Woke Eugenics: Why Wokeness is a Group-Level Adaptation That Will Save the European Peoples
If you’re anything like me, then your natural reaction upon seeing an obviously Woke girl —- complete with the obligatory dyed blue hair, rainbow flag handbag and supercilious facial expression — will be to avoid her. After all, her bright hair alone is screaming at you to do just that. In nature, vivid colours signify that the organism is poisonous; a phenomenon known as “aposematism.” However, considering that leftists, on average, are physically weaker, shorter and less physically and mentally healthy than conservatives, she is really more like a hoverfly; mimicking a wasp in order to deter the aggressors whom she fears.
Nevertheless, your reaction may well be to intensely dislike her. She, after all, is a leading enforcer of the New Oppression; the unforgiving ersatz religion of Wokeness: Black Lives Matter riots, prosecuting elderly ladies for “misgendering,” Drag Queen Story Hour . . . she’ll be an enthusiastic promoter of all of these “causes.” What a simply dreadful young woman.
Or is she? Is she, perhaps, in reality, some kind of ethno-nationalist in disguise, albeit an extremely convincing disguise? Rather than avoid her, and dislike her, should you not, in fact, thank her and perhaps even offer to take her out for dinner; at a vegan restaurant, naturally? In my new book, Woke Eugenics: How Social Justice is a Mask for Social Darwinism, I prosecute the superficially extraordinary case that this is precisely what you should do.
Wokeness is, ultimately, a group level adaptation; a vital adaptation which ensures that the group is returned to genetic mental and physical health, and, associated with this, high religiosity and ethnocentrism. The group is, therefore, able to survive the battle of group selection and, indeed, survive the next catastrophe that nature throws at us. It does this by creating an environment in which all but the extremely genetically healthy are induced to not pass on their genes. In that sense, this blue-haired Cultural Anthropology undergraduate is a nationalist hero: she is sacrificing her own genetic interests for the good of ethnic group and, ultimately, for the survival of humanity itself.
How does Wokeness accomplish this? To really understand it, we have to go back to the Industrial Revolution. Until that point, we were under harsh Darwinian selection, with a child mortality rate of about 50%. This process, in selecting for genetic physical health, purged the population of mutations, which almost always negatively impact an organism, every generation, keeping it healthy.
As I demonstrate in the book, we were also selecting for intelligence (allowing you to better solve problems and thus survive), mental health (the ability to cope with adversity and not get cast out by the band), pro-social personality (because a harsh environment means you must be part of a group), ethnocentrism (a group that is low in this gets itself displaced), conservatism (in essence, concern with the group over the individual and his feelings) and religiosity (a bundle of adaptive instincts which also seems to take that which is adaptive and make it into the will of God).
All of these traits are significantly genetic and, as they were being selected for together, they became bundled together in a process known as “pleiotropy.” Thus, to varying degrees (and there are nuances and exceptions for specific reasons) they are all genetically related. Intelligent people are genetically mentally and physically healthier. This makes sense because the brain accounts for about 84% of the genome, meaning it is a massive target for mutation. Accordingly, if your body is high in mutational load, leading to a poor immune system, your brain will be even more so.
The medical and other advances of the Industrial Revolution led to the collapse of child mortality; from 50% down to about 1%. Obviously, the result has been an enormous build-up of mutations. And we would expect those who carry these mutations to deviate from that which was the pre-Industrial norm, which was to be extremely conservative. Predictably, therefore, leftism is associated with numerous markers of mutation and poor health: shortness, weakness, physical ugliness, mental illness and so on.
However, in advanced societies, intelligence is negatively associated with fertility. Intelligent people desire fewer children, seemingly, in part, because they are more environmentally sensitive; they are less instinctive. This allows them to rise above instinctive responses and coldly solve problems. But it also means that they are far more dependent on being in an environment that, in order to be an “evolutionary match” with nature’s reproductive imperative, must be exposed to images of lots of death, such as 50 percent child mortality. But, as explored in our book, studies have shown that an environment of low mortality salience (such as in contemporary America), even after priming people with death imagery, their instincts fail to be triggered, and they eschew having children. (When we are made to think of death, we desire more offspring.) Consequently, it is the less intelligent (more instinctive) who increasingly have children and low IQ is genetically associated with poor health.
