Racial Narratology in Law and Policy
CALLED THE MOST CITED LEGAL SCHOLAR OF ALL TIME, former federal appellate judge Richard A. Posner calls himself a “pragmatist” in the dimensions of legal interpretation and in the judgment of many contentious social issues, including forms of personal identity and race.
His bona fides are impressive, and the references made by other judges, scholars and writers to his many judicial opinions, books, law review articles and legal journal essays, do indeed verify his ranking in citations.
The concept of pragmatism, or more specifically, American pragmatism, which is generally identified by early twentieth-century thinkers including William James, John Dewey, and Charles Sanders Peirce, goes by many variations, but perhaps most simply it is a school of philosophy that seeks to direct its attention to facts (often inconvenient), and to the consideration of effects stemming from policy and politics; that is, on the reasonably probable impact of decisions on groups, institutions and even larger society. These effects can be unintended, which in more abstract versions of philosophical inquiry, are frequently overlooked. In academia especially, the use of “narrative” or story-telling (which can also go by the term of rhetoric, or the use of language in order to persuade, often regardless of factual inconsistency), has replaced investigation and solid social science methods of research, verification, and testing of hypotheses.
Mr. Posner is generally known among his former law school colleagues at the University of Chicago, as an iconoclast; as even a critical troublemaker in his willingness to call out bias and illogical positions taken by numerous legal scholars. This bias and emotionalism can become especially pitched when the topic turns to personal identity; but more, when it can be formulated as a more generalized phenomenon. One subject that lends itself especially well to such rhetorical manipulation is race.
In one of Posner’s books is an assemblage of several of his essays, titled Overcoming Law (where by “overcoming” he generally refers to those aspects of our Western legal system that rest on false assumptions, weak factual awareness, denial of facts, or even the logic of the law as an independent or “autonomous” construction). Posner asserts that law should be “more empirical and less conceptual” and that “the judicial game” should be “a little closer to the science game.”
This is good advice in my view, and he unpacks several examples of law school peer literature that exhibit difficulties in clear thinking, and are cases of non-pragmatic arguments that are advanced by feeling, emotional hyperbole, exaggerated claims, and perhaps especially, a hostility to criticism. But more than mere hostility, many of his law school colleagues who write on political issues are almost hysterical (in a clinical sense) and even violent in how they will attack their ideological opponents (or their imaginary enemies).
This problem may be most pronounced in theories of race, both in the way race “hustlers” or race promoters see themselves as victims, and in how they describe their asserted tormentors and adversaries as “colonizers,” or even “terrorists.” It is a dangerous practice that survives—despite its basis in hate speech—through the ideological accommodation of modern law school culture.
Posner does a good job of putting his finger on the excesses of many law professors who have taken up a cause of extremism or vengeance for perceived historical wrongs. He cites their “loose grip on facts” and their consistent failure to see (or even consider) how their speech and policies can have many unintended consequences in creating the very racial division they putatively seek to cure.
But Posner has a major blind spot of his own: he finds racial and other forms of modern identitarian causes to be largely misguided (while defending otherwise the liberty to be free of formal prejudice), and while he will describe critical race theories, for example, to be distorted in the ways they seek to carve out their own special forms of suffering and justifications for compensation. However, he sees no such distortions to American society by the entrenched interests that have codified the concept of “anti-Semitism.”
What Posner calls “empathetic jurisprudence” is further classified as “narratology” and imaginative literary writing, drawing into the discussion Aristotle’s distinction between history and literature (or fact-seeking versus storytelling). All of this Posner filters through his pragmatic preferences for rational thought, while nevertheless drawing a hard line around anyone who would dare criticize the holocaust narrative (not merely so-called holocaust denial but the stable mass media version of its features). He even praises Canada’s punitive criminal law on “holocaust denial.” This law assumes that “denial” or even questioning official narratives creates harm, and that this harm incurs a social cost that requires government intervention.
This kind of special-interest blindness, even by a scholar who prides himself on rational empiricism, and practical or “pragmatic” criticism of such protected special categories, is likely not surprising to most readers here. But the particular implication I would like to raise is that in the context of today’s increasing hysteria, violence and “re-education” initiatives organized around classes on White racism, the law itself is moving in a steady manner toward criminalization of the White race itself—and, ipso facto, in its supposed historical culpability of Whites, especially toward two particular racial or ethnic categories: Blacks and Jews.
In the former, Posner asks if Blacks can ever locate and accept a group identity that is not affiliated or linked to Black slavery. But he fails to interrogate what may be an even more dangerous and entrenched narrative that continues to destabilize American society through its highly organized political interests: Can modern Jews locate and accept an identity that is not linked to the Holocaust?
