On Reinventing a Ruling Class, Part 1

This essay serves as the Introduction to a book which has just appeared, entitled Reinventing Aristocracy in the Age of Woke Capital (London: Arktos, 2022); it is available at Arktos and Amazon.

The proudest boast of the transnational corporate welfare state is that it has rendered obsolete the political hegemony of traditional ruling classes. Achievement, not ascribed or hereditary status, is said to be the key to material success and political influence. The open society promoted by transnational corporate capitalism has become the template of social progress. Accordingly, in the USA, only a few decades ago, a complacent WASP establishment was sidelined by a new class of brash outsiders. At the highest levels of American society, WASPs simply ceased to dominate.[i] In the media and entertainment industries, in banking, the law and academia, they were replaced, most visibly and dramatically, by Jewish parvenus.

Harvard University, America’s oldest university and long-time gateway to the ruling class, is emblematic of that transformation. Founded as ‘a schoale or colledge’ in 1636 by the first wave of Puritan settlers in New England, Harvard received its corporate charter from the Massachusetts General Court in 1650. By the nineteenth century, the college had become the intellectual bastion of an increasingly secularized, or, perhaps more precisely, deracinated, WASP Ascendancy.[ii] To all appearances, it remained a predominantly WASP institution until the mid-twentieth century.

Since then, however, Harvard has been almost completely detached from its ancestral ethno-religious identity. The once Anglocentric college was rebranded by cosmopolitan managers and well-connected overseers as a globalist multiversity. As a consequence, American ‘whites’ (a statistical category which includes Jews and non-WASP, European-descended, ethnicities) presently account for only about 42% of the entering class each year. In a striking sign of the times, there are now more Jews than WASPs among Harvard undergraduates.[iii]

In the received narrative of capitalist modernization, the rags-to-riches story of American Jewry is not about ethnic rivalry. Rather, the astonishing upward social mobility enjoyed, inter alia, by American Jews is typically attributed to the economic dynamism, technological prowess, and managerial and professional opportunities created by the modern American business corporation. In industry, education, the law and government, the rise of the managerial class was grounded in the progressive principle of careers open to the talents.

Orthodox Marxist historians emphasized the revolutionary role played by the bourgeoisie in undercutting the authority of established aristocracies.[iv] But the social character of the bourgeoisie was very different from the professional and managerial class spawned by the expansion of corporate capitalism. The eighteenth and nineteenth century bourgeoisie was, formally or informally, an estate of the realm. Unlike the relentlessly materialistic, performance-driven, goal-oriented managerial class, the bourgeoisie remained grounded in the status hierarchy of traditionally, and still predominantly Christian societies. In late nineteenth century, England, its Empire, and Europe, generally, authority could be justified credibly, if not exclusively, by reference to its origins. The genetic legitimacy of traditional ruling classes was based upon custom and social convention or in a presumptive divine right. Apart from any other justification, the right of conquest could be invoked. Like slaves captured in war, conquered peoples were fortunate to be allowed to live under the thumb of a victorious ruler.

The old, landed nobilities of Europe did not simply fade into the background amidst the satanic mills of bourgeois capitalist society. They continued to play a prominent role in social and political life until the Great War of the early twentieth century. In fact, ‘it was the rising national bourgeoisies that were obliged to adapt themselves to the nobilities.’ Even the most successful bourgeois merchants, bankers, and industrialists aspired to positions on ‘the high social, cultural, and political terrain’ occupied and controlled by the nobility.[v]

Even so, Anglo-American society provided fertile soil for the growth of a free market society. The English jurisprudence of liberty had deep roots. Britons had long vowed that they never, never, would be slaves. The ancient British constitution married the authority of both the king and patrician parliamentarians to primordial notions of popular consent. The Protestant Reformation rocked the foundations of ecclesiastical authority by licensing the freedom of every individual conscience. Then, in the mid-seventeenth century, the simmering resentment of English commoners towards their aristocratic and ecclesiastical rulers boiled over as Puritan revolutionaries executed the king in the name of parliament and the people. The Puritan struggle for religious liberty not only produced a civil war which upset the traditional balance of the ancient constitution; it also gave great impetus to the rise of capitalism in both England and colonial America.[vi]

By the 19th century, Anglo-American political authority was no longer justified primarily by reference to its origins. Leading legal thinkers came to scorn the Lockean obsession with social contract no less than the common lawyer’s veneration of musty precedents. A new ruling class appeared, basing its title to political power on its ability to achieve results. From then on, the source of constitutional legitimacy ceased to be genetic; it became goal-oriented or telic instead. Utilitarianism became the political leitmotif of an erstwhile bourgeois, now professionally managed corporate capitalist regime promising to promote the greatest good for the greatest number.

Corporations in the Early American Republic

Just as the rise of the bourgeoisie did not entirely eliminate aristocratic élites, the mental shift toward a goal-oriented view of politics overshadowed but did not entirely eviscerate traditional forms of genetic legitimacy. Indeed, in England, the aristocracy and landed gentry actually performed the economic role of the bourgeoisie as they pioneered new forms of agrarian capitalism. By the early nineteenth century, the result was ‘an open aristocracy based on property and patronage.’[vii] While the aristocracy and gentry classes were open to new forms of enterprise and political organization, the English bourgeoisie tempered its progressive ethos with a respect for traditional social, political, and legal institutions. The culmination of every truly successful business career was the acquisition of a substantial landed estate and, ideally, a hereditary title of nobility, both of which were then passed on to heirs expected to carry on the erstwhile bourgeois, family’s newly-invented traditions.

In both England and the American republic of the early national period, a patrician ruling class emerged which owed its wealth and social standing to the productive use of property. English common law had developed uniquely extensive and concentrated forms of individual proprietorship over land, which facilitated private, purely economic, ‘capitalist’ modes of appropriation. Elsewhere, in France for example, the state was much more important as a means of appropriating surplus labour from direct producers, as were other forms of politically constituted property, such as corporate privileges. Agrarian capitalism on the Anglo-American model helped to consolidate the distinctively bourgeois hegemony of civil society over the state. It came as no surprise, therefore, when foreign observers characterized the early American republic—sometimes even England—as ‘stateless societies.’[viii]

As a matter of constitutional form, early nineteenth century England was a monarchy. In reality, however, like the newly independent USA, it was a patrician republic in which a rising bourgeoisie made up of merchants, professionals and manufacturers constituted a natural aristocracy. By comparison with the continental regimes familiar to Alexis de Tocqueville, the patrician élites in Anglo-American societies favoured a minimalist state, confident that they could deliver the greatest good for the greatest number through the productive use of their private property. This view presumed that the people-at-large would continue to defer to their betters among a natural aristocracy, respecting the constitutional liberty of the latter to do as they chose with their property.

