Commentary on What Really Happened in Butler, PA

Okay, have at it with the “conspiracy theories” in the comments. The big thing for me is that there is nothing on the motive, even though they have his phone and presumably his social media. A media-induced hate-Trump narrative — not exactly uncommon — would be devastating to the left. What if they found something like approving of Joy Reid “screaming about Trump as a Hitlerian dictator (‘Then let me know who I got to vote for to keep Hitler out of the White House’)” or Rachel Maddow “bloviating about studying Hitler to understand Trump?”
What are they hiding if not that? We already know that the FBI is a left-activist organization and likely terrified of another Trump administration after what happened last time, such as lying to the FISA court about the Steele dossier. (Newly Declassified Document Indicates FB… | United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary)  Might as well have Joy Reid do the investigation.
What they have announced is that the assassin posted a message on a video game platform: “July 13 will be my premiere. Watch as it unfolds,” suggesting a desire for his 15-minutes of fame. Nothing else to my knowledge. There must be more. 
But I really can’t buy that Crooks was part of some kind of conspiracy. Not the guy the globalists would choose for that. As Ron Unz notes below, they would choose someone much more professional. 
The other thing that bugs me is Kimberly Cheatle’s “sloped roof” excuse for not securing the area where the shooter fired because it was “dangerous” is ludicrous, but perhaps just a DEI-committed bureaucrat trying to cover her ass. Weakly. But I suppose it opens the door for darker theories. Did the FBI know that Crooks was planning this and inform the Secret Service? We’ll probably never know without a complete and independent investigation into Crooks’ social media and phone. The left-activist reputation of the FBI in recent years gives one little confidence that will happen.
                                                                                                          *   *   *
Ron Paul’s take, via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

Just days after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, theories are flying from all directions. Many who ridiculed the “conspiracy theories” of conservatives are now suggesting the whole event was a set-up to boost Trump in the polls ahead of the election. Others suggest it was the “deep state” or even foreign actors who organized it.

Former US Navy Seal and founder of Blackwater, Erik Prince, claims that “The fact that [the Secret Service] allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150 yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence.” He went on to observe that, “unaccountable bloated bureaucracies continue to fail us as Americans,” adding that “unserious and unworthy people in positions of authority got us to this near disaster. Merit and execution must be the only deciding factors in hiring and leadership, not the social engineering priority of the day.”

Video has emerged showing that for at least two minutes law enforcement knew someone with a gun was on a roof aiming at the former President and no one communicated the need to pull Trump from the stage. You can clearly hear the crowd warning law enforcement that someone was on the roof. Yet he was unhindered until the first shots rang out.

This is the same mainstream media that has been comparing Donald Trump to Hitler for years, and now pretends to be shocked that their vile rhetoric ended up in violence.

There is a good reason why the mainstream media is regarded by the American public with record levels of contempt.

The current Director of the Secret Service has been interviewed expressing her dedication to “diversity” in hiring agents.

What if her dedication to DEI goals led to an agency that is more “diverse” but fails at its core mission? Can we rely on the media to inform us of this? Or will they, as usual, just blame it all on the Second Amendment?

What if the problem with the Secret Service is that it was moved into the bloated, incompetent, and menacing Department  of Homeland Security, the creation of which I strongly opposed when I was in Congress?

We shouldn’t count on hearing the truth about the attempted assassination from the mainstream media.

No wonder the elites remain determined to censor social media sites like Twitter/X and TikTok.

We live in an empire of lies, propped up by the mainstream media. And seeking the truth in this empire of lies is the greatest challenge for us in the moral bankruptcy in which we live.

From Ron Unz  The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump, by Ron Unz – The Unz Review

Assassinating a former president who is leading in the current polls is a very serious undertaking, and Trump’s lucky survival has drastically strengthened the support he enjoys both from the voters and from the billionaire donor class, while his security will surely be massively increased. I think it quite unlikely that any future sniper will have as easy a time gaining access to him at a rally or anywhere else. As Emerson said, “When you strike at a king, you must kill him.”

