Thoughts Upon David Crosby’s Death
The opposite of a good thing can be counted on to also be a good thing. That reality—as I see it, anyway—prompts me to think about the opposite of whatever I consider true and valuable to discern how it might be true and valuable. Giving impetus to this activity is the assumption that, whether it be for a group or an individual, living well—accomplishing important things and being happy and healthy and whole—involves harmoniously integrating opposites (or apparent opposites, perhaps polarities rather than opposites is a better way of looking at them): the public and private; work and love; selfishness and altruism; kindliness and fierceness; the present, past, and future; and so on. The January 18, 2023 death of singer, songwriter David Crosby encouraged me to offer an illustration of this value-and-integrate-opposites perspective in this writing.
David Crosby helped create two of the most popular and influential American musical groups in the 1960s and ‘70s, the Byrds and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. He continued to perform successfully with others and individually until the end of his life. Important here, he endured the ravages of a severe drug problem, including addictions to cocaine and heroin that landed him in jail, as well as obesity and a general lack of self-care. Crosby’s life involved a stark contradiction: while he gave an enormous gift to the world through his music, for many years he badly abused himself and paid a great personal price for it. What first drew my attention to him, it must be a decade ago, was how, in mid-life, he managed to confront his personal demons admirably well, enough to remain productive professionally and, apparently, do well in his personal life, and, as it turned out, make it to 81. I wrote a brief reflection on it at the time and filed it away. I share it here.
In 2016, I authored an article from a White racial angle entitled “Blacks as Emotional Abusers of Whites: The Exploration of a Possibility.” It considered the phenomenon of abuse in the public realm, race relations. Going along with the basic contention in this writing, if public abuse is an important concern, and I hold that it is, very likely so too is its opposite: personal abuse, self-abuse. Thus, and staying within a racial frame of reference, the potential worth in looking into what went on with an individual White man, David Crosby—a prime example of self-abuse if there ever was one—to see what insights can be gained from it. Motivating this activity from the perspective of this publication is the assumption that White racial well-being is advanced by concurrently attending to the state of the race as a whole and the state of the living, breathing, mortal White individuals that comprise it and noting how each affects, contributes to, the other and acting accordingly.
With that as the context, here’s what I wrote about David Crosby these many years ago. In particular, see what you think of my take on what his example implies in the “my commentary” section at the end.
Booking photo prior to serving a sentence for drugs and weapon possession in Texas.
* * *
Excerpts from two hospital intake reports on David Crosby in late 1983.1
Ross General Hospital
Crosby, David
42-year-old, single, white male, rock musician.
Patient describes chills and sweats five to six times a day beginning 24 hours after admission and says he “feels bad all over.”
Describes ringing in the ears and a dull headache in the frontal and occipital areas.
He has a stomach ache with nausea. He notes increased bowel rumbling. He has constipation chronically. He last bowel movement, which was hard and dry, was approximately two days ago.
He states that he periodically notices a left pain in the costovertebral angle [abdomen] so that a question of urinary tract obstruction on a periodic or intermittent basis should be considered.
There is a past history of seizure on one occasion. This was apparently a gran mal seizure and may have been related to drug intake.
Physical Examination
Reveals a disheveled man who appears his stated age and is obese.
Reveals long hair that is in need of shampooing, scalp has plaque build-up. The nasal septum is perforate [a hole in the inside wall of the nose from cocaine use] with purulent material [pus], dried and old on either side. Mouth exam reveals four teeth that are broken and badly carious [decayed], left upper, lower and right upper.
Reveals edema [retention of fluid] in the lower legs and hemorrhage of small capillary vessels with subsequent hemosiderin staining [discoloration from internal bleeding]. The skin of the feet is wrinkled and dry. On the upper extremities, his skin is characterized by healing staphylococcus lesions that are pink and slightly pigmented. There are lesions on his right hand, where he has apparently suffered flash fires handling the freebase unit needed to produce his cocaine for inhalation. There are several open draining wounds on the neck.
Diagnostic Impression
Chemical dependency, opiate and cocaine.
Chronic staphylococcal neurodermatitis [infections].
Perforate nasal septum.
History of lower urinary tract obstruction and urinary retention with gross hematuria [blood in the urine] secondary to probable renolithiasis [urinary tract infection] and colic [gas].
Fixed tissue eruption [skin lesions].
Hemosiderin staining of both lower extremities.
The patient will be treated for chemical dependency. He will be encouraged to participate in group activities, to begin a program of self care physically by washing and shampooing and then to move into daily exercises, group therapy, and stress management.
