A 2000-Year-Old Rabbinical Psyop: Did Jews Invent Christianity to Deceive Gentiles?
Anyone reading White Nationalist literature is bound to come across articles hostile to Christianity. The foremost claim appears to be that Christianity itself was invented by Jews (whether by Saint Paul or some unknown rabbinical cabal) for the purpose of deceiving gentiles. Christianity was devised by Jews, then, as a way of conditioning gentiles to be sympathetic to Jews and Jewish causes and take down the Roman Empire with its radically different ethics. It was a means of influencing them from the beginning to oppose Rome, its power, and its paganism.
By portraying Christianity’s greatest hero as a humble Jewish carpenter turned Messiah, along with his Jewish apostles and, particularly, by “rabbi” Paul as its foremost theologian who shaped what Christians were to believe, gentiles would unknowingly turn out to be great proponents of all things Jewish.
Thomas Dalton expresses well this viewpoint:
The likeliest conclusion to this mess is that the Jew Paul and the anonymous Jewish gospel writers made it all up: that there was no miracle-working Son of God, no virgin birth, and no resurrection. They did so, not for fame or money, but because they believed that promulgating a pro-Jewish, anti-Roman theology would aid the Jewish cause. (Pro-Jewish, because the Christians are to worship the Jewish God, the Jewish rabbi Jesus, and the Jewish ‘virgin’ Mary; anti-Roman, because “the worldly powers” of Rome are a manifestation of Satan and must be defeated.) And in the end, it did. Judeo-Christianity flourished, ideologically defeated Rome, and then took up residence in Rome itself. (‘Jesus the Jew,’ The Occidental Observer, 5/22/2023).
This position has, essentially, been promoted over the years by such respected White racialists as the late Oliver P. Revilo and William L. Pierce. Each of these men have made great contributions to understanding the Jewish Question, and the need for Whites to pursue their own racial and cultural interests over that of the interests of outside groups. Interestingly, the greater number of White racialists in prior generations have not been nearly as antagonistic to Christianity as Oliver, Pierce, Dalton, and other pro-White advocates (e.g., George Lincoln Rockwell).
It seems to me, however, that when addressing Christianity and the problems of Jewish cultural subversion, these esteemed writers have over-reached in their criticisms. Their zeal to vanquish Christianity has not always been grounded on a true knowledge of Christian theology and history. They have often appealed to outdated liberal higher-critical arguments against Christianity’s origins (e.g., the theory of pagan derivation, including notions that the gospels were composed decades or even hundreds of years after the death of Christ) with almost no awareness of how conservative biblical scholars have rebutted such polemics. Almost all of it is an overreaction to the lunacy and slobbering obsession that far too many Christians today have of Jews and Israel. Much of it is also the result of their animosity toward Jews who have been at the forefront in orchestrating and funding Jewish organizations that promote Third-World immigration into the West. Anything connected to the Jewish people, Israel, or the Torah is viewed as fundamentally hostile to White racialism. There are no exceptions to this, and there are no “good Jews” either although some might make rare exceptions for Jews such as Gerard Menuhin, Benjamin H. Freedman, Norman Finkelstein, Gilad Atzmon, Ron Unz, and a few others.
Since Christianity has obvious Jewish origins — including its founder, Jesus, who was a descendant of David and of Abraham (Matthew 1:1) and who also was an observant Jew, as well as Saint Paul who claimed that he was “circumcised on the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, as to the Law, a Pharisee” (Philippians 3:5) — it’s reasoned that no White person should be associated with Christianity because it was merely invented to fool non-Jews and to weaken every bit of European racial identity.
But is any of this true? Was Christianity ‘invented’ by Paul or by some secret faction of Jews for the express purpose of deceiving the Goyim? And when gentiles come to faith in the person of Jesus as depicted in the New Testament, is that just ‘part of the plan’? How does any of this help Jews when so much of Christianity is diametrically opposed to Talmudic Judaism?
The apostle Paul
There are a host of reasons why we should seriously question this theory. It seems to me that this entire notion appeals to those who have such a deeply entrenched animosity toward Jews that they are unable to see straight when it comes to these matters. They are so opposed to Jewish cultural subversion (rightly so) that they haven’t bothered to think carefully through their own theory that Christianity was ‘invented’ by Jews to deceive gentiles and, thereby, grant the Jewish people supremacy over the world. It may sound persuasive to some at first hearing, but without a thorough investigation of the matter, one cannot be certain of its truth.
It should be noted that the purpose of this article is not to defend Christianity as the ‘true religion’ per se. My intention, instead, is to challenge this idea of Christianity as a Jewish psyop, to show that some of the most glaring and fundamental problems with it are either never or rarely addressed by those promoting it. They have failed to think carefully through the implications of their own theory. And it isn’t long before the assiduous student runs into an array of problems when he or she tries to maintain that Christianity is just a Jewish invented trap to deceive gentiles.
Let’s consider a few of these problems.
1.Whatever one may think of Christianity, there can be no reasonable denial that Christianity from its inception has been fundamentally opposed to Talmudic or Pharisaical Judaism. Jesus openly condemned the religious leaders of his day in no uncertain terms: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” . . . “Blind guides” . . . “You fools and blind men!” . . . “Full of robbery and self-indulgence” . . . “White-washed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but on the inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness” . . . “Full of hypocrisy and lawlessness” . . . “Sons of those who murdered the prophets” . . . “Serpents and brood of vipers” (Matthew 23:1-33). And that’s just from one chapter in the New Testament!
The entire rabbinical system, then, is condemned by Jesus not merely because it deviated from the express teachings and spirit of the Torah, but because the rabbis placed so many additional laws on the Jewish people that religious observance became a burdensome yoke (see Acts 15:10). Rather than freeing their own people, the rabbis only enslaved them.
Yet, we must ask ourselves: How could such hostile denunciations by Jesus in any way endear gentiles to Jews, especially toward their religious leaders? If the person of Jesus was invented by a secret cabal of Jews, what benefit would it serve them to portray him as one continually condemning rabbinical hypocrisy? Why would they portray Jesus as someone always getting the best of them? How does an ‘invented’ Jesus who time after time refutes the rabbis and publicly maligns their integrity and spirituality serve to benefit ‘the plan’? Wouldn’t this be obviously detrimental to their purpose? Does any of this comport with what we know about Jews — namely, their hubris and self-applauding nature? One would think that if Jews were to ‘invent’ a religion to both attract and deceive the gentiles, they would at least portray themselves in the best possible light, as victors in every theological dispute, right? Yet this is never what we find.
- The New Testament contains numerous passages that portray the Jewish people in a less than flattering light. For instance, in Matthew 27 when Pilate is reluctant to have Jesus killed, the Jews began to cry out all the more: “Crucify him!” They even asked for Barabbas, a robber and a thief, to be released rather than Jesus. The Jews were so determined to have Jesus crucified that they cried out, “His blood shall be on us and our children!” Well, it seems like they got their wish.
In another passage, Paul describes unbelieving Jews and their leaders as those “who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove us out. They are not pleasing to God, but hostile to all men” (1 Thessalonians 2:15). Why would pro-Jewish schemers think that such broad denunciations would create a sympathetic view of them among non-Jews? A fair reading of the New Testament, if anything, leads one to an exalted view of Jesus and his disciples and a very low opinion of Jews in general. Seriously, why would any Jew let alone a caucus of Jews allow this sort of thing into a religious document they intend to deceive gentiles with? The nature of the Jew, generally, is to portray himself in the most exalted fashion, superior in intelligence, and able always to outwit the dull-minded Goyim who are no different than the beasts of the field.
In Revelation 3:9, the apostle John records the prophetic words of Jesus: “Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie — I will make them come and bow down at your feet and make them know that I have loved you.” Oops, looks like the secret committee of Goyim-deceiving Jews forgot to take that passage out of the New Testament! How does a text like this fit into the great Jewish ‘scheme’ to dupe all gentiles? The proponents of this fanciful theory never really tell us.
- Some have argued that even many Jews recognize the beneficial service of Christianity in spreading knowledge of Yahweh and of the Jewish people throughout the entire world. In this narrow sense, they argue that the spread of Christianity has benefitted Jews. There’s an element of truth in this, but it’s not the whole truth. Never forget that Jews often falsely claim ownership and as having ‘invented’ this or that as a means of promoting their supremacy over non-Jews. As a result, much of the world is deceived into believing that Jews possess skills, intelligence, and an intellectual prowess far above gentiles.
Thus, knowledge of the Jewish people and that of the Hebrew God may have indirectly been spread throughout the world because of Christianity, but that knowledge is still connected to one that is not particularly favorable to them. Somehow, boastful Jews neglect to mention this important bit of truth.
One doesn’t come away from reading the New Testament with notions of how wonderful Jews are. Instead, it portrays them as deceived and foolish enough to crucify their own long-awaited Messiah. They are depicted as legalistic distorters of the Mosaic law, blinded by their own false traditions, defiant against the New Covenant that Jeremiah had predicted centuries earlier (see Jeremiah 31), and as persecutors of the early Christians — something they have continued for centuries in doing. If there’s any doubt about it, you can watch a host of videos on YouTube which documents just how vile Jews are in their treatment of Christians in the so-called ‘Holy Land.’
Because of such unfavorable passages, Jews describe the New Testament as “anti-Semitic.” But, again, we’ve got to ask ourselves why Jews would ‘create’ or ‘invent’ a Christianity that’s so “anti-Semitic”? How would this benefit them? We’re never really told. We’re just assured by the ‘Christianity-is-a-Jewish-deception’ crowd that it’s all ‘part of the plan.’
Interestingly, if Jews are to condemn the New Testament because of its blatant “anti-Semitism,” then they should surely condemn the Old Testament just as equally. Have you read how Yahweh describes his own people — a people so obstinate that he declares to Moses that his anger will burn against them and utterly destroy them (Exodus 32:9)? Have you read how Moses describes the Israelites — a rebellious and stubborn people (Deuteronomy 31:27)? Have you read the many descriptive and overtly offensive words the prophets used to denounce the Israelites? It’s not pretty. Yet if these same expressions were employed in the New Testament (and some of them are), the Jews in typical knee-jerk reaction would describe it as “anti-Semitic.” If so, maybe they should just concede that the entire Bible is replete with “anti-Semitism”?
Jews are much too self-absorbed to realize that if they make everything they don’t like “anti-Semitic,” then they’ll certainly end up condemning their own Hebrew Bible. It’s almost impossible to discern such a simple truth when one is convinced that their people are history’s ‘eternal victims’ and that “anti-Semitism’ is solely the result of ‘jealousy’ and ‘hate.’
- Gentile Christians in the New Testament are described as a people on par with Jewish believers. Together, both Jews and Greeks (gentiles) are described as one in Christ. Thus, rather than exalting Jews as superior over gentiles, the New Testament repeatedly places both groups on equal footing (see Galatians 3:28-29). The Jewish privileges of circumcision, one’s Jewish ancestry, and possession of the Mosaic Law means relatively nothing in the writings of Peter, Paul, the author of Hebrews, and in the Book of Acts. These are nothing for Jews to boast about as is common among Jews. Why would Jews bent on deceiving gentiles allow such concepts to be believed if they are seeking to control them?
