Entries by Edward Dutton

What is the Psychology of the Murderess?

There has been yet another devastating school shooting in America; this time at the Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. They seem to occur with such numbing regularity that in 2018 South Park captured the response with cutting accuracy in the episode “Dead Kids.” Shootings keep taking place at South Park Elementary, nobody cares […]

The Woke Right

A new metaphor is stalking the internet. It is promoted by the writer James Lindsay and by Konstantin Kissin of the popular anti-Woke podcast “Triggernometry.” It is called the “Woke Right.” By implication, those who are to the right of these people – those who are intellectually consistent and are consequently prepared to explore such […]


“Miscegenation.” The word itself is so taboo and so old-fashioned that it feels strange to even write it in 2024. But that’s the problem if you’re genuinely interested in science; you have to rise above “feelings” and “fashion” and dispassionately look at the truth. An intriguing new evolutionary psychology study, “No Signals of Outbreeding Depression […]

The Psychology of Trump Derangement

Why, in the wake of Donald Trump’s convincing victory in the presidential election, would it occur to somebody to pick up their phone, film themselves screaming and shouting “Why?!” and “No!” and then post this online, much to the amusement of Trump supporters? What is the psychology of an adult who records themselves having a […]