Show Us the Way, Rich Liberals!

It’s been awe-inspiring to see the bottomless generosity of Martha’s Vineyard residents after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sent them 50 illegal immigrants from Venezuela last week.
Unlike angry, White MAGA voters upset about their towns being flooded with illegals, Vineyard residents would LOVE to be sort of a — what’s the word? — “sanctuary” for illegals. Really, they would. But that won’t be possible.
As Lisa Belcastro, manager of the Vineyard’s homeless shelter, succinctly put it: “We are definitely supplying them with a lot of love … They need to be off island.” The illegals “need” to hustle off because “Their immigration appointments are not here.” (Are their appointments in the Trump-supporting working-class town they were bussed to?)
In any event, GREAT NEWS, LISA! Nearly half of released illegals don’t appear for their hearings anyway. And guess what? There are absolutely no consequences. (A dozen anti-American websites claim that vast, gigantic numbers of illegals show up for their hearings, but they’re counting illegals who are being held in detention.)
On NPR, Vineyard radio host Eve Zuckoff also began with a testimonial about how “the community rallied”! But unfortunately, “there isn’t the infrastructure.” What do these great humanitarians imagine dirt-poor towns in south Texas have in terms of “infrastructure”?
Every single objection Vineyard residents have raised against the illegals being allowed to stay is precisely what ordinary Americans — not privileged enough to live in Martha’s Vineyard — have been screaming from the rooftops for 30 years. Those 50 illegals represent less than a millionth of the “enrichment” that’s already been foisted on the rest of America. (They’re 1/100,000th of the illegals admitted just under Biden.)
Vastly poorer towns have been forced to turn nearly their entire annual budgets over to feeding, housing, educating — and incarcerating — great heaping portions of Third-Worlders, while douchebags in places like Martha’s Vineyard (88% White; 3.7% Black and 1.7% Hispanic) preen about their higher morality.
For 20 years, hospitals on the Mexican border have been spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year caring for illegals — some of whom are driven directly to American hospitals by Mexican ambulances. I have nine kids all with an ailment that they call diseaso expensivo back in Xochitl. And I heard something about free cable?
In 2002, a small community hospital in Arizona serving the Tohono O’odham Nation alone was spending $1.5 million a year treating illegals.
With some border hospitals devoting two-thirds of their entire operating budgets to illegals, forcing them to reduce staff, increase rates and cut back services, how about Martha’s Vineyard pony up a little of its budget on their beloved illegals?
Nah, they’ll just pat themselves on the back for proclaiming the island a “sanctuary city” before teeing off at the Mink Meadows Golf Club. Why? Because they’re better than you.
In case ordinary Americans weren’t enraged enough about bossy illegals and the hypocritical elites who enable them, the 50 Venezuelans sent to the Vineyard are suing Gov. DeSantis for the indignity of being flown to a wealthy resort town. (Maybe the media shouldn’t have spent the last week raving about how fabulously the illegals were being treated in the Vineyard — at least until they had to get the hell out.)
The Venezuelans are demanding $75,000 per illegal, which should go over well with Americans living on $40,000 a year, already taxed to support the tens of millions of poverty-stricken third-worlders living in our country.
But my gosh, the Venezuelans assimilated to America quickly! They break into our country and, Week One: Oy, my back! My back!
Similarly, the 100,000 Somalis in Minnesota assimilated with amazing speed to scamming our welfare system. The land of Walter Mondale and “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” is now the land of 100,000 Somalis, helpfully moved there by our State department beginning in the 1990s. In short order, clean, high-trust, homogeneous Minnesota became a hotbed of crime, terrorism and welfare fraud.
But surely this is small price to pay to rescue our fellow human beings from the horrors of Somalia! What’s that? You say the “refugees” are vacationing in Somalia? Help! Help! Get me out of here! Also, I’ll be needing a government check to fund my trip back to Somalia every winter.
Yes, these desperate “refugees” are cheerfully visiting friends and relatives in the country where they allegedly fear for their very lives! We only found out they were vacationing in Somalia because they asked for a break on their government-subsidized rent while they were away. (Request approved!)
Of course, they weren’t all going back to Somalia. Some were going to Syria to fight for the Islamic State. A 2015 House Homeland Security Committee report found that Minnesota contributed the most foreign fighters to ISIS of any state. Two of every four Somali-Minnesotans intercepted at New York’s JFK airport on route to an ISIS training camp had used federal financial-aid funds to pay for their travel.
This week, the Daily Mail reports that “Minnesotans” stole more than a quarter BILLION dollars in pandemic relief funds from the U.S. taxpayer, for such pandemic-related needs as 20 cars, 40 properties, guns, cryptocurrency, a week at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas and dozens of luxury items. And this is interesting: also a luxury apartment in Kenya.
