New Address

Some people are still mailing to the old address. So once again, here’s the new one:

The Occidental Observer
285 W. Prairie Shopping Center
PMB 115
Hayden, ID 83835

And I’d like to take this opportunity to thank people who are contributing. You make this effort possible!

9 replies
  1. Barkingmad
    Barkingmad says:

    When I click on “Donate” the old address is still there, along with the new one, but no further info as to which we are to use.

  2. Strange World
    Strange World says:

    “Jews have compassion for those who suffer”.

    A mockery of the principle of empathy, and a hypocrisy that stinks to high heaven. Has anyone ever wondered how certain terms are perverted in meaning by a Jewish label? “Humanitarian,” “philanthropy,” “charity,” they give exclusively to their own clan.

    Their evil deeds are disguised, dressed up and costumed with precisely such empty catchwords that generate positive associations. Like also their names nobleness, peaceableness, God fear and value are to testify.

    Kraken Soros is (according to self-assessment) also a benefactor, a humanity savior, virtually! Or Larry Silverstein. As “trustworthy” as a rent shark or used car salesman. First they impoverish entire societies with their “speculation” and then they pose chutzpahesque and let themselves be applauded as “patrons”!

    Speaking of which, just for fun, check how many of NYC’s worst homeowners bear the well-known peculiar-sounding names of the “usual suspects”, in proportion to their percentage of the population.

    The fact that innumerable Jewish organizations and Rabbinates promote the millionfold incursion of wild hordes from the Third World into our societies, is not to be interpreted as a malicious insidious act (that would be “anti-Semitism”!), but as an act of humanitarian generosity (as always exclusively at the expense of the stupid goys).

    Have any of these terribly self-serving Jews (“tycoons”) ever cared with a single frown about the horrendous suffering of the social conditions created by their “charity” in White societies, which they squeeze and suck dry like a lemon? I am not aware of any of this to this day!

  3. charles frey
    charles frey says:

    Kevin, never in my life have I not paid my way, except here.

    Why ? Many months back my Canadian bank debited my account for ca. $ Can. 134.00, amounting to US $ 100.00, for a Money Order in TOO’s name, correctly addressed.

    For some reason it was transferred via The Bank of New York, as the middleman.

    Given, that many people who handle mail with bank logos or return addresses on their envelopes like to steal mail, especially to you and cash it or just deprive you of it by trashing it, I never found out whether you actually received it.

    Not too conducive to a repeat performance.

  4. Strange World
    Strange World says:

    “The Catholic Church of San Salvador. Although Columbus never stood out for pious deeds, he is considered pious. How does the clergyman in charge view him?” Milger: “There is a portrait of Columbus at your church. Do you see him more as an explorer or a conqueror?”

    Bromenshenkel: “Well, he was a product of his age. And the name of the game at that time was conquest. That’s why the original Bahamians were wiped out. Not by Columbus. For all we know, he was a man of great integrity, and a man of great valor.”

    Wellness-marxist and Germans-hater Milger (a crypto-Jew?) virtually hated Columbus with fervor and pulled him to pieces. Since the videos do not allow for automatic translation, I have translated the video descriptions of the individual scenes of his documentary “In the Matter of Columbus” (1992):

    1. Columbus and the myth of the great discoverer – the land sighting

    Was “America” discovered by Christopher Columbus? No, a sailor spotted an inhabited island in the Caribbean on October 14, 1492. Nevertheless, Columbus pocketed the reward for the first land sighting. A role model? Columbus, supposedly the “great cosmographer,” at times thought the island was Japan (Cipango). Later, he gave the archipelago the false name “Las Indias” because he believed it was offshore from India. The plan for the expedition across the Atlantic was also not new. Before or with Columbus, the English, the Portuguese, the Florentine Toscanelli and the Nuremberg Martin Behaim had conceived it. No scholar considered the world to be a disc. This legend was put into the world by Washington Irving in 1828. “Columbus the innovator, the pioneer of modern science,” Irving elevated this to the founding legend of the USA. That the Earth had the shape of a sphere was already written by Aristotle, who also proposed to reach the east of the known world (Asia) on a westward course. On all maps, also printed ones, the Eurasian continent was represented by means of spherical projection. Columbus himself writes that he “read” that the Earth was a sphere. He also writes that he himself measured that on the Earth 1 degree corresponds to 56 2/3 miles. In fact it is about 75 miles. The great scientist and geographer. And what about the astronomer, great navigator and commander? He did not understand the quadrant, which is used to determine approximately the altitude of Polaris, and thus the latitude (measured by 20°). He lost 9 ships as commander. On the search voyage he set course west, day after day, that’s all he could think of. The continent was infallibly on the way. His mission was not to make researches, but “to take possession of the discovered lands”, which he did. If he is to be credited, from an occidental point of view: he was the first to organize a western expedition. “Progressive thinker?” With the profit from the colonies he wanted to finance a crusade to Jerusalem. In the end, Columbus wrote that it was not science that guided him, but the Bible, and that he had come close to paradise, at the highest point of the earth, which was shaped like a pear. And he noted that he had been chosen – by God – to fulfill a prophecy of the prophet Isaiah. “The islands wait for me in the sea … together with their silver and gold”. So much for the discovery of America by a man of progress.

