Participate in the first ever movement research poll here Registration link and be entered to win $500!

Participate in the first ever movement research poll here Registration link and be entered to win $500!

If we want our movement to grow, we should try to attract more like-minded people. But doesn’t finding people who are like us presuppose that we already know who we are? If we want to effectively mobilize our existing movement to create political change, doesn’t that presuppose that we already know our people’s talents, interests, locations, levels of commitment, etc.?

But how much do we really know about our own movement? We have direct knowledge of ourselves and our friends. But even our best activists and networkers don’t really know more than a couple hundred people, and we can’t make broad generalizations from such limited data. We also have impressions, hunches, and guesses gathered from the internet. But how accurate are those? For instance, how many of those impressions come from the enemy media and are thus shaped by their biases and agenda?

Knowledge is power. The sad truth is, our enemies probably have a better idea of who we are than we do. But you can help us fix this, today, by taking the Counter-Currents movement poll:

  • The poll has 114 questions.
  • It takes about one hour to complete. (You can pause and save your work, so you don’t have to fill out the poll all at once).
  • We are inviting everyone on our mailing list to complete it.
  • Your email address gets you into the poll, but once you finish it, the results are anonymous.
  • By completing the poll, you will help us do two things better: (1) mobilize the people we already have for positive change, and (2) craft better outreach to bring new people into the movement.
  • As an added incentive to take the poll, everyone who completes the poll will be entered in a drawing for a prize of $500.
  • The poll will end on April 30th.

Once we have completed the poll and analyzed the data, we will invite other important groups in our sphere to poll their own audiences: VDareAmerican RenaissanceThe Occidental ObserverThe Political Cesspool, etc. We will give them both a snapshot of their own audiences as well as amalgamate the answers from all the different groups into a broader picture of the movement as a whole. This is very exciting, since large numbers give us greater accuracy.

For the first time ever, this project will make it possible for the movement to engage in serious, fact-based strategic planning and outreach. For the first time, we will have a clear picture of where our people are, as well as their ages, backgrounds, education, religions, professions, income levels, psychological profiles, most important political priorities, levels of commitment, and more.

This has been a monumental. Your answers are completely anonymous, and David Zsutty, who will bring the experience that he gained in conducting five national polls as the Homeland Institute’s Executive Director, will be handling the data analysis.

You as a Counter-Currents reader have the honor of being the first to take this poll. So please set aside a quiet hour, make sure you have a pen and paper handy, and take it today.

To participate, please email Greg Johnson at

Thank you, Greg Johnson

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