Irish Famine Redux in America?

As the odious American new foreign policy elite sails closer and closer to nuclear war over the Ukraine (after having forced its de-nuclearization in 1995), will a second problem develop?  Given the sanctions imposed by this marvelous elite on the largest world grain and oil exporter — Russia — coupled with an ever-growing world demand for food, will the United States soon face a situation like the famous Irish famine of 1848?

This might seem ridiculous to suggest.  After all, as we all learned in 5th grade, the U.S. is the breadbasket of the world.

However, given our increasingly hostile government, it could be more likely than one might think.

Some background is helpful.  Take the famous Irish Famine of 1846—8, which gave America such blessings as Joseph P. Kennedy and James Michael Curley.

The Irish famine was not a famine in the traditional sense.

Many countries — especially China and (except as noted below) India — have long had famines in the traditional sense.  Namely, due to uncontrolled population growth, the population had come close to outrunning the food supply that could be produced by the nation’s farmland.  The slightest disruption to an annual harvest — bad weather or civil wars — could, and did, immediately induce significant, sometimes horrific, famines in which millions starved to death.  For example, see the Chinese famines of 1850–73 (drought and rebellion), 1876–79 (drought), and 1928–30 (drought, effects of war) (“List of Famines in China”).  The 1876–79 famine in China was due to the fact the region was vastly overpopulated relative to its ability to produce food.  A drought made it worse.  The slow decline during that period of central government authority caused (a) increasingly poor maintenance of the sophisticated canal system, thus impeding the delivery of relief supplies and (b) a previous draw-down in the amount of grain stored in emergency government storage facilities.

However, in 1848, for the first time in world history, a new kind of famine was seen.  A “capitalist” famine.  This was the famous “Irish famine.”  (This was to be repeated in India in 1878–9 [the Great Famin]), and again in 1943 due to the good offices of Winston Churchill, the Bengal Famine.)

Ireland in 1846–48 suffered a potato blight which effectively wiped out the potato crop.  This however, should not have resulted in mass hunger.  Although the main food source for the Irish peasantry in those days was the potato, Dr. Christine Kinealy has concluded that Ireland in each year of the famine produced a lot more food than was ever eaten by Irishmen — possibly, and probably, enough food to feed all 8 million Irish.  Ireland’s farmland produced enough wheat, which if turned into bread, could have fed 3 — 4 million people, plus calves, butter, and eggs according to Kinealy (“The Irish Famine: Complicity in Murder,” The Washington Post).  Although no one, it appears, has compiled enough data to prove the point definitively, it does appear that with a ban on exports, even with no imports, and a proper rationing of food, the Irish famine might have been much smaller or possibly non-existent.  So what was the problem?   Why did things get so bad?

The problem was unregulated capitalism, coupled with a government hostile to the people it governed.

In Ireland in 1870, 302 proprietors (1.5% of the total) owned 33.7% of the land, and 50% of the country was in the hands of 750 families. At the other end of the scale, 15,527 proprietors (80.5%) owned between them only 19.3% of the land (Land-holding in Ireland 1760–1880,  And Finlay Dunn wrote in Landlords and Tenants in Ireland (Longmans Green, London, 1881), that “half the area of the island (Ireland) (not half of the agricultural land, half of the land in the whole country) is owned by 750 landlords” with average holdings of 5,000 acres each” (ibid., p. 1).  One can only presume that that half represented the bulk of the good agricultural land in Ireland.  At the time of the famine, the figures were presumably at least similar, or worse, considering that between the famine and 1881, the “Land Act of 1871” had been passed, forcing the sale of some small plots of land to tenants.

Thus, it is reasonable to assert that a preponderance of Ireland’s premier farmland appears to have been owned by a few families, many or most of them absentee landlords living in England. In addition, many of the landlords had borrowed significant sums to upgrade their country houses — either in Ireland or in England (Terrence A.M. Dooley, “Estate Ownership and Management in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-century Ireland,”, or otherwise to finance their profligate lifestyles.  For these landlords, burdened by gigantic, barely serviceable, debt, it was imperative that the rentals, paid by grain exports, continue to be made.  The alternative?  Bankruptcy, or at least the seizure of their estates by lenders.

