James Howard Kunstler: Lawfare Is Jihad Against Our Country

It’s happening again…

From Zerohedge

This time around, 2024, Mr. Elias has done everything possible to ensure that millions of illegal aliens stuffed into swing states will have their putative identities attached to harvested mail-in ballots from addresses such as Walmart parking lots and storage units, and has filed lawsuits wherever a state threatens to require proof of citizenship for voting….

The lineup of the leading Lawfare attorneys are Jews: Marc Elias, Norm Eisen, Benjamin Wittes, Andrew Weissmann, Michael Bromwich, Michael Sussmann, Lawrence Tribe, Daniel Goldman, Paul Rosenzweig, the exceptionally profligate serial liar Rep. Adam Schiff, and many others.Lawfare Is Jihad Against Our Country.”

Old Joke: what do you call a hundred thousand lawyers at the bottom of the sea?

Answer: A good start.

You think the bankers are up to no good? No band of scoundrels has brought more chaos and grief to the life of this republic than the claque that gathers darkly under the banner of “Lawfare.” Its public face is Lawfaremedia.org, run by Benjamin Wittes a Brookings senior fellow, but that gang functions only to lend a false-front of decorum to the operations of its Democratic Party activist lawyer-army led by Field Marshal Marc Elias, architect of the ballot fraud that has caused Americans to lose faith in their elections.

Marc Elias was the original expeditor of the RussiaGate hoax in 2016 from his perch at Perkins Coie, then Hillary Clinton’s campaign law firm, which laundered payments to Christopher Steele, front-man for Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS political PR shop, which concocted the fraudulent “dossier,” and set in motion a train of DC intel blob legal shenanigans aimed at defenestrating Donald Trump from the White House — the Mueller Investigation, impeachment, etc.

While all that was going on through the Trump term, and with the Covid-19 Op providing cover, Mr. Elias engineered the 2020 changes in many states’ election laws and bylaws to permit large-scale mail-in voting, organized ballot-harvesting activities, and the use of drop-boxes for receiving bundled votes. He and his George Soros-financed staff lawyers sued states that attempted to require voter-identification, and provided legal protection for Mark Zuckerberg’s $419-million-dollar assault on election precinct staffing in swing states. When the 2020 election concluded suspiciously, Mr. Elias and his gang joined lawsuits in every case where the balloting was contested and got more than sixty of them dismissed on the basis of “standing,” without the merits of the cases being heard. This is Lawfare.

This time around, 2024, Mr. Elias has done everything possible to ensure that millions of illegal aliens stuffed into swing states will have their putative identities attached to harvested mail-in ballots from addresses such as Walmart parking lots and storage units, and has filed lawsuits wherever a state threatens to require proof of citizenship for voting. He has also filed sixty peremptory lawsuits to obstruct attempts to audit any election count after November 5 — as if it is an affront to democracy to even ask questions about official misconduct.

A parallel Lawfare scam underway is the Democratic Party-sponsored 65 Project that seeks to disbar Trump-adjacent lawyers who attempt to challenge any voting irregularities in this year’s election. It’s mission statement reads:

The 65 Project is a bipartisan effort to protect democracy from these once-and-future abuses by holding accountable Big Lie Lawyers who bring fraudulent and malicious lawsuits to overturn legitimate election results, and by working with bar associations to deter future abuses by establishing clear standards for conduct that punish lies about the conduct or results of elections.

Notice the term “Big Lie” to foreclose any inquiry at all into election fraud. That half the people in this country accept such an Orwellian con tells you the vital role played by the perversion of language in the Democratic Party’s war against the citizens of this land. Exactly who is to say, in advance of the event, that any objection to a vote count is fraudulent and malicious? Answer: the people who have maliciously committed fraud. The Democrats have been grooming the public for years with that phrase, the Big Lie, in exactly the same way that pedos groom innocent pubescents who accept the authority of any grown-up, no matter what debauchery they are subjected to.

It’s a tragic turn of fate for our country that the law, and language with it, have been turned into weapons for national suicide. The net result is a nation that can’t think straight anymore and cannot construct any coherent set of rules to live by. So we find ourselves in a society where stealing is no longer a crime, where border-jumping has been downgraded to a clerical error (“undocumented”), where little children are allowed to decide whether they are male or female, where speech that disagrees with the authorities agenda is “misinformation” subject to censorship and prosecution, where candidates for the highest office get selected “democratically” without any votes cast, and where you can be run-over and ruined financially in court by the bottomless legal resources of the Deep State for just speaking your mind.

Now I will tell you something that deeply troubles me and might trouble you. Forgive me if I throw the Overton Window wide open here.