So if Trump’s enemies had decided to have him killed, I doubt they would have selected an untrained 20-year-old nursing home worker as their assassin [agreed] , a choice that resulted in the failure that occurred. Surely a far more professional sniper would have been employed, a sniper who never would have missed his target. Arranging for the Secret Service agents and the local police to stand down and provide an opening would have entailed enormous political risks, and what good would that do if the gunman selected couldn’t shoot straight? If any powerful organization or individual had been behind the assassination plot, Trump would be dead and Americans would be arguing about a successful rather than a botched assassination.

The dozens of security personnel who left Trump vulnerable are now being denounced as grossly negligent in the media, and if any of them had been given suspicious orders responsible for their debacle, they will surely soon come forward and defend themselves by explaining what had happened and implicating those responsible. If none of them do so, then the likelihood of any anti-Trump plot begins to dissipate, and the explanation of sheer incompetence becomes the most plausible theory.

One claim I’ve seen is that the gunman was wearing some sort of military-themed shirt and casually carrying his rifle in plain sight, leading most onlookers to assume that he was a member of one of the various different organizations tasked with ensuring Trump’s safety. This seems like exactly the sort of stupid bureaucratic mistake that can easily occur when multiple government agencies are involved in a common project.

Meanwhile, some anti-Trump circles have naturally promoted their own contrary conspiracy theories. They have suggested that the attack was a daring false-flag operation organized by Trump or his close allies, intended to only slightly wound the candidate and thereby greatly bolster his political campaign, just as has now happened.

However, I think this scenario is even less plausible than the other one. Once again, we must realize that the shooter selected for this dangerously lethal operation was an untrained 20-year-old firing from a distance of 300 feet, a sniper who hit Trump’s ear rather than his head. Thus, any such plan to boost Trump could very easily have ended up killing him instead, and it’s difficult to believe that any rational Trump supporter would have taken such a gigantic risk.

Perhaps some of these conspiracy advocates believe that the wound itself was somehow faked, and that all the Secret Service agents who saw the injury at close range and hustled Trump away were conspirators in the plot. But lacking any evidence, these sorts of theories grow ever more complex and unlikely.

My own reconstruction of what happened is different and much simpler.

When I first heard that Trump had survived an attempted assassination, my surprise was not that it had occurred but that there hadn’t already been a dozen or more previous attacks. I doubt that any political figure in modern American history has ever been so massively demonized by our mainstream media as Donald J. Trump during the last eight or nine years. He’s been vilified as a fascist, a Hitler, a traitor, a Russian stooge, a rapist, a racist, a swindler. Trump was endlessly portrayed as a fiend absolutely determined to destroy American freedom and democracy, someone who represented our country’s deadliest human enemy.

Our media creates our reality and for most of the last decade, hundreds of millions of Americans have been completely blanketed by these unrelenting waves of ferocious anti-Trump propaganda, so surely many thousands of them would have been unbalanced enough to consider saving our country by taking the law into their own hands and patriotically risking their own lives to remove that deadly human menace. The media had spent all these years painting a very bright target on Trump’s back, and I’ve been astonished that until a couple of days ago no American had yet taken aim at it.

Consider an analogous case from a few years ago. For many years, anti-immigration activists loudly proclaimed that our country was being “invaded” by hordes of hostile Mexican immigrants. Therefore, I was hardly too surprised that in 2019 a very patriotic but somewhat dim-witted 21-year-old named Patrick Wood Crusius took that heated political rhetoric a little too literally and decided to shoot as many of those foreign invaders as he could, killing a couple of dozen Hispanics at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. I strongly suspect that the young gunman who tried to kill Trump acted out of roughly similar motives.

Finally, I was generally pleased to see that Trump named Sen. J.D. Vance as his running mate. [Me too. Britain will be an Islamist country under Labour, claims JD Vance (] Although I’m not exactly thrilled with many of Vance’s positions, notably his extremely aggressive rhetoric regarding Iran and the Middle East, he seemed like the least bad choice among the several names under consideration, and we have to settle for what we can get.

Back in January 2013, Prof. Amy Chua and others had invited me to the Yale Law School to give a talk on my Meritocracy analysis of elite university admissions, and Vance, then using his previous name of Hamel, had been the young law school student who met me when I arrived and guided me around. Now, less than a dozen years later, he’s certainly come up a great deal in the world, being on the verge of becoming one of the youngest vice presidents in our national history, someone just a heartbeat away from sitting in the Oval Office. It’s very nice to know that he’s fully aware of some of the highly-controversial matters of great importance to our national future.

