Teen Girl Enthusiasms: Twitching, Cutting and Trans

All I needed to know about the transgender craze was that in a massive survey of the parents of transitioning teens, the parent-respondents were 92% female, 71% had a bachelor’s or graduate degree, 86% favored gay marriage and 91% were white.Remember the twitching girls in upstate New York?
About a decade ago, more than a dozen teen girls, crazed with puberty and hormones, developed a weird medical condition. Despite the utter scientific implausibility of their alleged illness, the mania soon spread to other girls at their school. And then it all just disappeared, giving us a road map for dealing with teenaged girls today, who demand the right to mutilate their sexual organs and inject themselves with infertility-inducing drugs.
We’ll get back to the twitching girls. First a political point.
At brunch this weekend, a couple remarked, with some irritation, that in any gathering of Republicans, everybody always starts talking about transgenders. Evidently, it’s not just Republicans. The same topic was vexing Democrats at brunch the next day. The couple’s point was: STOP TALKING ABOUT TEENAGE TRANSGENDERS!
On the other hand, any politician with three functioning brain cells will hear the same story and think, The electorate is inflamed! I better start talking about transgenders! It’s nothing big, just the greatest medical malpractice in history currently being perpetrated on America’s youth.
All I needed to know about the transgender craze was that in a massive survey of the parents of transitioning teens, the parent-respondents were 92% female, 71% had a bachelor’s or graduate degree, 86% favored gay marriage and 91% were white.
I’m dying to hear about the biological pathway of a medical condition that afflicts almost exclusively the offspring of liberal white women. (Silver lining: On breaks from talking about their transitioning daughters, the mothers can compare “long-haul COVID” symptoms.)
The adolescent transgenders themselves were 83% girls (by which I mean “female,” that mysterious life-form unidentifiable by Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson).
These delicate creatures — hormones flooding their bodies, social acceptance more important than life itself — have launched any number of interesting societal phenomena through the years:
— the Salem witch trials (look up Ann Putnam Jr.);
— anorexia nervosa (females are three times more likely to have anorexia than males);
— cutting (girls are three times more likely to engage in cutting than boys);
— cavalcades of prescription drugs that shouldn’t be given to any human being, least of all a teenager (teen girls are about twice as likely to be on antidepressants as teen boys); and now …
— transgenderism. (In the past decade, the number of girls seeking to transition has gone up by about 5,500%; compared to 1,500% for boys, according to the Tavistock Centre, the U.K.’s only gender identity clinic for teens.)
A Nexis search reveals that the word “transgender” was practically nonexistent in the New York Times until fairly recently. In the past 18 months, the Times has mentioned transgenders 2,784 times. You have to wonder how the Salem witch trials got rolling without the Times’ active encouragement.
But let’s get back to the twitching girls.
In 2012, the Times published a long magazine article about a rash of teenage girls in Le Roy, New York, having nonepileptic seizures — twitching, arms flailing, head jerking, uncontrollable humming, guttural noises, fainting, tics and so on.
The Tourette’s-like seizures first occurred in a cheerleader, spread to several members of the team, then leapt to a dozen other female classmates. But, oddly, this absolutely genuine medical condition barely affected the boys, staff or teachers at the school. (Only one boy and one teacher acquired the symptoms.)
This raised no suspicions among the mothers, who carried on at town meetings, screaming at school officials, “I’m done listening to you. You need to do something!”
Experts tested the water, the playing fields, the air, the abandoned manufacturing plants. The girls underwent extensive neurological testing. Erin Brockovich even sent a team to test the dirt at the school (despite the fact that she’d turned out to be completely wrong about the purported “cancer cluster” that made her famous).
The girls and their mothers appeared on “The Today Show” and the “Dr. Phil” show. CNN sent a team of experts to investigate.
In the end, there was nothing wrong with the girls. Everyone moved on. The tics went away.
