A Nation Rejoices! A Humiliating Defeat for Trump

On an otherwise disastrous night for Republicans, who were the biggest winners?
ANSWER: Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida and Gov. Brian Kemp in Georgia — the two Republicans Donald Trump hates with the hot, hot hate of a thousand suns.
Which Republicans most underperformed?
ANSWER: Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania and Herschel Walker in Georgia — two nominees hand-picked by Trump.
The first horror of a long Tuesday night came soon after the polls closed in Pennsylvania, with the GOP gubernatorial nominee, Mastriano, getting clobbered. Some of the tipoffs that Mastriano might not have been the strongest candidate for the GOP were:
— A week before the primary, he spoke at a QAnon rally, featuring a film claiming 9/11 was an inside job and that John F. Kennedy Jr. was assassinated because he “knew too much.”
— He called abortion the “No. 1 issue” and promised to ban all abortions with no exceptions even for rape, incest or the life of the mother. He also said women who violated the ban should be charged with murder.
— He vowed to de-register all Pennsylvania voters and make them re-register to vote and said that, as governor, he would choose who was allowed to certify elections.
Naturally, Trump endorsed him. After all, Mastriano had slavishly supported the ex-president’s stolen election claims — convening slates of fake electors and even showing up at the Capitol on Jan. 6. That’s just the ticket for a purple state, no?
On Tuesday night, Mastriano lost 42% to 55%. That can’t have helped Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Republican running for Senate, who was still hanging on the next day, conceding with 47% of the vote to John Fetterman’s 50%.
In Georgia, we got both types of Trump’s electoral wizardry: the bad and the horrendously bad. First, after narrowly losing the state in 2020, he went on a jihad against the Republican governor, Brian Kemp, and secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger.
Still enraged with Kemp, he recruited and funded a primary opponent to the popular governor. Luckily, Trump’s designated candidate, former Sen. David Perdue, was available, having lost his own reelection to the Senate entirely because of Trump.
In case you’ve forgotten, Trump held rallies in Georgia leading up to the runoff between Perdue and Raphael Warnock, denouncing the popular Republican governor and telling people not to bother voting because the system was rigged. Warnock won and Perdue was unemployed, so Trump got him to run against Kemp.
Trump so hated Kemp that he finally dipped into his $100 million political PAC to fund something other than his own businesses and rallies, giving a half-million dollars to Perdue.
Primary election results: Kemp trounced Perdue 74% to 22%.
Raffensperger — the Georgia secretary of state who Trump bullied because he refused to scare up 11,780 more Trump votes in 2020 and who he accused of committing “a criminal offense” — won his primary by nearly 20 points.
I think Georgia voters were trying to send a message: Please just give us a normal Republican.
Trump: Message not received!
Having already caused the loss of two Senate seats in Georgia, Trump’s second great idea was to hand-pick a candidate for the Senate based on stupid, narcissistic reasons having nothing to do with strategy or the state, but just because he knows the guy.
In March 2021 he put out a statement: “Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the legendary Herschel Walker ran for the United States Senate in Georgia? He would be unstoppable, just like he was when he played for the Georgia Bulldogs, and in the NFL. He is also a GREAT person. Run Herschel, run!”
Senate candidate Herschel Walker is 100% Trump’s baby.
It’s not as if running for the Senate had been Walker’s lifelong dream. It was Trump who decided he would be the nominee simply because he’d played for Trump’s (now-defunct) United States Football League and had appeared as a contestant on “Celebrity Apprentice.”
This is how Trump picks candidates.
Still, the race should have been a cakewalk. On Tuesday night, Kemp and Raffensperger each won their elections by about 8 points. It’s reasonable to conclude that any other Republican would have beaten Warnock by the same healthy margin. Same state, same election, same political party.
Instead, the Georgia Senate race ended up being the most expensive in the country — money that Republicans really could have used in other races. Walker, as of this writing, appears to be headed for a runoff. Trump is on track to screw that one up too, by announcing that he’s running for president, so he can make it all about himself again.
That’s exactly what he did at his campaign rallies this week, showing up where he wasn’t wanted and doing the same old schtick about the Russia investigation, his “perfect” call to Zelensky, “Shifty Schiff” (Rep. Adam Schiff) and what an awesome president he was — including what a badass he’d be on crime. (Trump during the first debate with Biden: “You called them ‘super-predators.’ African Americans are super-predators … I’m letting people out of jail now!”)
If Walker loses, let the record show that this will be the third consecutive Georgia Senate seat Trump has lost for Republicans.
When the Republican governor of the second-largest state wins his reelection by 55% and the Republican governor of the third-largest state wins by 60%, the GOP doesn’t need another one of its moronic “autopsies” of the party, promising to be just like the Democrats. The only thing we need now is an autopsy of Trump.