18 replies
  1. Sam J.
    Sam J. says:

    “…So if Trump’s enemies had decided to have him killed, I doubt they would have selected an untrained 20-year-old nursing home worker as their assassin [agreed] …”

    Assuming he was the only one, which is not conclusive. Someone has already timed the crack of the bullet and the gunfire report and said there were three shooters. I haven’t done this personally but if correct then the speed of sound does not lie. The press may lie, the SS may lie, they may all lie, but the speed of sound is what it is, and if the distances do not correspond to the timing of the gunshots then there was more than one shooter. We KNOW that Kennedy was fired at by more than one shooter from this same sort of analysis. The Congressional committee put together noted this and that there was more than one shooter. It’s a fact. We KNOW that there was more than one shooter in Vegas from the same audio analysis. You can listen to the Vegas cab driver’s video and if you can’t tell there is more than one shooter, you are deaf or dumb or both. . Why did they miss Trump. I don’t know. Luck, providence, God intervening, I don’t know.

    There is the possibility that Trump knew and set this up. Trump talks a good game but his actions do not follow his talk. It’s an outside chance but you can’t rule it out. I have said before that the conditions in the US are an exact match for Germany and they got a Hitler. Maybe they decided this time to get their own Hitler. And the actions of Biden and his administration are so absurd it feels like we are being driven. It can’t be totally ruled out, though I’m exceedingly sad to think it possible.

    The whole thing seems so hokey. The perfect photo shoot, Trump turns his head just in time, the SS not shooting this guy even though he was up on the roof pointing a gun at the President or not even warning him. Even though they knew a suspicious character was about and people were pointing at him. You must admit the whole thing is odd. For all we know the patsy could have been fed a magazine full of blanks while the real shooters, got to have bodies, were elsewhere.

    Though it may be a character defect, I don’t believe anything they tell us anymore if it doesn’t add up completely.

  2. ganainm
    ganainm says:

    “They have suggested that the attack was a daring false-flag operation organized by Trump or his close allies, intended to only slightly wound the candidate and thereby greatly bolster his political campaign,”

    That would be risky! More likely, no wound at all, just some fake blood. That would require complicity by Trump or the Secret Service.

    The real bullets were directed at the audience, to add some real blood. It also means that if you suggest some fakery, you will be accused of being insensitive to the families of the dead and injured.

    The problem is how can we know that any of the video footage is real? How can we know any of the eyewitnesses are real? Faking footage and faking eyewitnesses is presumably part of the game for political assasinations. And creating a thousand false leads for investigators to chase.

    I would not be so certain that SS men would give evidence about any plot, or orders to stand down or questionable actions.

    If there was some major plot to kill Trump, or even just to fake it, then it can be presumed that whoever is behind it would have no problem silencing witnesses who want to give the wrong sort of evidence.

    Either way, it has certainly helped Trump in the media. Here in Ireland, numerous media people who normally despise Trump are swooning about his defiant fist in the air after the Ear Incident and his general manly attitude. It’s a 180 turn.

    A bit like that scene in 1984, where the guy making the speech criticising the enemy. gets the news that the enemy is now our friend and we have a new enemy. He changes the name of the enemy in mid sentence!

    Cui Bono? Trump bono. Trump bono mucho!

    But everyone should still go and vote. Even if Joe and Don and RFK are as bad as each other and even if the votes won’t be counted. If you don’t vote, you are silent and silence means consent to whatever lunacy follows. You can spoil your vote, with some sarcastic comment or just a simple “I do not consent”. Don’t you have the option to write in the name of anyone onto your ballot? Use your vote, otherwise they will take your silence as consent.

  3. Fin of a cobra
    Fin of a cobra says:

    Completely staged Jew psyop, obviously. What for? The Jews decided to guarantee that Trump gets elected because Biden and Blinken both “blinked”: they hesitated in sending arms to Israel for a few weeks, and that was unacceptable to the Jews. There must be NO hesitation: you’re either “all in” with the Jews, or the Jews will kick you out. So Biden is out.