    2. Columbus and the first booty in the caribbean – slaves

    From crusader and conqueror to figure of light, pioneer of progress and modernity. The image of Columbus through the ages. He himself writes that he was not guided by reason, but by the Bible. He is deeply religious in his notes, even noting that God sent him and developing the plan for a crusade to Jerusalem. He gives glory to Jesus Christ and renames the first sighted island – called Guanahni by its owners (Arawaks) – San Salvador. His actions do not correspond to the message of his Savior. In the owners he sees no creatures of God but lawless beings. Columbus takes possession of their land for the Spanish crown and has crosses rammed into the ground as a sign of the conquest. “To the glory of Christendom,” as he notes. Today’s inhabitants are descendants of slaves imported from Africa – the Arawaks and Tainos enslaved under Columbus did not survive their “discovery” for long. Brief history of the so-called “discovery of America” supposedly “the New World”, in effect the colonization of a continent. (The Tainos, of course, had no world, only humans have one, will say “Christians.”)

    3. Columbus and the extinction of the Tainos

    Virgins violated: Columbus enslaves the Tainos – The dying begins: quote, “The ship’s people … took every liberty and committed every act of violence possible. Before the eyes of parents, brothers and husbands, they robbed and violated the women, went on theft and put the inhabitants in the greatest unrest … Sadly they wondered if the Christians would ever leave the island.” Thus Pietro Martire, a friend of Columbus. The Tainos had been panning gold in small quantities from the rivers. Columbus forced them to pay tributes in gold. Fernando, Columbus’ son: “Where there was gold … each person over 14 years old had to deliver a large bell with gold powder, all others 25 pounds of cotton. Those who paid their tribute received a coin to wear on their necks. any Indian found without a coin was punished.”

    Martire reports a first famine with 50,000 victims and the attempt of the Tainos to escape their degradation by committing suicide: “The people had little strength left to seek their sustenance in the forest areas … Some are so desperate that they voluntarily leave life. Others no longer father children. It is also said that some take means to abort the fruit of the womb, knowing that they will only become slaves of the Christians … The number of the unfortunate inhabitants of Hispaniola has greatly decreased. Many report there were once a million and two hundred thousand. I shrink from stating the present number.” Samuel Eliot Morison: “Today a dozen independent nations are uniting … To pay homage to Christopher, the intrepid son of Genoa who carried Christian civilization across the ocean.” Shortly after the introduction, the images that can still be seen in the slums in, virtually trademarks. The first report was around 1510. Martire: “Individual Indians have been found on Hispaniola at garbage heaps and ditches, looking for stinking carcasses of donkeys and dogs to find something edible.” The Tainos died in Haiti until there were none left. They were too squeamish, so simply not suited for life in a Christian colony and for progress. Martire: “These simple savages were hardly used to work in the past, now many perish because of the effort of digging the gold.” So that the colonial masters were soon forced to import more robust goods from Africa. Not that the black slaves in the mines were not maltreated. But not quite so violently, because if one broke, a new one had to be bought. When there were still Indians, the Christian man simply went to the forest and got one when needed.

    4. Columbus and his war against the Tainos

    Mary above the battlefield. Slaughter at the holy mountain: When Taino princes noticed whose brainchild the arrivals were, they went over to attacking smaller troops of gold-seeking Spaniards. At the foot of the Santo Cerro, Columbus demonstrated what the Christian overlord is capable of if one stands in his way. Describing the use of firearms and dogs, Fernando Colon continues, “The cowardly Indians fled, eagerly pursued by ours who, with God’s help, won the victory. They killed many Indians and captured others, who they also killed.” In the Church of Mary of Graces on the Holy Mountain, the slaughter is shown in oil. Above the battlefield, the traveler learns here, the Virgin Mary and Child appeared, and the fair sight, strangely enough, terrified the Indians. (The pious legend is also colocated in wood engravings.) Right next to the painting, a hole is venerated, on the spot where Columbus is said to have placed a cross. This time in gratitude. La Casas, Historia: “The Admiral went to large parts of the whole island and waged a cruel war against all the kings and villages that disobeyed him, nine or ten times”. Mass Deaths. Fernando, according to the account of the suppression of the revolt: “God wished to punish the Indians and afflicted them with such a lack of food and such a variety of plagues that he reduced their numbers by two-thirds.” Evil People: First assessment of the appearance of the Christian master-man, spreaders of civilization, that is, the colonists: according to Pietro Martire, a Taino prince notes, “The Spaniards are violent evil men, appropriating foreign property and killing innocent people.”

