Mo with the Flow: How Third-World Migration is a War-Crime against the White West
I’ve never knowingly heard a moment of his music. And I’ll do my best to ensure that I never will. But the Chicago rapper Chief Keef (born 1995) has still supplied me with an excellent symbol of the noxious nature of Blackness. What is that symbol? The cover of his first album:
Chief Keef’s Finally Rich (2012)
It’s a good cover in a bad way, entirely appropriate for the cretinous and corrupting genre of rap. Keef looks both dirty and dangerous, both menacing and malevolent. But I think there’s something in the photo that’s working at a subconscious level to maximize the menace and the malevolence. What is it? It’s the smoke spilling from Keef’s mouth. And why is the smoke important? Because it’s chaotic. I mean that mathematically, not just metaphorically. Smoke is an example of the mathematical phenomenon of chaos. The movements of smoke are notoriously difficult for scientists to model and predict. Smoke is a kind of miniature meteorological phenomenon and, like the weather as a whole, it’s very sensitive to tiny changes in the variables that govern its behavior. As the story goes: a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas. Smoke displays the butterfly effect in miniature. That’s why tendrils of smoke are so fascinating to watch. They’re sinuous and strange, swirling and shifting and serpentining, impossible to predict from moment to moment.
The criminal chaos of Blackness
Like smoke, Black behavior is chaotic. And I think that’s why the smoke on the cover of Chief Keef’s Finally Rich is so powerful, subconsciously reinforcing the message of menace and malevolence. And of mindlessness. The smoke is an active, exterior symbol of the evolved Black psychology inside Keef’s dreadlock-draped head. Keef is captured in a moment of stillness, but you can ask the same question of him as you can of the smoke spilling from his mouth. What is going to happen next? You can’t predict what the smoke is going to do and you can’t predict what Keef is going to do. In an instant, he could be active and on his feet, dishing out violence, dealing death or committing rape. Like smoke, Blacks are volatile and chaotic, shifting suddenly and sharply from one pattern of behavior to another.
But smoke isn’t always chaotic. In apparently still air, it swirls and shifts, but it will respond instantly to a sufficiently strong air-current and move in one distinct direction. That’s another way smoke is like Black behavior. Black crimes are often very easy to solve because Blacks react suddenly and impulsively to opportunity. They evolved in the rich but unpredictable environment of Africa, needing to react fast to sudden changes. So they go with the flow in the new environment of a Western city, drifting like smoke and then acting with distinct purpose as an opportunity for personal advantage arises. If a valuable item is momentarily unguarded, a Black will steal it without thought of the future consequences.
Natalie Shotter, the innocent White victim of our Semitic and Semito-sycophantic elite (photo from the Daily Mail)
That also applies to Black sex-crimes. I thought of Chief Keef’s smoke when I read about a fatal rape committed in London in 2021. The alleged rapist is called Mohamed Iidow (sic). I haven’t found a definite photo of him, but he has a Somali surname and is therefore presumably Black. He certainly behaved like a Black, drifting like smoke as he waited for an opportunity to rape a vulnerable woman. Here’s how he is alleged to have been a Mo going with the flow:
Woman died of heart attack after being repeatedly raped by stranger on park bench, court hears
A woman died from a heart attack after she was raped by a stranger while unconscious on a park bench, a court has been told.
Warning: This article contains details readers may find distressing
Natalie Shotter, 37, had been on a night out before she was sexually assaulted and killed on a park bench in Southall Park, west London, jurors heard. Mohamed Iidow, 35, is on trial accused of rape and manslaughter. He has denied both charges. Ms Shotter died of a heart attack caused by Iidow raping her “again and again”, prosecutor Alison Morgan KC told jurors. The court was shown CCTV footage of Ms Shotter sitting on a bench with a different man when, the prosecution says, Iidow walked past and looked at them.
He then left the park and drove away, before returning later, jurors heard. The prosecutor said Ms Shotter was lying down and showing “no clear movement” for around 30 minutes before the defendant approached her “nonchalantly”. During the alleged attack, the victim was “deeply unconscious”, she said. Ms Morgan continued: “What was the defendant doing there, what was he seeking to do, walking up and down the paths in the middle of the night and thinking about what his objectives must have been — seeking out a vulnerable woman to rape.”
Jurors were shown CCTV which, the prosecution said, showed the defendant moving Ms Shotter’s body into different positions as he raped her. Ms Morgan told jurors: “She was not dead at the time when the defendant was orally raping her, it will be a matter for you to consider — that this defendant went to the park for a reason.
