The Debate about the Debate

Debate winner: CNN’s Candy Crowley. In 2012, she — the moderator — interjected herself into a Romney-Obama debate to fact-check Mitt Romney with a lie. But unlike ABC’s crack moderators on Tuesday night, at least she only did it once.
I’m exhausted from fact-checking ABC’s fact-checkers, so I’m just going to tell you about a brilliant experiment that pretty clearly established who won the Trump-Clinton debates in 2016.
The media say Trump whiffed Tuesday night, but that’s what we were told in 2016, too. It also could be that Kamala Harris came across as a smirker — MSNBC’s signature move — just like Hillary Clinton did. You’ve probably forgotten this — if you ever knew it — but notwithstanding Clinton’s allegedly devastating debate performances with Trump, she bombed. There’s scientific proof.
Feminists were ecstatic when Trump called Clinton “a nasty woman” at one of the debates, rushing out with “nasty woman” T-shirts, pins, backpacks and other merchandise. With the feminists’ usual finger on the pulse of the nation, it never occurred to them that maybe she was nasty.
Trump was responding to Clinton’s snotty aside — while describing her Social Security plans, of all things:
Clinton: “My Social Security payroll contribution will go up, as will Donald’s — assuming he can’t figure out how to get out of it — but what we want to do is —”
In order to test the feminist theory that Clinton, as a woman, was judged much more harshly than Trump, a couple of professors at New York University and INSEAD designed the perfect experiment. Two months after the election, they re-created the 2016 debates, but with a man playing Clinton and a woman playing Trump.
Professional actors were hired to reenact segments from each of the three debates, using the candidates’ exact words, gestures, intonation and stances. During rehearsals, they even had a screen with the actual debate running behind them to ensure a precise replica of the candidates’ performances, with only the genders inverted. (For you confused Gen Z’ers, back then there were only two genders.)
The professors and their (sold-out) audiences were stunned by the result. As NYU professor Joe Salvatore put it, instead of confirming their “liberal assumption” that “no one would have accepted Trump’s behavior from a woman, and that the male Clinton would seem like the much stronger candidate,” audience members found themselves hating the male Clinton and being impressed by the female Trump.
This is how Salvatore described the reactions:
“We heard a lot of ‘now I understand how this happened’ — meaning how Trump won the election. People got upset. There was a guy two rows in front of me who was literally holding his head in his hands, and the person with him was rubbing his back. The simplicity of Trump’s message became easier for people to hear when it was coming from a woman — that was a theme. One person said, ‘I’m just so struck by how precise Trump’s technique is.’ Another — a musical theater composer, actually — said that Trump created ‘hummable lyrics,’ while Clinton talked a lot, and everything she said was true and factual, but there was no ‘hook’ to it.” (Sadly, the Trump bump among the musical theater crowd was short-lived.)
One audience member said she found the [male] Clinton “really punchable.”
I suspect the Trump-Harris debate will elicit similar reactions. Trump is Trump, a known quantity. His scattershot delivery isn’t going to shock anyone. If you already detest the man, your view was confirmed. But if you don’t hate him, Trump put a lot of points on the board, while Harris said nothing, and said it smugly.
The debate sure didn’t give undecided voters what they wanted from Harris. As has been widely reported, they are waiting breathlessly for some hint of what she believes and what she would do as president. After the ABC debate, they’re still waiting. About all they learned is that Harris comes from a middle-class family. (That regular guy routine worked great for John Kasich!)
But they know that life was better under Trump. And they know that Harris, like Clinton, is a nasty woman.
Great article. I heard NJF talking about this 2016 re-creation on his stream covering the debate Tuesday. I look forward to the results when they do this again.
I can’t get excited about elections in the US though, as no matter who wins, the country is completely under jewish control and Whites are being replaced in their homelands everywhere.
I really do wish Kevin would come back to Twitter, though. It’s as unchained as I’ve ever seen it, and there are so many zoomers that have never heard of him who would appreciate. This goes for Joyce as well.
I keep appealing but no reply.
So true. The white Europeans are being pissed on by everyone else. Have you watched TV, the internet (advertising), the Weather Channel – no white people in the ads. Ridiculous and making especially black people into white people – as paragons of virture mimicking Ozzie and Harriet or in the alternative being themselves with their kinky hair and their gutteral behaviors – jigaboo talk. We need to stop this nonsense. Exchange the blacks here with the white “settlers” in South Africa. Stop all immigration into the U.S. especially from Somalia and Haiti.
Notice in all the mainline commentary on the debate, NONE of them mention Trump’s points about the risk of war with Russia and the chances we are taking intervening in that conflict.
Why the silence on this?
Because Trump is right–on this one issue–and the networks know the American people will agree with him on that one.
Orange Man’s most screechy mouthpiece, Alex Jones, spreads the rumor from his studio, which he no longer owns, that an attempted assault on his master was foiled in Florida. Could the perpetrator have been pro-matriarchy feminist Kyle Hunt (resident Florida)?
This should be a fundamental comfort to all Americans who feel no racial affiliation when they hear their beloved anthem: Is the German people merely a fiction, a dangerous myth, created by the Romans?
A certain Harvard “professor”, an immigrant from “the most liberal Berlin of all times” with the first name Christopher and the surname Krebs, which means Cancer (both animal and disease), has only written three books in over 20 years, and this is one of them.
You could say his personal contribution to the cultural awakening of America. One wonders what Harvard and Stanford are paying him for. Mr. Krebs is living proof that barbarians were a fiction, existing either as monsters in the “Holocaust” or in Tacitus’ Germania.
Just as John Wayne or Elvis were identity-forming for the myth America, Hitler was a clichéd exaggeration, a distortion of the supposed Germans. National consciousness works like astrology: the attribution enables the established image to be fulfilled.
It’s no different in politics. At the moment, Russia is the world villain. And Trump can’t escape the attribution either, fulfilling it again and again. Everything positive is forgotten and faded out. The enemy is a non-person. First courted, then cursed.
“Everyone deserves a second chance” does not apply in history. If the heap of misery that still wrongly calls itself “Germany” does not howl with the wolves, the old grudge is thrown at its feet. It became a non-entity, unidentifiable, to avoid accusation.
What is identity anyway? Is it male, female, American, German? Let’s take as an example the T-shirt of a Mr. William Eston, who discusses the book above. The language is German, but the title is American. This generates attention.
In this context, one should know that Tacitus was never in Germania. His “tales” were second and third hand, or simply made up. There is no period of history and peoples that is as obscure as Germania’s early history.
This is not because there were no written accounts; evil tongues claim that the Church systematically destroyed all evidence about Germania in order to give only (“random”) Tacitus a hearing.
Who knows if this is true? It is striking that all works on Germania by former Roman “field marshals” have been lost, although one can be sure from cross-references in the literature that such works existed.
Tacitus’ report goes into detail; if one names a source on a certain behavior of the Germanic tribes, one can be sure that this passage will be relativized a few pages further on. Tacitus says everything and nothing.
It is also the ideal medium for preparing half-baked Anglo-Saxon legends a la Lord Vansittart with scientific crème fraiche. If you like it, bon appétit!