Entries by Edward Dutton

Woke Eugenics: Why Wokeness is a Group-Level Adaptation That Will Save the European Peoples  

Woke Eugenics – Imperium Press: How Social Justice is a Mask for Social Darwinism: Dutton, Edward, Rayner-Hilles, J. O. A. If you’re anything like me, then your natural reaction upon seeing an obviously Woke girl —- complete with the obligatory dyed blue hair, rainbow flag handbag and supercilious facial expression — will be to avoid […]

Britain is Now a Sectarian Society

England is now a sectarian society. As of the General Election, on 4th July, some people are sent to parliament by specific religious and ethnic communities simply because they are members of those communities, not because of the policies they espouse. A system which has long existed in sectarian Northern Ireland has now come to […]

Rushton Vindicated: Intelligent People Learn to Walk Later, Just as He Predicted

For those who are fascinated by what is sometimes called “Based Science” — science which fearlessly examines the empirical evidence no matter how “controversial” the findings might be — a breakthrough took place recently: “Rushton’s Paradox” was solved at last, using genomic data. To those who are not initiated, this may sound rather abstruse and […]

How Can Leftists Be Mutants if They Are More Intelligent than Conservatives?

I’ve become quite well known for arguing that leftists are “mutants;” that they are higher in mutational load than conservatives. Leftists, in general though not always, are, in my view, the descendants of those who would have died under the harsh Darwinian conditions of high child mortality that were prevalent until around 1800. However, it […]

Trigger Warnings Make Gen Z Even More Anxious

At the very point that countries such as India and China are increasingly nationalistic and are increasingly inculcating their youth with militaristic and nationalistic values [Is the BJP altering textbooks to promote Hindu nationalism? By Murali Krishnan, DW, 25th May 2022], we are infantilising our own people. The newly published The Anxious Generation: How the […]