    Trump has now been “anointed” (Leviticus: blood on the right ear). This consecration of Trump as the Jews’ High Priest is the guarantee that Trump will listen each and every one of Yahweh’s commands. Now the Jews feel more at ease that Trump will indeed “finish the job” in Gaza and protect Israel no matter what Israel does during his presidency. No matter what.

    After Trump is inaugurated, Israel will invade Lebanon. When Israel flounders against Hezbollah, the US will be sent in to rescue the incompetent IDF. Trump (“fight, fight, fight!”) and his VP ex-military will be the poster-boys to get the clueless hillbillies back in the army to go die for Israel. And then Iran will be drawn into the war. And then Russia. And then it’s Armageddon. It’s what the Jews want: Armageddon. And Trump is the one who is going to give it to them.

  4. Joseph Krill
    Joseph Krill says:

    One glaring item all pundits are intentionally not discussing is that 1/8th of an inch difference and America would be in a civil war, a civil war the likes of which would immediately change the future of the entire planet. Be thankful Mr. Trump turned his head at the exact millisecond that he did. Do I believe in Divine intervention–with every fiber in me.

  5. Lucas
    Lucas says:

    Kevin Macdonald is a confessed Wagnerian.

    “Bayreuth should become more diverse, more colourful and more youthful overall.”

    (Because) “it is not a reflection of our diverse, colourful society.”

    The anti-German bitch (also nicknamed
    “Claudia Fatima Roth”) with her protégés.

    Roth: “Bomber-Harris do it again!”

  6. James Clayton
    James Clayton says:

    False propaganda made easy. From what I’ve seen thus far, I don’t like AI. We watched the Spielberg film simply called AI and don’t recommend it (I like Blade Runner however). But I keep seeing “Copilot” in the lower left corner of my usual browser screen and thought I try it when a neighbor expressed disbelief in what she’d heard in the mainstream media of so-called news about the political appointee responsible for homeland security. Here is one of three (3) topics it brought up like I expected dismissing facilitating replacement migration as a conspiracy theory.

    Copilot in Windows (preview)
    Question: “Alejandro Mayorkas” + “Israeli press”

    Alejandro Mayorkas, the (Latin) Jewish homeland security secretary, recently faced an impeachment process in the US House of Representatives. Here is #3 of 3 key points:

    3. Antisemitism Concerns:
    Jewish groups and the White House raised objections during the impeachment process, citing antisemitism.
    Seventeen Jewish organizations released a statement warning that the rhetoric around Mayorkas’s impeachment echoed dangerous antisemitic, white supremacist, and anti-immigrant conspiracy theories.
    Specifically, some Republicans alluded to the “Great Replacement” theory, which falsely claims that Jews are orchestrating an effort to replace white Americans with immigrants of color.

    • Pierre de Craon
      Pierre de Craon says:

      Yes, those who prepared the linked report are well informed. What is just as important is that they start where good investigators ought to start: by asking “who profits?” This is one of several significant ways in which their report differs from and is superior to Ron Unz’s article.

      The first noteworthy thing about Unz’s article is that, despite its verbal adroitness, it fails to conceal that Unz wants his readers to think that it is insane to lay the blame for the bungled assassination on anyone in the Biden administration, which just happens to be the most deeply Jew-infiltrated administration in US history. Yet who would have profited more from the crime, had it succeeded, than the Jews who do Biden’s thinking and governing?

      What follows is a brief analysis I assembled two days ago—i.e., two days before I read Kevin’s linked report. I disagree with nothing in that report; indeed, I find it exemplary. The only things my own comments add are a slightly heavier leaning on the question “who had the most to gain?” and a more plainly stated insistence on why those, many of them Jews, who have rolled out rhetoric’s heaviest guns to get readers to dismiss, as too silly for words, the obvious answer to that question—viz., “those who had the most to gain were the Jews who govern in Biden’s name and see no reason to surrender their power without a fight”—should be recognized for what they are: agents of willful distraction.

      The eagerness with which hundreds of my countrymen have been hammering away at their computer keyboards suggests that they all have received encoded e-mails promising a payout of a hundred grand to the commenter who writes the most moronic, farfetched, and nitwitted analysis of this desperate, badly executed, but obviously genuine attempt to assassinate Trump, which almost certainly originated with a phone call from a Jew in the White House to one of his many friends in the FBI, the underworld, or the Mossad.

