing in White nations is the stark fact that Black men commit sexual crimes at vastly disproportionate rates. Not only that: they specifically target White women, as the American Black Eldridge Cleaver (1935–1998) boasted way back in 1968:

Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women – and this point, I believe was the most satisfying to me because I was very resentful over the historical fact of how the white man has used the black woman. I felt I was getting revenge. From the site of the act of rape, consternation spreads outwardly in concentric circles. I wanted to send waves of of consternation throughout the white race. (Quote from Cleaver’s Soul on Ice, 1968)

Black men have a genuine “rape culture” directed at White women. But leftists in 1960s America did not care about the rape and murder of White women by Black men. That would have been realism about Blacks and leftists were concerned only with feelism about Blacks. Here’s a definitive example of that leftist feelism in one of the iconic images of the Civil Rights era:

Norman Rockwell slathers schmalz in The Problem We All Live With (1964)

Norman Rockwell (1894-1978) was both an excellent artist and a lying leftist. Like Ben Jennings’ cartoon, his painting dishonestly exploits the innocence and helplessness of little girls. It says: “Finka da paw ickle kiddies!” To be fair, Rockwell’s painting, unlike Jennings’ cartoon, was at least based on a real little girl, the now-sanctified Ruby Bridges (born 1954). But Bridges was not at all representative of Blacks and the threat they posed to Whites. That’s precisely why Rockwell chose her, of course. She’s a helpless little girl who has to be protected by large law-enforcement officers from evil White racists. She just wants to learn, as you can see from the ruler, pencils, and books she’s carrying. But that portrayal of Blacks as simultaneously helpless and studious is a lie. It’s feelism, not realism. In reality, Blacks are disproportionately violent and stupid. The entry of Blacks into White schools was a disaster for Whites and did nothing to improve academic achievement among Blacks.

And although Rockwell’s painting was based on feelism, it does contain one element of realism. The large US marshalls reflect the reality of state force. Whites did not want their schools to be ruined by Blacks. But the state forced desegregation on them even as lying leftists like Norman Rockwell slathered schmalz over the process. Nor did Whites want their neighborhoods to be ruined by Blacks. Again, the state forced desegregation on them. And lying leftists like Norman Rockwell again slathered schmalz. Here’s another of Rockwell’s dishonest pro-Black paintings:


Norman Rockwell slathers more schmalz in New Kids in the Neighborhood (1967)

Again Rockwell uses a helpless little girl to propagandize for Blacks. Look at her in her pink dress and pink ribbons, with her adorable little pig-tail. She’s no possible threat. And see the white cat she’s affectionately holding. She loves animals just like the White children facing her with their young black dog. The whiteness of the cat and blackness of dog are symbolic, of course: the Black girl already loves something white even as the White children already love something black. This time there’s a Black boy in the painting too, but he’s slender-necked and goofy-looking. He’s no threat either. He’s carrying a baseball glove, so he loves baseball just like the White boy facing him in a baseball uniform. The Black and White children are the same under the skin, united by their love of pets and baseball. Harmony will surely reign after the moment of mutual uncertainty that Rockwell so charmingly captures.

That’s what the highly dishonest painting says. In reality, harmony didn’t reign after Blacks moved into White neighborhoods. Instead, violent crime reigned. So did noise, vandalism, and street-strewn garbage. In reality, the goofy-looking Black boy in the painting would have been beating up the White boys and, within a year or two, raping the White girl. And the little Black girl would have been torturing the white cat, not treating it with affection. Abuse of animals is characteristic of Blacks, not love of animals. But that’s realism about Blacks and leftists believe in feelism about Blacks. However, there are two sides to leftist feelism. Recall Tom Sunić’s comment about how “Excessive sentimentality and hypermoralism are trademarks of the Liberal System.” He went on to point out that the sentimentality applied only to approved groups, while the moralism justified any level of violence against unapproved groups: the Royal Air Force and United States Air Force “firebombed German cities during WWII – considered lairs of nonhumans.”

You can see those two aspects of leftism in the Guardian journalist Marina Hyde. She no doubt nodded with moist-eyed approval over Ben Jennings’ cartoon about the imaginary little brown girl. But a few years before she had sniggered and joked about the White nationalist Eugene Terreblanche being hacked to death by Blacks in South Africa. Countless other Guardianistas will have nodded with moist-eyed approval over the cartoon. And some of them were in the crowd that cheered, clapped, and laughed when the non-White Labour councillor Ricky Jones recommended a robust response to the “the disgusting Nazi fascists” who don’t like little White girls being slaughtered by Black savages. Jones said: “We need to cut all their froats [throats] and get rid of ’em all.” He then paused to let the cheers and laughter die away before leading the crowd in a chant of “Free, free Palestine!” Here’s a still from a video of the incident:

Leftists cheer and laugh as a non-White Labour councillor recommends throat-cutting for the White working-class

Note the two White woman grinning with approval as they stand next to the aspiring throat-cutter. The woman in glasses is wearing a tabard for Amnesty International, a self-proclaimed humanitarian organization that is resolutely opposed to violence. Out of sight she’s holding another of the SWP placards that say “SMASH FASCISM & RACISM By any means necessary.” The SWP is the Socialist Workers Party, a Trotskyist cult that hates White workers even more than the so-called Labour party does. When a senior male apparatchik in the SWP was accused of rape in 2010, the SWP responded not by reporting the matter to the police but by smearing the female accuser and clearing the male accused in a kangaroo court.

As ever, you can see that leftists are interested in only two things: pursuing power and feeding their narcissism. They are not interested in helping the groups they claim to care about. And they are certainly not interested in helping the White working-class. In this article I’ve discussed a leftist drawing a saccharine cartoon about a non-existent little brown girl menaced by the White working-class. And I’ve discussed another leftist recommending that his comrades “cut the throats” of the White working-class. Those are the two complementary sides of one evil ideology: “Excessive sentimentality and hypermoralism are trademarks of the Liberal System.”

