Trump IS Nick Fuentes
Who’s the happiest guy in America this week?
Nick Fuentes. In a matter of days, he’s gone from total obscurity to the most famous person in the country. Everybody’s talking about him!
Until he had dinner with Trump, literally, no one had ever heard of him (except various “hate watch” groups scamming money out of the perpetually alarmed). That’s not for lack of trying on Fuentes’ part. He was doing anything he could think of to get people to notice him.
You say praising Hitler will get me in the news? Watch this!
[Twenty researchers at People for the American Way earnestly type up reports titled, “The Dangerous Rise of Far-Right Extremism,” then blast them to the Upper West Side.]
Serendipitously, Donald Trump is also desperate for attention. As president of the United States, he used to brag to anyone who would listen about the important people who called him. (You know, the way a lot of serious adults do.) Rupert Murdoch calls me every day!
This is a man who faked a Time magazine featuring him on the cover with the headline, “TRUMP IS HITTING ON ALL FRONTS … EVEN TV!” — and hung them on the walls of his golf clubs.
It’s like an episode of “Dynasty.”
So you can well imagine Trump’s state of mind right now. He blew the midterms, everyone knows he blew the midterms, and then held a funereal presidential announcement at Mar-a-Lago, attended by only losers and grifters.
After the grim event, those of us unlucky enough to be on his email list were bombarded with messages announcing the MAJOR ENDORSEMENTS he’d received! (Nearly 10!)
Endorsement of President Donald J. Trump by Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller
Endorsement of President Donald J. Trump by the New York Young Republican Club
Each of the no-name and/or crazy people endorsing him was proclaimed in a separate email for maximum impact. I don’t know whose endorsement carries any weight these days — definitely not Trump’s — but it’s sure not these guys.
The point is: When you’re the former president and you’re bragging about the Young Republican Club of New York City endorsing you for president, Nick Fuentes is a HUGE “get.”
Trump was dying to have anyone famous come to Mar-a-Lago. Kanye West (Ye) is a big name, right? A strongly strong name. Plus, he’s probably not getting a lot of dinner invitations these days anyway. So Trump invited Ye, and Ye brought Fuentes.
For days, Trump’s “Springtime for Hitler” dinner led on every program on MSNBC. Also CNN. Probably ESPN and the Cartoon Network, too.
Fuentes is the biggest news since a white guy shot up a Chesapeake Walmart. Scratch that — he was Black. Since a White guy shot up a Colorado Springs gay nightclub! Oops, let’s move on — he’s nonbinary.
Oh well, never mind. Fuentes is big, big news! Extensive clips of his sad little podcast (six viewers) have been playing around the clock on TV. He’s been featured in 20 separate articles in The New York Times alone, getting billboarded, front-page coverage.
Even with the Times’ flood-the-zone approach toward any vaguely White man who says something stupid, Fuentes never made the paper until Dec. 16, 2020 — in the 26th paragraph of a Thomas Edsall column: “At the pro-Trump rally in Washington on Dec. 12, the day after the Supreme Court decision, the crowd chanted ‘Destroy the G.O.P.’ at the urging of Nick Fuentes, a far-right opponent of immigration.”
Since then, despite his leaping in front of any microphone within 50 miles, Fuentes has appeared only in buried asides in a few dozen articles (about Jan. 6, natch).
But now — now, Fuentes is a star! Just like Trump. Fuentes and Trump: Narcissistic baby morons whose sole driving force in life is being FAMOUS!
Most people are unfamiliar with this emotion. A normal person likes everything about fame — except the fame part. (I tried to turn down the Time magazine cover, as the reporter John Cloud could confirm.)
Another similarity of the narcissistic baby morons: Both briefly gained respectability when, amid their babbling idiocies, they happened to hit upon immigration, and were rewarded by a nation crying out for anyone to give a damn about our country.
We didn’t want the incendiary stuff, but if that’s what it took to get immigration on the table, fine, we’ll take it. At least they weren’t calling illegal immigration an “act of love.” (Jeb!™)
Sadly, it turned out they were just monkeys typing for an infinite amount of time and producing Shakespeare. Recall that Trump first tried running for president in 2012 by pushing birtherism. Crash and burn.
Then by complete chance — the happy accident of Trump seeing me discuss my book Adios, America! and requesting a copy — in 2015, he started talking about immigration. He was pointlessly nasty, utterly ignorant, but at least he was talking about it. No one else would, so he became president.
