Jared Taylor on his career as a race realist

Jared Taylor has been an effective activist on behalf of White people for 34 years. He’s a happy warrior and proud of his career. For good reason.

“Coffee and a Mike” Jared Taylor | EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WHITE PEOPLE (rumble.com)


10 replies
  1. Arnold Bannerman
    Arnold Bannerman says:

    Wait for it, Dr MacDonald!
    But Jared doesn’t spend his time declaring that The Evil Jew is “behind” it all….”controlled opposition”, “kosher wife”, &c ad nauseam.

  2. OpenBordersForIsrael
    OpenBordersForIsrael says:

    I remember super chatting Jared on an episode of Millinyule with Woes…I asked him about his opinion of Kevin Macdonald… he replied that he had a tremendous amount of respect for Kevin Macdonald and thought he was an outstanding scholar and thought that the Jewish question was absolutely legitimate to be asked… I wish he would have Kevin at an AMREN conference…

  3. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:

    “We agree to disagree”. Anyone who is annoyed that there is not enough entertaining humor these days can lend an ear to Mr. Martinez, who is in constant conflict with “Nordicism” thanks to his mixed-race identity and claims to have a big heart for Russians.

    He also puts Jewish capitalism, which he preaches as the ideal form of society even though he is still not one of its beneficiaries, in opposition to National Socialism, which he considers to be a variety of Jewish Bolshevism.

    He says that the Nazis’ futile mistake was to illegitimately seize from the Russians a part of the vast territory that they themselves had illegally appropriated and economically regressed to feudalism. This was a completely outdated view that was not based on freedom from conflict and the free trade of goods.

    That his beloved Franceso Franco only came to power with German help is something he deliberately conceals. Likewise that without the German campaign in the East, Europe would probably have become entirely Stalinist.

    The fact that Hitler was “in the service of (the Jew) Kurt Eisner” was in itself proof that he did not hate the Jews at all, but only used anti-Semitism as a pretext to slaughter white peoples (in the name of the Jews) and to force them into a collectivist economy.

    The same strange paradox was experienced immediately after the WW2, when the Anglo-Americans and their vassals fell into an inexplicable Russophobia towards their former anti-Hitler “partner” Stalin, which continues to this day.

    Invading and robbing other peoples, i.e. what the Spanish crown practiced worldwide for centuries, was something quite abhorrent and condemnable. For this reason alone, National Socialism was completely useless as an ideology.

    Millions of Nazis (and all their European followers) were just too stupid to realize this for decades, because they could never develop the genius that Brandon aka “Brandy” Martinez calles his own, mainly due to their ideological stubbornness.

    If Brandon had been elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933, a pan-European non-aggression pact would have been concluded with Stalin, but only on condition that Stalin accepted the capitalist economic system favored by Mr. Martinez voluntarily and permanently throughout Europe without a fight.

    Simply a brilliant move that only extremely exceptional brains like Brandon’s could come up with. Once again, it is undeniably clear that we are dealing with an exceptional talent unrecognized and underestimated by the entire patriotic scene, the proverbial lone warner in a desert full of fools.


    The Olympic Games have always been part of a strategic and systematic transphobic agenda, starting as early as the Evil Empire of the Nazi Reich. The case of “Dora” demonstrates this vividly. https://time.com/6998445/nazi-myth-olympics-gender-testing/

    What is it with all these people and
    their strange feminine tendencies?

    “Mr.” Waters clearly no descendant of the “infa-
    mous” rock star, neither of this serious author.

    (wait a few seconds until pdf shows up)


    Listen to the whole truth about the
    “Neo-Nazi AfD Party” from Texas!

    (wait a few seconds until pdf shows up)

    “Miller is Jewish but he would have made a
    good Gauleiter for any Fascist party.” Wow.

    “Mein Kampf was the hatred and musings
    of a narcissistic paranoid.” (Of course, this
    does not apply in any way to the article or
    the attitude of “CIA analyst” Goodman!)

    (wait a few seconds until pdf shows up)

    For patient listeners of quacking
    ducks: Frau Youcis (min. 31:39)

    The sadistic incorrigable sensationalist hate monger
    and inflammatory agitator/rabble-rouser Palmgren
    again: “Keep Calm And Ignore The Child Killers” !

    • Matthew Clements
      Matthew Clements says:

      Martinez wrote a good book on 9/11 as a Zionist rather than Islamist conspiracy, but I cannot find him anywhere preaching that “Jewish capitalism” is “the ideal form of society”. A reference added to the 30 or so here would be of interest, but none of this has much relevance to the validity of statements from Jared Taylor or Kevin MacDonald. Incidentally, it is now difficult to get American Renaissance news comments on screen; their videos were banned by You Tube.

      • Rudolf
        Rudolf says:

        “Martinez wrote a good book on 9/11 as a Zionist rather than Islamist.”

        Whether the book is “good” is probably ea-
        sier for you to judge than others, since you
        see to be one of the few who have bought it.

        “I cannot find him anywhere preaching that ‘Jewish capitalism’ is ‘the ideal form of society’.”

        Then you obviously lack the ability to identify
        the quotes he constantly uses from “libertarian”
        sources (such as the Ayn Rand or Mises Institute).

        “A reference added to the 30 or so here would be of interest”

        You counted (almost) exactly right and
        for this achievement you receive a credit
        for the recognition of the amount of links.

        “But none of this has much relevance to the validity of statements from Jared Taylor or Kevin MacDonald.”

        Nobody has made this claim, not
        even the enabler of the comment.

        • Matthew Clements
          Matthew Clements says:

          Last point first: why this extended rant against Martinez in a discussion of JT & KMac?
          The ARI has been Neo-conned/Zionified like much else on the “right”, but there are useful quotable nuggets from the Mises Institute (e.g. bank scams, WW2 revisionism) and Ayn Rand (e.g. science, communism, heroism) which can be rejected or supported on their own merits or otherwise.

      • Rudolf
        Rudolf says:

        PS: “Incidentally, it is now difficult to get American Renaissance news comments on screen; their videos were banned by You Tube.”

        Right, but it would rather naive naive to expect that, you don’t look for RedIceTv videos there either. There are now other platforms like Rumble or Odysee to fall back on. Since Youtube is Jewish-owned (it should be called Jewtube), even persistent JQ deniers like AmRen don’t have access there because they question the anti-White agenda (which is mainly scripted by Jews).

  4. Hamada
    Hamada says:

    Jared Taylor was obsessed about Blacks. He was a Southern Nationalist. Race is what helped the Jews in America. Since they were seen as Whites. Americanism didn’t mean anything since America was defined by race. Not by Nationality.
    After the Civil Rights movement America became without any form of identity.
    It was a biracial Christian nation throughout its history. Jared Taylor rejected that and now it’s a universal multiracial nation . A free for all Exactly how the Jews wanted.
    Taylor rejected the historic America because he rejected its Black population. He much rather preferred Jews. Sam Francis was the same.

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