Mark Collett and I discuss Tucker’s interview with Putin

Not what you’ll see on the New York Times, HuffPo or Newsweek.



Tucker’s comments on the interview.


9 replies
  1. Henry
    Henry says:

    Interesting that Kevin can play keyboard instruments. Seems to be a Kawai digital piano with a whole pile of music books on top. Fittingly, Wolgang Gedeon, also a doctor. A duet would be great.


    “Dear friends, today it’s about something different. I would like to introduce you to a new song for Germany. It is not intended to replace the national anthem, of course, but it is intended to be a little more political and a little more militant, and to complement the national anthem, so to speak.

    I have written a text for it, which I will then fade in, and have put together and composed a melody, which I will then present in my rough draft. Then I imagine that sometime in January or February there will be a meeting in the middle of Germany with a few people who can sing well and who are musical, maybe one or two people who also have a bit of an idea of how to arrange the whole thing.

    So a choir with a small ensemble, a few strings, a few trumpets perhaps, percussion, and, as I said, a strong mezzo-soprano would be needed and a few male voices for a male choir. That’s how I imagine it. There are four verses in total, so 2 + 2 verses, and then I’ll sing it roughly together with the lyrics and at the end the lyrics will be shown again.

    You’ll find an address at the end where you can get in touch if you’re interested in meeting up on a Saturday in January or February in the middle of Germany and making a recording, where this new song for Germany will be rehearsed and then put online. So for now, I’ll play the melody as it should be”:

    Auf, Ihr Deutschen, leistet Widerstand!
    Rettet euer Volk und rettet euer Land!
    Haltet zusammen in der großen Not,
    füchtet nicht den Teufel, nicht den Tod!

    Wir sind Europa – unser Kontinent!
    Wir sind nicht Afrikopa,
    wir sind nicht der Orient;
    Stehen für Freiheit, für christliche Kultur –
    Nieder mit der grünen Diktatur!

    Raus aus der NATO, raus aus der EU –
    schlagt den Globalisten alle Türen zu!
    Und mit dem Lied von ewig deutscher Schuld –
    ist jetzt Schluß mit uznserer Geduld!

    Befreien wir jetzt Deutschland von den USA,
    befreien wir Europa, die Zeit dafür ist da!
    Mit Gottvertrauen, mit Herz und mit Verstand,
    wir kämpfen für unser deutsches Land!

    Come on, you Germans, resist!
    Save your people and save your country!
    Stand together in the great adversity,
    do not fear the devil, do not fear death!


    We are Europe – our continent!
    We are not Africopa,
    we are not the Orient;
    Standing for freedom, for Christian culture –
    Down with the green dictatorship!

    Out of NATO, out of the EU –
    Slam all doors on the globalists!
    And with the song of eternal German guilt –
    our patience is now at an end!

    Let’s free Germany from the USA now,
    let’s liberate Europe, the time has come!
    With trust in God, with heart and mind,
    we fight for our German country!

    P.S. Gedeon wrote “USA” instead Jews and “country” instead of fatherland. A bit weak, one may think, but more than understandable. After all, it’s about the unbending commitment he shows (unlike everyone else) and not about any petty details.

  2. Julius Skoolafish
    Julius Skoolafish says:

    The good bit:

    The first 30 minutes was a wonderful history lesson of ancient and medieval Russia. I completely resonated with this having read (for example) the following collection by Matthew Raphael Johnson:

    • The Third Rome: Holy Russia, Tsarism & Orthodoxy
    • The Russian Populist: The Political Thought of Vladimir Putin
    • The Soviet Experiment: Challenging the Apologists for Communist Tyranny
    • The Ancient Orthodox Tradition in Russian Literature
    • Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality: Lectures on Medieval Russia

    I also agree entirely with Putin’s explanation of the recent and current events in Crimea and the Ukraine (The Maidan coup etc),

    BUT I have a profound disagreement with his cursory summation of the events leading up to and surrounding WWII. More on that to come.

    I will now wait to hear the ‘bad bits’ and see if they align with mine. Putin lost a lot of points repeating the standard jewish Hollywood canards.

  3. Weaver
    Weaver says:

    I don’t know how useful this comment will be, but Dr. MacDonald mentions how we can’t get “our” message out: This is partly due to a lack of skill. The playing field is never fair, but ability and ambition improve the odds of success.

    Anyway, I just saw this great looking art school online that teaches a person professional art and animation skills which could be helpful for communicating concepts. It comes with a price, and that price might not be worth paying; but it was exciting for me. I can link it if wanted.

    Separately, d3 (JavaScript) is a great way to make custom visualizations that probably can’t be cancelled. And there’d be no fees to charge for viewing, no software to buy for viewing.

    Anyway, those are some skills that could be useful when communicating.

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