White People Embarrassing Themselves

Taylor Swift, star of the LVIII Super Bowl, this year’s Grammys and a crackpot Fox News conspiracy theory that she’s a government PSYOP, is also the winner of my award for “Least Embarrassing Way To Attach Yourself to a Black Person When Accepting an Award.”
For the uncouth among my readers, modern etiquette dictates that:
1) Black people win all awards; and
2) When that is absolutely impossible, the white winner must somehow latch onto a Black person, stressing how fond he is of Black people.
In Taylor’s case, she recently made history by becoming the first musician to win four Album of the Year awards. This was despite her being, as The New York Times put it, “white and thin and blond in a world that continues to privilege whiteness and thinness and blondness.”
Thus, according to protocol, Taylor had to attach herself to a Black person. This she did by becoming part of the show when Tracy Chapman reprised her 1988 hit “Fast Car” at the Grammys. Taylor rose from the audience, like a mushroom popping up amid the moss, and sang along for the entire song.
Boffo publicity! Twitter instantly exploded in gratitude and admiration for the Grammys champion. The media hailed Taylor’s performative tribute to Chapman as if she’d orchestrated the Peace of Westphalia. (The Times: “Taylor Swift singing along to Tracy Chapman and Luke Combs performing “Fast Car” is some kind of apotheosis of 2023 in music.”)
Embarrassing, but nothing like Adele’s speech at the 2017 Grammys after she’d won Song of the Year, Record of the Year and Album of the Year for her work, “25.” She was up against Beyonce’s “Lemonade,” also a smash hit. (Stats: “Lemonade” sold 485,000 copies in its first week; “25” sold more than 3.38 million. “Lemonade” debuted at No. 1 in the U.S.; “25” debuted at No. 1 in 32 countries. “25” went on to become the fourth best-selling album of the 21st century.)
After some brief throat-clearing, Adele quickly got to the point of her acceptance speech:
“I can’t possibly accept this award. I’m very humbled and very grateful and gracious, but honestly, my life is Beyonce.
“The ‘Lemonade’ album, Beyonce, was so monumental, so monumental, and so well thought out, and so beautiful and soul-bearing. And we all got to see another side of you that you don’t always let us see, and we appreciate that. And all us artists here, we f-ing adore you. You are our light.
“And the way that you make me and my friends feel, the way you make my black friends feel, is empowering, and you make them stand up for themselves. And I love you. I always have. And I always will.”
(Sorry for such a long quote; I figured you wouldn’t believe me otherwise.)
But Adele’s performance was still not the most mortifying example of a white person using a personal triumph to affix himself to a Black person.
That honor goes to Novak Djokovic, who, upon winning his fourth U.S. Open title, incomprehensibly turned it into a tribute to Kobe Bryant, a professional athlete in a different sport, from a different country, who’d died three years earlier.
In anticipation of his shining moment in the sun, Djokovic had even made a T-shirt, with his and Bryant’s faces surrounded by the words, “MAMBA FOREVER.” It would have been weird if he’d done this with his coach’s face, his father’s face, his wife’s face (all who also had something to do with his success). Bryant was an American basketball player with the Los Angeles Lakers, having nothing to do with professional tennis.
That wasn’t the end of the sartorial tribute. Djokovic also donned jacket with a “24” patch, which — as he explained to the audience — was Bryant’s number with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Naturally, the bulk of Djokovic’s victory speech was about his Black friend — a “close friend,” with whom he “chatted a lot.” Congratulations, Novak! You had a Black friend. And now that he’s gone, there’s only the memory of having once had a Black friend.
The whole production was so absurd, it seemed like a Borat sketch of a vulgar foreigner who’d never met a Black person.
Probably kicking himself for not having thought of mocking up T-shirts of himself and a Black friend, actor Tom Hiddleston instead used his acceptance speech at the 2017 Golden Globes for Best Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television to drone on about … Sudan.
In case you were wondering, the TV series for which he’d won, “The Night Manager,” was not about Sudan. It was a spy caper based on a John le Carre novel. But Hiddleston thought it was important for everyone to know that he’d recently visited Sudan with the United Nations Children’s Fund.
He told the audience that in Sudan, there was a “terrible situation happening for children.” But on the bright side, the people there loved “The Night Manager”! This he found deeply gratifying: “The idea that we could provide some entertainment and relief to people … who are fixing the world. I dedicate this to those out there who are doing their best.”