But now, it’s perfectly clear that Trump’s bluster about a wall and deporting illegals was just random words that he assembled. He didn’t intend to do it, didn’t understand it and didn’t care.
Now, he’s back to his loony-tunes, get this! mode, still perseverating about his “sacred landslide election victory” being “viciously” stolen from him — in an election year when there was a red wave for every Republican but him.
From what I’ve read, Fuentes has roughly the same B.S.-to-sanity ratio, winning fans on those occasions when he talked about immigration, then deciding to spend 99% of his time trying to say things so repellent that he’d make news.
He’s made it now! You can’t turn on the TV without seeing Fuentes talking about imposing a Catholic dictatorship, Hitler is great, women should be forced to marry young and have children, and Trump must be made dictator for life.
Is he humiliated? No! He’s on TEE-VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
The irony is: All the cable news hosts making Fuentes a star are driven by the same weird compulsion. No one paid by a television network is any less craven than Trump and Fuentes. Liberals are suddenly reborn as right-wingers at Fox, and the reverse happens at MSNBC and CNN. What do I have to believe? Please. I’m willing to say anything.
Of all the addictions — gambling, drinking, drugs — none leads to more embarrassing behavior than the quest for fame.
Unfortunately for the country, we are now locked in a situation where Trump, Fuentes and the media have identical interests: Keep Trump and Fuentes in the news.
I thought about not posting this because I don’t think it’s an objective portrayal of either Trump or Fuentes. But Trump’s ego is indeed a big problem; in any case I think it’s over for him. Can’t say I know Fuentes’ work well enough to have a good picture of what he is up to.
Interesting that Coulter mentioned emailing the Upper West Side–a code word for our liberal-left Jewish elite and their panic and willingness to part with donations when there is any hint of “far-right extremism.” Indirect, but she obviously knows what’s really going on.
[Twenty researchers at People for the American Way earnestly type up reports titled, “The Dangerous Rise of Far-Right Extremism,” then blast them to the Upper West Side.]
One wonders why only such vain self-promoters manage to put themselves in the spotlight, like this Fuentez. The fact that you don’t know much about this fellow is due to the fact that you are not convinced by his type and you don’t take him seriously at all, because I feel the same way! Apart from the fact that he is the age of my children, although I do not claim that I would not take young people seriously. But our instinct and our knowledge of human nature tells us quite surely and quickly whether it is just a show, boasting and self-promotion, – or actually also personality and intellectual substance. We are therefore not in the least interested in what this braggart has to “report”; he has already failed us internally on the basis of his mere appearance and demeanor. Maybe these “slipstream surfers” like him or this Greek faggot just want to get some of the fame and financial omnipotence of Mr. “Ye”, to whose “friends” they are now quasi “legitimized” to belong. Whoever says “Hitler” is in any case the talk of the day in the Jewish media.
I take the tact that everything on the American political scene must be burned to the ground until there is nothing left standing amongst the glowing embers but Red state secession. First Trump, next Ann Coulter’s precious Republican Party, let them burn! Fortunately events are cooperating nicely.
The same could easily be said for WN’s collection of goofy hobby horses: Third Reich nostalgia, COVID vaccine obsession, Russia as savior of everything and Holotard denial. Let them burn, the focus should be on Red state secession.
In other words, “Who really cares about mass murder via vaxxing, a realistic assessment of global stresses and strains, or roughly 150 years’ worth of substitution of propaganda for historical truth? Let’s talk about me instead!”
Do you indeed? Well, I take the tack that following a would-be political guru who thinks that “tact” and “tack” are the same thing would be as sensible as going to Ann Coulter for lessons in how to write a column that takes the high road and eschews cheap insults.
In hindsight I would have rejected both spellings and settled on “talc” whose powdered form can prevent the nasty brain rash that conspiratardism has apparently given you. LOL
It never takes long, does it, for you and your diapered buddies to revert to your days in the Free Republic nursery, where the jack-of-all-trades clichéd suffix “-tard” is invariably the core element in whatever sneered response you manage to come up with when you confront objections to your splashing about in the bathtub.
I wonder, do your critics—such creatures do exist, I suspect—call you a secessiontard?
Last but not least, in which online journal will your detailed manifesto for Red State secession be appearing? And since you must of necessity be not just the go-to guy for ideas but the boss as well, will admirers and suppliants need to address you as “Your Excellency,” or will a simple “sir” suffice?