“He would not have sought to have sex with a dead body for over 15 minutes, he was having sex with someone he knew was alive but was deeply unconscious and therefore he was raping her.” Ms Shotter’s body was found in Southall Park by a passer-by in the early morning of July 17 2021, the court previously heard. Swabs taken from Ms Shotter’s mouth area matched DNA samples taken from the defendant, the court heard. (“Woman died of heart attack after being repeatedly raped by stranger on park bench, court hears,” Yahoo News, 4th October 2024)
There’s a very important adverb in that story: “nonchalantly.” The rapist captured on CCTV was not feeling stress or apprehension as he prepared to commit a bestial crime. That’s characteristic of a psychopath and psychopathy is more common among Blacks. But committing rape in public and being captured on CCTV is characteristic of a stupid psychopath. Low intelligence is also more common among Blacks. The average IQ in Somalia is estimated to be about 68. Even when they aren’t committing rape, murder and other crimes, Somalis are very bad for Western nations like Britain.
“Exceptional leave to remain”
So why are there so many Somalis in Britain? We can thank a Jewish immigration minister called Barbara Roche, who told the Guardian in 2001 that she “entered politics — she still emphasises this today — to combat anti-semitism and xenophobia in general.” As part of her combat, Roche opened Britain’s borders to the Third World during the Blair government. As the Daily Mail noted in 2016, among the Third-World newcomers were “more than 200,000” Somalis: “Since most were untrained and would be dependent on welfare, the Home Office could have refused them entry.” But Roche struck a blow against xenophobia and “granted [them] ‘exceptional leave to remain’.”
In other words, Barbara Roche committed an enormous crime against the White natives of Britain. I hope that she and other ministers in Tony Blair’s government will go on trial one day. But the crime of allowing non-White immigration from the Third World wasn’t just committed by Tony Blair’s government. Every government since the Second World War has been culpable. Yes, the floodgates opened under Blair, but the Conservative governments that followed did not try to close them. Quite the contrary: the already disastrously high levels of Third-World immigration increased under the Tories.
Semito-sycophancy in action: Kemi Badenoch performs the goy-grovel at Holocaust Central, Yad Vashem in Israel (image from Jewish News)
Are you surprised to hear that the Black female politician Kemi Badenoch (born 1980) supported that increase when she served in the pseudo-Conservative government? Indeed, she wanted it to get even bigger. Badenoch has married a White and has a Scottish surname (pronounced BADE-noch, with “ch” as in Bach), but she is in fact a Nigerian who was born in London. She now seems poised to become the next leader of the Conservative party, because she’s very popular among the ordinary Conservative members who will choose between her and Robert Jenrick. Ordinary Tories stupidly see Badenoch as a Black version of Margaret Thatcher. But she has got this far only by proving herself to the most important and powerful group in British politics. Like all ambitious politicians in all Western nations, Badenoch knows that Semito-sycophancy — sucking up to to Jews — will guarantee lavish funding and friendly media coverage. But it won’t guarantee that Badenoch becomes Tory leader, because Robert Jenrick, her last remaining challenger in the leadership election, has also been a dedicated Semito-sycophant.
Indeed, Jenrick is married to a Jew, just like the current Labour prime minister, Keir Starmer (and Kamala Harris, Democrat candidate for U.S. president). Jenrick is claiming that the Conservatives need to get tough on immigration if they want to win elections again. But even if the Tories do get tough, they won’t get tough enough. Immigration doesn’t need to be reduced: it needs to be reversed. Jenrick won’t do that and Badenoch certainly won’t. But sooner or later remigration will happen. Then the trial of criminals and traitors like Tony Blair, Barbara Roche, David Cameron and Boris Johnson can begin.
Waging war on the White West
Natalie Shotter, the White woman raped to death in 2021, isn’t famous like Blair, Johnson and Cameron. But I think that she should be central to the trial all the same. Her death-by-rape was both bestial and bustable. That is, it was a horrible crime that seems to have been very easy to solve. The criminal was captured on CCTV and left his DNA in the victim’s mouth. If Mohamed Iidow is found guilty and is indeed a Somali, then the crime will prove yet another example of a very simple equation: Bestial + Bustable = Black. That is, the worse the crime and the easier it is to solve, the likelier it is that the criminal is Black.
It isn’t difficult to understand that equation. Even a slippery lawyer like Blair isn’t going to be able to blow smoke about it. He and Roche knew what they were doing when they exposed the ordinary Whites of Britain to the criminal chaos of Blackness. That’s why they deserve an intra-judicial version of what was extra-judicially inflicted on Natalie Shotter. In other words, they deserve death. Roche got to the top because she was Semitic. Blair, Johnson and Cameron got to the top because they were Semito-sycophantic (and also part-Semitic in the case of Johnson and Cameron). All of them waged war on the White West. And all of them need to answer for their crimes.
“Natalie Shotter, 37, had been on a night out before she was sexually assaulted and killed on a park bench in Southall Park, west London, jurors heard.”
After injecting untold children and adults with the vaxx. Karma is a bitch.
I read about this case, the attacker was clearly evil, but it is really strange.