If this went on for too long, humanity would become so unhealthy that when the next massive volcanic eruption brought down civilization, as it did in the Bronze Age, we would almost all die out, save groups who were isolated hunter-gatherers. In particular, ethnic groups living in cold and difficult environments, filled with the unhealthy and unintelligent, would be totally destroyed. The European peoples would go extinct.
But then Darwin, or perhaps God, created the group level evolutionary strategy of Wokeness . . .
What does Wokeness actually achieve? In taking over the culture, Wokeness deliberately puts environmentally sensitive people on a maladaptive road map of life by encouraging them, overtly and covertly, not to have children: Humans are evil and are destroying the environment, men and women should change sex and sterilise themselves, life should be about material pleasure rather than having children and so abort your offspring, life has no eternal meaning so trade children for material wealth. Only those, among European peoples, who are, for genetic reasons alone, very strongly conservative will be resistant to this and will, therefore, pass on their genes. If you control for intelligence, therefore, the big predictor of fertility is conservatism, with liberalism the big predictor of sterility.
Europeans with low intelligence will also disappear: Every television commercial tells them that the only acceptable kind of couple, if a European is involved at all, is interracial, so they simply drop out of the European group.
But Wokeness goes further: it deliberately engineers a growth in nationalist sentiment. Crime is effectively legalised, causing people to become more stressed and hence more instinctive, resulting in them becoming more religious and nationalistic. DEI causes utter incompetence; a dangerous life, which makes people more instinctive as well as more resentful, if they are white, which makes people more instinctive. Polarisation means conservatives are more likely to breed with other conservatives. Intelligent people are highly conformist, they better understand what the dominant worldview is and have the “effortful control” (conscientiousness) to conform to it, meaning they will be the most likely to become Woke and, so, resign from the gene pool. Accordingly, civilization collapses, which will make people even more instinctive. The collapse in civilization will re-impose harsh Darwinian conditions, making us healthy once again. As has been said: “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
The species has to survive, and the ethnic group, a kind of sub-species, has to survive. Faced with mutational meltdown, we would expect evolution to throw up a mechanism which would return us to genetic health, ensuring our survival. That mechanism is Wokness. So, if you are an ethno-nationalist, you should not shun the next blue-haired, female student that you run into. You should say, “Thank you so much. Thank for all that you are doing to ensure that we survive. You truly are not a spiteful but an altruistic mutant.”
“Transfemicide”: Under the new Jewish head of government in Mexico, trannies have been given special status as demigods. Anyone who blows the life out of one of these creatures is now to spend 70 years behind bars, even if they themselves are already 70 years old. A logic that makes perfect sense, at least ideo-logically. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/article/2024/jul/24/mexico-city-transfemicide-law
What was that again: “Language changes the way we think”.
You associate high religiosity and ethnocentrism with healthy well being? You are truly truly lost. I am a white woman and a neoclassical feminist, which is new, and derives from radical feminist. I am probably the only feminist reading your blog, and routinely I am horrified by retrograde crap like this. Religiosity is the death of us and the negation of our intellectual achievements in science. Christianity was a god damn European lobotomy and wow you still double down on stupid.
Wokeness was created to destroy not only our European peoples, but to destroy true Western classical liberal feminism, which derives from our Enlightenment tradition, which few of you seem familiar with. This is really bad news for the West and America.
I won’t even read on with such a premise. Suffice it to say, they are trying to keep white women from breeding and from civilizing the human race, and from doing any other damn thing she wants as is her prerogative as the most intelligent specimen on the planet, and I say you men are proven to have retrograde linear minds and 20% of our emotional capability. This is all from the science, as I am a science reporter. Women have web-connecting brains and superior verbal ability, massively thicker corpus collosum than men.
