Doc Drops COVID Truth Bombs: “Everything Was A Lie From The Beginning…”

Via The Burning Platform,

Dr. Richard Urso shares some truth bombs about COVID-19, vaccines, lockdowns, masks…

Everything was a lie from the beginning. The asymptomatic people don’t transmit. Kids were not harbingers of the disease. They don’t actually, they’re like a break on the disease. Lockdowns were a farce. Masks don’t work.”

“I tell people, I joke sometimes I say masks do work. A lot like bathing suits work to keep pee out of the pool. They’re not very effective. So that’s one of those things that, you know, it was a farce. Pretty much everything they said was a farce. I know we’re still recovering from it. Just yesterday we walked into a pharmacy and they were advertising COVID-19 vaccines.”

Well if you want to destroy your immune system, take a COVID-19 vaccine. It will destroy your immune system. It distributes widely in your body. It can’t be broken down because it’s a genetically modified RNA. There are contaminants, process-related impurities, what I usually call them, but contaminants for most people, that they haven’t gotten out of the vaccines.”

“The drug that I invented took eight years for us to get the process-related impurities out. It’s hard to do and I knew this would be a problem early on when they were trying to push this so fast because nobody had ever made these vaccines in anything bigger than a blender. What we had is found is even worse.”

“They put an SV40 promoter in the vaccine, Pfizer did, that [is] actually well known for the last five decades to bind P53 to Guardian the genome and cause cancers. They know that. We just kept them in the head of the Human Genome Project [which?] did this discovery with a few other molecular biologists.

“This is really big news because the contaminants and the impurities in the vaccine are very dangerous and there’s design flaws like I just pointed out. Wide distribution to the brain, the bone marrow, the ovaries, the testes and long term production six months or more in the last study that we did. So there’s a lot to talk about. Do not get the vaccines unless you just want a crummy immune system. ”

“I think the main thing is these vaccines are dangerous. They have process-related impurities. They cause cancer, strokes, heart attacks. The data is in 40% more deaths in 2021 between 18 to 64. This is just data we can’t ignore, so please stay away from the vaccines.”

9 replies
  1. Karl
    Karl says:

    The Jew G.S. Troller, who will be 103 years old on December 10, labels himself a “Holocaust survivor”, as we are accustomed to from countless of his fellow tribesmen, although he never experienced a concentration camp from the inside as an inmate. He leaves out who and how many of his family members actually fell victim to the “Holocaust” behind the nameless and dubious number 19, but it is actually 20, but, according to Troller, “who believes such round numbers”. Allegedly, he was present at the “liberation of the Dachau concentration camp” as a documentarian.

    Which in turn is also claimed by a myriad of people, including a Negro who was nowhere near Dachau. Troller also claims to have returned to Europe as a GI and German-speaking prisoner interrogator, where he developed his special questioning technique, which later became the trademark of his films. He even rummaged through Hitler’s library at Prinzregendtenplatz, but it only consisted of a few volumes of Karl May’s adventure novels, which is of course total nonsense, because every historian knows that Hitler had several libraries and owned at least 10,000 original editions.

    Troller describes himself as a “cannibal who lives off the warm blood of his victims”. What is meant by this is that he is a kind of “soul robber” (like the devil). He uses a special, confidence-inspiring and constructive questioning technique, which is intended to seduce his counterpart into vanity with flattery and detailed knowledge, to “circle him like a predator circles its prey until it snaps”, and the person making the flippant statement is trapped, i.e. has revealed something about himself that portrays him in a bad light without intending to do so. It is therefore a matter of eliciting “sensational information”, i.e. what Jews consider sensational and is printed in the gossip columns of the Yellow Press. It then only has to lend itself, through its “seal of approval” so to speak, the appearance of incomprehensible relevance.

    Troller also claims that his family were friends with the Freuds in Vienna. None of this can be verified, of course, and in his thoroughly entertaining books, which reveal more about his Jewish character than about anything individual, he does not spare all sorts of anecdotes that tend to expose him as a fraud. He writes, for example, that as a journalist working in Paris (under Scholl-Latour), he offered himself to German radio, but since he was not a registered German citizen, he was paid the same amount for decades with several copies of the same film or interviews at several broadcasting stations, i.e. he cashed in without informing the individual recipients that they did not own a unique copy: “After 50 years, I can reveal it…”

    He deliberately flirts with his chutzpah in order to characterize the German bureaucrats, i.e. his former financial backers, as fools who are so easily fooled by such cheap tricks (keyword “Stupid German Money”). Now he has apparently been revived by Channel 4. A novelty, because he has remained largely unknown in the Aglosphere, even though he has interviewed hundreds of world personalities. And there is, of course, a reason for this, which can only be identified as a British guilt defense. It is once again about mocking their thwarted heir to the throne Edward as a selfish traitor and dragging him through the mud, which they can never get enough of, in order to celebrate and stage themselves as the winners of a good and proper war.

  2. Karl
    Karl says:

    PS “Providence Journal”: Brauner, Meisel, Perlman, Aronson, Leonard … all Jewish names. As I said multiple times before, the claim that Hitler was interested in occultism (in the sense of magic like Crowley) is pure bullshit. The book “I read a rune. A call to young Germany.” by a certain Ernst P. Radusch from 1933 has the following description:

    ”Marriage is the raw root of Aryanism, it is the foundation of Aryan-Germanic states, only from here can the construction of free, flourishing, lasting states begin, hence the marriage rune [… ] is also the rune of the law […] A foreign press […] poured out whole buckets of dirt about it, comradeship marriage, weekend marriage and the like were intended as paths to Russian-Bolshevik states, there should no longer be marriage in our sense, the Germanic woman was to be ‘socialized’, belong to everyone.”

