Losing is No Reason Not to Fight

All is lost. Western Civilization is over. There is no point in fighting against it. Embrace defeat.

This was the thesis of an article published here on The Occidental Observer this weekend. The writer argued that fighting for the future of our race was pointless, because it would accomplish nothing and only lead to personal tragedy.

“Don’t take heed of anyone who tells you to fight. There is no fight to have, we have already lost…. If you start fighting, you will just be jailed, lose your job, and probably your family and your mental health.”

I disagree. I have done those things and I feel great.

I have lost my job, my family, lots and lots of money. I have been brought up on a politically motivated charge that took me almost four years to overcome. I have been attacked in the streets, betrayed and lied to by the authorities, investigated, been illegally searched and so on.

Many people have suffered way worse. They have done hard prison-time. They have lost more money, wasted more time in court. Many of the writers at this publication have sacrificed more than me.

Have we achieved anything in politics? Have we weakened Jewish power? Had any effect on the health of our race? I don’t know.

What I do know is, my mental health has never been better. I feel awesome. I LOVE fighting against Jewish power! If I had to have a normal job and never ever say what I really think… then I would be depressed. I know many others who feel the same. What is life worth if you can’t fight for something?

So the writer is dead wrong about that. If more people took up the fight against Jewish power, their mental health would certainly improve. And if all Whites took a stand, Jewish power would collapse that very day.

As to the author’s notion that “we have already lost” and should therefore do nothing. Not only is the conclusion wrong, but the premise is too. We have not lost. It’s not over. It’s never over until you and everyone like you is dead. History goes on. More people to fight, more empires to build and destroy, more art and literature to create and forget, more more more.

That people can fall for such simplistic and history-denying arguments tells me that they have no education in the humanities. This is a big problem in our civilization generally, with far too much emphasis being placed on technical subjects and statistics. People have become blind to “the human element,” that is, morale and will-power. They see a graph of a demographic trend and think “oh, the White line is going down, the non-White line is going up, therefore this will continue indefinitely until we are all dead.”

They would know better if they understood the difference between technical subjects and the humanities. History concerns itself with what men do and why they do it. In physics, you can predict with total accuracy the acceleration of a falling object given Earth’s gravity and no resistance. In history, you know what happened only after it has happened. You cannot predict the future with total accuracy, because you have to account for men’s intent. Even if you knew what all the historical actors intended to do, knowledge of other actors’ intentions would cause other actors to change their behavior, and thus, the outcome.

Americans in particular seem to fall into the writer’s kind of defeatism. This defect of our national character is attributable to the fact that (unless you’re a Southerner) our country has not fought a stronger enemy since 1812. We have no historical memory of being on the weaker side in any fight. Exceptions—the Alamo, Bataan, Bastogne—are all either well out of living memory, and they only occurred because a weaker enemy briefly achieved temporary superiority. In the last eighty years, all Americans have known is massive material superiority in any fight. Few of us even have enough experience in team sports to know what it’s like (and what it takes) to win against the odds. This is something we have to fix.

The first step is understanding that nothing is ever hopeless. If only material things matter—money, armies, natural resources, governmental and media apparatuses—history would have “ended” a long time ago. Sumeria or Egypt would have conquered the world and we would be under their heel even now. That didn’t happen, because great empires can and do collapse, and smaller and weaker—but more motivated—groups can beat bigger, stronger ones. That should be obvious, but it seems necessary to say it again. Whites need to keep things in perspective. What German in Caesar’s time could have imagined annihilating three legions a mere generation later, or conquering the whole empire in five centuries?

The next step is identifying and analyzing your opponent’s weaknesses, then exploiting them the same way that they have exploited our weaknesses. We could be doing this. Most Whites just aren’t trying. Everyone has either some money to give or some time to volunteer. Since White resistance against Jewish power is not well organized, the burden is on each of us to figure out how to make his contribution count. I’m constantly hearing about how good we Americans are at taking initiative and what individualists they are. Well, prove it!

So no. It isn’t over. The Jews can have all the money, all the government agencies, all of the media and they will still lose. The trait that got them into power will be their undoing—their monumental arrogance. Because it blinds them to the hidden moral power of their opponents.

I assume that the author of the dystopian vision isn’t a Jew or a political enemy trying to sew defeatism in our hearts. I assume he is acting in good faith. If so, at least he had the willpower to write an article, no matter how wrong he is and how damaging his attitude is to our cause. If he really believed that everything was hopeless, he would not have bothered lifting up the pen.