The principle of political equality inheres in our natural differences, complimentary strengths. What I see here is a bunch of griping old men who still want to control women and hate women, like Jews. While I am happy to see you want to recruit them away from vegan pink hair stuff — and PLEASE REMEMBER THESE GIRLS AND THEY ARE GIRLS, they were targeted in military psyops. I was too, but I am too smart for it. Still that does not deny the political cause of females, which is as legitimate as the white cause.
I am the one talking to the feminsts trying to wake them up from Judeo control. I mean I hit them all the time on Jews creating porn and scapegoating the white man. The academics are the problem, however, not the mass of women. Gay and Jew took over feminism and I griped about it and told them we are having a straight feminist movement and really do not support gay as much. They are on notice and they do not understand the zionist Jews are attacking them. Well some of them, and I mean some of the leaders are being informed on that by me, because they still want to attack white men for porn, which is idiotic. But the Jews scapegoated you well.
I end up unsubscribing from this site because essentially you wish to perpetuate male supremacism and call it ethnocentrism. I can accept that whites are superior without being ethnocentric against others because ALL groups have made some worthwhile contribution. And in fact we may be able to claim part of Ayurveda as we know our Aryans went EAST… China and India have made significant contributions with their medical systems, which are effective and superior to our Judeo controlled drugfest.
Again, you continue to make a movement hostile to white women and really I don’t see where you are going with that. I’d say you are going nowhere, as you have been, and will continue. Your views are not even supported by facts.
RE ” China and India have made significant contributions with their medical systems, which are effective and superior to our Judeo controlled drugfest.”
Yes, but in the case of acupuncture, it took a GERMAN, Reinhold Voll (1909-1989), to perfect it by way of his invention of electro-acupuncture. As they say, “look it up”.
I went to two acupuncturists for a problem for a total of maybe 10 treatments. “Cure” lasted a short time. Then I found a white man who employed electro acupuncture. Two treatments and much later, I am still cured. If problem returns, I know where to go.
You are right in general, though, about the major contributions from Indian and Chinese doctors.
TOO readers – let’s not have the speech here about what I would do if I had a serious emergency. The western medical techniques are great for that – reviving & partly restoring nearly dead, completely-crushed folks – but shitty and destructive for just about everything else.
-Barkingmad (female)
Christianity today has such a broad range of doctrines that it is ludicrous to suggest that the religion as a whole is anti-science. Unfortunately, as scientists are only too well aware, science is often not to be trusted. As suggested in the text known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion the intentional corruption of science can be used to alter patterns of thought and behaviour on a global scale.
The Brave New World model of a society without families in which men and women copulate purely recreationally and use Soma to simulate the experience of travel imay just be a mirage. However the feminist deprecation of the feminine and adulation of the masculine in women is being used against all of us to remake humanity into a form in which family life as it has existed for milleninia is becoming impossible. Most women have plenty of power as things stand. Most men have very little. Each sex is fated to a different path in life. Men cannot be women (current fads notwithstanding) and women should not try to be men. If this is agreed on as a founding principle then political equality could be workable but the expectation would be that the strategic leadership would be largely made up of men.
Ava- honey/darling! You are a fool, and your ovaries are not as intelligent or useful as a White Man’s sperm. You are also probably past the age of child-bearing, so you are probably nothing more than a cipher at this point. And, without God, Christ, the Church, and the Grace that comes from that, you will have an existence of eternity not to be wished on my greatest enemy. But God’s enemies are mine, so I’m glad you will burn.
The Christian religion doesn’t NEED you. God has, from time immemorial, predestined those who are to be His own. that your puerile mind doesn’t grasp this, merely confirms your satanic ideology. And renders you liable to divine scorn, as in Ps. 2-
Why do the nations ragea
and the peoples plot in vain?
2The kings of the earth take their stand
and the rulers gather together,
against the LORD
and against His Anointed One:b
3“Let us break Their chains
and cast away Their cords.”
4The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord taunts them.
You are a loser and already predestined to hell, and yet think yourself free?
I pity you. And despise your ilk.
seems overly narrow and hence optimistic. what about massive immigration into north america and europe by rabbit peoples?