    5. Columbus, the colonial masters and human rights

    Columbus, appearance as a ruthless conqueror, colonizer and warrior. He notes in a letter to the Crown: “The mountains were very heavily populated when I arrived. Now they have become somewhat depopulated because the natives have come to war with me, and our God has always given me the victory.”

    The Taino princes who resisted and became captives were imprisoned in the capital. Pietro Martire, a friend of Columbus: “When Caonabo and his brother were captured and were to be taken to the kings in Spain, both died of grief on the journey”. Caonabo’s wife, the Taino prince Anacaona was also imprisoned, found guilty of rebellion, and hanged. Fernando Colon considers the punishments just and Las Casas (friend of the family) disagrees: “How can those who are not subjects rebel? Fernando deeply misunderstood human rights and divine rights…” Martire also reports how many Tainos resisted their degradation: “Some are so desperate that they voluntarily leave their lives…. It is also said that some take means to abort the fruit of the womb, knowing that they will only become slaves of the Christians…” Las Casas advocated by word and deed to treat the so-called “Indios” as human beings. He used the terms we commonly use, “humane” and “human rights.” Depending on one’s persuasion, the “patron of the Indios” was considered by the Spaniards to be a defiler of their nests or proof of the existence of another, more humane Spain as well. A “Brief History of the Destruction of the Indian Lands” by Las Casas was already published in the 16th century and illustrated with engravings. Quotes: “They hung thirteen Indians each on a broad gallows in honor of the Savior and the twelve apostles … And burned them alive … Into these pits they threw pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and old men, until they were filled … He took a small ball, which he snatched from the mother, cut down one piece after another, and gave each of the dogs a piece of it.”

    6. Columbus – his ship was not called “Santa Maria

    For almost 80 years, Columbus’ ship was called Nave or La Gallega. Proof: Christopher Columbus wrote an account of the first voyage (Diario). Bartolomé de Las Casas and Fernando Colon (son of Columbus) had copies. (Original and copies are lost.) Both compiled the text and quoted some passages verbatim. In both versions of the Diario there is no Santa Maria. The ships are called Pinta, Nina and nao (nave)…. Nao = ship type of captain ship. A historian, known with Columbus: Pietro Martyr – Prime Decadis: … grandiois navis … Great Ship. Andres Bernaldes – Historia: Great Ship. In the known voyage accounts, the ship is not mentioned by name for 43 years. In 1535, the historian Gonzales F. Oviedo put his Historia in print. He writes: “The name of the larger of them was La Gallega.” For 79 years the ship is called only Nao, Navis, Navio, La Gallega.

    First appearance of “Santa Maria”: around 1535 Fernando Colon used the Diario to write a book about his father. The manuscript was not printed in Spain. Fernando’s history appeared in Italy in 1571, translated by Alfonso Ulloa. The account of the journey is, as said, a compilation of the Diario. We read Nave throughout in place of Nao in Fernando’s source. A preface to Compilation states, “La capitana, nella qualle il monte, si chiamo Santa Maria.” Is this reliable? Not at all. The name Santa Maria is introduced in one sentence, but is not used again in the following travelogue. It doesn’t make sense. Nor does it correspond to Fernando’s sources. After all, his father was an eyewitness. And he had another source. Fernando knew process files (Plaitos de Colon) with statements of fellow travelers. Names of the ships they put on record: Nina, Pinta, Nao. He knew that the ship was not called Santa Maria. This brings the translator Ulloa into play as the discoverer of the Santa Maria. There is also a proof of this. Las Casas used Fernando’s manuscript for his Historia. So also the passage in which the ships are introduced. He renders it thus, “En la tercera, que era la nao, algo mayor que todas, quiso ir el, y así aquélla era la capitana.” The passage in Fernando’s History, in Ulloa’s translation, “La capitana, nella qualle il monte, si chiamo Santa Maria.” “The capitana on which he rode was called Santa Maria.” Las Casas: “On the nao … he wanted against, so it was the capitana.” So Fernando’s original text did not say “Santa Maria”.