The New Testament, in fact, employs the same exalted expressions once used of the ancient Israelites to gentile Christians! Writing to gentile believers, Saint Peter describes them as a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession (1 Peter 2:9). Earlier in the epistle, Peter tells these same gentile Christians that they too are privileged to do what only the ancient Levitical priests were allowed to do in the temple — namely, “offer up spiritual sacrifices” because they are a “holy priesthood” (1 Peter 2:5).
Why would a cabal of Jews intent on creating a Christianity to deceive dumb Goyim portray them as just as equally privileged and special as themselves? How does this comport with a grand ‘plan’ to bring about worldwide Jewish supremacy?
In Galatians 6:16, Paul refers to gentile Christians as “the Israel of God.” In his epistle to the Romans, he also defines for his readers who is a true Jew: “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter, and his praise is not from men, but from God” (Romans 2:28-29). In his letter to the Philippians, he warns gentile Christians to “beware of the false circumcision; for we are the true circumcision” (3:2-3).
The point in referencing all these passages together is to show how absurd the notion that ethno-centered and self-serving Jews would somehow ‘invent’ a religion that would place the despised gentiles on equal standing with themselves.
Again, is this how Jews are known to think and behave? Have you ever known Jews to give preferential status and position to non-Jews over themselves? The very notion is preposterous! It defies everything we know about the Jewish people.
- Historically, and particularly in modern times, Jews have worked feverishly to undermine and ultimately destroy Christianity. Even when they can’t fully nullify the Christian faith, they try to dilute its central message of redemption. By means of numerous federal court decisions, Jews have sought to vanquish every bit of religious influence that Christianity might afford in the public square (e.g., school prayer, Christian symbols on federal or state properties, pro-life efforts). Yet, why would they do this if Christianity comports with their grand ‘plan’ to deceive and ultimately control the gentiles? Wouldn’t they want Christianity’s influence to spread if it was in fact designed to snare the Goyim? How come Jewish activist organizations such as the ADL and the SPLC seem to be unaware of this great conspiracy to dupe White people by means of Christianity? Even the notion of America as a ‘Christian nation’ has large numbers of Jews up in arms. But why? Wouldn’t this align with ‘the plan’? How would opposition to all things Christian serve to benefit ‘the plan’ of clever Jews who allegedly ‘invented’ Christianity to deceive gentiles?
- While it’s true that individual Christians and European Christian nations over the centuries have given the Jewish people a certain amount of sympathy and refuge from their enemies, some important considerations need to be kept in mind before succumbing to the ‘Christianity is a Jewish deception’ viewpoint.
The first is that while Jews at times were given refuge by Christian nations, these same nations also ejected them when Jews had taken advantage of the natives. When Christians had had enough of their monetary scheming, usury, vice industries, their unwillingness to assimilate, and their parasitical ways, Jews got the collective boot. It has happened to them over a hundred times in fact.
The second thing to note is that European Christians did not allow their ‘anti-Semitic’ feelings about the Jews to be squashed because the Founder of their religion was Jewish. They had no such guilt because they understood the duplicitous nature of Jews. It has only become a recent phenomenon among modern-day Christians to feel guilty about everything connected to the ‘Holocaust,’ slavery, and race because we have been constantly bombarded by Jewish propaganda for the past 60 years telling us how evil we are for just being White.
- Advocates of the theory that Christianity is merely a ‘Jewish scheme to entrap gullible gentiles’ have failed to grasp just how deeply opposed Christian theology is to Jewish legalism, to the Mosaic Law itself. The New Testament writers, for instance, view the Law as belonging to an old era that has passed away with the coming of Christ (Romans 7:4-6; 1 Corinthians 9:20-21; Galatians 3:24-26; 5:1). The starting point of Christian obedience, then, is what Jesus said and not what Moses declared on Mount Sinai (Matthew 17:1-8; John 1:17; Hebrews 3:1-6). The Law itself was “only a shadow of the good things to come and not the very form of things” (Hebrews 10:1). The New Covenant has replaced the Old Covenant and is even described as a “better covenant” that has been enacted on “better promises” (Hebrews 7:22; 8:6-13). The entire Levitical system with its animal sacrifices, its priests, its temple, and even the ancient land promises have been done away with in Christ (Hebrews 7:12; 9:1-24; 11:8-16). Christians seek a “better country, that is, a heavenly one” (Hebrews 11:16), and not a dry and dusty plot of land in Palestine.
Considering this, does it really make sense to think that conniving Jews would write such condemnatory things about their own religious system, its laws, and the very covenant between them and Yahweh in some bizarre attempt to make gentiles sympathetic to their plight against the Roman empire? If anything, it would seem to have the opposite effect since it would provoke non-Jews to realize that Jewish religious beliefs have been jettisoned by even their own God! It would tend to paint observant Jews who still cling to their religious traditions as doing so in vain. How is such blatant anti-Judaism going to win over ‘gentile dogs’ when the Christianity Jews supposedly ‘invented’ condemns all their religious creeds and ancient institutions? How could any of this be viewed as “pro-Jewish”? The entire theory is a bit too clever for its own good.
- Some anti-Christian White racialists have argued that the widespread popularity of ‘Christian Zionism’ in the U.S. serves as ‘proof’ of how Jews have deceived the gentile masses through the ‘trick’ of Christianity. These same ‘Christian Zionists,’ admittedly, support every conceivable Jewish cause. They also fund millions annually to Israeli-organized charities and Jewish political organizations.
Yet what’s not often pointed out is how comparably recent the ‘Christian Zionist’ movement in America is. Yes, there are influential Christian pastors like John Hagee who do almost nothing other than urge Christians to ‘stand with Israel.’ There’s also no doubt that the 1909 Schofield Bible has had an overtly pro-Israel emphasis for the past the century and has done much to spread the insidious beliefs of Dispensationalism. It was funded and promoted by a Jew, Felix Untermeyer.
C.H. Schofield
But this has not been the historic position of most Protestant churches nor of the Catholic Church. Reformed Protestant Christians, in fact, have been at the forefront in publishing books critical of ‘Christian Zionism’ and Dispensational theology. Centuries prior to the publication of the Schofield Bible, then, Christians were not so pro-Jewish as some imagine. The Protestant reformer, Martin Luther, had no crisis of conscience when he authored his scathing work, The Jews and Their Lies (1543). Apparently, the grand scheme among cunning Jews of concocting a “pro-Jewish” Christianity hasn’t worked out as well as they thought for most of church history.
- Finally, we must address the question of whether Saint Paul the “rabbi” invented Christianity. This is a common objection raised by liberal theologians, including those who are anti-Christian White racialists. Space won’t permit a detailed examination of this issue, but a couple of notable points may help the reader to recognize that this theory of the origin of Christianity hardly does justice to the evidence when it’s weighed fairly.
Paul, no doubt, played a leading role in formulating much of Christian theology, but that’s not quite the same as having ‘founded’ the Christian faith. While some may argue that Paul’s letters were constituted to serve as “anti-Roman” diatribes, this seems less than convincing when one considers that he instructed the early Christians in Romans 13 to “Submit to the governing authorities, “to not resist them because they have been established by God,” to “pray for them,” “to pay their taxes,” and to “give honor to whom honor is due” (vv.1-7). Saint Peter, likewise, commands his readers to “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers” (vv.13-14). If that’s not clear enough, he further urges them to “honor the king” (v.17).
We are compelled to ask: Why would a group of “pro-Jewish” writers say such things especially when their primary purpose is to deceive gentiles so that they become just as “anti-Roman” as themselves? How is any of this promulgating an anti-Roman theology?
In fairness, I can’t ‘prove’ my position, at least not to everyone’s satisfaction. The best I could do is provide reasons, including some internal evidence within the New Testament writings itself, why the notion of Paul being the founder of Christianity is not plausible. For instance, Paul was concerned about preserving a body of traditions that he had received from the apostles (2 Thessalonians 2:15). He, in turn, urges Christians to hold firm to such traditions. Appealing to a core set of beliefs and traditions already in circulation and well-known among the larger Christian communities makes little sense if Paul is some maverick or inventor of new teachings previously unheard of.
Paul was careful to distinguish between his own words or opinions and that of Jesus (1 Corinthians 7:12). It indicates his unwillingness to attribute to Jesus words that were merely his own. This sort of thing doesn’t comport with someone eager to fashion a Jesus or create new doctrines out of thin air.
There is also no compelling evidence that the Gospel writers got their ideas from Paul as if he were the unchallenged source for what they were supposed to say and write. In fact, the interesting thing is how none of the theological controversies addressed in Paul’s epistles are found in the Gospels. One would think that if they were making it all up, they would find a way to insert a saying of Jesus that would clear up any matters of theological dispute. But this never occurs even once.
The reason that Paul did not always appeal to sayings or events in the Gospels (though at times he does) is because his letters were ad hoc in nature, meaning they were intended to address immediate issues and controversies present in the churches he had planted. These were matters of concern to the Christians he was writing to. Thus, the Gospels present the foundation of who Christians have believed in while the later epistles of Paul and Peter serve as instructional and practical for the Christian life — namely, how it is to be lived out now that they have come to faith in Jesus.
Finally, although one may claim that Paul was a deceiver and allege that he “made it all up,” this is not the kind of character we find depicted in his epistles. Instead, we find a person who seems devoted to truth, willing to suffer abuse and rejection for the sake of the Gospel, willing to live in poverty rather than gain riches at the expense of others, willing to be ridiculed rather than destroy his personal testimony, and all the while strongly urging individual Christians and church leaders to live circumspectly, holy, and honorably in all that they do (see Acts 20:33-35).
Even Peter speaks affectionately of Paul and refers to “the wisdom given to him” by God (2 Peter 3:15-16). None of this is suggestive of a duplicitous nature on his part or of manipulating people and events to concoct a religion to overthrow Rome.
The entire notion that Christianity was merely invented by Jews to deceive gentiles and, thereby, make them anti-Roman and pro-Jewish falls short at every point. It cannot account for the many explicit anti-Pharisaical statements found in the New Testament. It cannot logically account for why these pro-Jewish writers would place the despised gentiles on the same footing as themselves. Everything about it runs counter to what we know historically and experientially about Jewish people in terms of their ethno-centrism, hubris, and self-glorifying natures.
A fair reading of the Book of Acts, including that of Paul and Peter’s letters, portrays the early Christians as not particularly anti-Roman. This doesn’t mean they didn’t view Rome as morally corrupt and polytheistic, but only that this was not their primary concern. In fact, there are far more passages condemning false religious traditions among the rabbis, including warnings against false Jewish teachers, than that of vilifying the Roman empire (see Philippians 3:1-9).
The theory of a deceptive, manipulative theology created and promoted by Jews fails because its proponents never or rarely bother to follow through with the logical outcome or implications of it. Why, for instance, would a series of documents (New Testament) written by “pro-Jewish” authors repeatedly paint the Jewish people in the worst possible light, attacking not only their ancient Abrahamic pedigrees which they trusted in, but exposing the entire rabbinical system of that period as a sham? In what way would this urge gentiles to be “pro-Jewish”? Why would these same authors urge followers of Jesus to submit to the Roman government and other pagan rulers if their efforts were motivated by an “anti-Roman theology”?