He does point out, rightly, that there are many charlatans trying to profit from our race’s grief. “There is an industry selling hopium [hope used as a drug] to the White man”.

Indeed. It is called conservatism. Conservatives will try to tell you that “This time it will be different,” Trump will expel all of the illegal Hondurans, he will put real men in charge of crucial government ministries, he will restore order in the military, he will root out the liars and thieves from academia, and a thousand other things.

We all know that Trump won’t do any of that. The writer is right in that regard. There is no hope for conservatism. Thousands of their writers, editors, fundraisers, Twitter-people and operatives are selling desperate White people false hope. They have been doing it for decades. You cannot trust anything they say, because they are always balancing truth with what gets them paid.

Conservatism is a pitiable delusion. We cannot settle for anything less than the complete overthrow of Jewish power in America and the West. There is no sense in hoping for lesser, easier to achieve goals. The Jews see us Whites as a dire threat, and they have no desire to offer us concessions. It’s either us or them in their minds. The only option we have is to tear down their power bit by bit. And since they have all of the material power, we have to have stronger willpower. We have to want it more, no matter the cost.

As Adolf Hitler pointed out:

When self-interest threatens to replace idealism, we notice an immediate weakening in the force that maintains the community. When the community breaks, so falls civilization. Once we let self-interest become the ruler of a people, the bonds of social order are broken. When man focuses on chasing his own happiness, he falls from Heaven straight to Hell. (Mein Kampf, vol 1, chapter 11. Trans. by Ford)

Of course, it will be an awful grueling fight. We will all have to face far worse things than losing our jobs or going to jail. We will have to prepare for pain and loss. “Embrace the suck.” We’re going to have to learn to love this unfair and uneven fight. That is the only true hope.

In the end, I’m here because I love to fight. Even if it’s not fair. Even if we can never have an honest White man’s fight, and we have to fight the Jews on their own turf like lawyering, or weird rhetorical maneuvering. It’s a lot more thinking and less physical exertion. But it is still fighting, because you have an opponent who hates you and wants you poor, imprisoned or dead. There is real danger. And not stupid purposeless danger like jumping off buildings or overdosing on Benadryl. This is not mere thrill-seeking.

The fight against Jewish power is meaningful, purposeful danger in pursuit of noble aims. I love it and I will never give it up.

Thank you to Doctor MacDonald for everything you do. It’s been 10 years this month since I came to understand the Jewish Question, thanks in no small part to this website. Thank you to all the writers and donors to The Occidental Observer. You have changed my life all for the better.

If you understand the problem of Jewish power and the lamentable condition of the White race, you have a choice to make:

Join us in the fight. Or get out of the way.

22 replies
  1. VW Beetle Owner
    VW Beetle Owner says:

    Like a seismograph, the pessimistic mindset is constantly looking for flaws, shortcomings and deficits everywhere. As a result, it categorically ignores all chances, opportunities and possibilities: Since everything is lost anyway and we are doomed to die, we might as well give ourselves up immediately, refuse to eat or jump off the nearest bridge. We only have the choice of the lesser evil. At best, the West is still fighting peripheral rearguard battles.

    But in the end, life itself is an initial push forward that gives way to an increasing attempt not to retreat. Decay cannot be stopped or even reversed, revitalized, it has been built into us since birth. However, we can take precautions to stop the ongoing erosion instead of leaning back to. It only takes a tiny undetected and/or unrepaired leak in a water pipe for the moisture that constantly seeps into the masonry to ruin an entire building through mold growth and make it uninhabitable.

    Others, on the other hand, claim that any fight is no longer worthwhile anyway due to the current situation. Their childish “expectations” are so exaggerated that they contradict any likelihood of fulfillment. Perfection is the enemy of the feasible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serenity_Prayer

    Our sins of omission fall back on us with mechanical certainty. Any negligence has consequences and will be punished. Not just physically, by getting fatter and fatter. Bernard Shaw wrote: “In the first year of marriage, a man seeks to dominate a woman. In the second year, he strives for equality. From the third year on, he is content to be tolerated.”

    …and will be chased away like a castrated mutt at the end. The white race is already under constant pressure to justify its “oh so shameful” history. And it has left vast territories to non-native invaders.