Nick Fuentes on Jewish power and his recent interviews. Seems quite reasonable. The only thing the media picked up on was his mention of Nazis, etc.
Fuentes is young and careless, but has intelligence and energy. Give him time.
Coulter really does have a woman’s scorn for Trump because he let her down on immigration. It’s not even tempered by the fact he let EVERYONE down on EVERYTHING.
Most still appreciate that Trump, with all his many-many faults, is at heart a good guy and a ‘good thing’.
And he frightens the life out of all our enemies. Or, his effect on the white masses scares them witless.
Her nasty criticisms of Nick were just pathetic. This is someone who decided from day one of his career to tell the truth about the Jewish Question.
Compare that to Anne, who only now, well past her prime, her vast wealth and fame made – gently, softly, hesitatingly approaching some topics which may or may not be considered to address the JQ, by far the most important & pressing issue of our era.
Mr MacDonald *again* shows his class by admitting he hesitated to put this bitchy, envious output from Coulter in his magazine.
He only did it because Anne made some origional-ish point to make about how Jewish groups play on the fears and scam rich New York Jews.
You don’t seriously expect us to watch this?
Oh my, “Nick Fuentes”:
“Ist der gut, ungeheuer!”
(“Is he good, tremendous!”)
@Strange World,
Why? Is your psyche too delicate to listen to a man speak?
Scroll down
Ann Coulter is supposed to be a free-swinging, let-‘er-rip columnist, so why is she writing articles using code-words? Not that the study of code-words can’t be instructive. The list of code-words for Jews includes ‘Hollywood’, ‘Wall Street’, ‘the publishing industry’, ‘newspapers’, ‘the MSM’, ‘academia’, ‘Big Pharma’, ‘plaintiff’s bar’, the ABA, AMA, NSF, CDC, Federal Reserve Board, etc., etc., etc.
The fact that Alexandr Solzhenitsyn published his final book (“Two Hundred Years Together”) twenty years ago and it hasn’t been translated into English and released yet ought to be amazing and outrageous.
Actually nothing new here. When Charles Lindbergh gave a speech in Iowa on Sept 11, 1941, he stated the facts that the vast majority of Americans opposed US involvement in the European War, and that the only groups pushing US entry were: 1) the Brits, 2) the Jews, and 3) the FDR Administration. His wife’s, Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s, memoir revealed that both she and her husband were complete pariahs in NYC (she was somewhat of a socialite) within one week. Considering Lindbergh’s status as “The Most Admired Man in America” and “The Lone Eagle” this public crucifixion had to make an impression on every public figure in the US.
Like all mainstream corporate journalists, Ann Coulter is afraid of Jews.
I know of no exceptions.
They use terms like “neo-cons” when they really mean Jews and some non-Jewish hangers-on such as John Bolton.
Laura Ingraham of Fox uses “neo-cons.”
They all, however, know that they must bow down to Jews, but are too afraid to admit it except publicly. They’re cowards.
They value money more than America and truth.
We are a nation of Christians afraid of Jews.
Have you ever read any Francis Schaefer? He was a Christian Zionist but had some fair views on the collapse of civilizations.
As with all narcissists there is a swiss cheese superego. It is full of holes. We should exploit Trump and Fuentes (and YE) to battle the forces of evil. I believe Fuentes is correct about everything but he may suffer from little man syndrome.
Thank you for posting this, Mr. MacDonald. I think Ann Coulter has gone OTT, but overall and deep down, I agree with her assessment. The only problem with Ann Coulter (and with most Republicans) is her steadfast refusal to tackle the JQ. Obviously, (like the egregious Tucker Carlson), she knows which side her toast is buttered.
Although I do not live in the USA, as a White man politically aware of the awful destiny our enemies have in store for us, I was hoping Donald Trump would win in 2016. Like millions of North American patriots, I was very happy when the almost impossible happened and he won. Then, the mouthy braggart betrayed almost everyone, except his family and friends (BTW, the latter being mostly Jews)
What could have been an authentic revolution in favour of White America ended in a shameful failure, therefore, Trump deserves our deepest contempt. He is a despicable human being that would not even pardon some of his supporters (like the boys arrested at Charlottesville) who are now rotting in jail.
Anyway, thank you Mr. MacDonald for your magnificent work and for publishing/posting this article although you were not entirely happy with it. People with your moral courage and integrity are very rare these days.
