The Parasites’ Paradox
In this vale of tears, there is an almost Newtonian nature to life and events not only in their physical aspects but in their moral ones as well: that is, any action by individuals or groups that pushes their society down a particular path in any direction—whether one leading to freedom, stability, wealth, thrift, and power, or tyranny, chaos, poverty, and degeneracy—tends to contain within it reactive elements that make future pushes in the opposite direction easier in some way.
For example, take the interrelated elements of intelligence, thrift, wealth, and power. And furthermore, take the example of Victorian England. As Edward Dutton has argued, from at least the early modern period into the late nineteenth century, average intelligence was increasing and that, combined with the generally English and particularly Victorian ideals of thrift, honor, hard work, etc., made the English elites masters of technology and wealth such as the world had never seen and allowed them to project their power to all corners of the globe. But the path beyond that was by no means a straight line in the same direction, and as H. G. Wells showed in The Time Machine, it could easily take the elites that travelled it in an opposite or at least ironic direction. As Wells showed in rather extreme fashion, the wealth and power that intelligence and thrift built bred led to complacency, decadence, and (through dysgenic laziness and sensualism) stupidity, to the point that by the end (at least in terms of the story) the brilliant elites who once conquered the world ultimately ended up as frivolous dunces, preyed upon by the descendants of their workers.
And quite some time after the Victorian age, a very similar dynamic is playing out in the US in particular and in the West in general, thanks in large part to another peculiar trait that makes nations within the Occident powerful and weak: individualism and high trust individualism.
As Dr. Kevin MacDonald showed in Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future, white Europeans, especially northern Europeans, lack tribalism and nepotism due to their evolution in a climate too harshly cold and in an area without a major resource (such as a fertile river basin) that was controllable on a year-around basis by an extended kinship group. They instead developed a high-trust society based on oaths and honor and reputation rather than unquestioned bonds of blood. That in turn led to an extremely flexible social structure in which talent could rise and individuals were freer to pursue scientific truth for its own sake.
But every strength is usually linked to a weakness of some sort, so this high-trust individualism becomes a liability to the nations it helped raise when those nations come under assault by a parasitic elite determined to destroy them or at least enrich themselves at the expense of all others.
The standard composition of this elite appears to be led in almost every case by a mix of international, globalist bankers and financiers—with a large representation of Ashkenazi Jews (high enough to punish people and institutions with views they don’t like), with some non-Jewish Whites and non-Whites, and including a political class of Whites (with an ever-increasing percentage of non-Whites), often with ties to elite financial corporations: France’s Emmanual Macron is a former Rothschild employee; England’s Rishi Sunak had been a prominent Goldman Sachs employee; and in the US both parties swear fealty to Israel and to George Soros or his GOP counterparts.
As the elites of the European Middle Ages (a far better crowd than our own, in my opinion) gained their wealth and power through control of the land, the court systems, and the military, so our elites ensure their wealth and domination through control of central banking and opinion-making institutions (the media, academia), the buying or rigging of elections (think especially Soros’ criminal-coddling DAs), and the vicious and deadly, if in many ways inefficient, killing machine that is the military-industrial complex—though few of those involved ever get near a battlefield and none is killed on it (I told you the medieval ones were better).
While all this is a sweet deal to our elites who are increasingly disconnected from the people they rule, the corruption and inefficiency they produce amount to a raw deal for everyone else, especially Whites. But it’s a deal that threatens to awaken their wrath against the parasites who then face the paradox: unless they find within themselves the restraint to parasitize their host society only to a non-lethal degree (as almost no parasite can), their activities will soon degrade the wealth, social capital, and order built up prior to the parasitism, which had kept the host population content and fairly indifferent to the parasitism in its early stages. If, on the other hand, they continue to increase their parasitic machinations, their only chance of doing so lies in increasing their power by complete authoritarian control guaranteed to increasingly enrage the host population against them and thereby render the retribution against them all the more ferocious when it comes.
The particular means of maintaining repressive control can vary through time and geography, and in our time and in the West, it has taken the form of ever-increasing censorship, accelerating demographic replacement, and an increasingly incestuous relationship between big business and big government: in other words, muzzle, fire, or outright replace those who object to what’s being done to them and their nation. The last tactic is by far the deadliest, as it ultimately prevents the cohesion that would allow heritage Americans to throw off the parasites’ yoke and take back their nation—and the same goes for the nations of Europe. Ultimately, even with miscegenation and replacement, the parasites cannot escape their own paradox, as even very disparate people do not need perfect union to rebel against and destroy their masters; but it does guarantee that what will emerge from the rubble will be a polyglot patchwork of feuding tribes and regions rather than a nation in the true sense that has regained its freedom. The dissident’s challenge, then, is a race against time to take back or salvage part of his true nation, using the parasites’ paradox against them.