Gladman Memorial Hospital
The indications are that this patient has used drugs over the years to contain his agitations and depressions.
My Commentary
I presume the drugs Crosby used did contain his agitations and depressions—or at least for a time they did, a few hours. The problem, however, is they didn’t bring lasting containment: he was soon back to where he started and even worse. Not only had the agitations and depressions returned, they were more acute than before. Whatever self-abusive actions we—let’s bring this around to you and me and everyone else—take to make things better—drugs, alcohol, pills, food, neurotic buying, promiscuity, gambling, excessive video gaming, pornography, masochistic relationships—works in the short run (or we wouldn’t be doing them), but they intensify whatever issues we are masking and at some level we knew that when we did those things; that’s what makes what we did self-abusive. Plus, we now have new problems to deal with—read through Crosby’s list, constipation and infections and the rest. And if it isn’t Crosby’s list it is some other: broken relationships, lost jobs, missed opportunities, financial hardship, depression and despair, hurt loved ones, etc., etc., etc.
I believe that for just about all people who are torturing themselves, the way out is clear, and it isn’t complicated, and they know what it is, and, even though it may be very tough sledding, it is within their power to go down that path. It’s not that they—we—don’t know what to do, or that we know what to do and can’t do it; rather, we know what to do and can do it, but we don’t do it. And, I offer, the knowledge that we could have done it and didn’t persists within us as a physically felt inner reality and gnaws at us despite all the assurances we may be getting from others and from ourselves that our problems are bigger than we are. Bubbling just beneath the surface and insistingly pressing on us, we know the truth: we are failing ourselves and those in our lives, and we won’t be self-respecting and at peace until we conduct our lives in alignment with that reality.
Other people can help us, programs can help, therapies can help, books can help, but when all is said and done it comes down to invoking two powers that remain available to us no matter how low we get: our rational mind and our power of volition. Even when things hit rock bottom, as long as we are alive, we can pose and answer an existential question: am I going to stop abusing myself and do what reason tells me is the best way to get out of the mess I’ve put myself in or am I not? To his great credit, David Crosby answered “Yes” to that question, and he carried through with it. Creative to the end, his last album was released in December, 2022. He should be an inspiration to all of us.
- The material below is from David Crosby, with Carl Gottlieb, Long Time Gone: The Autobiography of David Crosby (New York: Doubleday, 1988).
Listening to the Byrds since 1967….’.I was so much older then, Im younger than that now’…
Who the hell is “Julia Beautx”? I must admit, I didn’t know her until now, a gigantic gap in my knowledge was waiting (unnoticed by me until now) to be filled. Because Julia is not “just anybody”! She is – according to the will of the Jewish media world – an “essential Influencer”. Her name is even a registered trademark! Her “songs” and videos, produced in the African-American style, are not “Lieders” in the conventional sense, but nevertheless represent the emancipated claim of cosmopolitan women to the desire of multiracial aspirants to their laps. And that, after all, is what matters exclusively. Julia and “Rezo” test exotic fruits, this is real “essential-influencing” teamwork!
Because “Rezo” is also an “essential influencer”(. His razor-sharp mind often reflects (unsolicited) incorruptible assessments of political conditions that no totally hip contemporary can do without anymore. Reso is not a man, but a “boy,” just as Julia is not a woman, but a “girl.” Anyone who knows these influencers need not worry about the future of the planet, albeit Germany, Europe and the white race. But as we all already know from the Jews, noble in character, incorruptible and at any time fundamentally honest, this atavistic impulse, which should finally be erased and buried on the dung heap of history, is only reactionary mental limitation and, moreover, unacceptably racist.
Anyone who wants to be considered a real “influencer” in the German-speaking world today must either be of exotic origin himself or herself, and should he or she tragically not be, at least make his or her ” influencing” effect extremely exotic. Here, for example, a “cultural appropriation” of long discarded Indian hairstyles, which so far escaped the woken radar, can be of helpful use.
In Switzerland, at least the hairstyles still halfway deliver what they promise. This fake mohawk dared to mess with the Jewish “media maker” Schawinski because he was of the opinion that “Islam could not be reformed”. Unimaginable, this sheer “anti-democratic”, deeply intolerant impudence!
Pure genius, Robert. I’m rather awed. This is the key sentence for me:
“It’s not that they—we—don’t know what to do, or that we know what to do and can’t do it; rather, we know what to do and can do it, but we don’t do it.”
