Debate Advice for Republicans: Issues, Not Oprah
As the first Republican debate approaches, I have an urgent appeal to the candidates: Please adopt the good things Donald Trump did and skip the catastrophic parts (i.e., everything after the campaign ended on Nov. 8, 2016).
Although he presided over the most wasted presidency in history, the 2016 Trump campaign was magnificent, without peer, perfect in every respect. I described the many useful innovations of that campaign in my book “In Trump We Trust.” Please start there, Republicans.
President Trump may have been a pathetic crybaby too scared to fire his own attorney general — much less ask Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for wall funding — but in 2016, it was all image, and candidate Trump came across as strong.
Don’t fall into these consultant-created traps of presenting yourself as a weakling, candidates. Remember that you’re running to be leader of the free world. Cat ladies aren’t voting for you. Republicans are.
1) Stop using the royal “we,” e.g., “We testified before the grand jury …,” “We did our duty …,” “We decided to run ….” Committees did not do these things. You did. Be a man and say so.
2) Do not tell us about the time you were discriminated against — and yes, I’m looking at you Sen. Tim Scott and Gov. Nikki Haley. We’ve all had obstacles and don’t need to hear about yours, least of all that time in grade school when someone was mean to you.
3) Do not say “When I am president ….” This is a flashing neon sign announcing that you have zero chance of ever being within a thousand feet of the Oval Office.
4) Finally, for the love of God, please stop telling us about your families. We don’t care about your spouse, your parents or your kids. In fact, we’d prefer a first lady who doesn’t speak English.
Quiz: Who is the greatest president of the last century?
Answer: Ronald Reagan.
You think he won because he had the nicest family? He wouldn’t have been elected dogcatcher with that bunch. Yet somehow, Reagan won a 44-state landslide in 1980 and a 49-state landslide in 1984.
His wife, Nancy, badgered him throughout his presidency to be pro-choice. Note that the crucial word in the previous sentence isn’t “pro-choice”; it’s “wife.” Nancy hadn’t been elected to anything. He ignored her — and went on to ignite an economic boom that lasted 30 years, defeat the Evil Empire and restore a nation in decline to its superpower status.
But every four years, campaign consultants convince the candidates that voters are dying to hear about their families. Two for the price of one!, to borrow an embarrassing slogan of the Clintons’.
Let’s review some of the horrors from 2016:
In addition to Sen. Marco Rubio’s strange idea that having a bartender father was a crucial qualification for president, his typical opening statement went something like this:
“My name is Marco Rubio. I’m from Florida. My wife, Jeanette, and I are the proud — we’ve been married 17 years, and we’re the proud parents of four children, two of whom were able to join us here this evening.” (The other two were in bartender school.)
Compare that to Trump’s opening statement: “I’m Donald Trump. … I’ve made billions and billions of dollars dealing with people all over the world, and I want to put whatever that talent is to work for this country so we have great trade deals, we make our country rich again, we make it great again.”
Gov. John Kasich introduced himself at the first GOP debate, saying, “Hello, I’m John Kasich, the governor of Ohio. Emma and Reese, my children, and Karen — love ya, girls. Thanks for watching tonight.” Asked why he should be president of the United States, he said: “Just last week, a friend asked one of my daughters …” Asked how he would take on Hillary Clinton, Kasich said, “Let’s start off with my father being a mailman.” Again, at the same debate, he reminded the audience, “my father was a mailman.”
And that’s why we look back at Dwight Eisenhower and say, You know what made him great? His father was a mailman. No, I’m sorry — his father was an engineer.
In explaining why he didn’t trust Trump with a nuclear arsenal, Sen. Ted Cruz began, “You know, my daughters, Caroline and Catherine, came tonight. They’re 7 and 5.”
Answering a question about women in combat, Gov. Chris Christie said, “Can I be really clear on this? Because I am the father of two daughters. One of them is here tonight. What my wife and I have taught our daughters …”
(Just curious, but don’t any of them have sons?)
Jimmy Carter’s invocation of his daughter at the 1980 presidential debate was widely regarded as the reason he lost. Asked about nuclear treaties at the debate, Carter said: “I had a discussion with my daughter, Amy, the other day before I came here to ask her what the most important issue was. She said she thought nuclear weaponry and the control of nuclear arms.” (Her second-most important issue? Why Wendy Smith at school was so stuck up.)
One week later, The New York Times began an article on Carter’s sweeping defeat with this: “Jimmy Carter almost had Leslie Fleisher’s vote … until she saw his debate with Ronald Reagan last Tuesday and heard Mr. Carter mention that his 13-year-old daughter, Amy, regarded nuclear weaponry as the most important issue. Then she decided to stay home.”
Attentive readers will recall Christie’s utter disaster of a convention speech in 2012, which consisted of a full recitation of his autobiography for the hapless audience: “In the automobile of life, Dad was just a passenger. Mom was the driver …” It went on in that vein for another six hours.
Despite gruesome reviews, Christie must have thought the problem was he hadn’t bored us with enough minutia about his family and returned to finish the job in his 2016 presidential run. His closing statement at the first debate began: “Listen, I was born into a middle-class family in New Jersey. My dad came home …”
This humble pie crap began with Bill Clinton, who specifically requested that speakers at the 1992 Democratic National Convention tell stories of childhood deprivation (as documented by Ron Fournier, then of the Associated Press).
The I-Feel-Your-Pain routine was a huge hit with urban liberals, but Clinton went on to lose the working-class vote. Not coincidentally, this was the precise moment the Democrats dumped the working class and became the party of Wall Street and welfare bums.