The Move to Seek Fellowship and Common Values on the Right

As someone who has moved twice to seek fellowship and a sense of safety in a country hostile to people on the right, I can totally relate to the people described in the article below, except that the people discussed here are serious Christians—true believers. They’re not just “cultural Christians” like me —i.e., someone who admires some aspects and influence of the Church in European history, such as the strong Christian identities of those who fought in the Spanish Reconquista, but who deplores the recent descent of  so much of mainstream Christianity into wokeness and subservience to the dominant, essentially anti-Christian culture. Many of these people doubtless imagine a Western European Reconquista that would return Christianity (and perhaps implicitly at least, Whiteness) to the center of Western culture.

But, despite these differences, we have pretty much everything else in common, including place of residence and a desire to fit into a community with shared values. The main places mentioned here are Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, a small-town near Nashville, and suburban Dallas-Fort Worth. These locales are all in red states, at least for now, until the immigration deluge has its intended consequence of turning the country into a White minority nation saturated with people who identify as LGBTUQIA+ and the accompanying propaganda that is attempting to maximize the number of people with these identities. This propaganda is being blared throughout the educational system and all the major media. It’s striking that in the article, a wife exchanges teacups with her husband so that she has the more feminine one. These people uphold traditional notions of sex roles. They seem to understand that biologically based sex differences are real and that its adaptive (or perhaps part of God plan) to adhere to them. And notice the photo of the girl doing embroidery.

But it’s one thing to be in a conducive area, it’s still important to develop social relationships with people you can trust. In my case I am part of a small, all-male group sharing the same values and trying to develop projects that would bring more people like ourselves to our area and to similar areas throughout the country. I realize that people often can’t simply up and move, but many people can. And for long-term happiness, I highly recommend living among like-minded, culturally and ethnically homogeneous people is essential. Robert Putnam, whose research on increasing loneliness in American society and the detrimental effects of multi-culturalism on community (e.g., lack of willingness to contribute to public goods) is well known, realizes the importance of bonding with similar others although, like the mainstream liberal Jewish community he identifies with, he is entirely in favor of the multicultural experiment.

The people described here are successful economically, and they are well educated, including some refugees from the Claremont Institute, a conservative think tank, More importantly, they are highly fertile, with intact families with 4–8 children (likely with more being planned). They are thus part of the hypothesized demographic revolution described by Edward Dutton and J.O. Rayner-Hilles in which cultural conservatives will become dominant because of their fertility, although our hostile elites will do their best to import the multiethnic, non-White mélange that they favor to ultimately dispossess them.

These people are organizing into small groups. They are not the types to take to the streets with their guns. And I suppose they tune in to mainstream conservative media like FoxNews which will never educate them on the importance of ethnicity in human affairs, much less inform them of the reality of how a very influential Jewish elite is well on their way to shaping the country into something they loathe. An example from the article:

In Mr. Kressin’s new hometown in Idaho, the streets are clean and people leave their doors unlocked. His family lives in a house they can afford to own, with a white picket fence and room for a trampoline in the yard. In the cozy living room, an upright piano stands in the corner, and hymnals and classic novels line shelves on the wall.

“Many in our generation are very, very much longing for rootedness,” he said. “And they were raised in an era where that was really not valued very much.”

On a weekday morning this spring, he took a brisk morning stroll out his front door and up Tubbs Hill, with wildflowers sprinkled along the path and soaring views of the crystalline lake below. At his house afterward, Lauren Kressin, who was pregnant with the couple’s eighth child, served peach tea in tastefully mismatched china, quietly switching cups with him so he would have the “less feminine” one, she said with a smile.

Starting over in Idaho, Mr. Kressin said later, was part of a project so long term that he does not expect to see its conclusion. “The old landed aristocracy in England would plant oak trees that would only really mature in 400 years,” he said. “Who knows what the future holds, but if you don’t even start building a family culture, you’re doomed to fail.”

But of course, this being the New York Times, it’s mandatory to haul in an academic who is hostile to all this:

The circle’s critics say they present a cleaned-up version of some of the darkest elements of the right, including a cultural homogeneity to the point of racism and an openness to using violence to achieve political ends.

“It’s this idea of organizing discontent at the local level and building a network that over the next decade or three decades or even half-century would just keep moving the Republican Party further and further rightward, and mobilizing voters in discontented parts of the country, a lot of them men,” said Damon Linker, a senior lecturer in political science at the University of Pennsylvania, who has written critically of the crowd. “It’s a highbrow version of the militia movement.”

The Smug, Self-Righteous Damon Linker

Yes, nothing worse than being among people like yourself. People who share your culture and your values, and yes (God forbid!), even your ethnic background (unmentioned here of course) — a sure sign of racism to your garden-variety journalist-academic like Linker.


The article is well worth reading: New York Times: “Why a New Conservative Brain Trust Is Resettling Across America.”

The Claremont Institute has been located in Southern California since its founding in the late 1970s. From its perch in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, it has become a leading intellectual center of the pro-Trump right.

Without fanfare, however, some of Claremont’s key figures have been leaving California to find ideologically friendlier climes. Ryan P. Williams, the think tank’s president, moved to a suburb in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in early April.

His friend and Claremont colleague Michael Anton — a California native who played a major role in 2016 to convince conservative intellectuals to vote for Mr. Trump — moved to the Dallas area two years ago. The institute’s vice president for operations and administration has moved there, too. Others are following. Mr. Williams opened a small office in another Dallas-Fort Worth suburb in May, and said he expects to shrink Claremont’s California headquarters.

