Dems: A Killer on Every Block and Two Rapists in Every Backyard

The country is experiencing an historic surge in violent crime, and the link between Democratic policies and the crime wave is more firmly established than the law of gravity.
Republicans — are you guys awake?
This week, the Democrats and their auxiliary staff in the media gave less attention to the grisly kidnapping and murder of Eliza Fletcher than they did to two Black girls allegedly snubbed by a performer in a Muppet costume a couple of months ago.
Fletcher, a 34-year-old hardware heiress, kindergarten teacher and married mother of two, was out for an early morning run near the University of Memphis campus on Friday when a 38-year-old career criminal, Cleotha Abston, leapt out of his SUV and dragged her, kicking and screaming, into the passenger side of his vehicle.
Cleotha Abston
Based on copious evidence, including video and DNA, police arrested Abston almost immediately. His career highlights include a lengthy juvenile record: theft, aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a weapon and rape — as well as the violent kidnapping of a prominent attorney, whom he drove around in the trunk of his car for hours, looking for ATMs.
But Abston refused to tell police what he had done with Fletcher.
On Tuesday, police announced they’d found her body. Big story, right? MSNBC cut away from the press conference on this abduction-murder about four minutes in. The New York Times put the story on page A-20.
The old media motto “If it bleeds, it leads” has been replaced with “No stories that would make Black people — or more to the point, White liberals — feel uncomfortable.” Fletcher, you see, was White, and Abston — well, as the Black police officer said to my friend reporting a violent assault, “Black, right?”
Given that Memphis has recently elected a Soros-style Democratic district attorney, the kidnapper will probably be back on the street before the hapless Muppet impersonator is employable again.
But aren’t you glad Democrats have a zillion “crime” proposals that will take guns away from the law-abiding? Just think of what might have happened if we introduced guns into this situation! Under Biden’s “Safer America Plan,” attempted kidnappings will be fought mano a mano: a delicate 130-pound woman vs. a 6-foot, 175-pound man.
Yeah, you can definitely trust Democrats on crime, America.
Democrats enthusiastically supported the 2020 BLM riots that did more than a billion dollars’ worth of damage just in the first two weeks and left at least 25 people dead.
In the midst of this Democrat-encouraged destruction, candidate Biden, ol’ lunch-bucket Joe — the police have never had a truer friend! — took a knee at a BLM protest. You couldn’t get him out of his basement to campaign, but BLM was too important!
His running mate, Kamala Harris — as well as loads of his campaign staff — openly bragged about contributing money to bail out antifa and BLM rioters. Democrats — and only Democrats — supported “Defund the Police!” and actually did manage to defund the police in cities around the country.
As president, nearly a year after George Floyd’s death — giving Biden plenty of time for sober reflection — he issued an official White House statement bemoaning the fact that Black people have to fear “interactions with law enforcement,” and blaming the “systemic racism” of the police for “the exhaustion that Black and brown Americans experience every single day.”
They “wake up,” Biden said, “knowing that they can lose their very life … after a grocery store run or just walking down the street or driving their car or playing in the park or just sleeping at home.” (Or after robbing a store, ingesting a massive quantity of fentanyl, then resisting arrest; threatening police with a knife; or standing next to a guy who’s shooting at the police from your hallway.)
Days before the 2020 election, Philadelphia police officers shot a career criminal, Walter Wallace Jr., as he was coming at them with a knife. Bodycam video shows the officers backing up while yelling at Wallace to drop the knife. But he wouldn’t do it. When the cops finally had a clear shot that wouldn’t endanger civilians, they fired. Wallace died. (Don’t believe Wikipedia; watch the video.)
In just the first five days of the ensuing riots, 57 Philadelphia police officers were injured, some seriously, and 19 law enforcement vehicles damaged. (In addition to fighting injustice, the protesters were doing some much-needed shopping: More than 10 miles from the protest site, stores such as Walmart, Lowe’s and Five Below were looted.)
As rocks and bricks rained down on Philly police, candidate Biden tweeted about the beloved Walter Wallace Jr. (prior convictions: robbery, assault, possessing an instrument of crime after kicking down a woman’s door and putting a gun to her head, and another assault charge for punching a police officer in the face):
Our hearts are broken for the family of Walter Wallace Jr., and for all those suffering the emotional weight of learning about another Black life in America lost. Walter’s life mattered.
