Burning Questions, Even Hotter Answers
From time to time, my readers email me asking for my take on issues of the day. (This has happened twice.)
I feel more obliged than usual to respond, now that we know that the rest of the media cannot state an opinion on anything until they figure out which side Trump is on.
MSNBC: Trump is against men in women’s sports? … Children will DIE if men cannot compete in women’s sports!
Fox News: Trump says he built the wall? … Go Trump! He’s built 0.2% of the wall! ONLY 1,305 MILES TO GO!
I may be cruel, brusque or impatient, but I don’t lie. When I say something, it’s because I think it’s true, not because I’m angling to get a show on MSNBC or a call from President Trump.
So here are my answers to readers’ fictional questions.
QUESTION: Are books like David Cole’s “Republican Party Animal,” Ryan Anderson’s “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment,” and Jared Taylor’s “A Race Against Time,” “White Identity,” “Face to Face With Race” and “If We Do Nothing” still banned from Amazon [and Keivn MacDonald’s The Culture of Critique or Separation and Its Discontents.]?
Why yes they are! But please tell me more about how Gov. Ron DeSantis is Hitler for removing pornography from Florida schools.
Liberal brainteaser: What’s the difference between a book in a public school and a book that is simply available for purchase on Amazon? Think hard. You only have three hours.
BREAKING NEWS! Jean Raspail’s “Camp of the Saints” is now available from Amazon on Kindle!!!
Other News In Book Banning: Barnes & Noble — unlike Amazon — sells “When Harry Became Sally,” “Camp of the Saints” — albeit in French only — and all of Taylor’s books [but not The Culture of Critique or Separation and Its Discontents.]
1) Maybe Jeff Bezos should spend less time on his rockets and more time overseeing Amazon’s censorship department.
2) “Republican Party Animal” is the hottest book on Earth.
QUESTION: What was the best use of “In Other Words” this week?
Thank you for asking. For the uninformed, the “In Other Words” technique is how liberals insert crackpot words in a conservative’s mouth, by saying or implying, in other words …
This week’s winner is MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid for describing Republicans’ response to Donald Trump in 2016 as: “Shit, I wanna grab ’em by the pussy, too.”
It’s like she can read our minds!
QUESTION: What did you think of Scott Adams’ Dilbert cartoon being dropped from newspapers for his “racist rant”?
To refresh your recollection, Adams misread a meaningless, click-bait poll, claiming it showed that a majority of black people disagreed with the statement “It’s okay to be white.” (In fact, the poll showed the opposite.) He then concluded that blacks hate whites, so whites should — here’s the part that got played on a loop — “get the hell away from black people.”
At that point, everyone on TV expressed utter shock at his advice. (For a day or two, Adams’s remarks even pushed aside Jan. 6 coverage!)
I happened to notice something about the indignant.
— MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: “It’s just flat-out racism. … This would have been racist in 1955! If somebody had gone on ‘The Steve Allen Show’ and said, ‘My best advice would be to stay away from black people,’ that person in 1955 would have been in trouble.”
Scarborough lives in New Canaan, Connecticut, which is 0.7% black.
— CNN’s Alisyn Camerota: “Scott Adams went on a racist rant in which he said — and I’m quoting — ‘the advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people.’”
Camerota lives in Westport, Connecticut, 1% black.
— CNN’s Jake Tapper: “Blatant racist remarks. A fairly racist statement, as blatant as it gets.”
Tapper lives in a $3.7 million dollar home in Northwest Washington, D.C., an overwhelmingly white area of a city that is majority black.
Shall I go on? I think not.
I don’t begrudge anyone for living in a “low crime” neighborhood with “good schools,” but it’s striking how the very people loudest in their condemnation of Adams seem to have arranged their own lives in strict accordance with his “racist” advice.
Maybe sit this one out.
QUESTION: I like Gov. Ron DeSantis for keeping Florida open, opposing pointless wars, sending illegals to Martha’s Vineyard and a million other things. But isn’t he going to be another Scott Walker, a widely admired governor who fizzled the moment he announced for president?
Highly unlikely. I couldn’t remember why I dumped Walker mere seconds after watching his presidential announcement speech, so I looked it up.