“A lot of us share a sense that Christendom is unraveling,” said Skyler Kressin, 38, who is friendly with the Claremont leaders and shares many of their concerns. He left Southern California to move to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, in 2020. “We need to be engaged, we need to be building.”

A bearded man looking to the left, partly in sunlight, partly in shadow, in front of a modernistic fountain.
“There’s an interesting shift going on to Texas. I think there’s a renewed sense of seeking community and shared values and culture amongst right-wing folks.” said Ryan Williams, president of the Claremont Institute. Credit…Shelby Tauber for The New York Times

As Mr. Trump barrels through his third presidential campaign, his supporters buoyed by last week’s debate, many of the young activists and thinkers who have risen under his influence see themselves as part of a project that goes far beyond electoral politics. Rather, it is a movement to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it. Their ambitions paint a picture of the country they want should Mr. Trump return to the White House — one driven by their version of Christian values, with larger families and fewer immigrants. They foresee an aesthetic landscape to match, with more classical architecture and a revived conservative art movement and men wearing traditional suits.

Their vision includes stronger local leadership and a withered national “administrative state,” prompting them to celebrate last week when the Supreme Court effectively ended the “Chevron deference,” which could lead to the weakening of thousands of federal rules on the environment, worker protection and beyond.

Fed up by what they see as an increasingly hostile and disordered secular culture, many are moving to what they view as more welcoming states and regions, battling for American society from conservative “fortresses.”

Some see themselves as participants in and advocates for a “great sort,” a societal reordering in which conservatives and liberals naturally divide into more homogenous communities and areas. (And some, including Mr. Kressin, are simultaneously chasing the cheaper costs of living and safer neighborhoods that fuel many ordinary moves.

Former President Donald Trump puts a medal around the neck of Ryan Williams of the Claremont Institute.
Ryan Williams is presented the National Humanities Medal by President Donald Trump on behalf of The Claremont Institute during a ceremony at the White House in November 2019.Credit…Samuel Corum for The New York Times

The year Mr. Kressin moved to Idaho, he and Mr. Williams were part of an informal conversation at Claremont about the need for new institutions in what some hope will be a rejuvenated American society. The idea was a “fraternal community,” as one leader put it, that prioritized in-person meetings. The result was the all-male Society for American Civic Renewal, an invitation-only social organization reserved for Christians. The group has about 10 lodges in various states of development so far, with membership ranging between seven and several dozen people.

The group’s goals, according to leaders, include identifying “local elites” across the country and cultivating “potential appointees and hires for an aligned future regime” — by which they mean a second Trump presidency, but also a future they describe in sweeping and sometimes apocalyptic terms. Some warn of a coming societal breakdown that will require armed, right-minded citizens to restore order.

The group’s ties to Claremont gives it access to influence in a future Trump administration: Mr. Anton served on Mr. Trump’s National Security Council, and a Claremont board member, John Eastman, advised Mr. Trump’s 2020 election campaign. He faces criminal charges in Arizona and Georgia over schemes to keep Mr. Trump in power after he lost that race.

Their rhetoric can sound expansive to the point of opacity. “As the great men of the West bequeathed their deeds to us, so must we leave a legacy for our children,” the group’s website proclaims. “The works raised by our hands to this end will last long after we are buried.”

Their output, so far, looks more modest. Mr. Kressin’s home chapter has hosted an expert in menswear, who exhorted members to dress in a “classical American style,” and a screening and discussion of the 2003 naval adventure film “Master and Commander.” The men socialize outside of meetings and pass each other business.

Two adults and six children out for a walk, They are dressed neatly in attire appropriate for school or work.
Skyler Kressin and his family moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, from Southern California in 2020.Credit…Margaret Albaugh for The New York Times

The circle’s critics say they present a cleaned-up version of some of the darkest elements of the right, including a cultural homogeneity to the point of racism and an openness to using violence to achieve political ends.

“It’s this idea of organizing discontent at the local level and building a network that over the next decade or three decades or even half-century would just keep moving the Republican Party further and further rightward, and mobilizing voters in discontented parts of the country, a lot of them men,” said Damon Linker, a senior lecturer in political science at the University of Pennsylvania, who has written critically of the crowd. “It’s a highbrow version of the militia movement.”

In its first two years, leaders said, SACR received significant funding from Charles Haywood, a former business owner in Indiana. Mr. Haywood seems to delight in being an online provocateur. He has called the riot on Jan. 6, 2021, an “electoral justice protest” and praised the racist 1973 novel “The Camp of the Saints.”

Posting on the platform X last month, he wrote that foreign-born citizens should be deported for offenses including “working for Left causes.” Other leaders attribute the apocalyptic tone of the group’s founding documents to Mr. Haywood, who declined to comment.

A young girl, photographed from the neck down, in conservative attire, sewing next to a table full of books.
An interior scene in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Many of the young conservatives who have risen under Mr. Trump’s influence see themselves as part of a movement to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it. Credit…Margaret Albaugh for The New York Times

Members of the society are young, mostly white-collar (and mostly white), and often wealthy. Some have left elite institutions to start their own firms and invest in conservative-leaning ventures.

Josh Abbotoy, the executive director of American Reformer, a Dallas-based journal that serves as an informal in-house publication for the movement, is moving to a small town outside Nashville this week with his wife and four children. Through his new professional network, he is raising funds to develop a corridor of conservative havens between Middle Tennessee and Western Kentucky, where he has also purchased hundreds of acres of property. He expects about 50 families to move to the Tennessee town — which he declined to identify — in the next year, including people who work from home for tech companies and other corporations.

Mr. Abbotoy is betting big on the revitalization of the rural South more broadly, as white-collar flexibility meets conservative disillusionment with liberal institutions and cities. He sees the Tennessee project as a “playbook” for future developments in which neighbors share conservative social values and enjoy, he suggested, a kind of ambient Christian culture.