    And the mortal enemy of our race knows this principle and strives to systematically prevent any awakening and awareness, to recognize the connections and to draw the conclusions and consequences that are essential for survival, with “bread and circuses” and ahistorical disinformation in almost innumerable variations. He is a master of deception and is a virtuoso at playing the most enchanting symphonies on his his “media” keyboard.

    • Jaime Jonas
      Jaime Jonas says:

      I wonder what would had been the fate of the Christian West without Charles Martell..The decisive Battle The West vrs Muslims at teh doorsteps of Austria 13th Century(?) Europe. The last elections 2024 that gave Trump/MAGA teh victory proves that even though JEWS voted 90% for DEMs, WHITES votes more than 60% of the TOTAL voters swang the victory for Trump. This FACT alone can give WHITES hope that in spite of Jewish BIG donor$$ and voters. JEWS they can NOT outnumber/outvote WHITES..under normal/clean legitimate elections. Unfourtunately because of Evangelical Zionists, teh fear of being label antisemitic and racists; WHITES dare NOT to create a National (MAGA?) PAC, much daring to create a PRO/White/America NGO. What IF a Conservative America First PAC would ID the JEW candidate in any elections local/state/federal and label him/her UNelectable. I personally believe that JEWISH DEM policies harm Whites but BLACKS had been hurt even more. Lets consider the effects of The Immigration Act of 1965, open borders, mass amnesty and automatic citzineship/illegal aliens voting???. The total BLACKs votes went down in 2024 from 2020.. 15% to 11%..while Mexican total votes went UP from 25% to about 30% and growing.. Blacks are losing political ground even in Black majority cities/states..CA/TX/GA/IL/MI/UT etc. In CA 7/10 birhts are Mexicans..DEMs are betting on Mexican majority demographics….Can we consider a WHITE/BLACK MAGA COALITION.? The WOKE/DEM/SOROS have just claimed their first scalp, The Matt Gaetz AG went down in flames already. The RINO/DEM have declared CIVIL (cold) WAR II vrs MAGA…it is going to be a long protracted Civil War of political attrition..THE BEST HOPE IS BUILD LOCAL/STATE RED/WHITE/MAJORITY/ MAGA POWER…(The Idaho Model?). Western/White/American/Conservative CULTURE: schools, taxation, collges, arts, sports, civics, KEY public services, and institutions, city councils, police, etc. The fight is ON…

  2. Raymond
    Raymond says:

    Hi Gregory, loved your article, I should caveat that the point I was making was that fighting to save America or Britain is (in my opinion) a wasted effort and we should look to what comes after these decadent empires for our people and how we can get the Jew off our backs for the next round. You are correct though I do not have an optimistic outlook in the medium term. In my own country we have had firearms taken from us and we are being rapidly ethnically cleansed in our own land, led by people who hate us, and yet most people still can’t see it and act. I should also say I would love to have my mind changed.

  3. VW Beetle Owner
    VW Beetle Owner says:

    Those who don’t fight have already lost. And can pat themselves on the shoulder for their alleged “realism”. The last bastion of (pseudo) dignity. A façade-like pseudo-self is constructed as protection against supposedly “unbearable emotional wounds”. It’s guaranteed, they already have millions of defeatist “followers” on their side. They would do better to stay out of political debates before he poisons them, and spend their existence in a purely nihilistic, consumerist way of life instead of sowing doubts about any possible success everywhere. “Hybrid wars” in the digital age are primarily won in the mind.

    Harmony-seeking conflict-aversion is the true unrealism, because since humans are part of nature, they are and remain naturally conflictual beings. I strongly suspect that large sections of the white population have already been seized by a kind of collective bitterness disorder that has so far only been described for individuals. But the conditionable human being needs a sense of achievement in order to acquire self-confidence. If these fail to materialize, the victims of their own passivity fall into a spiral of self-sabotage, which also takes hold of those around them if they are not resistant enough or do not recognize the context.


  4. VW Beetle Owner
    VW Beetle Owner says:

    Above all, a perverted image of “manliness” has been built up here, especially by Jewish Hollywood, and transplanted into the minds of our youth, which subjects our sons, dispossessed by the Jewish “feminism” of their fathers, to a kind of muscle-bound, hyperphallic Superman caricature, the proportional exaggeration of which must cause every normal and average ego to fail. The idea is to create a collective deficiency through self-doubt.

