Magical Thinking at The New York Times

First, you need to understand that the Times is no longer a newspaper, but more of a shaman. The paper used to report news. Anyone reading it for information these days might as well pull into a gas station and expect the nice man in a crisp white shirt to dash out and pump his gas.
Much like a Starfish tuna factory, the news comes in, then has to be cleaned, chopped up, soaked in oil and tightly packed into a tin can. If you peered into the Times’ back room, you’d find hundreds of woke scriveners repacking the news to fit the narrative.
Second, an urgent cleanup operation was needed to explain the paroxysm of violence that followed 2020’s anti-cop mania pushed at places like the Times. It simply could not stand to have people imagine that revering criminals while anathematizing the police would have any effect on the crime rate.
No, that wouldn’t do. The facts had to be retrofitted into an alternative narrative. What was the best backup explanation? The pandemic!
Attributing the massive crime wave to the pandemic solved two problems that would have arisen had the Times simply reported the facts: the upsurge in black crime, and the Times’ active encouragement of such.
Unfortunately, doing a rain dance to bring rain is quantum mechanics compared to the Times’ cause-and-effect theory about “The Pandemic” inciting the post-George Floyd violence.
Here are the facts.
During the first few months of the pandemic, violent crime plummeted everywhere. You couldn’t have missed it. The Washington Post, Politico, Voice of America, Cambridge University, and on and on and on — even the Times itself! — reported that violent crime had virtually disappeared in cities around the world due to the COVID shutdowns.
And then on May 25, a fentanyl addict with a bad ticker died in police custody in Minneapolis, whereupon the de-policing demands of Black Lives Matter swept the nation with the active encouragement of all organs of elite liberal opinion, especially the Times.
Cops, the only people who seem to really believe “black lives matter,” risking their lives to bring safety to dangerous neighborhoods, were viciously slandered and kneecapped at every turn. Again, especially by the Times.
You’ll never guess what happened next.
After going into free fall during the first 10 weeks of the pandemic, homicides and aggravated assaults in the U.S. rose by about 35% from Floyd’s death to the end of June. Burglaries, mostly commercial, shot up by an eye-popping 190% the last week of May — the height of looting during the “mostly peaceful protests.”
Other countries, also affected by the pandemic, saw no such rise in violent crime.
During the Summer of Floyd, murders increased by 42% in the 21 largest U.S. cities. By the end of 2020, the national murder rate had increased by 30%. That’s double the next largest hike on record, in 1968, the heyday of the country’s last experiment with liberal crime policies, when the murder rate rose by a comparatively paltry 12.7%.
Rarely has data on any change in human behavior been so clearly demarcated as it is in the crime rate pre- and post-George Floyd’s death.
Blacks — you know, the people whose lives allegedly “matter” — bore the brunt of this orgy of violence. The CDC reports, for example, that firearm murders of Black people surged by nearly 40% in 2020, the greatest increase of any demographic group.
It’s understandable that the very same news outlets fanning the flames of anti-police hysteria in the wake of Floyd’s martyrdom — directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Black people — would want to shift blame to “The Pandemic.” But witch doctors have more empirical evidence for their diagnoses than the Times does for its repeated pronouncements that the pandemic caused violent crime.
At least voodoo practitioners probably believed their magical thinking. The Times’ Tourette-like hectoring about the pandemic proves the paper is lying and knows it’s lying. Nothing true needs to be endlessly repeated with such tenacity. (See also: “Climate Change.”)
In an article this week on the skyrocketing crime on New York City subways, Times reporter Ana Ley blamed the pandemic nearly a dozen times for the explosion of violence — violence that inexplicably began 10 weeks into the pandemic, but immediately after May 25, 2020.
“… an uptick in subway crime during the pandemic …”
“… safety concerns, which climbed among passengers during the pandemic …”
“… safety on public transit had gotten worse since the pandemic began …”
“… she has stopped riding the subway past 6 p.m. during the pandemic.”
It’s as if the Times has a typewriter key “during the pandemic” that must be inserted into any sentence mentioning “crime.”
It’s hard to make yourself stupid enough to come up with a similar post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy, but how about right-wingers start attributing mass shootings to “the Clinton presidency”?
