German Youth Are Rejecting National Shame (well, perhaps somewhere between 16 and 22 percent of them)

Nevertheless, the numbers of young people embracing the AfD is increasing. Notice that non-White migrants are unconcerned about Holocaust guilt—something Jews should be concerned about. And many, especiaally Muslims, are anti-Israel.

From The European Conservative.

For generations of German children, this caustic burden has been placed on their shoulders at a young age and the unfairness of it grows apparent to them when they compare their concentration camp visits to that of their peers with migration backgrounds. In 2009, I visited Dachau with my father. As we approached the architecturally stunning visitor’s centre, there were groups of students milling about. The German kids looked stunned and sat silently or tried to cheer one another up with small talk whispered as though in church. Many students of North African origin may well have been coming from a soccer game. They horsed about and even had time to mock my father’s beard. The demeanour of both groups could not have been more starkly different. This isn’t lost on German teens, who are increasingly feeling that they are getting the short end of the stick in the multiculturalism they have inherited from their parents and grandparents. As they grow older, they see that this double standard is leveraged for political purposes.

When Olaf Scholz took power at the head of a leftwing SPD/Greens/FDP coalition in 2021, his government prioritised expanding Germany’s culture of remembrance from focusing exclusively on the Holocaust to including Germany’s other historical sins. In May 2024, Claudia Roth, minister for culture and Green party member, introduced an expanded vision in a 43-page document. In this vision, the Holocaust would hold equal footing with German colonialism, the history of immigrant journeys to Germany, GDR history, and Germany’s “culture of democracy.” Rather than alleviating the burden of historical guilt, which Germans feel more acutely than any other nation, the government set about increasing it four-fold. And just as German children for generations have been confronted with memorials to the Holocaust, Roth has called for eye-watering sums of money to build new museums and memorials for her oppressive vision. An Exhibition Centre in Halle for the “life stories of the East Germans” would cost more than €200 million. A further €19.5 million would be spent on a “House of Democracy” in Frankfurt. Most controversial, however, was Roth’s collaboration with the “Initiative of Black People in Germany” (ISD), a non-profit organisation that provided feedback on her proposal. ISD, founded by radical leftist Bafta Sarbo, is a black rights group that has received €1.5 million in funding from the government, even though Sarbo has previously caused controversy by liking a tweet calling for the shooting of a Bild journalist, and for saying in an interview that, “as long as Capitalism prevails, there will be racism.”

Roth cynically attempted to tie hard-left political narratives—social justice, post-colonial discourse, and migrant politics—to Germany’s ‘national shame,’ the Holocaust. Rather than convince the public of the merits of her political positions, she attempted to subjugate every German by force of guilt. Thankfully, her plan was universally lambasted and quickly disappeared from public discussion.

However, leveraging German guilt for cash is a growing industry. Successive Polish governments have demanded wartime reparations in the region of €1.3 trillion from Germany. In 2021, Germany apologised to Namibia for its colonial past and offered a €1.2 billion reparations package. This was challenged in the Namibian court system to stall it so that more money could be extracted, with Al Jazeera pointing out that, as of 2024, Israel had received €82 billion in reparations from Germany with an extra €1.44 billion paid annually in upkeep to Holocaust survivors. Therein lies the issue with Roth’s updated “culture of remembrance.” If all historical grievances are to be given equal footing with the Holocaust, Germany won’t be long going broke. More importantly, young Germans who feel disconnected from the self-flagellation of their elders are tired of being emotionally abused and forced to cough up cash for the crimes of their ancestors.

They have more pressing matters to address, like navigating life in a multicultural nation—something their parents and grandparents never had to do. In 2015, Angela Merkel opened up Germany’s borders to a record 2.14 million immigrants, and defiantly stated, “Wir schaffen das” (we can do it). It was a great line, but since then Germany has become less and less safe. Crime statistics released by the German Department for Justice show that, in 2023, although Germany has a migrant population of only 18.4%, migrants committed 41% of all crime. Strikingly, migrants are responsible for 43.1% of murder, 74.5% of robbery including murder, 46% of aggravated rape, 41.1% of sexual harassment, and 48.6% of public brawls. These figures do not include criminal acts by Germans with an immigrant background. German youth are growing up in a Germany that is unimaginably different from their parents’ and grandparents’ experience. They do not feel safe, and yet their elders brutally enforce the old rules of ‘grin and bear it’ out of a sense of ever expanding ‘national shame.’ It has reached a breaking point.

In April of 2024, a large study found that 22% of German 14–29-year-olds would vote for the AfD in a general election. The numbers had doubled compared to when the same study was taken two years previously. Rather than engage in a bout of soul-searching to understand why young Germans are increasingly attracted to the AfD, the response was predictable. Establishment German politicians brutally clamped down on this dissenting generation with the full authority invested in them as custodians and official dispensers of ‘national shame.’