Readers may know that I am an American Jew. We have entered a new era of antisemitism. Many might say it is due to the conduct of Israel warring against its enemies. I would say it is as much due to the adoption of Jihad politics by the Marxist-Woke campaign as an instrument to promote political and social chaos in America.

Lawfare is essentially jihad waged via the courts against our own disintegrating common culture and national interests.

The lineup of the leading Lawfare attorneys are Jews: Marc Elias, Norm Eisen, Benjamin Wittes, Andrew Weissmann, Michael Bromwich, Michael Sussmann, Lawrence Tribe, Daniel Goldman, Paul Rosenzweig, the exceptionally profligate serial liar Rep. Adam Schiff, and many others. I can’t say I understand exactly what motivates them to engage these antics. (Possibly to defend their Deep State clients against many previous crimes committed since 2016, especially within the FBI and DOJ.) But it’s a really bad look on top of being a nefarious agenda.

They are disgracing the rest of us American Jews and putting us in danger. Shame on them.

They must be defeated, and their defeat must come within the arena of the very law they work so hard to pervert.

16 replies
  1. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:

    Mr. Jones is clearly in need of an explanation, because he has to “prove” that anti-Semitic Catholics like himself will nevertheless gain access to the Yahwite-Abrahamic heaven after their earthly demise. https://www.unz.com/ejones/is-holocaust-denial-a-sin/


    After all, the renowned afterlife expert Dennis Prager, who as a deuteronomic elector can count himself as one of Yahweh’s ground staff, said: “If Holocaust deniers don’t go to hell, there is no God.” This threat must be taken seriously.

    Catholics are not given a seat in the heavenly grandstand of honor, where only kosher meals are served among the foreskinless. They live up there together with the Muslims in the paradisiacal basement, where blood-sucking rats and bats live. Admittedly: An extremely unenviable fate.

    The Lutheran “Protestants”, if they were faithful to the Bible, are even completely segregated and excluded; they are given refuge in an extra heaven that will forever house an army of billions of hell pigs and hell dogs.

  2. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:

    Our “eternal” opponents (the ones you are no longer allowed to call by name in public places) also have a method that is diametrically opposed to ours (namely to stand up for our fundamental survival rights and interests in a sincere, consistent, fearless and steadfast manner) and works like a creeping poison, an epidemic of the soul.

    They operate covertly and unrecognized because they rely on the short memory of our brainwashed kind. The devil creeps quietly and is hidden in the details. But no one is ready, able or willing to track down this devil with a dissecting knife and drive him out wherever we can find him and get hold of him.

    This devil maintains countless “construction sites” among us, even in our own brains, which we now have “protected” by the police because this is our (alleged) “historical burden”. We are supposed to deal with the catastrophic consequences and effects of his deeds, but not with the causes! Because the causes are a top-secret classified material with seven seals, like a seven-armed candlestick.

    “Operation G” has been running for around 4,000 years, but only really picked up speed after WW2, triggering and setting off avalanches of warlike and financial effects and setting world fires in motion. And still, or rather once again, we are afraid to look truth and danger in the face. The Leviathan, the world serpent, is already digesting us living corpses in its intestinal tract before we are finally excreted as waste from world history.

  3. Tim
    Tim says:

    The smartest way ever to finally find out the whole truth about your own history is, of course, to ask a Jew and his favorite shabbos-shiksas to do it. Because the Jew always tells the pure truth, as we all know. Jews have no interest in distorting history, neither positively with regard to their own, nor negatively with regard to that of their natural enemies. This is a fundamentally logical conclusion for all those who are now really familiar with Jews, even if they are still not familiar with their own history.



    The Jew Wiesen says that the German Reich under Hitler (aka “Nazi Germany”) was a “consensus dictatorship” (sic]. What in hell and on earth is a “consensus dictatorship” (I mean, other than a clear oxymoron)? A consensus dictatorship is, above all, the neo-fascist criminal state of Israel, at least according to a gentleman named Tim Anderson. And their hypocritical distraction strategy of constantly pointing the finger at others has lost its effect.


    But one could also interpret it (if one were indeed one of those ubiquitous reactionary Nazis, racists and anti-Semites) as just another infamous attempt to extend the historical stigmatization of Germany as “absolute evil” to the American white Goyim society in order to change its public view and eventually lead to rejection and condemnation, also called “unnoticed” but nevertheless consistent and persistent shifting of the Overton window.