I have come to this myself, about myself. But knowing, and taking action, are two different things. We need to admit, first, that the only person or thing we can do anything about is ourself. There is no compulsion from without; we have to CHOOSE to act, every time. We can refrain from choosing and bide our time. Put it off a little longer. Weigh the pros and cons some more, and pretend to ourselves that it’s a weighty decision, there are many things and other people to consider — our comfort and security, our capabilities, the level of difficulty we imagine or expect, and more. We have the freedom to draw it out for as long as we can live with ourselves. That is probably the deciding point.
I said when commenting on RockaBoatus’s article on homosexuality that it was the best article on TOO for some time, but I’ve changed my mind with the appearance of this one. This is pure gold. I commend you and thank you, and tip my hat to you (if I had one).
Crosby, Stills and Nash should be renamed as Boomer, Cuckold and Fatass. Boomer music, just like boomerism as a whole, is pure garbage; something akin to a dog turd baking in the noon sun. The Beatles sounded like a barber shop quartet of gelded sissies backed up by a band.
Now that is an inspired comment , Cap’n.
The inane lyrics to Lennon’s dismal dirge , “Imagine” , encapsulate it .
True ‘dat Mr Ross, I thought it was an hilarious post, specifically in the context of those bores complaining about the intellectual standard of the comments going down.
Don’t forget the piss-poor tune and schoolboy harmonization that constitute what some call the song’s music, Al. They pair well with the inane lyrics.
I wouldn’t have employed the same epithets for Crosby and the Beatles that Captainchaos does, but I agree with his overriding assessment: all of this so-called music is garbage. Moreover, even before Yoko’s arrival, the Beatles were absurdly overrated (they still are). I’d also say the same for this article and Dr. Griffin’s other rambles down Irrelevant Memory Lane.
Can’t recall where I heard this, it was ages ago, but Leonard Bernstein delivered a pompous talk entitled, “How The Beatles Changed the World.” Oy.
I really liked the song “Sweet Judy Blue Eyes”. I still do.
Crosby and Nash are not “boomers”. Stills and Young are borderline. It’s really tiring that people like you attribute everything bad that has happened to “boomers”. As Pig In The Python author David Cork pointed out, there weren’t many people born in the 1930s. Most of the people “leading” at the time were born in the 1930s. They were leading, not because they were necessarily good, rather that there was little competition for leadership. It wasn’t the “boomers” who started the downhill trends, it was those born in the 1930s, which included many who educated the “boomers”.
I, and many of my “boomer” friends were contrarians, but not all of it against the “system”. Most of us, for example, while agreeing with the notion of peace, saw right through the naivite of the peace movement. We saw no future in being drug addled, but that also included Big Pharma. “Boomer” has become a catch-all for people who really don’t want to put some effort into thought. CSN&Y had some catchy music that I enjoyed. I like “White Christmas” by Irving Berlin as well. That doesn’t translate into me buying into the CSN&Y irrational thinking anymore than it means I think “Jews” are harmless.
“Boomer” has become a catch-all for people who really don’t want to put some effort into thought.
Thank you, my friend.
“Boomer!” is the first-resort, all-purpose insult for the sort of guy whose IQ is three or four points higher than the sort of guy whose insult-of-choice is “faggot!” In neither instance, however, are we talking about someone who uses his head as much more than a hat rack.
Curmudgeon wrote : ““Boomer” has become a catch-all for people who really don’t want to put some effort into thought.”
The epithet is the pathetic bleat of the half-interested, powerless, lost lambs, who are unable or unwilling to resist being co-opted into their pens and so remain ignorant of the fact that their opinions are not even their own …
They do not even realise that adopting their fashion for blaming previous generations, is the role intended for them…
“They do not even realise that adopting their fashion for blaming previous generations, is the role intended for them…”
Actually we do understand this, but that at least is a half decent point.
Just moaning because you don’t like the names young’uns call you is pathetic and cringe.
Boomers is a perfectly good English word that sums up the total disgust of succeeding generations against the most privileged generation in human history, one who grew up in plenty in a stable, safe, clean, ethno-homogeneous society, with mothers and fathers that may have perhaps over indulged them, at least they had parents who’d seen hard times are were in touch with reality.
It was the Boomers who were the first to rebel against all that was sensible and good on mass.
Sure, you were programmed to do this by those in charge at the time, and you can’t really blame children for anything.
There is also envy involved at the great time Boomers had wrecking everything then hoarding a portion of wealth succeeding generations will never have access too. Able to buy houses, free university . . . the list goes on and on.