Tocqueville was among the first to warn that radical democratic disdain for aristocratic privilege was bound to give greater weight to popular demands for equality than to inherited traditions of constitutional liberty, much less the political prerogatives of property ownership.[ix] It was not long before the rising tide of democratic politics in America displaced the patrician Standing Order that had ruled colonial New England. In Britain and the American South, where the aristocratic ethos of the gentry was more solidly rooted than in New England, the process took longer, but there, too, the writing was on the wall.

The democratic radicalism spawned by the American Revolution trans- formed American society and politics, extending the principle of equality into every aspect of public, and eventually even into private life. Every branch of government now owed its existence to ‘the people.’[x] As they began to lose control over the newly constituted state and federal governments, patrician élites, especially in New England, began to experiment with new forms of politically constituted property intended to restore their traditional hegemony. They sought and obtained a massive expansion in the number of special corporate charters granted by state legislatures, not just to business enterprises, but to schools, colleges, hospitals, and churches.

For a time, the creative deployment of chartered corporations helped to shore up the sagging social prestige of the old patriciate. But that defensive strategy could be sustained only so long as corporations retained their traditional legal identity as ‘civil bodies politic.’ This concept seems altogether alien to the modern mind, accustomed as it is to think of the corporation as little more than a legal and organizational form designed to facilitate the pursuit of private profit. We take for granted the separation of ownership and control. But, for a patrician élite, the classical republican concept of property was understood as the material foundation of civic virtue. It applied not just to landed property but was embodied as well in the personal rights and responsibilities of the corporate shareholder.

At common law, property, especially landed property, had been conceived as ‘that sole and despotic dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in total exclusion of the right of any other individual.’[xi] Possession of a landed estate ensured not only the economic autonomy of the household but its political independence as well. With the property owner as its head, every household became a little school of self-government. Property was thus directly linked to the responsibilities of rulership. Something like the same result was achieved by the special charter regime that effectively constituted the corporation as a ‘little republic.’

Corporate charters were granted by state legislatures, on a case-by-case basis, to achieve both public and private purposes. The constitutional principle of ultra vires operated to prevent any corporate enterprise from acting to achieve objects not authorized by its charter. Moreover, shareholders were responsible for the uses to which their common property was put. Consequently, limited liability was not an automatic and universal corporate privilege. Shares in a joint-stock enterprise therefore carried an associational element along with a proprietary interest. Shareowners were members of the corporate body politic; in effect, they were citizens of their own little republic. If the corporate charter did not specify the voting rights attached to share ownership, judges sometimes held that, prima facie, the rule should be: ‘one voice, one vote’ (i.e., not ‘one share, one vote’). Such civic concern for the integrity of the corporate body politic also led many to take a dim view of proxy voting. The practice was widely condemned as an abdication of shareholders’ political responsibilities.

It was not long, however, before the corporation as a civil body politic came under sustained attack as a bastion of ‘aristocratic privilege.’ A radical anti-charter movement arose, most notably in New York and Pennsylvania, to demand general incorporation laws and the extension of limited liability to all shareholders. The ‘democratization’ of the corporation did widen investment opportunities for small shareholders, encouraging widespread use of the corporate device as a means of securing firm central direction over the enterprising use of assets.

But precisely because small investors were least likely to value the associational element of share ownership, corporations ceased to be conceived as bodies politic. Soon the law began to treat corporations as private, economic instruments of capital accumulation. Republican resistance to the ‘one share, one vote’ rule became pointless. For the same reason, from being a sign of civic corruption within the corporate body politic, proxy voting became a simple convenience. Both developments may have owed their origins to the democratic rhetoric of the anti-charter movement, but their most important consequence was to entrench the plutocratic principle in corporate governance.

The Managerial Revolution and Corporate Plutocracy

Ironically but logically, the rise of corporate plutocracy signalled the imminent decline of the bourgeoisie. By the end of the American Civil War, the collapse of the corporation as a civil body politic was pretty much complete. Consequently, the patrician bourgeoisie could no longer function as an informal third estate within the civil constitution of Anglo-American society; it was displaced by an increasingly impersonal system of corporate capitalism. Membership in the body corporate became little more than a legal fossil, altogether divorced from patrician norms of honour and responsibility.

Such a change implied a fundamental transformation in property ownership. Marx was among the first to realize that the joint-stock company effectively abolished private property. Share ownership created a novel form of collective or social capital. From being a form of absolute dominion exercised over an autonomous landed household, proprietary interests were disaggregated into a variable bundle of claims to a share of the wealth or income generated within a complex, interdependent process of production, distribution, and exchange. Property ownership lost its civic significance; it no longer served as a school of self-government. Stripped of its patrician role within the body politic, the civic role of the corporate bourgeoisie was replaced by the self-interested avarice of fickle investors, ever on the lookout for the chance to buy on the dip and sell at the peak.

The moral decline and civic irrelevance of corporate shareholders as a class was a consequence of both the democratic and the managerial revolutions. Even a putatively natural aristocracy was ill-placed to compete with organized political machines employing the rhetoric of egalitarian democracy to license the growth of an impersonal public administration. Nor could wealth alone provide its owners with the managerial skills necessary to run a complex, multi-unit, modern business enterprise.

But the haute bourgeoisie in America and elsewhere in the Western world was not forcibly deprived of decision-making authority in the corporate realm. Rather, given the opportunity, moneyed interests were more than willing to abandon the notion that property ownership should carry with it the sort of public responsibility and civic obligation associated with the aristocratic ideal of noblesse oblige. By and large, the bourgeoisie simply abdicated the responsibilities of rulership.