“I personally would happily pay high H.O.A. fees to be in a neighborhood where I have to drive by an architecturally significant church every day, and I can hear church bells,” he said.

The Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which legalized same-sex marriage nationally, was a watershed moment for Mr. Abbotoy and other conservatives’ understanding of how quickly the ground could shift under their feet. It is a decision that signaled to them the onset of an era that the conservative Christian writer Aaron Renn — who has spoken at the fraternal society’s events — calls “negative world,” an influential concept that describes a culture in which “being known as a Christian is a social negative, particularly in the elite domains of ­society.”


A man in a gray sweater looks out the window from a sparsely furnished office.
Josh Abbotoy, director of the American Reformer, is counting on the revitalization of the rural South as white-collar flexibility meets conservative disillusionment with liberal institutions and cities. Credit…Shelby Tauber for The New York Times

Mr. Abbotoy was raised in an evangelical culture that encouraged conservative Christians to go out into “the world” and influence secular institutions, including corporations and universities. But that approach, which defined the last several generations of mainstream evangelicalism, feels increasingly untenable to people in his circle.

Mr. Abbotoy, who graduated from Harvard Law School, left a job with a major infrastructure company in 2021 and came to work for Nate Fischer, a Dallas venture capitalist and prolific networker whose firm invests in conservative projects and opposes “DEI/ESG and the bureaucratization of American business culture.” Mr. Fischer is the president of SACR’s Dallas chapter.

Andrew Beck, a brand consultant for conservative politicians and entities including SACR and Claremont, moved with his wife and their now six children, along with his parents and five of his siblings and their families, from Staten Island to suburbs north of Dallas in 2020. Almost 30 members of the family now live in the same area, just as they did in New York.

“Something is shifting that’s tectonic,” said Mr. Beck, who wrote a widely shared essay on “re-Christianizing America” for Claremont’s online magazine the American Mind. “It’s not so much about staking out some stronghold where you can live in a cocoon, it’s to be a part of a place you can truly consider to be home.”

Members must be male, belong to a “Trinitarian Christian” church, a broad category that includes Catholics and Protestants, but not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members must also describe themselves as “unhyphenated Americans,” a reference to Theodore Roosevelt’s speech urging the full assimilation of immigrants.

A stack of copies of the publication, the Claremont Review of Books.
An issue of the Claremont Review of Books from winter 2016-2017.Credit…Brad Torchia for The New York Times

The group’s interdenominational membership reflects the fact that in the Trump era, conservative Christianity is increasingly becoming a cultural and political identity, with theological differences falling to the wayside and Christianity serving as a kind of generic expression of rebellion against modernity. A significant minority of members are Catholic, including Mr. Kressin. The group also includes Presbyterians, Baptists and charismatics.

In Mr. Kressin’s new hometown in Idaho, the streets are clean and people leave their doors unlocked. His family lives in a house they can afford to own, with a white picket fence and room for a trampoline in the yard. In the cozy living room, an upright piano stands in the corner, and hymnals and classic novels line shelves on the wall.

“Many in our generation are very, very much longing for rootedness,” he said. “And they were raised in an era where that was really not valued very much.”

On a weekday morning this spring, he took a brisk morning stroll out his front door and up Tubbs Hill, with wildflowers sprinkled along the path and soaring views of the crystalline lake below. At his house afterward, Lauren Kressin, who was pregnant with the couple’s eighth child, served peach tea in tastefully mismatched china, quietly switching cups with him so he would have the “less feminine” one, she said with a smile.

Starting over in Idaho, Mr. Kressin said later, was part of a project so long term that he does not expect to see its conclusion. “The old landed aristocracy in England would plant oak trees that would only really mature in 400 years,” he said. “Who knows what the future holds, but if you don’t even start building a family culture, you’re doomed to fail.”

Bright White Light: More on White Men Achieving Most and Being Vilified Worst

Why are lighthouses so fascinating? In part, it’s because they’re luminal zoons in liminal zones. And why is Tom Nancollas’ Seashaken Houses: A Lighthouse History from Eddystone to Fastnet (Penguin 2019) such a good read? In part, it’s because it doesn’t use pretentious phrases like “liminal zones” and “luminal zoons.” Instead, it uses clear prose and simple illustrations to describe the huge effort and astonishing ingenuity of the White men who designed and built an essential but often overlooked part of the early modern world: the rock-based lighthouses that saved countless lives and ensured safe voyages for countless ships.

Seashaken Houses: the cover of Tom Nancollas’ unconscious celebration of White male achievement

Or they ensured safer voyages, at least. The sea has never ceased to be a dangerous place and lighthouses didn’t end the wrecks and the drownings. Indeed, the first chapter of Seashaken Houses describes how lighthouses sometimes couldn’t save their own keepers, let alone the ships and sailors they were built for. Tom Nancollas asks his readers to “imagine a time-lapse film” of a dangerous patch of sea “13 miles” off the southern coastal town of Plymouth, England. If the film reached “back three centuries” and were “rewound at speed”:

It would show four towers falling and rising upon the Eddystone reef: one disassembled, one combusting like a firework, one destroyed in a storm, their materials cycling from stone to wood, their forms regressing from engineered simplicity to experimental folly, the types of ships darting around them devolving from diesel to steam to sail, until the time-lapse halts at the first Eddystone lighthouse, a thing of outlandish fantasy. (ch. 1, p. 17)

The “outlandish fantasy” of Henry Winstanley’s Eddystone lighthouse (image from Wikipedia)

It was a fantasy that failed during “a storm of unprecedented ferocity” in November 1703. Henry Winstanley (1644–1703), the “eccentric creator” of that first lighthouse, had expressed “the hope that he might chance to be inside his Eddystone during the fiercest storm nature could muster.” As the Great Storm of 1703 began to grow, he realized his hope and sailed to the reef with workmen, seeking to reinforce his creation against the rising wind and waves. But his efforts were in vain: when the storm subsided, the lighthouse had vanished from the reef with Winstanley and his men. They had defied Mother Nature and been rewarded with death.