… an uptick in mass shootings that began during the Clinton presidency …
… mass shootings, which climbed during the Clinton presidency …
… mass shootings have become more common since the Clinton presidency…
… dance studio says it will reopen after 67th Clinton-era mass shooting …
… as mass shootings continue, Hillary Clinton struggles to talk about other issues …
At the Times, the pandemic is a sorcerer’s hex, the cause of violent crime. For unfathomable reasons, it just takes a few months to kick in. The COVID god works in mysterious ways.
The Times absorbs birdcage droppings better than most rags.
Well, the legacy media are a business racket. A criminal racket but who’s keeping score? If it would serve, the NYT would claim that the moon is made of green cheese. Government + toadies pay them. The chumperie sucks it up. It is so liberating to just fabricate whatever pleases. This model works until enough people defect to competitors or the Washington tap runs dry. And then, the news parasites will run off to other rackets to keep going, deny they had any responsibility and carry on spewing some other rubbish.
Of course, it is also possible that the whole lot could wind up hanging from lamposts. Which would be known as justice.
“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” Nice. Have you ever noticed that the Jews – cleverly hidden behind such hackneyed, meaningless phrases like humanism, humanity, democracy, tolerance, diversity etc. – are always and exclusively about (alleged) “rights” but never about duties? One could call this specific, nature-distant, unworldly way of looking at the world and proceeding as a parasitic principle existing immanently in all their doings.
Who wants to be reminded and confronted with having not only rights but also duties? Jews make themselves popular with all third-worlders and all kinds of “minorities” (which in many places have long since begun to be overwhelming majorities) by making them aware of their “rights”. Duties but no rights at all, on the other hand, are possessed only by the slaves, servants and vicarious agents of the Jews, the white goyim hated and despised by them. They shall suffer blood, sweat and tears without end, because the Jew knows no pity for their concerns.
Imagine that the Jews would not propagate that all non-whites had much more rights than duties towards whites, but the other way round: that from the incomprehensibly technically advanced and civilizing achievements of the whites above all duties for the non-white inhabitants of the earth would arise, and for the whites the fundamental inalienable right to claim this debt from the disrespectful and immeasurably spoiled beneficiaries of their benefits.
Duties on which they are naturally entitled to insist, because achievement is not a one-way street, but certainly not a dead end, but is based on the principle of give and take, of a fair and balanced exchange of performance, energy and matter. A contribution has no right to be claimed without consideration, unless one of the two “unequal partners” is a baby and the other is its parent nurturing it.
So if someone cannot contribute to the whole through mental work, then he must provide and contest it through physical work and commitment. Imagine the Jews suddenly propagating that whites have a right to their existence and continuity, even to their pioneering and exemplary role, and a duty to defend and enforce exactly this.
No, that is inconceivable, because the Jews are not concerned with our well-being (and in truth also not at all with “justice”), but exclusively and alone with the systematic plundering of our life substance and future chances. If Jews would put the world twisted by them back again from the head to the feet, i.e. would bring again sense into the nonsense, then it would be over with their arrogated supremacy and merciless exercise of power, then they would be no more Jews and nobody would give them a bonus only for their hypocritical self-pity any more.
That the Jews nevertheless “unswervingly” insist on their “innocent” victim role as since old times, is indeed a historical sigularity which contradicts every multidimensional (spiritual, physical, as metaphysical) lawfulness of the natural order. And indeed the absolutely only one which ever existed up to now in the whole universe!
The logical mind asks at any time: Can any general regularities be derived from this supposedly “specific single behavior”? In the same way he rummages in his memory: “Where does this constellation/situation appear to me just so disreputably familiar?” He can’t help but follow his nose, which in the end will always come across the Jew.
The Jew cannot get rid of his “universal” staining suspicion, because the suspicion basically remains where the guilt is. Cause and effect, sowing and reaping. The Jew is willing to cancel out the laws of nature in his favor and to declare them “ineffective”. He is the enemy of the nature which defends itself every time again against his unnatural working.
Translated with (free version)
SIX-MONTHS of nationwide George Floyd BurnLootMurder terror included violently-enforced “Autonomous Zones” & government buildings destroyed.
That was FAR MORE an insurrection than the SIX-HOUR-long B&E (breaking & entering) of one government building.
Call it what it is — the George Floyd INSURRECTION.
Right about the cause for the increase in violence.
Completely wrong about climate change and pandemic
one truth plus two lies.
Keep paying attention to this rhinoplasticjewess.