Posner ends one of his essays with a seeming fair-minded consideration: “If Whites must acquire a stereoscopic biracial perspective in order to cope effectively with our society’s racial problems, blacks must too.” This may indeed signify a path toward a more enlightened perspective on American racial division (a “tit for tat” or good for the goose and gander simplification of course), but what he leaves out is that his personal identity is anchored in modern Zionism and is therefore excepted from any such consideration. But worse, the anti-Semitic construct continues to be growing more legs and arms in how it is defined, protected as a program (a profitable one), and as codified in international criminal law. The current “disinformation” agenda of the political Left lends itself to the interests enmeshed with the official narrative on anti-Semitism, and it achieves its success not by pragmatic refutation or rational dialogue, but, like Black racial extremism, through an organized effort to diminish White status (and White demographic representation), and to simply erase its culture and history. The parallels to Bolshevik hostility and violence toward White Russians are telling; e.g., writer Douglas A. Smith characterizes the White Russians as “former people.” This is precisely the political nature of a growing Black racial extremism that is combined with a highly organized Jewish institutional agenda that together seek a partnership in a systematic program (pogrom?) to make the American White race not only diminished but effectively extinguished culturally, economically, and electorally. This may ultimately fail, but not without a pragmatic preemptive response by Whites. As John Stuart Mill advised in Considerations on Representative Government, change is accomplished by the activation of the twin pillars of a functional democracy: political participation and competence.
V.S. Solovyev is a graduate of the University of Chicago
The concept or reality of race is something that is so obvious yet is vehemently denied for the sake of an “objective” moral narrative that s derived from the false notion of universal human unity, absence of conflict, and world peace. But this ultimate goal that so many ordinary folks and diehard liberals want is something that isn’t based in reality because if we knew two things about people it is that they are 1) inherently selfish & 2)Humans only work together for mutual benefit because of said selfishness which is on par with survivalism as explained here.
So now that we got the morality out of the way the actual narrative of race is something that goes like this. All things that physically exist whether living or nonliving, only differ in two respects. the first is the composition or the totality of what makes up the physical object in living things it is the anatomy and physiology. The second is the quantity which actually provides only a temporary difference between two objects that are necessarily the same in composition.
Most human racial differences, in general, fall into quantitative differences which are called variations that generally fall into a spectrum just like how quantitative differences are spectral. These “differences” include every part of the body even those that could cause social or racial inequality which it often does and the term inequality itself should obvious indicate that there are quantitative differences in play and given that these differences are only temporary and can change; Liberals have no reason to whine about inequality when it can change under eugenic or artificially selective processes although being exactly equal is impossible between two people unless they are clones of each other or identical twins.
But even though it is self-evident that most racial differences are only temporary, which would strongly indicate that there is no such thing as human races because there doesn’t seem to be any clear-cut or permanent differences between human groups the opposite in fact is true.
There are some non-variable or compositional differences among humans but those differences only exist among just one group of humans and that group is those who are of Northwest & Northeastern European descent or White People and those differences, that require specific anatomical and physiological details,
are explained here.
The rest of the human races ultimately only differ in quantity unless they are mixed with White People in which case the separate genes between both races are found associated with each other within the mixed person but with a strong predominance of the genes that came from the Nonwhite parent.
So the legal definition of race should change then to only recognize three races of people. The pure White/Non-Black colored race, The Nonwhite/Black colored race as well as the varieties, and the mixed race that is the result of the union between the two.
Who the f was Bert Haanstra? A Dutch “Oscar winner”
whom nobody knows. In his 1963 documentary “The
Human Dutch” there is a scene which apparently is sup-
posed to show that all Dutch people after the war were
“former resistance fighters against the evil nazi regime”.
These poor cheeseheads, what have they suffered under
the German barbarians! Why he titled the international
version of his machination (which, by the way, was nar-
rated by “Sir” Peter Ustinov) “Allemand” is hard to fathom.
Thanks to God, Holland – the home of all humanists (inste-
ad of colonists) – was liberated from the evil empire, and
can nowadays consider itself in the same top league in its
diversity with its “liberators” behind the English Channel.
Here’s another cinematic highlight by Haanstra from 1972,
called “Ape and Super-Ape.” What did the artist want to com-
municate to his liberated post-war audience? Is this a silent
accusation against the Allied consumer society? Or do we
even hear here racist undertones long thought to be extinct?
But last but not least we come to a pseudo-scientifically
extremely relevant contribution: Can the lies of the Jews
be extracted from a tape recorded backwards? Mr. Oates
asserts, yes. I, on the other hand, claim that the lies of the
Jews are simply most visible in the results of their actions.
