It’s Not Your Father’s Pot Anymore
Switching out Americans for third worlders and releasing violent predators from prison gave him kicks for a while. But way too many Americans had not yet become McDonald’s-fattened, glassy-eyed deadbeats who spend most of their time sprawled across a filthy couch ordering DoorDash pizza, playing video games and not looking for work.
Legalizing marijuana is the last step, the silver bullet to the heart of what’s left of our country. Tantalize the public with a drug that will turn them into low-IQ losers, crashing cars, committing suicide and rushing to emergency rooms with their cannabis-induced scromiting (uncontrollable screaming and vomiting at the same time — one of the many charming side-effects of widely available pot).
That’s not even the best part. The cherry on top is that a very, very, very small number of corporate magnates with absolutely no conscience stand to make billions. Big Pot will make Big Tobacco and Big Pharma look like your family doctor.
With that kind of money at stake, the pot-legalizers are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on pot initiatives this year in Arkansas, Florida, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon and South Dakota so they can start profiting off ruined lives in six more states. According to Open Secrets, the group pushing the Florida pot initiative, “Smart & Safe Florida” — or, more accurately: “Lose 8 Points of Your IQ & Murder Your Wife Florida” — had raised more money than for any other ballot initiative this year, on any issue, in the entire country.
(About my alternative name: One of the first legal pot consumers in America was Colorado’s Richard Kirk, who ate a marijuana edible, started hallucinating, held a gun to his wife’s head and shot her dead.)
That kind of spending could persuade voters to support cannibalism. Which, come to think of it, they might be: Remember Rudy Eugene, the Miami face-eater believed to be high on bath salts? The toxicology report identified only one drug in his system: marijuana.
This column will attempt to provide an eyedropper of truth about pot, against the tidal wave of lies — even, no doubt, from people like Gingrich.
Today’s marijuana is nothing like what it was 20 years ago. Although polls seem to show that younger voters are the most in favor of pot legalization, my experience is the opposite: Older voters who have absolutely no idea what’s in today’s pot are the most susceptible to legalization pitches.
The oldsters think marijuana is still about 2% to 3% THC. Maybe when they were listening to the Beatles’ “White Album” in their dorm rooms, but currently, pot averages about 15% to 25% THC and can be 99.9% pure. That’s a completely different drug.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that about 30% of cannabis users will become addicted, especially those who start before the age of 18. Brain scans of regular users are consistent with the brain circuitry of an addict.
The corporate interests behind legalization are pushing a fairy tale about how legalization will swell a state’s tax coffers. Marijuana’s been legalized in 24 states (and another 17 for “medicinal purposes” — a total fraud). Are they rolling in tax revenue?
Quite the opposite. For every dollar in marijuana taxes a state collects, it spends about $10 on increased hospital admissions, police to clean up after all the car crashes and psychosis-induced crimes, and mental health therapists to deal with suicide ideation, depression and anxiety caused by increased cannabis use.
The corporate interests pushing pot claim it works wonders on veterans with PTSD. Yes, if you consider suicide a cure. Two studies have shown that cannabis use by veterans was associated with “PTSD severity, depressive symptom severity, and suicidality.”
As one psychiatrist said, “You can’t trust the people who sell the drugs to be upfront with the risk.”
The main upshot of legalizing pot will be to accelerate our nation’s galloping descent into mass retardation, laziness and the inability to engage in a normal adult conversation.
It’s basically impossible to increase IQ permanently — as Charles Murray has been pointing out forever. But Soros has found a way to decrease IQ permanently.
The 2012 Dunedin Study compared the IQ of more than a thousand participants at age 13 and then again at age 38, with their pot usage assessed at ages 18, 21, 26, 32 and 38.
Result: The more pot they consumed, the more IQ points they lost. Heavy, frequent or longtime users lost an average of six points, and early-onset users lost an average of eight points. Mental impairment was evident across all four Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV components: working memory, processing speed, perceptual reasoning and verbal comprehension. The cognitive loss was even greater compared to non-users, whose IQ actually increased from childhood.