The pandemic thieves appear to consist of one white woman and 46 Somalis:
— Aimee Marie Bock
— Abdikerm Abdelahi Eidleh
— Salim Ahmed Said
— Abdulkadir Nur Salah
— Ahmed Sharif Omar-Hashim
— Abdi Nur Salah
— Abdihakim Ali Ahmed
— Ahmed Mohamed Artan
— Abdikadir Ainanshe Mohamud
— Abdinasir Mahamed Abshir
— Asad Mohamed Abshir
— Hamdi Hussein Omar
— Ahmed Abdullahi Ghedi
— Abdirahman Mohamud Ahmed
— Abdiaziz Shafii Farah
— Mohamed Jama Ismail
— Mahad Ibrahim
— Abdimajid Mohamed Nur
— Said Shafii Farah
— Abdiwahab Maalim Aftin
— Mukhtar Mohamed Shariff
— Hayat Mohamed Nur
— Qamar Ahmed Hassan
— Sahra Mohamed Nur
— Abdiwahab Ahmed Mohamud
— Filsan Mumin Hassan
— Guhaad Hashi Said
— Abdullahe Nur Jesow
— Abdul Abubakar Ali
— Yusuf Bashir Ali
— Haji Osman Salad
— Fahad Nur
— Anab Artan Awad
— Sharmarke Issa
— Farhiya Mohamud
— Liban Yasin Alishire
— Ahmed Yasin Ali
— Khadar Jigre Adan
— Sharmake Jama
— Ayan Jama
— Asha Jama
— Fartun Jama
— Mustafa Jama
— Zamzam Jama
— Bekam Addissu Merdassa
— Hadith Yusuf Ahmed
— Hanna Marekegn
Your loss, Martha’s Vineyard!
Note to Gov. DeSantis: Keep the flights going. Never stop. And in about three years, remember the words “immigration fraud” and “repatriation.”
I’ve already sent emails to Govs. Abbott and DeSantis suggesting that they consider the wealthy enclave of Potomac MD as a possible next destination for the relocation of illegals!
Why don’t the people in Florida send another batch of spics to Martha’s Vinyard? And another, and another?
And keep on doing it, to every fancy liberal elite place. Ruin all their holiday places and have friendly media(FOX, OAN, etc) record it.
It’s typical for cuckservatives to whine “but they put them on a military camp, what hypocrites!” and do nothing.
Bitch and do nothing about nothing, or B.A.D.N.A.N.
Always, sell-out press-tatutes of the West who take the votes of right-wingers should be asked ‘are you doing something, like the Left do things, or are you just again?
The only bad thing about this is that it took so long before anyone did it. Earmark the absolutely most “vibrant” of them (mass murderers, sex lunatics, cartel capos) and send them to the (((liberal elite))) neighbourhoods. Buy houses close to Barbara Streisand, Alan Derchowitz, Jeremy Naydler and similar “good” people, and give them the creme de la creme.
Hey, don’t forget Bill and Hillary. You don’t want them to feel left out. Now about that $75,000 the undocumented migrants (heh heh) are asking – how much do you want to bet they’ll win their case.
Excellent idea! Add Chappaqua NY to the list of suitable locations for resettlement!
Ms. McCarthy is moving in a good direction, though the African-American influence is still very apparent to European ears. The beat and the arrangement are already much more European. She had cultivated a very specific “Shiksa Goddess” vocal style, which at least is pleasingly less prominent on this track.
It must not turn out too dark (like her song “Symbols”), that’s not the concern of good music, it must keep its scales in major, minor must remain the exception and at most set a counterpoint now and then. If you compare the marching songs of German history, they are never depressive, but always optimistic.
Most of what is produced today is dark, depressive, destructive and discouraging. Music must build up, not pull down. If she can sing Hänschen Klein or Alle meine Entchen to her tune, she knows it’s major. The title and text must also express the joy and light. So not “My little black book” (that rather awakens negative associations), but My Big Bright Star.
So not narrow, tragic, sorrowful and puny, but big, beautiful joyful and wonderful like a rose fragrance and spring morning. To this end, she may seek collections of words with positive emotional content that evoke pleasant associations, while at the same time putting her own muddled thoughts on the right track. For Aries is not distress, but a thirst for action.
…They learned, with growing clarity,
They were meant to become a minority
In their homelands. It was no accident
The Aryan birth rate in the Occident
Had fallen far below replacement
As the issue of teeming Africa was sent
Increasingly to demand asylum,
Deference and every Aryan womb
The Enemy could win for his plan
To breed his global Economic Man.