The pale male paradox

But in its four years of existence, the lighthouse “had become vital for Plymouth’s prosperity.” (p. 22) That’s why more ingenious and courageous White men defied Mother Nature and built lighthouses on the reef, maintaining Plymouth’s prosperity even as other White men did the same for other ports around the coast of Britain. One of them was Robert Stevenson (1772–1850), the Scottish engineering and architectural genius responsible for the lighthouse on Bell Rock off the coast of Angus. As Tom Nancollas describes, Robert was the grandfather of another White genius, the writer Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–94). Not that Nancollas ever refers to race in any way in his book or celebrates the creators and keepers of Britain’s lighthouses as “white men.” He’s interested in their achievements, not their genetics or gender, and he celebrates their ingenuity and courage, not the color of their skin.

Turner’s drawing of Robert Stevenson’s Bell Rock Lighthouse (image from Wikipedia)

After all, he’s a White man like them and it’s characteristic of White men that they aren’t obsessed with themselves and their own identity. Unlike Jews or Blacks or women of all races, White men are exotropic, directed outward to the universe, not endotropic, directed inward to themselves and their own advantage. As I described in “The Pale Male Paradox: How White Men Achieve Most And Are Vilified Worst,” this explains both the mighty achievements of White men and their lowly status in the racial hierarchy of leftism. Contra the claims of leftists, White men don’t constantly seek their own advantage and empowerment, which is why they’re been so vulnerable to the culture of critique. It’s also why under-achieving Blacks have been elevated so far above them. In modern Britain, we hear very little about the ingenuity and courage of White men like Henry Winstanley and Robert Stevenson.

Turning history against Whitey

But we hear incessantly about the Black teenager Stephen Lawrence, England’s new patron saint. Lawrence was an aspiring architectural student who was stabbed to death in London in 1993. Hundreds of other young Black men have met similar or worse fates in the same city, stabbed, shot, kicked, beaten or bludgeoned to death. But those others have never become the subject of a martyr cult, because all of them were murdered by their fellow Blacks. Stephen Lawrence was highly unusual, because he was murdered by “a gang of white racists.” That’s why he can be used to promote an enormous lie: that evil and aggressive Whites are an ominous and ever-present threat to the lives and well-being of vulnerable Blacks. The truth is entirely the reverse. Despite still being a relatively small minority, Blacks kill far more Whites every year in Britain than Whites kill Blacks. Blacks also rape, wound, rob, and defraud Whites in vast disproportion to their numbers.

But leftists care about power, not about truth, which is why the martyr-cult of Stephen Lawrence was created and is now lavishly funded by the state. Modern Britain celebrates Blacks and denigrates Whites. For example, Britain’s astonishing history of maritime adventure and exploration is now turned against its native Whites, because what did Whites do with their ingenious ocean-braving ships? They committed horrible and unforgivable crimes against the noble and innocent Blacks of Africa, wrenching them from their homes and carrying them across the Atlantic at huge expense in lives and suffering to toil at voyages’ end in sugar-plantations and cotton-fields for the enrichment of Whites. That’s why Britain is so rich and Africa so poor today, as Black scholars like these are happy to explain to the Whites whose taxes fund their propaganda:

In this essential two-part lecture, Dr Kennetta Hammond Perry and Professor Kehinde Andrews will draw on historical fact to demystify [sic] the notion that the Western economy owed its bounty to scientific advancements, industry and democracy — and was instead built on violence, slavery and colonialism. (“The Guardian at 200: Windrush histories and mythologies of race in Britain,” Online workshop at The Guardian, 19th May 2021)

The anti-White hatemongers Dr Kennetta Hammond Perry and Professor Kehinde Andrews

I would suggest that Dr Kennetta Hammond Perry and Professor Kehinde Andrews are as mediocre in intellect as they are biased in racial politics. After all, they don’t appear to understand the simple difference between “demystify” and “debunk.” I doubt that they have any concern at all for “historical fact.” No, they’re not historians but hatemongers, driven by envy and resentment of White achievements. As I described in “The Pale Male Paradox,” the humble screw undoubtedly contributed (and contributes) more to the “Western economy” than what Kehinde Andrews calls “centuries of African enslavement.” The lighthouses described in Tom Nancollas’ Seashaken Houses also contributed more. But Perry and Andrews aren’t interested in screws and lighthouses, fascinating as those things are in so many ways. Perry and Andrews are Black and endotropic, directed inward to themselves and to their own advantage and self-glorification.

No wheels or sails in Africa

That’s part of why they and other Black pseudo-scholars will never consider another vast crime against the Blacks of Africa: the theft of the rich and abundant natural resources of the island of Madagascar. By all standards of geography and natural justice, Madagascar belongs to the Blacks of the south-eastern coast of Africa. After all, it lies a few hundred miles off that coast and is separated by vast stretches of ocean from all other large land-masses. But Madagascar was peopled and exploited not by Blacks but by Austronesians, a race that began its seafaring on the distant island of Taiwan, thousands of miles from Africa. You see, despite the very long coastline of Africa and its many large lakes, sub-Saharan Blacks never invented the sail or built ocean-going ships. Austronesians, in contrast, were excellent sailors and spread their genes and languages over an astonishing area, from Madagascar in the east to the Pacific islands of the west. When Europeans arrived in the Pacific, they discovered that Polynesians practised both slavery and cannibalism.

