Dr. Ricardo Duchesne on an aspect of Faustian Man
All the greatest mountaineers were European men — simply because, as Oswald Spengler realized, the urge to explore, to reach the highest, to do what no man has done before, is strictly a White male attribute.
1. Michel-Gabriel Paccard and Jacques Balmat were the first to climb… pic.twitter.com/3tK7MQfck2
— Dr. Ricardo Duchesne (@dr_duchesne) October 12, 2024
Structural racism is being practiced here again! Where are all the
magnificent Jewish achievements, embodied by Mephisto? They
explore moral abysses that no earthlings ever thought possible!
And where is the contribution of all the great African explorers?
Do the ADL and SPLC first have to issue strict warnings again?
Here is the missing part of your white supremacist historical lies:
The Leaping Legend of Kilimanjaro
In the shadow of mighty Kilimanjaro lived Olonana, a Maasai warrior renowned for his extraordinary jumping ability during the Adumu dance. His faithful companion was a nimble goat named Pogo, who could leap almost as high as Olonana himself.
One day, while performing the Adumu near the mountain’s base, Olonana had an idea. “Pogo,” he said, “why don’t we jump our way to the top of Kilimanjaro?” The goat bleated enthusiastically, which Olonana took as a yes.
With each mighty leap, Olonana and Pogo bounded higher up the mountain. They sailed over crevasses, startled climbers, and left perplexed wildlife in their wake. As they neared the summit, the air grew thin, but Olonana’s determination (and Pogo’s curiosity) kept them bouncing upward.
Finally, with one last spectacular jump, Olonana landed gracefully on Uhuru Peak, Pogo right beside him. The warrior let out a triumphant cry, while Pogo celebrated by eating Olonana’s victory snack.
When they returned to their village, no one believed their tale. But Pogo’s ability to recreate their epic jumps (and the summit selfie on Olonana’s spear-phone) eventually convinced even the most skeptical elders.
From that day on, Olonana became known as “The Leaping Legend of Kilimanjaro,” and Pogo enjoyed a lifetime supply of the finest grass in the savanna.
Not forgetting:
Charles Bernheimer, Hermann Bondi, Christopher Columbus, Joseph Faquin, Richard Feynman, Angelo Heilprin, Israel Lyons, Gottfried Merzbacher, Judith Resnik, Victor Saunders, Aurel Stein, Pedro Teixeira….just for starters.
Harvey Silverfish has omitted from his shortlist of Faustians of the Hebrew persuasion the two most famous mountaineers: Moses (Exodus 19.20) and Yeshua (Matthew 4.8).
Not entirely uninteresting speech https://odysee.com/@WhitestGoyUKnow:2/Fredrick-Toben-Schindlers-list—the-True-Story-of-David-Brockschmidt:5
Aha: “David Brockschmidt was a deputy of Frederick Töben at the Adelaide Institute until November 2000. Brockschmidt has an unusual background for a Holocaust revisionist. His parents were declared Righteous Among the Nations for helping supply trucks to Oskar Schindler during World War II. Before settling in Australia, Brockschmidt spent eleven years working for the British army in the Rhine as a civilian and two years in Israel from 1977-1979. Brockschmidt has expressed beliefs in theories involving Jewish people, including the idea of a world-wide conspiracy and a link between Talmudic Judaism and Marxism-Leninism.” https://linkmix.co/27256489 (Toben books pdf)
(ANTI)”german” Bolshevikipedia:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Approving, trivializing or denying the Holocaust and other Nazi genocides is punishable under the laws of several countries, including the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Austria and Switzerland; under German law, this is usually also the case if the act was committed from abroad. IP addresses of users who engage in or support this will therefore be recorded, blocked immediately and the authors reported if necessary!
Have you ever heard of “liberated (instead of looted)
weapons”? Then listen to this tiny heap of “historian”.
One must imagine (in a nightmare) the entire extent of psychopathic madness, what this schizoid, denegrated Near Eastern gang of criminals has done to a highly spiritual, freedom-loving people like the Germans, abhorring them as the sc*m of the earth and forcing them into complete renunciation of identioty! Completely gutted and robbed of their souls! Do you still think they will be more “humanistic” towards you?