The public burdens of property ownership came to count for much less than its private benefits, nowhere more obviously than in the sphere of corporate governance. Once the ‘one voice, one vote’ principle was replaced by the ‘one share, one vote’ rule, share ownership became a means of systematically negating the civic significance of property ownership. All shares, not all persons, were created equal. Not surprisingly, wealthy investors soon became quite comfortable with that interpretation of democratic equality. The voice of a shareholder with one hundred or one million shares now carried one hundred or one million times the weight of a member holding but one share in a common corporate enterprise. Votes came to be valued, not as an incident of membership in a corporate body politic, but rather for their tactical importance in securing effective control over a valuable bundle of economic and financial assets.

So long as their business was organized as a family firm, a partnership or a close corporation, an entrepreneurial capitalist could remain in control of his own enterprise. But, having chosen homo economicus as their role model, capitalist entrepreneurs became hostages to fortune in the public realm, where a new class of professional politicians and bureaucrats was expanding the state’s administrative capacities. Indeed, even in the economic sphere, the spectacular success of entrepreneurial capitalism spawned a vast network of hugely complex business enterprises organized and run by professional managers with highly specialized technical and administrative skills. More often than not, the most successful enterprises became public corporations whose shares and bonds were traded in national financial markets. Before long, entrepreneurial capitalists lost control over the corporate sector to a rising class of professional managers. By the early twentieth century, the separation of ownership and control had become the default position in the modern business corporation.

Managerial élites are now in the driver’s seat, not just the corporate sector, but in the state as well. Democracy no longer implies that the government will be ‘owned,’ much less ‘controlled,’ by the people of any given nation. The only legitimate form of democracy, according to the multiculturalist mullahs of the managerial state, is cosmopolitan democracy. The state may still claim to act in the name of the people, but the demos has expanded to include the whole of humanity. By virtue of their presumptive enlightenment, the managerial and professional classes now present themselves, or, rather, the global system which they administer, as the virtual representatives of humanity at large.

Corporate capitalism has expanded to become a global system of organized irresponsibility. Precisely because it is a system, it has become a form of no-man rule. No-one can be held responsible for the operation of the system; it has a life and logic of its own. At most, individuals can be held accountable for a failure to behave in accordance with the norms governing the effective management and orderly administration of sub-systems. Entrepreneurial activity, capital investment and managerial oversight have all become specialized functions, no longer united in a single figure responsible for the uses to which property is put. Those who variously own, manage, or regulate the corporate economy generally escape political responsibility for its social costs, much less for the moral hazards and spiritual emptiness that are among its most obvious by-products. Within a global economy detached from and destructive of local communities, the ruling class has disappeared behind the corporate veil.

In these circumstances, the restoration of a ruling class prepared to accept responsibility for the fate of the common world would be a welcome relief. Unfortunately, political, economic, and cultural élites throughout the Anglosphere are steeped in dishonour; they have privatised the privileges of high social status while socialising the public burdens of responsible rulership. The ideology of ‘democratic capitalism’ allows them to dissimulate their actual role as a ruling class, thereby evading personal liability for the adverse consequences (described antiseptically as ‘negative externalities’) of their corporate decisions. Political imagination is surplus to requirements in a bureaucratic corporate hierarchy. Behind the corporate veil, the civic virtues of honourable conduct and personal responsibility have been translated into impersonal standards of accountability for results achieved. The managerial overclass presents, successfully so far, its globalist program of perpetual economic growth as humanity’s highest achievement. In the absence of a noble ruling class, old-fashioned notions of noblesse oblige lose their functional significance.

Resurrecting the Corporation as a Civil Body Politic

Denunciation of the managerial regime serves no useful purpose unless it arises out of a movement aiming to create a new ruling class. This is not an impossible dream. Indeed, given the accelerating crisis of confidence in the corporate sector, it is becoming an urgent practical necessity. In principle, the goal of such a movement is clear: those who nominally own the corporate sector must recover a measure of control over the uses to which their property is put. To make that possible, the public corporation must be reconstituted as a civil body politic. The best citizens among substantial shareholders in public corporations must be allowed, indeed encouraged to become a civic élite within those corporate bodies politic. Reinventing the aristocratic principle of rule by the best and applying it to the governance of the public corporation could help to cope with the multiplying risks generated by a global society of perpetual growth.

When the major task of capitalist development was the conquest of scarcity, it made good sense to privilege the private benefits of corporate share ownership over the public burdens and civic challenges associated with membership in a corporate body politic. It is now high time to tilt the constitutional balance within the corporation away from civic privatism by creating a political role for the active investor. A new emphasis on the political character of membership in the corporate body politic would re-attach civic responsibilities to the proprietary rights of share ownership.

This would mean an end to the plutocratic principle of ‘one share, one vote,’ which did so much to hollow out the civic significance of corporate governance. Only under conditions of political equality can any significant number of share- holders hope to overcome the formidable collective action problems facing activists within the realm of corporate governance. For that reason, all shareholders who hold a substantial threshold stake in an enterprise should be entitled to participate in a process of deliberative decision-making based on one voice, one vote. Property ownership could, once again, serve as a school of self-government.

It may well be that only a relatively few individuals among millions of widely dispersed investors in thousands of firms are ever likely to enrol in such a course in practical civics. Not everyone is moved by the joys of public happiness. But all those who do take up that civic challenge should stand on an equal footing in the corporate body politic. Those who demonstrate by their actions that they value the privileges of membership should bear final responsibility for the good governance of their joint enterprise.

The problem with the governance of corporations as they are presently constituted is that only money talks. At a general meeting, those who hold a majority of the (voting or proxy) shares, even if they are only a small minority of those present, have no need to either to speak or to listen to their fellow members. Even the best corporate citizen is bound to be discouraged by a voting regime that systematically devalues the power of reasoned speech in favour of the sheer dumb weight of proprietary interest. This would not amount to a constitutional issue if corporate decision-making affected only private economic interests. But corporations now exercise powers that are governmental and political in nature.

The constitution of the public corporation must be reconceived as a novel sort of mixed polity in which private ownership interests are balanced against the public responsibilities of governing a body corporate that creates both economic wealth and political power. Corporate governance should be reconstituted to provide a political theatre in which bourgeois investors keeping a sharp eye on their financial interests can also take on the role of citizens striving to distinguish themselves in the service of the common good (and vice versa).

