GOP Pledge: No More Talking About Trump

The media are so desperate for Republicans to nominate Donald Trump that they’ve turned over 96.7% of their programming to covering him, with brief interruptions for Emmett Till updates. Like dogs playing a game of fetch for eternity, they never tire of rehashing Trump’s legal troubles, his behavior on Jan. 6 (which has now been more investigated than the Kennedy assassination), his payment to a stripper, his call to election officials in Georgia and on and on and on.
It has become clear that the media also plan to make the GOP presidential primaries entirely about Trump. Every Republican running for president is required to spend half of any interview answering questions about the former president. Even when they’re not saying anything at all about him, somehow the media make it about Trump.
Ron DeSantis gives a speech in South Carolina not mentioning Trump.
Headline: “Ron DeSantis says little about Trump indictment; decries unequal justice and ‘weaponization‘” — USA Today
Mike Pence announces he’s running for president.
Nikki Haley attacks Trump.
Headline: “Nikki Haley accused of ‘MAGA agenda’ after supporting abortion restrictions in town hall” — The Guardian
Candidates who aren’t talking about Trump are attacked for “enabling” him. MSNBC’s totally objective, nonpartisan anchor (and former Biden press secretary) Jen Psaki denounced Republicans on Monday, complaining that, unless they’re constantly berating him, “they are effectively enabling a guy who led an attempted coup. And for what? To maybe win a handful of delegates?”
Republicans, forget the pledge to support the party’s nominee. It’s pointless, irrelevant, stupid and openly defied, as it was in 2016 by Jeb! and John Kasich. The pledge we need candidates to take is this: We jointly refuse to answer any more questions about Trump. All of you, except Chris Christie.
Do you really think the media are trying to help you with this endless focus on Trump? They’re putting Republicans in a no-win situation: Either the candidates are forced to take an utterly indefensible position by defending Trump, or they’re required to write off the votes of all Trump supporters.
Democrats will never be asked to criticize any part of their coalition — and they’ve got a much crazier base than Republicans do. Why are Republicans held responsible for every nut on the right, while Democrats are allowed to skate on the core beliefs of their base?
Here are some questions Democratic candidates ought to be asked but never will be.
— Do White lives matter? Why did Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley have to apologize for saying “All lives matter” in 2016?
— What percentage of White people do you believe are racist? Should teachers and college professors who indoctrinate students to believe that all Whites are guilty of “systemic racism” keep their jobs?
— If one unionized teacher could stay home while still being paid, but 10 children would die, which would you choose? The American Federation of Teachers, a major Democratic donor, relentlessly fought to keep schools closed throughout the pandemic. A Reuters study later found that the school closures led to a 43% rise in drug-related 911 calls for people aged 20 and younger.
— Should the police be defunded? If not, will you denounce left-wing “philanthropist” George Soros? A major source of dark money for Democratic causes, this sinister figure gave $35 million to anti-police activists in 2021. Last year, as the murder rate continued to soar, he pledged to give more.
— How about ICE? Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaigned on abolishing ICE. Other Democrats who support abolishing ICE include Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kirsten Gillibrand. House Democrats have actually introduced legislation to abolish ICE.
— What is a woman? Do you think Biden’s Supreme Court pick, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, was lying when she claimed under oath not to know the answer to that question, or is she stupid?
— Should men be allowed in girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms and prisons? Should they compete in women’s sports? Should children be allowed to poison and mutilate themselves under the belief that they can change genders? Are Republican governors who ban these practices guilty of “hate” — as claimed by almost all Democrats? Do you agree with Biden that such measures are “ugly” attacks from “hysterical” and “prejudiced” people?
— If Blacks, Hispanics, Whites and Asians are not disciplined, arrested and imprisoned at their exact proportions in the population, is that proof of racism?
— Is it OK to be White? If so, will you call on liberal “hate watch” groups and college administrators across the nation to stop treating that phrase as “hate speech”?
