The Elusive “Jewish Solution”: Thoughts on Igor Shafarevich’s “Postscript to ‘The Three-Thousand-Year-Old Enigma’”
If I wanted to, I could easily write a glowing review of Igor Shafarevich and his work and leave it there. The man was a respected academic, a genius in his respective field, and brave enough to tackle the Jewish Question the way that he did. But I will leave that task up to another writer and, instead, I will focus on the work that he left us and ask if it there are any fresh insights that Shafarevich has to share with Westerners or if there are differences in his characterization of the Jewish Question and his proposed solution.
Shafarevich is a window into Soviet-era Russian understanding of the Jewish Question. By reading him, we can decide for ourselves if these Russians understood the problem that they were facing in a similar way to how we conceptualize it now.
For example, Western counter-Semites are well aware of the problem of dual-loyalty and the phenomenon of Jewish crypsis. Shafarevich points out that Jews dislike being recognized for being Jewish and often treat exposure as a direct insult or even a threat. Said another way: “But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Also, the idea of the Jews needing people to work, toil and fight on their behalf is a point well understood by both Western and Russian counter-Semites living under Jewish occupation governments. It is truly incredible to see how so many people from different countries, periods of history and intellectual traditions were able to come to such similar conclusions about the Jews.
Here, it would perhaps be enlightening to take a detour and compare Shafarevich’s conclusions to Solzhenitsyn’s. The latter, if anything, played down the culpability of the Jews and their destructive behavior. That is to say, that while he did not cover up their crimes or try to whitewash them as the products of misguided intentions, he ultimately concluded that the Jews were like a divine sort of punishment unleashed on Russians for their own sins. He used a very familiar Christian metaphysical framework when framing his narrative. That, in short, the Jews were God’s tool (or the tool of God working through Satan) for punishing his people and creating more Christian martyrs through adversity.
Shafarevich, however, takes a more biological view of the matter, a perspective familiar to most Western counter-semites, no doubt. Shafarevich uses a herbivore/carnivore metaphor to describe the relationship between the gentiles and the Jews. But, if we’re looking to the animal kingdom for inspiration, parasites come to mind as a better analogy for Jews and their behavior. This also neatly explains the supposed limits on their fertility. Society, if it is conceptualized as a living organism, would quickly reach parasitical overload. The host would succumb to disease and keel over eventually.
For our new metaphor to work however, we have to consider a concept put forward by another Russian thinker, Lev Gumilyov. He conceptualized society as a living organism, or rather, that one’s ethnic group is an extension of oneself. His reasoning is simple: a tribe helps protect the individual. A tribe and then a society grows around an individual like a protective hide grows around a boar. Better yet, individuals can be compared to the cells in a body. Castes or types of individuals are organs in this metaphor. A people has to work together in unison for both the collective body and the individual cells to survive. People of one ethnos then, are connected on a deep level to one another and not just atomized individuals who happen to share some proteins with the people around them, as our society conceptualizes things now. For nationalists, this would be a very powerful metaphor to first internalize and then use. And the power of a well thought-out metaphor should not be discounted.
Shaferevich’s big point, the solution that he is offering to us, the great herbivore herd as he characterizes us, is to relearn how to close ranks around our own and to relearn how to recognize predators in our midst.
Now, there is nothing wrong with this idea in theory. In actual practice however, getting people to think of their collective interests, the interests of the weaker elements of our society and of the fate of our future descendants has proven to be quite difficult. Many Western Whites, in particular, balk at the idea that they belong to something inborn that is greater than themselves that they cannot simply opt out of by changing their ideology, their profession, or buying a new set of clothes. Western Whites, prone as they are to individualism, prefer to rally around ideology instead of identity. In practice that means an immigrant from Taiwan with the right talking points and values, is accepted into polite White society. But, a White man, who may have had ancestors come over on the Mayflower even, would be kicked out of polite society as soon as he voiced a politically incorrect opinion. Like, say, about Jewish power.
We’ve seen it occur countless times already.