So, dead Democrats get elected and do brain damaged Democrats. Democrats, who refuse to debate their opponent and are in hiding, are neck-in-neck with a Republicans who are meeting anyone that wants to talk to them in a state where widespread fraud was proven by an audit. CNN can’t even explain how the exit polls are completely our of line with the results. Pre-election polls are easily rigged. Faking post election polls is pointless. Can they be inaccurate? Sure, by why would people lie about how they voted when they could just refuse to answer? Funny how they “glitches” happened in the same states. Trump may be a buffoon, but he’s a dangerous – to the Democrats – buffoon. The steal was more subtle this time. It was designed to make Trump look like he was the problem. C’mon girl. I know Trump is no prize, but your TDS is showing.
In addition to what you say, old friend (with all of which I agree), there is the fact that, here as elsewhere, Coulter trims her sails to avoid the shoals of Jewish involvement. Although the overriding characteristic of the Trump administration, the characteristic that made it what it was and has made its aftereffects what they are, was the influence—or rather the presence at its helm—of (((Jared Kushner))), no one not already in the know would ever learn it from this or any other column of hers wherein she rakes Trump over the coals.
Kushner, a man who dismisses Trump’s voters as idiots and rubes and holds in contempt the issues on the basis of which Trump was elected, would be at the heart of Coulter’s critique of Trump if she were a woman with integrity. Because she isn’t, she is ever ready to sneer at Trump for the exaggerated vices of shortsightedness and vanity. Yet if sneer she must, it should be for his sloth, a distaste for hard work whose immediate outcome isn’t profit, and for his thoughtless nepotism. As these latter vices all pull Kushner into the frame, however, Ann adopts the stance that the less said, the better.
Points well made. It’s time to move away from a narcissistic grifting Trumpty Dumpty who peddles tacky Christmas wrapping paper and chintzy looking Christmas tree baubels for a mere $75 donation. 😒
I voted for Trump 2X. But it’s time for the Republicans to move on. Like it or not Trump is really toxic to vast portions of the country. In that regard he is very similar to Hilary Clinton from the other side of the aisle. For the good of the country and the good of the GOP, it’s time for Trump to retire.
Trump is a common man, a loud, ignorant, egomaniac – a perfect example of a twisted personality. He may have accomplished a few good things, but his warped perspective on life and people prevented him from doing anything that really mattered. Remember too, that it was Trump who started the covid hysteria (another mark of his ignorance), making possible the tyranny that followed. As to: ‘making America great again’, one does not decide to make a country great. The greatness of a country is the byproduct of the individual achievements of superior individuals.
Democrats cheat and the are good at it. Republicans in general have not addressed this issue. This means that losses and underperformance cannot be placed entirely on Trump.
Fact: Gullable women voted in the Dems.
Ann makes some valid points here, to be sure. But tell me, Ann, are you better off now than you were 2+ years ago? There is no denying how much better we were doing under Trump, imperfect as he may be, controlled by the jews (like ALL of the rest of them by the way) as he may be. Trump’s bombast and mass appeal were exactly what was needed to wake people up and get them engaged. Sounds like Ann is stopping just short of call us deplorables. The blame-it-on-Trump distraction is playing right into their hands, Ann. Come on, you know better.
November 11, 2022 at 2:01 pm
… Remember too, that it was Trump who started the covid hysteria (another mark of his ignorance), making possible the tyranny that followed.
G’day Carl-Edwards,
I disagree. When apprised of the impending COVID scamdemic and the intended use of a pseudo vaccine bio-weapon Trump actually prevented the bio-weapon being dangerously effective by short circuiting the process with his WARP SPEED rhetoric and use of the military to limit the toxicity of the supposed vaccine cure. The truth of the matter will transpire in due course.
Peace and Blessings,
All you ever needed to know about Grifter Trump: in 2015 he said, “We need a Wall to keep out the illegal aliens … with a Great Big Door in it so they can come legally.” I still voted for the a$$ 2x – what other choice was there? – but never again. In 2024, I vote for Anybody But Trump in the primary. I the general, if Trump is the nominee, I vote Constitution. Trump is simply awful. The few good things he did as Pres would have been done by most other Republicans.
I have a hard time understanding how Trump could have been so successful in business, his vast (but not sooo vast) inheritance notwithstanding.
Um, sounds like this Mastriano fellow is completely correct. THAT, not a Trump endorsement is what killed him…
The author acts like these are legitimate ‘election results’ ; if he thinks there was no major theft/cheating, man would I like tyo talk to him about a Florida real estate deal Ive got going…