Republican voters want issues, not Oprah.
Candidates, we don’t care if you were born a poor black child (Steve Martin, “The Jerk”) or your wife is hell on wheels. Please just promise to build a wall and execute criminals.
My longsuffering wife and I, we enjoy Ann Coulter more than everyone else on these pages because we can laugh rather than cry reading her. Keep up the comic relief because we desperately need it in such times.
What a hoot! I wholeheartedly agree with Coulter’s suggestions. I haven’t watched Emmys, Oscars, any acting or music award shows for decades and one of the reasons for not doing so was because the ‘humble pie’ speeches and reverence to the little people along the way lacked authenticity. Most politicians are nothing more than bad actors and their attempts to appear ‘human’ leave me with a taste similar to Stevia.
The world should know this name: “Allee” (means avenue in German) Willis was a burlesque Jewish Gesamtkunstwerk. Her hairstyle (or what that supposed to have been) was already a (hitherto nameless) work of art in itself. Probably also an expression of the wearer’s split personality. In her own words, “I don’t know how to do anything. I don’t know how to play an instrument, read or write music.” This must be a calculated understatement, because her lack of talent made her filthy rich.
The highly creative lesbian “artist,” who never concealed her ardent passion for Negroes, departed this life four years ago, but not without contributing to the “Heidelberg Project.” This is not about any reference to the eponymous university town in faraway Swabia, but about the MacDonaldization of a trisstess caused by Negro decay. Not only the incredibly beautiful and highly productive Detroit suffered a heavy, almost irreparable loss through her unexpected passing.
Ann is a Swamp trust fund baby. You’ll have to excuse her big fat blind spot.
There is no blind spot. Coulter knows perfectly well that voting for the controlled opposition Republican Party changes nothing. Those that vote Republican will remain as equally enslaved by ZOG as those who don’t. She spouts that line because she is paid to spout that line. There is no deeper truths here, that is all you need to know.
If I could ask the Republican primaries candidates to comment on a thought, the following thought is what I would ask them to comment on:
I am Brown. I was born in America, and I’ve been trying to understand the economic mind of European-Americans. Based on the research of Dr. Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie, the contemporary European-American defines economics as the following:
“I like stuff. I want money to enjoy stuff, like tasty foods and liquids, feel-good drugs like alcohol and tobacco, television shows/movies, theme parks to visit, SUVs to drive for fun, sporting events like NFL and NASCAR, and steady access to sex.”
I myself am innately degenerate in many ways – instead of following a strict died as advocated by world leading dietician William Faloon, I often psychologically collapse and purchase fast foods. This week, I ordered a medium pizza from Domino’s, and you can tell the economy is not doing as well as before because their medium pizza is now just slightly larger than their small one from a year ago, and their large pizza is now just slightly larger than their medium one from a year ago. Pizza Hut has done the same thing. Out of a sense on innate “honor,” I will never order pizza again. Since the European-Americans are much more genetically degenerate than me due to dysgenics/mutational load, they will never join me in boycotting all hedonistic businesses in the West in order to put all the fast foods/junk foods/professional sports/Hollywood/pop music industry/etc. out of business. All our resources could then be used to promote eugenics/transhumanism.
What is a “good” economy? Gentiles describe it as simply being able to pay to fulfill all their hedonistic desires, as described above. For me, I describe a “good” economy as my nation having the resources to keep on collectively evolving in an upwards direction towards a state of “godhood,” the whole eugenics/transhumanism vision. For this, we first need constantly increasing intelligence. America is extremely dysgenic – dysgenic birth patterns, and dysgenic immigration. We would also need every citizen to be highly innately Altruistic and thus live for the collective advancement of the nation, not just the self. The citizens should also be Industrious and have a certain level of Spirituality/Religiosity, otherwise they would see no purpose to continue civilization since they would see that everyone just dies for ever, so why bother. We would also need ownership of large quantities of all the natural resources required to make everything required in a technologically advanced nation.
Of course, this is all just my fantasy. America is genetically doomed. The only winner may possibly be the Ashkenazim. America does not necessarily need to be industrialized, since most of the world is part of the same Ashkenazi empire. Thus, factories do not have to be in America, but can be in any part of the empire, wherever the labor is cheapest. The Gentiles will eventually all become demographically mixed, and their only purpose will continue to be to just serve as labor for the Ashkenazim. If all the Gentiles can eventually be replaced by robotics, maybe at that point they will all be eliminated and the world repopulated by Ashkenazi people.
Russia is irrelevant. It does not matter if they hang on to parts of Ukraine for a while; Russia as a nation has no evolutionary survival strategy like the Ashkenazim do. The official policy of Russia is genetic, ethnic, and cultural diversity, and hedonism. Thus, they will eventually crash, and then the Ashkenazim can completely take it over. China is also dysgenic with only one offspring per female. It too will eventually crash, and then perhaps taken over by the Ashkenazim.
If any Gentile had any high innate universal Altruism and some sense of Spirituality and a “Greater Purpose,” they would resign from the world economy instead of contributing to it. The world economy and the world Ashkenazi empire are the same entity. Only a genetically sociopathic Gentile would choose to contribute to the Ashkenazi empire. And this is exactly what every Gentile is. European nationalist leaders are either aware of this and are just trying to make money by getting donations, or they falsely believe they can actually save ethnic Europeans. I have this image in my head of Neanderthal leaders publicly spreading the message that they can save the Neanderthals from the Homo Sapiens, but in the end, the more advanced Hominid won the evolutionary war. I think we Gentiles should just evolutionarily concede to the more advanced Hominid – the Ashkenazim.