Kamala Harris: The reality, as depicted in a parody post on X.
The left is extremely upset about this. How could any viewer have possibly known that it was parody?
These people are beyond ludicrous. If I was still allowed on X, I’d be following Mr. Reagan. An ingenious parody—that’s basically true.
Manipulating a voice in an “ad” like this one should be illegal.
I’ll be signing a bill in a matter of weeks to make sure it is. pic.twitter.com/NuqOETkwTI
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) July 29, 2024
Kamala Harris Campaign Ad PARODY pic.twitter.com/5lBxvyTZ3o
— Mr Reagan 🇺🇸 (@MrReaganUSA) July 26, 2024
“Democrat” Newsom has nothing against tens of millions of illegal invaders who cost the state billions every day and countless civilian casualties from crime and violence. He considers this legal. Illegal, on the other hand, should be good humor (which always seems so authentic that it could be real), which he personally wants to have forbidden. These people should be chased out of their offices.
I like the last line in this video: “If you think the country went to sh** over the past four years, you ain’t seen nothing yet. (cackle, cackle, cackle).”
This is a good advert. Kamala Harris should run with it. It expresses her views exactly. She is a Deep State puppet, as is Joe Biden. She takes pride in her role. The video is right about that. If this is some kind of a parody, so what? It’s close enough to the truth.
Gavin Newsom promises to outlaw the manipulation of voices in such videos. If it were porn, he would never outlaw it. He is 100% in favor of porn. He is against the censorship of hard core porn, because he likes its effects on society. (That’s one reason the Jews produce & distribute it.)
Newsom has already effectively legalized most crime, including drug pushing and child molestation. CA has just passed a law taking control of children away from their own parents, and giving it to the state government, which is run by perverts. That is totalitarian.
However, most ridiculous humorlessness,
(as is characteristic of the “democrats”) is
still allowed and even expressly desired!
“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public” – H. L. Mencken.
Apropos Gavin Newsom’s reaction, I wonder when he will tell a waiting world how deeply he treasures the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment—parody of Kamala Harris not being one of them, in case you hadn’t noticed.
Wow: vomit alarm / extreme stench attack!
The identity of the “humanoid bioweapon”
(aka “stinker”) has not yet been disclosed.
The perpetrators are now presumably mil-
lionaires. They claim that nobody has ever
found them unpleasant smelling. (Presu-
mably they mean among their own kind.)