Madagascar was stolen from nearby Blacks by far-off Austronesians (image from Wikipedia)

But that isn’t held against them today, as I described in “The Island of Slave-Keeping Cannibal Saints.” Instead, Polynesians are celebrated as the noble and nature-loving indigenes who were cruelly oppressed and exploited by brutal White invaders. Once again, Britain’s astonishing history of maritime adventure and exploration is being turned against its native Whites and their diaspora. Captain James Cook (1728–79), the highly intelligent and courageous navigator who rose from humble origins to remarkable achievements, was once justly celebrated as a hero in White-majority nations like Australia and New Zealand. Now he’s unjustly reviled as a villain. Once again, we’ve got the Pale Male Paradox of White men achieving most and being vilified worst. But I think I’ve explained that paradox. White men have achieved most because they’re not obsessed with themselves and their own advantage. But it’s because they’re not obsessed with themselves that they’re vulnerable to the culture of critique that casts them not as the greatest heroes of history but as its darkest villains.

“Stone, air, water, light”

Tom Nancollas and his book Seashaken Houses are another example of the paradox at work. Nancollas is a White man writing about the vast achievements of White men, but he’s interested in the achievements, not in the Whiteness or the masculinity. He doesn’t refer to race in any way in the book and I doubt that race ever crossed his mind in any way when he was writing it. But that absence of race and self-obsession is part of what makes Seashaken Houses so interesting and so satisfying to read. This is Nancollas explaining what attracted him to his subject:

The [lighthouses] may be sophisticated, but my experience of them felt primal. Out in the starkness of the sea, the basics – stone, air, water, light, dark, life, death – were just as vividly emphasized as engineering prowess. By achieving a home, a presence, in the most hostile of environments, the rock lighthouses provide a poignant insight into what it means to build and endure – and to bring light into places where previously there was none. Entwined with the stories of the houses is the story of their purpose – how lights were established and maintained in these liquid places, then improved, made crisper, more powerful, until certain sectors of the sea were as brightly and safely lit as Grosvenor Square [in the heart of London]. (Introduction, pg. 13)

As you can see, Tom Nancollas would never indulge in pretentious prose like “luminal zoons in liminal zones.” I described lighthouses like that at the beginning of this article. But what did I mean by it? Well, a “luminal zoon” is a light-bearing creature (Greek ζῷον, zōon, “living being”). When lighthouses are operating, casting strong light through salt-laden darkness, they seem alive in an uncanny way. And they exist in liminal zones, that is, places that stand on a threshold between one realm and another. They’re built on solid rocks or reefs but are constantly menaced by the ever-shifting sea.

Black Barack Obama pays tribute to White Neil Armstrong with a photo of Barack Obama (image from Daily Mail)

That uncanny life in precarious places explains part of the appeal and fascination of lighthouses, I think. But you could also say that White men are luminal zoons, light-bearing creatures who have entered the world’s most liminal zones. Who was the first to reach the world’s highest spot? To plumb the world’s greatest depth? To reach the north and south poles? To stand on the surface of the Moon? In every case, it was a White man. But those White men did so as individuals, as exotropic explorers of the outer universe, and not one of them regarded his achievement as casting luster on the male half of the White race. After all, if they’d thought like that, they wouldn’t have achieved what they did. White men are doers of deeds, not celebrators of the self. That’s why, after achieving most, they’ve become vilified worst.

Destination Unknown: Can You Feel the Resistance?

His wife and family were aboard the lifeboat which held about 150 people. The majestic ocean liner which they originally sailed on was already abandoned, and there were now 30 of these lifeboats scattered on the surface of the rough Atlantic seas. From the moment the cruise was being planned on the SS West, Erik had voiced concerns about this titanic vessel of over 52,000 tons. The ship builder behind the SS West, Orange Star — the first prominent international corporation of its type, had nearly two hundred years together with influential organizations and spy networks that historically caused trouble for the honest engineers. The cruise line carrying the passengers, Clown World Cruises, was a leader in entertainment, especially for kids and young impressionable adults, but also renowned for shady collaborations with the shipbuilder.[1] Erik, a fan of ocean-cruising history and a mechanical engineer himself, had invested thousands of hours studying thick books on these problematic ship designs from the original Yellow Star Engineering of the 1800s through to its competitor Red Star before their 1905 merger.[2] His interest in ships and cruising was piqued by his years serving on the high seas in the U.S. Navy. But neither his practical or intellectual background did any good to earn his family’s respect for his drumbeat of worries and critiques, for the propaganda and promotions that came from serving Clown World were just that good!

The company’s nautical failures — even catastrophic sinkings — have always been overcome by a superior public relations team that brushed aside the blame and concealed the identity of the outside “experts” that replaced the potential for sound engineering with a pattern of corruption. And of course, Erik was well aware of the whistle-blowers, historians, authors and others whose lives would be dramatically altered for confronting the problematic evidence — Bey, Timayenis, Ford, Long, Lindbergh, Reed, Yockey, Oliver, Solzhenitsyn, MacDonald and Unz were some of the big ones Erik’s wife was tired of hearing about.[3]

The foundation of free expression for these men was always in conflict with the experts’ interests. And although Kennedy wasn’t publicly known for venting against the ship builder, historians researching his archives have certainly dug up interesting clues that made him a target too, for his WWII Navy experience certainly helped his understanding of seaworthy construction. Orwell, on the other hand, was left alone and even revered. The characters in his book would be left unchanged by the publisher, his euphemisms and symbolism for disguising his warnings unscathed, as the powers-that-be knew that creative fiction could never succeed in teaching the general masses an eternal lesson, for hardly anyone reads any more! But looking at the list of those who’ve called out this Orange Star and Clown World in one way or another — and there certainly have been scores more than mentioned here — none dared call them “supremacists” for their corruption of the shipping and cruising industry…save one…a courageous professor of history from Duke University who shall remain nameless. Once a not-uncommon figure on political TV shows with a brain functioning like a walking encyclopedia, he would be forever censored and defamed for introducing this label of power and control on the title of one of his books.[4]

