15 Days to Flatten the Truth

It made news this week when The Lancet, a once-respected medical journal, finally admitted that there’s such a thing as “natural immunity” with COVID. (Is it too much to hope that, in another three years, The Lancet will cease referring to women as “bodies with vaginas”?)
Several months into “15 days to flatten the curve,” actual experts, like the Great Barrington Declaration scientists, began screaming from the rooftops about natural immunity. They argued — correctly, as it turns out — that we should protect the vulnerable while allowing those not at risk to go about their lives, get COVID and acquire immunity.
Millions upon millions of wrecked lives later (including 170,000 excess non-COVID deaths), the people who lied to us for their own selfish motives — getting on TV, high ratings for their panic porn, the joys of bossing other people around [and changing the voting system to make it easier to cheat]— are quietly admitting the truth.
Contrary to hysterical warnings in 2020 that “people you know” will die from COVID and “it’s definitely not just the flu,” I still don’t know anyone who knows anyone who died from COVID. For most people, it was “just the flu.”
How could the truth about natural immunity be suppressed for so long? At least there weren’t repeated studies during our COVID hell proving the strength and durability of immunity from a prior COVID infection.
Oh, except these:
May 2021: Washington University School of Medicine study finds “robust” antibodies still present at least 11 months after infection.
June 2021: Cleveland Clinic study finds no benefit from vaccination to those with natural immunity.
July 2021: Emory University Vaccine Center study finds “durable and broad immune memory after SARS-CoV-2 infection.”
August 2021: Israel study finds natural immunity “confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization” than two shots of the vaccine.
But medical journals, the mainstream media and “public health authorities” dismissed the notion that a prior COVID infection served any useful purpose. Those who mentioned it were treated like flat-earthers.
Days after the Great Barrington Declaration was released, the man chosen by President Donald Trump to lead the country’s response to COVID, Anthony Fauci, and Trump’s director of the National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins, colluded to ensure there would be a “quick and devastating published takedown” of the declaration.
As we now know, Twitter dutifully shadow-banned at least one of the signatories, Jay Bhattacharya.
Governors who followed the science — as opposed to Anthony THE SCIENCE Fauci — and opened their states were ripped in deranged headlines.
— “God Save the Florida Governor From His Stupidity” — The New Republic
“Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice” — The Atlantic. (President Trump also criticized the state, after a careful examination of the scientific evidence, no doubt.)
The final score on age-adjusted COVID deaths by state proves that the shutdowns accomplished absolutely nothing. Florida, for example, did way better than New York, New Jersey, West Virginia and Washington, D.C. — all top 10 “most aggressive” lockdown states. New Jersey did a lot worse than Wyoming, Kansas and Missouri, three of the least locked-down states. Whatever the explanation for the death rates — ethnicity, wealth, education, population density — it’s clearly not about how masked and locked-down a state was.
The Lancet’s long-delayed admission sent me to Nexis to review the important medical advice I’d been getting from MSNBC’s TV doctors.
— “The 11th Hour With Brian Williams,” June 7, 2020
Dr. Murtaza Akhter, clinical assistant professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine: “Natural immunity is fine for a little bit. But that is not the way to protect yourself. The way to protect yourself from COVID is by being vaccinated and by just not getting it.”
— “All In With Chris Hayes,” Oct. 18, 2021
Dr. Syra Madad, an infectious disease epidemiologist and senior director of the Special Pathogens Program at New York Health and Hospitals system: “With natural infection … it’s like playing a game of Russian roulette. … You know, through natural infection, you’re risking a whole lot, not just yourself, but you know, for the community.”
— “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Oct. 27, 2021
Dr. Vin Gupta, NBC News medical contributor (in one of hundreds of appearances on MSNBC, I’m sure to the delight of his overworked colleagues): “People relying on natural protection, those antibodies are just not where they need to be to prevent an infection.”
— “The 11th Hour With Brian Williams,” Nov. 18, 2021
Gupta: “Natural immunity is 20% as effective at keeping you out of the hospital, in preventing serious illness. … It’s not nearly as effective as vaccine-induced immunity.”
— “The ReidOut With Joy Reid,” Jan. 10, 2022
Dr. Kavita Patel, MSNBC medical contributor: “Here’s the problem with natural immunity. It doesn’t last at the same levels forever.”
You couldn’t get the truth about a worldwide pandemic that led to catastrophic responses from public health authorities, but at least MSNBC’s doctors were “diverse”!