You can guarantee the upcoming Zoomers will have some epithet for my millennial generation, and the mess we’ve made, but you won’t find us bitching like girls because they call us hurtful words. We’ll understand where they’re coming from – so who is it that really isn’t putting any thought into this?
Well, it’s not me or my generation blaming the one before, that’s for sure. In my experience, one of the things we were all taught was to take responsibility for yourself and not blame others.
The vast majority of my home town was majority working class. An English “New Town” – one of the so-called “pram towns”, built specifically for families escaping the bombed out slums of London in WW2. I was born in the tail end of the so-called “boomer” window and grew up among many large, poor families, no car, no telephone, no holidays, hand-me-down toys & clothes, no pocket money, you know, fairly poor. We were lucky enough to pass exams to go to selective schools, but there was no way we could have gone to university, free or otherwise, because we had to get a job to help out. Many of us were later able to buy flats or starter homes and then move on as salaries and prospects improved. Paying a mortgage was not easy and when double digit interest rates arrived, folk were handing their keys back to the banks. Unemployment was massive, deep recessions and civil unrest followed. People were losing their homes in droves.
The economic troubles shut down entire industries, whole towns were left without work and became like the US rust belt, devastated and riven with alcoholism and drugs. The UK then was a horrible place for large numbers of people, “boomers” included.
We also had a 30 year civil war being waged by Irish Republicans, blowing up buildings, offices, pubs, bandstands, trains, you know, like a real war with real, innocent people getting blown to bits for no reason at all.
That’s one of the troubles with lumping everyone together into a convenient adjective you can use to throw your juvenile epithets at, you know, laughable ignorance …
Re : ” boomers … who grew up in plenty in a stable, safe, clean, ethno-homogeneous society”
I think my previous comment undermined your claimed “stable & safe” imaginings …
As for “clean”, well, I recall a junior school project aged around 9 or 10 where we visited the local river because all the fish had disappeared through discharge and pollution. The Great Smog of London was 1952 – that was the peak but it was around for years.
Regarding your claimed “ethno-homogeneous society”, the so-called Windrush Generation arrived in the UK between 1948 and 1971 from the Caribbean.
Idi Amin kicked out the Asians from Uganda in the mid 1970’s & they came to the UK – I knew because they moved one Asian family into a house in my street that my Mum had applied for us to live in.
If you are going to split hairs about the few post war years before non-white immigration began proper, then you are trying to blame my parent’s generation who live through The Blitz and the Luftwaffe bombing raids, children who were separated from their parents and evacuated to the country to escape the bombing raids. You have on idea how this generation were affected by all of that, often carrying on that damage, to their children …
Like I said, laughable ignorance.
Lol great and musical summation !! Lol 😆 🤣
I would have been convinced Crosby is “an inspiration to us all” if I had learned more about the demons that afflicted him and their source, and of his recovery process. We know the music industry is dominated by Jews, who demand a “deal with the devil” that often includes human sacrifice of a band member, as we saw with Lennon, Jackson, Scholz etc. Perhaps Crosby’s trauma included Jewish music industry grooming.
Crosby was part of the Laurel Canyon crowd. This crowd included; Frank Zappa ,Alice Cooper, Jim Morrison, Mammas&Papas, Charle Manson, Sharon Tate, Neal Young, Steven Stills,Jackson Browne, Gerry Beckley, Dan Peek and Dewey Bunnell and many more. Crosby family are ruling class pedigree. Cindy Sheehan
“I got to hang out with David when I was still “cool” and was out their opposing Bush—when I also opposed Obama, I became anathema to CS and N (Never met the sellout Young) and all the other Hollywood libs. David Crosby has quite the ruling class pedigree, so he could afford to be counter-cultural. David “Van Cortland” Crosby: “The Van Cortlandt family was an influential political dynasty from the seventeenth-century Dutch origins of New York through its period as an English colony, then after it became a state, and into the nineteenth century. It rose to great prominence with the award of a Royal Charter to Van Cortlandt Manor, an 86,000-acre (35,000 ha) tract in today’s Westchester County sprawling from the Hudson River to the Connecticut state line granted as a Patent to Stephanus Van Cortlandt in 1697 by King William III.
Among the Van Cortland family tree are members of the Philipse family, van Rensselaer family, Schuyler family, Livingston family, the de Peyster family, the Gage family, the Jay family (including John Jay, the Founding Father and first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), and the Delanceys.”
These muscians are connected through family to army, navy, airforce intellegence. Jim Morrison father was an admiral and a key figure in the Vietnam War.