The demolition of the American political scene is proceeding according to the rules of clown world – that is with youthful, nihilistic alacrity. These events accomplish two things at the same time: to bring the JQ closer to prominence as well as tarring the faux-Right with the brush of Nazism. Red state secessionists, as a broad popular front, can triangulate against Nazism and be seen as reasonable voice with regard to the JQ.
Red state secessionists must pursue their goal with the same single-minded fanaticism as Nazis do. Everything not Red state secession, or supportive thereof, must be consigned to the fire.
Dear Miss Coulter,
You are following the American Establishment line of actually wanting an anti-intellectual culturally controlled society whereby anyone who dares to be overtly truthful of associating with whomever one wishes to, or expressing vocally or in the written word whatever they believe contrary to popular permitted ethics, is to be dashed about with criticism like yours and trashed as some type of abnormal entity whose emotions and mind aren’t just sane and stable. You prove yourself to be part and parcel of the Consensus Reality that The Technology Of Evil’s Social Engineering of what should be and what should not be permissible. So if President Donald John Trump hosts a Mister Nick Fuentes at dinner, we’re to be shocked out of our wits that someone categorised as untoward has been given some form of legitimisation by a prominent figure.
As far as President Trump not completing building The Wall, have you ever asked why? Have you ever enquired and pondered the different agenda of many Republicans contrary to President Trump who are of the same power structure and system as Democrats, despite a morality difference here and there? Are you aware that he hasn’t dictatorial powers and has to contend with a Congress and United States Supreme Court? And have you cared to do intelligent meticulous investigation and research concerning the Intelligence Media and the agenda against him since even before he was elected president like Mister Dick Morris and his wife Attorney-At-Law Eileen McGann have in their book, “Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War Against Donald Trump” that is the exceptional archetype for the study of the mendacity of The Russian Collusion? Which study by the way I’ve made a syllabus that numbers just over twenty other works by others each unique in their own way, and that I should be more than glad to supply you with a chronological list with the hope you and anyone else would want to survey for your own edification of discerning the true from the false.
If you want to criticize Trump ask him why he refused to openly defend Mister Julian Assange and denied knowing of Wikileaks after praising it during the presidential campaign? Why didn’t he pardon Mister Edward Joseph Snowden and explain that the breach of security was not on his part but his employer the National Security Agency? Not to forget the world wide agenda of the biggest sham in world history: The Coronavirus Disease 2019 and everything that went with it. Let us not forget the appointment of Neo-Conservatives.
You keep pleading for America and how dangerous the open borders are, when Americans themselves do nothing to better their country. How many went out to defend the destruction and removal of Southern Monuments, as well as flags and plaques? And elsewhere in America, with other sacred symbols, including religious? By the way, where were the American counter-revolutionaries to protect you when the revolutionaries prevented you from speaking at The University Of California at Berkley? Do you forget how you have been a persona non grata in the establishment news media because of your criticism of Republicans during the 2016 debates for their constant praises for Israel and President Ronald Reagan? You lack stability and only insist on inveighing against Trump, as well as others, without actually offering us any sound philosophical answer to the dystopic state of our present very dark world. I write this to you on account of your value which you have for the last few years preferred to trample upon with childish irrational hysterics. God Bless, Eric Galati
Thank you.
“Anti-Semitism” in general is a scam.
Yes, there are anti-Jewish feelings and activities.
But does any other ethnic or religious group in America get as much PR as Jews for supposedly being discriminated against?
Jewish groups like anti-Semitism. It makes them victims and thus gives them sympathy and power.
It’s absurd. Too bad many Americans buy into this scam.
“literally, no one had ever heard of him (Nick Fuentes)”
Ann, you are becoming increasing more difficult to take seriously.
The aftertaste left by this very catty column is that what bothers Ann Coulter the most about Nick Fuentes is that he is getting the sort of publicity and name recognition that she thinks ought to be hers alone.
@David Thoreson & @ Pierre de Craon – My thoughts exactly! And Ann Coulter turning down the cover of Time Magazine. Okay, maybe she did; none of us had any reason to ever have known that — except that, of course, she felt compelled to tell us so.
She may be right about the ego thing, but then hers does not appear to be a shrinking violet either. What’s more, she doesn’t say if or why Mr. Fuentes is substantively wrong on any of his points.
I now understand why “gaslighting” was the word of the year. To much fluoridated water for you, Ms Coulter. Enjoy your retirement.
*Too much