Erik wished this was a bad nightmare! Even worse, as he looked over his overloaded boat (including castaways from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Central and South America that were humanely rescued by Clown World), it appeared to him as if this mass of people didn’t even recognize that the SS West was partially submerged behind them. The passengers, all of them, kept their backs to the West and gazed at the beautiful sun slowly setting, ironically, in the west…as if locked in a trance. Erik scanned his eyes towards the other lifeboats and noticed the same eerie and droning behavior everywhere, a sight that mimicked the internet meme of NPCs back in the Trump days.[5] Additionally, the announcements, the ballyhoo, and the chatter of these ill-fated travelers signaled their belief that they were simply going on a short excursion to an exotic island, and that the SS West was still intact. As strange as this certainly was, it appeared that none of these passengers would have even recognized if an elephant had joined them on their boat.[6] And when this responsible father-of-three sought the attention of his own family to explain his dissention over the double-talk, even they were now at the point of tuning him completely out, tired of hearing what they deemed “conspiracy theories.” But Erik repeats himself under stress, and there was no longer any safe harbor to turn to.

Thankfully there were no IGF fighter jets strafing their lifeboats today like Orange Star did back on June 8, 1967. That was likely supposed to be a quick and dirty erasure to set up a false flag, but to the credit of the courageous U.S. Navy servicemen, their plans went awry. What impressed Erik most on this historical tragedy is how many of his friends who’d been gifted books on the event never seemed desirous to open up and discuss the facts. Oh, they’ll talk red, white, and blue all day and claim to be “patriots,” but they tacitly have approved the silent treatment on the most important subjects of our times…loyalty, interests, and foreign entanglements. Erik presumed that these friends would be okay if their son received a Medal of Honor and the ceremony was sidelined to an old Navy hangar so as not to embarrass Orange Star. The details of this betrayal are unfathomable, but we do live, in fact, under the spell of Clown World media masters!

Today it appeared that the method of drowning would be more gradual. Each lifeboat was configured the same. Erik noticed a pattern, as engineers tend to do, and it wasn’t looking good. There were two Orange Star experts at every bow working together, but these individuals were always immediately surrounded by four large and prominent figures that instilled confidence in the safety of the boats while concealing the activities of the two Orange Star advisors. One wore a captain’s hat, another was a famous (has-been) celebrity that had been performing on the cruise liner, the third was a politician of notoriety, and the fourth was a woman of the cloth. This formation at the head of his lifeboat and every other within Erik’s sight brought forth great worry. He had read numerous accounts from the boating industry that the captains and officers of this cruise line were often bribed to toe the party line, and the celebrities would “never work again” if they voiced their objective viewpoints on the shenanigans they’ve witnessed onboard the ships! The politicians, who infamously turned a blind eye to the corruption and enabled the perennial funding for Orange Star’s machinations were often thought to have been blackmail victims, succumbing to threats of exposing their naughty behavior at infamous Caribbean resorts. And the clergy members, being sympathetically drawn in to victimhood narratives, were so easily exploitable by the powers that be. On Erik’s lifeboat, this clergy member was a woman wearing a t-shirt displaying numerous religious symbols slightly altered and all linked together, spelling out the word “PEACE.”

The sweat of the sun beating on Erik’s face didn’t bother him as much as the situation he knew he and his family were facing! As he peered closer to the gaggle at the bow, he noticed water flowing between the celebrity’s and politician’s feet. This flooding of the vessel was undoubtedly stemming from behind the wall of four. Erik rushed to the front to get a better look, and saw one of the experts hacking away at the floor with a sharp object. He hoped the other expert — the one with the small hat  —  was a bona fide sailor with the skills to stop the leak, but on further examination he concluded that this was not a sailor’s cap, and the two were working in unison.

With the front of the lifeboat, appropriately named The Savior, now listing to the left, Erik peeked back at the SS West, about 90 percent under water. With his morale deflating further and his psyche turning towards survival mode, he grabbed his wife and family into a huddle and urgently pleaded with them, “Do you all not see what is happening here? Our boat is being sabotaged!” His wife snapped back with the power of a whip, “What is wrong with you? When I married you, I didn’t sign up for a mariner’s history lesson and all your negativity! You are always a glass half empty, aren’t you?! I hear that the mojitos at our island destination bar are to die for, so lighten up for a change and enjoy the picturesque sunset!”

And as soon as she quit her retort, an echo of serene sound filled the salty air, as if humpback whales were swimming close by. Then there was another echo, but this time he clearly knew it wasn’t marine life, but possibly those unique animal noises performed by King Crimson’s guitarist Adrian Belew. But after the third echo, the sound was confirmed! It was the intro to a song Erik had rocked out to ever since high school, always digging the killer riffs, the massive tone and guitar lead of this radio classic. How seductive this song had always been to him, and the technical advancements of the iPhone 15 belonging to the desperate Somali refugee on The Savior did a nice job playing it so all 150 could hear the crisply distorted chords of the Gibson Les Paul humbuckers and the silky slide lead of the pedal steel guitar. Erik’s head started bopping along to the 98 beats-per-minute pulse of Red Rider’s Lunatic Fringe as he joined the crowd’s wolf-like howl following every verse, “oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh.” Erik had never actually delved into the meaning of the lyrics, but this tune was overtly about him — and it wasn’t a good image — but it reinforced the mainstream narrative that there will always be individuals and groups on the fringe of society, holding meetings in hiding while exercising wrong-think!

