The Moscow-Delhi Axis
From Arktos.
Modi and Putin are currently defining the structure of the Moscow-Delhi axis, one of the most crucial pillars of a multipolar world order. Bharat (also known as India) is a state-civilization. Russia-Eurasia is another state-civilization. Clarifying their relations in terms of geopolitics, economics, and culture is fundamental.
We are all now learning to think in multipolar terms, which is a nonlinear system.
Empirically, I have developed a hypothesis: for the stability of a multipolar system, each pole should have no more than one main opponent. If our main opponent is the West, all other poles should be allies. This principle should guide all others in forming their alliances. Only those who aim to be global hegemons and seek to establish a unipolar dominance can afford to have more than one opponent. However, this will ultimately lead to their downfall.
From a pragmatic standpoint, it is crucial for the hegemon to ensure that other poles have more than one opponent, preferably excluding the West. This strategy makes it easier to control such poles.
India has issues with China and, to a lesser extent, with the Islamic world mainly through Pakistan, but not exclusively). This drives India closer to the West, with which it also has historical grievances (such as colonialism). Therefore, India needs to understand the logic of multipolarity more clearly, and Russia, with which India has no conflicts, can greatly assist in this.
Russia is currently on the front line of the conflict with the hegemon, making the construction of multipolarity and the promotion of its philosophy our natural mission.
(translated by Constantin von Hoffmeister)
Hi Kevin, Please explain how a hypothesis can be empirical?
Empirically refers to the Russian empire you doofus. Sheesh.
Anti-Semitism is when a Jew says
you are anti-Semitic. There is no
anti-Semitism without Semitism.
Herr Herzog, who preferred to make barbarism the subject of his films, and who virtually flirts with the fact that as an actor he prefers to portray villains, hoodlums and criminals, still has absolutely no explanation for how his own homeland or his own ancestors could drift into “barbarism”. Such people literally ooze mendacity from every pore.
Did he really ever ask himself the right questions in order to arrive at the right answer? One can confidently doubt this. While he bemoans the “excesses” of Hollywood’s woke and cancel culture, he is not prepared to admit to being in the know about who created Hollywood and still controls and governs it today: “no jews, no news.”
Let alone make a logical connection between Hollywood and the Weimar Republic. Herr Herzog, who claims to work “outside the film industry”, does not understand that he himself is part of a machinery that will always lead to the same result. Should this man who pretends to be so wise really be as stupid as he pretends to his audience?
Of course not, we all know that, and he knows it himself. Because the Jewish censor is breathing down his neck. Even one “wrong” suggestion would rob him of his publicity. Hypocritical as he seems to be by nature, he goes one better and even kvetches that anti-Semitism is the worst of the worst and “the threshold of what can be said” par excellence.
Morgan says, that if the “Allies” (conglomerate of capitalists & Bolsheviks, two sides of the shekel) had not taken up the fight with Hitler, he would have found himself in a “hellish situation” today. The Judensystem-benefactor doesn’t recognize a hellish situation in his homeland, which groans under an invasion’s “accompanying circumstances”, since he is sitting on cloud seven in his L.A. residence like Herzog.
Surely the crucial question is what destructive “message” the alleged “aesthete” Herzog himself is sending out into the world and transporting into the very impressionable brains of young people with his “doom prophet” movie machinations? Did he ever think about this in detail, or was he more interested in the sensation and the cheap effect, i.e. the sheer endless “human curiosity about evil”?