We’re still waiting for Biden’s tweet on Eliza Fletcher’s life. He’s probably too busy, ensuring that you won’t be able to get a gun in a country where criminals run amok because we can’t put another “black body” in prison.
Crime is a big deal among conservatives these days, for good reason. Coulter emphasizes examples of Blacks as criminals and that is indeed the case–it’s as if George Floyd reaction unleashed Black criminality and made police and prosecutors afraid to do much about it. But of course she can’t resist the photo at the top of the article showing a White man assaulting a White woman. Sad. The statistics are overwhelming. I added the photo of Abston.
So she chooses the photos then yeah?
I know what you mean. It was the same the other night on Tucker when every video he showed was blacks high-jacking cars with guns, mostly black youths too.
But the FOX picture illustrating the headline was of course a white man.
But it might be the case the picture galleries simply don’t have black criminals attacking white victims.
Certainly I cannot see how such a thing could even be made today, doubtless it has been so for a good wee while, no?
It’s hard to know if this is not a net positive thing, as it could be conditioning white normies to automatically disbelieve media framing.
But then you could be right, the headline picture may actually erase the truthful and seriously important racial aspect that normies really need to be aware of.
No doubt the thing has been studied by Jews at media college, they must do *some* productive things in those places.
Not that they’d share the results with the likes of us though . . . .
For years the media has framed things as whites oppressing blacks, but crime is so out of hand that people notice now blacks attacking, well, everyone else.
I went to a half black school growing up. Disparities between the two in achievement are greater than likely even Dr. MacDonald, Steve Sailer, or any of these types realise. I did not have some nightmare experience, but learning about the disparities still shocks me. It’s just amazing to experience. The entire system is focused on helping the blacks, and they can’t do it. All the schools can manage is to water things down for the others. It’s equality of results by hindering the rest, but the results still aren’t near parity, especially at the top.
I don’t know if your experience is funny is sad.
If the blacks just “can’t do it” as you say, and I believe you, wouldn’t it be better for all involved to just let them play basketball all day?
It would keep them away from the drugs and crime and keep them busy.
Once you learn to read and write at school, what exactly is it for?
My sympathies are with the blacks who buck against this dumb, female or geek-run, retarded oppressive system that they’re obviously not designed for.
Your parents must have really hated you, to voluntarily send you to a school that was half black. Or, else, your parents were liberals who were totally blind to the realities of racial differences and did realize that they were subjecting their offspring to the hazards that always go along with large concentrations of blacks.
They started a new private school for me after hearing me mock how we just repeated elementary school each year. I was in the top classes, but I did learn to admire slackers while there. So, I picked up bad habits, but I still got into some good colleges. I think it was easier to get into college then than now.
I used to joke I got in college on affirmative action, because our schools then were #50 or #49.
So that’s not (((Eminem))) choking AOC?
One has to wonder what Mr. Lincoln was smoking when he unleashed this racial Black plague upon White America.
Negro criminal predilection is a very lethal problem, which is being aided and abetted by the Jewish controlled media (and their dupes) in their ethnic war against Whites worldwide. It’s high time that it should be openly discussed, instead of being obfuscated as a “Democratic” issue, or a “law & order” talking point.
Wake up, folks, there is a race war being waged against White people, and we need to quit pretending otherwise! Being ‘polite’ and ‘fair minded’ is getting our people killed on a daily basis.
Lincoln was a subhuman ☺️ know any people with the surname Lincoln?
OT: Switzerland is definitely the center of the
European esoteric weirdos (“alternative me-
dicine”), their biotope and fool’s paradise.
One wonders how this comes about? I guess
these people have too much money and don’t
know what to do with their time. If you search
for German-language astrology on the Internet,
you almost always end up on Swiss websites.
It is a huge lucrative market of pseudo-science.
Anglo-Americans have also taken advantage of
the naive nature beliefs of the German-speaking
sphere. Yesterday I saw an American claiming that
he had developed healing abilities in childhood,
and had been initiated by a Native American. He
poses as a “medicine man.” His own channel has
barely called up, but since he learned halfway un-
derstandable German, he has been passed around
the esoteric scene with millions of viewers.
This here is supposed to be a “congress” of such
potentates, if one reads the video description,
one gets the impression, it concerns here the
concentrated “Creme de la Creme” of the acade-
mically respectable medicine. Where these peo-
ple probably buy all their “doc” and “prof” titles?