Since the internet and song-meaning websites weren’t around when this iconic rock piece became popular, Erik, too, was for decades duped into liking and appreciating Lunatic Fringe for its sound. This hit was not just a voice for the songwriter’s frame of mind (and possibly even his girlfriend’s), but also provided substantial reach of his message and honors in an entertainment industry fully approved by Clown World Cruises. Rumor even has it that the pro-IGF mob of counter-protestors contesting UCLA’s peaceful anti-genocide activists were blasting Lunatic Fringe shortly before they sprung their violent 2024 late-night tent attacks. Those unfortunate, humanely minded students never heard their footsteps coming. And for the Orange Star experts, this was open season in Twilight’s Last Gleaming! So a lesson late in life for Erik and all his extracurricular studies and experience was that he never fully comprehended how insidious so much of Clown World’s messaging always was.

The ocean simultaneously subsumed The Savior, the SS West, and the 29 other lifeboats, the final two B-minor chords rang through Erik’s head, a euphoric neurobiological sensation that numbed all his senses from the current trauma and brought back memories of his comfortable yet adventurous life fleeting across his eyes. These last two chords were the same as those found in the beginning of the song. How appropriate! And in the end, songwriter Tom[7] and his supporters didn’t let Erik “kill the laughter,” because they cleverly never let the final resistance begin.

Burbling water now silenced Erik’s ears, leaving his vision as the last sense of his surroundings. With a final glimpse of the bodyguards at the bow, and maybe just a hallucination amidst the chaos, he noticed an additional person assisting the four already protecting the two perpetrators…the useful idiot.

Erik’s last breath consumed his mind for one final minute. At first his thoughts centered on the words of a central figure from a 2013 speech, words stuck in his head, words troubling him as to who spoke them: was it that politician or one of those useful idiots? Nevertheless, they penetrated the depth of his consciousness: “No group has had such an outsized influence per capita…so many notions that are embraced by this nation emanate from your [maritime?] history, tradition and culture…all those movements…I bet you 85 percent of those changes are a consequence of you, Orange Star experts and Clown World Cruises.” But finally, he let go of his deep muse and grasped for his wife, chain-linked by arms and hands to the rest of his family going down in the same ocean their ancestors once commanded as Nordic kings. Erik used the last pocket of air in his mouth to pass his final words directly to her face. And in a dark abyss where ignoble people had to blame someone for their confusion, he might have sarcastically said, “I told you!” Instead, his beautiful and tolerant wife, sleepy-eyed and waking up, lifted her head from the bed pillow and shook her husband’s shoulder to rouse him for the splendid sunny morning, with plentiful bird-chirping nature sounds that greeted them both. And with cheerful sincerity she spoke, “AW, I LOVE YOU TOO!”

Regardless of how his wife and family perceived him through the years, Erik had always, in fact, been the diehard optimist. Undaunted, he nevertheless faced tremendous odds. It was love for his family, love for his homeland, and love for his people and heritage that consumed his mortal space and time, his path in becoming. While it never earned him any respect on Clown World Cruises, it always was his Destiny.

Dedicated to the fathers of dissident politics on Father’s Day, 2024, as well as the oppressed around our world. Yes, while we are all in the same boat, you are not the lunatic fringe, just as two plus two will never equal five.

This article is replete with metaphors and symbolism, and it likely presents some difficulties of interpretation, especially for those unfamiliar with the musical references. The author has provided a commentary that clarifies his intent.

[1] Clown World Cruises had no business relationship with the popular Carnival Cruise Line, but their owners were fourth cousins.

[2] Red Star designed and built the famous Russian cruiser The St. Petersburg, which sailed for over seventy years, but was renown for using a slave labor crew — worked to the death — to operate this ship. Recent unearthed documents show how the American government, even after fighting a war that freed its slaves, provided an abundance of intellectual property, technical supplies, finances, food and personnel support to keep The St. Petersburg running and winning during WWII.  For clarification, it was this company that merged with their American competitor to form the international corporation Orange Star — a global leader in the maritime industry.

[3] Bey’s real name was Millingen.

[4] The word “Supremacist” had been reserved by the experts for use in all media and academia strictly for their mortal enemy alone.

[5] NPC: Non Player Character, a video gaming reference; The song “Waiting Man” by King Crimson provides an interesting backdrop of musical patterns, especially those played by Robert Fripp. Patterns are an important element to Erik’s analyses. The audience in Munich, Germany, from this video clip, appreciated and understood the value of patterns.

[6] Is it possible to recognize and appreciate good music and art these days in a world saturated with noise and commercially suitable compositions controlled by the “experts”? Would the King Crimson musicians be the Wagner of our modern times composing and performing Faustian art if set free from the chains of the music industry?  Oswald Spengler had some philosophizing on this. Also, are we simply inundated with noise in our modern technical world to such an extent that we cannot make heads or tails out of the reality of our lives, much like the people on this author’s lifeboat? Can humans continue to adapt and live in such technically complex societies or will we inevitably return to a simpler life, with naturally acoustic music and nature pleasing our ears? Or will we become technological slaves? Such were the concerns of Dr. David Skrbina and his philosophical predecessors (e.g., Ellul, Kaczynski, et. al), but probably not the cares of Clown World Cruises or Orange Star.

[7] In a Canadian news interview, song writer Tom Cochrane is quoted, “‘Lunatic Fringe’ should be disturbing, but it should also be a cause for hope, because, like I say in the song, there are those of us out here that aren’t gonna let those things happen again. And you gotta speak out when you see injustice.” In this interview and other “song meaning” sources, it is suggested that Cochrane was influenced by the humanitarian efforts of Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish architect, businessman, and diplomat during WWII.  This author would be curious whether Cochrane’s girlfriend at the time of writing his hit song ever introduced him to the humanitarian deeds of the noble Swede Count Folke Bernadotte? If Cochrane would have written a song honoring the Count, would it have been accepted in the American record industry? Let us hope so!