None of it makes a bit of sense because the theory is reactionary and emotional in nature. It’s cultivated and spread by those who know little to nothing about Christianity, its history and theology. It sounds persuasive only to those who lack the acumen to dig deeper and ask serious some serious questions about it.
Christian Zionist, Pastor John Hagee
I have also recently given this question a lot of thought but, as expected, have not found a clear answer. Only one thing seems clear: Christianity is both an extension of Jewish power and the world’s first historically documented defense mechanism against Judaism. Nowadays, of course, it is just a money collecting company called “Church Inc.” with its headquarters in Jerusalem. The Churches execute, so to say, the will of the Pax Judaica, also and above all with regard to the mass importation of Islamic-African invaders and civil-occupants.
A ridiculous fact that so-called “Jews” have hardly been able to agree on a uniform definition of their (pseudo)identity to this day (how could they, with all the costumes they have worn for hundreds, if not thousands of years). For example, what is the difference between Jewry, Jewishness, Jewdom and Judaism? After all, genetics and religiosity are not the same thing.
Their metamorphosis into something absolutely artificial seems far from complete. The last RediceTV stream featured a physiognomically unmistakable Jew who even claimed that Jews are not from Earth, but “from another universe”. It is so sick that there is probably still no psychiatric definition for this collective psychosis (as always for “politically correct” reasons).
What amazes me is how, when people walk through the doors of (pretty much any) a evangelical church (esp if part of a mega church), they appear to leave ALL critical reasoning behind It’s like having an instance lobotomy.
Even well educated ppl seem prone to this. It’s so weird. And the pastors are SO patronising to their ‘flock’. Very off putting (to me at least)
“Instance lobotomy” … very nice (and very true!).
Yeah, they virtually hand over the role of their adulthood, which they live every day as fully responsible parents and responsible members of society, to the church checkroom before they become toddlers again for the sermon, who allow themselves to be morally instructed by the pastor/priest, who of course speaks “from above”, from the pulpit, quasi as a superfather.
According to Jew Freud, the group is now the collective id, the child ego, while the preacher, who also has the authority to hear confessions, indeed to grant absolution, as he is part of the “heavenly ground staff”, represents the sometimes benevolent (in the case of insight and good behavior of his flock) to strict superego (in the case of instruction due to unvirtuous behavior).
Total brainwashing by the cultural marxist cult of anti-whiteness is another form of “induced insanity” (Folie à deux), btw. If you think, “this must sure be satire, how is this racist, the message is clearly anti-racist,” you are wrong in the worst sense of todays “meaning”. All reality seems to be merely a kind of “comical parody” these days. https://twitter.com/BIPOCracism/status/1720948137991233728
In German there is the term abkanzeln. Even if it’s
rarely used (and most people don’t know its origin).
Mr. Hunt has not yet received the correct spell in his visions to conjure back his beloved witch Sinead, but he has uploaded a video for the first time in three months that deals with real “witchcraft” and its warlocks in this world. Although I cannot assure you that this is a newly made video. http://www.renegadetribune.com/who-opened-our-borders/
Just excellent, RockaB! As Dirty Harry so well put it: “Every man should know his limitations!”
And what I’ve found among almost all secular writers is their utter ignorance of religious matters. In fact, their ignorance might exceed the ignorance of most Churchians…..whom DaSecularists mistake for Christians.
Dumb and dumber?
Both OT and NT – if read systematically as a study in itself – reveal a thread from Genesis to Revelation.
As you wrote, it should become evident in time that when Jesus was reminding DaPharisees constantly that they did not believe Moses and in fact were trying to kill Him – and thus were NOT abiding by the OT. The Talmud is their bible!
What I have learned over the years – systematically – is that the narrative thread from Genesis to Revelation is all about Jesus the Messiah – including plenty of mayhem of all kinds, the prophets warning Israel of their ultimate demise which occurred in 70 AD.
One more thing – Christianity is NOT etiquette – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2021/03/in-essenceit-always-wasand-still-isa.html?m=0 – you can start here.
And if you really want to dig deeper, insert JUDAISM into the search window of DaLimbraw Library and read for hours, if not days.
Christianity came from Egypt. Read CHRIST in EGYPT. by D.M. Murdock
“IUSA the KRST was born in a stable on the 25th. December of a Virgin called IsisMery.
he taught in the Temple at age 12 and he was baptised at age 30 by Anup the Baptiser. He had 12 companions.
He walked on water, healed the sick and raised the dead.
He was crucified, died and was buried in a tomb of rock.
He was resurrected.”
Apparently it is all in The Book of the Dead and in Pyramid Texts – to this day.
Read CHRIST in EGYPT. by D.M. Murdock.
I understand that there are many other books on this subject of Christ in Egypt or about Christianity being an Egyptian religion,
From what I understand, the teachings or sacred texts were stolen at the time of the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria = by the Essenes who were Jews.
One of the most utterly stupid comments I’ve ever read on this website.
There are two other pressing issues that RockaBoatus must address if he wishes to convert Whites to the Jew-invented slave religion:
1. The goofy and retarded notion that the universe was created in 6 days and is 6 thousand years old.
2. The penchant for White adherents of the Jew-invented slave religion to adopt niglet primates from Africa.
There’s almost nothing left of European paganism.
Parents live for their children. Those who adopt foreigners are themselves foreign.
We’re told that Anglos are freemen and therefore have the right to adopt or marry anyone. When I say Anglo rights should be limited on such a matter, Anglos freak out about freedoms and rights to do anything…
Part of the issue is this insane notion of freedom and individualism, which might even have some pagan root. But I doubt the pagans of Beowulf would behave the same.
The protocols of Zion talks at length about how freedom and equality are slogans that jews use to shape political narratives and are essentially jewish-masonic in character.
The other question is……………how did Christianity work out for everyone? Let’s see now……….in World War One Christians killed 20 million or so other Christians so that Judeo-Communism (atheism) could be installed in Moscow In World War Two Christians slaughtered 50-80 million or so other Christians so that Judeo-Communism (atheism) would continue to thrive. So now the question is….is Judeo Christianity a winning combination? Yes it is if you believe in death! Shalom everybody.
One single “word” (or what that is supposed to be) says everything else that lies behind this “thinking” (or better: non-thinking). Or: logic meets superstition here again, which (as always, is unfoundedly presented as “fact”).
At the same time, the implied “message” is that everything should remain as it is. Reflection is defamed as “over-rationalization”. A ridiculous vocabulary that wants to suggest that we could “overanalyze” this issue at all.
With such backward contemporaries, not a single technical invention of the white race would have succeeded. Medicine would still be a matter for biblical “miracle healers” and “benevolent prayers.”
But who knows if the enemy doesn’t costume himself just as a “quasi-saint” Santo. But more often than not, a quasi-Santo is simply a Quasimodo. Our enemy has it all too easy with apologists of this kind.
…”Yes,” say the self-proclaimed “Christians” (in the name of their Jewish “masterminds”), “you are not supposed to KNOW, but to BELIEVE! That is enough, because in the meantime we are thinking for and against you (which is the same thing).”
Turning this blog into the 700 Club for Nazis is more important than promoting Red State secession. Because boomers.
Lots of us aren’t American, don’t care about your republican/democrat factionalism, and aren’t scared of the elderly. I know it’s popular to hate the elderly in America but in Canada we love our elderly.
Boomerboatus = captain chaos 0.2
He can be funny at times, but its obsession with boomers ( inept generational concept created by 2 jewish dudes, I think, in the 70s ) and secession : as if the genocidal anti-whites would let this happen, becomes boring.
Well spotted. Thank you.
He is one of those commenters who, through the use of multiple aliases, follows Mark Twain’s “advice”: “If you can’t get a compliment any other way, pay yourself one.”
Generational ranters constitute the pro-white cause’s enemy within the walls. They subvert the cause of unity.
… so you euthanize ’em..
Canada and the US are the same. Canada was overwhelmingly British not long ago. Then, its citizenry, those beloved old Canadians, just gave it away to foreigners.
If there is ever white secession in the US and/or Canada, the populations will be on the same side. There’s no material difference. Yankees and Southrons are more different from one other than from Canadians.
..by 2044, the white American and Canadians, will be a minority! There will not be enough whites to make the country viable, so there will be some kind of a, ” North American Union” out of necessity…!
If not, then there will be a COLLAPSE of the currency, military, law & order, infrastructure, electric generating stations..! What will the Jew do then? Who will build his Germsn cars, luxury Rokex watches, put out his fires..? Life will be hell for the Jews, too!
I think we should hold back on using terms such as “Nazi”, “racist”, “anti-Semite” etc. if we do not want to use the terminology of our enemies and thus make ourselves their instrument.
In my opinion, Nazis may not have disappeared completely with the “Third Reich”, but they have become insignificant, but they had already become insignificant by the 1950s.
What is dubbed as such today are either grotesque caricatures, ridiculous imitators, which as cheap copies do not come close to the original in the least, and or all those who oppose the ruling allmighty Judah system.
Both my grandfathers fought as simple soldiers for the “Nazis” in the last world war, but they were neither such nor “racists” or “anti-Semites” themselves. They had no other choice.
Our enemies have managed to defame anyone who wore a German uniform (almost all Germans wore uniforms back then) as “Nazi soldiers” today. An incomprehensibly brainwashing distortion of reality.
If you are a Christian then you are a Zionist.
I’m a Christian, but I’m not a Zionist. Christian Zionism is of recent origin. The majority of Christians throughout church history were not in any way Christian Zionists.
The Austrian painter considered himself a ‘Christian’ and so did many of the National Socialists. However, they never viewed themselves as Christian Zionists or pro-Jewish in any sense.
This is a well-reasoned article. I am, however, very much inclined to disagree with the conclusions. There were different Jewish views at the time of the Roman Empire. The anti-Pharisaical statements may very well reflect the views of some Jews at the time. It is really not that far-fetched to think Jews could disagree with other Jews. In fact, it was hard for Romans to distinguish Jews and Christians in the early stages of Christianity in the Roman Empire; Christians and Jews were very close at the time, reflecting fundamental agreement between these two groups. It is not that hard to logically account for why these pro-Jewish writers would place the despised gentiles on the same footing as themselves. Jews want to turn all goyim into one universal entity, and making them all Christians erases the ethno-religious distinctions between non-Jews. Furthermore, Christianity does provide some basis for Jewish exceptionalism by design because it originates from the Jews, and tells the Jewish Chosen People narrative as a historical fact. It does tell a very Jewish account of history, and so it does a service to Jewish ethno-religious goals. It cannot be argued that this is particularly pro-Gentile; it is doubtlessly pro-Jewish. Furthermore, the anti-paganism that is present in Christianity is a very anti-Gentile feature: it is absolutely aimed at destroying Gentile ethno-religions. I do not understand how anyone can be blind to this reality. Christianity gives a very Jewish account of the origins of pagan religions. All Gentile ethnic expressions of religon are very clearly seen as an aberration from Jewish religious ideals; it condemns all Gentile ethnic religions as illegitimate, replacing it with a religion that tells a Jewish account of history, familiarises all Christians with the concept of the Jews as Chosen People, and instills all Gentiles with a hatred and distrust towards their ancestral/tribal/ethnic religions. I could go on and on, but this should suffice to explain why I respectfully disagree with the author’s conclusions.