I’ve been arguing this point with blue hair types for a few years now. I flip their ideology as a benefit for the strong and healthy, basically to our benefit and that I welcome their continued efforts. Another truth they don’t like is they are the exact architype off the ones who bullied and shamed the traditionalists (Pagans, Heathens – Not my words) in Europe who were not willing to accept the new religion, Christianity.
The problem is far for more deep than just wokeism. Wokeism just reflects how defectively irrational Whitey mind can be. And now most of Whites are falling on it specially your “cognitive elite”. Sad, right?
The solution, waiting the highly religious kens and barbies to save us??
Is it??
Sad, right??
With the legalisation of abortion in the UK, child mortality – selective in various ways – has increased again to 20% – 30%.
Good point, and this predominant form of perinatal death selects very strongly in favour of maternal religiosity. Of course contraception is also anathema to Catholics. As they were made to sing in Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life: “Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate”
Prior to wokeness as a eugenic mechanism there were sexual prudery and censorship, as well as convent or monastic life and extended families with roles for uncles, aunts and cousins. But I think more importantly there was an understanding of an individual’s genetic interest in his race It was this sense of racial mission which motivated many of our unmarried soldiers and explorers. Freed from constant sex propaganda (which starts in infants school) and with reassurance from society of an individual’s value to it those lacking strong urges could be pro-social without procreating. Their genetic interests were furhered by their siblings but even more so by the success of the ethny at large.
A mechanism (or a series thereof) is needed to encourage the fittest to reproduce at an appropriate level. Whilst wokeness may trim the herd a bit, its acceptance of miscegenation vastly outways any benefits it may afford relative to the old ways. It is only the genetic interests of a super-narrow elite which are served by the creation of the Coudenhove-Kalergi man. Do we really want to live in a world where the mass of humanity is miscegenated and lied to continuously from birth?
It is only the abnormal that needs to be normalized.
The equation above seems in favor of humanity, but the vaccination for Covid-19 has complicated things. The unvaccinated do not want to join the vaccinated, and a large part of the intelligent ones were forced to get vaccinated.
This situation seriously alters the equation.
The covid vaccine was an IQ test. No high IQ humans are vaccinated.
“No high IQ humans are vaccinated.”
But they pretend they were.
“He who sows stupidity will reap idiocy.”
Has it ever been different? Of course not.
Unfortunately, people need to be reminded
of this time and again, otherwise they will
start to think their madness is “natural”.
“Achtung Achtung: Alarm!” The Ivans/Russkies/Bol-
sheviks come! Electro new-wave project by Conrad
Schnitzler and his son together with Peter Baumann.
Quite possibly the most retarded hunk of rubbish I’ve ever read. Dutton is a moronic hack completely divorced from demographic realities who makes ridiculous long term extrapolations on the back of his collection of flimsy premises. Evolution has overwhelmingly proven time and time again that elite-focused evolutionary strategies always fail – the Hittites had all of the steppe DNA bred out of them, and Brahmin India, the product of 3000 years of selective breeding, is an unenlightened corruption filled dump, whilst Western countries founded by the offloading of literal criminals, like Australia or Swedes in North Dakota, are some of the highest quality societies and robust economies in the entire developed world. And unironically wishing for “collapse” to cure society’s problems? What is this neo-malthusian mentally retarded rubbish? Any understanding of modern archaeogenetic science shows that collapses are absolutely disastrous for societies and often correlate with ETHNIC REPLACEMENT, where a people is partially or wholly genetically erased by a totally different people. Everything this ugly English hack with a crooked nose vomits out is pure poison to the European nationalist movement.
Steady on there old bean. Yes, Dutts is in love with his own prematurely oxygenated, Macchiavellian brain. And he loves controversy and iconoclasm. He’s an archetypal eccentric toff. But he’s not wrong about the contraceptive effects of “wokeness”, although his admitted autism precludes empathy for its millions of unhappy victims. His contributions are interesting but should come with a warning that the author is a mad professor.
Pretty sure the immigrant group you are thinking of, in North Dakota, is Norwegians. Not to mention….they aren’t exactly the majority there, either. Lots of English and German, as always.