Since January, all parties have supported mass public demonstrations against the AfD and there have been increased efforts to ban the party entirely. After the April study revealed that the mainstream parties were losing the youth vote, they seized on an opportunity to scare the kids straight. In May, a group of upper-middle class youths were caught on camera in a 14-second video singing a viral meme song “Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus” (Germany for the Germans, foreigners out). The song, sung to the tune of Gigi D’Agostino’s L’amour Toujours, has become a taboo song in recent months, the meekest of pushbacks among young Germans otherwise unable to express their concerns about their daily reality. The youths in the video sang it with the cheeky smiles of kids giggling in the back of church knowing they are risking their parent’s ire. But the political and media blowback was devastating. Germany’s biggest daily newspaper, Bild, led the charge, branding the video a “Nazi scandal” and following up with several articles that hounded those involved, all of whom were later dismissed from their various jobs and studies. What was clearly a group of edgy drunken youths was portrayed as a hardcore Nazi cell at the very heart of German upper society, with several national news outlets, including Welt, firmly laying down the ‘national shame card’ by linking the lyrics of the song to speeches given by Hitler during his extermination of the German Jews. Following universal condemnation from the political establishment, SPD politician and Bundestag president Bärbel Bas called for “perhaps the maximum” legal penalty for the youths, of between 3 and 5 years in prison.

The media and political backlash to the Sylt “Nazis” couldn’t have been more different from the reaction when actual antisemitic extremist Islamists took to the streets to celebrate Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel. In the days after the attack, Muslim youths in Berlin’s Neukölln district clashed with police and rioted in the streets. Güner Balci, an integration officer for the area, said that ‘large swathes’ of Muslim youth support Hamas and Hezbollah and are members of local Islamist groups. A month before the Sylt incident, approximately 1,000 Islamists called for the establishment of a German caliphate on the streets of Hamburg. Both stories—stories of real and present danger to German democracy and stability—quickly disappeared from headlines without leaving any mark on the collective public consciousness. The message from the media and the political class was clear: German youths face different expectations and punishments because of their history, and those expectations will be savagely enforced.

The cracking of the establishment whip in Sylt had little effect. In the June European elections, the AfD scored 16% of the 16-24 year old vote, a return second only to the CDU/CSU. When state broadcaster Tagesschau polled voters on their chief election priorities, leading concerns were crime, fears about the influence of Islam, too much migration, and a loss of German identity. They would of course have known all of this ahead of time had they just taken a break from flogging the kids to actually listen to them. Unfortunately, it seems the lesson will be hard learned.

In June, German youths were again reminded that they are required to shoulder the negatives of life in multicultural Germany without ever complaining, when a 20-year-old woman was sentenced to prison for insulting a member of the largely migrant group who gang-raped a 15-year-old girl in Hamburg in 2020. The case caused international outcry when nine of the ten defendants received suspended sentences. Psychiatrist Nahlah Saimeh, who reportedly appeared as an expert witness in the case, stated in a 2023 interview with Spiegel that the gang rape could be a means for the rapists to vent their frustration at the social and cultural isolation they felt as immigrants. To add insult to already unforgivable injury, in addition to the 20-year-old girl who will now serve prison time for insulting one of the gang members, Hamburg police are also investigating 140 other threats made against the rapists. Absurdly, dozens of German youths could spend time in prison for insulting migrant rapists who themselves walked free following their heinous crimes. No wonder the kids are turning to the AfD.

Germany has finally arrived in the era of multicultural realism. Young Germans, frightened and uncertain about the future, are demanding that their elders—who only ever lived with abstract ideals of multiculturalism—listen to their very real concerns. Those elders, in turn, are arguing with one another about whether to continue to beat those youths into silence with the old rod of national shame or whether to add four more rods for a more robust beating. Meanwhile, the AfD prospers.

7 replies
  1. J.M.
    J.M. says:

    ‘Israel’ is beginning to come out of the shadows and death pits it has created. Buddha said, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” I knew Germany would be exonerated, and it’s hardly over. I hope the world will not stand by and pretend it doesn’t understand or care. It can’t for long because it has been chosen to come next.

    • J.M.
      J.M. says:

      Germans were able to produce great quality and were hated by those who couldn’t and who wanted to destroy them. Devils find destroying what is godlike both satisfying and doable, that’s how they make hell and others like themselves.

      In ‘1984” George Orwell foresees a world in which everything created is replaced to make a NWO: Watch the first few pages:

  2. Jimmie Joe
    Jimmie Joe says:

    Despite the unbelievably ugly fashion and clothes, in a way I like the 70s and their lightness, the uncomplicated interaction between the sexes and so on, if only because I spent my childhood in them. At least there was something like a social spirit of awakening from the encrustation, a (fictitious) feeling of “freedom” and the joy of experimentation, the search for new forms of expression, even if it quickly fizzled out again and everything ended up in commercialization, i.e. renewed encrustation.