The Kinists used to argue that Christianity tolerates nationalism but is only neutral on the topic.
European Christians view their pagan ancestors negatively, as fallen and foolish. It reminds of Polynesian cannibals viewing themselves negatively after converting to Christianity.
However, there is sometimes an acknowledgment of the genius of past pagans, like Aristotle or Cicero. If only we had preserved more from the Nordics and Celts, we might have even more pagan genius. But only the Greeks and Romans are respected. When the Druids were destroyed, their oral tradition was erased, for better or worse.
The European paganism we have today often appears to derive from Christianity, as what Christians expect paganism to be.
Buddhism in India was supported by merchants early on, competed against Hinduism which might have been more vigorous. There might be a parallel there, Buddhism as similar to Christianity.
Distributism and subsidiarity come from Christianity. Opposition to genetic engineering is often inspired by Christianity. Just War Ethics. And a communal view of a people is common in the East. Often those who reject Christ seem to fall into insanity… or into apathy.
“The European paganism we have today often appears to derive from Christianity, as what Christians expect paganism to be.”
I noticed this too.
Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim (Mossad’s volunteer
agents). Series of full interviews link in the description
It’s a horrific psyop that serves only the jews but it takes decades of study, to not only get out of it, but replace it with a more rational, evidence-based worldview. It’s been institutionalized for centuries and the jews would kill if they thought this madness would be replaced with something more practical, intelligent, and beneficial, like say national socialism. Most don’t have the time, intelligence or inclination to even begin down this road. Life is short, comes at you fast, and your up against the unwashed masses when you challenge their thoughtless stereotypes. Best you can do is get these brainwashed victims to at least respect the 1st Amendment. We’re stuck and the jews know it. Best question to get them thinking: Since they say jesus, the jew, is the son of god, does this mean god is a jew too?
Of course it does. They invented their God who, in turn, most conveniently gave them the world.
“…we are tempted to applaud the severe retaliation which was exercised against a race of fanatics whose dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them the implacable enemies not only of the Roman government, but of human kind. The enthusiasm of the Jews was supported by the opinion that it was unlawful for them to pay taxes to an idolatrous master, and by the flattering promise which they derived from the ancient oracles, that a conquering Messiah would soon arise, destined to break their fetters, and to invest the favourites of heaven with the empire of the earth.” (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, p.446)
Socialist states resist globalism. We see it everywhere, eg. Syria, Vietnam. They have elites which can’t be easily overthrown.
Argentina might become interesting if this AnCap wins the Presidency there. I don’t know what powers he’d have. I realize an AnCap isn’t a socialist.
Sirs. fabulous probing commentary.. thank you..especially prof.Kevin.. for this. we” never were fans of Saul who morphed into Paul who,after all was crucified also.*Christian Zionism is a vile reprobate self deception from people’s who have no real identity..Christian Zionists are *churchcentric*not Christocentric,. At the end of the day it is impossible to refute Martin Luther’s very morally correct rage against the usury..sodomy…intransigence and incessant seditious subversions of the synagogue of Satan in Luther’s day….we say … the ancestors of the vile neocon jew malefactors of 2023. One need not be a church person to be a Real Christian in heart Many great Christians before our time reminded all who would be illumined,reborn..perfected degree by degree ..that Almighty Jesus Christ was not originally a *jew*He was and is God .His incarnation down from paradise was allowing Him to complete the true ISREAL of God by fulfilling the old covenant..He had literally nothing to do with what people today call “”Jews””..He always rebuked or commanded Them to repent.While we can separately admire those golden hearted *white racialists–and some ”intellectuals who were striving. sometimes unsuccessfully..jumping to irrational
but understandable frustrated conclusions . to unbind whites from postmodern churchcentric liberal christianity-the mcc–it is clear the final destroyer of the synagogue of Satan is Almighty Jesus Christ Himself …
It is curious that the artist painted Saint Paul as left handed.
The appeal for Christian Zionists appears to be support for war instead of peace, John Hagee’s congregation never raises a hand to ask for proof.John Hagee offers excitement, preferred over love.
The Synagogue of Satan hates Christ and Christianity. Is this just a ploy to fool the goy? Hardly. The atheists are right that most churches are Bagel Boyz friendly. This is infiltration not an alliance. If Christ was a trick of the parasites, the Holy Bible would be taught in every classroom and be featured on every dead media channel.
No. The Synagogue of Satan fears true Christianity. The book reveals their perfidy and spells it out. The Khazar mafia is about as Israel as a Chinese. They come from Central Asia and are pasty white.
Atheism is stupid. It plays right into the claws of Marxism and the enemy goals. Never take the side of an enemy on important issues.
Do not trust the infiltrated churches. However, believe that the hate the enemy has for Christ and Christianity is quite genuine.
The Synagogue of Satan can’t coexist with God and the believers.
The entire RockaBoatus article smacks of apologetics, and answering it point by point would take me days. It’s better to focus on a few passages.
The trick with this passage is that none of the racialists mentioned are New Testament scholars, like the recent work of Richard Carrier or Richard Miller, to whom I have dedicated several entries on my anti-Christian website.
RockaBoatus is obviously ignorant not only of recent studies by non-Christians like those of Carrier and Miller on how the New Testament originated. He also ignores old Christian studies that say the author of the book of Revelation has nothing to do with an apostle. Is RockaBoatus unaware of the literary criticism that has been levelled at the NT since Reimarus, which even Christians like Ian Wilson have popularized?
But that’s precisely the psyop! The Greco-Romans perceived themselves as superiors to the ugly Semites of Palestine (remember how the sculptures of Aelia Capitolina, which the Romans raised over ancient Jerusalem, showed Aryan beauty humiliating the conquered Jews). Putting them as equals is precisely what it was about for the Aryans to stop feeling superior to the mudbloods!
This may seem true in modern times, but there are certainly historical facts that are never discussed on the racial right, and I would like to quote a translation from Spanish to English of the master essay on my site, written by Eduardo Velasco:
Judaea, victorious
In the eyar 435 occurred the most significant action on the part of Emperor Theodosius II. He openly proclaims that the only legal religion in Rome apart from Christianity is Judaism!
Through a bizarre, subterranean and astonishing struggle, Judaism has not only persecuted the old culture, and Rome, its mortal archenemy, adopts a Jewish creed—but the Jewish religion itself, so despised and insulted by the old Romans, is now elevated as the only official religion of Rome along with Christianity!
We must recognise the conspiratorial astuteness and the implacable permanence of objectives of the original Judeo-Christian nucleus! What they did was literally turn the tables on their favour: turn Rome into anti-Rome; place at the service of Jewry everything that the Jews so hated; take advantage of the strength of Rome and its state apparatus to have Rome against Rome itself in a sinister political-spiritual jiu-jitsu—from spitted slaves, trampled, insulted, despised and looked down, to absolute spiritual masters of the Roman Empire!
In a nutshell, Christianity was a subversive movement of agitation against Rome, against Greece and, ultimately, against the European world. As already stated, we have to assume that what has come down to us from the Greco-Roman world is only a tiny part of what was really there and that it was taken away by the Judeo-Christian destruction. Christianity, as a slave rebellion devised and led by Jews with the aim of destroying Roman power—and, ultimately, all European power—was and is a doctrine aimed at converting vigorous peoples into a domesticated flock of sheep. Nietzsche understood it perfectly, but when will we be able to fully assimilate what this meant and what it still means today?
The answer appears in David Skbina’s book, The Jesus Hoax, which Prof. Kevin MacDonald reviewed for this site: a book that alleges that the entire New Testament was written by Jews, and precisely that the idea was to perpetrate a psyop. At the end of the book Skrbina wrote: ‘This is the “peaceable Jesus” reply. We all know those famous lines, and they get repeated ad nauseum. My general reply is (a) the Jewish cabal was compelled to insert such lines for cover; too much explicit talk of rebellion was dangerous. Also (b) these relatively few lines are outnumbered by far more that imply rebellion and war—see my discussion in chapter five. And in any case, “rendering to Caesar” says nothing about not also working for his downfall. And sure, you may perish by the sword, but that’s what happens in war. I particularly appreciate “love thy neighbor”: Who, after all, was “the neighbor” if not the Jew?’
Paul truthful? Really? I think every visitor to The Occidental Observer should read Skbina’s book, as it answers the kind of arguments we see about Paul in the article above (excerpts from his book can be read on pages 11-36 here).
Fortuitously, Skrbina’s book just came out in an expanded 2nd edition:
I believe this responds to many similar complaints as those raised by RockA, and many others beside.
Prior to your comment, C.T. above writes: “At the end of the book Skrbina wrote: ‘This is the “peaceable Jesus” reply. We all know those famous lines, and they get repeated ad nauseum. My general reply is (a) the Jewish cabal was compelled to insert such lines for cover; too much explicit talk of rebellion was dangerous. Also (b) these relatively few lines are outnumbered by far more that imply rebellion and war.”
Oh, I see, the Jewish cabal said to themselves, “Alright guys, we’ve got to insert some anti-Jewish verses into this New Testament book cuz’ we don’t want them dumb goyim to figure out that we’re just trying to dupe them into opposing Rome. Yeah, that’s the ticket!” Do you realize how incredibly stupid and far-fetched this entire way of thinking is? Apparently not since you’ll continue to repeat this same nonsense with no awareness that there exists people like myself and many others who seriously study the New Testament and who think critically about such bizarre theories as the one you posit on people who don’t know any better.
It also continues to be asserted that there are more anti-Roman passages in the New Testament than anti-Jewish or anti-rabbinic passages in the New Testament. This is simply not true. There was a greater concern among the apostles that Christians (especially Jewish Christians) would return to the ‘yoke of the Law’ and the false traditions of the Jewish elders rather than any concerns about being anti-Roman.
Good grief, how “anti-Rome” is it when both Paul and Peter urge Christians to submit to Rome, to honor the king and governors too, and to view them as ordained by God himself? You simply can’t dismiss or creatively blather yourself out of this one. Even Skbina admits that the Jewish cabal couldn’t be too explicit in its denunciation of Rome: “too much explicit talk of rebellion was dangerous.”
The apostles and early Christians, of course, opposed Rome’s debauchery, hedonism, and polytheism. They saw it as just another evil system of the world, a Satanic Matrix that’s no different than what we have today. But to assert that Christianity was ‘invented’ by Jews to get gentiles as anti-Rome as themselves and to hopefully overthrow it too on behalf of these same Jews is nothing more than a theory stuck on stupid.
C. T. is a deranged Mexican who is attempting to weaponise White Nationalism against Christianity. His basic argument boils down to what I call the appeal to anti-semitism; Jesus was a Jew therefore, you have to stop being Christians because Jesus and followers were Jews. You can’t be Christians anymore because Jesus was a Jew.
He also believes that the charlatan Richard Carrier is a serious scholar.
He is also a devotee of Nietzsche.