The question of how to rekindle national or racial consciousness in a country of radical individualists has plagued counter-Semites for the last half-century at least. It is because of this hyper-individuality perhaps, that calls to close ranks fall on deaf ears. Furthermore, the individual White has much to gain by denouncing his people. We, on a society-wide scale, are in a classic prisoner’s dilemma scenario. It would make sense for Whites to cooperate in good faith with other Whites and improve their lot by cooperating, but in our poisoned culture, the pursuit of rational, individual self-interest dictates that Whites fight each other to prove who is the least racist and most tolerant to get more lenient sentences from the prison warden. It was the same in the Soviet Union, although the reigning ideology was somewhat different. Only cooperation among the prisoners will get them out of the prison, but it was because of their inability to close ranks that they became prisoners in the first place.
Quite the dilemma.
Since the “closing ranks” solution is the main thrust of Shaferevich’s argument, it is disappointing that he spends so little time talking about methods that might help us close ranks against the nefarious influence of foreigners and what the obstacles are for us doing so.
If I had one critique of Shafarevich, it would be that his writing suffers from the same problem that a lot of other researchers’ writings suffer from. These people are able to do Herculean work when it comes to meticulously sifting through vast swaths of information as a researcher and organizer of data. Where they falter, however, is in the solutions that they then go on to propose. Perhaps this is because solution-seeking requires an entirely different mental skillset with analyzing and dissecting being quite different from synthesizing policy or practice.
Another important point that Shafarevich hones in on though is the idea of the Jews’ self-ordained role as priests for all of humanity, dedicated to toppling the idols of other peoples whether they be the native gods or the native culture. This is now well-known in our circles as “Tikkum Olam” or the Jewish dedication to “healing the world,” i.e., remaking the world to better suit themselves and their agenda. Jews also conceive of themselves as “idol-destroyers.” And, in the Jewish conception of them, “idols” can mean any idea or cultural practice that is not approved of by Jewish authorities.
Also, while monotheism is not a Jewish invention, the Jews certainly did promote the worship of one god, their god, Yahweh, above all other nations’ gods. Sadly, the early Christians who opposed Yahwehism lost their battle with Christian orthodoxy, and the Old Testament’s capricious ethnic deity became our God.
Pre-Socratic Greek thinkers, Zoroastrians, and Gnostics, in contrast, believed that there was indeed a powerful, but evil, materialistic, petty deity that ruled over this world. Polytheistic Aryan pagan religion conceptualized the gods as being capricious and cruel. However, this all began to change with Plato. This famous Greek was equal parts philosopher as much as he was a political activist and a Klaus Schwab-style social planner. Plato’s “Great Reset” began with him arguing to ban Homer’s Odyssey and working to combat the peasants’ leery attitudes towards the gods. Plato believed that criticism of the god(s) and their intentions ought to be banned in his priest-run utopian society.
Shafarevich demonstrates an awareness of how deeply the general thrust of Western thinking has been affected by Judaism and Plato. We are the products of Platonic, Judaic and then Christian (an offshoot of Judaism) thinking, he says, and the trajectory of our society was defined by the merger of these intellectual and religious traditions.
Recent scholarly analysis of the Old Testament, however, reveals that it was probably written far later than what the Jews have historically claimed. In fact, scholars in the “minimalist school” like Russel Gmirkin make a convincing case that the Bible was written in the second century BC and inspired by Plato’s work. The Torah, the Jewish nationalist foundation myth, took Plato’s idea of a higher mono-deity as its guiding principle. Now, Plato was not the first monotheist, but he was, however, one of the first to insist that the mono-deity had to be both omnipotent and good. Also, he was the first to outline a WEF-style program for the radical transformation of society through the use of psycho-religious tactics to manipulate the population.
Jews like to claim credit for inventing monotheism, but, as Shafarevich points out, they take credit for just about everything. He plays down their accomplishments by stating that the Jews have observably invented or contributed very little throughout modern history and were only able to do what they did using the tools that were handed to them by the host cultures in which they found themselves. The controversial example of the Old Testament would fit neatly into this observable phenomenon of Jews only being able to adopt, modify or invert what already exists. It is, after all, a goulash stew of borrowed and, in some cases, inverted legends and myths from the people that they came into contact with over the course of their history. The Jews then claimed that their knock-off copy predated the originals and took credit for what they stole. A classic Jewish move. As a result, we ended up with a convenient Judeo-centric narrative to theology and history in which the Jews invented monotheism, had the oldest written religious text, were God’s chosen, and so on.