    Of “magic”, as it is portrayed in the film, at most explanatory statements. If anyone is practicing “magic” here, it is the Jews (from Hermann Chajm Steinschneider aka Erik Hanussen to Uri Geller). The Midwestern backyard nutjob spouting the nonsense, “You’re getting a look into the mind of a madman”, is apparently this guy here, whose mania consists, among other things, of non-stop collecting a deposit from WW2 estates. No idea about anything, but talking nothing but shit all day long, that’s what the “experts” are like now.

    “Crazy” is at best the unimaginably concentrated and malignant psychopathy that the degenerate, jewish character of the Anglo-American race exterminators spreads around the world and constantly projects into others who oppose their destructive and incurable Jewishness and innate mendacity. In the same way, it is nonsense that the SS “took no prisoners”. Whether the gentleman in question is the one mentioned in the article, I cannot say.

    Let’s see all the lies in here. Apparently it’s about the large-scale brainwashing of Germany and thus Europe, which contributed to the world as we have it today, and from which only Jews and Jew servants (Shabbos Goys) profit. In Mauthausen, the Americans piled up typhus corpses caused by their destruction of Germany as “proof” of how cruel the Germans were. It is incomprehensible that anyone still takes such cheap, staged propaganda seriously, but it is also proof of how much the Jews rule over our heads.

    • Karl
      Karl says:

      Why did everything turn out the way it did? Surely all races, species strive for self-preservation? This requires an organic, holistic perspective, outside of the Jewish narrative presented to us. According to the Jewish narrative, one could wrongly conclude: “Because the evil Hitler destroyed everything!”

      And that is exactly what is wanted in the sense of “unlimited”, borderless and unbounded globalism, i.e. the homelessness and enslavement of all peoples as “permanently migrating migrants” who are degraded to mere identity-less consumers.

      But Hitler came from the center of Europe and ultimately gave a voice to Europe’s aspirations. Those who did not come from the center of Europe were the Jews and their servile adepts and lackeys, the Americans and Russians, i.e. Eurasians, Semites, Jewish-influenced Marxists and mongrelized capitalists.

      Is it any wonder that Europe is disappearing bit by bit? Of course not! Under these circumstances, it was bound to happen! So the eternal hypocritical lamentation about it is either stupidity, blindness or an inability to recognize the connections at all.

    • Karl
      Karl says:

      Can “Americans” be blamed for not having a European identity? Of course not, because that too is organic, holistic thinking. They are particles of our genetic legacy. However, it would require the original quality of European ancestry to resolutely oppose them and their cosmic comic bubbles and push them off the map and back into their reservations.

  3. ps
    ps says:

    What strikes me is that arms are mythologically synonymous with necks. Could it not be that the seven-armed “menorah” actually symbolize the necks of the seven-headed sea monster called Leviathan, which is defeated by God in the end, indeed must be defeated? And that the Goyim are not able to recognize this incomprehensibly simple analogy?

    These necks or arms now reach deep into our societies, and this does not just mean their demonstrative positioning in public (once national) spaces. And what might they be proclaiming, aiming at and doing there apart from our systematic destruction and abolition in the name of good-human humanity, tolerance and equality?

  4. Martin Webster
    Martin Webster says:

    I forwarded this item to an old friend of mine who was once an active member of the UK’s National Front, along with me, in the 1970s, but who is now a recently-retired Generel Practitioner (local family doctor of medicine). This is what he replied:


    Oh God no! Not Dr Richard Urso again!

    This bloke is an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) from Texas. As far as I can tell he has had no postgraduate training in immunology or public health. He is notorious for having previously claimed that you were more likely to die of Covid if you had had three Covid vaccine injections but failed to produce any evidence (all the evidence is to the contrary, by the way) when asked to do so.

    What he claims varies with his target audience and keeps his loopier stuff for a lay audience. Do not believe a word this man says. Unfortunately there is a vein of thought on mostly the American right that he has tapped into (and which fauns on him) which believes that immunisations and Covid restrictions are a Deep State conspiracy against them. The one thing that unites all these people almost complete lack of knowledge of public health or immunology.


    • Pierre de Craon
      Pierre de Craon says:

      As far as I can tell he has had no postgraduate training in immunology or public health.

      It does indeed seem that Richard Urso plainly lacks the extensive postgrad training in conformity and gullibility that Martin Webster and his (fortunately?) retired GP pal find so enriching.

      The threat to society represented by COVID would be the stuff of comedy were it not for the fact that the men and women pushing the hoax and the poisonous “vaccines” are so patently malign. As Dr. Ryan Cole, a certified expert in immunology and virology, and many others have pointed out, the average age of death for those whose death can plausibly be tied to a COVID infection is 78.6 years. As it happens, the average age of death from any and all causes for the US population in toto is also 78.6 years.

      Perhaps Webster should have done the math before he sneered at his intellectual and moral superiors.

  5. Mort Kalkstream
    Mort Kalkstream says:

    “Sinnie” has sweated out a widely known structural sound fabric that is supposed to tell the world that darkness is her “friend”. Sounds really shitty, to be semi-pretentious. If her friend is darkness, why not say goodbye to daylight and life altogether? Why does she continue to bother the world with her mental impotence? One thing’s for sure, she doesn’t care about attention as long as it’s not an insane psychopath reigniting her burnt-out wick. And it’s also clear that Kyle is no longer an option!

    Alexander also emitted a new mental explosion four hours ago after half a year (that’s about the intervals for him), but it was based on his usual sound and rhythm pattern settings. The potential is exhausted by mere repetition. Will he still be varying his variations ten years from now? We can assume so, because unusualness is not his strong point. “The lost pulsar” is his brainwave this time. Although we have known since Kranftwerk at the latest that a pulsar is always lost in the end.

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