The article does not answer the most important question: why did Paul of Tarsus, a Pharisee Jew (an orthodox branch of Judaism), go from persecutor of the Christian sect to number 1 fan of Christianity overnight? The so-called “revelation” of Paul of Tarsus is not credible because it is totally contradictory (Acts 22:9) (Acts 9:7) and there are no records of these witnesses to testify about this significant event, the answer is simple; this event never happened.
There is the key to everything: Why would the Jews offer a paradise in which they do not even believe to a Gentile like you whom they consider cattle to enslave? Of course Skbina cannot prove his theory 100%, but all the signs point to it, there are Jews like Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz who admits that Paul of Tarsus was an infiltrated agent of the Jews, and others like the biographer of the Rothschilds: Marcus Eli Ravage who not only admits Skbina’s accusations but brags about it.
Do you think that the current power of the Jews would be possible without Christianity when Popes like Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI consider them their older brothers and rulers like Charlemagne and Oliver Cromwell were dedicated to destroying the ancient European religion while favoring the Jews? ? Do you think Christianity is not Zionist? Do you think Judaism couldn’t survive without Christianity? Do you believe that Jesus was not a Jew, born of Jewish parents, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world, that all his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples were not Jews, that he worshiped regularly in the synagogues, that he did not preach from Jewish texts, from the Bible, who did not celebrate the Jewish holidays, who did not go on pilgrimage to the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, where he was under the authority of the priests… who not lived, was born, lived, died, taught as a Jew?
By believing in the Bible, you believe that the Torah is the word of God and therefore you believe that Jews are the spokespersons for God.
You follow their laws, you worship a Jewish Messiah, and you bow down to their God. At the same time, it is clear that these people do not have your interests at heart nor do they have a history that any proud European should want to be associated with. Do you really think that there can be a white rebirth in all its fullness when you accept being culturally conquered by the Jews by adopting their religion and adopting their names?
Did they invent and spread a holocaust of 6 million Jews on which their current dominance and power is based, cultural Marxism, the woke movement, terms like “racism, feminism and anti-Semitism” to continue subjugating white people? Why do you think that this time with Christianity it was going to be different, when in addition precisely the Jews according to their laws could demolish the Greek and Roman statues themselves and on the other hand the Christians could follow the guidelines of the Torah?
A good Christian will always put his universal multiracial brotherhood before his nation, his race, his ancestors and even his family.
The only reason you are a Christian or you sympathize with Christianity is because your ancestors were slaughtered and forced into snake pits if they refused to convert. So much knowledge and beauty was lost and the greatest civilizations that ever existed were polytheistic, you cannot be anti-globalist when you defend a globalist religion with a strong Abrahamic substratum that rejects the concept of nation, race and ancestors.
Monotheism is unnatural and a lie perpetuated by globalists to make you a slave. It has always been a tool of globalists.
The Abrahamics have turned humanity into a sea of weak, programmed, demon-infested narcissists, filled with ancestral traumas who have lost connection to their own souls and the natural world around them.
Marcus Eli Ravage:
“I tell you, you are self-deceivers. You lack either the self-knowledge or the mettle to face the facts squarely and own up to the truth. Compared with what Paul the Jew of Tarsus accomplished in Rome, the Russian upheaval is a mere street brawl. Your real quarrel with us is not that we have rejected Christianity, but that we have imposed it upon you. We have pulled down your idols, cast aside your racial inheritance, and substituted for them our God and our traditions. No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you.”
“If you worship your enemy you are defeated. If you adopt your enemy’s religion you are enslaved.”
King Polydoros of Sparta
Yep, I’m familiar with the critical works or authors you mentioned. It’s the same pablum that has been alleged since the late 1800s among the German higher critical scholars. What you’re reading today are simply rehashed and outdated polemics that are about 150 years old with a new sophisticated twist. Conservative biblical scholars have refuted this nonsense from its very inception, and continue to do so even today (see, for example, the monumental work by Professor Craig L. Blomberg, ‘The Historical Reliability of the New Testament’ [B&H Academic, 2016]).
Carrier and Miller appeal to people who simply don’t have the intellectual honesty and acumen to carefully work through their nonsense and to read the ‘other side’ of the story on these matters. They serve as confirmation bias to anti-Christian White racialists (and atheistic liberals) such as yourself who are so frustrated by Jewish cultural subversion (rightly so) that it blinds them to what should be patently obvious – namely, that Jews did NOT ‘invent’ Christianity in the way you wrongly imagine. You end up giving the Jews much more power and scheming creativity than should be given to them.
Even those same White racialists who are eager to nullify Christianity by appealing to the books written by critic Bart Ehrman never bother to read the extensive rebuttals written by Professors Daniel Wallace, Craig Evans, Peter Williams, Darrell Bock, and others. Most people convinced of the books written by Carrier and Miller on the historicity of Jesus and the gospel narratives that describe his life haven’t also bothered to read the books written Gary Habermas, Richard Bauckman, and others who systematically take apart much of this extreme skepticism and convoluted theorizing to the wood shed.
You write: “But that’s precisely the psyop! The Greco-Romans perceived themselves as superiors to the ugly Semites of Palestine (remember how the sculptures of Aelia Capitolina, which the Romans raised over ancient Jerusalem, showed Aryan beauty humiliating the conquered Jews). Putting them as equals is precisely what it was about for the Aryans to stop feeling superior to the mudbloods!”
As I noted in my article, the entire theory is a little too clever for its own good! Yeah, I can just see it now as the ancient Jews rubbed their hands together and said to themselves: “Here’s what we’ll do. Let’s invent a lowly figure and have him lead a small group of our people to declare him as the Messiah. We’ll have our highest religious leaders make sure the Romans kill him, even though they don’t really want to. And then we’ll create a book that depicts us as deceivers, hypocrites, rebels against our own god and killers of our own messiah, and then we’ll place gentiles on the same level as ourselves! And then we’ll denigrate our own laws, our own religious customs, our own Temple, and then make it so that most of our people get rejected by Yahweh and burn in everlasting hell! How’s that guys? Sound like a good plan?”
That’s essentially what you’re saying though perhaps you may deny it. But that’s how utterly moronic your notion is. One day, I hope, you will come to your senses and see what a strange intellectual stretch you’ve made in trying to prove your fanciful theory.
CT, I enjoy your https://westsdarkesthour.com/ site and read often. If you didn’t know, Dr MacDonald is catholic and there are catholics, especially revolutionary trad catholics (busy splitting the church now), that frequent this site (like many others in the alt-right) and rockaboatus is one of those. Most of them are third world latino too, illegally in the country, romanticizing reconquest. Eventually they will GTFO!
“Obviously ignorant”? Surely, obviousness is in the eye of the beholder. What’s obvious to me, for instance, is that you seem to have read precisely one book, whose emotion-driven assertions you parrot.
It has been virtually a truism since the time of Ignatius of Antioch—who, unlike you, read and spoke the Greek language of the New Testament—that attributing Revelation to John the Apostle is a sound judgment because of the stylistic similarities that much of Revelation bears with John’s Gospel and three Epistles and, what is more important, the identity of its overall teaching and theology with John’s even in the areas where the vocabulary and rhetoric seem related to John’s rather than identifiable as John’s.
In other words, like Dante, Chrétien de Troyes, and Shakespeare among many others, the Apostle John didn’t do any book signings or give interviews to the New York Times wherein he discussed his working methods and what he did with his leisure time. Furthermore, given that “salvation history” (to use Bultmann’s famous term) and the doctrinal content of the Christian faith would be in every important detail unaltered had Revelation been omitted from the canon promulgated in Rome in 382, it is plain that a great deal of reflection lay behind that book’s inclusion—as indeed it lay behind the inclusion and exclusion of all the other writings that at least some Christians regarded as having apostolic authority.
As for placing especial credence in the purported studies of non-Christian soi-disant scholars, one might with an equally straight face suggest that readers and commenters here at TOO spend less time reading Kevin MacDonald’s essays and more time immersing themselves in Wikipedia’s “scholarly” assessment of his work and thought. Surely the “editors” there wouldn’t characterize the bulk of KM’s analyses and deductions as “debunked” if they didn’t have good reason for doing so!
Or would they?
“What’s obvious to me, for instance, is that you seem to have read precisely one book, whose emotion-driven assertions you parrot” – Yes, that’s precisely the point. These anti-Christian racialists read one book, and they think they’re experts on the New Testament and can judge the motives of those of antiquity who wrote the New Testament.
It’s similar to the person who has no knowledge of the history of New Testament manuscript transmission or textual criticism, but then happens to read a book by Bart Ehrman on how the New Testament contains multiple translation errors and cannot be considered a reliable transmission of what Jesus or the apostles actually said – and then thinks he knows everything about the subject?!
These same novices don’t even have the intellectual integrity to read what serious and opposing biblical scholars have written in response to Ehrman and others (e.g., Daniel Wallace and a host of others). Thus, the same errors are perpetuated by simpletons who have no real knowledge and grounding in the subject they speak so confidently about.
This is because for them it’s not really about the Truth or allowing the facts to dictate their position. It’s emotional and reactionary in nature. They don’t seem to understand a very simple concept – namely, that we as dissidents shouldn’t employ piss-poor arguments and bizarre theories to ‘prove’ that Jewish power and Jewish cultural subversion is a bad thing. Lies and convoluted theories should not be a part of our intellectual arsenal to counter the Zionist narrative that has infected the West.
Shortly after taking the Red Pill, this weak argument on Christianity as Jew psyop appeared on my new path like an odd rodent that darts from one bush, across the path, and into another bush. This has never been a concern. It was clear from the first encounter that promoters of the theory were either unaware of the complete portrait that scripture paints of the relationship between Christ, along with Christians, and the historical Jews along with contemporary Jews. I implore my Nationalist and Race Realist brothers and sisters to focus their time and energy on saving the lives of our European people!
“I implore my Nationalist and Race Realist brothers and sisters to focus their time and energy on saving the lives of our European people!” – Thank you and well said. This novel theory by anti-Christian racialists diverts our energies away from the primary task of waking up our people to getting them into an endless and frivolous pursuit. The Jews have quite an ally among these folks, but they’re much too bitter and oblivious to discern such an obvious point.
Besides, do they really think that millions of White European and American Christians are going to be receptive to their message of White identity and Jewish subversion if they continue to press these same Christians with a message that says their beloved religion is just one grand deception invented by Jews? How well do you think that’s going to fly? And then these same anti-Christian racialists wonder why the very White Christians they may want to reach only end up writing them off as weirdos and cranks!
Some of them, I’m sure, will probably retort that they don’t even care to ‘reach’ these White Christians anyway. But why not? There’s a vast mission field among White Christians and there are many like me who, at one time, supported Jews and Israel and who were ignorant of racial realities. If I can be brought to the light, why can’t so many other White Christians?
I thought it would be a Garb.inc assault after this explosive article.
But it seems that the Ahnenerbe neo pagan Troup took the lead. A blitzkrieg.
With the exception of the Book of Esther (which many believe should not be in the Bible) the word ‘Jew’ never appeared in the original texts and should have been translated ‘Judean’; i.e. – someone from the province of Judea or of the Tribe of Judah.