1. The white race is committing suicide with below replacement birth-rates. A baby-shortage. Average IQ 100.
2. Its IQ level is dropping for several reasons, a “depletion of genius” (Ed Dutton).
3. Sub-Saharan Africans are still multiplying. A baby-boom. Average IQ 70.
4. Blacks are spreading north to fill the demographic vacuum.
5. The dominant woke ideology prohibits immigration control, race separation and eugenics.
Interesting read. Maybe, maybe not. One thing is certain however, in the Anglosphere the biggest destroyers of Anglo and Western civilization are in fact Anglo-Saxons.
i think you’re thinking of jews. jews were the adversary and anglo saxons were the builders of the anglosphere. the lack of common sense thinking i see online makes me understand why our countries are such a mess. in war you never try to conquer your own civilization. there is always an outsider adversary. again.. common sense.
Fusion of Jewish and “English” interests are marked successively: (1) Cromwell, (2) Disraeli, (3) Rhodes, (4) Churchill, (5) Blair, (6) Starmer.
This reminds me of Curt Doolittle’s argument that war is eugenic because it kills off the undesirables by placing them at the front lines thereby “domesticating” the population. Another angle on this kind of thinking is that artifice is “natural” selection, therefore it doesn’t matter what kind of notch filter the population is put through — it’s all for the good. In the present instance, hypocrites who spout the Woke line and do so with all the psychological intensity and economic success of “20th century intellectual movements” but, themselves, reproduce like cockroaches, are the product of a “eugenic” process.
This is a comforting lie — sort of like the one many JudeoChristians tell themselves about everything being “God’s will” and/or “Jesus will come and punish the wicked and reward the faithful,” etc.
The Protocols of Zion do not report an actual Jewish conference, but are a fairly clever fabrication probably aimed at discrediting the Judeo-Masonic alliance at the close of 19th century France.
War is dysgenic in so far as its finest warriors lose their lives without having children (e.g. 4 million Germans in WW2), whereas disease is eugenic in so far as it eliminates the weakest members of society.
Edward Dutton combines erudition with “jolly heresy” but the shape of his nose (not “hooked”, surely) is irrelevant to his arguments which are nevertheless becoming increasingly less defensible as he publishes them.
Religions have both positive and negative social effects, but some of them have contributed to human conflict on a regrettable scale; this question has been covered in detail by specialist studies, without heated half-baked generalisations as sadly exhibited by some choleric bloggers here.
The major human achievements in science, music, literature, medicine and engineering have come from elite members of the “white” subspecies, which is facing self-extinction in a future largely “African planet” (outside India and China).
Jewish support for multiculturalisation has diminished because of immigration by anti-Israel groups; and Zionists are now (belatedly but furiously) attacking wokery (e.g. Zoe Strimpel, Jake Simons). It is, of course, hardly “racist” to stick up for Palestinians. In the UK the government is going ahead with the “Holocaust” eyesore next to Parliament in face of numerous objections from different quarters; chutzpah on stilts.
There are different reasons for the rise and fall of different nations and civilizations; see e.g. Neema Parvini, “Prophets of Doom” (2023) for a short survey of some theories (LeBon omitted). No doubt intellectual and moral decline have been important in many cases, opening the door to invasion by others.
“Both socialism and feminism give equal control to weak men and strong men, and to women as to men. They take away from men their principal incentive to labor, and break down marriage and the family, leaving little room for children and enhancing the tendency to race-suicide” – Correa Moylan Walsh, 107 years before the Democratic coronation of Kamala Harris.
“…whereas disease is eugenic in so far as it eliminates the weakest members of society.”
That was true a long time ago. (Thank you, Black Death. Seriously.) Not anymore, though. Modern technological western medicine keeps inferior people alive and then they go on to reproduce themselves. If they are so weak (but still breathing) that they can’t even make babies the right way, they go for unnatural reproductive practices.