WTF is diss? https://www.perplexity.ai/search/i-urge-you-to-bombard-my-mind-Iao63Bp_TFeZVzCtr7tEYg
Two interviews in one video, with a short break in between: “A few days after his departure, TLV1 pays tribute to a brave, upright and honest man like few others in the world. A fighter for the cause of truth, his contribution and testimony have left a mark in the history of the people that no one will ever be able to erase. Ernst Zündel, a tireless researcher who has left this world perhaps, only to go in search of the truth wherever it may be found…. Even to the afterlife! Interview conducted in Guadalajara Mexico, in the framework of the 1st International Congress Identitario – 100th anniversary of Salvador Borrego in 2015.”
Wait a few seconds after activating the link until the PDF appears:
Download here (click on GET)
…and then convert the .djvu
file to PDF or another format
The name “America” is based on a mistake made by two German geographers. But perhaps it was not a mistake at all, but America itself is a mistake? Not only in terms of cultural history, but also purely linguistically. For it should more correctly be called “Southern North America”. Imagine if Germany were to call itself “Europe” (or China “Asia”). A good reason for a direct military conflict. It cannot even claim the title “Central Europe”. An injustice beyond compare.
Which word (regardless of “the”) is the most commonly used word in America? Correct: “dollar”, which in turn originated from the German taler. So Columbus got the short end of the stick. https://nypost.com/2024/10/13/world-news/columbus-was-a-sephardic-jew-from-western-europe-study-finds/
It is also German-American Heritage Month, celebrated with a wonderful multiracial “diversity” video. Btw., the unsightly Weimar flag is an allied falsification, the only and true German flag is and remains black, white and red. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr0EghktGX0
The first German set foot on American soil just twenty years after the first Briton. To this day, there is not a single English-language Wikipedia article about this epoch-making event. And even in the article about his father, there is not the slightest hint of a reference to it.
Mr. Collett discusses a film that is actually
an old topic, and the British author of the
book probably borrowed from Jules Verne.
The main actor has a German mother with
a typical “left-wing intellectual” biography.
In my list I completely forgot Johnny Weissmüller, perhaps the most American German who ever existed. He expressed the already deeply internalized cultural adaptation cinematically through a kind of primal scream. His successor Orange Man (not to be confused with Orang Utan) is also in this established tradition. I was only reminded of this when I recognized the birthplace “Tarzana” of the half-German Balthazar Getty.
Cheetah could not only defeat evil Nazis, e.g.
in the films of the Jew Wilhelm Thiele, but also
uncover all kinds of false identities. Cheetah was
obviously of the opinion that the audience can
and must be trusted with the whole naked truth.
Only with his own master “Johnny” did his
otherwise absolutely reliable instinct fail, for
Johnny was a brazen, methodical liar. Had he
learned this from his Jew coach Bill Bachrach?
Not only had he lied that his “Yell”, which frigh-
tened all his enemies, did not come from his yo-
deling throat at all, but from an edited tape, but
he had also committed identity fraud in public.
“I was born in Pennsylvania”. His body
already looked as bulky as Elon Musk’s.
P.S. Platforms like upmovies.net and the like
change their addresses from time to time, pre-
sumably because the Hollywood Jews are stal-
king them. So here are two video supplements.
“The glorious and tragic story of J. Weissmuller.”
Higher resolution outside “EUSSR” only via proxy.
Not surprising that the first explorers to climb the Alps were European, given that, you know, the Alps are in Europe.
And of course Hillary climbed Everest together with Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa born in Tibet or Nepal.
There is evidence that ancient Incas climbed Aconcagua long before Europeans arrived on the continent.
Better Niagara than Nigeria
In Denmark’s land, where Vikings once roamed,
A tale unfolds, both strange and honed,
Of Lucky Frances, pirate no more,
Who lost his leg on Guinea’s shore.