By treating a senatorial élite of shareholders as political equals in fundamental corporate decisions, a reformed constitutional law enables the bourgeois and the citizen to learn the art of corporate governance from each other. If the public corporation is to survive and prosper while doing business in an enlightened and responsible manner, a coalition of interests must learn to balance the economic imperatives which call the business corporation into being against the responsible exercise of its inherent governmental powers. The consequence would be the re-emergence of a patrician bourgeoisie, the very model of a modern natural aristocracy.

[i] See, e.g., E.Digby Baltzell, The Protestant Establishment: Aristocracy & Caste in America (New Haven, CN: Yale University Press, 1987); and Eric P. Kaufmann, The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2004).

[ii] Ronald Story, The Forging of an Aristocracy: Harvard & the Boston Upper Class (Middletown, CN: Wesleyan University Press, 1980)

[iii] https://datausa.io/profile/university/harvarduniversity/#enrollment_race; see also, Ron Unz, ‘The Myth of American Meritocracy,’ at: https://www.unz.com/runz/meritocracy-appendices/#3 .

[iv] Eric Hobsbawm, Age of Revolution:1789-1848 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962).

[v] Arno J. Mayer, The Persistence of the Old Regime: Europe to the Great War (New York: Pantheon, 1981), 80-81.

[vi] R.H. Tawney, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism: A Historical Study (New York: Mentor, 1946 [orig pub. 1926]), 164.

[vii] Harold Perkin, The Origins of Modern English Society, 1780-1880 (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969), 17.

[viii] See, especially, Stephen Skowronek, Building a New American State: The Expansion of National Administrative Capacities, 1877-1920 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981), 3-8.

[ix] Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America 2 Vols [original edition, 1835 and 1840] (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1945).

[x] Gordon S. Wood, The Radicalism of the American Revolution (New York: Vintage, 1993).

[xi] William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Law of England, Vol II (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979 [orig. pub. 1766]), 2.

14 replies
  1. Birhan Dargey
    Birhan Dargey says:

    The proposition that the USA can remove the jewish ruling class and re instate the WASP elite is utopian. The fact that America is now rule by a JUDACRACY can NOT be explain without active collaboration and support from that very WASP/ANGLO/Gentile that were replace. The real force that can bring about a New American Century under democratic WASP control is LABOR/WHITE . This is the main reason jews are actively destroying the one man/woman one vote electoral system. In a real democracy (power of the people/majority), WHITE gentile are more numerous than jews, hence whites can build LOCAL/State powers using their demographic LOCALLY city/schoolboards/state etc. That requieres that WHITES wasps populataions lost their (white) guilt and develop WHITE RACIAL CONSCIOUSNESS and apply IT POLITICALLY economically socially culturally LOCALLY..

    • JM
      JM says:

      @Birhan Dargey
      I agree with much of what you say, particularly the first two sentences.

      The economic-political form in which Jewish rule takes place is a highly developed form of Capitalism which obliterates earlier characteristics of the older monopoly capitalism. It is a variety of Ultra-Imperialism which was the subject of debate by Marxists in the 1920’s. In brief, the differences were over whether such an evolution of Finance Capital dominated Monopoly Capitalism could occur ahead of the defeat of Capitalism as a World system and the degree to which Socialism would accommodate to Ultra-Imperialism. Of course both propositions were proven wrong and Capitalism did indeed evolve into Ultra-Imperialism, a union of Global Cartels, essentially arms of Finance Capital and integrated thoroughly with it. Associated by necessity with this system is what was called over 60 years’ ago the ‘Triple Revolution’ – new technologies that give unprecedented control to the Establishment (now dominated by it most cosmopolitan element which is most implanted in the most cosmopolitan form of capitalism…Finance Capital.

      This desertion – nay far worse – of the common people by Capital and all the Churches and the constitutional monarchies that are interwoven with Capital requires appropriate responses based on these realities, not Utopian yearnings for any re-constitution of the old system.

      • Birhan Dargey
        Birhan Dargey says:

        I must confess that I have read your reply more than five times already and I am still digesting it slowly my IQ/knowledge may be too low to understand it . BUT I am puzzled by the obvious paradoxes: a green revolution would have a negative impact on traditional fossil fuels and its corresponding economic linkages. I doubt that those “old” capitalists will go down without a fight/plan B. For example the Ucranian War has been a bonanza for GUN manufacturers, and international lending instiutions but IT has wrecked havoc upon the worlds economic stablity from food producers to other consumers goods. Neverheless I diagress from the main topic Jewish vrs NON jewish ruling class in USA . Perhaps is a useless utopian exercise since jewish control of American and world financial markets/institutions is absolute and irreversible with full collaboration/submisssion of the WASP elites. This could be the crowning historical period of total control because jewish control dates back to the days of the English Colonial control of the USA by the West/east Indian Merchant Companies. The focus of debate should be the NEW form of political control cooresponding to thsi new elite. It seems that traditional Democracy as we understood it since 1776 is no longer possible/efficient/ since ELECTIONS have become dominated by financial big capital and now big ttech. That which we call govt is a paid managerial burocratic class that eventually will listen and execute a highly technocratic agenda that of maximizing profits with optimal use of natural resources. For WHITES anglo saxon race there is no other option but LOCAL control$$, build their own party? PAC? but even this does NOT guarantee their survival. The state of Vermont is 90% white and liberal DEM blue state.!!!. Elections matter and a BLUE DEM dominated Congress will pass LAWS to undermine whites STATE rights: affirmative action, diversity quotas, immigration mandates , multiculturalist/equity transgender laws, and probably out right anti white LAWS targeting any WHITE expressions of collectivism under the excuse of repressing white supremacists Christian nationalism…Jim Crow in reverse. But How do you dominate close to 300millions people(USA) without their CONSENT while giving the population a toy/circus sense of political control??..History is never linear, what could go wrong will go wrong. There will be masses of people left behind how will they react? peacefully if given that chance or violently. Flood the cities with drugs/pornography/vice while controlling their sources of water/food/energy.