Second, Ireland, like England and the United States, was governed under laws permitting the purest form of capitalism ever seen before or since.  Thus, virtually no thought was given to holding back sufficient grain to feed the Irish residents and permitting only the surplus to sail its way to world markets.  The result was that starving Irish peasants watched mountains of grain, herds of sheep, barrels of butter, crates of eggs, loaded on wagons paraded by them and their starving children, on the way to ports at Cork and Dublin plus many ports in the hard-hit west of Ireland, for transshipment to Liverpool England.  From there the grain was sold on international markets for the spot price and the rest re-sold to the English.  In addition, grain was transported internally, out of starving areas, to gin mills so the profitable conversion of grain into nutritionally useless alcohol could continue.  Even grain donated by the good old US of A was turned into gin!  Now there’s a capitalist class that’s got its priorities straight.  Everyone knows you get more from selling gin in bars than giving away a bunch of grain for free!

Eventually, to protect the exiting grain and food shipments, English troops had to be brought in to protect the grain wagons from depredation by the native Irish and to protect the landlords’ properties from devastation by enraged Irishmen.  Ironically, English troops were not fed by the Army; they were given pay designed to be enough to purchase daily food; however, the huge spike of food prices during the famine, not matched by pay increases, resulted in even the English troops going hungry! (Kineally. Ibid.).  So the very troops protecting food shipments from starving Irishmen were themselves starving.  Talk about “stiff upper lip.”  But here’s a thought piece:  did they at least get their “gin ration”?

From a population of 8 million, through death and emigration, Ireland’s population decreased to 3 million.

Many in England saw this as an unfortunate byproduct of the “inevitable” laws of capitalism and free trade.

Others saw it as a desired attribute — a fortunate byproduct of the famine: the massive reduction in a perpetually despised population.  Killing two birds with one Killarney stone, as it were — pay off your debts, kill the locals!  Charles Trevalyan, Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time, made this clear:  the famine, he said was beneficial.  Trevelyan wrote to Lord Monteagle of Brandon, a former Chancellor of the Exchequer, that the famine was an “effective mechanism for reducing surplus population and was “the judgement of God”  (Sir Charles Trevelyan, 1st Baronet), “a direct stroke of an all-wise and all-merciful Providence,” one which laid bare “the deep and inveterate root of social evil.”   Wow, sounds almost like Buzzfeed talking about Fentynal deaths in Appalachia!

As if that were not enough, a second “capitalist” famine was induced in India via similar means, the Great Famine of 1876–78.  In chilling contrast to the ShanXi 1879 famine, which was worsened by lack of transportation by which relief supplies could have been delivered, a later analysis showed that the worst-off areas in India’s famine were the ones best equipped with railroads!  The reason?  The railroads that theoretically could have brought in food relief instead were fantastically efficient in removing grain produced in the famine areas to remote warehouses for re-sale in other, richer areas (Mike Davis, The Origins of the Third World Markets States and Climate, Corner House Briefing 27, p. 5/62).  No nasty starving emaciates to steal that grain please!  The areas not so “blessed” with modern transport, however, did much better, since it was harder for landlords to remove grain from starving locals.  Not surprisingly, though the rest of India was in surplus, the surplus was exported for cash to the U.K.  So any railroads going into the famine area would have been empty anyway!

In the 1942 “Bengal” famine, Churchill purposely diverted food from starving areas of India to “ol Blighty” and her troops — again, made possible by the best in modern transportation:  trains and big cargo ships.  The final tally:  better fed troops (after all, Englishmen “walk towards gunfire,” surely they deserve good eats) and 3 million Bengalis dead of starvation.  Had the Germans done it, it would have been a war crime, but luckily the Brits did it.

Could this happen in the United States?  Famine amid plenty?  We do have a hell of a rail and road network, after all!

The breakdown of US farmland ownership is as follows:  60% is owner-operated, 40% rented.

For cropland, the figures are 46% owner-operated, 56% rented; for pastureland, 28% is rented, 72% owner operated (USDA Economic Research Service, USDA ERS – Farmland Ownership and Tenure).

However, in the crucial Iowa/Mississippi valley farm belt, the heart of the “breadbasket of America,” about 60% of farmland is rented.