Laurel Canyon
The Hippy movement was a CIA psyop started at Berkly Timothy Leary
Correct, learning how may of the “Laurel Canyon crowd” had parents in military intelligence was astounding.
Pardon me ..It may be unrelated or improper…WHY many gentiles/goyim talented artists once they entered Hollywood they become such a human mess?? is that the way they want them$$$ ??
Look how the Hollywood ‘child stars’ all turn out. Look how they changed Miley Cyrus overnight from ‘girl next door’ to total slut, it really couldn’t BE any more obvious.
This is one of six million examples of why we put Jews at the heart of our Nakba – there simply isn’t any other group on earth with a similar satanic historical record.
David Crosby came onto the music scene at the right moment in time and with his specific skill set achieved significant fame and fortune. His drug and alcohol abuse was little different from dozens of other musicians/singers arising in the 60s and onward. Why is it necessary to put Crosby on the pedestal of admiration for choosing life? His music brought great pleasure to millions, myself included, but his existence was no more meaningful than millions of others who have chosen life instead of drugs and alcohol. I much prefer to admire the unsung heroes who know what to do and do it.
i have spent the better part of a lifetime attempting to not think of people such as he. Another degenerate being valorized by contributors who I cannot help but feel are too young to have been alive during the days of glory of these culture crushing individuals One carries on as if they are bards and minstrels from a long forgotten time. Almost all complicit in the overt influences of seducing young people into drug use and sexual license. I was there and know whereof I speak.
All the “love and idealism” i missed that memo all if felt was revulsion looking at moderately talented people dirty and loud and in many instances violent. Anger not properly repressed. Oh in his later years he managed to get his addictions under control ? who in the name of all that is holy got him and others to take the drugs in the first place. He apparently replaced it with a food addiction but point is he was never willing or able to control his passions and we all know what Paul said about that. My friend was mick jagger’s business manager for decades I shudder to think of reaction when that particular “cultural icon” bites the dust. Some of the instrumentalists were quite good frankly much better than music and songs they played. These people disrupted an enjoyable haute culture and I resented it then and continue to do so today.
I concur with all of that. Well said Donna.
You ask : “who in the name of all that is holy got him and others to take the drugs in the first place.”
Turn On.
Tune In.
Drop Out.
The CIA’s Timothy Leary and their Counter Culture and the injection of drugs into society from the likes of Gordon Wasson, PR VP @ JP Morgan, along with their research use for behaviour control from Sidney Gottlieb, Ewen Cameron et al.
Free LSD for the fans at Grateful Dead concerts and degenerates like Crosby were the vehicles through which all of that was sold to the hapless hippies, many of whom have been and some still are, running the institutions after their long, guided march …
See also :
Manufacturing the Deadhead: A Product of Social Engineering… by Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin @ logosmedia
Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon : Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream
by David McGowan
Enjoy the trip baby …
I guess I’ll be the only one. I’m sick of people trying to make these drug addicted and mentally ill sound as if they were some sort of victim of themselves. This guy has spewed negative rhetoric about our country and people that I don’t think this brain addled abuser could have even understood. I’m sorry when anyone dies but addicts only care about themselves so when this nose clown gave his opinion I did not wish to hear it. Dirty hair and scalp? What a mess. I’m 70 and this jerk along with a bunch of others of his ilk attempted to destroy everything that brave and willing individuals gave their up lives to uphold. I’ll listen to what a very backwoods and so called uneducated military private has to say before some self abusing pig who has been fed millions of dollars for bad deeds. RIP David Crosby.
Hear hear. Bravo sir.
I’m not sorry when degenerates die. Good riddance.
I agree, entirely. After an exceedingly active life I had to google his image to assess what commenters are speaking of.
To clear my brain nightly I watch the innumerable KIDS HAVE TALENT shows. From ROMANIA GOT TALENT to INDONESIA GOT TALENT.
Unsurpassable and reassuring !
You write: “in mid-life, he managed to confront his personal demons admirably well, enough . . . apparently, do well in his personal life.” Well, one of his daughters apparently refused to talk with him and one of the sons for which he was sperm donor with Melissa Etheridge died of an opioid addiction at 21. Doesn’t sound like he was that great of a father.
I’m always surprised at how much abuse some human bodies can stand and still survive. 81 is pretty old for all that self inflected destruction.
Crosby and all other stars in the entertainment industry are vastly over compensated for their contributions to society, that includes professional athletes.