The Great Dane navy, fierce and bold,
Faced off with pirates, brazen and cold,
But who’d have thought, in this Nordic land,
A buccaneer would get a helping hand?
Niagara’s falls still thunder strong,
While Denmark’s court sings a different song,
Of integration, prosthetic care,
For a one-legged pirate, beyond compare.
Oh, how the Vikings would scratch their beards,
At “hygge” culture that now appears,
Where once they pillaged with axe and sword,
Now do-gooders welcome pirates aboard.
The taxpayers fund a new pirate leg,
While Right-wing parties begin to beg,
“This correctness has gone too far!”
But Frances learns Danish at the local bar.
From Gulf of Guinea to Copenhagen’s streets,
A tale of absurdity that can’t be beat,
Better Niagara’s rushing sound,
Than Nigeria’s pirates, newly crown’d.
In this land of Lego and fairy tales,
A one-legged pirate now sets his sails,
On seas of welfare and integration,
A Gutmensch’s dream, a nation’s frustration.
So when we ponder the world’s strange ways,
Remember Frances, in Danish haze,
For better Niagara’s misty height,
Than politically correct pirate plight.
Even the infamous Swastika Elephant is asha-
med of its owners. All that’s left for him to do
is stick his wrinkled trunk deep into the beer
barrel & suck out a hefty gulp of 30 liters. Skål!
In Indianapolis, the white population has shrunk to
55 percent. The former German House, designed by
Kurt Vonnegut’s father, is now called the “Athenæ-
um”, presumably in pure homage to German culture.
The son experienced the Anglo-American “liberator
culture” in Dresden first-hand. Admission not permit-
ted, perhaps because of “Heil”, or because of the now
too numerous colored burglars, but probably because
of both, since one automatically excludes the other.
Just across the crossroads is a colossal
Masonic temple. “In its early days it fea-
tured a 1932 speech by Winston Churchill.”
Irving praises “Bomber Harris” as a kind of “formi-
dable personality” [sic] who received his orders to
bomb German cities directly from Churchill. Poor
“powerless” bomber Harris! You could almost feel
sorry for him. Such an impeccably honest person!
He simply had no choice but to obey this “order”.
This is called the zombification of (former)
structural whiteness, but you can also name it
the systematic Haitianization of American cities.
Police crime statistics have shown that this
type of whitefacing can, for example, help pe-
ople to perceive a potentially life-threatening
situation much earlier than before in order to
react appropriately by fleeing/using weapons.
“Uncle Borzah makes da cheese, so dat u laugh
(don’t ape it, you could scare guileless peoplz!).”
I have got into the habit of internalizing a certain attitude. I call it “as if” (confidence), as opposed to the “what if” (fear) attitude. Because when we become aware of our existence, we also become aware that we are all running towards death, that our whole life is just a passage. “Passage to where?”, you might ask, but since we are and will remain unable to see there, there is no need to philosophize about it. Just as any philosophizing about the approaching end is superfluous.
Ultimately, philosophy is humanity’s attempt to gain insight into the inevitable. The “as if” attitude is that of a winner, the “what if” attitude that of a loser. In the end, we will all lose, namely our lives. The “as if” attitude consistently excludes all thoughts of loss, death, failure, etc. Fake it, until you make it. Every boxer who thought he was going to win the fight but lost also had the “as if” attitude. It makes winning the most likely.
Now something about gender relations. Since I am a man, I suggest and offer to look at this rationally. Of course no woman is inferior to a man, and to claim so, as in Islam, for example, is evidence of intellectual and cultural immaturity. Men and women have their own strengths. In short, this means that there must be a social agreement that everyone must abide by and that ritualizes a right of preference, as has been the case for thousands of years.
Men should have and receive preference wherever rationality is involved, and women above all where emotionality is concerned. This of course includes the fact that particularly emotional “men” and particularly rational “women” are the exception to the rule, i.e. an unnatural deviation, and should be treated as such. We need to get back to this and move towards putting things into a clear and concise form, and this is clearly a masculine quality, so it is also a task for the male world.