The rape was exclusively oral. So Shotter must have been near-comatose intoxicated before the predator approached.
If she returned to consciousness during the attack, what happened?
Really, if she had regained consciousness, she would have been in a good situation to bite hard.
Did she regain consciousness or not?
What was the actual cause of death, beating or becoming unable to breathe for an obscene reason?
My guess would be the former. The lugenpresse makes it a mystery.
Adolf Hitler said the driving social forces of history are “race and personality”; Tobias Langdon seems to think they are “face and physiognomy”. Drill and its “musicians” are closely connected with criminality and violence, and their body language exhibits deliberate anti-white racism. That said, not all black people are stupid, psychopathic, criminal or even ugly. I would regard England’s Tory leadership hopeful Ms Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke as borderline re the last consideration.
It has always been politically routine to keep the Jewish fundraisers and Board of Deputies sweet by visiting the post-WW2 Canossa, Yad Vashem, and lighting candles on suitable occasions, but Robert Jenrick has gone overboard in his recent Friends of Israel address, vowing to put the Israeli Flag at the border points of entry into the England, for whose survival he has elsewhere spoken, contra mundum wokum, as vigorously as Enoch of Old. Jews are concerned about Muslim mass-immigration, and this signifies a change of attitude. They don’t LIKE Schwarzers either.
Immigration is the Jewish broom to tame White Europe. In Israel indeed no immigration is permit. UK was declared the thirteenth tribe of Israel by Elizabeth the First. Good lick Britons. A.H. is greeting you from the Hell P.s. In any case the issue is not immigration. Immigration is a social mess and an economic burden forever, The issue is that the crimes are not punished and black people and Muslims who live under the jungle law (in EU/UK) do not understand where is the limit and they exploit the situation of “white weakness” Please go to UAE where there are 180 nationalities at least: Why don’t they have this kind of crimes? The real issue is the stupid Whites intertwined with Jewish interests. Close the wallet and the aliens will go back home immediately.
The UAE picks and watches its guest-workers and visitors.
Emirati laws are extensive and ruthless, and policed efficiently.
Jews in Britain have a history different from those in the USA whose dominating Zionist lobby has its adverse effects on the UK in more recent years. Some Jews, including Zionists, strongky oppose the growth of Muslim and anti-Israel immigrant communities in the UK and EU, e.g. “Londonistan” (Mad Melanie Phillips) and “Eurabia” (Batty Bat Ye’or).
It’s a compete coincidence that the current prime minister and possible future leader of the opposition are married to Jews. Nothing to see here, move along now!
Another beautifully-written and dispiritingly insightful piece of writing by Mr Langdon. Thank you.
I hope someone somewhere is collecting his work for an anthology. I’ll be first in the figurative Amazon queue to buy it.
@ Patrick White
Amazon wouldn’t stock it!
“As long ago as 2016…an immigration panel judge…estimated there were at last 1.5 million illegals./It’s more than 20 years since Labour ripped up our borders and, in the words of the odious Peter Mandelson, ‘scoured the world for immigrants’/The intention was to change the face of Britain irrevocably. Shamefully, during 14 years in government the Tories did nothing to reverse the influx… Britain is changing at breakneck speed, with virtual ghettos…where English is no longer the first language.
But while we are ordered to ‘celebrate diversity’ at every turn, anyone who stands up for traditional British values and customs has been routinely smeared as…on a par with the Ku Klux Klan./A debate which dared not speak its name until recently is breaking cover into the daylight. Those voices will not be silenced./…A Tower of Babel, somewhere people live but don’t belong./
It’s time to pull up the drawbridge.” – Richard Littlejohn, “Daily Mail”, October 11, 2024.
The congruency of our viewpoints is the reason I read your missives. Bravo, Sir!
My question concerns itself with the term: “Semitic.”
Widely quoted is a remark delivered by a Jewess member of Israel’s Knesset: “Anti-Semitic? It’s a Joke! We always use it!”
Are not the Palestinians ‘Semites’ while the ‘Occupiers’ chiefly comprised of Ashkenazi & Russian Khazars who would love to “Steal your face right off of your head.” Please, continue writing for us (your readers) who love your work!
Off Topic: I wonder if my Isle o’ Skye/PEI MacDonald forebears makes Cousins out of Me and our Hero-of-The-Truth, Prof. Kevin MacDonald? I intend to donate to TOO once I’ve recovered from the recent HAARP(?) Hurricanes(Sp?) in Floriduh. Best to All.
I have a slightly unrelated question. Can someone explain what happened to Jared Taylor’s AmRen? The whole comment section has turned into Breitbart-style Jewish Supremacist and Zionist propaganda kissing up to Israel.
@ H. L. Mencken
Glad to see that America’s sharpest critic of U$ politics is still alive and “kiking”.