Regardless, evidence from Assyrian drawings as well as ancient narratives describe the ancient Israelites as a good-looking people. David himself was described as fair-haired. This is in contrast to the Ashkenazim who are almost without exception a very homely people. Biblically they are not even Semitic, but rather Japethites (see Genesis 10:2-3).
It should also be noted that the Jews’ holy book (the Talmud) describes in the most disgusting terms their hatred of Jesus the Christ.
Every christian argument to prove the validity of their religion (jewish psyop) takes the shape of: “we were the real jews”, “real christianity hasn’t been tried”, or “jews hate christianity” (they don’t!).
Anyways, here’s the truth
“Paul the Apostle” = “Josephus” which was an alias for Tiberius Julius Alexander. His father was Alexander, grandson and heir of King Herod, and his uncle was Philo of Alexandria. This family, in conjunction with the Alexandrian School’ in Egypt invented that psyop. All sources listed here: https://www.christcuck.org
We pray to different gods…
The Jews have their Yahwe, ie Yaldabaoth, Sakla. Its not a god really, its the demiurge (remember…” I’m the jealous god…” How could a true “god” be jealous???). Once you come to realize that all the blood spilled in the Old Testament was ordered by this “god”, the pieces of the puzzle all fit together. Especially about the “chosen people”.
Same for Allah.
And then Moses and Muhamed were murderers… Would a true prophet of a true God be allowed to kill???
No wonder both “gods” brand their followers as cattle with circumcision. Its like tats in gangs…
As for Christianity, the true word of JC died with the gnostics, the catars, the bogomils. What is left is a luciferean cult in Rome (ironic how the Catholic Church inherited everything from the Roman empire). What was set up initially as a better part of Christianity in Byzantium, was conveniently destroyed by the degenerate franks in the 4th(?) crusade and passed on for pillage to the turks.
Protestantism is not a religion, its a club for Karens, it has nothing to do with Christianity. And all the numerous cults in the US yapping their version of the Nicean creed while pledging allegiance to “judeo-christian” values, are, like everything else in this God forsaken country, snake oil salesmen.
The only hope is in Orthodoxy (Russia, Greece, Serbia, Armenia, etc.) even though they still consider the Old testament part of the Bible, thus committing slow suicide.
The author left out some of the most scathing criticisms of the enemy. I’m not going to give chapter and verse; if you want to learn, go look it up for yourself: go check out what John says about the anti-christ(s) already being here. Then realize that Paul wrote Romans to his brother Rufus Pudens, Gladys, and Karadoc, NOT to the “romans”. If you would like a REAL ice-water reality enema, just got to christogenea.org and read “Why Jesus was not a Jew”, then read the Bible Basics series. The “jews” of the time of Christ, and today as well, were/are Edomites, Canaanites, descendants of Cain, the Nephilim, and the mixed race descendants of Judah’s bastard son Shelah that Judah had with his Canaanite wife. Think about why Christ only chose pureblood Benjamites as his apostles instead of judahites and a “devil” edomite to betray Him. All the bullshit you see going on right now in Palestine is Canaan attempting to spit in God’s face and reclaim the kingdom (they originally stole) they had before REAL Israel kicked their asses. Esau being united with Canaan works to destroy Christians and Christianity. Sorry to disappoint y’all, the Hebrews and Israelites were NEVER “jews” and the “israelis” are NOT Israel.
It was an interesting article, but a pretty clumsy attempt by the author to offer any real rebuttal to the premise under discussion. Most of his rebuttals can be themselves rebutted by simply understanding the nature of controlled opposition.
He asserts, for instance, several times that it doesn’t make sense that Jews would invent and promote a religion that paints themselves in such a negative light as Christianity paints them. In fact, most of his arguments against the premise that Christianity is a Jewish tool are just different ways of asserting this “illogic”. But the whole point of controlled opposition is that it **is* opposition*. Just opposition within an accepted framework.
Another thing that the author doesn’t seem to understand is that Jewry needs antisemitism. Countless Jewish rabbis have even said openly that if antisemitism didn’t exist they’d need to create it. So that kind of makes his question of “why would the Jews invent something so antisemitic?” seem a bit silly.
Overall, as I said, it was an interesting article… but clumsy. Not very well-thought-out.
“It was an interesting article, but a pretty clumsy attempt by the author to offer any real rebuttal to the premise under discussion” – Yet you present no refutation or facts to vanquish my position. You wrongly assume that I’m just “controlled opposition.” Yet you don’t prove that either. You merely assert it. You declare that my arguments are ‘illogical,’ yet you offer no proof of it.
“Another thing that the author doesn’t seem to understand is that Jewry needs antisemitism. Countless Jewish rabbis have even said openly that if antisemitism didn’t exist they’d need to create it. So that kind of makes his question of “why would the Jews invent something so antisemitic?” – Yes, of course, Jews need “anti-Semitism” so as to justify their ‘eternal victim’ propaganda. But this is not what the NT is doing. I only employ the expression ‘anti-Semitism’ because anything or anyone who portrays the Jews negatively or who says things unfavorable about them is considered “anti-Semitic.”
Based on this line of reasoning, the NT and even the OT should be considered “anti-Semitic” because they don’t always describe Jews in the most favorable manner. Read out loud someday to a Jew from one of Yahweh’s denunciations of the Israelites in the OT, and he’ll think you’re reading something from the NT. Watch his face when you show him that it’s from his own Hebrew Bible.
The NT writers were not “anti-Semitic” in the ways Jews want us to believe. They were simply men who knew their own people, and the level of disobedience they had stooped to in crucifying their own Messiah. Their denunciations of false Jewish traditions that their own leaders had spread among the Jewish people – and which had enslaved them – was condemned by both Jesus and his apostles. They weren’t trying to fool anyone. They were trying to awaken their own people from darkness and the lies they had come to believe.
I understand you don’t agree or believe any of what I have written. Fair enough. I’m just amazed that something so simple has be explained to you.
Anyone who says “vote Republican” instead of “pursue Red State secession” is controlled opposition as far as I’m concerned.
Questions that I can’t yet answer…WHY am I a Christian? The Spanish Colonial legacy in my birthcountry? The Bible was written by JEWS (for jews?)..It doesnt mention NONjews…why should I believe it?? One things seem obvious before Christianty the ancient Romans were NOY slaves to jewish MYTHS…after Christianity became the Empires Religion, then Romans became slaves to jewish dogmas/books/ MYTHS…and The Roman began to decay. I find irrational that the USA is carrying a genocidal Wars in the Middle East enSLAVE by Jewish Religious MYTHS dating back more than 5Kyrs ago. Wars that had banktkrupted the USA economy/treasury..and gain more enemies.
I believe in Jesus’ true teachings but they are hard to decipher since the Bible was handed down my men. I think that the old testament is a complete work of fiction sold to the west. There may be a few useful things in it, but the “Chosen People” to me seems like an invention created by the Hebrews to function a confidence builder. IMO, it has been more harmful than helpful. The part where they can do anything they want to the gentiles and it’s all ok with God tells me that this God of theirs is clearly an invention. –This is just my opinion here.
What irks me is how loyal Evangelicals are to Jews. What did they do to earn this fealty? They rejected Christ.
So, these “Christians” line up to serve another people solely due to their rejection of Christ. And if true descendants of Jews exist, they’re probably among those Palestinians and others, especially the few Christians there. Israelis openly attack/dishonour Christians there. It just makes no sense.
A similar issue is the abortion issue: They have such certainty over it. And they insist on “Christians” for their political leaders, though one is meant to give to Caesar what is his.
It’s like the movie Idiocracy. If it just made sense, it wouldn’t annoy me so.
They aren’t even capable of understanding that the US can’t take in infinite immigrants. They want to cut domestic spending to expand the US empire. It’s just insane. It’s almost unbearable to talk with such people. They support wars that ruin Christian communities while praising Christ…
No The jews did not invent christianity. It was the ROMAN EMPIRE.
Australian scholar explains in 10 minutes.
Read the ante-Nicene Fathers. You and the so-called Australian scholar are in grave error.
*Jews living within Rome invented the psyop. As for the Flavians, Vespasian was a crypto-jew grandson of King Herod. Search Herold Agrippa I or Herold Pollo and compare those busts to Vespasian. Herod’s kids and grandkids held immense power within Rome.
King Herold’s son and heir Alexandros III (“the Son of the Man” is a Koine->Aramaic->Koine mistranslation of Alexander) aka Juba II (Juba derives from Yehuva (Jehovah) which translates to “God is my father”), his son Gaius Julius Alexander aka Alexander, grandson of King Herod, and his grandson Tiberius Julius Alexander aka “Josephus” invented that psyop. Philo of Alexandria was Alexander’s half-brother (or wife depending on the source).
@ RockaBoatus
By ‘conservative biblical scholars’ what you mean is fundamentalist scholars.
Did you notice that above I mentioned Ian Wilson, an English Catholic who has defended Christianity throughout his literary career? Unlike the list of fundamentalist Christians you cite, Wilson is honest enough to agree that what you call ‘outdated polemics that are about 150 years old’ is not outdated at all (click on my link above, excerpts of his book Jesus: The Evidence).
And Miller, whom I also mentioned above, is not anti-Christian like Carrier, who was never a Christian. Miller was a fundamentalist Christian who learned Greek, Latin, German and French to study the New Testament as a full-time scholar. Only when his research was advanced did he realise that there were serious problems with the so-called scholarship promulgated by his evangelical colleagues. This passage from a YouTube interview with Miller is vital to understanding his spiritual odyssey from traditional Christianity to apostasy. In fact, that YouTube channel, with its countless interviews with other NT scholars, can serve wonderfully to answer you (which I can’t do point by point because, as I said, it would take me days).
Regarding the rest of what you say, as well as what Pierre de Craon tells me about the evangelist John, in order not to overwhelm this discussion thread I think I’ll answer it in the next entry of my blog, The West’s Darkest Hour, linked in my initials above. The only thing I would like to clarify now is that the thesis that Judeo-Christianity is a Jewish psyop is not exactly my thesis, but Skrbina’s. Rather than blaming St Paul et al, I blame Constantine and the house of Constantine (except Julian) for using the most toxic religion of the Mediterranean, the one inspired by intolerant Judaism, to control the population of the empire. If you don’t want to read the mini-book by the Spaniard Velasco that I linked above, see at least these excerpts from Vlassis Rassias’ book about how the Judeo-Christians of the 4th, 5th, and 6th centuries destroyed the temples, sculptures, art and books of the classical world.
That is the starting point to understand the darkest hour of the West.
“By ‘conservative biblical scholars’ what you mean is fundamentalist scholars” – Again, it reveals your lack of depth in this entire subject of Christianity and NT research. ‘Conservative’ biblical scholars are, generally, quite different in their beliefs and approach to Scripture than “Fundamentalist’ scholars who are inclined to believe the Bbile at every point literally, who are inclined to believe in a literal six-day creation, who hold to a ‘KJV Only’ position on translations, and who are in most cases Dispensationalists.