The ownership figures currently in the US do not seem — on their face — to be as bad as Ireland just before the famine.

However, just like the old Anglo-Irish landlords, even — and especially — the owner-operators are under harsh financial constraints to produce maximum profitability.  They are caught between ever-increasing fertilizer prices and ever more concentrated buyers, such as Cargill (which is totally committed to ESG), and many, if not most, are deep in debt incurred either to purchase their farmland or equipment or simply to finance losses incurred in bad years.  In the case of the “landlords” — the equity farmland funds, their success is dependent on maximizing the production and profitability of the land they own.  In addition, a great number of individual “farmer owners” are no more than serfs of such esteemed companies as Tyson Foods (“chicken lickin’”), Cargill, Kellogg (breakfast of champions) and others.  If they want to keep afloat on miniscule margins they have to keep working and selling the products their master-buyers want, who, in turn, are in it for profit, not charity.

As we sanction and prohibit our allies from importing grain from the largest wheat exporter in the world (Russia) and as we cooperate in the complete devastation of the second largest world grain exporter (Ukraine), what happens if the world grain markets offer prices to those financially constrained farmland owners that U.S. consumers cannot match?  Do the iron laws of capitalism and free trade apply, permitting loads of grain to be transshipped to China at the Port of Long beach while emaciated White children look on?  Or does the government do what the British government did not do — put some constraint on the ability of big (and increasingly anti-White and “woke”) business to “starve out” one’s own population to achieve maximum profit?  Or do national guard troops mobilize to force Iowa corn shipments on trains to the Port of Long Beach, shooting White protesters trying to obstruct the trains?

What we do know is that we have a government that increasingly reviles and fears its own population.  For such a government, starving down such a despised group of people may not be seen as an unfortunate consequence of free trade.  Having doused the despised 100 million strong White working class with opioids, wage cuts, and unemployment for 20 years, an early death for all of them that have not yet committed suicide might be seen as an additional benefit.

Shades of Cork, 2023.

18 replies
  1. willfull knowledge
    willfull knowledge says:

    The neither famine was due to ‘unregulated capitalism”. They were due to dying feudalistic systems reinforced by a strong central government.

  2. Gerry
    Gerry says:

    Even grain donated by the good old US of A was turned into gin! Now there’s a capitalist class that’s got its priorities straight. Everyone knows you get more from selling gin in bars than giving away a bunch of grain for free!

    Ah, Vodka!!!!! Vodka!! Here some shocking history from Dr. Wlliard Cantelon pgs 76-78:


    Headlines of this nature were being seen more and more frequently in many areas of the nation. In studying the various articles, I discovered that the announcement was received by many Americans with mingled consternation and confusion. One article read as

    The national energy ..crisis,,, here yesterday and gone tomorrow, seems almost elusive, and the experts dis_agree even on its existence. Now it seems the people directly affected by the current fuel shortage” different opinions, as two stories by Associated press at left, and International press right, reflect. Is there an Energy Crisis? Facts are facts, but it depends on who you ask and when.

    As I followed the reactions of our nation’s leaders, I turned my eyes and interest again to the Dallas Morning,, January 16. The top half of l l-A was devoted to an 1article headlined, PRODUCERS ASK HIGHER GAS PRICES.

    And on the bottom half of the same page, ran a second headline: KOSYGIN TOURS OIL GAS AREA IN USSR TO BOOST DEVELOPMENT PLANS.

    The two stories on the same page did not come as a total surprise to some of us who had followed the developments of these events for several months. On November 12, 1972, I was in Eugene, Oregon. I picked up the daily paper, the Register Guard, and read an article reprinted from the Washington Star, which said,

    Washington Star News reports U.S. may buy as much as forty billion dollars’ worth of natural gas from Russia during the next twenty-five years. U.S. companies backed by federal financing would buy 36.5 trillion cubic feet of liquefied natural gas. The head of one of the oil and gas producers ‘groups said,

    Russian gas would cost six times more than the wholesale price of U.S. gas. In response to that announcement in November, Tom
    Medders, Jr., head of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, said,

    It is disturbing that our government is willing to encourage development of the Soviet Union’s gas at such a cost when it is pursuing regulatory policies that are discouraging the needful capital expenditures to develop our own natural gas resources at home.