Keith Richards and Mick Jagger are examples of this … those 2 alone are the poster children of ‘what you’re not supposed to do’ … and, yet, they’re still here — going strong …
Great article. Representing the versatility for which I value TOO so greatly.
Musicians of his level are Gods Among Men. When they make high art (such as, I would contend, “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes”), they know what they do. Their art transcends their own personal, social, or political views and can be a balm and inspiration even for us Right-wingers.
*they know NOT what they do.
I know that there is no accounting for taste, but, I have just listened to that piece, (“Suite: Judy Blue Eyes”) while following the rather banal lyrics.
I cannot recall ever hearing such awful supposed harmonies. The song itself is just dreadful. The music, unappealing to me.
If you consider that to be “high art”, then I suggest expanding your horizons quite a lot.
Crosby was part of the Laurel Canyon crowd. This crowd included; Frank Zappa ,Alice Cooper, Jim Morrison, Mammas&Papas, Charle Manson, Sharon Tate, Neal Young, Steven Stills,Jackson Browne, Gerry Beckley, Dan Peek and Dewey Bunnell and many more. Crosby family are ruling class pedigree. Cindy Sheehan
“I got to hang out with David when I was still “cool” and was out their opposing Bush—when I also opposed Obama, I became anathema to CS and N (Never met the sellout Young) and all the other Hollywood libs. David Crosby has quite the ruling class pedigree, so he could afford to be counter-cultural. David “Van Cortland” Crosby: “The Van Cortlandt family was an influential political dynasty from the seventeenth-century Dutch origins of New York through its period as an English colony, then after it became a state, and into the nineteenth century. It rose to great prominence with the award of a Royal Charter to Van Cortlandt Manor, an 86,000-acre (35,000 ha) tract in today’s Westchester County sprawling from the Hudson River to the Connecticut state line granted as a Patent to Stephanus Van Cortlandt in 1697 by King William III.
Among the Van Cortland family tree are members of the Philipse family, van Rensselaer family, Schuyler family, Livingston family, the de Peyster family, the Gage family, the Jay family (including John Jay, the Founding Father and first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), and the Delanceys.”
These muscians are connected through family to army, navy, airforce intellegence. Jim Morrison father was an admiral and a key figure in the Vietnam War.
Laurel Canyon
The Hippy movement was a CIA psyop started at Berkly Timothy Leary
I did not flinch when I saw that he had died, even though at one time I liked the Byrds and CSNY.
I’m pretty sure that I recall Crosby being on board with a number of stupid progressive issues.
I think Neil Young found out a while back that he’s no longer significant when he pulled his music from Spotify
for some dumb cause and nobody cared. A comment above blasts “boomers” and such comments always scream
jew to me, because boomer bashing is a cover for what the jews have actually done to our people. Music is totally jewed, and all musicians have to openly back every jew cause, every anti-white movement, every pro-homo pro-black pro-fag stupidity that the jews can think up.
I don’t admire ANY of the jew tools….almost every entertainer must become a jew tool to succeed and Crosby is not an exception.
Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood are two exceptions, but it’s hard to think of any others.
CSNY was just another hippie band that pushed drugs and sex and rebellion. At least they were against the Vietnam war back then….but I bet that Crosby would have backed
The entertainment industry is simply an extension of judaism, so most of it is garbage by definition.
Crosby may have been the most loathed rock star of all time.
His former bandmates refused to speak to him and he had a history of trashing other artists like Eddie van Halen who had just died.
Just a pompous, conceited liberal blowhard.
“If you’re a Trump supporter don’t come to our concerts” – David Crosby
Says the guy that went back to speedballs right after being the recipient of an liver donor that was – if I’m not mistaken, from a young kid who didn’t get choose their fate.
The left is now renting storage units for all the skeletons they have to coverup in order to conceal their trail of catastrophic failures.
I looked David Crosby up on Wikipedia. If only half of what they say is true, he reached a level of depravity that really should take your breath away. Crosby left a sea of haggard faces (and worse) in his wake, and what do I read here – an article about how he should be an “inspiration to all of us” for having supposedly turned his life around. I guess that the liver transplant can take credit for that. Jesus take me now – a g.d. liver transplant!
Maybe you could manage a nice word or two about someone who’s been a big star in the music industry for decades – but who never took drugs or drank alcohol at all in the first place, and stays married to one woman for 42 years, and they’re still together. I am referring to the one and only Angus Young, duckwalking guitarist of AC/DC. I think that someone in a rock band who manages to live a relatively clean life, having never partaken of mood altering substances, is more deserving of an article, even though surrounded by others who acted as rock musicians tend to do. Or is it only degenerates who deserve our admiration.