Talking about blatant liberal hypocrisy, we might also inquire: Where are all the anti-war folks? How come we’re not seeing thousands of people in the streets railing against U.S. involvement in what is essentially a regional conflict (Russia-vs-Ukraine)? How come we don’t see any anti-war pundits on the MSM warning of the military industrial complex? Oh, that’s right, the Left isn’t really against war when a democrat president is in office. It’s only when a republican sits in the Oval Office.
Remember when all those liberals flooded our city streets when Bush was bombing Iraq and Afghanistan? You couldn’t keep them away from screaming and foaming at the mouth at how Hitlerian Bush was for bombing half the middle east. But somehow all those sweaty protesters lost all interest in their anti-war activity as soon as Obama got into office – even though he continued the same bombing and military conflicts as his predecessor!
Liberals are hypocrites in everything they do. They support racial diversity yet do their best to reside in only White neighborhoods. They claim to support free speech rights but do all in their power to squash the free speech rights of their political opponents. They shed crocodile tears on behalf of the homeless, and yet oppose the erection of homeless shelters in their own neighborhoods. They whine endlessly about pollution and ‘saving mother earth,’ but think nothing about flying here and there throughout the planet to preach their gospel of environmentalism.
This is, of course, obvious to us who are red-pilled on race, the JQ, and the cesspool that liberalism creates wherever people are stupid enough to accept it. Yet we must still ask: How come western liberals (mostly White) in mass have not abandoned such an unworkable worldview? It’s not as if there aren’t enough examples of blundering failures, so why aren’t we seeing huge numbers of liberals abandoning their liberal viewpoints?
This is perhaps due in part because liberalism makes people feel good about themselves. It gives them a sense of moral superiority over others. I think it appeals to those who have high opinions of themselves, and who are addicted to virtue signaling. This is a hard ‘drug’ to kick, and far too many White liberals aren’t even aware they have a problem in the first place.
Adhering to a social and political liberal outlook doesn’t require people to face the failures of their Utopian schemes. It can always be blamed on not having enough government funds or the hard-heartedness of republicans. These are smokescreens erected to prevent liberals from having to confront the possibility that their entire political foundations are grounded on sinking sand. It’s hard and somewhat rare when people admit to themselves that they’ve been wrong. Our pride and endless excuses seem to always stand in the way. But where there is intellectual honesty and a love for the Truth, there remains hope for liberals – but not until then.
We are in a fight for the existence of our people and a future for White children.
It takes two sides to make peace, but only one side to make war. The group of aliens pictured at the top of this article will never want peace. They only want war, death for our men, and worse than death for our women and children.
The beauty and valor of our people are worth fighting for.
All I know is Jonathan Haidt says those in Marthas Vineyard are scoring higher in fairness and he does not get called out on his ‘science’.
Sadly even gets positive mentions by people I respect. I mean you KMac.
He attributes ‘openness’ too to those people.
Who had their ass open enough to cheat their enriching guests with non branded rice crispeys.
You people are all so morally confused …
Greetings from Germany.
Interesting to see, it is “good” for the republicans to ship illegal aliens all over the country, but “bad” when democrats do it. Republicans are doing exactly as the democrats and you guys love it? Something wrong with your thinking. Shipping them by either party, is still the same thing for whatever reason they spew at the People they allegedly work for. Shipping them back over the southern border is the only correct thing. Now lets see the excuses presented here for the reason not to do what has to be done.
@Joe Dirt
You’re right about the greater need, but this was a protest against the normal Federally legislated shipping routes and of those who sanctimoniously and hypocritically endorse them.
And it worked a treat..
I agree with Joe Dirt. There is one and only one proper place to be shipping these illegal aliens and that is straight back to the third world dumpster nation that spawned them.
I think the GOP establishment are toying with the MAGA support base of voters. Using theatrics that, on one hand, have been useful in highlighting the hypocrisy of the Democrats, but I think they are playing their base with these dramatic deliveries of illegal aliens to Blue cities and Blue states. They want to make the MAGA base think that, if there is a red wave in November – that the Republicans will finally do something about the border and about illegal immigration. But, Pedo Joe and his Cackling Hyena will still be sitting in the White House for 2 more years and with their 70 plus percent jewish administration – anything the Republicans try to do to fix the border invasion will simply be vetoed by the Pedo in Chief.
And, while I have seen a lot of rhetoric from the right about impeaching this guy and also Garland and
Majorkis, unless we can remove Mitch McConnell from power – the chances of that happening are zero.
Unfortunately, this kind of wrong thinking goes hand in hand with statements one sees virtually every day where some Republican or some member of the managed “conservative” opposition declares (often in these very words) that “Democrats are the real racists” or the real something else—indeed, whatever the Extremely Bad Characterization du Jour happens to be.