His first task in that is to take measure of the nature and composition of the TWASH (those whom the American system hurts): while most people who aren’t benefitting from our elites’ crooked endeavors are hurt by it to some extent, there are those who are especially, massively affected by it, with the owners of small businesses destroyed by the lock-downs and Whites stuck in the increasingly dark and always dysfunctional public school systems coming readily to mind; these are the people so blatantly punched in the face by the current order that the current platitudes and social taboos on race and gender, etc., are nothing but outrages to them. One of the things making it difficult for dissidents to correctly see and act on the parasites’ paradox is the love those dissidents feel toward their particular group and their desire to appeal to that group as a whole, be it Whites in general, Southerners, etc.— asking them to focus on subgroups makes them feel vaguely disloyal or dishonest. The problem with this ‘everyone in the group’ focus is that only a limited percentage of each group is TWASH (and some TWASH is outside of the group) and the rest still have a comfortable enough existence, at least materially, that the elites can usually threaten them by holding over their heads the prospects of getting them fired, making them unemployable, etc. They make an example of small numbers of them to keep the rest in line.
Thus it is critical to begin with the TWASH, giving unique focus and appeal to each subgroup of them and uniting them to leverage their power to influence, one after the other, the critical groups above them. For immediately above the TWASH lies a larger group of those who still have their jobs and reputations but are hurt enough by the parasitism (in the form of inflation, insults against them with antiwhite propaganda, etc.) that they’d be glad to oppose the regime—nonviolently, I mean, as with everything I say here—if only the effort were not futile. Above them lies an even larger group that would oppose the regime if opposition is either easy or likely to be successful. Together these three groups constitute a critical mass capable of imparting to our ideas legitimacy and respectability in the eyes of the gray men of the world: that is, those who hold no strong beliefs but will swing one way or another based on what everyone else, or at least the respectable majority of them, seems to favor. And once you get the gray men—who at this late stage of the infection are feeling pain from the parasites’ activities as well—on the side of your ideas and plans, you have the means to overwhelm those who yet support the regime either for profit or ideology, allowing you to expel the parasites from the halls of power and take back your old nation or create a new one for your people within your part of the ruins of America’s former imperium.
This is a great analysis. I like the author’s use of the acronym, TWASH. His description of our parasitic ruling class is right on target.
Emmanuel Macron is just like an effeminate Eloi, as the recent massive riots in France have demonstrated. And the US Congress is “Israeli Occupied Territory”, as Patrick Buchanan first labeled it. They have been bribed to sell out their own people. They will all end up in the trash heap of history.
OK, so they always overreach. But, this time is different. Never before was it possible for the parasite to grab control over the entire world. Or maybe they already did, and we are their slaves.
From your article:
“But it’s a deal that threatens to awaken their wrath against the parasites who then face the paradox: unless they find within themselves the restraint to parasitize their host society only to a non-lethal degree (as almost no parasite can), their activities will soon degrade the wealth, social capital, and order built up prior to the parasitism, which had kept the host population content and fairly indifferent to the parasitism in its early stages. If, on the other hand, they continue to increase their parasitic machinations, their only chance of doing so lies in increasing their power by complete authoritarian control guaranteed to increasingly enrage the host population against them and thereby render the retribution against them all the more ferocious when it comes.”
We should not fear having everything of material value taken from us. As you observed in the above quote, it is only then that we will unite in righteous wrath. But if we lose everything, what do we have left? Those things that money cannot buy: family, friends, community, nation, God. We must give up gluttony, greed, materialism and hedonism. We will no longer be able to afford those vices. We will rediscover the virtues of thrift, loyalty, justice, sacrifice, i.e., the old virtues of the Protestant Ethics.
I offer two exhibits as hopeful signposts.
Exhibit A: The German people after WWI had everything of material value taken from them by the global parasites. By 1924, they literally had nothing. Their wealth had been destroyed through hyperinflation. They were forced to sell everything they owned to buy bread to feed their families. And yet. Within a decade, they had thrown off the parasites and were rebuilding their nation in the image of their virtues.
Exhibit B: The Russian people after the dissolution of the USSR lost everything. Their industries had been taken over by the global parasites. They had descended into depression and alcoholism. And yet. Within a decade, they were throwing off their parasites and rebuilding a Christian nation which today is standing up to the parasites.
In the US, the parasites must take everything of material value from us. This is a necessary first step as the addiction to the lifestyle of the lotus-eaters is too great for any amount of logic or rhetoric to overcome. We shouldn’t mourn the loss of our luxury cars, our McMansions, our trophy wives, our consumptive lifestyles. We will find something even more valuable: our future and the future of our children and their children.
I agree with you GOSSBA, especially on the Russians. I cannot understand how otherwise very intelligent people like John Derbyshire are constantly talking about corrupt Russia is.