No other factors could explain it — the researchers controlled for alcohol, education level, other drugs or still being high. It was just the marijuana. And quitting didn’t reverse the decline, especially for users who started young. Once the IQ points are gone, they’re gone. You can’t Uber down to the IQ dispensary and buy some more.
Eight points isn’t a gigantic cognitive deficit. It’s only about the IQ difference between Connecticut and Mississippi, or the U.S. and Chile. But why would any country adopt policies that reduce the national IQ by even a few points?
I don’t know. A$k Newt why he campaigned to relea$e thou$and$ of violent criminal$ from pri$on.
This world is a parody, the madness is systemic.
I strongly suspect it is a result of the “new” (i.e.
digital) media. Because insanity used to be trea-
ted as insanity. Now it’s free-floating everywhere.
The ‘evil spirit’ is out of the bottle and can no lon-
ger be contained. “Guess who” is behind all this?
If you have a clue, you get 10 points and can use
them to recharge your cell phone! But the human
mind still stubbornly resists mass influence. There-
fore, the desired result of total self-destruction will
be delayed for quite some time (about one to two
decades), but this is all priced into the calculation.
The Soros initiative for promoting addictive chemical brain poisons goes back long damaging years. See e.g. Chloe Sorvino, “An inside look at…George Soros,” Forbes, October 2, 2014, online; Editorial, New York Post, August 20, 2023, online; Srdja Trifkovic, “George Soros & the Cult of Death,” Chronicles Magazine, January 11, 2019, online. The latest research on cannabis, on new varieties of harmful “recreational substances”, their manufacture and trafficking, is colossal.
Depressing article, but all true. The author ignores the Jewish angle, however.
Today, cannabis is 10 times more potent than in the 1960’s, when the Jews first started pushing it. Legalizing it in six more states is a high priority for disloyal Jews such as George Soros. As in Gaza and Lebanon, their goal is genocide.
Soros has funded pro-Palestine protests and his son has a record of anti-Israel statements. “Two Jews, three opinions” (a Jewish proverb). Their OSF ostensibly supports a “laudable” two-state solution, which everyone wants except the Zionists and Islamists themselves. Cannabis use is legal in Israel except for the IDF.
Oddly enough, as western governments are pressing full steam ahead to criminalize tobacco use – witness recent UK legislation – they are simultaneously pushing very hard to fully legitimize cannabis use.
George & Alex Soros are pumping millions into the campaign of Harris who wants to legalize cannabis to “please” the Black demographic – insulting the good ones and injuring the bad ones who will end up in jail or nuthouse. As with most everything else this loopy gorgon wants, the White demographic will bear the costs – costs, plural.
Cannabis is safer than ssris and less toxic than (former) Queen Ann’s white wine. Obviously taking nothing is better but I love how weed gets vaxxed up boomers all agitated.
Cannabis as a cause of mental illness and genital harm was documented years ago by thorough researchers like David Copestake, but woke ideology and commercialised hedonism have combined to supress or play down the evidence, and to introduce the notion of harm reduction than harm prevention. Even so, epidemiology data sometimes seeps through the ideological smog; e.g. Linda Richmond, “Studies tie marijuana use to lasting cortical changes & schizophrenia,” Psychiatric News,” May 31, 2024, on-line.
Lying Nonsense – The prohibitionist agency NIDA has been desperately funding research for decades, looking for some significant harm of cannabis to prop up the fraudulent prohibition. In all that time, they have not found even ONE. If they had, they, the DEA, the ONDCP, etc. would be shouting it from the roof tops and it would be on everyone’s tongue. – Instead:
[Crickets chirping]
So, ironically, even NIDA has given cannabis a clean bill of health! As the DEA’s own administrative law judge, Francis Young, concluded after an exhaustive review of the evidence: ”Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.”
Interesting, isn’t it, that a generational sneer is the reflexive response of a witless commenter with a gerbil-sized brain?