Which, it turns out, is the only way these estrogen-fueled panics ever end. The Times cited famed epidemiologists, local neurologists and feminist writers all making the exact same point: The worst thing to do when facing a psychogenic outbreak is give it attention and support. Feminist literary critic Elaine Showalter, for example, listed three prerequisites to a mass hysteria: “physician-enthusiasts and theorists; unhappy and vulnerable patients; and supportive cultural environments.”
Luckily for the girls of Le Roy, they were ordinary kids in an ordinary town, not the new victim on the block, much less the little darlings of the upper crust. If they’d been students at The Brearley School in New York City, they’d be thrashing about in wheelchairs to this day.
Jewniverse: “The Small Town Jew
Who Pioneered Sex-Change Surgery”
He didn’t pioneer only perfected
it; tribal bro Magnus was earlier.
Very funny (but true) column by Ann Coulter.
Of course, these afflictions are mostly invented by Democrats and their fellow leftist travelers, including a certain non-Christian ethno-religious group we know all too well.
Giving custody of children to divorced women based on gender, which is illegal, has distroyed the West. The streets in urban US cities are a result of feminism. Feminism is a Marxist subset. Deadbeat judges in charge of divorce courts need to be locked up for violating men’s civil rights a thousand times a day.
Fraulein Sh*thead has finished a new song. Sounds
only a little more “European” than the predecessors.
Does Kylie Hunted identify herself as “Furry”?
Vince also turned on his synthesizer
park again. At least this time no gay
lyrics from his AIDS-infected singer.
“On one of the best tracks, ‘3 Strikes And
You’re Out’, Bell sings, ‘What you see is what
you get’. It couldn’t be further from the truth.”
The transgender issue is not a psychogenic disease or/and based on female hysteria, it is rooted in subjectivism. Subjectivism and it’s denial of reality tends to run rampant in a democracy, that is why the Athens democracy was famous for its sophists. The sophists were subjectivists, they denied reality, stating it is a figment of the mind. LGBTQandetc. consist simply of a sophist denial of physical reality. Of course teenage boys and girls and younger children are not sophists, their teachers and parents are not, but they are heavily influenced by sophist intellectuals running rampant in our modern democracies. According to sophist subjectivism you can be anything you want, because it is all in the mind. Different from psychogenic diseases, which can lead to real physical problems, and which can spread easily like wildfire without any intelligible cause, LGBTQetc depends on a long term ubiquitous ideological-subjectivist propaganda campaign.
Of course in the democracy of Athens, medial science was not that advanced, thus the gender mania could not have happened, there being no reason for it.
Like Goethe said, a society which is no longer attuned to the objective world, is a degenerating society. Plato determined that too much freedom is the essential problem of democracy, hence it leads to subjectivist anarchy in many areas.
This is expressed in many fields today, science for instance is already highly corrupted for decades, but also the emergence of fiction-science, transhumanism, etc. in the previous century is a product of subjectivist degeneration.
Let’s assume that two bakers in the Third Reich are
fighting over a common sales market. One baker is a
thorn in the side of the other, since he takes away the
few customers in the village and he can no longer sell
all his rolls. What does the Bürgermeister say about it?
“Our system is not called capitalism and greed for pro-
fit, but nationalism, yes more precisely national socia-
lism. Our worldview means not the monetary advanta-
ge of an individual, but the social peace of the whole.”
Well….my great grandma died of breast cancer that spread… so…at least they don’t have to worry about that.
Like whatevs.
Em girls prolly raped by mexicans or noggroids aka (n-word) subsaharan africans or sexually abused / raped as children and then trauma mind controll.
Media telling em it’s “white jocks” who rape (racially mixed socalled “jew” media owerloards and their sometimes sublime sometimes obvious lies and racemixing propaganda).
There are of course white pedo’s although I do think many of them are racially mixed. I know of a pedo, and he was heavily mixed with gypsies, travellers and even had a bit of african background. Could the inbreeding tendencies in communities be a partial cause I do think so.
Doesn’t gypsies often have children with their brother, cousins, fathers and the like, this is a prejudice you do hear and I do think there is relevance to it. Could this inbreeding then lead to brain damage, I do think so that could then cause more crime from groups…
What you gonna do goyim slave…