Shaferevich was unaware of this particular revisionist school of Biblical scholarship when he was writing and doing his own research. His own analysis of the Old Testament, however, would rankle many generic Western conservatives and even veteran counter-Semites. It should come as little surprise that Soviet scholars were freer to question some of the core claims of Christianity and, encouraged even, to deconstruct holy texts like the Bible. As a result, skepticism of Jewish religious history, by extension, became more acceptable in the USSR. America, in contrast, remained largely Protestant. i.e., Old Testamentarian and never had a period of state-imposed atheism during which the Bible was delegitimized and stripped of its holy veneer.
This accounts for one of the subtle differences between Russian and Western counter-Semitic thought.
Also, for fear of rocking the boat, most Western counter-Semites try to stay away from religious debates, or, rather, away from asking too many questions about the Old Testament. Nowadays, there is, however, a disturbing trend of counter-Semites identifying with the Jews of the Old Testament by claiming that they were, in actual fact, Scandinavians or Germans and that the current stock of Jews are “fakes” from Khazaria. It is easy to understand why many are drawn to this ideology. After all, it is rather strange to be a nationalist and then to adopt the national myths and ethnic deity of an enemy people as your own. It is harder still to admit that our ancestors lived in a low-information environment and were simply duped centuries ago.
Now, many counter-Semites have tried to sidestep the discussion entirely and simply try to focus on promoting ethnic self-awareness. Again, however, we come head-to-head with the recurring problem of the low levels of ethnocentricity among Western Whites. If the simple “closing ranks” approach works among more ethnocentric groups of people, perhaps it makes sense to work with the grain and not against it when it comes to proposing a solution for peoples who seem to have developed, for one reason or another, extremely low levels of empathy for their own kin.
Instead of being drawn to ideas of identity, these peoples seem drawn to religious-type/ideological thinking. Even if they are secular. After all, secular religions like Social Justice Warriorism and the global warming cult dominate White Western polite society now.
So, the point I am driving at here is rather simple.
Perhaps the solution for peoples who struggle to close ranks because of low levels of ethnocentricity ought to be to do what they do best and re-adopt religious thinking and Puritan-style religious fervor, to which they seem so well-suited naturally. If this is to be done however, perhaps it makes sense to stop pretending to be the real Jews and start focusing on becoming the real Christians instead. My contribution to the debate on possible solutions to the Jewish Question would be to recommend Marcionite Christian thinking, with its rejection of the Old Testament and juxtaposition of Christ to Yahweh, as a theologically sound and spiritually exclusionary alternative approach to religion.
While religious thinking certainly has its drawbacks, it does seem able to convince conscientious people from time to time of the possibility that destructive self-serving actions have grave metaphysical consequences. Again, both Shafarevich and myself agree that the only way to break out of the political, economic and social prison that the Jews have constructed for us is to close ranks and learn to engage in cooperative behavior with our own people. But, the only way to get Whites to cooperate and think about saving more than just their own skin is to adopt best practices that encourage cooperative behavior, punish self-serving selfishness and exclude the Jews by recognizing them as mortal enemies.
The how or the actual practice of closing ranks and promoting cooperation among our own is what we should be developing and debating now. Sadly, there has been very little progress on this front in either the West or the East.
Shafarevich and, to a certain extent, Solzhenitsyn, have done brave work in researching the Jewish Question and bringing the crimes of the Jews and the threat that they pose to the attention of millions of people worldwide. What they fail to do is advance the ball much further than describing the problem and shedding light on the Jews’ tactics and their ultimate agenda to destroy and remake our societies to better serve their own interests. To continue the analogy, these researchers passed the ball forward, into the enemy’s half of the field, hoping that someone on their team would pick it up and take it the rest of the way to the goal. Thanks to the hard work of researchers like Shafarevich, we now have a clear understanding of the Jewish Problem. Anyone looking for the holy grail that is the Jewish Solution, however, needs to start looking and thinking on their own.
Probably you aren’t old enough to remember the patriarchy. Everything was done for the future generations. Our children deserved the best we could give them. Our way of life had to be maintained. And, “we” were white Christians, in the USA, anyway. Sadly, it was a psy-op, we did not know anything about Jewish power and control and we were suckers for Jewish “experts” who were working against us the whole time.
Very interesting use of the term “counter-Semetic.” More nuanced than “anti-Semitic” – one of the shape-shifter’s favourite terms. Language can be a powerful tool, and Slavski is wielding it well.
Excuse my terrible spelling. I should have written “counter-semitic.”
Thank You, Lady Anne. I’m in full-agreement.