— Should Al Sharpton be required to pay income taxes? This Democratic kingmaker has been a guest of President Biden’s at the White House at least twice, the Obama White House more than 72 times and has his ring kissed by any Democrat running for president.
The last time The New York Times investigated, about 10 years ago, Sharpton owed more than $4 million in income taxes.
While we’re on the subject, he’s also responsible for the Tawana Brawley hate hoax in 1987, and in the 1990s he helped gin up angry mobs in Crown Heights and at Freddy’s Fashion Mart in Harlem, which resulted in eight deaths.
True, that was a long time ago. Do you think if DeSantis had met with David Duke a really long time ago, the media would say, “no biggie”?
Democrats have won three national elections in a row by making them all about Trump. Unless the GOP is intent on committing suicide, their No. 1 objective has got to be preventing this from happening again. Every Republican candidate for president (except Chris Christie) has got to take this pledge. I promise not to answer any more questions about Trump.
“Welcome to Jewrassic (parable of Jewish racism?) Park – Spielberg’s first Nazi parable”
Steven Spielberg said “that with Jurassic [Park] I was really just trying to make a good sequel to Jaws. On land”. I have argued how, on these pages, his earlier shark film can be read as Jewish. Like the shark lurking beneath the waters of his earlier film, Jewishness prowls the undergrowth of his dinosaur movie which celebrates its 30th anniversary this month.
Spielberg was editing Jurassic Park while filming Schindler’s List which also celebrates its 30th anniversary later this year. It was inevitable that the two films would bleed into one another. He shot brutal blood-soaked footage of the Holocaust during the day and edited brutal blood-soaked footage of dinosaurs by night. This produced uncanny plot similarities between the two films summed up by one critic: “A wealthy and eccentric businessman who decides to risk everything to save those who are utterly different from him trapped behind electrified barbed wire and threatened with complete annihilation, filmed with beautiful cinematography and a soaring emotional score by the composer John Williams”. You may think this plot description refers to Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List but it’s just as apt for Jurassic Park.
The dinosaur park, then, echoes the centuries of Jewish artistic and historical objects, which were preserved by Nazi Germany, to create a so-called ‘Museum of an Extinct Race’. The dinosaurs are ghettoised and the dominant colours of red and yellow used to brand the park are those that have historically been used to mark out Jews from the blood libel through to the yellow star. The idea of Jews as predators in pursuit of innocent Christians is not a new one. Jews are also seen to embody fossils of a bygone age.
Popular culture has also connected Jewishness with dinosaurs. Consider the lead singer of the British Glam rock band T-Rex — the Jewish Marc Bolan. The toy dinosaur Rex in the Toy Story franchise is voiced by the Jewish actor Wallace Shawn.
Underpinning the narrative of the film is an opposition between Jewish and non-Jewish values represented by two rival groups of characters. Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler and Ian Malcolm stand opposed to John Hammond, Donald Gennaro, and Dennis Nedry.
As played by Jeff Goldblum, Malcolm is an eccentric, hipster, intellectual, scientist, and nervous talker. Malcolm raises a crucial ethical question. “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” He thus embodies a tradition of intellectual inquiry, respect for learning, and intense involvement with morality and law. But Malcolm is more than a mensch, he is macho, too. The image of him lying back with his black shirt unbuttoned to expose his lightly furred musculature turned him into a sexualised and hot Jew. He gets to be the movie’s conscience and libido.
If Malcolm stands for a macho mensch, then Hammond is, initially, the embodiment of its opposite. One might even play on the implicit treif-ness of the name of the film’s villain — Hammond as in Ham(mond) — suggesting that this film is Jurassic Pork.
Hammond is treif because he puts commerce before human life, endangering not only his workers and guests but also his grandchildren. It is telling that the gift shop is completed before the security systems. Intentionally, or otherwise, he invokes Hannah Arendt’s famous notion of the “banality of evil”.