Triple kudos and thanks Anne for this enlightening piece in defense of natural immunity and the compilation of the Globalist MSM fraudulent and fateful dis- and misinformation camping against science-based common sense. I’ll send it to my expensive VIP doctor for her edification (though, in her defense, she has to practice under the constraints of the highly politicized Medical -Big Pharma Complex).
No she doesn’t. That’s selling her soul to the pharma devil.
Reminds of the false propaganda about the origins of the Wuhan virus. Somehow mentioning the totally plausible idea that the virus probably came from the Chinese lab became totally inappropriate AND racist to say in the media.
Dems would tell me often how Trump was being racist.
In truth, he should have blamed the US also. He should have named it the US China Friendship Idiocracy virus.
There’s some attempt now by the US to blame only China which is absurd.
Plausible deniability. Lab covid is more of the fear-based mind control program.
What increase in all cause mortality?
3 weeks ago, the local VA Clinic called the VA police on me for not wearing a mask……
I assure you, you were not the only Veteran trying to get the VA medical care promised us by President Abraham Lincoln.
I too had the VA cops sicced on me 18 months ago when I told the VA front door C-19 screener to put those worthless masks where the sun doesn’t shine. Within several minutes I had four (4) VA badged and firearm-bearing thugs surrounding me. The head thug of the four, threatened me with a fedgov “ticket” for “trespassing” if I didn’t comply or just leave VA property. I decided to put on the worthless mask to secure my earned medical care. EVERY VA employee was complying with the diktats of biden’s CDC and forcing you to wear a scammask “or else”. The power of the purse, eh ?
When I had the confrontation with the VA cops/staff not one of the dozens of veterans watching rendered assistance, verbal or otherwise. That day I sadly learned and believe to this day, that former members of the armed forces of the former USA, cannot be relied on in the event of a fedgov SHTF debacle, to stand for Freedom and Liberty. They will bend over and grab their ankles like the rest of today’s Amerika.
The bad thing about these vaccines is it’s difficult to prove a problem arose from them. You have odd claims, on the one hand, that don’t seem possible; and you have other problems which do seem plausibly related that people insist aren’t.
The vaccine remains in one’s system for a time, months it seems. Both of my parents have possible side effects. My mother clearly already had natural immunity, still got injected multiple times. I dunno if I ever caught Covid, because I’ve never been very sick during this time. The only irksome thing was that people feared me when I’d cough or sneeze. So, I’d have to isolate myself due to their fears. Similarly, if I was near someone who was sick, I’d have to say I might have been exposed.
A great deal of money was lost from all this nonsense. And yes, a real plague would have been scary; but the actual experts were ignored during this ordeal. We had preventative treatments of vitamins which work to improve the immune system. We had ivermectin and HCQ for those who are ill. We had treatments which were ignored, at the cost of lives, because they weren’t profitable.
I still get requests that I be vaccinated. I had to threaten violence to keep some away from me. I got mocked by dozens. I had no idea how stupid people are. I had Dr. Bhakdi’s report, America’s Frontline Doctors advice, later comments by Dr. Malone, lots of things. I was almost entirely ignored.
Medical doctors were the worst about it. I talked to an optometrist, or ophthalmologist, recently: He has seen clear damage from vaccines. Dr. Bhakdi had a warning in one of his videos specifically regarding damage to the eye.
We had the real experts, lots more than I was aware of I’m sure, and they were ignored. IQ test failed.
It’s hard to prove the vax did any good at all, and easy to prove it caused harm. It’s doubtful anyone “caught” covid. Fear of coughing and sneezing is foolishness. No proof disease pathogens can transfer that way. Researchers tried in the most direct ways (placing mucus from sick person into nasal passages of well person) and failed.
Age, vitamin deficiency, and being overweight/metabolic syndrome seemed to be the three risks.
So, what do the experts do? Close gyms and warn against jogging. We have a system that is no longer meritocratic, whatever the explanation.
In reply to Weaver.
I am a retired clinician from Emory Hospital in Atlanta. I still have close contact with my colleagues in the Infectious Disease Department and CDC components who work in tandem partnership with Emory.
I was told, QUOTE: ( The COVID vaccine is absolutely worthless and provides no identifiable benefice to the receiver. The entire Vaccine cover story was developed to enable certain actors the ability to get the mRNA component into the population for future manipulation purposes by external agents.)
The mandatory lockdowns and vaccine mandates were totally unwarranted and only part of the master plan to force compliance. Masks created more upper respiratory illnesses from breathing in your own moist mouth bacteria and cases skyrocketed in ER’s and ICU’s.