I always wonder how people like you think you can bridge the horrendous and all too obvious contradiction that your universalistic Semitic dogma imposes, orders and demands from all of you, namely that in your oh so holy religion there must be no difference at all between the races of the cult followers.
You seriously want to foist on us again and again the same stale wine in always new bottles! And you already operate this stupid nasty game quite unabashedly for (at least) 1000 years! At some point it has to be put to an end once and for all!
The infamous “summer hole” is waiting with
great original Judeo-American schizophrenias.
“In 1953, the newspaper decided to market a Lilli doll and contacted Max Weissbrodt of the toy company O&M Hausser in Neustadt bei Coburg.” “During a trip to Europe in 1956 with her children Barbara/Barbie and Kenneth/Ken, (((Ruth Handler))) came across a German toy doll called Bild Lilli.” The company once made bloodthirsty war toys instead of kitschy girl toys. Today, it could only score with a special edition of “Jew Bob & his plastic bomb.”
One can only flee from all this BS to another BS in the form of swimming gigantomania that a German shipyard called Meyer Werft (in Finland) is putting together to hedge the expectations of a (now) Miami-based cruise line. But there, too, the multi-racial nightmare (“fun park”) is already waiting for you.
I still dont understand why the words RACISM+ANTISEMITISM have so much power over WASPs??/..I mustconfess that very slow learner BUT I finally have began to realize that JEWS have using Hollywood/Integration/Politics/Judicial/Legisilative processes to INPOSE JUDAISM on all the USA/world goyim.. Abortions, HATE Speech Laws, Censoring, deplatforming, gay marriage, Holocausts laws, No School Praying, TRANS Laws…JUDAISM is becoming mandatory STATE Religion.
“Controversial surprise hit in the USA: This film is more successful than the new ‘Indiana Jones’.
In the USA, the film ‘Sound of Freedom’ is a surprise hit. On its first day, the flick grossed more money than the latest “Indiana Jones” film. Instead of fictional adventures, it’s about real, tough fare: kidnapped children and abuse.
The budget is small, but the success is big. ‘Sound of Freedom’ is currently causing quite a stir in the USA. No wonder: The film has already sold more tickets than the latest Indiana Jones film starring Harrison Ford (81).
As successful as the film is, it is also controversial. It is accused of being close to the extreme right-wing conspiracy group QAnon. The group is firmly convinced that the rich and powerful run a secret pedophile ring. The elites would not only sexually abuse the children, but also use the blood of the kidnapped minors to keep themselves young.”
I haven’t seen the film but from the snippets I’ve seen, it’s Brown children being saved from White perverts by savior Whites. I’d love to be wrong.
“Thus it is critical to begin with the TWASH, giving unique focus and appeal to each subgroup of them and uniting them to leverage their power to influence, one after the other, the critical groups above them.”
If successful, which is doubtful anyway, uniting all the various groups (“communities”) under one TWASH umbrella inevitably dilutes the strength of the sense of White identity and hampers the necessary unwavering purpose of the struggle to save White culture and civilization.
A successful Chinese invasion of Taiwan, another 1929/2008 financial crash (or both) or a war in the Near East against Iran (for Our Greatest Ally) which would spike oil prices up to intolerable levels will provoke a crisis of legitimacy for the ruling class. Already the U.S. Government is facing a military crisis of insufficient recruitment and retention of qualified i.e. White Christian males to keep the high-tech military functioning. The military has enough wog recruits but that’s not what they need to run the Aegis radars, Patriot and THADD batteries and nuclear propulsion and weapons systems. Conscription would be wildly unpopular like it was last time and no scumbag politician, even warmongers like Miss Lindsay Graham or Dan Crenshaw will shill for it.
This recruitment shortfall indicates that Whites are finally catching on that the U.S. Government is not their friend, does not defend the U.S. and that they need to look out for themselves and their own and screw the rest. Whites aren’t volunteering for the military because the current military doesn’t defend the country, such as it is and the U.S. Government has a vicious anti-White ethos governing it. The recruitment crisis isn’t caused by a supposedly “good” economy or the other bogus reasons the WSJ/NYT gives, the country as presently constituted isn’t worth defending by Whites whom the elites want dead and buried, six feet under.
The elites have gravely weakened U.S. military power, allowed the industrial base that supports the military to be sold off over decades for short term corporate profits and are picking fights with China and Russia at the same time with zero popular support for their wars. This is insane and a U.S. defeat and a refusal of Whites to support a war, even to defy conscription will mean the end of the parasite class. Unfortunately it will take extreme events to finally tip over the rotten edifice that constitutes the current ruling elite.
Foreign visitors to England commented on the poverty of the lower classes. Victorians could be ruthless in their pursuit of wealth (and pleasure).