Computer programmer Dennis Nedry, even more than Hammond, is motivated by money down to the molecular level. As played by Wayne Knight, he is instantly recognisable to viewers of the sitcom Seinfeld as Jerry’s arch-nemesis Newman. Donald Gennaro is just as bad. “The only one I’ve got on my side is the bloodsucking lawyer,” Hammond laments, using a long-established historic trope for Jewishness if ever there was one. Luckily, though, the lawyer has a Celtic given name and an Italian family name.
Spielberg’s choices reinforce the message of the film that ‘greed isn’t good’. Here, Spielberg comes down on the side of the mensches — all of whom survive — versus those on the other side, two of whom die. Hammond is allowed to live because, like Oskar Schindler, he undergoes a moral re-evaluation. Is Hammond also a stand-in for Spielberg’s father, Arnold, a pioneering computer researcher?
Jurassic Park taps into the Hebrew tradition of the golem, an artificial homunculus created by magic that, over time, has become a metaphor for something impossible to fully control and hence a danger to its creator. While the specificities of the settings and characters may differ, the story shares various points of similarity with Jurassic Park. Hammond creates life from dead matter, only to lose control of his creation. It is not just the dinosaurs that are the problem but also the technology used to clone, birth, navigate and hold them, as nothing functions properly.
Spielberg encapsulates this when Nedry tapes J. Robert Oppenheimer’s portrait on his computer screen, showing an awareness of what he has unleashed. Oppenheimer, subject of Christopher Nolan’s blockbuster biopic which opened last week, was, of course, the wartime head of the Los Alamos Laboratory, credited with being the ‘father of the atomic bomb’ for his role in developing the first nuclear weapons. As shown in Oppenheimer, on viewing the Trinity test, where the first atomic bomb was successfully detonated on July 16, 1945, he recalled words from the Bhagavad Gita: “Now I become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”'s-first-nazi-parable-avUUfJsoKlGu8b8fM24q9
Whether Steffen Spielberg (lit. Steven Playmountain), infamous “inventor” of Shoaism (cinematic Holocaustianism), too “repents” like his lying bro, to have been one of the main operators in the extermination of the white race out of greed and psychopathic malice, when it is long too late and these are mere lip service of hypocrisy?
Rabbi Playmountain “truly” regrets.
In his obscene, kitschy, artificial lying machinations, with which Rabbi Playmountain earned a golden Jewish nose at the expense of those he defamed, he was always concerned with conveying Jewish values, such as that it is not about taking advantage and greed (as in the Holocaust industry), but about “humanity”. Now we finally know (and take his word for it).
Significantly, the term comes from a distant descendant of Mendelssohn Bartholdy, who used it in a book title: “Jewrassic Park. How do you (not) build a Jewish Museum in Berlin.” However, I would rather call the monstrous “Memorial of Shame” in the same place a “Jewrassic Park.”
The question whether the “T-Rex” with his tiny stubby arms was what Rabbi Playmountain characterized him as in his typical manner, or rather a scavenger, still occupies scientists today.
“The font used in the Jurassic Park logo is a custom typeface specifically designed for the film series.” The next lie. The lettering of the Jurassic Park logo was plagiarized from a German typographer whose name escapes me at the moment (will be supplied). In any case, it was already decades old (post-war period).
What the heck? A Heck cow from “Hitler’s Jurassic Park”. Not to imagine what would have become of this wonderful tolerant and diverse world if, instead of millions of murderous savages from the Third World, a handful of such archaic animals had populated our national parks today! Purest horror, which not even billionaire Hollywood chief-rabbi Steffen Playmountain would be able to put into scene by his “AI”!
How reassuring that this monstrous project of a completely insane animal lover was still stopped in time by the democratic powers, and now consumerism and “humanism” have ruled for a long time. But the very worst thing that was permanently prevented was that these Nazi racists were once and for all deprived of any possibility to create their own empire.
I’d love to see Rabbi Spielberg’s rebuttal of this, with a lie detector of course.
Ann Coulter shilling for the controlled opposition Republican Party once again. So tiresome. Feel free to ignore.