Radio Wollongong announces, “We’re
not going back! We’re not going back!”
I suspected it: Their hospitality for the
occupied “racists” is almost boundless.
Now it becomes also very clear what
the Dutch want to tell to the world in
cryptic code when they say: “We will
never forget what Hitler did to us!”
A HQ German-American couple with a HQ offspring.
Hopefully, the “safari encounter” will not turn into an in-
vitation for the Maasai family to stay in our climate zone!
American Brian & Swedish Karin Trautman
have been living on a sailboat for 12 years.
I know that “Nike” is actually a Greek
goddess, but would still avoid naming
my daughter that. In 1982, this know-
ledge wasn’t yet common knowledge.
Our women do not bear children,
but they can dive under icebergs!
I doubt that donations from do-gooders
will fall into the right hands in Dominica.
True Aryan Life In Wilderness?
“Save the endangered Fayu!”
(And what about us, Sabine?)
“How Dutch Captain VanderDecken dares defy God and is doomed to roam the Seven Seas forever. Whosoever encounters his ragged vessel is destined to share his fate. The “Death Coast” of Southern Africa has claimed thousands of ships and countless lives: A ghost ship that makes the Southern Capes forever treacherously tempestuous? A metaphor for the terrifying gales and hurricanes that roam the icy ocean around the Antarctic? On the deep bond between a little nation and the seas; how an old seaman’s tale turned into a lasting symbol in western history and culture.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNMgBxjegQc
The once great seafaring nation whose New Amster-
dam eventually became the world center of the Jews.
Title music composed by two Scottish brothers.
Fitting to the topic today’s music tip:
“Dutch Treat – Tranquility (1977)”
Mixed by two German engineers https://www.discogs.com/de/release/2244855-Dutch-Treat-Tranquility
“The Greater Germanic Reich: Education, Nazification, and the Creation of a New Dutch Identity in the Nazi-OccupiedCreation of a New Dutch Identity in the Nazi-Occupied NetherlandsNetherlands” https://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6440&context=utk_graddiss
“Together, the Nazis and their Dutch helpers began a series of changes to Dutch education aimed at bringing Dutch youth closer to the German Reich, with the ultimate aim of divorcing the Dutch from their previous, independent national identity and winning them over to the Germanic ideal. […] The Nazis’ efforts show the ultimate goals of the occupier as regarded the Netherlands and Europe more generally, should they have won the war. That goal included a European empire based on the racial ideal of a Germanic ruling class presiding over the subjugated peoples of Europe.”
“I must thank the various outside agencies without whose support this project would not have been possible. These include the Center for Jewish History in New York City; the Holocaust Education Foundation of Northwestern University; , D.C.; the (((Norman Raab Foundation))) and the (((Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies))) at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. I must also thank the staff at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives in Washington, D.C., the staff of the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam.”
No further questions.
“Shipbuilder” Willem Vos states at the end of
the “Flying Dutchman” documentary: “Under
normal circumstances you do not put yourself
above god. That’s what the Flying Dutchman did.
And the story teaches, in the end he was dearly
punished for it. That is the madness for me.”
In order to help an adult sense of reality to its
right at this point, however, it must be clearly
emphasized that this kind of childish superstition
is in truth the purest madness. Apart from presen-
ting this made-up sailor’s yarn for a fact, such guys
also believe with almost certainty in the “historical
authenticity” of similar spectres like the Klabauter-
mann or Nessie. And he also in the bells of Rung-
holt, which can still be heard from the sea today…
Scholli Hansen in Costa Rica (lyrics half German/English)
Back in his homeland, he sang about the
Büsum crabs. Since then he’s verschollen.
“How Dutch Captain VanderDecken dares defy God and is doomed to roam the Seven Seas forever. Whosoever encounters his ragged vessel is destined to share his fate. The ‘Death Coast’ of Southern Africa has claimed thousands of ships and countless lives: A ghost ship that makes the Southern Capes forever treacherously tempestuous? A metaphor for the terrifying gales and hurricanes that roam the icy ocean around the Antarctic? On the deep bond between a little nation and the seas; how an old seaman’s tale turned into a lasting symbol in western history and culture.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNMgBxjegQc
The once great seafaring nation whose New Amster-
dam eventually became the world center of the Jews.
Title music composed by two Scottish brothers.
Fitting to the topic today’s music tip:
“Dutch Treat – Tranquility (1977)”
Mixed by two German engineers https://www.discogs.com/de/release/2244855-Dutch-Treat-Tranquility
“Ziss iss true multikulti, man, so beautiful!”