  2. charles frey
    charles frey says:

    01 An excellent summary, followed by an illusionary change for the better.
    02 The described class of current corporate and political leaders, bereft of all ETHICS and honor, are unlikely to cede power to those wishing to better our human condition.
    03 Consider the character traits of our hoodlums and ask yourself whether the ethical, honorable person could even conceive of the methods required to oppose them, much less personally employ them. We can safely ignore simple persuasion.
    04 The EU, Davos and the US are all on the same track.
    05 Regrettably only a most uncivil Civil War will determine any change: without a predetermined winner.
    06 In a Comment to a previous essay here, I stated, that a mere ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT of Weimar Germany’s population determined every phase of its politics and culture. Using the Jewish Encyclopedia quote of Germany’s 1934 Official Census of 0.75 PERCENT belonging to the Jewish race. Rationally deducting the very young, the old, most of their traditionally sidelined women and their politically circumspect inactive components.
    07 If one lends credence to, or nearly so, to my percentage calculation, by what percent of the US population, or that of any any other nation, is the US domestically and internationally run by Jews ? Necessarily inferring simple omnipotence.
    08 So called American Conservative Jews aside. Themselve hated or loved among their own. Variably so between the US and Israel.

    • moneytalks
      moneytalks says:

      ” Regrettably only a most uncivil Civil War will determine any change: without a predetermined winner.”

      Regrettably , you are most likely correct about that .

      Nordics ( aka Whites / Occidentals / etc. ) remain predominantly Christianized where the vast majority simply do not have the Voodoo mentality for a vicious revolt against their chosenhite jewmasterss as did the victorious negro slaves of the year 1791 Haitian Revolution .

      However , slavery in general never was , is not now , and most probably will never be abolished .

      The U.S. Constitutional 13th Amendment abolishment of slavery is not prima facie true and must be properly interpreted like “All men are created equal” is not prima facie true and must be properly interpreted as a reference to a theoretical legal standing against an adversary in a court of law .

      The 13th Amendment only abolished the most legally pernicious aspect of slave ownership by an individual and did not abolish the remainder of an enslavement dominion where the federal government extended the slave holding plantation to the national domain such that you need a passport to legally travel abroad and thereby the central government in effect became a reconstructed slaveholder .

      Slave holding jewmasterss all thru the ages , from ancient biblical times to the present , have realized that the enslavement of humanity is the safest , the most profitable , and the most secure way-of-life for themselves — not for the slaves ; to wit ___

      And ye shall take them as an inheritance
      for your children after you ,
      to inherit them for a possession ;
      they shall be your bondmen forever :


      ( verbatim quote from __
      The Holy Jewish Torah / Book of Leviticus / 25:46 )

      where “them” refers to humanity
      in hebrew/jewish/judaic captivity
      and “bondmen” means [ slave ] .

      The emancipation slaughters of the 1791 Haitian Slave Revolt and the U.S. Civil War against the slaveholding Southern Confederacy are trivial compared to the WW1 and the WW2
      slaughters of non-enslaved humanity ,
      by nonslave-holding Western Nordics ,
      at the behest of their chosenhite jewmasterss .

      Obviously ,
      in the most unlikely event
      of a Nordic war for emanicipation ,

      ( in order to freely and fairly compete for and acquire their presumed fair share of life-sustaining resources ) ,

      from their chosenhite jewmasterss ,
      would require them to become masters of yet another enslavement dominion or risk being slaughtered in retaliation by their former jewmasterss .

      It warrants reiteration ___

      the enslavement of humanity is the most safe , the most profitable , and the most secure way-of-life for the slaveholders themselves — not for the slaves .

  3. moneytalks
    moneytalks says:

    Legalized corporate arrangements are a minor issue compared to the most basic , fundamental , and egregious Big One of governmental taxation .

    There is only one ( 1 ) Fair Tax ; and it is called a


    which gives each and every vote eligible adult taxpayer

    the exact same Rate-of-Return

    on their investment ( ie. paid taxes ) in government

    when the following conditions apply ___

    1) no richman legal tax loopholes

    to avoid paying their “fair share” for government

    2) no tax exemptions

    ( except perhaps for below poverty level taxpayers )

    to avoid paying for direct governmental services or indirect services such as judicial and law enforcement SOPs and especially the governmental SOP services that protect vast accumulations of personal wealth .

    The political elite have no genuine interest in giving up their inordinate tax advantages that are the primary basis of their vast accumulatons of wealth from de facto exploitation of the major portion of the taxpaying public which is composed of politicly naive , politicly gullible , and politicly cowardly Christian sheeple herds that have done little or nothing , due to a pervasive and basic political incompetence , for the past one thousand years to improve governmental taxation operations .

    Why pay for government with all and only [ unfair taxes ] ?

  4. Ron Chapman
    Ron Chapman says:

    G’day Andrew Fraser,
    Thank you for your very substantial analysis.

    You rightly say: ‘The original understanding of Anglo-American republicanism is clearly ill-adapted to the operating constitution of the managerial regime. The vital question is whether the idea of the republic can be injected with fresh constitutional meaning in the sphere of corporate governance’.

    In my view corporations need to be acknowledged to be of social and civic significance and to be legally regarded as collective or societal capital and hence properly controlled by the community. Why? Because all production and any profit generated therefrom arises from the application of the community’s labour using the community’s physical resources with community members then consuming that product. Accordingly any production and profit created using corporations needs to be seen to result from total community effort and needs to be equitably shared by all people involved including the host community that makes it possible. Viewed in this way there is no justification for excessive profit to be obtained and retained by corporations or their owners or even their working members and employees.

    To reverse our current global dystopia, corporations must cease to be given the legal status and privileges of sovereign personhood as well as additional privileges not available to individual community members, like immunity from incarceration and immortality, that exceed the personal rights of real individual human community members

    Corporations must be legally obliged to act as ‘civil bodies politic’ and their areas of responsibility should be clearly defined in their civic charters. Corporations are merely operational mechanism and should not be given limited or no liability status. Their activities should be confined to actions designated in properly designed and limited charters that clearly define and authorize their obligations and area(s) of operation. In other words corporate owners and operators must be held accountable for their actions in the same way that individual community members are held responsible for what they do or negligently fail to do.

    Ideally membership in chartered corporations should be based on the rule: ‘one voice, one vote’ rather than ‘one share, one vote’ and there should be no separation of ownership and control although culpability for operational errors and defects need to be apportioned to those responsible for decisions and actions as appropriate. Every member of a corporation needs to accept general responsibility for its activities or cease to be a member.