At the grocery store the other day, I saw a woman, maybe in her early 30s, in a motorized cart, she looked off somehow. JMO. Her husband was pasty and had the biggest gut I have ever seen though otherwise not too fat. He was pushing a baby in a carriage and that child didn’t look so great, either. As usual, it was a girl (it was in a pink outfit; I don’t see too many boys anymore; the men can’t make them.) In a school near here (and everywhere in this country) all I see are young girls, hardly any boys, and those are nonwhite.
Relatedly, let us not forget the dysgenic practice of vaccines. By the time you’re done with high school you have probably had (unless you’re Amish) approximately 72 doses. Don’t tell me that all that aluminum and the other adjuvants shot directly into your child’s blood and travelling to her brain are some kind of tonic. No wonder we are easy pickings for parasites. Mind you, nonwhites marching into our countries are doing their very best to catch up to us as regards ill health.
@ barkingmad
Yes, agreed re modern medical impacts, especially in “Global South”. Also, the harmful content of some vaccines.
There is a case for positive and negative eugenics, applied across all racial groups; e.g. the Sanger-DuBois collaboration.
The reference here to the Australian “Poms” – prisoners of the motherland – needs closer analysis of the offences committed by the transported, and their respective numbers compared to other more cultured white arrivals before and since. Policies towards the aborigines and non-white immigration were influenced by eugenic thinking, and are currently condemned by the Thought Police for that reason.
I’m woke to Jewish power and oppression of europeans, latin american drug cartels, and the injustices of indian phone scammers. I consider myself a left sider of the wing war and “social justice warrior” seeking to free Europeans from oppression. Within your paradigm — is my “wokeness” adaptive or unadaptive?
@ canadian goy
I am no doubt at fault as much as anyone, but what matters are not the vague labels – “racist”, “fascist”, “woke”, “left”, “right” &c – but the specific details of any policy or ideology which (as Ole Ez put it) “shd be examined ONE AT A TIME”.
I wonder why anyone would read a book which uses the word “Wokeness” in the title. Dutton is not even capable of using a scientific title. Woodley of Menie, after realizing that Dutton was a fraud, broke off all relations with him. Dutton keeps on making the claim that European Christians are evolving towards a state of being Group Selected, but Woodley of Menie rebutted him on this claim live on air. Woodley stated that unlike in the past, current Christian leaders don’t advocate that G-d has ordered European Christians to fight and die for the “glory” and advancement of European Christians. In the past, the Christian leaders contributed towards selection for a certain degree of Group Selected traits. But today, Christian leaders say that the only thing
G-d requires is for individuals to sincerely say to themselves “I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior,” and as long as they do that, they are guaranteed eternal hedonism, gluttony, and debauchery in Heaven. Again, Woodley of Menie rebutted Dutton live on air regarding his claim that European Christians are becoming Group Selected. Rather, what’s going on is that European Christians are facing Nuclear Family Unit selection, combined with religiosity. So, European males are acquiring genes for wanting to marry a female and have children, with a religious belief that Jesus Christ wants them to try their best to avoid engaging in homosexuality and transexuality. But that is it. These Christian Europeans are not acquiring genes for ethnocentrism or collective ethnic Altruism or a monumental/spiritual belief that European Christians have a destiny for “greatness” and “oneness” with the universe that they must aggressively fight for to the death to achieve. Quite the opposite, European Christians just mind their own business, engaging in Christ-approved hedonism such as over-eating, drinking, watching TV, playing sports, etc. Most European Christian males are fat.
Your sour comments re G’d and Christianity read like the contribution of a Jew who needs to extend his research. European Christians of my acquaintance are not noticeably fat from over-eating. Born-again Baptists should not be confused with Confession-attending Catholics. The churches do not advocate a Heaven of “eternal gluttony and debauchery”; this is more like the Islamic paradise. There is evidence suggesting that the more religious the Jew or the Christian the more children they have.
What? What? This article sounds like some stupid joke to me. Granted I’m a low-fat, high-fruit raw vegan, but also a eugenicist (including support for NEGATIVE eugenics) and fanatically anti-jewish, pro-white racialist, and national socialist, and I unapologetically shun ALL girls with blue hair. Period.