    Serious-minded leaders, such as Senator Henry Jackson and Commerce Secretary Peter Peterson, and others, raised the question,

    Would it not be unwise to make our nation dependent on an energy source that was held in the hands of a foreign nation?

    In spite of the fact the alarms were being sounded, there was every indication that Americans would be subjected to gas rationing in the near future. Men as prominent as Mr. O’Leary, member of the Atomic Energy Commission, predicted rationing in the near future.

    Russian Wheat

    While America was discussing the purchasing of 36 trillion cubic feet of Russian gas, the Russians were occupied with the task of importing 20 million tons of wheat, which they had purchased from the United States, at a price of over $ I billion. Although the Russian press sought to keep this tremendous importation of wheat a secret from their own people, the free world was told it was because of
    a drought in the USSR.

    Some indicated the drought in Russia was the worst in a hundred years, and affected 27.5 million acres of land.

    Several years previously, I recalled reading an article by Sterling Slappey. His article carried the headline,


    Mr. Slappey quoted a report from the reputable German Institute of Industries. They declared the Soviets had greater need for wheat to distill into industrial alcohol than to turn into bread. They said that it took nine tons of wheat to make two tons of alcohol, which in turn would make one ton of synthetic rubber. They also declared the Russians needed 550,000 tons of industrial alcohol for the purposes mentioned. Some who read Slappey’s article and his quotations from the Institute of German Industries, said,

    We do not mind as taxpayers subsidizing cheap wheat for Russian bread, but we would resent subsidizing the wheat purchase to the USSR if it were to be used for military production.

    Was the fuel crisis in America genuine, or was it somehow linked to the possible purchase of Russian gas? If the suggested deal with Russia should develop as outlined, the 25-year contract for $40 billion worth of Russian gas would be the biggest transaction in the history of man.

    Cantelon The Day The Dollar Dies Logos International 1973

  3. Gerry
    Gerry says:

    Famines? Know why the Dust Bowl of the dirty 30’s? Easy read and weep or better yet TREMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

    “When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because your people have sinned against you, and when they pray toward this place and give praise to your name and turn from their sin because you have afflicted them, 36 then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them the right way to live, and send rain on the land you gave your people for an inheritance.

    37 “When famine or plague comes to the land, or blight or mildew, locusts or grasshoppers, or when an enemy besieges them in any of their cities, whatever disaster or disease may come, 38 and when a prayer or plea is made by anyone among your people Israel—being aware of the afflictions of their own hearts, and spreading out their hands toward this temple— 39 then hear from heaven, your dwelling place. Forgive and act; deal with everyone according to all they do, since you know their hearts (for you alone know every human heart), 40 so that they will fear you all the time they live in the land you gave our ancestors.

  4. Edward Harris
    Edward Harris says:

    In the 1960’s I shared a house with other students in Notting Hill.
    In those days if your IQ was above 125 the Government would pay the bills so I decided to become a student although I do not like schools,colleges and academics and although the Jew side of my mother’s family were academics who lived in schools and colleges.
    One of my fellow students was a Methodist.
    His church investigated the area and discovered that when the suffering?,poor? ungassed Glaubenjuden arrived from Germany in the 1930’s they purchased all the property in Notting Hill and kept 1/4 of the rooms empty to increase the rents. There were three other rackets they were involved in,including brothels, but I forget.
    Every week there was a full page of small paragraphs reporting convictions of Windians living on immoral earnings.
    Most of the brothels, and narcotics warehouses, were in All Saint’s road, which was patrolled by 2 policeman who walked up and down stopping no one.
    When a Windian’s not engaged in his employment
    Of a churning his felonious little plans
    His capacity for innocent enjoyment
    Is just as great as any honest man’s
    It’s a feeling they with difficulty smother
    When constabulary duty’s to be done
    Ah! Take one consideration with another
    A Policeman’s lot is not a happy one.
    The Methodist was pro immigration.
    In his previous abode lavatory newspaper was used for wiping.
    The Windians did not tear up the newspaper so every morning he faced a pile of newspaper and poo and had to clean out the bowl.
    He was a Sunday School teacher until a 12 year old boy, he was telling off, knocked him out .In spite of our many discussions and all this he remained pro immigration.