    Corporations should be chartered by the community to undertake specific functions or areas of activity and should not be legally obliged to make profits as current legislation dictates. Corporations should not be created as private economic instruments of capital accumulation and should be established to perform useful legitimate community activities.

    In future, all members of chartered corporations need to be held accountable for their corporation’s activities; with that responsibility varying depending on whether the member owns or actually manages, or regulates its activities. All members need to be appropriately legally accountable and politically responsible for the corporation’s unnecessary societal costs, moral hazards and the physical and spiritual effects of its activities, products and by-products. The current specious corporate veil must be eradicated.

    I disagree with the idea that society should create or accept a new ruling class of members and owners of corporations. Humans are sovereign individuals. The whole community should be responsible for creating and controlling its corporations and auditing the activities of those corporations.

    At best, as you intimate, the political systems of the US and other nations run on patronage by big corporations. However, those big corporations are in turn controlled by a tiny elite of hidden Ashkenazis. In these circumstances democratic governance is a total sham. Even if all governments weren’t privately owned corporations; and voter fraud and vote rigging isn’t endemic which it is, the fact that elections cost incredible amounts of money ( The 2020 US elections were estimated to have cost $14 billion – https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2020/10/cost-of-2020-election-14billion-update/ ) makes genuine democracy impossible. If, as is the case, individuals only get elected if funded by big corporations, those corporations control the result.

    All elected government representatives therefore essentially work to effectuate the policies of big corporations. In a globalised world that means a small covert elite of plutocrats dominated by Ashkenazis who have no concern for the rights of any population. No longer can USans take comfort in the words of Charles Wilson, the CEO of General Motors who said what’s good for GM is good for the country. Wilson’s reply has become immortal, and is often paraphrased as “What’s good for GM is good for the country.”

    DITTO for goyem nations in the rest of the world.

    In future national governance should cease to be nationally centralised and needs to be devolved to local district and regional councils wherever possible with responsibility for appointments to chartered corporations and oversight of their performance being a civic, i.e. governance, chore for the whole community concerned with its activities.

    As outlined in Appendix 1, The mistake made by Western national communities to date has been their allowing private individuals to use corporate fictions to assume sovereign ownership of community assets, physical resources and the production and profits derived therefrom. That has been done under the guise of fraudulent assumptions that fictive corporate entities created on paper somehow thereby enable their authors to have the corporation covertly acquire the same rights and even more rights than real people. A moment’s reflection tells you that that situation is absurd. The absurdity is enhanced by the fact that the creators and owners of corporations are legally allowed to pretend that the corporations they create and their activities are not theirs, i.e. they are not personally responsible for what those corporations do. That LIE is more potent with large corporations because the beneficial owners of large corporations legally conceal their identities, activities and profits behind the so-called “corporate veil”. This has enabled a very small cabal of banksters and corporatists to use usurious banking profits to both create and acquire huge corporations that monopolise global productivity and the profits thereof. Worse yet, those covert owners of most trans-national and MEGA corporations have used their power to control governments, nations, judiciaries and the MSM; and to trash this planet while impoverishing most of humanity in the process.

    This dystopic world destroying situation has been created on the back of false and fraudulent assumptions and corrupt political and judicial activities funded by the said transnational and MEGA corporations and their beneficial owners hidden behind the corporate veil which they have funded compliant governments to legislate into existence. Those improper legislated advantages bestowed on corporations have been stealthy put in place by plutocrats, banksters and their lawyers who have increasingly imposed their will on nations over several centuries.

    This immoral, unlawful and socially destructive corporate mechanism has brought our world to the point of socioeconomic collapse which, if unchecked, will cause chaos and the deaths of tens if not hundreds of millions of people. Accordingly it has to stop and sane socioeconomic policies must be urgently implemented.

    That will entail national communities taking back their power to genuinely govern their affairs which will necessarily require elimination of the grossly excessive and immoral rights bestowed on corporations and their owners. Every nation needs to devolve political power and control to councils at local levels so that cabals of plutocrats, banksters and bureaucrats cannot centralise power in national government corporations and globalist political corporations like the United Nations, the World Health Organisation et al.

    Fortunately action to eliminate the Khazarian Mafia and restore human sovereignty on this planet is successfully underway and should produce the positive results we need in the near future.

    Or so I think,
    Peace and Blessings,
    Arguably it is misleading to characterise Imperial Russia in 1917 as Tsarist aristocratic feudalism; and current Anglo-American situation as a corporatist model of modern managerialism achieving absolute power, with the party-state ruled through a modernized network of organizational fiefdoms.

    Tsar Alexander II freed the serfs in 1861, i.e. before Lincoln freed the slaves in the US which Lincoln only did to assist the North to win the American Civil War. Moreover, Imperial Russia was the dominant global food producer and leading world nation prior to the Bolsheviks killing 66 million Russians.
    The truth is that the Khazarian Mafia (aka ‘The Name Stealers’ – https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/space-aliens ) lied about Imperial Tsarist Russia (see eg: The Truth About Imperial Russia https://rense.com//general95/truthaboutimpruss.html )

    They also lie when pretending that their Fascist corporate dominance and control of nations today are actually run by expert managements as independent fiefdoms. Arguably a handful of Ashkenazi banksters and corporatists run the US and most nations by owning and/or controlling most governments and most substantial global corporations via interlocking shareholdings in the hands of four mega investment corporations namely, State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock and FMR (Fidelity).

    The Khazarian Mafia controllers covertly exercise power using private corporations that own governments and their organs and instrumentalities. That means that Ashkenazis covertly dictate government policies regardless of who populations elect. The Ashkenazi globalists also control the UN and all international political corporations as well as most Big corporate banks, financial and commercial conglomerates and MEGA industrial corporations, but the key feature is that their ownership is exercised using interlocking shareholdings that enable them to install and control management of all of these corporations at will. Alleged national or general shareholder control, OR corporate control by expert independent managements, is a fascist facade.