Walker began, “As kids, my brother David and I enjoyed going over to the home of a neighbor by the name of Claire Congdon.”
We then heard a lot about the Congdons: Mr. Congdon’s manning the concession stand at baseball games, his work with the Boy Scouts, his help in getting Walker into “Badger Boys State” as well as “a program called Boys Nation.” It was, Walker told the surely rivetted audience, “my honor to be chosen to represent Wisconsin” at Boys Nation.
At one point, Walker spent a solid minute describing how he buys shirts at Kohl’s department store. (Interested? He goes to the sale rack, uses coupons from the Sunday paper as well as the flyer giving him 15 or 20% off — “or even 30% if we are really lucky” — and presents the cashier with “Kohl’s cash.”)
Apparently, this was supposed to be a metaphor for supply side economics, but it seemed more like an ad for Kohl’s, using ordinary people instead of actors.
Anyway, Walker went on to win the student council election that year, and the rest is history.
Ann, you may be a bit shrill, but you are definitely NOT a shabbos shill.
Do not be discouraged by the neo-nutcase bloggers here
According to the internet Scarborough lives in a gated community in Jupiter, Florida, which is 1.41% black.
There’s an expression in Connecticut that is used by the non-woke: “Westport Stupid Yuppie Scum”.
Off Topic (Well, sort of)
Hello Kevin,
I have a burning question of my own that I’ve always wanted to ask you, as well as your contributors and commenters.
What is the primary attribute of the human brain?
I’ve asked Steve Sailer a couple of times in the comment section of his blog over at The Unz Review, but have yet to get a response. I did get one response from a troll who thought I was just being provocative or “cute”, as he put it. But the question is sincere and, it seems to me at least, relevant and useful.
Interestingly, if you use that question in a search you won’t get an answer. Either they don’t know, or don’t want us to know. Whichever it may be (and who can tell?), I’m sure they don’t want us talking about it. No surprise there. Because the answer to that question would change, well, a lot, if not everything. After all, we’re talking about the primary attribute of the human brain.
The question is relevant because the answer would direct attention to how well groups and individuals have responded to that attribute from the point of view of human adaptation. I suspect that one’s response to the answer would require all of the courage, honesty, and intelligence they could muster.
One thing’s for sure. If the answer is indeed relevant and useful, then to the extent we ignore it, or censor it and any discussion that might follow, then we choose maladaptation over adaptation. No surprise there either. Since it is becoming increasingly obvious that with the more power over human and natural recources the hostile elite acquires, the more maladaptive their behavior becomes.
And not just them, but their useful idiots, paid proxies, and everyone else who goes along to get along. But also, sadly, this extends even to those who are struggling manfully to free themselves from the death grip the hostile elite has them in.
In any event, it just seems to be a relevant question to ask, and the answer useful to know, whether one is coming at it from the point of view of Evolutionary Psychology, or Human Biodiversity, or simply from an interest in learning about Human Behavior.
Thanks in advance for your kind attention.
@ Richard B
The primary attribute of the human brain, compared to other animals, is the ability to imagine possible future problems and to solve them. This capacity is stronger in some individuals and races than others. It includes an awareness of immortality, and therefore gives rise to a social culture of religion, ceremony and the arts. Language also is correspondingly complex in sound and syntax.
We now know that even insects have social behaviours and feel pain. But the notion that “man” is at the “top” of an evolutionary tree is quite legitimate, and furthermore that we must take positive control of future evolution. Fewer Donalds and more Kevins, please?
OK, I can see why Sam Francis liked Ann. This is a wonderful article.
For what it’s worth, I first “supported” Trump only after seeing Coulter’s endorsement (VDARE), when he was at ~1%. She made me trust him on immigration. I’m glad he won, and I expect DeSantis is best this round.
I’ve always admired how capable Ann is in televised appearances, debates really. She’s a Valkyrie. I sincerely wish her well.
Ann Coulter is MAGNIFICENT! Read “Adios, America,” if you haven’t determined that what we’re witnessing is an existential threat.
Amazon removed all of my personal book reviews, because it designated their wording as “unacceptable.” Translation: the reviews were politically incorrect in their language.
May a mighty fire come. The alternative is that everything familiar to us will end up as ashes anyway.