    • Dirk Manly
      Dirk Manly says:

      His use of commas is in agreement with the standard use of the English language as taught until the 1990s.

      You are obviously one of those people who write under-comma’ed walls of text in which separate clauses of sentences are difficult to separate, thereby making accurate deciphering of your words a difficult task.

  5. Casper Koch
    Casper Koch says:

    Great article. I’ll suggest another possible alternative. As a result of the US dollar collapse/loss of reserve currency status, our ruling elite can follow Stalin’s example by exporting grain and other food in order to obtain, not profits, per se, but the new, hard reserve currency.

  6. Dave
    Dave says:

    Speaking of starvation and hunger which are purely political:

    There is great hunger right now in a Christian Armenian populated region known as Artsakh/Nagorno Karabagh in the Caucasus.

    The utterly corrupt, autocratic country of Azerbaijan has imposed a blockade on the 120,000 Christian Armenians there.

    This has gone on for more than three weeks.

    And the Russian “peacekeepers” there are doing little to stop the blockade because Russia is using Artsakh’s Armenians hostage so that Armenia gives in to Russia demands.

    The US and Europe have protested the Azeri blockade but aren’t doing much materially.

    Some of you may know that the US State Department’s policies regarding Azerbaijan are more or less dictated by the Jewish lobby and Israel.

    Israel has bases in Azerbaijan directed against Iran and Christian Armenia.

    Israel has also sold Azerbaijan billions in weapons over the decades.

    Israel also joined Azerbaijan and Turkey in their war against Armenians in 2020.

    So much for Western Christianity. Armenia (look it up) was the first nation in the world to adopt Christianity as its state religion.

    • JM
      JM says:


      “And the Russian “peacekeepers” there are doing little to stop the blockade because Russia is using Artsakh’s Armenians hostage so that Armenia gives in to Russia demands.”

      So what do you see as “Russia’s demands” for which “Armenia is held hostage”?

      Is this a necessary measure given the reality that Russia is besieged by the Neo-Con driven West?

      Without filling in your assertions, this has the appearance of simply backstabbing Russia in her present plight. Is that Armenian form?

  7. charles frey
    charles frey says:

    01 In connection with your ” odious new American foreign policy elite ” I would like to add the following old news, that I only encountered yesterday.

    02 Zelensky’s Government Web Site and the NYT published the fact, some time during September, that Zelensky will attend this month’s Davos meeting; if only virtually.

    03 They also disclosed, that Larry Fink’s BlackRock will advise Kief on all of its enormous reconstruction endeavors: from education through finances: of course.

    04 Larry Summers’ [ Harvard ] Grand Theft II of Russia, will serve as a partial model, yet appear benign by comparison.

    05 Pitiable natives. But not that sentiment alone; last week I made my third contribution to the Good Samaritan, specifically Ukraine assistance fund. They were deducted from my monthly pizza budget.

    What extras do you take on yours ?

  8. JM
    JM says:

    I appreciate the general sympathy behind this essay: that of deeply analysing – relevant – history and making a detailed analysis of different sectors of the American (particularly) economy, including ownership/tenure patterns alongside world trading practices &etc and the possible/likely scenarios arising from all of this.

    There must be more of this – including analysis of all sectors of the economy and of the macro-economy – and a discussion of policies meeting the likely challenges from it. Even if – when these are changes, the analytic gymnastics are critical. This is ESSENTIAL if the so-called Right is to gain ascendancy among a decisive part of population in the tumultuous events ahead when economic programs will be DECISIVE. The truth is that the Right is really the left, because it is the only part of the American/Global political set-up seriously opposing ALL aspects of the ravages of Globalising Imperialism.

    Having said this by way of endorsing the general approach of the essay – in a way it’s (to my limited knowledge) ground breaking on this site, I have to say I doubt that all the elements thrown in by the author will lead to the kind of outcomes suggested.

    THAT’S not a famine-in-the-making…

    THIS is a famine-in-the-making…

    And it’s been going on for over 10-15 years.

    Why Argentina and not the US of A? Because the population of the former (our people) live FAR closer to the bone and their government is as corrupt and beholden to the Money Power as that of the source of that same social force – the US of A.