    7. Columbus and his reputation as a great navigator

    Columbus himself wrote: “I sailed the sea for 23 years.” He leaves it open as to what he did. Columbus is not stingy with self-praise; he does not comment on his abilities as a navigator. After all, as a fleet leader, he lost 8 ships in 9 years, a lonely record in civilian seafaring. An experienced navigator had to be able to determine his position. This was also necessary to be able to draw maps. Longitude had to be estimated by the distance traveled, latitude by a quadrant. According to his own information, Columbus was not able to do the latter. He miscalculated by 20 degrees, which is about 2000 kilometers. His clients also noticed this after returning from the first crossing: “We didn’t understand your report, take an experienced geographer with you on your next voyage.”

    The history of the so-called New World began with land theft and genocide. No, you can’t. Such sentences are no good for any historiography. For as long as it has existed, historiography has invented founding myths to enable the collective consciousness to feel good. Pride, for example. The correct phrase should be: America began with its discovery. With a discovery glorified as a feat. No ordinary mortal could have accomplished it, for example a simple merchant from Genoa.

    8. Columbus – Crusader or Pioneer of Modernity?

    Our Columbus: innovator, scientist, man of progress, etc. As late as 1600, Columbus was still shown in engravings as a conqueror, with sword, rifle and cross flag – in other words, as a crusader. This is also how he saw himself in his records. With the gold and other booty from the colonies he wanted to equip 55,000 men for a crusade to Jerusalem – he announced in letters to the Spanish crown and Pope Alexander. Since the 19th century he has a globe in his arms in almost all illustrations and as a memorial statue, or it stands on the table in front of him. As if he had discovered the spherical shape of the earth. He also often points to the west, as if this direction had been unknown before. Thereby he notes himself: “I have always read that the earth is a sphere.” This was known to scholars at least since Aristotle, who had also already suggested the route to the west to reach the east of the known world. Even the circumference had been determined, incidentally also by a Muslim scholar. Columbus had assumed it smaller than all his contemporaries – his biggest mistake. The legend that Spanish clerics had taken the world for a disc goes back to Washington Irving (1828). What did Columbus discover? In 1498, he wrote to the Crown, “From 100 miles west of the Azores, ships slowly lift to the sky.” Uphill on the Atlantic. And the shape of the Earth: “The other hemisphere is like half of a beautiful round pear. One spot is set up like a woman’s nipple. It is closest to the sky. At the highest point is paradise.” From 1489 he wants to prove in his reports that he reached India on the Ganges. In doing so, he mainly refers to the Bible. There is no other way. Irving: “His plan was scientifically sound.” Thus Columbus became a pioneer of science and civilization. The encountered inhabitants of the Caribbean islands did not survive the blessings of progress. Columbus notes after the bloody suppression of an uprising, “God wished to punish the Indians … And reduced their numbers by 2/3.”

    In English

    Perhaps Columbus was a “Portuguese Jew” after all.

    At least Milger’s series “The Northwest Passage” (1990-92) is not contaminated by his disgusting and idiotic political views and also allows automatic Youtube translation into English.

    Milger: “The Crusades” (1988), automatic translation possible

    Self-promoter Fuchs and his crew on the Hebrides (automatic translation possible), 2010.,_Orkney

    Apparently, the brand “Jack Wolfskin” (idiotic name) was their sponsor, because everyone wears their overpriced outdoor clothes. The company has been in American hands for a long time.

    “The Germans were also involved in the slave trade across the Atlantic. Starting in 1682, they trafficked tens of thousands of people on behalf of the Elector of Brandenburg-Prussia.

    At that time, the Great Elector Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg-Prussia had set his sights on joining the ranks of the great European maritime powers. To this end, he created the ‘African Company’ in 1682 in order to found a Brandenburg colony on the west coast of Africa and to enter into the profitable sale of slaves with a small fleet.

    In fact, just one year later, the Brandenburgers succeeded in gaining a foothold on the coast of what is now Ghana and built their own fortress, which still stands there today: the Groß Friedrichsburg fortress.

    It was the hub for the German slave trade, which took place under the same inhumane conditions as its European neighbors. Specially built slave ships like the ‘Friedrich III’ could hold up to 800 slaves, who were taken across the Atlantic and sold there.

    Up to 30,000 Africans are said to have been enslaved by German merchants in less than 50 years. The descendants of these slaves live today in Rio de Janeiro, Barbados and New York, among other places.”

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