    This process started in England in 1666 when the Khazarian Mafia, having been reintroduced into the UK by Cromwell who committed regicide for them, used the Great Fire of London as camouflage while they engineered the passage into law of The Cestui Que vie Act of 1666, passed behind closed doors while all of London was pre-occupied. The Act subrogated the rights of man, meaning that all men were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. That Act was predicated upon old Admiralty Law in violation of natural divine law and common law. See e.g: Democracy, Deception, Deceit – they’re all the same https://english.pravda.ru/opinion/126430-democracy_deception_deceit/

    The Ashkenazis, having already replaced feudal serfdom with covert exploitation and control of the UK population using the legal fiction that the living population, wasn’t; then organised and mislabelled the Glorious Revolution in 1688 to empower King William III and cement their control of Westminister (inserting a permanent unelected Remberancer into the Westminster parliament to oversight legislation for the City of London) and cementing in place the pseudo democratic governance model used by the UK and the British empire thereafter.

    Thereafter the UK’s Enclosure and Black Acts morphed feudal serfs into landless free range industrial serfs responsible for their own lives and well being, at the mercy of oligarchic employers. That development arose from increased efficiencies requiring less landed labour during the Agricultural Revolution. Surplus landless serfs thus fueled the Industrial Revolution by becoming free range wage slaves.

    The underlying justification for that ideological mechanism was enunciated in the British bankers’ Hazard Circular’ to US bankers in 1863 during the American Civil War which they created. The Circular stated that British and European bankers considered chattel slavery should be replaced by free range wage slavery because it relieves owners of the responsibility to house, feed, clothe and care for slaves and their families, including the sick and aging. Lincoln’s freeing of slaves ushered in free range wage slavery globally as the US then acted like the Pied Piper of Hamelin by modelling the change ideologically and practically.

    But I digress.

    In 1694 the Khazarian Mafia banksters prevailed upon King William III (whose accession to the British throne they had financed) to grant them the right to establish a private corporation deceptively labelled as the Bank of England, to lend money at interest (usury). By 1773 they managed to completely replace the English monarchy’s interest free tally stick currency system that had been in place since about 1200 AD with their gold backed usurious interest rate money system. At the same time they prevailed upon King George III to force the British US colonies to use gold in lieu of their successful Colonial Scrip monetary system. The resultant impoverishment of the US colonies created the US War of Independance.

    After the British were ousted from control of the US colonies the UK’s covert Khazarian Mafia controllers, using Free Masonry, persisted in undermining the Republic of the United States of America and fomented and funded the American Civil War whereafter they successfully suborned the Congress and replaced the Constitutional federal governance of the USA with the US Corporation that has usurped, corrupted and enslaved that nation ever since.

    Thereafter the UK’s pretend Westminster democracy model has proliferated in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the British empire with covert corporations constituting their faux governments.

    This situation has been achieved by dividing, atomising and using schooling and MSM propaganda et al to dumb down societies using deliberate government, banking and corporate policies that severed most human connections with the land and stable community life. That has been achieved by replacing feudalism with capitalism and free range serfdom which requires everyone to sell his/her labour and personal attributes for money. Added pressure is exerted by further enslaving everyone via levying unlawful personal income and multiple other taxes on every aspect of human life.

    Arguably, apart from usurious banking, the Vatican’s corporate model is the core constituent in the Ashkenazi’s global control apparatus. Corporations are used to conceal the identities of the real national and international controllers of our world. ALL national governments and international organisations like the United Nations and the World Health Organisation et al, are privately owned corporations.

    So we need to understand what corporations have become and why private limited and no liability corporations need to be eliminated once we regain control of our world. For the US corporate Strawman connection, initially created in London in 1666, see: An Investigative Report From the desk of Barton Albert Buhtz Investigative Journalist and Consumer Advocate https://famguardian.org/Subjects/MoneyBanking/UCC/InvestigativeReportUCC.pdf

    Strawman corporations are a fiction and in fact all corporations are, at best, fictional entities created on paper by real human beings. Once the Ashkenazis broke free of the limitations of corporate charters they used the US judicial system to elaborate their corporate scam.
    For instance the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS) furthered the control of corporations over the rights of USans with its decision undermining their rights and favouring the owners of corporations in the case of Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad Co. in 1886, See: Supreme Court of the United States (via Findlaw), Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, decided May 10, 1886.

    The Santa Clara County decision enabled the bankers to begin surreptitiously tightening their grip on US industry and society long before they managed to impose the Federal Reserve System corporations on the US in 1913. The effects of the Santa Clara County decision have been reinforced by other SCOTUS decisions over the years. See eg: CITIZENS UNITED, APPELLANT v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/09pdf/08-205.pdf

    The end result of the Khazarian Mafia’s corporate personification scam has been a globalist corporate web of control of the whole planet. Today the “Big Four” Companies Rule the World , see eg: https://globalriskcommunity.com/profiles/blogs/the-big-four-companies-that-rule-the-world
    Those companies are: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, FMR (Fidelity).

    • moneytalks
      moneytalks says:

      Superb observations amid a lot of bluff-n-bluster about communities should do this and that .

      The vast majority of people in the vast majority of communities know very little if anything about how worldly resources ,
      ( in particular , high value corporate resources and not just their own local resources which includes themselves ) ,
      should be utilized and for what ultimate purpose ; Even worse , the vast majority do not know that there is only one ultimately justifiable purpose/goal for consuming any and all worldly life-sustaining resources which includes : air , water , food , clothing , shelter , medicinal , political , educational , religious , and so on .

      Specificly ,
      the one and only
      ultimately justifiable goal/purpose of resource consumption
      is for humanity
      ( not necessarily each and every upright walking bi-moped creature/being )
      to thrive-n-survive in order to continue to have FUN ,

      ( as previously defined in various T.O.O commentaries ) ,

      indefinitely into the future ;

      Otherwise ,
      humanity is inevitably and absolutely guaranteed to perish forever into the abyss of the

      D O O M of O B L I V I O N

      pursuant to the

      {{ Solar TOTAL Extinction Event }} .

      • Ron Chapman
        Ron Chapman says:

        G’day moneytalks,

        Thank you.
        ‘Moneytalks but it can’t sing and dance and it can’t walk’…
        What we think becomes true for us.
        It is because ‘The vast majority of people in the vast majority of communities know very little if anything about how worldly resources, ( in particular, high value corporate resources and not just their own local resources which includes themselves )’, that to evolve our world must segue into a vast network of interrelating communities EACH of which becomes self governing to the maximum extent possible.

        Arguably the cosmos exists so that ‘the vast majority’ can learn to KNOW the purpose of life, the universe and everything’. That is a very looong process but we have eternity to learn it.