Before Carlson can publish ANY criticism of blacks, he must get approval from Candace Owens, the current magic Negress.
Her text is unequivocal.
Ann failed to mention that jews have instigated the black on white hate with a relentless anti-white narrative going back many years.
Really, I think it’s a matter of commerce…sex change pioneer Marci Bowers praised Reagan’s open borders for more customers… probably tax payer funded at that.
I was disappointed at the accompanying picture. White on white crime is not the issue, as we know. So why did Anne Coulter use it? Her entire article refutes her own picture choice.
The video was disappointing as well. It censors the dramatic ending of the incident with Wallace and knife vs. guns. It’s okay though, I saw the full incident elsewhere. As adults we don’t need to be protected from violent imagery that might disturb us, we need to be shown the truth so we can be properly motivated to protect ourselves and families.
Probably her fantasy ☺️
As I see it, any western nation stupid enough to allow Blacks into their society must at least restrain and closely monitor them lest they turn their cities into such dangerous places as Haiti’s Port-au-Prince. As offensive as that may sound to many ears, it’s the truth. White liberals cannot accept such harsh realities largely because they have not had protracted contact with Blacks. Once they do, their entire outlook changes.
Blacks are largely a race of criminal and dysfunctional misfits. Though they can be entertaining at times, and some may indeed be decent persons, the greater majority of Blacks are emotionally like little children – albeit dangerous ones. This is why ‘Jim Crow’ and ‘Sundown’ laws were created – to keep Black savagery from taking root and transforming our cities and communities into such places as Detroit, Birmingham, Oakland, and Baltimore. We may condemn those southerners for their ‘Jim Crow’ laws, but it’s become abundantly apparent they had much more practical wisdom than we today do.
White southerners had a long history of Black interaction, and they knew well just how violent and unassimilable they were. Short of deporting them to the Dark Continent, racially discerning White societies have little option other than to discriminate and bar Blacks from having any say or taking root in those same societies.
Again, these are harsh realities that most educated Whites cannot accept. They think of Blacks as the geeky mulatto they met in college or of Hollywood’s portrayal of Blacks as scientists and inventors. Yet once typical Black criminality is personally experienced, these same Whites soon change their tune.
I have said for years that a Bantu beatdown or ‘diversity encounter’ has a greater way of opening the eyes of racially naive Whites than all the crime statistics and IQ surveys could ever begin to do. Whites are in such racial denial that nothing less than having their snouts rubbed in the filth of ‘diversity’ is sufficient to awaken them to their predicament – and even then, there are no guarantees because the deception runs so deep among our people!
Is this ‘racist’? I suppose so. Is it overtly discriminatory? Yes, of course. But does that make it any less true? Have Blacks changed their stripes ever since the entirety of society has duped itself into believing they are geniuses who built everything praiseworthy? Or have such lies only deceived and emboldened Blacks to be even more dysfunctional?
We know the answer to that.
“Is this ‘racist’?”
So what if it is? Who cares? Who decided ‘racism’ was some great moral crime anyway? Is it listed in the seven deadly sins? The ten commandments? Is ‘racism’ considered a moral evil in any known civilisation in history, except todays present one?
‘Racism’ is a vulgar 60’s degradation of ‘racialist’, which was simply a benign way of differentiating between races, with zero moral connotations.
‘Racist’ was invented about the same time, because it had more phonetic punch and was easier for unhinged leftists to scream at people.
There aren’t any Jewish linguistic inventions of the 1960’s that are worth a damn.
“…any western nation stupid enough to allow Blacks into their society must at least restrain and closely monitor…”
We need separation via going our own way, we must embark on our breakaway civilization in perpetuity. Having to deal with other races is draining our valuable time & resources (in addition to being victimized) when we could be focused 100% on our race & continue our quest for knowledge, improvement, & continue our journey as the explorers we are into the cosmos.
Well said and very true. However, Whites in the U.S. are not allowed “separation via going our own way” nor to establish a “breakaway civilization.” The federal government makes sure to flood our White majority states and rural regions with as much “enrichment” as possible.
Minneapolis Minnesota is filled with Somalis not because they enjoy cold weather, but so that ‘diversity’ and ‘cultural enrichment’ is rubbed in the faces of Whites. Even the Mexican illegals who are flooding our border are being bused to the whitest states. None of this, of course, is by accident.