    We no longer live in straw huts and no longer have mammoths to hunt. And anyone who is constantly banging their head against concrete walls should simply choose the door as an exit and use it. This battle can only be won through well-networked swarm intelligence and synergies. “Heave-ho!” is the motto of the tug-of-war. Everyone pulls together, but everyone in their own place. Symbolized in the Italian fasces. That’s the way to go!

    • Gerbils
      Gerbils says:

      Totally agree with your comment. I had a 1970 bus. What a piece of shit. I regret spending so much time on it. I pulled the steering wheel right out of the axel one time. Spot welds had rusted away. I was stupid enough to order a new axel instead of junking it. I just drive Audis now. All galvanized. If the VWs had been galvanized they truly would have been classics.

      • No Beetle Owner
        No Beetle Owner says:

        But you are also playing tricks with your nickname. Since you are not a real Goebbels as I am not a real VW Beetle Owner, this is undoubtedly a “covert anti-Semitic code”! The major “justice institutions” ADL and SPLC know this very well! But the genius doctor was not allowed to step on the gas pedal of a VW bus “made of shit” with his club foot in order to travel through California. At most his unfortunate children. A historical tragedy. Only Bettina Göring, the Reichsmarschall’s niece, enjoyed the incomparable and irreplaceable pleasure of genuine “American lifestyle”. Was she also a drug addict like her uncle? https://linkmix.co/31143130

  5. VW Beetle Owner
    VW Beetle Owner says:

    In other words: Defeatists are problem seekers, not solution finders. One could rightfully call them systematic problematizers and unnecessary complicators of everything, pursuing a highly destructive agenda. They project their own misanthropy onto the world. They themselves are the disease for which they believe they are the cure.

  6. VW Beetle Owner
    VW Beetle Owner says:

    P.S. The German idiom “To stand like an ox in front of the barn door” describes someone who appears confused, perplexed, or at a loss for what to do next. The image it evokes is of an ox standing motionless and bewildered in front of an open gate, unable to decide whether to go through or not. In English, we use similar expressions that convey the same sense of confusion or being frozen in surprise, such as “deer in the headlights” or “stunned mullet,” which both describe a similar state of momentary paralysis or confusion. Other phrases with the same meaning are “To stand there like a stunned mullet”, “To look like a deer in the headlights” or “To not see the forest for the trees” (which also exist in German).

  7. Karlfried
    Karlfried says:

    1. To the author Gregory Conte, Thank you for this uplifting story.
    2. Some quotes from German men of the last centuries, they are uplifting also.
    Here they are in the original language in order to give the sound of the words. You can translate with an online-translator.
    Martin Luther, the Reformator—>
    Für meine lieben Deutschen bin ich geboren, ihnen will ich dienen!

    Otto von Bismarck, deutscher Kanzler—>
    Eine Frau, die ihren Kinderwagen vor sich herschiebt, hat das Recht, zum Sieger von Sedan und zum Dichter des “Faust” zu sagen: “Bitte gehen Sie mir aus dem Wege!”

    A former German Chancellor—>
    Der kostbarste Besitz auf dieser Welt, aber – ist das eigene Volk. Und für dieses Volk – und um dieses Volk, wollen wir Ringen und wollen wir kämpfen. Und Niemals erlahmen; und Niemals ermüden; und Niemals verzagen; und Niemals verzweifeln.
    3. Some words about how to do things.
    Be honest, go straightforward, go to the very point, for examle: “The life of our own people is the most important thing”. Do not go to non-important things, that will steal your time and power.
    I live in Frankfurt and most of the whites live in fear of the “political correctness”, partly because there are heavy punishments in Germany for free speak.
    Nonetheless all people see the advantages and disadvantages of the “multi-culti-state-religion” of our time.

    The power of the mass media and their owners is a house of cards. It is a giant on clay feet. We are 600 or 700 million white Europeans, from Island, Portugal, Germany, Russia and all other European countries. They have a common culture, and they want to live in peace within their folks. Nature and truth are at our side. We have good chances to survive.

    • John
      John says:

      “We are 600 or 700 million Europeans,” no need to include White, it’s redundant as Europeans are White.
      Secondly, at 600 million, yet, we are tolerating losing our homelands – how pathetic of us.

    • em14
      em14 says:

      Translated, so you don’t have to (via translate.google.com):
      Martin Luther, the Reformator—>
      > Für meine lieben Deutschen bin ich geboren, ihnen will ich dienen!

      I was born for my dear Germans, I want to serve them!