    Seven years ago: The billion-dollar-rich Jewish “Annenberg Foundation” reports on Jewess Ilana Spiegel and her gang, who have ordered semi-negro salesman Gordon to stop selling or displaying a T-shirt with a jaunty sun symbol called a “swastika” in Sanskrit, and to take it out of the program and make it disappear, so that it remains hidden from the eyes of the stupid public.


    “Millions of people died”, the light-shy Jews accuse, but not under their own symbol of Hammer & Sickle or the “Star of David”, but under that of the cheerful sun. Yet the incorrigible Goyim student Claire Hill considers this shamelessly blunt expression of “fascism” to be the legitimate right of her fellow citizens, worthy of protection and defense! An incomprehensible scandal that should be punished immediately with a prison sentence and banishment to the gulag!


    This seems to be a fundamental conflict between the Jewish concept of “liberality” (such as the massive promotion of anti-white racism, LGBTQ+ ideology and gender reassignment, i.e. sterilization of white Goyim offspring), and the white American Goyim concept of the individual right to free speech. This conflict is far from over and decided in favor of the Jews, but it is well on its way, as many voices have already been silenced and muzzled. The gag and the thumbscrews are tightened a notch at every opportunity, and if there is no reason to do so, they are, so to say, FED-created themselves (“Hey Rabbi, watcha doin?”).

  4. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:

    There seems to be a strange long tradition, starting
    with “Siegfried & Roy”, ending with Herr Schneider.

    Animal love can gain such a superiority that it is more
    essential than tribal love. A transformation of nature.
    Because loving (dangerous) predators, as opposed to
    cultivating your own dangerousness, is not allowed.
    Only field marshal Göring kept a lion as a pet. Calling
    tanks “tigers” or “leopards” is a kind of substitute for
    our immeasurable love of wonderful African wildlife.
    Finally even our lost nature has found a true loyalty!

  5. Tim
    Tim says:

    A kind of historical contemporary document. Back then, at least people were still allowed to discuss things in public to some extent. A heated debate, which is more like the performance of a public court martial, led by con-men against Irving. Jew “Gerald Fleming’s” name is actually Gerhard Flehinger. It’s strange why these Jews always rename themselves to be less recognizable as Jews.

    A shabbos-goy named Roger Waite, who took his book title and its pictorial representation from a poem by a homosexual who had a Jewish “sexual partner”, is particularly infamous – alongside the screaming (presumably) Jews in the audience. He says that de-demonizing Hitler from a monster to a human being is out of the question.

    Today, for tactical reasons, the agenta-setters and ZOG-“historians” obviously changed their mind and say that every white person can ultimately be a Hitler (“The Banality of Evil”), bevauso Hitler was in fact a human beeing like any other. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygWQE23vyg

    Irwing confesses in 1982 that the only thing he really regrets in life is that he got married. This would have robbed him not only of his time and material resources for decades, but also of his creative energy. Partly impertinent questions that are unmistakably derived from Jewish “psychoanalysis”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GvlRdJR2Q0

  6. ps
    ps says:

    Some names of Jews who planned the strategic bombing
    terror against German civilians in WW2: Solly Zuckerman,
    J.D. Bernal, Walt Rostow, Samuel Rosenman, Bermard Baruch.

  7. some more
    some more says:

    Quote: “In October 1990 he flew to Russia for the first time and was the first historian to examine these files.” https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Gerald_Fleming Yeah, I can well imagine that! “Examine” (in Hebrew) means roughly to manipulate. This is done by destroying and making essential content disappear and replacing it with lies, unnoticed.

    “Germar Rudolf, Founder of Holocaust Encyclopedia, joins Stew Peters to discuss the recent findings that Christopher Columbus was actually a Jew, and the entire Columbus story was just another Jewish trick.” https://rumble.com/v5itdph-the-christopher-columbus-story-another-jewish-hoax.html

  8. Rudolf
    Rudolf says:

    Prof. Sager publicly presents himself as a tough,
    considerate and lovable linguist. He even masters
    the flawless recitation of Low Saxon bedtime stories.

    But there is a hidden brutal, rough and dark side that
    he only lives out under the anonymous stage name
    “American Fren”. His self-description on Bandcamp:

    “An American artist with a deep-rooted love for
    German culture, Germanic Fren blends his Ger-
    man heritage with his passion for music to
    create a sound that is as unique as his story.

    Germanic Fren invites listeners on a journey
    through melodies that echo his proud Ger-
    man heritage and his journey as a musician.
    Weird obsession with Lederhosen too.”

    Lyrics translation in descriptions:



    “Critical and objective dialog with the
    Israli overnment?” s this a joke, you un-
    worldly sleepwalker & dreamdancer?

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