In the case of Blacks in America, the last attempt to send them away ended when President Lincoln, just prior to his death, invited Black leaders to the White House in order to persuade them to leave the U.S. and settle in Liberia. They rejected his plan and now we are permanently stuck with them.
My only point was that a nation such as ours that is stuck with these dysfunctional people must at least erect barriers to keep them out of our societies. This is why ‘Jim Crow’ and ‘Sundown’ laws – although imperfect – were necessary to prevent things from getting worse. Since banning such laws, our once grand cities have become dangerous places to live and visit. Blacks have proven to be lawless and unworthy of White societies. They have not assimilated because they are fundamentally different than Whites.
Americans naively thought that giving an impulsive, low intelligence, and irresponsible race of people the same rights and freedoms as Whites would lead to greater harmony between the two races. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The problem here is the need of liberals of ALL races (but mostly white) to have what they want rather than what is. I swear, if liberals decided to end gravity, intelligent people would have to stay indoors until all those who believed that they could fly had finished their experiment! It is sad (but true) to say that there is a large percentage of blacks who CANNOT live in an open society. They are intellectually and emotionally toddlers who throw tantrums when they cannot get what they want whatever that is. They have no concept of consequences or responsibility and certainly no moral foundation on which to build a way of life other than the demand to get whatever they want. Their hatred of whites is founded on ENVY. THEY WANT TO BE WHITE AND CAN’T and so they will destroy anything that is white or is created by whites. In other words, you cannot live with them without a VERY strict code that quickly responds to their violence and in an appropriate way. Of course, the libs have turned that on its head and we see the inevitable outcome in a murderous population that no longer fears anything. The truly sad thing is the suffering it brings to blacks themselves, and especially their children. More blacks die at the hands of blacks than any other group and for that our liberal politicians must also be held responsible. But we must remember that blacks are the storm troopers of the globalists. Once whites and their countries have been destroyed, the blacks will lose their “freedom to destroy” and find themselves more slaves than they were under the old Constitution.
Black people are just the same as other races…any poor group can be hostile…it’s the same around the world. You can be attacked in Thailand by poor people. Vietnam. Just buy them something and smile.
This article by Ann illustrates the great problem facing our country which is: not discussing, in detail, on a national level, Jewish supremacy and its destructiveness on America and its citizens.
Yes, as always, like the rest of conservative msm, she mentions Soros, she mentions the Democrats, she mentions the horribly bias media. And as always they ask, “why is Soros doing this? Why is he spending millions upon millions of dollars to finance our cities DA’s and prosecutors who then will carry out his policies of letting violent criminals out of prisons and onto the streets where they can and will maim and kill innocent people? To her credit, she has at times stepped over the line as has Carlson, Jesse Kelly, and a few others. But it is a long, long way from anything constructive that would lead to change.
Why on God’s green earth, are we letting Soros and the media do this to our country? Because everyone’s afraid to talk about the big pink elephant in the room; Jewish supremacy, that’s why. And until that changes, very little else will.
Yes, jews are at the bottom of it…..but ANN can’t quite go there at the risk of being cancelled.
But I think we are getting close to the time when suddenly everyone at the same time in unison says, Okay jews, we’ve had ENOUGH OF YOUR SHIT!”
I sure hope so Fred!
You are right. Jewish Supremacy is the root cause of many of our serious problems.
America (and its satellites) are run for the benefit of the hostile elite and Israel.
Critical Race Theory is a Jewish construct, and a blood libel against our race.
Try living in Brazil 🙂 most other countries are hell holes without Jews running them. It is what it is.
That would be a good point Bob, but the only reason Brazil and all these other Third World nations are hell-holes to live in, is because the civilised Europeans who created them were forced to give them up.
This has really been great for the forgotten masses of these sad places, no?
Jewry isn’t only to blame for this, but no group played a bigger role in 1, pushing the wars the bled the Europeans white, 2, encouraging the peasant masses to kick-out the competent rulers and replace them with home-grown idiots, and 3, just to make sure, poisoning the European cultures with filth so even if they were still in charge of their old empires, they’d now run them about as well as they mismanage their home nations, abysmally, if not treacherously.
We welcome your comments, even if they are mostly snarky remarks, I like them.
But if you want to defend the Jews, or if you just take exception at our blaming ‘everything’ on them, why not try explaining to us some way the Jews have been to our benefit?