“The Greater Germanic Reich: Education, Nazification, and the Creation of a New Dutch Identity in the Nazi-OccupiedCreation of a New Dutch Identity in the Nazi-Occupied NetherlandsNetherlands” https://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6440&context=utk_graddiss
“Together, the Nazis and their Dutch helpers began a series of changes to Dutch education aimed at bringing Dutch youth closer to the German Reich, with the ultimate aim of divorcing the Dutch from their previous, independent national identity and winning them over to the Germanic ideal. […] The Nazis’ efforts show the ultimate goals of the occupier as regarded the Netherlands and Europe more generally, should they have won the war. That goal included a European empire based on the racial ideal of a Germanic ruling class presiding over the subjugated peoples of Europe.”
“I must thank the various outside agencies without whose support this project would not have been possible. These include the Center for Jewish History in New York City; the Holocaust Education Foundation of Northwestern University; , D.C.; the (((Norman Raab Foundation))) and the (((Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies))) at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. I must also thank the staff at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives in Washington, D.C., the staff of the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam.”
No further questions.
Totally degenerate Hamburg band, but not completely
unfunny. The truly interesting thing about it is the “ac-
tor” who portrays (or ridicules) the “cop” in the video.
“As a public prosecutor, he was responsible for prosecuting
crimes committed during the National Socialist era at the Ham-
burg Regional Court for a long time. In the 1960s, he worked at
the Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the
Investigation of National Socialist Crimes in Ludwigsburg.”
Whether his brother (living in America)
is “proud” of him can only be guessed.
Dortmund police shoots 16-year-old
Shock in the afternoon in the middle of Dortmund. A police operation ended in a nightmare: a teenager (16) died after being shot by police.
It is 16.25 o’clock, when an operation in the Dortmund Nordstadt comes to a dramatic head. Police spokesman Gunnar Wortmann (45): “The teenager attacked the officers with a knife. As a result, the colleagues used the firearm.”
The teenager, according to BILD information a Senegalese, collapses badly hit on the church grounds St. Antonius. A youth residential group of the St. Elisabeth youth welfare service is housed there.
The 16-year-old is taken to the hospital. His heart stops beating while he is still undergoing emergency surgery.
he operation began shortly after 4 p.m. with an emergency call from a resident. Senior prosecutor Carsten Dombert: “The caller stated that a young man was walking around the church grounds in a worrying manner with a knife.” Several patrol cars were deployed, and a total of ten officers were involved in the operation.
As BILD learned, the youth is said to have initially used the knife with suicidal intent, indicating stabs in his own stomach. The officers wanted to stop him – among other things by using a Taser. Then, however, he is said to have suddenly attacked the police in the courtyard of the church and shots were fired.
“Exactly how many shots were fired and how many injuries the teenager suffered is not yet clear,” Dombert said. Service weapons were seized, and for reasons of neutrality, the Recklinghausen police headquarters has taken over the investigation. Officers were not injured in the operation.
Every day 13 knife attacks in NRW!
Another bloody weekend with knife violence in Düsseldorf’s old town – sad everyday life for a long time. The new NRW balance sheet by Interior Minister Herbert Reul (69, CDU) is similarly dramatic.
Reul estimates that there were 7131 “crimes with a stabbing weapon” between January 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. In other words, there were 13 (!) knife attacks per day in NRW. The police union (GdP) is accordingly alarmed.
Deputy head Michael Maatz told BILD: “The number is very, very high. We have to do everything we can to make it less.”
In general, he said, the survey of crimes with stabbing weapons makes sense, “because only with valid figures can I seriously recognize a situation and react accordingly.”
Maatz sees a “general change in culture among young people” as the reason for the increase in knife violence. They often think it’s cool to have a knife with them “and are often not even aware that a single stab with it can be fatal.
The goal must be to create an awareness of the problem in order to get away from “showing off and showing off with knives.
A discussion from Düsseldorf shows how helpless politicians are in the face of the phenomenon: Here, the use of ultrasonic wave devices was examined, with which young people could be driven away in a targeted manner. However, the city and the police agreed to no longer pursue this measure, it was said on Monday.
20,000 knife attacks in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2019 https://jungefreiheit-de.translate.goog/politik/deutschland/2022/messer-nrw/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en
“Although the AG’s office said the
suspect and victim knew each other,
they’re still working to figure out
the nature of their relationship.”
Have I made an error? Are you a believer of the Levant gods?
From which of my statements
do you derive your – pardon –
completely absurd question?
…okay, you have unfortunately ful-
ly recognized, exposed and unmas-
ked me, even if I don’t know how
you managed it, can only be thx
to your most brilliant intelligence.
