How did this get on air?

6 replies
  1. nah
    nah says:

    The non-TDS “conservatives” and pro-Trump TDS crowds — those are distinct — will defend Trump no matter that he is obviously in the pocket of the Jews and complicit in the latest Talmudic genocide. What they are doing is laying narrative foundation to allow the Rabid Left to attack domestically within the US “in the defense of Palestinians”. And of course the Jews will be, as they always are, the victims.

  2. Kevin C
    Kevin C says:

    Dan’s been a massive proponent of calling out the shills on the American right for years, although he’s generally a right of centre libertarian by nature. I first became aware of him when slating the forced house arrests of spring 2020, one of the many voices pointing out the measures as the frauds that they were. He’s based.

  3. Harald
    Harald says:

    Even the satanic pedo pope suddenly realizes that the daily slaughter and massacre in Gaza could be a (one hardly dares to say it for fear of being labeled an “anti-Semite”) GENOCIDE!

    Fancy that! That’s strictly forbidden, at least that’s what all humanists say. Unless you are a small-cap wearer and can point to your very unique (“singular”) biography of persecution.

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