      The armed assassin was spotted on an unguarded roof by half a dozen or so civilians, who then, over the course of more than five minutes, brought the man’s presence to the attention of a series of armed uniformed officers of varying description, few of whom seemed to express any interest. Moreover, agents inside the structure heard the would-be assassin on the roof. When finally someone was persuaded to access the roof (or simply drew the short straw), he or she quickly ducked backed inside for fear of being hurt.* When, precisely, did its adeptness at risk-avoidance become something the US Secret Service began pointing to with pride?

      It is as plain as the nose on one’s face that the Jews who rule this country are greedy, power-mad, and paranoid. They place no intrinsic value on any human life aside from their own. But evidence that they are cleverer than a typical ten-year-old, let alone geniuses of evil and masterminds of deception, doesn’t precisely lie thick on the ground, no matter how often we are told to look there for it. Moreover, it should not go unnoticed when highly placed and influential people, including even Ron Unz, argumentatively invert this utter incompetence, this inability to bring off a good old-fashioned suspect-free murder, and in so doing virtually insist that we believe that the men who are the likeliest to have planned the assassination couldn’t possibly have done it—and why? Why, because Competence is their middle name! Bullshit.
      *From ABC News: “Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service director, said the ‘sloped roof’ where Thomas Matthew Crooks was positioned on Saturday could have posed a risk to agents.”

  7. 6million Julies
    6million Julies says:

    “…So if Trump’s enemies had decided to have him killed, I doubt they would have selected an untrained 20-year-old nursing home worker as their assassin [agreed] …”

    Neither Lee Harvey Oswald nor Sirhan Sirhan were professional. They were simply designated patsies, which I suggest Crooks was. It wasn’t necessary for him to hit anything with his shots if there were actual professionals using his shooting as cover.

  8. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:

    I think Trump is an excellent example of the degeneration of the European character under American circumstances. He has practically zero German behavioral components, but despite his half-education he has a big mouth, is mendacious, corruptible and a single actor (aka “showman”). In the end, he clicks the trigger button, complete with hollow phrases, and the Americans identify with him. Here, the word populism has grown into a clownish, almost grotesque embodiment.

    • Jose
      Jose says:

      Rudy, Germany has done quite well in spiraling down the rabbit hole of self destruction. I ask, who in their right mind would want German behavioral components, behavioral components that completely miss the mark of what Americans call common sense.

  9. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:

    In other words: Trump’s trombone sounds are about as substantial as Alex Jones’ “potency pills”. The American public has long been conditioned by Hollywood cinema (we know who’s behind it) to pay attention to the label, the rest doesn’t matter. One might think that this is a quality worth learning for all non-Americans. But what will happen when the impactors get closer and closer? “Mastermind” Jared Taylor says in his latest video that he has stopped laughing because years ago he wouldn’t have believed his co-pilot Mr. Kersey if he had said something like ‘Black people run America’.

  10. ariadna
    ariadna says:

    “But I really can’t buy that Crooks was part of some kind of conspiracy. Not the guy the globalists would choose for that. As Ron Unz notes below, they would choose someone much more professional.”

    Actually that’s exactly the kind pf person you’d choose if you needed a patsy. No, he was not pat part off the conspiracy anymore than Lee Oswald was, but both thought they were involved in “secret operations.”

  11. Hans
    Hans says:


    “When I see people like you, I don’t see a master race.”
    Of course not, because the master race is only the Jews.

    Unfortunately, Andrew Anglin couldn’t be there to defend sex with 14-year-old girls. The reason is that he is on the run overseas because Jews don’t run America but want a ridiculous 14 million dollars from him and put him behind bars for years if not decades.

  12. Marcus Baskett
    Marcus Baskett says:

    All actors. All staged. How they continue to pull these fake incidents off is anyone’s guess. The deep state is the new world government folks. The federal gears that turn the world government machine are so much larger than our antiquated Presidential Republic tricycle wheels, it’s staggering in contrast. Waking up to this realization isn’t easy and frankly not recommended lest it blow your mind and cause the masses to panic.

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