I’m quite familiar with Ian Wilson, Bart Ehrman, and the entire gamut of these ‘critics.’ I’ve interacted with this sort of drivel since the early 1980s. It’s new and exciting to you and others because you really haven’t bothered to carefully work through it with an open mind. I’ve spent over 40 years interacting and writing against this sort of thing. It’s the same old liberal nonsense dressed up with a new sophisticated twist designed to persuade those who haven’t an ounce of background information in these areas. No wonder they get fooled by such authors!
“The only thing I would like to clarify now is that the thesis that Judeo-Christianity is a Jewish psyop is not exactly my thesis, but Skrbina’s. Rather than blaming St Paul et al, I blame Constantine and the house of Constantine (except Julian) for using the most toxic religion of the Mediterranean, the one inspired by intolerant Judaism, to control the population of the empire” – Well, at least you got that in your favor and haven’t been duped by the nonsense I refuted in my article. However, your Constantine theory explaining the origins of the spread of Christianity is off kilter too. But that’s another discussion entirely which I don’t have time for in this thread.
Here’s something I learned as a cop and researcher many years ago: There are things you’re going to hear and read about in life that will absolutely persuade you of it. You will think of yourself as so ‘privileged’ and ‘enlightened’ to have learned it. But without a thorough investigation of the ‘other side,’ you will never be in a position to know with certainty. Do you know how many times I thought I was right without a shadow of doubt only to later realize I was wrong? Do you know how many times as a police investigator I was convinced I had been told the truth only to discover I was on the wrong path the entire time? I learned to never believe anything I was told the first or even the second time, but to confirm everything before reaching a solid conclusion. And even then to double-check everything! This has managed to spare me many intellectual and dogmatic headaches.
Go thou and do likewise.
That’s an interesting subject. I have long thought about it, starting when I had to go to church in my childhood. If there is a movement which was really Jewish, it was Christianity, in many teachings and in teachers.
Even if Orthodox Judaism considers Christianity idolatry (which would, incidentally, as a Rabbi put it, allow them “technically” to kill christians “without a problem”, since they would not be following the Noahide laws, they would have been committing idolatry; the Rabbi said it at the end of this compilation:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/T3p1O91dkVhw/), even if as a result Jews consider Christians “the seed of Edom” (their archenemy), it is still useful to them, their highly ethnocentric history become recognised by Gentiles as something “holy”.
As Maimonides put it:
“Jesus of Nazareth who aspired to be the Mashiach and was executed by the court was also alluded to in Daniel’s prophecies, as ibid. 11:14 states: ‘The vulgar among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble.’
Can there be a greater stumbling block than Christianity? All the prophets spoke of Mashiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior who would gather their dispersed and strengthen their observance of the mitzvot. In contrast, Christianity caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humbled, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the Lord.
Nevertheless, the intent of the Creator of the world is not within the power of man to comprehend, for His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts, our thoughts. Ultimately, all the deeds of Jesus of Nazareth and that Ishmaelite who arose after him will only serve to prepare the way for Mashiach’s coming and the improvement of the entire world, motivating the nations to serve God together as Tzephaniah 3:9 states: ‘I will transform the peoples to a purer language that they all will call upon the name of God and serve Him with one purpose.’ ”
In other words, Christianity would help preparing the world to become Jewish ruled.
However, Christianity is also a departure from Judaism, a rupture. Many teachings are in fact a radical departure. Besides, quite a few protestant leaders, such as Luther and Billy Graham, were opposed to Jewish power. So used to be the Catholic Church until the XX century. The religion of Mel Gibson and Bishop Richard Williamson could potentially be a setback to them.
It is a complex subject.
Incidentally, I was not aware Saint Peter is considered a Jewish mole in Judaism.
“According to an old Jewish tradition, Simon Peter joined the early Christians at the decision of the rabbis. Worried that early Christianity’s similarity to Judaism would lead people to mistake it for a branch of Judaism, he was chosen to join them. As he moved up in rank, he would be able to lead them into forming their own, distinct belief system. Despite this, he was said to remain a practicing Jew, and is ascribed with the authorship of the Nishmas prayer”.
A few Rabbis speak about it in the video below:
Thanks Rock. Very good stuff.
I am surprised that you did not mention Nietzsche. I believe that he might have been one of the first in modern times to postulate this theory about Jesus and the Jews.
I always have a hard time wrapping my brains around this whole argument but I do tend to side with you on this one Rock. Crush Limbraw also made some good points in his comments.
They way I see it, without the time, nor is this the place to write an exegesis about it, is that the Jews are so evil, that Jesus had to be Jewish.
“The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doesn’t, except God be with him.” ~John 3:2
Nicodemus, a very high up Pharisee, tells Jesus that they know he is God’s son, that ‘God is with him’. If that’s the case, what’s the problem? Why don’t they just accept him as the Messiah?
If you read the Old Testament from the beginning, even just through to Ezra, you realize what a bunch of loons the Jews are. Yes, as you mentioned Rock, there are times of great insight amongst the prophets and even in some of the weirdest books like Leviticus. But for the most part, they’re an obsessive compulsive race bent on killing and destroying everyone and everything around them.
They continue to do a good job of it to this day.
Does Machiavelli ever talk about the Jews other than allusively by speaking of Moses as an example of an armed prophet?
“But you do not comprehend this? You are incapable of seeing something that required two thousand years to achieve victory? There is nothing to wonder at in that: all protracted things are hard to see, to see whole. That, however, is what has happened: from the trunk of that tree of vengefulness and hatred, Jewish hatred the profoundest and sublimest kind of hatred, capable of creating ideals and reversing values, the like of which has never existed on earth before, there grew something equally incomparable, a new love, the profoundest and sublimest kind of love-and from what other trunk could it have grown?
One should not imagine it grew up as the denial of that thirst for revenge, as the opposite of Jewish hatred! No, the reverse is true! That love grew out of it as its crown, as its triumphant crown spreading itself farther and farther into the purest brightness and sunlight, driven as it were into the domain of light and the heights in pursuit of the goals of that hatred, victory, spoil, and seduction by the same impulse that drove the roots of that hatred deeper and deeper and more and more covetously into all that was profound and evil. This Jesus of Nazareth, the incarnate gospel of love, this “Redeemer” who brought blessedness and victory to the poor; the sick, and the sinners-was he not this seduction in its most uncanny and irresistible form, a seduction and bypath to precisely those Jewish values and new ideals? Did Israel not attain the ultimate goal of its sublime vengefulness precisely through the bypath of this “Redeemer,” this ostensible opponent and disintegrator of Israel? Was it not part of the secret black art of truly grand politics of revenge, of a farseeing, subterranean,. slowly advancing, and premeditated revenge, that Israel must itself deny the real instrument of its revenge before all the world as a mortal enemy and nail it to the cross, so that “all the world,” namely all the opponents of Israel, could unhesitatingly swallow just this bait? And could spiritual subtlety imagine any more dangerous bait than this? Anything to equal the enticing, intoxicating, overwhelming and undermining power of that symbol of the “holy cross,” that ghastly paradox of a “God on the cross,” that mystery of an unimaginable ultimate cruelty and self-crucifixion of God for the salvation of man? What is certain, at least, is that sub hoc signo Israel, with its vengefulness and revaluation of all values, has hitherto triumphed again and again over all other ideals, over all nobler ideals.—”
From Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals:
“But you do not comprehend this? You are incapable of seeing something that required two thousand years to achieve victory? There is nothing to wonder at in that: all protracted things are hard to see, to see whole. That, however, is what has happened: from the trunk of that tree of vengefulness and hatred, Jewish hatred the profoundest and sublimest kind of hatred, capable of creating ideals and reversing values, the like of which has never existed on earth before, there grew something equally incomparable, a new love, the profoundest and sublimest kind of love-and from what other trunk could it have grown?
One should not imagine it grew up as the denial of that thirst for revenge, as the opposite of Jewish hatred! No, the reverse is true! That love grew out of it as its crown, as its triumphant crown spreading itself farther and farther into the purest brightness and sunlight, driven as it were into the domain of light and the heights in pursuit of the goals of that hatred, victory, spoil, and seduction by the same impulse that drove the roots of that hatred deeper and deeper and more and more covetously into all that was profound and evil. This Jesus of Nazareth, the incarnate gospel of love, this “Redeemer” who brought blessedness and victory to the poor; the sick, and the sinners-was he not this seduction in its most uncanny and irresistible form, a seduction and bypath to precisely those Jewish values and new ideals? Did Israel not attain the ultimate goal of its sublime vengefulness precisely through the bypath of this “Redeemer,” this ostensible opponent and disintegrator of Israel? Was it not part of the secret black art of truly grand politics of revenge, of a farseeing, subterranean,. slowly advancing, and premeditated revenge, that Israel must itself deny the real instrument of its revenge before all the world as a mortal enemy and nail it to the cross, so that “all the world,” namely all the opponents of Israel, could unhesitatingly swallow just this bait? And could spiritual subtlety imagine any more dangerous bait than this? Anything to equal the enticing, intoxicating, overwhelming and undermining power of that symbol of the “holy cross,” that ghastly paradox of a “God on the cross,” that mystery of an unimaginable ultimate cruelty and self-crucifixion of God for the salvation of man? What is certain, at least, is that sub hoc signo Israel, with its vengefulness and revaluation of all values, has hitherto triumphed again and again over all other ideals, over all nobler ideals.—”
I don’t see why people take Nietzsche seriously.
That quote comes across as nothing but incoherent, incomprehensible gibberish which says more about Nietzsche than it does Christianity.
Why does Nietzsche hate people he perceives as weaker than him?
This is a fine article. You may very well already know this, but the New Testament also says to obey the Emperor and the Governors, and to pay taxes. Christianity was hardly subversive of the Roman Empire. It was the Roman Empire that allowed it to grow and flourish. There was intermittent persecution, but the blood of the martyrs was and is the seed of the Church. The Jews on the other hand were always, and are now, subverters of any authority other than their own.
Semper Fidelis
Viva Christo Rey!
@ RockaBoatus,
You’re assuming that I’ve always believed things like what Carrier and Miller write, when in reality most of my life (I’m a boomer), due to my upbringing in a very Catholic home, I believed in the existence of Jesus, etc. My change dates back to December 2018, because I saw Richard Carrier debate with some of the Christian apologists you mention, in addition to reading his brilliant book. So I have been a Christian, but you haven’t been an apostate (I talk about this a little in my last blog post).
Incidentally Gary Habermas, who you mention in your response to me, is very clearly a fundamentalist. He works at Liberty University, Jerry Falwell’s school. And I can say something similar about other apologists you mention. But I rest my case.
@ Pierre de Craon,
In the second part of my blog post linked above I respond to what you claim, that the writer of the book of Revelation is the evangelist John.
If rabbi Jesus is so against “the pharisees” why then in Matthew 23:2-3: “The scribes and Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so practice and observe what they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practice”.
The devil is in the details, that verse is being used by messianic judaism to postulate we “”goyim”” should follow the Rabbis and the Talmud (what they tell us, but not what they do. That means we must follow their talmud as domesticated goyim but not be as supremacist as them). You cannot hope to defeat judaism using Christianity because it is rigged.
Remeber that the jews fight each other fiercely, but that doesn’t mean they don’t understand that even if they lose, the winner will not advance the jewish cause of worldwide slavery.