Lyin’ Ann does it again, belching that cannabis is “a drug that will turn them into low-IQ losers, crashing cars, committing suicide and rushing to emergency rooms with their cannabis-induced scromiting (uncontrollable screaming and vomiting at the same time”
Most Americans know this is Reefer Madness garbage, but for those few who may not:
Studies show the more education a person has, the more likely they are to consume cannabis instead of alcohol. This makes sense. They know that science and widespread experience have shown cannabis is not addictive and has NO notable harms, while alcohol is addictive and VASTLY harmful. More than 100,000 Americans die from alcohol caused disease every year AND many die from alcohol overdose. — NO ONE has ever died from consuming cannabis. That makes it safer than aspirin, caffeine and peanuts.
Unlike dangerous, destructive alcohol, the preponderance of the research shows cannabis consumption is NOT a significant cause of auto accidents. — In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), found that while drunken driving dramatically increased the risk of getting into an accident, there was no evidence that using cannabis heightened that risk. This research has been confirmed by all the latest research.
Ann just bald-face LIES saying cannabis causes suicide. There is zero evidence for that outrageous claim.
A neighbour fed her mentally ill daughter with cannabis to relieve her symptoms and she jumped off the roof. Case after case is reported of violent crimes being committed by offenders on cannabis. Families are wrecked. Always dismissed as anecdotal or false. A lot of money is invested in making this drug accessible to an expanding and literally captive market and pooh-poohing scientific studies. Alcohol can do damage too, but prohibition is harder to enforce than prevention. We are not talking about chips or chocolate.
People who have never tried cannabis have misconceptions about the effects. It doesn’t impair thinking. It enhances it. For this reason, it is widely valued in the creative and problem-solving professions.
Carl Sagan was a world-renowned astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science educator. He had a brilliant career and was beloved by the English-speaking world for his ground-breaking, educational TV program, “Cosmos.” He smoked cannabis recreationally every day. He said:
“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world… The devastating insights achieved when high are real insights… I can remember one occasion… one idea led to another, and at the end of about an hour of extremely hard work I found I had written eleven short essays on a wide range of social, political, philosophical, and human biological topics… From all external signs, such as public reactions and expert commentary, they seem to contain valid insights. I have used them in university commencement addresses, public lectures, and in my books.”
Yes the frankenweed can induce psychosis. Its good for songwriting though. Bad for everything else.
The case for cannabis: (1) it is enjoyable, and (2) some people had their imaginations chemically stimulated.
The case against: Jesse Greenspan, “Is marijuana bad for health?”, Scientific American, March 1, 2024. Etc.
Parroted claims of decriminalization success in Portugal have been refuted, especially recently.
As a minor thought, I dislike the stink of weed you find in streets where it is widely used, so I am “prejudiced”.
Weed damages some people’s brains, but others benefit from it. Some people (OK, someone I know well) are so tense, uptight & overall contracted that they need the stuff just to feel halfways normal instead of chronically ready to explode. Such persons don’t get stoned from weed; they just feel reasonably relaxed, and that’s all. Everyone else should avoid this poison, especially youngsters.
I am the opposite, I think: tobacco (American Spirit) works well for me, but it’s not good for overall health, so it’s only an occasional treat.
Alcohol can make anyone stupid, though, irrespective of his/her basic constitution.
There is a case for sedatives, pain-killers, stimulants and neuroleptics in individual cases, but the mass-marketing of harmful addictive substances is another matter. Australia, Sweden, Singapore and the Netherlands all indicate various pros and cons of cannabis legalization. For research updates, check the UNDOC reports.
Just thought you’d like to know . . . “Travel Guru Rick Steves Combats War on Drugs With ACLU Donation
Longtime cannabis activist and GOAT travel expert Rick Steves raises $50K for the American Civil Liberties Union on Inauguration Day.”
Rick Steves buys weed, gets stoned. Goofball knucklehead propagandist.
Stoner Rick Steves says, “Vote for Joe Biden if you love America.”
Marijuana is a poisonous weed. I hate marijuana. It ruins marriages, causes fatal vehicle crashes, makes you stupid, drains your soul, causes untreatable panic disorder and even suicide. You stoners may “think” it is harmless. I’ve heard this all my life and I’m 74.
This guy on the TV news in Sacramento represents the California Fire “experts?”
Is he stoned or what??