Your super brain is not supplied with
the usual weak current, but with high
voltage. It is no longer any use to eva-
de or talk around it: I confess full of
remorse: I am indeed a secret agent
on behalf of the Israeli government
(but shhh, don’t tell it to anyone!).
That was a bit of an intense response for a little mistake. Or so I thought..
I took the old Thruxton out with the Missus this morning and visited a rather good botanical garden in our vicinity we’d not been to before. Doing the ton on the way back and being refreshed from the inspiration of the gardens, I thought over the issue from your perspective. It dawned on me that it could have been construed that I had asked if you were an idiot and mentally ill. Given that kind of challenge, your response was both justified and restrained.
As you basically did the same in return, I hope we can put it behind us?
That said, I have some mitigating reasons for being distracted. In fairness, the joke is on me. I had had a couple of large G&T’s last night and was cogitating on a problem at the same time as reading through your posts. I often gleefully berate my students for not paying proper attention and making reading comprehension mistakes. Karma indeed.
The problem I was thinking about was as follows; we know what the problem is. We know what the solution is. We just don’t know the path between the two. Nor are we collectively man enough to say out loud what we all think the solution might be. Until there is a plan or event, that is perhaps as it should be.
Here is the issue as I see it. This magazine perhaps concentrates the highest proportion of leading thinkers sympathetic to our cause. I have often seen smug references to an elite, miniscule percentage of leaders in their field that make regular contributions. All well and good. My question is this, where is the path? Where are the tentative solutions? Where is the leadership? All I can see is an endless stream of hard luck stories attributed to an enemy we are not fighting. I’m not an alpha male, yet alphas, supposedly, dominate the contributions.
What am I missing?
I’m comparatively young to many here, late 50’s, but it seems to me that I’ll be dust before any of our ‘alphas’ get off their arses and start providing anything other than a good coffee-table conversation piece about the wicked Jews.
It couldn’t have anything to do with declining testosterone, tenure, comfortable retirement or just plain old boring inertia could it? Surely not, alpha’s are driven, motivated, provide leadership and solutions. Or so I’m told.
All well and good, Simon, but why do you insult your students? Aren’t you worried that you’ll lose their respect?
I would suggest you rather make fun of the disobedient with a witty remark.
PS: As for your understandable
despair about the seemingly ho-
peless situation, I recommend
absolute serenity. Believe me,
we overestimate our possibili-
ties if we imagine that the world
is dependent on our “individual
salvation”. With this expectation
you will be permanently punished
with ingratitude. The world conti-
nues to turn in the usual way with-
out us, as if we had never existed.
Speaking of German police https://textuploader.com/tt18q
Will Manfred the Germinator keep the peace at least in America?
A Jew who calls himself “The People Of Hawkins TX” has so far failed
to stop him. He found only twelve laughable signers for his “petition”.
@Kevin (better/ordered version)
Will Manfred the Germinator keep
the peace at least in Jewmurica?
A sick Jew who calls himself “The
People Of Hawkins TX” has so far
failed to stop him. He found only 12
laughable signers for his “petition”.
I only recently realised why the American Flag is on everything, and I mean, every f thing, well, American..
For most of my nearly sixty years of life I couldn’t understand why they’d want to display their insecurity so obviously.
But that’s not it!
It’s the indoctrination. The oath of allegiance. It’s their version of comfort food. An ingrained familiarity that all share; insert preferred cultural stereotype here, and here, and here. In Europe we have culture. The language. The arts. A nation’s history. America doesn’t have a language. It doesn’t have arts, what it lacks in longevity in history, it makes up for in bloody intensity. There is no culture that is truly their own, represented by the likes of Goethe, Shakespeare, Cervantes or that French bloke. It fights our language and arts through Hollywood, because language and arts are the repository of history and culture.
Sic transit gloria mundi.
From a German/English perspective, should they be deemed distinct.
Posner is a bit of a fraud. The citations: he us notorious for onanist practices in this regard. If you took out the Posner citations to Posner, he might not be the “most cited” he is the most self-cited by far.
He is an English major cross-dressing as an economist and has made mistakes in algebra in at least one opinion. Reagan appointed him to the 7th Circuit, very oddly, the Rosenberg orphans lived with his family for a time which is not precisely Norman Rockwell. Right after Bork was Borked, he started publishing in TNR to make himself an acceptable Supreme Court candidate. But, to his credit, he wrote too many provocative books, debating the merits of buying and selling children. Bright guy. Goofy guy. Not on out side.
Mea culpa. I was skim reading, there is rather a lot. I must have mistaken a quote for your own.