Request dissemination of below contacts to aid Italy of their upcoming election September 25, 2022. I believe Italy has the most Nationalist parties (5) of any Western Nation, thus, the best shot at being first to course correct. We need to remind them that their future is at stake because Italians are being pushed into the globalist clown world & Italians need to wake up. Once one ethnicity course corrects others will join.
Italy’s 5 parties & contacts:
-Fratelli D’Italia
(email:, &,
-Forza Nuova or Forza Italia
-Cinque Stelle
-Casa Pound
Yeah yeah, these anti immigration parties are all soft versions of national socialism. An 100 year old ideology that did nothing to long term secure the continuity of our race in my opinion. Anyways the ideology only seems to have. had any success in Germany. And after wwII they had no success at all the national socialists.
In my country thru are officially against racism and for integration.
They have no real new ideas except close the borders. And paying not integrated immigrants to move back to their former home countries, which very ew of hem want to do.
I certainly think it is partially relevant to vote for them to send a message and the like. But I don’t think they are a long term solution.
Well that is too late giving the race mixing levels we have now.
In the USA nd Sweden for example, racemixinglevels are between 25 % and 30 %. In the USA official statistics only covers married people and these days around half of race mixed children are born outside of marriage.
Himmler and ilk just couldn’t get past race mixing being good for everyone. And it’s free too…I suppose some of them did ultimately mix in South America while in exile.And besides…the English and Americans didn’t support them…so it’s all pretty stupid..
While I am not blaming rape victims who are usually White women being attacked by nonwhites; I will say their individuslism or personal freedom works against them because when you ate surrounded by all non-white men who have a high inclination to their inherent selfishness; White women are vulnerable to attacks especially even thru are wearing revealing clothes. Nonetheless this issue of rape would be solved of nonwhites are eliminated and White return to being a group instead of a patchwork of selfish individuals and their is an objective reason for them to do so which has to fo with biology.
Individualism and collectivism in this case Etna centralism are not. in conflict.
I can b a strong individualist and still work or my ethnical groups well being and future.
Segregation is another good solution. The Southern segregationists have been proven correct.
Which was the one ethnic group that was most fanatically behind desegregation? And which group used their ill-gotten money to buy the mass media, and to bribe politicians to overturn the necessary Jim Crow laws?
Answer – the same ethnic group that promotes Critical Race Theory in our primary schools.
Sayin it ws only the jws is simplified.
The noggloids themselves (subsaharan africans), started to make afuzz and jewlings went off when ey went for “afformitive action”. Not even jewlings was in for that.
Em jewlings, a majority hijacked by noggloid (subsaharn dna0 probably a cause combined with having mixed the majority AGAINST GOD*S WILL).
So democrats let em noggloids have “freedom ” to racemix, and so on to get more votes. And gave em sffirmitive action because like they need it due t inferiority.
Social engineering to cause gene change.
gnen change through vaccines.
Propaganda machinery for racemixing.
igher IQ and abilities with racially mixed nogloids which like 15 %to 50 % of em are, see planet of apes, film made em more creative and able to adapt their mud culture to westrn civilization.
So segregation how that gonna work they will protest and scream and plunder.
And what do you need em around for,, cotton picking? Pretty sure there are machines for that. Germany is 90 % white with very littke noggroids and they have a large industry and good economy.
So did Sweden when it was over 90 % white in the 1980s despite absurdely high taxes.
Why tak the risk of inferior dna diluting maybe even destrying your gene pool. Even today, 4 % of whites” ae mixed with subsahan africans mainly during slavery, before segregation.
God point.
Anyone who knows the TRUTH about the subsaharn african race through experience and research knows they are primitive aggresssive sneaky lyiong bastards.
A war race effective in their total murder aggression against whites.
Anyone familiar with race and statistic on crime and what this ace does knows hey can not be handled or controlled.
Look at rape, drugsales, murder and pimping in all countries they arrive. Look at how these nogglings act in Europe.
Plus having them around with racial segregation means higher costs not letting them use white peoples bathrooms and drinking fountains and the like. And it als means supressing them which is I suppose unfair unless there is masive gain in it for the white race.
Please inform me aboutthe gains of such precence of in my view lowlives.
Most of them are tards…like the axe man of New Orleans would attack Italian immigrants ☺️ french and Italian were thought of like you know who 😋