In a column dated September 17, “Democrats Send in National Guard to Remove Illegal Immigrants from Martha’s Vineyard,” Andrew Anglin advanced what I would call a fundamentally sound thesis about human interaction generally:
He elaborated upon this point:
The bottom line is that the Establishment’s endlessly repeated claim that no one has the moral right to prevent another person from living anywhere he chooses to live is a vicious, conscious, blatant lie. Luke, Joe Dirt, and Andrew Anglin see the significance of what happened at the Vineyard and the utter wrongheadedness of Ann Coulter’s knee-jerk response to it. Why doesn’t Coulter herself see it?
The predicament that white Americans are in—whether they are aware of it or not—is already grave. It will certainly worsen if the brain remains on hold and what passes for thinking continues to be a reflexive function of the nerves and muscles of the knee.
Jesus wept.
He wept when the most of you treated your brothers like cattle. He wept when you denied the humanity of your sisters. He wept when you, by failing to act, allowed the murder of the poor and unglorious. He wept when he felt your joy at the mistreatment of your brothers from venezuela.
You do not qualify for heaven.
There is a great misunderstanding between you and reality. You view my discomfort towards your actions and worldview in the same vein as the discomfort a child feels when watching an orca whale hunt a seal. Crucially, you are not natural.
I am not uncomfortable because your actions are in-aesthetic. I am uncomfortable in the same fashion that people are uncomfortable observing the self-mutilationary. With cryptic nonchalance you tear your own skin from your bones – you slough your forearm with the same energy with which one bites the skin from their lip. You are not the lion hunting the wildebeest, you are the human gouging his eye in search of impossible relief.
Jesus also made some comments about Pharisees, comments whose unequivocal character still leave attentive readers very uneasy. The next time you find yourself in the mood to hurl a stone or two, consider giving one of those passages a look before you act on your impulse.
Firmer Navy Commander George Lincoln Rockwell gave us the solution in these words : WHITE MAN FIGHT !
I’ve been watching this wonderful video:
Prof. Kevin B. Macdonald – The Psychological Mechanism of White Dispossession
I raise a question arising from an important part this video to Dr MacDonald about the residents of Martha’s Vineyard, as a sample of the ‘Liberal’ (?) kind among Europeans: on the Sociopathological….to…Pathologically Altruistic socio-psychological scale: are these people really situated in the Pathologically Altruistic direction, or the opposite?
Wouldn’t it have been that before this grand exposure that they were sociometrically on the Pathologically Altruistic side, but after this, that they are really on the opposite side and pretending that they aren’t? What’s the psychological mechanism here? How does this manifest itself in the political sphere, including its future unfolding?
“Repatriation” will only occur after a violent revolution. There is 100% zero chance that ANY politician existing in our modern cesspool of a system will ever even speak this option, let alone enact it. Traitors have to be executed… en masse. Nothing will change until this happens.
Giorgia Meloni, Fratelli d’Italia, would “deport immigrants who commit serious crimes”. This is controlled opposition talk; they ALL have to be repatriated to their own homelands. Italians are being deceived, the globalists are giving people enough just to make them think there is a course correction, however, the trajectory (replacement, extermination, genocide) is unchanged.
Reminds me of Trump, did not build the wall, did not deport ALL illegals, did not cancel birthright citizenship.
Donald John Trump, YOU’RE FIRED.
You overestimate the power of the president!
Well, in any case, “Chairman of BlackRock supervi-
sory board” Merz need not worry about his future.
BlackRock-Merz came to the defense of his
Nazi grandpa. Apparently blood is (still) stron-
ger than wallet. In the next decade, BlackRock
and Vanguard will “own” over half the world.
Merz has recently (despite all opposition in his “par-
ty”) campaigned for a women’s quota in the CDU.
“Merz” (not to be confused with März which means
March) associated with tabs for wrinkle correction.
September 23, 2022 at 3:30 pm
You overestimate the power of the president!”
As Commander in Chief, the POTUS has the manpower (Army Corps of Engineers & the Sea-Bees) & the money (over 25 billion dollars leaves US every year & POTUS needs only to slap a tax on it) to build THE WALL & needs NO permission. POTUS Trump duped us, deceived us, made it look like he was doing something to let out some steam some pressure, but, the trajectory did not change. POTUS Trump helped to release some pressure from us Europeans aka White people & provided our enemies an idea of how many millions of us Europeans were out there. And it worked perfectly, no wall, no deportations & people believed in Trump because they continued to attend his rallies.
Remember Trump handed off responsibility for The Wall to his shyster son-in-law. That’s about when the project slowed to a crawl.