Over 90% of masks were totally medical inappropriate and provided no virus protection at all. As a perfect example, masks handed out at VA entrances are splash protection masks and have no therapeutic benefit at all as virus protection. Cloth masks are worse because once moist, your infecting yourself.
According to Clinical experts, with many years of experience, the entire COVID scenario was a intentional scam.
BEWARE !! Of other vaccines ( Flu, Pneumonia, Shingles, etc.)
that the pharmaceutical scammers have intentionally embedded the mRNA component into. Their newest trick is childhood vaccinations. They are pushing to make the COVID shot (mRNA component) as a mandatory childhood vaccination requirement. Parents should be on guard and flatly refuse the shot.
They are trying every trick possible to get the entire globe injected. Worst part is, there are alternative methods of getting the mRNA component into the body. Food sources were being discussed.
Just as an added note: JEWS DO NOT accept vaccines. Any false photo propaganda you see of some Satanic Elf Rabbi taking a vaccination of any kind is pure fiction. Don’t fall for it!
I appreciate your reply. Dr. Malone has mentioned the vaccine tech was wanted successful by the defence department. They liked how convenient the tech would be if it worked as intended, including being safe. You might find answers following him; I obviously am not as good as is his info directly. However, he rambles a great deal. There are several books on Covid out, including one by Dr. Malone, which are likely very worth reading. I haven’t the time.
My understanding is everyone was wanted vaccinated due to the resulting lack of a control population to compare with. I suspect the tech is now falling out of popularity due to the problems it creates. Bill Gates seems to have soured on it. A recent Project Veritas video suggests the Covid vaccines couldn’t be released quickly enough to get ahead of mutations.
It could well be that reduced fertility was a goal after that side effect was discovered. Many want fewer humans.
I’ll keep what you say in mind. I’m always following events somewhat; so, I’ll compare with information I get.
The COVID-19 magic virus allegedly killing and maiming millions has never been scientifically proven to exist. Illnesses and deaths attributed to COVID are normal cold and flu ailments or other comorbidities exacerbated by gamma radiation and weakened immune systems caused by ingesting poisonous food, air, water and drugs; and repeated injections of toxins labelled as vaccines administered from birth to death by the healthcare professions.
COVID-19 is a planet wide psy-op, a scamdemic designed to increase fear induced illness and to ramp up acceptance of experimental injections of unknown experimental substances that are not vaccines since they don’t protect recipients from illness.
The Khazarian Mafia spent years getting patents and organising and planning to use those injections as bio-weapons but Trump arranged for the military to intercept many batches, replacing many injections with saline and/or beneficial substances.
Anti-COVID-19 injection campaign was a lethal KM hoax. They were not intended to prevent illness or it’s transmission and batches not intercepted and replaces by the military are causing more injury and death than flu and comorbidities labelled as COVID-19, as evidenced by greatly increasing death rate from unknown causes since the medical profession began inserting these injections.
In Murder by Injection (1988) Eustace Mullins wrote: ‘The practice of immunization goes directly against the discovery of modern holistic medical experts that the body has a natural immune defence against illness. The Church of Modern Medicine claims that we can only be absolved from the peril of infection by the Holy Water of vaccination, injecting into the system a foreign body of infection, which will then perform a Medical Miracle, and will confer life-long immunity, hence the term, “immunization.” The greatest heresy any physician can commit is to voice publicly any doubt of any one of the Four Holy Waters, but the most deeply entrenched in modern medical practice is undoubtedly the numerous vaccination programs. They are also the most consistently profitable operations of the Medical Monopoly’.
Murder by injection – https://www.heritage-history.com/index.php?c=read&author=mullins&book=injection&readAll=true
Doctors and healthcare ‘professionals’ touting and/or administering anti-COVID-19 injections of unknown experimental substances; and politicians and governments that recommend, mandate or condone those procedures are criminally and civilly liable for subsequent injuries or deaths caused by injection into peoples’ bodies of substances they didn’t want. That constitutes facilitating RAPE. Anyone responsible for doing that should be held legally accountable pursuant to the Nuremberg Code.
No one responsible for government, hospital or other authorities mandating or condoning use of anti-COVID-19 injections can avoid responsibility by now pretending they couldn’t prevent use of those injections.
Devotees taking their fifth anti-COVID “vaccine” are playing ‘Russian Roulette’ and must eventually hit the ‘Jackpot’. Either they’ll get a dose from a lethal batch or the accumulation of foreign substances injected into their bodies will destroy their immune system.