Btw: I am not white nor live in white countries, but here in my own country we are getting tired of them too. All goyim must join together against our common enemy: The jew. They are against all of us, regardless of race, religion, ethics, flag, etc, all because we were not born jews. If they are against all of us then we must join, all races, all nations, all religions against them. It is the only way to win.
GK Chesterton’s “Patriotic Idea” essay might interest you:
Separately, an argument against globalism is just the need for backup societies, redundancy. Nicolas Taleb made that argument and some other neat arguments. One he made was to have “open borders” but defining the term as allowing into the US only the number of citizens who renounced their American citizenship in that year. Taleb is unfortunately unstable and unreliable, but he has some valuable insights.
Another thing you have to beware of: Noahidism.
Just as Sun Invictus paved the way for Christianity, it is possible that Christianity, by exporting the old testament and therefore the jewish culture and “god”, will pave the way for Noahidism. The jews don’t want mass convertions, they want slaves. They prefer to be an exclusive and privilaged minority with a ton of self-humbling and willing slaves, slaves dominated by cultural construction: Those slaves will be the Noahides. The father we get from the hebrew “””god””””, the better. Even the jewish God says “goyim/gentiles” are not even people in Deuteronomy 32:21. And even rabbi Jesus compares goyim/gentiles to dogs in Mark 7:26–27.
No, I’ve never assumed how long or how short you’ve believed what Carrier and Miller have said. I have no idea as to the length of it. It really doesn’t matter to me. I just know based on what you said that this is essentially the position you hold.
Whatever the case, you’re persuaded by the thesis of Richard Carrier. I’m not. You’re convinced that he prevailed in his debates with Christians. I’m not. Our presuppositions or starting point in how we interpret the NT and Christianity are entirely different. We will not likely ever see eye to eye on such matters. That’s okay with me.
Yes, Professor Habermas taught or did teach in the past at a fundamentalist college, but this hardly discredits him when he delved into the subjects of the resurrection and the historical existence of Jesus. I would not be so quick to write him off so casually. I interviewed him on a radio show back in the 1990s and he’s a very perceptive and knowledgeable scholar. I’m not sure he holds to a six-day creation view or even a Dispensational view of eschatology. He’s the kind of man who is pretty discerning and I’m inclined to believe he probably grew out of it.
The Swiss professor Gabriella Gelardini confirms this in her book “Christ Militans” the thesis of David Skrina.
Gabriella Gelardini wanted to do some research about the New Testament. Then she stumbled upon something she couldn’t get out of her head: secret messages in the Gospel of Mark. She examined thousands of words and compared the biblical passages to other ancient texts.
The trick: In the theological dictionaries, many explosive meanings of the Greek words – the New Testament was written in Greek – were not even listed.
“For example, ‘dynamis’ only has the meaning ‘strength’ or ‘might’ there,” says the professor. “Not a word about the fact that that can also mean army.”
However, if one adds these other meanings for the Greek version of the NT, the picture of Jesus as commander of the army emerges. His task: to fight the Roman army.
Passages in the NT in which Jesus speaks of the destruction of his enemies also fit in with this.
It should also be noted that only about 14% of today’s NT comes from the original writings. The rest was added in the 2.-4. Century and intensified its religious meaning.
Like all religious and most historical arguments, this is a question that can never be resolved. Too much passion and too many hostile narratives. Welcome to Planet Earth.
However, I add this note. Of the falsely so-called “Abrahamic” religions, Christianity stands out against the Semite siblings of Rabbinism and Mohammedanism. These two religions share a host of characteristics which Christianity does not and both of them heartily hold Christianity in contempt as a combination of pagan polytheism and idol worship, blasphemy and bacon-loving uncleanness. They are both religions obsessed by legalities, which Christianity, so deeply Hellenized both in the NT and by the Europeans who embraced it, is a religion of ideas and doctrines far more than of any legalities or even morality.
All founded faiths (as opposed to aboriginal ones) only exist in embodied form, never in “pure” form, with the ideas of the religion and the nature of the tribes who embrace it mutually changing each other. Christendom WAS a European religion, the White Man’s religionm anti-Jewish through and through. Now, like EVERY field, institution and space, it has, with MASSIVE help from our Enlightenment, been subverted.
The best fighting force against the Jews are tradition Catholics, and Christians who closely resemble them.
In the Jewish war to gain control of the Western (Tikkun Olam), the tradition Catholics are the United States Marine Corps.
Supposed pro-White advocates who attack Christianity are in actuality doing pro-Jewish work weakening a powerful Jewish enemy.
There is a strong feeling that these anti-Christians are subversives in the service of the Jews.
Claiming that Christianity is a Jewish invention is a cockamamie idea that has zero benefit in the fight against Jewish political power.
It is good to observe that idea of Christianity as Jewish hoax has its opposite idea, that Hitler was a Jew, and was used by them to create a war. Both ideas seem to be rather easy to prove absurd, if their proponents, otherwise more or less intelligent people don’t see it, it is because humans aren’t rational creatures, and thier views usually are strongly influenced by emotions, in this particular case, one side doesn’t like Christianity, the other Hitler, both don’t like the Jews …
Jews hate Christianity as much as they hate Hitler, but it looks like they don’t mind such dialectic between White Nationalists, the book Jesus Hoax is available on Amazon. I wonder why?☺️
Personally I agree with Schopenhauer:
Nonetheless, what Christianity gets right, in Schopenhauer’s eyes, is its conception of redemption from life, and its realization that only a negation of the will to life can provide such redemption. His philosophy is in sympathy with the self-negation and asceticism that he finds in the New Testament as opposed to the Old, and he goes so far as to say ‘one could call my doctrine the genuine Christian philosophy – as paradoxical as this may seem to those who do not go to the core of the matter, but remain stuck at the outer skin’.
From: The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Schopenhauer
H.Ryssen From the Interview by Margaret Huffstickler in Paris for The Barnes Review magazine httpt://www.barnesreview.org
Within Catholicism, only the Scottish theologian Duns Scotus opposed Judaism with an ideological and religious force that could have confronted it victoriously. Duns Scotus (1266-1308), a professor at Oxford, was one of the most remarkable minds of the Middle Ages* and the pride of the Franciscan order. He went further than St. Thomas in proposing a solution to the Jewish problem. It was not on the basis of segregation, but of the utter destruction of the sect.
Unlike canonists and theologians of the thirteenth century – with Thomas Aquinas at their head – who believed Jewish children should not be baptized against the wishes of their parents, Duns Scotus believed it was the very duty of kings to take Jewish children away from their parents, to rescue them, and to baptize and raise them as Christians.
And readers of our books know that this salutary measure would also have broken the horrific chain of incest, a sexual crime that goes forward from generation to generation among the Jews.
When faced with the old argument that we need to preserve the Jewish people intact anticipating their conversion to Christ in the far-off end times, the Franciscan replied that ―for this it is sufficient to preserve just a small number of them, but isolated out on an island.‖ We must never lose sight of the fact that Judaism is not a religious faith or a race, or an ethnic people who eat bagels. It is primarily a commitment, a mindset, an ideology and a project of world Jewish domination over a slave planet. And so it is primarily through the mind that this evil mindset must be destroyed.
When a Jew is sincerely converted to Traditional Catholicism, for example, his Judaism, his hate and his desire to dominate others and wreak vengeance is destroyed within his heart. Judaism can in fact be rendered harmless in a peaceful manner.
For example, here a few common-sense measures for a future anti-Jewish program:
We must begin by dissolving the major Jewish-Zionist organizations across the country. It will be established by law that any statement or written work, book, television program or film that glorifies immigration, miscegenation, adultery or homosexuality be punished by a prison sentence.
Likewise, all writings calling for the establishment of a world government will be punished with imprisonment and a revocation of citizenship.
Any incitation of Westerners to engage in a Middle Eastern war against the Muslim world will be punished as well with a prison sentence. In this way, militant Judaism is sidelined.
Further measures will be needed to put an end to the Jewish menace once and for all. It will obviously be necessary to forbid any rabbinical teaching, to close Jewish schools and synagogues because they teach hatred, and to separate children from their parents early enough to prevent the horrors of incest, which is all too frequent among the members of the sect, an atrocity which generates the characteristic pathology called hysteria in the Jews.
Children from Jewish families must receive instead a quality education, inculcating all the basic Indo-European, Greco-Roman values. Jewish youth in the process of healing will be encouraged to engage in projects that show solidarity with others, and work with other American and European children who are out in contact with nature, fresh air, animals, woods and farms.
And the most fragile young elements of the sect will receive the best care in specialized psychiatric hospitals.
After three or four generations, Judaism will have completely disappeared.
We will organize, in the meantime, an international trial for the crimes of Judaism against peace and humanity, and repudiate once and for all this disastrous, mankind-hating cult.
* Nanavira Thera: The book on time confirms my suspicion that the whole subject is in a state of chaos, and I am glad to think that my own contribution (in the Notes), if it is mistaken, at least errs in good company. I see that the question of time has occupied not a few ecclesiastics in the Middle Ages, and their findings have been as intelligent as anything that is produced today. (The particular question of the ‘variability of qualities’—i.e., that a quality can vary in intensity while remaining unchanged in kind—is one to which I myself have given some attention, and I find that it has already been considered by Duns Scotus.) St. Augustine—a man of parts in more senses than one—has made some very acute remarks. (Are his Confessions available?) (…)
Huxley has certainly set the cat amongst the pigeons with his implied suggestion that the Holy Ghost may, after all, turn out to be no more than a rather obscure chemical compound—it puts the other two members of the Trinity in a strange light. No wonder the learned rescue-corps (Kierkegaard’s expression) has to rush in to defend! However, in this particular controversy I am merely a spectator …
The quote illustrates Gomez Davila note that most of intelectual work in Middle Ages was done in monasteries. Unexpected reasalts of Jewish hoax? + Cathedrals, much of the Paintings of White Man… Poor Jews …
“Why would pro-Jewish schemers think that such broad denunciations would create a sympathetic view of them among non-Jews?”
Because the targets where other jews and gentiles and not gentiles alone. It was a collaboration (and a kind of schism) between powerful jews and romans against other jews and romans. In the end rome was destroyed around the same time christianity became popular. There where already powerful jews in high places that worked together with the romans. Just look at flavius josephus and the flavians!
Remember that according to wikipedia: “According to the Acts, Paul lived as a Pharisee and participated in the persecution of early disciples of Jesus, possibly Hellenised diaspora Jews converted to Christianity,[12] in the area of Jerusalem, prior to his conversion.” That fact alone should make one suspicious!
Just ask yoursefls: Why did the church stomp out every pagan cult or religion but didnt do the same thing to the jews?
I think that Adam Green takes this too far, but besides that, i dont think it is healthy for Europeans to practice a religion that has pretty much nothing to do with our roots. At best there is some pagan and greek philosophical knowledge that can be salvaged from the bible, but thats about it.
Those attacking Christians like this are as hateful as they purport to oppose. You don’t create something to bring people into your thrall while simultaneously hating & deriding it. The people behind this lie hate Christians for not being useful idiots. Giving oxygen to these haters only detracts from Professor McDonald’s message.