      Otto von Bismarck, deutscher Kanzler—>
      > Eine Frau, die ihren Kinderwagen vor sich herschiebt, hat das Recht, zum Sieger von Sedan und zum Dichter des “Faust” zu sagen: “Bitte gehen Sie mir aus dem Wege!”

      A woman pushing her stroller has the right to say to the victor of Sedan and the writer of “Faust”: “Please get out of my way!”

      A former German Chancellor—>
      > Der kostbarste Besitz auf dieser Welt, aber – ist das eigene Volk. Und für dieses Volk – und um dieses Volk, wollen wir Ringen und wollen wir kämpfen. Und Niemals erlahmen; und Niemals ermüden; und Niemals verzagen; und Niemals verzweifeln.

      The most precious possession in this world, however, is one’s own people. And for this people – and for this people, we will struggle and we will fight. And never give up; and never tire; and never despair; and never despair.

  8. Shitting Bull
    Shitting Bull says:

    Losing a hot war against Russia and/or China and/or the Muslim world IS a reason not to fight them. Giving up on keeping and/or restoring white majority control of the white world is NOT desirable or necessary. Defeatism is a tool of our enemies.

  9. Julius Skoolafish
    Julius Skoolafish says:

    Well said, Gregory

    “The fate of man is, in his life on earth, to confront the outbreak of uninvited evil. It is impossible to avoid this fate; and thus there are only two possibilities: either to be dishonourable and turn away from this struggle, to dishonourably live through it by both blindness and cowardice, or the honourable path of accepting it, comprehending this acceptance as a service and remaining faithful to its vocation.“

    Ivan Ilyin in “On Resistance to Evil by Force” (Page 195 – Chapter 21

  10. Alan
    Alan says:

    We were riveted …thrilled ..byProf.KM s commentary analysis in the previous TOO article commentary. .Even if the trump presidency doesn’t turn out as He and we desire. We always defended Prof KM for decades…any time anyone insensibly uttered ugly smears …inerudite condescending snark against his colossal straight line logic. Now this article has an objective excellence apart from what some may call black pilling ….I,e..overly current over focus on the negative potentialities of life in this bedraggled schismatic Jew decimated America. of 2024. The hope of a return to the white America of the late 1950 s is sadly… absurd ,but there is every reason to fight for autonomy ,prosperity..individual and national and white soverignity…and for our children s futurity.Think about this… back in the day we knew really heroic insanely tough NYPD hero cops… who would walk right up to skivey skell street crime gangs and roust them all without hesitation..loving every millisecond of the battle..we saw busts of violent felons …it was awesome There was joy. as evil street scum were cuffed,weapons seized from criminal scum right before they attempted to victimize innocent folks….but now we know this..that. ..every new day has new revelation. .new hope. new information..new possibilities. .Empires rise and fall..but there was and can be…unscientific as it sounds…cosmic intervention.because ..as the mob still says…it’s not over till the fat lady sings**

  11. BannedFromChats
    BannedFromChats says:

    More like I have to pay child support and legal court fees from criminal activities so begging white people for their money is the only thing I can do. A trucker and a plumber have more value and use for the white man, but the deluded unemployed white racist white guy wants to live off your hard earned money. He has no real life skills to get a trade job and is too prideful to admit he is pretty much useless. He can’t afford to be sad because he probably will put the barrel to his head.
    Says he want to fight Jews but simps for a guy bending for the Jews. Don’t want to throw money at a guy who loses to his ex.

  12. em14
    em14 says:

    Another cause for hope Conte didn’t mention (though he wasn’t arguing for hope), is, that the Jews have been the only ones fighting until now. Jews are pretty much all activists, or at least are more active as a body than whites are. The wider mass of whites is only now beginning to wake up. We haven’t won yet, but we’re beginning to be aware and orient ourselves to the problem. Yes, we’re lazy, but not all of us are, and we’re still significantly larger, (hopefully) still have multiple times the numbers of the Jews. You don’t lose until you give up.

  13. A. F. Dee
    A. F. Dee says:

    “The battle for the planet has begun. The craving for everything that disturbs the daily routine would seem to intimate the ‘happy ending’ of an empty existence, the boredom of which has brought in Negro dancing to perform the Dead March for a great culture. But this cannot, must not be. What if one day class war and race war join forces to make an end of the white world? It would make no difference if the voice of [Bolshevist] Moscow ceased to dictate. The work goes forward by itself. Here the ultimate decisions are waiting for their man.” – Oswald Spengler, 90 years ago.

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