I like the term counter-Semitism and would that it catches on. Anyone thinking globally and acting locally is aware of the sea change incorporating Zionist dogmatism in evangelical, fundamentalist, spirit-filled, holy roller, whatever giant and growing so-called Christian congregations. Fear of so-called anti-Semitism for noticing race Rolo Slavski describes. Churchgoers fluorish where respectable character including courage, curiosity, and attention span are bred out. Simplistic creation and suspicion of even noticing evolution and demonizing those who recognize reality not only fosters shunning but free will offerings. Fellowship especially eating, convening, and propagandizing from summer camp to conferences works for them. For those able read and research places Californians in 50th place, there is Scofield, Ellen White, and booklets by self-certified Christian sect teachers. Eugenics works with dog breeds, races, subspecies, varieties and that’s as much about breeding out not just inappropriate dysfunctional conformation but the inclination toward foolishness. For those from whom it’s not bred out, I’m sorry but I’m a fascist, there’s law enforcement.
One local mega-church corporation still markets itself as a family operation. According to YELP, as agent for this outfit:, they kept the airfare of a new member who just accepted Christ for not cancelling timely at the beginning of COVID travel concerns. All other reviews were glowing. One pastor’s otherwise attractive daughter apparently married a labor organizer she was seeing, years ago when at a meeting I overheard their joking about blaming a problem on the Russian Mafia. His solidarity with at least organizers generally was attempting through misrepresentation to extort union jobs from the high-density, affordable housing developer as the units were three-story with HVAC in the open carport meaning much sheet metal work. Such corruption in development is de rigeur in California. The unions shutting-down that particular job didn’t do much to slow down development in the area. It did cost investors including a couple of cities expecting migrant labor prices but displeasing their coethnics in the union business on the other hand.
de rigueur
Tikkun olam sounds like terraforming.
Although I appreciate these attempts to conceptualize how to reach Christian Zionists and evangelicals and protestants in general, it would seem to me that appeals to the Bible itself are all that is real really necessary. For instance, Matthew 3:9 “And do not think you can say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham.” If the Jews were a chosen people, such that we today would incur God’s wrath for opposing them, why would Jesus say that they could be entirely eliminated from the face of the earth and Abraham would still have descendants? Further, why would Jesus deny their claim to Abraham as their father? John 8:44 :”You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” If they somehow were always “chosen people”, in such a way that their cultural practices should be given deference, what are we to make of their enjoyment of male temple prostitutes? “Judah did evil in the eyes of the Lord. They also set up for themselves high places, sacred stones and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every spreading tree. There were even male shrine prostitutes in the land; the people engaged in all the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites” (1 Kings 14:22-24). The reality is American Christians are simply never asked about these issues and have therefore never really thought deeply about any of it before, partially because most of America’s heartland and the Bible belt are devoid of Jews. No grand plan is necessary; rather, simple exposition of the Bible in conjunction with observation of current events pertaining to how Jews are behaving and what agendas they are trying to implement are highly convincing.
Amen, John Emmerich! That and checking history as to who the Jews are and who they are not helps our understanding.
“San Francisco had its own problem: prosecutor (((Chesa Boudin))), who never seems to have met a criminal he didn’t like. His parents were both in the revolutionary Weather Underground and were put away for many years for murder. His adoptive parents were Bill Ayers and (((Bernadine Dohrn))), also in the Weather Underground.”
I find your writing informative and interesting. I could make a few comments on this article, but I followed the Substack link and, since it is relevant to this article too, have a few comments. You probably know all of what I say, but an omission on your part.
In your Substack article, you suddenly mention Marcion in the context of Tertullian, with no introduction to what we know of Marcion.
The first Christian canonical collection of writings, as I am sure you would know, was that of Marcion, in the mid-100s by current western reckoning.
It consisted of most of the letters ascribed to Paul, though without the O.T. references, and something much like the Gospel of Luke, without a nativity scene.
Nothing else.
Reconstructions of about half of the Marcionite books, the gospel and the epistles, based on the anti-Marcionite writings of Tertullian and other Church fathers, almost all later declared to be heretics themselves, have been made by scholars.
I have read the bases (as in Church father’s critism) for that, and the results
of the work.