Yeah, but AC/DC’s music was basically aural pornography. It also glorified alcohol abuse, which claimed the life of the band’s original lead singer, to millions of impressionable (and none-too-bright) young people. (“Have A Drink On Me”) And they only produced around 20-25 memorable songs in a 50-year career.
The job of an artist is to produce quality art, not to be moral paragons.
My main problem with Crosby is that I find his post-Byrds music to be turgid. I do like the Byrds quite a lot, though.
No. The object of ALL AUTHENTIC MEN is to be the best that they can be, which includes a BIG TILT towards morality and decency before their “supposed art” crap. And ON THE PROMOTION END(which is where most of us tend to be with funding these celebrities), the same applies to us. The American Founders toasted over drinks(like you accuse ac/dc of singing as being something bad), our Founders were not degenerate filth that hated their nation/people and served kikerats and satan like crosby. That said im not accusing ac/dc of being paragons of virtue either, but the reality is that they started rockin in their teens while being influenced by worse music filth(like crosby) and they became famous and angus managed to do what is virtuous across a wide swath and managed to set a GREAT example if not a perfect example comparatively speaking, when ranked across the entire realm of the kikerat driven rocknroll world.
I don’t think the Founding Fathers ever toasted to lines like this:
“I’m dizzy, drunk and fighting
On tequila, white lightnin’
Yeah, so come on, have a good time
And get blinded out of your mind
So, don’t worry about tomorrow
Take it today
Forget about the check, we’ll get hell to pay
Going another round
Gonna hit the ground, etc.”
And I don’t think their toasts were set to driving rock music that makes one want to recklessly imbibe. I find this song particularly distasteful in that it was recorded shortly after their singer’s death from alcohol poisoning.
But whatever. I like many AC/DC songs, I just find their music overall to be samey. Personally, I don’t think rock musicians are important enough to worry about their private flaws much.
No, I’m not making any claims this way or that about AC/DC’s or anyone else’s music. I was only demonstrating that being immersed in the dirty stupid pop music industry does not automatically produce characters like Crosby or Bon Scott. But boozy or not, I’d rather listen to (and look at) Bon Scott any day; David Crosby was repulsive from the get-go. However, that’s just me (a female) talking.
Malcolm Young, boss-man of AC/DC, recovered from his serious alcohol addiction after a stint in rehab. Afterwards,he guided and managed the band expertly – not a small job. He was a pretty tense sort without the liquor, but he knew he had a large responsibility and carried it out like a real man until he went into a nursing home.
@Ed Jones. Thanks for your comments.
Word is five foot tall Mal could start bar fights… which is pretty amazing stuff… maybe he used chairs and other tools to help him along.
I’d also mention ted nugent for the same general reasons.
Never drank 🤠 yeah right 🤣 never drank like Bon Scott..
i walked into a war…never suspecting the system was wrong…i emerged flawed….100% disabled PTSD Army veteran…i had all the above issues…& still do…we are all flawed…
One fact I forgot in my comment relating to the Laurel Canyon Crowd is the fact the US Army built the most advanced audio/Video studio in the Laurel Canyon area during that time.
This is a wonderful story, ty. Diet and exercise really helped me at one point. Ironically, I was out of the habit of going to the gym due to Covid shut downs. But I’ve been back for a long time now. It’s very easy to get out of the habit of things.
I find stress is a problem sometimes, but that’s self-harm in a sense. It’s easy to get overly negative when the political trajectory is so negative.
Unrelated: Brazil and Argentina are getting a common currency. I expect that will be the future US currency. The US will hope to merge North and South America to compete with China. That’s likely the plan for the US anyway. It might not happen, but it explains why immigration doesn’t matter, why spending doesn’t matter, and why China doesn’t frighten Neocons. They plan to expand.
They’ll do it by labeling the new polity as not America, as some victory over Anglos, but it will be the same people in power. Similarly, when Trotsky lost to Stalin, the Trotskyites just moved to the US, used the US to defeat the SU. Anyway, just my thoughts today. I hope I make it to 83.
Your thoughts are appreciated and valued. I’m less than half your age and respect your opinions.
I hope you make it to 93. I think you will.
Ty. I take fairly good care of my health now. I really feel like I haven’t yet begun as an activist. There are so many things I want to get involved in, politically, so many opportunities.
If anything does happen to me, keep in mind that I’m just the product of the 1990s and early 2000 right wing. So, any ideas I post are just from that.