        I disagree with the proposition that the only purpose of human existence is to have FUN.
        We are here to learn to be like the Creator. That involves experiencing all there is to experience. That’s an endless process which involves suffering as well as fun and ultimate ecstasy.

        Matter is neither created nor destroyed since it, and we, are virtually infinite variations of divine energy.
        The featherless bipeds on this planet have infinite potential in that every ensouled being is indwelt by a spark of Creator consciousness.

        There is no such thing as “high value corporate resources”.
        ALL resources belong to the Creator whose energy creates them. AND the Creator has gifted those resources (energies) on this planet to ALL of its inhabitants, human and other.
        Corporations are a figment of human imagination. They are not real. They are created electronically and on paper by humans as a convenient mechanism for organising collective activities. As such they have been grossly abused by some individuals and groups, notably the Khazarian Mafia and their minions and enablers.

        Every community needs to be responsible for guardianship and appropriate use of the physical resources within its locale. The reason that our world is a polluted, poverty stricken dystopia is because tiny segments of humanity are dominated by Talmudists (i.e. demonic Khazars who have adopted the Canaanite ideology) who have no understanding or concern for those resources including their local human guardians. Those Talmudists have unlawfully concentrated ownership and control of this planet’s resources, including its human resources, in their hands. THAT is an abuse of the planet and those humans and other resources including flora and fauna nin defiance of the Creator’s intentions.
        That abuse must be and is being eliminated as we speak.
        When that process is complete this planet and her inhabitants can resume their evolution in accordance with divine intentions.
        Peace and Blessings,

      • Ron Chapman
        Ron Chapman says:


        December 6, 2022 at 4:04 pm
        ‘Legalized corporate arrangements are a minor issue compared to the most basic , fundamental , and egregious Big One of governmental taxation .
        There is only one ( 1 ) Fair Tax ; and it is called a

        G’day moneytalks,
        I disagree.
        So-called ‘legal corporate arrangements’ are the proximate cause, along with unlawful usurious currency creation and banking, for humanity’s enslavement and poverty on this planet. Illicit usurious wealth extraction by banksters has enabled them to covertly incorporate and own governments. There is therefore no practical distinction between governments and the corporate mechanisms used to control them.

        Governments like the US Corporation, the UK Corporation and the Commonwealth of Australia Corporation are all privately owned and ALL of the taxes they levy are unlawful with the proceeds being misdirected and misused. NO involuntary income tax is lawful under cosmic natural law. Income taxes imposed on the fruits of the labour of human beings are divinely prohibited and contrary to natural law. They are never valid regardless of their alleged fairness.

        Once the Talmudic banksters that have controlled our world in recent times are removed every nation will be free to decide its own form of governance and national Treasuries, supervised by the International Treasury Controller, will issue asset backed interest free money and currency. As governments will issue their own forms of money as, for instance English Kings did when issuing tally sticks between 1200 AD and the 1770s, income taxes will be abolished and governments will only levy tariffs on imports and possibly a 14% tax (or thereabouts) on purchases of non essential and luxury goods.

        In Australia the AustraliaOne party has proposed replacing all taxes with a 2% tax on all electronic purchases, the revenue from which which would greatly exceed current taxes but such measures are unlikely to be necessary.

        Peace and Blessings,

  5. Ron Chapman
    Ron Chapman says:

    December 12, 2022 at 8:56 pm
    Superb observations amid a lot of bluff-n-bluster about communities should do this and that .

    The vast majority of people in the vast majority of communities know very little if anything about how worldly resources ,
    ( in particular , high value corporate resources and not just their own local resources which includes themselves ) ,
    should be utilized and for what ultimate purpose ; Even worse , the vast majority do not know that there is only one ultimately justifiable purpose/goal for consuming any and all worldly life-sustaining resources which includes : air , water , food , clothing , shelter , medicinal , political , educational , religious , and so on .

    Specificly ,
    the one and only
    ultimately justifiable goal/purpose of resource consumption
    is for humanity
    ( not necessarily each and every upright walking bi-moped creature/being )
    to thrive-n-survive in order to continue to have FUN ,

    G’day moneytalks,
    Thank you.
    Money talks but it can’t sing and dance and it can’t walk…:)
    What we think becomes true for us.
    It is because ‘The vast majority of people in the vast majority of communities know very little if anything about how worldly resources, (in particular, high value corporate resources and not just their own local resources which includes themselves)’, that to evolve, our world must segue into a vast network of interrelating communities EACH of which becomes self governing to the maximum extent possible.

    Arguably the cosmos exists so that ‘the vast majority’ can learn to KNOW the purpose of life, the universe and everything’. That is a very looong process but we have eternity to learn it.

    I disagree with the proposition that the only purpose of human existence is to have FUN.
    We are here to learn to be like the Creator. That involves experiencing all there is to experience. That’s an endless process which involves suffering as well as fun and ultimate ecstasy.

    Matter is neither created nor destroyed since it, and we, are virtually infinite variations of divine energy.
    The featherless bipeds on this planet have infinite potential in that every ensouled being is indwelt by a spark of Creator consciousness.

    There is no such thing as “high value corporate resources”.
    ALL resources belong to the Creator whose energy creates them. AND, the Creator has gifted those resources on this planet to ALL of its inhabitants, human and other, not just to individuals who assume ownership and centralise control thereof because they reckon they are smarter than the rest of us..
    Corporations are a figment of human imagination. They are not real. They are created electronically and on paper by humans as a convenient mechanism for organising collective activities. As such they have been grossly abused by some individuals and groups, notably the Talmudic Khazarian Mafia and their bankster and corporatist minions and enablers.

    Every community needs to be responsible for guardianship and appropriate use of the physical resources within its locale. The reason that our world is a polluted, poverty stricken dystopia is because tiny segments of humanity are dominated by Talmudists (i.e. demonic Khazars) who have no understanding or concern for those resources including their local human guardians. Those Talmudists have unlawfully concentrated ownership and control of this planet’s resources including its human resources, in their hands. THAT is an abuse of those human and other resources including flora and fauna,
    in defiance of the Creator’s intentions.

    That abuse must be and is being eliminated as we speak.
    When that process is complete this planet and her inhabitants can resume their evolution in accordance with divine intentions.
    Peace and Blessings,

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