The dedication didn’t involve actually giving anyone anything, mind you. It was more in the way of a verbal acknowledgment because he’s such a great guy.
At the 2022 Critics Choice Awards, Best Director winner Jane Campion — translucently White — spent much of her speech praising random Black people in the audience, such as Will Smith, Venus Williams and Serena Williams. They weren’t even “close friend[s]” who “chatted a lot,” like Djokovic and his Black friend.
Thinking she was really connecting with Black people, Campion said, “Venus and Serena, you’re such marvels,” adding, “however, you don’t play against the guys, like I have to.”
Recriminations and heartfelt apologies followed.
In one of the earliest “I love Black people” exhibitions, Adrien Brody skipped subtlety at the 2003 Academy Awards. After winning Best Actor for his performance in “The Pianist,” he grabbed the Black presenter, Halle Berry, and passionately kissed her in a smooch that went on so long that by the time he was finished, the “get off the stage” lights were blinking.
Berry later said the only thing going through her mind during the cringe-inducing kiss was, “What the f**k is happening right now?”
What was happening was this: A White actor was making damn sure everyone knew how much he liked Black people.
“What was happening was this: A White actor was making damn sure everyone knew how much he liked Black people.”
A “White” actor? Hahaha 🙄
Silly Ann.
Tricks are for kids.
Basic premise still true.
Must be their chocolate hues making their mouths water.
Pretty sure they don’t taste anything like coco though.
Just a guess.
Haven’t tasted one myself.
I do like my chocolate dark.
But not greasy.
Sir H
Brody is a lineal Jew who is a quarter Hungarian aristocrat. Kind of explains his behaviour. iMDB makes a point of mentioning his friendship with the late Black Panther diaper baby Tupac Shakur! Is Miss Coulter trying to subtly expose something here?
The situations Ann discribed are not happening because black people have any real power, but rather because the people who own and control the media and entertainment industries are trying to destroy white people. It’s just a coincidence that these industries are mostly under Jewish control. It’s interesting that Ann did not mention that fact.
That was a great article Anne. Now do one about celebrities and politicians sucking up to Jews.
John le Carre, how shall I tactfully phrase it, ‘knew about the Jews’. You wouldn’t pick up on it from the film adaptations, but the books for those with eyes that can read between the lines are an entirely different matter.
Globalists are destroying Europe and destroying its culture, migrants are taking over the cities. The Lebanese-German filmmaker Imad Karim speaks of a two-pronged attack by gender ideology and migration. Both totalitarian agendas cannot be opposed without being labeled a right-wing radical. All European cities are now Islamized.
Migrants come from authoritarian social structures and are literally encouraged to embark on a “campaign of conquest”. “They convey the message: ‘The street belongs to us’” and this leads to riots and worse.
Germans have now been completely deprived of a positive relationship with their country – replaced by their “self-hatred”. In purely demographic terms, there are hardly any critical native Germans left. If German society is not in a position to counter this, the people streaming into the country en masse will inevitably impose their own rules, says the critical ex-Muslim.
Stefan Magnet in an extremely exciting and informative conversation with filmmaker Imad Karim. (Activate Youtube autosubs)
Note: “Save the Kiwi” refers at most to the exotic flightless bird and not the humanoid white species trying to save it. As always, white women, with their incomparable willingness to sacrifice, are at the forefront of the fight for its survival, and in last place in the fight for their own survival, which suggests a certain genetic correlation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTzORvV6_fw
Is at least orange-faced MAGAMAN interested in protecting white Americans? Or rather just about gaining power by means of populist phrases towards a non-white audience? “It’s millions and millions of people—they’re pouring into our country,” former President Donald Trump said Wednesday night at a rally in South Carolina. “The biggest victims are African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans…They’re getting decimated in their hourly wages.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/immigration-wave-delivers-economic-windfall-but-there-s-a-catch/ar-BB1ijwfi
(min 1:23:49) https://www.youtube.com/live/anObKsQPEIQ?feature=shared&t=5569
“Low impulse control is not racially determined,
but is always an (extremely rare) isolated case.”
Well, it goes both ways. Remember how humiliating to black folks it was when actor Ving Rhames gave, read that, GAVE his Golden Globe award to fellow nominee Jack Lemon. https://blavity.com/ving-rhames-gave-his-golden-globe-to-jack-lemmon-what-if-that-happened-at-the-oscars and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLAbXB_ALnw