However, I don’t think the open AmRen blog quite fits this sweeping description, even the recent comments on Ta-Nehsi Coats & Israel. It is quite possible to accept a sea-change among Jewish opinions, albeit self-interested as usual, over immigration and black psychopathy without endorsing an aggressive and imperialist war for Likud and “Christian Zionism” against Muslim women and children overseas, whether Shia or Sunni.
Taylor has always loved the Jew. Nothing new here. His famous comment a while back when responding to some criticism….the jew ”looks white to me.”
You don’t need to “love” or “hate” the Jews. Just maintain a well-informed and balance defence of white civilization. This description of Taylor’s view does not chime with his published statements on this subject, which is the prime obsession of TOO contributors. His achievements on our behalf have been unique, tireless and indispensable.
White replacement is inversed and implicit nazism. What nazis did against jews, jews are now doing against whites. Trojan horse political strategy.
What this is, is a genocidal plan to eliminate White Men. First, the system disenfranchises White Men. Then it justifies this with libelous lies like White Men stole the Western World from peaceful savages. The system introduces hostile alien lifeforms to remove living space from White Men. Then it encourages miscegenation to breed them out. Finally, it pushes sexual deviancy to lower the birth rate of White Men. It’s all a plan to genocide White Men. Why? The fake jew has a mad dream to have a world where everyone else are slaves to serve them. White Men oppose slavery. That’s why the system is genociding the White Men. The fake jew will never get what it wants, but it will attack White Men to try and get it. In truth, the plan is to destroy all life on Earth. Satan chose the perfect suckers to make His plan. They are stupid, insane and fanatical in their pursuit of Satan’s goals. Don’t expect that any of dese nutz to figure this out. They have been programmed to do this.
It’s not only West Indian and other Afro immigrants who perpetrate gang rapes in the UK. As several of TOO correspondents have reported, Pakistani gangs have for decades dedicated themselves to the seduction and gang-rape of many hundreds, if not thousands, of White girl children in their early teens.
As has been admitted a couple of years ago, various Police constabularies and municipal Social Services departments turned a ‘blind eye’ to this criminal activity by Asian gangs “to protect good community relations”!
It cannot be said that all Black/Afro gang rapes in the UK have been inflicted on White girls (though a lot have). Blacks seem to have a culture which holds that all females are ‘hos’ (whores), including their female kinfolk.
Circa 1970 there were media reports of a gang rape in an indoor car park in Brixton, south London — a district already swamped by West Indians. Upwards of 20 young Blacks (their race was hinted at in some reports) queued up to rape the “young girl” — the only description which all press reports gave for her. Later I was told by a police officer that the victim was “Black”. I am still not certain this is true…
A few years later a similar sort of rape was reported in the Hackney Gazette, the local paper for that district of north London — also by then completely swamped by Blacks. “A girl” (only description given) was waylaid in a recreational area on a canal bank by “two young men” (only description given). They took it in turns to rape her.
Meanwhile an “an adult man” (only description given) who was sunbathing nearby, watched these proceedings. When the young men had finished, the older man shooed them away and then raped the girl himself. He then wandered off.
All this took place in broad daylight. In view of the population of that district in those days I am inclined to believe that all the participants in that ghastly sequence were Black.
At about the same time one of the tabloid papers gave an account of the initiation Black girls must undergo if they wished to become attached to their local Black gang. In short, they had to bestow oral sex on each male member of the gang as they queued to take their turn.
I lived near to Brixton in the 1970s and visited the cinema there to see the film ‘Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee’. This contained a scene in which exclusively White U.S. Cavalry soldiers attacked, raped, then cut off the breasts of Red Indian women. At that scene, a large group of young Blacks several rows in front of me erupted with screams of high excitement and delight.
This is not to say than Blacks do not rape/gang-rape White girls/women. They do. But the events I have recounted indicate the attitude which Blacks/Afros have for all women, including their own womenfolk.
Inadequate/incomplete media reporting of such events stoked-up White feelings of hostility for Blacks. The policy of not reporting the race of the perpetrators or the victims has not resulted in a lessening of White hostility for Blacks. On the contrary, most White people leap to the conclusion that in ALL rape cases involving Black gangs, the victims must be White.
Last Sunday’s Sunday Telegraph ( carried this report:
“Girl, 13, raped by three strangers who lured her from Tube station”.
There can be no doubt as to the racial identity of the rapists (convicted after a trial). Their photos in full colour decorate the report. But “for legal reasons” no photo or any kind of description was given of the 13 year old victim.
Has multi-racial brainwashing in our schools got so effective that a 13 year old White girl, alone on a Tube platform, would go away willingly with three Black adult male strangers to the home of one of them and allow them to ply her with alcoholic drinks…? I doubt it.
Without full and free reporting we are all at the mercy of our feelings. Deliberate media mis-reporting of these issues is having a reverse effect to that intended.