To me it seems that the epistles in particular, are far more beautiful without the forced O.T. references, and that the official story, that Marcion redacted existing texts, is the opposite of the truth. The truth is that Jews and Judaiisers interpolated a lot of things, at least into the writings in Marcion’s canon.
It is just Occam’s razor.
Marcion was not a Gnostic in the same way as Valentinus and his successors, Marcion made the simple statement that the O.T. and N.T. ideas of deity could not be the same, so they must be different entities.
Finally, there is the idea that St. Paul was in truth, a fictional construction on top of Marcion.
Seriously, I give that some credence, I am not a reader of ancient Greek, but there is a huge difference between the epistles that Marcion accepted as canonical, even in the later corruptions by the Church, and the others by, and also ascribed to, St. Paul.
Very, very good Rolo. Thank you.
The comments on Rolo’s piece from everyone are also great.
‘Counter-Semite’ has a lot of promise to enter the mass vernacular.
I always say; ‘I’m not anti-semitic, they’re anti-white people’. Or, ‘I’m anti-Jewish supremacy’.
For right now, and now is a great time with all that’s going on, we all need to, in a gentle way, get the Jewish problem out in the open and discussed with facts. Exposing them to as many as we can and how detrimental to our country and our lives is key.
” Jews like to claim credit for inventing monotheism ”
That is because there does not appear in the Westernworld to be any unfavorable analytical critiques of their presumed monotheism invention which may be one of the most pernicious in all of history .
Monotheism is the origin of the usually camouflaged monopoly political economics which has been historicly at best often either dysfunctional or somewhat hazardous for humanity and at worst either extremely dysfunctional or extremely hazardous for humanity ; to wit ___
And God said , …
let them have dominion …
over all the earth ,
and over every creeping thing
that creepeth upon the earth .
“them” = the jewmasterss de facto
and mankind hypotheticly
“dominion” = ownership/control
“creeping thing” = all plants and all animals
including also humanity
( verbatim quote [ except for the ellipses ] from :
The Holy Jewish Torah / the first book Genesis /
the first chapter 1 / verse 26 ) .
The monopolization of crucial resources needed by humanity is not intended as a part of either
{{ [ God’s plan ] / [ God’s creation ] / [ God’s design ] }}
as an inexorable result of evolution ;
since monopolies do not exist in
God’s Law for Distributions ;
also known as by scientists as
Gaussian Normal Distributions ;
also known by pious Catholics as
Universal Law of Distributions ;
also known by the Westernworld public as
Bell Curve Distributions .
Protestant reformer and rebel against the RCC — Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) was the first one to oppose the monopolization of worldly powers by Catholic clergy and abrogate catholicism .
A [ monopoly ] according to the Wikipedia article is the economic designator for an ___
“absence of competition”.
The last sentence at the current [ 23 Oct 2022 ] end of this typical inchoate , discursive , profusely blue-linked , and lengthy but comprehensive Wiki article on “Monopoly” is this quoted assertion (does not include my ellipses) ___
” Baten, Bianchi and Moser […] argue that under certain circumstances, compulsory licensing – which allows governments to license patents without the consent of patent-owners – may be effective in promoting invention by increasing the threat of competition in fields with low pre-existing levels of competition.”
Please note that governmental co-option
( which coincidentally is ,
in this particular case ,
based on the jewish collectivist
ideology of communism )
of the licensing of individual/corporate intellectual property ,
includes patents and copyrights ,
is the final step-up on the ladder for
governmental / (jewish collectivist) / communistic
monopolization of all human resources and
in particular for the monopolization of
Nordic/White produced intellectual properties
owned either by themselves or
by their corporations of employment .
It is simply incredible that no other creature on this planet except mankind entertains the notion of eliminating competition per se by monopolizations eventually spawned by monotheism .
Unfortunately , all competitors must be slaughtered in order to eliminate competition .
How many more human competitors
are going to be slaughtered
in order to install
a presumed Kingdom of God
here on earth ?
Please note ___
The jewmasterss of Wikipedia are ,
currently as of 10/23/2022 ,
vaguely insinuating a threat to shutdown
the world public’s most important encyclopedia
if you do not donate some money for them continuing to operate it .
In other words ,
Wiki members of the jewish Ashkenazi tribe
{{ that is headquartered in the City of Satan
( aka City of London — not London City ),
and which virtually OWNS all
of the Westernworld global financial systems ,
including the US Federal Reserve System }}
need more money to continue to operate Wikipedia (?)