    I remember the song, one of the many that accompanied my childhood. This music was also for children to hum along to, even if they didn’t understand English. The Dutch duo only existed for a few years, but enough to live off their earnings for the rest of their lives. The song sold 1 million copies in America alone. So-called “guest workers” can already be seen in the background of this video filmed in Cologne . Mostly Turks who, unlike Italians, Spaniards, Greeks and Portuguese, never left the country again as (supposedly) agreed.

    Bonn, the “replacement capital” at the time, was not far away. I recently read that Beethoven, who came from Bonn, probably had no Flemish ancestors at all, but some from the Rhineland, because one of his ancestors or he himself was a cuckoo’s child, i.e. had a genetically false father. He himself is said to have hated his father, which suggests that he himself was descended from a Rhinelander. He composed this simple short song called “German Singing” at the age of 20.

  3. Joe
    Joe says:

    This is absolutely astonishing to me. The German people and race have given more to the world than any other bar none. Whether it be architecture, music (Bach, Beethoven, Brahms), sculpture, literature, philosophy, invention… you name it… few other nationalities have given as much to humanity. Yet… this blessed people is villainized and blamed for wars and atrocities which they are not guilty of fomenting. Truth will out… and this great injustice will be rectified in time as all lies are crushed by the incessant pressure of truth.

  4. Jimmie Joe
    Jimmie Joe says:

    You also have to ask yourself critically: “Do I have prejudices against this particular person solely because I know that he is Jewish?” However, this attitude would not be surprising, but rather quite justified, even if it is perceived more on a “subcutaneous” level. There are simply too many of them, too overwhelming and burdensome, and they corrupt and destroy even the few good and useful ones among them.

    Jews can be quite likeable, you would hardly believe it. You have to praise them when there is something to praise, otherwise it will be said that we only discriminate for the sake of discriminating. Then they don’t have the proverbial demon staring out of their grimace like Mr. Schumer, Mr. Shapiro or Mr. Greenblatt, they don’t have a caustic-tinny voice, but something endearing emerges, sometimes highly entertaining and instructive.

    That’s what happened to me with Mr. Freedman. Of course, I always remain reserved and ask myself, where in all the truth is the fishy catch of lie well hidden? After all, that’s their old tried and tested trick, otherwise it wouldn’t be so terribly devastatingly “convincing”. Freedman is one of those New York Jews, materially favored by their parents alone, who were allowed to spend their lifelong academic career at the finest elite universities.

    He is possibly homosexual, but this can only be deduced from his sometimes slightly faggy way of expressing himself; his Wikipedia article does not list any personal details such as a family life or children. At least he seems to enjoy his physical existence, as his second passion besides medieval research is eating. Of course, as is their nature, these people always come up with their “Freudian” theories.

    Of course, I was particularly curious to hear what he has to say about the Germanic “barbarians”. But I couldn’t detect any tangible hatred in it, so I decided to watch the rest of it. Like almost all Jews, he self-reportedly favors Jewish-created Christianity over the old nature gods of the Europeans. What he has to say about “morality” (a favorite topic of the disproportionately shameful and immoral Jews) is not stupid either.

    However, I would be far more interested in what Mr. Freedmann could come up with regarding the serfdom of 1000 goyim for each individual Jew in the Jewish “scriptures”. Not to mention Abrahamic Islam, which was almost certainly founded by Jewish “scribes”. Are we not all slaves of the Jews today, i.e., serving only their agenda, most honorable Mr. Freedman?

  5. Tim
    Tim says:

    “The land of genocide”, of course, what else. A genocide that no one is allowed to investigate or question independently because otherwise they will end up in prison, even if they are 90 years old. What the one has to do with the other, this author should ask herself, who likes to harp on about the genocide of others (instead of her own).

    The “German” government does not make mistakes – it IS a mistake. But not a mistake in the system, the system is the mistake. The system has no balls. And this system was imposed on the Germans by their allied “friends”. German emigrants: “I love my country, but my country doesn’t love me.” How come?

  6. Tim
    Tim says:

    If ostracized boomers like us manage to enter the age of jeans-wearing pensioners despite all plagues of civilization, there can only be one remaining oasis of bliss, a retreat of undestroyed fantasy: a lovingly developed technology park in the back room that keeps our glorious memories alive. Is there anything more erotic than peak meters dancing merrily in the night?

    At least we can do something more creative with it than with Hitler busts and swastika flags. Above all, it’s an effective way to show off and brag to all those greenhorns who can’t even afford a rickety used Ford Fiesta. A completely deceived youth can nevertheless be vividly demonstrated in this way that it is quite possible to save a few relics of our past for the future.

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