  9. JM
    JM says:

    With the permission of the Moderator and Professor MacDonald, I’d like to introduce the essays of this savvy, well travelled, Australian businessman on Globalisation and its impacts in Australia and globally. Not the most attractive format, but the CONTENT is of the highest, most informed, quality:

    Here is just one of his recent contributions, all of which are deeply involved in the life of the mass of our people:
    Twenty five years ago this is what the globalist propagandists were telling us.

    This is his JewTube address:

  10. Sickld
    Sickld says:

    ‘which gave America such blessings as Joseph P. Kennedy ‘

    He was right about the Jews. Supported national socialist Germany. His son tried his best to deny Israel nuclear weapons.

  11. Sickld
    Sickld says:

    This article does not really make sense. Aside from its irreverent tone about mass starvation both Ireland and India were overpopulated. This is not to say people should have been left to die (indeed there was a potato famine in Scotland in 1845 and the government gave out charity and few died) but that imperialism caused imbalances in land ownership. The peasantries of both Ireland and India responded by having more children and making fewer future economic plans. This is not the case even in the worst parts of America today. It appears the main weapon used to kill off White rural Americans is opioids. An article detailing the similarity of Jewish dope peddling both in 19th century China vs 21st century America would have been more appropriate.

    Aside from the fact that the green revolution allows the production of more calories than ever (albeit with drastically reduced mineral and vitamin contents) the main feature posing possible famine in America is a centralised supply infrastructure- in many places it is actually illegal (and if not made very difficult) to sell from farm to table. Combined with digital currency and the banning of cash this could portend localised famines at certain times of the year. America is simply too big and with far too many natural resources to ever suffer from wide scale famines.

  12. Harald E Brandt
    Harald E Brandt says:

    We have a similar situation in Sweden today concerning electricity!
    In the last several decades, Sweden has had some of the lowest electricity prices in Europe thanks to a well-established well-working infrastructure of hydrogen and nuclear power. But over the last year, the prices have suddenly skyrocketed about 10 times! Why? How come? We still have a surplus production so we export electricity! So how can a surplus of electricity lead to suddenly skyrocketing prices? (It is _not_ due to a rather silly increase of uncertain “propeller-power”.)

    It is totally because of export!
    Prices are set on a “market” called NORDPOL, where several actors “agree” on a “market price”. I set that within quotes because it is more like a cartel than a true market of “goods in a basket”. This is because we have an agreement within the EU to export electricity down to Germany, and with this kind of oligopol “market”, the _highest_ price will be the setting price!

    So, because Germans have closed all their nuclear power, and in practice prohibited by the US to purchase Russian gas, their electricity prices are extremely high. They purchase electricity from Sweden, and because of that, ALL prices to Swedish households and companies are set _based on the export price_! Despite these prices are about 10 times higher than the production cost!

    That is of course totally absurd, but it is the way it is. So in practice, there are lots of households in cold Sweden who simply cannot afford to heat their houses! They go bankrupt! And we still have an electricity surplus, unless you take that stupid export into the calculation!

    TIMETOPAY says:

    It’s all part of the same agenda: forcing a global dictatorship (they call it ‘one world government’).
    covid, wars, famines, economic crises, climate change hoax, all created by the same criminals to bring chaos, suffering and impose their planned ‘solution’: one world government.

    thesis, antithesis, synthesis, these psychopaths are blocked with Hegel since centuries.

    They are meeting in Davos at the WEF this month (this is where they group these days).

    They will all be there in Davos, all the criminals, bankers, freemasons, infiltrated ‘young global leaders’ , illuminati, satanists, skulls & bones, marxists, communists, bilderberger, jesuits, trilateral, cabalists, all the psychopaths, mass murderers (save bill gates and soros maybe).

    There is no other concentration of so many scumbags in a single place and a very easy place to vaporize them out of existence.

    Davos is a ‘cul-de-sac’, one road in, one road out, easy to control for access but also very difficult to escape in case of a serious attack.

    Imagine an hijacked plane coupled with 2 o 3 groups of 4/5 heavily armed commando on the field coming from neighboring villages (by ski).

    Eliminating most of the biggest vermin earth has ever known and putting a big halt to their plan of world domination and to our enslavement.

    This is the time to act and to kill as many as possible.

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