Dr. Fleming once said poets are most needed. My memory interprets that to mean: a poet can write a beautiful concept, attract others to it. The most beautiful nationalist concept I’ve seen, which could attract others globally, is GK Chesterton’s Patriotic Idea essay. A “poet” could adapt those arguments, remake them in a different format, if needed.
Jews want to tear down all heritage but theirs. They want a united world with them as its oligarchy, only their heritage valued and praised. We, or I, don’t share that vision.
Much of the world seems right wing, the brain drained remnant of the developing world, for example. So, we could aim to win them over to some extent, as ironic and counter-intuitive as that sounds.
The best way to approach politics is to try to harmonize your ideas with every other idea you come across, like St. Thomas working with pagan Aristotle’s concepts.
Similarly, a political concept can be useful in one situation but not for another. So, be wary of rigid ideology.
Also, while Burnham might be right that mixing type I (fox) with type II (lion) values might be best, in practice I’m always a lion at heart. The spirit of a lion is beautiful, believes in something, serves a cause. It’s better and more alive, even if foxes tend to trick lions and take charge, especially in the modern world. A lion has a motive to live, knows real beauty.
It’s amazing that he lived as long as he did. Along with everything else, he received a liver transplant in 1994.
‘8 Miles High’ is a phenomenal song that he co-wrote. How much of which, we’ll probably never know. ‘Wooden Ship’ with CSN&Y is also great. Crosby made, or helped to make some great music. You have to give credit where credit’s due.
We have to remember that there are millions of people who abuse the crap out of themselves with drugs and alcohol and other vices. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, janitors, accounts, artists, your next door neighbor etc. Celebrities just get all the attention. And they use it as an exuse too. “Oh yeah, sorry this performance wasn’t that good, I was fucked up… Sorry I drove my car into your house, I’ve been using again..”
A good racket if you can get it.
Just like people who use sleep-aids in order to fall asleep at night, musicians use various kinds of drugs to “amp” themselves up on stage or to relax them from the inevitable stage-nervousness. Making someone play 300 nights a year and each night act like he’s “Mr. on-fire” or “Mr. I bring the party” isn’t a natural thing: it’s something we shouldn’t make people do in a decent society. Jews of course are most of the touring agencies and venue operators; and they care not a farthing about a poor burned-out goy.
wow..’The Protestant Ethic & Spirit of Capitalism’ lives in our movement…Max Weber…1905…sad….One enters a war, with the soldiers one has, not those one wished for…100% disabled US Army veteran PTSD….
Your own intellect can tell you the problem – and it does, as you note. Your own will can choose to stop – but stubbornly fails to, as you note. Admitting your addiction, and placing yourself within the influence (or grace) of a Higher Power – whatever that term means to you – are essential and have been valuable for a large number of addicts getting their life back from a desctructive addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous has the right idea. Saved my brother’s life-
I think this was a FAR FAR AND AWAY too charitable a write up for some spoiled drug-addled hippie that was mostly a useless lardass piece of shit.
One of our GRANDEST catastrophes as a race and culture is the hero worship of celebrity scum, and this guy/bum is a CLASSIC example.
My only gut instinct here tells me that you or one of your children must be(or have been) some sorry ass junkie and you hope for some great euology in the future giving yall credit for what a “hero” yall are for making it back to normal from years of dismal choices that drag down and hurt everyone around ya.
Such crap is the EPITOME of PATHETIC nonsense.
That said, I do have empathy and realize that different people have different weaknesses etc, but if wed AIM THOSE PEOPLE FROM A YOUNG AGE towards addressing the causes of weakness and also steer them from meaningless distractions and towards GREAT MEN and not stupid celebrity worship, maybe they would follow GREAT MEN and not stupid celebrities to greatness instead of to abysmal failure.
Worth a thought, no ??
So instead of worshipping a Crosby in music or a tom brady and his satanic model witch wife in niggerball, how about holding up a General Lee or a Nathan Hale or better yet a Jesus Christ as an ideal ??
We need to RE-CREATE from whole cloth what and who are our celebrities and heroes in the West.
So fuck Crosby and all his crap hippie music(and fuck all his loser bandmates too, including young).
Hopefully I was clear enough… 😆 🤣
David saved many lives by consuming all those drugs for himself.. Probably up to 500 people… he’s really a humanitarian..
this post has ignited more comments than i can remember….Our people are emerging from the Good, Bad & the Ugly….100% disabled Army veteran PTSD….